Jonathan Mann: A comment to the TSA.
Ann Telnaes: Barbara Bush, “We’ve had enough Bushes.
Young Turks: The pathetic twisted case of the Romney & Gingrich intern.
SlateTV: Nevada Senator comes out during same sex marriage debate.
Ignorance and Denial:
- Republicans in denial
- Mark Fiore: Head bangers.
Young Turks: Voters turn again Republican politicians over voting down background check vote.
Mark Sanford debates a cardboard image of Nancy Pelosi (…and, um, loses) (via Political Wire):
Sam Seder: Mark Sanford’s really, really lousy week.
The “Rent is too damn high” guy is back, rapping about it, and running for NYC Mayor (via Political Wire).
Library Accomplished:
- Jon: Disasterpiece Theatre (via Political Wire)!
- Sam Seder: The right wing’s Bush whitewash begins!
- ONN: All the former presidents gathers to lie about the Bush presidency and other news of the week.
- Maddow: Presidential LIE-brary
- Alex Wagner: A “good” man who made murderous decisions.
- Roy Zimmerman: Dick Cheney:
- Frank Conniff: “Freedom” must be his safe word
- Sam Seder: George W. Bush Library in George W Bush’s own fake words.
- Sharpton: Bush library is a triumph of democracy.
- Maddow: Revision accomplished.
- John Fugelsang: The bad and the good side of George W. Bush:
- Kimmel: Obama and Barbara Bush
- Sam Seder: George Bush’s legacy of terrorism
White House: West Wing Week.
Kimmel: The week in unnecessary censorship.
Stephen: Better know PA-17 (via Political Wire).
Young Turks: Infowars Boston bombing conspiracy theories.
Aqua Buddha Bomber:
- Slate TV: Rand Paul’s drone problems.
- Sam Seder: No problem killing Americans with drones.
- Young Turks: Don’t stand with Rand.
Young Turks: “Ex-Gay” leader apologizes for horrible ‘gay conversion therapy’.
Susie Sampson’s Tea Party Report: Congressional Report Card.
Young Turks: CISPA goes down in the Senate.
Townsquare: The end of the American Dream?
Chris Hayes: The untold story of deregulating chemical plants under Bush.
Miranda Warning:
- Ann Telnaes: Exploding liberty.
- Stephen on FAUX and Friends Miranda rights controversy.
- Young Turks: Are Miranda rights necessary?
- Ed and Pap: Analysis of the confession.
- Thom: We should not balance our Constitutional rights with security.
- Liberal Viewer: Should the Boston bomber get his Miranda rights?
Sam Seder: Culture of conspiracy.
Young Turks: FAUX News basks in its own ignorance.
Maddow: The dangerously sloppy reporting of Rupert Murdoch’s New York Post.
Pap: The Anti-intellectual epidemic in America.
Thom: The Good, The Band and The Very, Very Ugly.
Stephen gives Bill Clinton a Twitter lesson.
The Downside of Rush:
- Secretly recorded, Frank Luntz blames Rush Limbaugh (via Political Wire).
- Thom: The far right cult machine exposed.
- Sharpton: What Frank Luntz REALLY thinks about Rush
- Sam Seder: Rubio and Rush.
- Bashir: Luntz reveals.
Lawrence O’Donnell: Grad student debunks famous Harvard Study that pushes austerity.
Shuster: Stephen Colbert’s sister gets a boost.
Maddow: Black and white-out.
Young Turks: Bill-O pushes for more hatred and fear.
Ann Telnaes: Wall Street and your fragile nest egg.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Ooops, sorry to jump in front of you, Darryl. That’s what I get for staying up late.
You guys Forgot One.
The French had the right ideas back in the 1780s. They let it get messy, but the basic precept was sound.
Rick Perry would never make it as a gay person.
Hm, another conservative evangelical church bares its face for the whole world to see.
Nice “religion” you have there.
When you have the card board cutout in real life say:
Maybe it’s better to debate the cardboard so the cardboard doesn’t say something more stupid!
And is the most watched Cable News station! That’s why Stenky Cenk has fits!
More Comedy from the Purveyor of HA’s Friday Night Comics. Really Chris Hayes? Did you really research this story? Or, as Puddy surmises, is this more slanted useless news from the most moronic news source PMSNBC?
Internal debate on the Conservative side of the house vs. the jackbooted goosestep march of DUMMOCRAPTS and their attacks on anyone who questions their authority or leaves the reservation. Puddy remembers those special attacks on Harold Ford, Jr.
Yup, just scratch the surface. Vicious racism, a particular brand of fear and hate, is what animates the masses of konservatives, the ones who vote for the money guys.
Here’s the sub head to the Scientific American article to which puddybigot links…
Systematic deregulation and the withering of regulatory agencies through ongoing underfunding, with ‘regulatory capture’ through the revolving door….basic corruption, mostly perpetrated by the ‘small government’ konservatives.
Oh, and shitty zoning laws in places like Texas, run by Republicans.
Puddybigot, you just can’t help creating target-rich environments.
Something I’ve speculated that puddybigot would be very good at, just the other day.
This is also from the Scientific American story the puddybigot linked, above…
How was this not a failure of oversight and the enforcement of appropriate regulation, puddybigot??
N @ 1,
“Ooops, sorry to jump in front of you, Darryl. That’s what I get for staying up late.”
No problems. I looked for an excerpt from the interview and was disappointed to not find one….
If no government regulation is the ideal, and the non-enforcement of already lax laws and the reliance on ‘voluntary self-regulation’ a laudable goal, I don’t see why all the small-government konservatives don’t all move to Texas or Somalia or Mississippi and leave the rest of us all in peace, to happily live without their ongoing sabotage of what could be an orderly and safe and clean Ecotopia.
@ 12
Oh, I’m sure he’ll come up with some magical “free market” justification for that. I wonder, considering the fact that:
A) Ammonium Nitrite is a primary ingredient in the worlds most widely used mining explosive, specifically because it is considered very safe to transport. So how much of their production was going to cash sales “off the books?” It is Texas after all, the Oklahoma City bomb had only about 5000 lbs of the stuff in its content, and nobody knows where McVeigh got it all. How many other such small time operations of this type are out there?
2) Anhydrous Ammonia is a primary catalyst used in the manufacture of methamphetamine, a drug with a very well established reputation for inducing violent reactions and severely debilitating side-effects in users. Farmers that maintain stocks of it have had to start buying steel shipping containers to hide the storage tanks in and keep it locked up just because the sheer volume that has been stolen over the years by meth manufacturers. So how much of that was being sold “off the books” by this company?
An Armed Society Is A Polite Society Dep’t
“A deadly dispute over dog doo-doo will cost a Philadelphia man 20 to 40 years in prison, a judge ruled Friday.
“Tyrirk Harris, 28, was sentenced for the February 2012 shooting death of a neighbor who confronted him for not cleaning up after his German shepherd and Chihuahua. Prosecutors said Harris pulled a gun and shot 47-year-old Franklin Manuel Santana once in the face and four times in the back.
“‘There were dog feces on several of the neighbors’ yards. That’s what led to this particular confrontation,’ Philadelphia Police Chief Inspector Scott Small told NBC ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You won’t find this story in the NRA’s American Rifleman magazine as an example of an armed citizen preventing a crime. It doesn’t qualify for publication because this guy is just another hothead with a gun and itchy trigger finger.
Notice Puddy links the Scientific American article where DHS didn’t come to do the inspection. And what does SCHMUCKO do? He attacks the article posted by Puddy. So why is that? Cuz SCHMUCKO can’t read and process anything due to his abject hatred of anything that explodes his leetle tiny world.
The link Da Perfessa placed was this SCHMUCKO:
So how does your fetid commentary above prove Chris Hayes point? Well? Anything that happens during Obummers “ascension” is still Bush’s fault? Well? SCHUCKO, you are sad, so sad.
This guy’s bad telephone manners got him arrested.
OWS Fraggy…
Is another moron can’t read or process facts either!
North Korea’s latest American hostage is from Lynnwood.
5 – 8: Texas isn’t the only state with unregulated pollution. Does someone have a mop to clean this mess up?
@ 17
You didn’t even read the article you linked, did you.
Did Puddy miss the Comics link from David Sirota regarding please don’t let this be a Muslim but a white guy? Or how about the link from libtard site Reddit who offered Indian-American student Sunil Tripathi?
Oh… not covered… my bad!
@17 “Anything that happens during Obummers “ascension” is still Bush’s fault? Well?”
Depends on who caused it. But, generally speaking, yes. Thanks to his predecessor, Obama will spend his entire presidency on janitorial duties, and so will several of his successors. It’s going to take more than 8 years and 1 Democratic president to clean up all the messes Bush left.
@22 Of course not. That’s why he’s trying to change the subject at #23.
OWS Fraggy@22,
What? ROTFLRHMBBAO! Is this now CYA mode? Puddy placed the reference in the beginning. Chris Hayes Fraggy!
Oh yes Puddy did. That’s why Puddy used it. The explosion has nothing to do with Bush! You are too stoooooopid to not miss piling on when SCHMUCKO attacked! You both saw Puddy attack the worst news source on cable and you both charged to the rescue.
EPIC FAYLE both of you! Thanks for playing
More failure on your part!
Really DUMB Wabbit? This was Puddy’s response from the original Chris Hayes link offered by Da Perfessa. SCHMUCKO went nutzo and then OOOPSIE!
Sadly you too are moronic this morning!
Jesus, its like trying to communicate with Bill the Cat.
@7 Thanks for the link, puddymoron! Here, I’ll quote the Scientific American article for you, since you didn’t bother:
“OSHA, the EPA and the U.S. Chemical Safety Board are all investigating. But don’t hold your breath waiting for the Chemical Safety Board’s conclusions. …
“A Center for Public Integrity investigation found that the number of accident reports completed by the Chemical Safety Board had declined dramatically since 2006. Daniel Horowitz, the agency’s managing director, said that the agency was stretched thin and had been asking for more investigators for years.”
Hmmm … who was defunding oversight and investigative agencies in 2006? See #24 above. Meanwhile …
“Has Congress introduced any new regulation legislation? Yes, but it would roll back regulations rather than strengthen them. … 10 Republicans sponsored a bill in February that would limit the EPA’s regulatory authority over fertilizer plants.”
Yep, that’s right folks, the GOP solution to tragedies like the one in West, Texas is more of ’em. And puddymoron is HA’s embedded cheerleader for such policies.
@26 “The explosion has nothing to do with Bush!”
Sez you. I say it does. Furthermore, you are complicit. See indictment at #30 above.
@29 If only. No cat is this obtuse.
27, 28 — See #30. You’re in for it this morning, putz. I have all day. And don’t complain; you started this discussion.
The mom of the alleged Boston bombers is living in a fantasy world, based on what she’s been spouting in the news reports. She actually thinks her sons were framed. Well, I suppose that’s to be expected from a mom.
@34 Last I heard she’s on a terrorism watch list herself.
“About 18 months before the Boston Marathon bombings, the CIA added the mother of the two suspects to a terrorism database after Russian authorities raised concerns that she and her oldest son were religious militants, the Associated Press reported.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This might explain a few things.
No I didn’t, you illiterate moron, I was attacking you and your argument. I pointed out, correctly, that the link you provided did not support the contention you were advancing.
As usual.
Curious you would ask that, when you haven’t been able to muster a coherent argument in the first place.
My commentary all morning long has been a critique of konservative-led, Republican-led deregulation. Moreover, the SciAM article, as I quoted, specifically shows how the plant skirted already lax oversight regimes.
You know, your local community college likely has remedial reading comprehension classes available. You might look into that.
Probably. That is the mode you typically assume when one of us bothers to respond to your insanity – you know, reading the articles you link to and demonstrating how they don’t actually support the contentions you’re throwing around – you invariably run for cover, like a squid shooting ink, tossing out everything to try to derail the inevitable spanking you receive around here.
Perhaps ‘spanky’ would be a better monicker for you than ‘puddybigot’. Hmmm….
@36 “You know, your local community college likely has remedial reading comprehension classes available. You might look into that.”
What are you talking about, LS? He couldn’t pass an admissions test for a daycare, let alone get into a community college.
@37 “like a squid shooting ink”
Perfect metaphor; best description of his MO I’ve ever seen. You’re hot today, LS!
The latest spin….he’s really working it hard. Does anybody watch Fox? Is this the latest chyron crawling along the bottom?
Maybe puddybigot gets these instructions via his dental fillings….
Let’s gang-tackle him. This is fun!
@40 “Maybe puddybigot gets these instructions via his dental fillings….”
Do they still use mercury in those? I’ll bet they do! That would explain most of his behavior.
You’re absolutely right. After I wrote that I felt kinda bad, demeaning community college, through association with puddybigot.
Is anybody else having issues posting? I’m getting BIG lag times and often get the message “Resource Limit Reached”
SCHMUCKO, you have not proved a counter argument. All your screaming and shouting hasn’t proved anything regarding the last inspection being in 1985 per the Scientific American article.
Yep that’s Bush fault and he doesn’t come to the presidency until 16 years later. Yet SCHMUCKO adds
And you all call Puddy stupid? HAHAHAHA! SCHMUCKO has stooped lower than unemployed salt licking moron ylb in the HA leftist annals of stupidity!
Chris Hayes is wrong and being on the least watched channel proves it! Keep CYA for Chris Hayes SCHMUCKO!
Keep screaming in 12, 36, 47, & 40. You’ve offered nothing to counter Puddy’s argument. That’s standard for you SCHMUCKO. A whole bunch of nothing.
And from Roger DUMB Wabbit a whole bunch of nothing more!
The U.S. Chemical Safety Board, responsible for investigating accidents like the explosions at the West, Texas fertilizer plant and the Tesoro refinery at Anacortes, Washington, is modeled after the National Transportation Safety Board, which investigates air and rail crashes, among other things.
But compare budgets and staffing: NTSB has an annual budget of $100 million and 400 employees. The Chemical Board’s budget and staff are one-tenth of that, enough to investigate about 4 of the approximately 200 industrial chemical accidents that occur every year.
Now ask yourself which political party doesn’t want to spend money on federal or state oversight and investigative agencies? And you’ll understand why the Chemical Board can’t do its job.
@45 Yes, I’ve been hitting that brick wall for the last several weeks; looks like HA needs a bigger host server.
Why, yes. Yes we do. Every single day. Almost invariably in direct response to something new and gobsmackingly stupid that you write.
@45 It’s Clinton’s fault! It’s Clinton’s fault! It’s Clinton’s fault!
How predictable was that?
That’s like saying ‘cigarettes are good for you and because they’re sold at Wal-Mart proves it’
You start with a fallacy and then provide an irrelevant fact as a claim of proof.
And of course Bush was the president right DUMB Wabbit?
@45 Hey shmucko, who was president in 1985? 1986? 1987? 1988? 1989? 1990? 1991? 1992? 2001? 2002? 2003? 2004? 2005? 2006? 2007? 2008?
IDIOT SCHMUCKO… The DUMB Wabbit once said all one needs to do is to prove it wrong by one point. You don’t pay attention to the DUMB Wabbit either?
Do tell!
@51 What’s that got to do with GOP congressmen trying to further restrict federal regulatory authority over fertilizer plants? You sure have a hard time staying on topic. Is that ADHD? Or simple stupidity?
You’ve offered nothing to support your argument.
You claimed Hayes was wrong, and you offered a SciAm article in support of that.
As several of us have pointed out, however, the SciAM article in no way contradicts Hayes, and in fact supports the notion that workplace and environmental safety regulations have been unenforced and subverted.
*here’s where things might get tough for you*
The meta issue is, of course, that a central tenet of modern konservatism has been a toxic combination of outright hatred for government mixed with relentless infiltration of government with people inordinately sympathetic to the owners of unsafe facilities and their unbridled ability to make money, safety be damned. That and a parallel relentless undermining of both the laws themselves and the enforcement of the ones that remain.
The result is….Texas. *BOOM*
It’s been eight freaking years..
Eight years of name-calling, idiocy, batshit insanity..
Puddybigot’s big argument hinges on who was President in any particular year.
While obviously stupid and ham-handed and childish, I think it also reflects an authoritarian quality – the same tendency that I’ve said would likely make him a good, obedient little goose-stepper, given the opportunity.
Roger said something about a single point….and therefore your irrelevant fact ‘proves’ something?
Here we are again….is puddybigot really that stupid, or is he playing a moron to avoid having to actually craft a logically consistent argument?
Notice here, on the other thread, puddybigot is again claiming the effects of MOOSLUM sleeper cells and infiltrators in the Obama Administration are undermining the ‘War on Terra!”
He’s grown cagey enough not to actually list the names of the MOOSLUMs he’s hating on, but is now claiming…
…and you know, any post containing those words is going to be a symphony of bigoted hate and stupidity. Enjoy!
Just ran the numbers on his Saturday posting activity over the years..
His skygod hours are most likely the 10 or 11 am hours..
The 1:00 pm hour is interesting.. Almost like he needs to take an HA “hate break” from piety during the day… Both hours on either side of it have remarkably fewer comments.
Will talk about how he reaches “peak hate” during the 9:00pm hour later.
Readers Digest Spuddles:
Aacckk, Thpppphp, Ackk, thpphpph. Hur hurk hurk hurk huuurrkk…. Paatooie!
@ 58
Its a tactic that’s worked for the GOP for the last 34 years.
@ 44 and Darryl
One thing I have noticed is that the pages tend to continually load even after the page appears fully loaded. Methinks you have a coding issue, Javascript maybe. It should cease to load the page and more or less close the connection after the page is finished loading. Check your Code!
That Bible has really fucked up Puffy.
What is this “”? That shit runs a LONG tome after the page is done. You’ve got a bug somewhere.
@57 I couldn’t agree more, but that won’t stop me from playing his own game against him.
@58 Yeah, now he’s using me as authority for his arguments, which shows how much he’s deteriorated. Involuntary commitment can’t be far away.
@61 Exactly. Except you left out — sputter, gurgle, rasp, gag.
I took a break to trade political emails with my wingnut brother, and when I came back, puddy was gone. Looks like he ran for cover after we handed his ass to him.
I think ylb suggested he’s in church right now.
He’ll likely be back later, recharged with all those ‘clouds o’glory’ and whatnot. I’m sure he’ll be here preaching Christian love and acceptance and humility.
@69 Strangely, the more Christian people profess to be, the less they understand about Christianity. You humans are queer ducks.
Some nice Christian kids just came to my door – they weren’t looking for new members – like the Mormon kids or the SDA ladies who come by – but rather were collecting food for the Ballard Food Bank. I gave them a bunch. Nice kids, helping somebody other than themselves.
Oh, yes indeed.
I mock the Biblical-literalist faction regularly, in part because they’re the ones who are always trying to pollute our children’s education with their theology-as-science.
I’ve always said, I see no evidence for, or any reason to create, a transcendent personal being – ‘God’. However, if such a belief and the dogma and ritual around it lead you to do good, to create a better world, to make life better for your fellow humans and the other beings we share the planet with, to protect this lovely planet, to learn more about this wondrous universe, to craft art and poetry and peace, to stop war and deprivation and exploitation and evil, to create justice and love – then I’m right there with you.
However, if your ‘Christianity’ or any other religion is simple savage tribalism, if it’s a tool to reinforce and procreate your hate and fear, if it divides, if you’re convinced that your god is better than some other guy’s god, or your way of praying is better than some other way, if your convinced that my kid should learn your chants in school, or learn your myth-book in science class, then fuck off.
We see much of the latter with puddybigot’s posts. Bloodthirsty, gleeful at torture, condemning, passionately hateful, willfully ignorant, overtly racist, deeply dishonest and motivated by fear, he’s our culture’s answer to fanatical fundamentalism.
“What is this “”? That shit runs a LONG tome after the page is done. You’ve got a bug somewhere.”
I have no idea. I suspect Goldy set that up years ago. And as far as I know the code has been static for a long time.
The performance issue (“Resources exceeded”) error has been reported to the hosting service. I believe the server HA is on (shared with other web sites) has been under periodic, low level denial of service or some other traffic-intensive attacks. When this happens, we all get throttled back. It has been intermittently happening for the last couple of weeks.
Yup, that’s the timeframe that I’ve been experiencing it.
@73, 74 – Longer than that.
Teachers are fighting back. According to Barron’s magazine, the American Federation of Teachers, which represents 1.5 million teachers who collectively have over $800 billion in pension funds, is demanding that teachers’ pension funds pull their business from financial firms with ties to groups that advocate eliminating defined benefit pensions for teachers. The potential boycott is forcing targeted firms to change their behavior. That’s just too much money to let politics trump business.
Don’t Be Fooled — New Packaging, Same Old Moldy Product
“Don’t be fooled …: In the Republican-led Congress, GOP-dominated statehouses and even before the nation’s highest court, … the GOP’s severely conservative agenda – which seeks to impose job-killing austerity, to roll back voting and reproductive rights, to deprive the working poor of health care, and to destroy agencies that protect the environment from industry and consumers from predatory banks – is moving forward under full steam. … As it works to lock in as many retrograde policies as possible before it finally chooses to either modernize or die, the Republican Party is like a wounded beast: Rarely has it been more dangerous.”
How radical are Republicans? In Texas, a voter ID law challenged by the Justice Department “endorsed a conceal-carry gun permit as acceptable ID for voting but deemed student and even state worker IDs invalid.”
(Same link as above)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Is this how you want our country run? Are these the people you want running it? If not, why would you vote for any Republican, for any office, anywhere?
The Koch brothers are shopping for big-city newspapers.
“The Koch brothers aren’t looking at the next election. They have a decades-long strategy to change the country.”
If you suspect food doesn’t feed you like it used to, you’re right.
Why GOPers Don’t Want Texas Students Or Workers To Vote
“In not too many years, Texas could switch from being all Republican to all Democrat,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) told The New Yorker last year. “If that happens, no Republican will ever again win the White House.”
GOPers don’t want anyone to vote. All decisions should strictly be made based on who can buy what they want.
Wow a hate filled morning afternoon and evening. It has been a great day for Puddy. Now onto leftist hate filled lunacy…
Where has SCHMUCKO proved Puddy was wrong? ABSOLUTELY nowhere. The original link was Chris Hayes blaming GW Bush for the explosion through deregulation. How? None of the references displayed have any additional data. None of your foolish HA leftist friends have proved Puddy wrong either. The SciAm article doesn’t support Chris Hayes either. Look at all the hijacked paragraphs from SCHMUCKO! Do any blame Bush? Nope. Is SCHMUCKO, DUMB Wabbir, and Fraggy DOPES? YES!
Using Roger DUMB Wabbit for ONE reference point demonstrates degeneration? Roger DUMB Wabbit says one thing useful in 80,000 posts and Puddy is NOT allowed to use the one useful post?
Darwin Award Fail Dep’t
A 33-year-old man who traveled from Massachusetts to New York City with the apparent intention of committing suicide by jumping off the Empire State Building got through the security fence surrounding the 86th floor observation deck but suffered only a broken ankle when he landed on the 85th floor. (Source: CNN)
@84 I said something useful? Now you know for sure Puddy’s really lost it. He’s come over to the dark side! In my rabbit heart I always believed I’d convert him if I worked on him long enough.
OMG. You are such a parody of yourself, puddybigot. You linked to is as support of your ‘refutation’ of Hayes, you insufferable moron. We’ve demolished that assertion.
Moreover, the Republican wet dream of a world without rules is what enabled the circumstances leading to the blast. Bush is a paragon of that.
You are an ink-squirting squid, puddybigot. Spineless, cold-blooded, not very smart. Entire strategy based on obfuscation.
You keep using phrases I use. You know it’s true.
Mimicry is the highest form of praise.
You know, Rog, he keeps bringing up something you said about only needing to bring up a single example to falsify something.
Unfortunately, he thinks posting meaningless or unrelated links, invoking them as proof of his point, and claiming victory is the same thing.
He doesn’t understand that the links he provides are supposed to support the batshit he’s shoveling.
Puddybigot said..
I said…
Ergo, I proved you wrong.
(Puddybigot, I suggest you look up ‘ergo’ and ‘QED’)
Puddybigot, I think you should confine yourself to talking only with you fellow Bibul-thumpers with whom you agree…you’re really not ready for prime time.
@88 “You know, Rog, he keeps bringing up something you said about only needing to bring up a single example to falsify something.”
That sounds more like a distortion of something I said; but that would be par for the course.
@ 88
You know, Rog, he keeps bringing up something you said about only needing to bring up a single example to falsify something.
A while back, I’d pointed out that you need only one counter-example to falsify a conclusion reached via inductive reasoning. That was in the context of an argument where I had used a bit of inductive reasoning, and Puddy could’t come up with a single counter-example to prove that my inductive conclusion was false.
In general, inductive conclusions are easily refuted. However, the ways to refute an inductive conclusion do not include listing a litany of other inductive conclusions that have been refuted.
Puddy didn’t quite seem to grasp the basic concept of inductive reasoning. If you’re going to disallow any form of inductive reasoning, then what basis does one have for believing in the law of gravity?
Are you sure he’s not reversing the notion of inductive reasoning–that he’s not trying to use a single example to prove an inductive conclusion rather than falsify it? ‘Cause it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if Puddy committed that kind of error in reasoning.
A riddle for Puddy: why aren’t Republican Party leaders and/or various talking heads calling for Everett Dutschke to be treated as an enemy combatant or that he be subjected to the work of a “special interrogation” team without the benefit of a Miranda warning?
Now that’s a very good question. The dude committed an act of TERRORRRRRR!!!!
Sent biologic weapon to the President and members of Congress – essentially tried to decapitate government.
Thing is, he’s a good ole boy, and is pretty melanin-challenged. No way the GOP calls for his rights to be abrogated.
Sort of a corollary exists: just as in puddy’s concrete thinking “a minority can’t be a bigot”, in the world of konservatism, “a white guy can’t be a terrorist.”
Don Joe – I discovered some time ago that trying to parse puddybigot’s ‘logic’ is a fool’s errand.
puddybigot refers to a long-ago post of Roger’s – I’m not sure what it said or on what topic, but I’m sure it was much more coherent than puddybigot could possibly grasp or reiterate.
In any case, he ‘cites’ this post of Roger’s as justification for providing a single factoid without discernible relationship to the argument he’s making.
Anyway, this is way too much meta to be spent analyzing puddybigot. He isn’t the least interested in logic or argument – he’s here to drop the latest WorldNetDaily or Infowar or Drudge hysteria, punctuated with all the weird names and insults and declarations of decisive victory – and then run away in a cloud of ink when someone bothers to take the time to show him how he’s wrong, again.
You idiot SCHMUCKO. You continual use of that paragraph hasn’t proven if those changes happened during Bush’s administration.
Because of that FACT and your lack of evidence the rest of your rants are EPIC FAYLES!
Now we see through Russian wiretaps Brothers Tsarnaev’s momma is whacko… Just like Puddy said. Remember SCHMUCKO’s pathetic attack against Puddy over Puddy’s truthful and factual statements? Well CBS News proves Puddy correct again!
Sux to have the mind of SCHMUCKO!
Being ‘whacko’ is a crime, now?
And, does not negate the fact that you were gratuitously attacking a grieving mother, a woman who no one has offered any sort of proof of having committed a crime. You’re relying on whom the Russians decide to wiretap, without any reporting of the actual contents of those tapes.
Indeed, from your own link (regarding Tamerlan and his mother’s chit-chat…
Again, your disorganized and hateful ‘thinking’ bite you on the ass.
How many times does this need to be explained to you?
You criticized Chris Hayes for linking Bush to the sort of deregulation/nonregulation that leads to industrial catastrophes like West, Texas.
As support of that, you linked to a Scientific American article.
Examining that SciAM article, one finds that it does not support your contention, and in fact, undermines it.
In response, you keep braying that we haven’t proven Hayes correct.
No, we’ve proven you incapable of mounting a defensible argument.
Hayes may be criticized for being polemical (look it up, puddybigot), laying this disaster entirely at GWB’s feet. However, a more nuanced, and I’d say accurate view, is that the sort of non-regulation that allowed the owners of the fertilizer plant to kill and maim all those people is a central dogma for modern konservatism, and GWB is a paragon of such though and its undermining of some of the most essential functions of government.
So, Hayes was only wrong in focusing on village idiot GWB, and not the rest of you mouthbreathing, knuckledragging, ‘who do we hate this week?’ konservatives.
@ 95
You idiot SCHMUCKO.
What does Puddy do when he doesn’t grok an argument? He calls people names. Sad thing is, that’s about as intelligent as Puddy gets.
You continual use of that paragraph hasn’t proven if those changes happened during Bush’s administration.
Gotta make this real simple for Puddy’s sake:
1) Did lax regulation of chemical plants begin in 1985? Yes.
2) Did Congress attempt to resolve this problem in 2006? Yes.
3) Did the Bush Administration block Congress’ attempts to resolve this problem? Yes.
Ergo, the Bush Administration is responsible for the current lack of regulations and oversight covering chemical plants. Real simple syllogism.
Don Joe – nice tag-teaming with you!
It’s fun to humiliate the mean-spirited and hateful!
Don Joe – does ‘don’ refer to an academic designation?
@ 101
[D]oes ‘don’ refer to an academic designation?
It can. If you want it to.
Don Joe a spoonerism for John Doe, chosen because I’ve been known to commit a few interesting spoonerisms*, and treating “Don” as an honorific title is useful in catching people making unwarranted assumptions. I’ve been known to ask, “What makes you think that ‘Don’ is a name?”
So, you’re free to refer to me as “The Don,” if you want. All I ask is that I not be referred to as, “The Donald.” I don’t do comb-overs.
* Perhaps the best was, “fries have a light to rive” when I meant to say, “flies have a right to live.” That I was being entirely facetious at the time rather added to the humorous tenor of the conversation.
It’s never enough for the right wing wage slave master:
This problem is out of control. And nothing’s going to change until the baggers are run out of Congress and all R-Money-like pandering idiots are forever thwarted from taking the White House.
Wingnuts: whatever it is the F you’re doing..
It’s not working:
Thank you patriotic African Americans.. You sent a loud and clear NO to those right wing traitors who tried to supress your votes.
If “free speech zones” can be defined, where protesters are forced to confine themselves, far from anyone who might want/need to hear them, and we accept this as a legitimate act by government and its use of police power, then can we carve out “2nd Amendment Zones”, where the gun-toters can go to tote their guns?
@95 Well, since the last inspection of that plant occurred in 2005, the inspections weren’t dropped on Obama’s watch.
Keep screaming SCHMUCKO! HEre is why you FAIL!
1985 then again 2011. And of course SCHMUCKO says it’s Bush’s fault. Doesn’t jibe with Chris Hayes whatsoever!
What happened to “those who stink right”??
Bob hasn’t been here for a week..
Only Puddystupid left.