Ann Telnaes: Kansas abortion law.
Walmart v. Costco: How they treat their employees.
Pap: Rape in the military.
Aqua Buddha Man:
- Jon: On the edumacation of Rand Paul.
- Maddow: Paul goes to Howard University to teach Black history.
- Jansing & Co.: GOP and the black vote
- Sharpton: Sen. Rand Paul lies at Howard University.
- The Young Turks: Rewriting history
- Michael Brooks: Rand Paul whitewashes civil rights record at Howard.
- Bashir: Sen. Paul invents his own history.
- Chris Hayes: Buddha lies
Young Turks: A 51st state?
Mark Fiore: Tar Sands Timmy.
Ann Telnaes: The two escalator economy.
Kid Grows Up?
- Noted Romney supporter, Kid Rock, finds embarrassment in being a Republican.
- Sharpton: Kid Rock is “fucking embarassed”…”to be a Republican”
Young Turks: State lawmaker equates Muslim prayer with terrorism.
Robert Reich: Public morality:
Lawrence O’Donnell: DREAMing for an end of legal limbo.
Guns and Violence
- Maddow: NRA influence seen in court case to allow felons to have guns.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: G.O.P. becomes the party of stupid on guns.
- Obama speaks on reducing gun violence.
- They deserve a vote.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Sandy Hook students demand action.
- Michelle speaks on youth violence.
- Maddow: “Almost angry.”
Sam Seder: NC legislators want an official state religion.
White House: West Wing Week.
CNN: Gabby Giffords, two years later.
Mental Floss: 50 Weird Laws:
Budget Insanity:
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Obama’s budget brings out Republican’s inner lunatics.
- Alex Wagner: The GOP can’t even agree on budget items they hate.
Maddow: Obama uses his head in giving a political lesson.
NRCC’s Buzzfeedified web site.
Red State Update: News of the week.
Obama hosts a Memphis Soul evening at the White House.
The Munchy Majority:
- SlateTV: Live and Let Light-up.
- Stephen: The marijuana majority.
- John Fugelsang: Legal cannabis is the conservative point of view
- WA pot laws don’t allow out-of-state visitors to partake.
Sam Seder: Elizabeth Warren demolishes bank regulators for protecting banks over people.
Maddow: Virgina’s TRAP laws threaten abortion rights.
Republican FAIL.
America under water.
Smokey Joe Does Biblical Science:
- Sharpton: Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX-6) says Bible proves climate change is false.
- Sam Seder: Smokey Joe cites bible to challenge climate change.
Maddow: Republicans turn to (probable war criminal) Dick Cheney for advice?!?
Young Turks: Catholic League leader PWNED on gay hypocrisy.
Kimmel: This Week in Unnecessary Censorship.
Jon: Our own worst enemy.
Anthony Weiner Looks for Redemption:
- Stephen: Huge news…after long withdrawl, Weiner ready to thrust back into politics.
- Jansing & Co: Weiner jumps back in?
- Sharpton: Weiner wants redemption.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: If Sanford could do it, can Weiner?
Maddow: Remember when it was illegal for the CIA to assassinate? It still is.
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Ann Telnaes: The consequences of a Republican filibuster on guns.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
I wonder if CNN’ s coverage, while in-depth, is bordering on war-mongering? The latest speculation is whether we can, or should, shoot down a missile from NK.
The first bid for actual construction of high speed rail in California, has come in below the revised estimate. This one is for the Fresno-Madera segment, budgeted for $1.2-1.6 Billion, came in at $985 million. Construction should start in July. The blended plan has the true hsr portion mostly in the Central Valley, with it entering LA and SF via upgraded existing lines.
Statehood got 61% in last year’s advisory referendum, but it was a two-part referendum. The other part was whether the existing status should change, that failed. Reminds me how New Zealand changed the electoral system, and how their conservatives tried to change it back in 2011. The first question in that referendum was If Winner Take All should change, and second question was with what. The option that got the most votes later went to a second binding referendum.,_2012
In the 1990’s, 1990′ s A
change won, in 2011, status-quo won.
Study Reveals Global Warming Not To Blame For Last Year’s Crippling Drought
The Plains saw very little rain last summer due to two key meteorological processes which NOAA states was a “sequence of unfortunate events.” First, the Plains states saw very little rain in May and June because low pressure systems that brought storms were shunted northward into Canada. Second, thunderstorms were infrequent in July and August and produced little precipitation.
The report states that there were “no strong indicators” a drought of this magnitude would have struck the Midwest last year.
“This is one of those events that comes along once every couple hundreds of years,” lead author Martin Hoerling, a researchmeteorologist at NOAA, said. “Climate change was not a significant part, if any, of the event.”
And it’s not just some sissy-ass study from liberal Columbia. NOAA was in on it, too.
Thursday’s report by dozens of scientists from five different federal agencies looked into why forecasters didn’t see the drought coming. The researchers concluded that it was so unusual and unpredictable that it couldn’t have been forecast.
I wonder how many of those dozens of scientists still think “The Science is Settled.”
From 1,
We should definitely shoot down any missile headed our way! The smart thing for us to do is to withdraw entirely from the Korean Peninsula, however. Let’s just leave.
From 3,
Given how we got involved in Puerto Rico over 100 years ago, I would hope the people of Puerto Rico would choose to be their own nation rather than become another US state.
Gee, it would seem to me that the HA powers-that-be would give this item:
Sinclair known for conservative political tilt
Sinclair Broadcast Group executives said they will bring resources and stability to KOMO TV and 19 other television stations they’ll get by acquiring Seattle-based Fisher Communications.
If Sinclair’s past is any indicator, they may also bring their conservative political leanings, even to one of the most liberal cities in the country.
its own thread. Did I miss something?
@4 So what’s your point. The current drought covering parts of the midwest, southwest and Texas has been developing for the past six years. One dry year does not cause a drought and one wet year does not cure a drought. Droughts can occur with or without warming simply because weather patterns change.
@ 8
So what’s your point.
Droughts can occur with or without warming simply because weather patterns change.
I believe you just made my point, wharfrat.
He has no point.
His whole MO is a wheedling attempt to sow doubt and discord. The post above, for example, is a rather typically transparent set up for his oh-so-clever (in his own mind) jab at the end.
You know, ‘the drought wasn’t caused by climate change, therefore climate change is suspect’
It’s all profoundly illogical, but his posts are crafted to look like a real, grounded assault on something thinking-people find to be real or compelling or valuable. It’s a rather smarmy variation on the straw-man attack, and it’s all Bobby H. does, all day, every day.
@ 10
It’s all profoundly illogical, but his posts are crafted to look like a real, grounded assault on something thinking-people find to be real or compelling or valuable.
Actually, no.
An awful lot was said about the correlation last year. Google ‘2012 drought climate change’ and you get 65,300,000 hits.
Here are some of the top page hits:
The Great American Drought: Climate Change? The New Dust Bowl ……/
Jul 16, 2012 – It’s difficult to deny that large areas of the US are undergoing drought conditions at the moment. But should we be assuming that this is a portent …
What we know about climate change and drought
Jul 24, 2012 – Is climate change causing this drought? Didn’t the United States suffer worse droughts in the past? And what will happen if the planet keeps …
Iowa scientists: Drought a sign of climate change….....8230;Share
Nov 20, 2012 – This year’s drought is consistent with predictions that global climate change would bring about weather extremes including more frequent …
An awful lot of ‘thinking-people’ were wrong about it, Lib Sci.
I just thought that it was noteworthy to point out.
There was a video topic in the DL thread about Arctic sea ice.
Consider my posts a counterpoint for some ‘thinking-people’.
Another rabidly anti-gay Republican mayor pulls his gun.
@ 10
Lib Sci:
Every time your ilk produces garbage like this:
We’re Screwed: 11,000 Years’ Worth of Climate Data Prove It
and then it turns out that the researchers fudged their data and subsequently have to issue statements like this:
“[The] 20th-century portion of our paleotemperature stack is not statistically robust, cannot be considered representative of global temperature changes, and therefore is not the basis of any of our conclusions.”
I feel at liberty to point that out. If I take a little perverse pleasure in doing so, well, it’s because it has such an effect on cheerleaders for the left like you and YLB. You, at least, can understand you’re perpetuating falsehoods. YLB cannot.
Oh, Lib Sci? The second link was authored by Ross McKittrick. He’s the guy who, with McItyre, pointed out Mann’s Hockey Stick was bullshit. Probably why the Hockey Stick, so prominently featured as part of IPCC3, was persona non grata in IPCC4.
If it were so cut and dried, Lib Sci, your side wouldn’t have to resort to data falsification and manipulation to support it.
Ahhh yes. SCIENCE!
Event occurs. Why did it occur? Offer hypothesis. Study all available data. Does the data support the hypothesis? No. does the data indicate a conclusion? Yes? Write the conclusion.
SCIENCE in Cereal and Conservoworld.
A single event that was hypothesized to be the result of X turns out not to be the result of X. THERFORE, 30-40 years of observable data that indicate that X does in fact exist is WRONG! Because a singular event not caused by X happened and we don’t believe in X, SCIENCE proves X does not exist, Q.E.D.
Well argued!
@ 14
THERFORE, 30-40 years of observable data that indicate that X does in fact exist is WRONG!
Show me where I said that, cz.
The only thing you should glean from @ 4 is that weather is not climate.
All I did was point out a study in which numerous people participated, and NOAA was part of, that contradicted what probably was suggested in thousands of published articles, and quite a few HA spews along with it: that last year’s midwest drought was climate change-related. It wasn’t.
Comprehend much, cz?
@ 14
Too many Xs. Not enough Ys.
Gee, I can’t imagine why gun proponents are concerned that state laws requiring gun registration, insurance, or background checks might result in state-collected data being used for Federal purposes that are at odds with state laws, can you, HA?
Feds scoop up medical marijuana patient records in Oregon investigation
Despite Oregon’s best efforts to keep medical marijuana patient records private, a federal search warrant forced the state agency to hand over some records, according to recently discovered court records.
The warrant was executed in November of last year against the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program, the state agency that administers the Oregon Medical Marijuana Act, voted into law in 1998.
I’ll expect y’all to join the Libertarian Party in protest of this.
I didn’t even know this show is still on the air.
TV Show ‘Glee’ Depicts School Shooting
Although come to think of it, YLB never posts on Thursdays
during the 9 pm hour.
I get it. You weren’t in any way suggesting that the overall science of climate change is questionable. You have a funny way if expressing yourself where quips that are quite easy to interpret aren’t what you mean. In short, you’re full of shit. Again.
@ 20
I’m suggesting that the argument in favor of AGW/man-made climate change, or whatever you want to call it, actually occurring to the point that it is a threat to our survival or economic well-being, is not as strong now as it was a decade ago.
Your side is having a more difficult time shouting down skeptics as time passes and it turns out the climate models are wrong.
I’m suggesting that if you are going to point out that there is less multi-year Arctic ice content now than there was, maybe also point out that the ice content in the Antarctic is increasing.
You know. Nutjob stuff like that.
Fine, I’ll talk about the seasonal sea ice increase in the Antarctic but you might want to address the pretty dramatic LAND ice decrease. you know the difference between the temporary yearly ice (sea) that is much higher in recent years than the past and the thousand year old ice (land) that is much lower in recent years.
I’ll make it simple for you. If you leave a bucket of water out in winter it freezes, much like the Antarctic sea ice. All other things being equal, when it thaws in Summer, the same volume of water will be in the bucket as was there before the freeze. But if you dangle a massive chunk of never thawed ice over that bucket and it then melts in the summer, the bucket will overflow. Here it is in a baby simple article that you could familiarize yourself with so as not to seem moronic mistaking the bit of sea that freezes and thaws yearly for permafrost.
It’s not nutjob, but it’s a fundamental misapplication or ignorance of science. You know, hypothesis, test, result.
@ 22
So, are we talking just the peninsula, or are we talking measurements made evenly over the continent? Think Steig and the criticisms of what he and his colleagues did.
I appreciate baby simple, really I do. I’d appreciate more a specific reference so I know what you read and what you’re suggesting.
It’s measured both at the small amount of the continent that can be accessed and studied but also by international cooperative of satellite data and NASA flights.
I’m sure you’ll seize on this bit,
Note that he’s saying that the ability to measure the ice UNDER the sea at Pine Island Glacier is too new to draw conclusions not that it disproves any current theory. The glacier is a permafrost part of what would be a chain of islands if it melted away. It’s not considered sea-ice.
Back to Science. Hypothesize, test, conclude.
Pope Frances I has announced a council of cardinals that will study reforms to the Vatican Bureaucracy. It will be, if successful, the first such reform since Pope Paul VI in 1967.
15 see 10.
@6 “Given how we got involved in Puerto Rico over 100 years ago,”
… those Puerto Ricans are all dead, except maybe for a couple of ’em. The rest have lived under the U.S. flag all their lives, so why would they choose anything else?
@11 A drought caused by temporary weather phenomena and long-term climate changed caused in part by fossil fuel burning are not mutually exclusive. They can both exist at the same time. And few things in science enjoy as nearly unanimous scientific consensus as anthropogenic global warming.
@15 “All I did was point out a study in which numerous people participated, and NOAA was part of, that contradicted what probably was suggested in thousands of published articles, and quite a few HA spews along with it: that last year’s midwest drought was climate change-related. It wasn’t.”
In which case, see #8 again.
@21 “Your side”
The climate doesn’t take sides. It’s either warming or it isn’t. As for scientists who say it is, they’re either right or they’re wrong. If they’re right, the impact on human survival and/or economies is a separate, albeit important, question.
@7 I posted about it several days ago. You must have missed that.
In last year’s non-binding vote, Statehood got the most votes on the status-change options, beating out Free Association/Sovereign State, and Independence came in third.
LOL!!! What was true about this Bob?
Smarmybob, above:
cheapshotBob’s hero, Ross Mckitrick, alleged slayer of liberal climate change huxters:
Wanna know more about the Cornwall Alliance and its ‘Evangelical Declaration’? Well, here’s a list of signatories that the esteemed Dr. McKitrick is ‘palling around with’, it begins thus:
Tony Perkins
Tom Minery
David Barton
Dr. Richard Land
Dr. William Dembski
and on and on and on…
A veritable rogues’ gallery of pseudoscience charlatans, gay-bashing/woman-bashing/Muslim-bashing Bibul-thumpers, NRA apologists, evolution-deniers, faux-historians who seem constitutively unable to tell the truth…
Wow, bob, you’ve really convinced me that a climate denier who hangs around with these crackpots and invokes Intelligent Design is able to…anything. This is just too hilarious for words.
bob, are you a very very ironic (and very very good) postmodern performance artist, or do you really buy the bullshit you’re spewing?
Never say never Bob..
You silly little liar!
Wow how it sucks to be Bob.. Frittering away what’s left of his life perpetuating falsehoods and other assorted bullshit.
Here is the entire Cornwall Alliance An Evangelical Declaration on Global Warming (I originally mistyped ‘Conwell’ – should have left it at that!).
Here is the meat of their denials:
Read the rest, it’s a paean to fossil fuels and nuclear energy (no, really!), all couched in a ‘we’re doing this for the poor because God’.
Thanks, bob, I needed that laugh.
By the way, I’d much rather be my ilk than cheapshotBob’s ilk. Any day, all day.
34, 36 – Throwing a tantrum and screaming, “Isn’t so! Isn’t so!” may get a passing grade in a fundie divinity school, but doesn’t cut it in the world of science.
You know, bobby tries to portray himself as a kind of ‘thinking man’s’ conservative – not at all bigoted (ha!), supportive of marriage equity, fact-oriented – but when he trots out the Bibul-thumping cretins to deny science – and that list above is filled with folks who want to teach in schools that Jesus rode a velociraptor and that there is no separation of church and state – and when he shows us his true colors in the discussion about Benton Harbor and his squeals of delight at the thought of militias keeping the peace in a dystopic Detroit – we see what he really is, and it’s not pretty.
bobby is all about bobby’s money, and to that end he is unflaggingly supportive of the neanderthals and troglodytes and hucksters and liars who are an integral foundation of the right-wing machine, no matter how odious.
All quiet on the salt mining front..
HAR! HAR! HAR! HAR! HAR! HAR! This Seattle Times headline is too funny not to post!
“Senate’s GOP is counting on Obamacare to balance budget”
From 27,
Maybe it’s time for Puerto Rico to be its own country?
@42 What if they don’t want to be their own country?
Why Are Pro Athletes So Dumb?
“The man at the center of a new financial scandal that could involve some of the nation’s top professional athletes said that he’s running a legitimate investment business—despite a complaint from the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority.
“That complaint alleges Fuad Ahmed, CEO of a Washington, DC-based firm called Success Trade Securities, failed to tell his investors what he would do with the money generated by selling promissory notes to 58 investors. FINRA said many of the investors, who contributed a total of more than $18 million, are current or former NFL and NBA players.
“With investor money, FINRA says, Ahmed paid the lease on his Range Rover, made undocumented, interest-free loans to his brother, loaned himself funds to pay balances on his personal credit cards, and paid for personal travel and clothes. What’s more, the complaint alleges that a series of firms operated by Ahmed used new investor money to pay returns for older investors.
“Some of the promissory notes, FINRA says, purported to offer annual interest rates ranging from 12 to 26 percent.”
Um … because they don’t wear helmets?
From 43,
Then they will continue as a ward of the US.
@45 But what if they don’t want the status quo; what if they want to be a state, like the rest of us?
From 46,
Then they should vote for it and ask for admissionto the union.
I think they would be better off s a separate nation.
The chance of Puerto Rico becoming a state are slim. i think they’ll go for the status quo rather than make a change.
@47 It seems to me they already have.,_2012
But this discussion is really about what you want, isn’t it?
No, it’s always about you and that egocentric little world in which you live.
I hope you die a painful death, Roger, and the sooner the better.
@50 Please explain what is “egocentric” about comment #49:
“Puerto Rican voters were asked two questions: (1) whether they agreed to continue with Puerto Rico’s territorial status and (2) to indicate the political status they preferred from three possibilities: statehood, independence, or a sovereign nation in free association with the United States.{1] 970,910 (54.00%) voted ‘No’ on the first question, expressing themselves against maintaining the current political status, and 828,077 (46.00%) voted ‘Yes’, to maintain the current political status. Of those who answered on the second question 834,191 (61.16%) chose statehood, 454,768 (33.34%) chose free association, and 74,895 (5.49%) chose independence.[2][3]”
50, 51 – Basically what it comes down to is when you argue a position and can’t support it when asked to do so, you revert to name-calling and death wishes. Which makes you a troll of a very ordinary sort, exactly like most of the other trolls who have passed through here on their way to somewhere else.
@51 I don’t wish that on you. I do, however, hope you spend the rest of your life in Democrat-run states, at least if you stick around here. G’day, I’ve had a long day, and I’m turning in. Tomorrow.
Puddy doesn’t condone comments like that. Don’t wish that on Roger. He’s kinda dumb in many aspects but we on think right need him around as lawyer fodder. We already have unemployed ylb as ID10T fodder.
Sadly Da Perfessa didn’t include Obummer’s IRS whom said they can read your emails without warrants. Now they are changing their tune since the ACLU is after them. DUMMOCRAPTS going after DUMMOCRAPTS. Puddy loves it!
@56 I always suspected you were a closet ACLU-lover. Funny how wingers always go running to the ACLU when they want a free lawyer …
The ACLU tends to defend those who attack them, or oppose them. The irony about the Skokie March, the ACLU lawyer who defended the marchers, was Jewish.
Sadly Roger you are wrong again. Puddy uses the ACLU when they attack DUMMOCRAPTS! You can ask the unemployed ylb for proof. Did you read anywhere in the lamestream msm about the ACLU opposed the Senate gun bill because they added crazy peep background checks? The same ACLU scuttled that provision in the previous CT gun law. Imagine… if the ACLU wasn’t involved would Adam Lanza been checked out? Well we’ll never no now!
Good old libtard Denver
How come no news on Progress Kentucky?… They think and act like most HA libtards! The ends justify the means!
How come no Friday Night Comics news on this beheading trial result… Well there is an 75% chance he was a DUMMOCRAPT from the 1988 presidential election cycle.
Why does New Rochelle NY hate veterans and First Navy Jack Flag? Well it is a libtard city in a libtard state! No mention of this sad action in the Friday Night Comics by Da Perfessa!
@61 “They think and act like James O’Keefe! The ends justify the means!”
@59 “Puddy uses the ACLU when they attack DUMMOCRAPTS!”
I see … you hate your free lawyer.
Puddy pays for his lawyer. Corrected!
Hey there you anti-gun fascist idiots!
Check out the good news via Faux, of all places!
“Manchin-Toomey deal could allow gun owners, sellers to carry, sell across state lines”
You are going to rue the day you started this unconstitutional push, you vermin…
@ 24
I guess I could start by pointing out that your link is three years old and a lot has been done since then.
Such as the completion of a new map of Antarctic ice content:
which, using refined measurements, etc., seems to indicate that there’s 4.5% more ice in/on Antarctica now than they thought there was in 2001 or so.
Maybe that’s because the measurements are more precise than they were.
Maybe that’s because the total ice content is actually growing.
Possibly both.
So, we’re in a standoff, of sorts. I could argue that the losses in the northern hemisphere are being countered by gains in the southern hemisphere.
Which was my point @ 21.
And since you took from a three-year old link this sentence:
Note that he’s saying that the ability to measure the ice UNDER the sea at Pine Island Glacier is too new to draw conclusions…
I’ll just point out that with the passage of time and the publication of Bedmap2, maybe we can draw a conclusion that since the total measured Antarctic ice is 4.5% greater than it was 12 years ago, it’s harder to argue that the Antarctic is losing ice.
Or at least that might be my full of shit @ 20, moronic @ 22 approach to the current data, cz.
Once again we confront the question with you, “Stupid, or lying?”
No, not both, and certainly not the latter.
From the British Antarctic Survey website, the folks who brought us Bedmap2:
Nowhere do they claim that the difference is because of actual changes in the volume between 2001 and today, but rather improvements in sensing and measurement that have led to better accuracy.
Is it impossible for you to be honest and accurate?
You’ve made a rare achievement – no one around here with any sense believes a word of what you write – for very good reasons.
@ 69
Is the bed elevation deeper because they measured better this time? Or is the bed deeper at least partly because the surface grew taller as well? Since they used different altimeters and did so much smoothing, and their data don’t compare average above-sea-level altitude to the old average (if they did in the PDF I missed it), one doesn’t know? They spent the majority of their paper discussing deeper below-ocean measurements. Doesn’t mean the amount of ice above-ocean didn’t increase as well, Lib Sci.
As with your post @68, your post @13 is total bullshit.
As I noted above, your science-y hero Prof. McKitrick is a completely dishonest buffoon, of the Intelligent Design, God-wouldn’t-let-the-earth-get-hot-so-let’s-drill-baby-drill variety. One who ‘pals around with’ such luminaries as Tony Perkins and William Dembsky and Richard Land.
Moreover, following McKitrick’s link from the Financial Times article in which he claims to have unmasked Marcott et al’s climate change fraud (he didn’t) take you here, to a discussion among bona fide climate scientists. If you read the discussion, the boffo claim that McKitrick is making (essentially that Marcott ‘admitted’ to having statistically weak underpinnings for modern climate change data) is completely obliterated.
For those interested, here is an interesting discussion of the data in the Science paper that has cheapshotBob’s hero McKitrick so frothed up about.
The big point of these discussion is that the paper in question did an excellent job of detailing climate much further back, and wasn’t focused on the last 100 years – which is what they’ve said from the outset. Their methods (analyzing marine cores and isotopes therein) work well on longer timescales and have precisions in the 100-300 year range. Their work illuminates climate behavior back to about 10000 years. Their data set extends into the modern age, but the statistical power for that portion of the set isn’t great, and it’s not what they were looking at in the first place.
Their modern data, which doesn’t have statistical power, does look like there’s a big, sudden swing upward that happens to agree with the very robust data derived from contemporary direct measurements – that the earth is getting hotter rapidly. Their data allow comparisons with this modern direct-measurement data with what the earth has been doing the last 10000 years, and is thus quite valuable.
What cheapshotbob’s boy McKitrick has done is to take the (correct) statement by the real scientists that their data set’s modern sections aren’t robust, and alleging therefore that the upward swing they happen to see (but weren’t looking for) is fraud and therefore all climate science is fraud and therefore drill-baby-drill.
It’s superficial and dishonest and wrong. A lot like cheapshotBob.
For those interested, the original article in Science is here.
Did James attack any DUMMOCRAPT for their ethnicity like Progress Kentucky did on Elaine Chao?
Thanks for playing!
I’ll try to type slowly, because it seems you have a third-grade level understanding of science.
The newer study, by more than 10 years, used better sensing and had a MUCH larger data set:
Moreover, (as I’ve already quoted and you’ve chosen to not assimilate):
You are making one of the classic blunders, the most well know of which is ‘never get involved in a land war in Asia’. Only slightly less well known is this “Don’t compare apples with oranges in an attempt to advance a crackpot drill-baby-drill Intelligent Design agenda.”
The study was not designed to, and cannot, compare possible changes over time. It was a refinement and improvement of the previous survey. You are attempting to hijack the differences in their data to say something that any reputable scientist, or even layperson, would never do.
You are not making on honest point, but merely advancing a political agenda using a toxic combination of dishonesty and stupidity, leavened with cynicism.
Oh, great, piddl is here…speaking of buffoons.
I was looking at the Facebook page for advocacy group All Aboard Washington(formerly Washington Association of Rail Passengers), and the photo of the new trains for Amtrak Cascades looked interesting. They are an improved model, but I noticed something missing, the shark fins. On the 5 existing trainsets, the locomotives are a little higher than the coaches, so on the baggage car, an aerodynamic fairing was added to compensate. I asked about the change, and the answer was the locomotives that will be ordered to replace the F59PHI’ s currently being used, will be a little shorter.They should arrive in Oregon this week.
All arschloch that one is…
How “politically correct” to fire this racist.
Dr. Ben Carson would not approve. Lucky it was just a paper target.. If it was a real breathing person this moron would still have a job!
Well, just like a cockroach, you turn on the lights, and cheapshotBob skitters away…
@67 I’m not against guns. I’m only against you humans having them.
Oh dear, Cereal’s still trying.
just in time there’s thus…
You were asking about the peninsula? And yep, they’ve discovered that the ice sheet in Antarctica is bigger than they once calculated. But the satellites surveys of the gravitational effect of Antarctica show it shrinking year after year. I suppose we could theorize that the soil under the ice sheet is eroding rather than the ice melting.
there’s lots of academic work being done on how the sheet may seem unchanged on the surface while floes and melted runoff end up in the sea unobserved. This melting under the surface phenomenon is something surely you’ve seen during PNW winters?
You remind me of an intelligence design freak. Uh….there’s gaps in the theory so it must be wrong. Trouble is, every few years a new discovery comes along that strengthens the theory not disproves it but you still point to the ever shrinking gaps. Shrinking…see what I did there?
2.8c sea temperature change in just 50 years. I suppose you could cling to “God did it.”
To add to the climate change discussion, on the RealClimate discussion linked above, one poster referenced this letter from the Geology faculty of Western Washington University.
Apparently one of the minority Washington State Senate Republicans who control that chamber, a Doug Ericksen, from Ferndale, head a hearing of the Energy, Environment and Telecommunications Committee and…
Senator Ericksen invited…
This is what the entirety of Dr. Easterbrook’s former department had to say about him and his testimony…
The faculty of the Geology Department have this to say…
Here’s more of their opinion regarding the testimony of their colleague…
Read the whole thing, it’s blistering and unambiguous.
It’s amazing how disciplined the left is when it tries to foist over a hoax like this on the world, eh, Bob?
Shhh… Homeowner defends his home with a gun. Perps eventually died…
Libtard msm not covering it. Perps died by bullet!
Another damn shame… And there is a 70% chance the parents of these three thugs who sexually assaulted this cute young lady are DUMMOCRAPTS! All the DUMMOCRAPTS won their elections BIG TIME!
While we’re all piling on “cheap shot” bob.. I’d thought I’d add a bit more analysis to his fantasy about me being a “glee” fan..
Truth is.. I’ve watched maybe five minutes of the show to see what all the shouting was about.. I was bored with what I saw and never bothered again.. Can’t recall that I ever found any tv show produced by Fox all that interesting but I digress.
Anyway.. The best weapon against a right wing cheap shot is of course REALITY.. I whipped up a report that focused on posting times on Thursdays during the nine pm hour..
For me during 2013:
% b thursatnine -t ylb -y 2013
|datetime | thread |
|2013-03-28T21:03:00+00:00 | 49581 |
As I already reported. For me during 2012 (to conserve space, I’ll paste the last 3 months):
% b thursatnine -t ylb -y 2012
|datetime | thread |
|2012-09-27T21:27:00+00:00 | 46247 |
|2012-10-11T21:39:00+00:00 | 46701 |
|2012-11-01T21:12:00+00:00 | 47461 |
|2012-11-01T21:49:00+00:00 | 47461 |
|2012-11-29T21:58:00+00:00 | 48033 |
|2012-11-29T21:03:00+00:00 | 48039 |
|2012-11-29T21:01:00+00:00 | 48039 |
|2012-11-29T21:48:00+00:00 | 48049 |
So much for “never”. Use the thread number to verify, e.g.
Now for cheap shot Bob:
% b thursatnine -t bob -y 2012
|datetime | thread |
|2012-08-16T21:06:00+00:00 | 45427 |
% b thursatnine -t bob -y 2013
No records found.
Next up! The “salt mining” project examining the Saturday night hate fests of puddymoron.
Oh my it’s so good to be in the “corsshairs” of the unemployed moron ylb. ROTFLRHMBBAO!
BRING IT Schmuck! Proves you are useless to your children.
Aren’t the ‘corsshairs’ what we liberals have a grip on cheapshotBob by?
Yeah typing mistake and Lib da ASSHole jumps all over it. Typical!
Oh C’mon, no show by Fox? Never liked ‘The Simpsons’ or ‘Family Guy’ or ‘Herman’s Head?’ X-Files? Nothing?
Hell, I enjoyed the SHIT out of the Glen Beck freakshow whenever I caught it.
Cry me a fucking river, piddl. I wasn’t correcting you, as you’ve needed in the past, because obviously ‘corsshairs’ was a typo. I was merely riffing off a particularly serendipitous typo. Grow a thicker skin and get a fucking life.
Hey ASSHole, Puddy got a life. Enjoying it immensely! Deal with it.
Meanwhile NY Guv Cuomo claimed no one gonna confiscate anyone lawfully owned guns… Oops… They did!
You won’t find this on Daily Kooks! Well maybe later if they are shamed enough!
Correcting Puddy… you shameless ad hominem ASSHole?
Let’s see the climate change deniers explain this away.
Puddy don’t do tiny URLs anymore.
Correcting? Why, yes. I believe I taught you to spell ‘ad hominem’ sometime back (ylb might be able to precisely find the date). Since then you’ve used it a great deal. It’s very satisfying for a teacher to see a pupil use what you’ve taught them.
Wow whooop dee dooo! Puddy been using ad hominem for a long time, even if Puddy spelled it wrong. And since you claimed Puddy spelled it wrong proves you are not the “genius” who spurred Puddy to use it. The unemployed moron can prove Puddy been using it for a very long time but he won’t. He’s unemployed and not a honest broker!
Sucks to be both of you!
“Puddy has been using ad hominem for a long time.”
I’ll let that James O’Keefe-ian edit and Freudian slip finish off a pretty fun weekend for me. One of the younguns had a birthday.
Poor checkmate… What an idiot. The comment was a continuation from above with Lib da “whatever”. You like Roger can’t follow a thread conversation. You like Roger are moronic.
See ya. Thanks for playing!
Remember those crosshair comments from the libtard media…
Up in Canada, the Official Opposition, the New Democratic Party, held it’s bi-annual policy convention, and one resolution that was proposed 2 years ago, and finally passed this year, was to remove the socialist aspect of the party constitution and replace it with “a role for government in helping to create the conditions for sustainable prosperity.” The party had it’s best ever result in 2011, as Conservative PM Stephen Harper was getting the majority that alluded him 2004(when Paul Martin’s Liberals barely got re-elected with a minority), in 2006(when he defeated PM Martin), and 2008, the NDP had a metoeric rise form 4th to 2nd party in the House of Commons, but this at the expense of the separatist BLoc Quebocois, who went from 50 seats to 5.
Also, in other news from North of the Border, the third party in the House of Commons, the Liberals, elected Justin Trudeau as it’s leader. Yes, he is the son of former PM Pierre Trudeau.
Also upcoming, is the General Election for the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia, and since is a fixed date(May 14, 2013), dissolution of the existing legislature should be any day(a formality since the 2001 election), if it has not happened already(the law just has a deadline for that, no fixed date for the formality).
In 2009, Premier Gordon Campbell’s Liberals won their third term since their party(which unlike the Federal Liberals, is more of a center-right coalition than a party) beat the center-left NDP in 2001, overwhelmingly. The most recent opinion polls have the NDP in the drivers seat this time, going between the high thirties and 51%. THey are benefiting from a leadership change(they picked somebody better than the Liberals, when they had to dump Campbell because his personal approval rating dropped to 9%, and the Liberals as a whole were barely around 20), unpopularity over the Harmonized Sales Tax, and a split on the right between the Liberals, and a growing BC COnservative Party.(That split let the NDP take a special election last year that had been a longtime conservative seat, Chilliawck-Port Hope). Awhile back, a former (Federal) Conservative cabinet member was saying to BC Conservatives to stay with the Liberals, because it could put the NDP back in charge in Victoria. Since BC uses the same Winner Take All system we use, it could be a vote for the Conservatives in a few key swing districts, could be a vote for the NDP.
A little background on the BC Liberals , and it’s history. Other oddities among Canadian political parties, is the ruling party of Alberta, which still carries the Conservative party’s old name, the Progressive Conservatives. They took a beating from the further right Wildrose Alliance, but survived.
Had the referendum passed in 2005,this upcoming election in BC, would have been the second to use proportional representation, but it failed on the supermajority rule. They tried again in 2009, but it lost support. Would have been a good election to see, fighting for lower preference votes from other parties.
Puddy, do you find zero humor in the world?
OT, looks like Maduro is Venezuela’s president. Time for another round of, “We stand for democracy, unless you elect someone too leftist, then you’re a dictatorship” from right-wing commentators. (note to the thick….er….Cereal, that’s NOT an endorsement of Chavez/Maduro.) either that or they hop the bandwagon on Caprilles charges of election Rigging. Election rigging, of course it happens there, Florida….nothing to see here…move along.
Yep, Pointing out Lib da schmucks ad hominem attacks are P R I C E L E S S posts.
Thanks for playing!
I know on the internet ‘no one knows you’re a dog’, but really, are you 11 years old?
The inevitable ‘I know you are but what am I’ from you when you get schooled is like time-traveling back to the 5th grade.
Checkmate… Puddy sees humor in the world all the time. Puddy is all over the world all the time. Puddy not stuck in Seattle like most HA libtards needing your left wrong thoughts reinforced every day by like minded libtards. Puddy can walk into libtard cities and conservative “flyover” locations and discuss life and does every month.
Puddy was in a conservative location last week and will be again this week. Ask the unemployed moron ylb cuz where Puddy is as he’s always following Puddy. He’s HA’s biggest Puddy follower. If HA had hashtags, unemployed moron ylb wold be the president. Go back and review post #84. He announced when Puddy was in Korea. Puddy feels right at home and sees the humor in libtard led cities and conservative locations. Puddy believes in God so Puddy happy much of every day.
See ya checkmate. Thanks for playing.
Nope R U? They way you go off the handle and attack anyone who looks at your commentary and rejects it is P R I C E L E S S! Screaming and shouting cuz someones doesn’t agree with Lib da schmucko.
Schooled…? HEHEHEHEH. No test tubes to clean today? No climate web sites to scour for the latest hockey stick?
Proving my point. It was a joke. And you appeared to get super defensive about it. And then you followed it up with a couple hundred word non sequitur. A humorless non sequitur I might add.
checkmate… Maduro has been taking Obummer to task. Did you forget he wholeheartedly agreed with Chavez? Did you forget Maduro was Chavez’ hand picked successor? Probably Sean Penn approved. That’s a scary thought!
Oh sure… Nothing you write is a joke… That was your standard Puddy attack. BTW everything in that post is the truth. Wanna review the HA commentary over the years on “flyover” country? Wanna see the unemployed moron ylb announcing Puddy was in Seoul again checkmate? Truth to a libtard is always a non sequitor.
Thanks for playing. Glad you counted the words! ROTFLRHMBBAO!
…is followed by…
piddl, proving my points, day in, day out, while remaining blissfully unaware. Perhaps ‘clueless’ is more apt.
Piddl, now that you’re bragging again about all your travel, and how we’re all fascinated by it (*eye roll*) I’ll ask, are you still permitted to rent ‘full size’ cars by your employer? Still staying on Marriott ‘concierge’ floors?
I get such a kick out of your clueless bragging about petty indulgences of faux luxury granted you by your employer.
I love it, I just love it.
Yep, you miss the point again. They had an election. Maduro won. We, the U.S. need to deal with that NOT support a military coup. Overthrowing governments is the kind of thing that into trouble around the world. It may take 20-30 years but once the people hate you it’s hard to win them back.
I don’t support Hamas. But I recognize that when the citizens of Palestine were given a fair vote Hamas won.
It’s the hypocrisy stupid. This little country of ours is a beacon of light for democracy around the world. Uhhhh…unless your democracy elected a group we don’t like then we’ll levy more sanctions or try to overthrow your government. I mean, how dare you pervert the democratic process by electing socialist leaders?
Puddy is glad to be “blissfully unaware”. Being “aware” and have to think like you is wery wery scary!
Thanks for playing.
checkmate… who has the presidency, Bush or Obummer? Your insipid commentary above is hilarious. Downright humorous.
You don’t support Hamas… That’s nice. Puddy doesn’t support Fatah either. Sadly that was missing in your above commentary.
Heh. Couldn’t see that one coming .
Oh, god, piddl needs more help with diction, again.
And Lib da schmuck missed the rest of the story…. Bush is NOT president, so any coup would come from inside Obummer’s sadministration! Of course that was missed by Lib da schmucko. Thinking is not his forte!
Puddy glad Lib da schmucko is the diction police. Keep it up!
Piddles, oh master of history. What president was in power and materially supported the Venezuelan military coup in 2002 that lasted 48 hours before Chavez was back in power? If you can’t follow, please go sit in the corner and be a good boy.
As soon as Palestinians actually ELECT fatah then we should deal with them. When Hamas won, the Bush administration could have set conditions on Hamas under which peace talks could commence. Conditions that you and I probably agree Hamas would not have accepted. But instead the Bush Administration immediately declared Hamas unacceptable and refused even the slightest diplomatic relations (See…How dare you have a Democratic vote and not elect our favorite guy. Kind of undermines the notion that the U.S. supports democracy, no?) Did Hamas offer a truce for pre 1967 borders in a letter to Bush? Yes. Was that acceptable to Isreal? No. But rather use that as a starting point and make a slight effort to bring about peace the Bush Administration refused to reply in any way. The answer was, in short, we will never ever listen to anything Hamas has to offer. Democratically elected Hamas if you aren’t keeping up.
This is actual history.
And why was Hamas unacceptable checkmate, voted in or not, oh historical genius? You call the Palestinian vote democratic when they execute those who speak out against one party or the other? Sounds like similar words of libtards like Michael Moore and Orlando Jones!
And why was that rejected checkmate?
Unacceptable. In the same way Sinn Fein was unacceptable?
Still waiting for the real reason checkmate.
@94 No problem.;dur=68
What’s your next excuse for not looking at it?
@110 Have a problem with with Venezuelans choosing their own leader? Think we should choose one for them? In which case, wouldn’t it also be fair if they chose ours?
Wow.. I was blown away by Puddyfool’s Sat Night hate fests..
It’s going to make for an entertaining blog post.
See world relations is a subtle thing. There were ways of isolating Hamas that wouldn’t have signaled to the Middle East that the Bush administration wasn’t remotely serious about spreading Democracy or Peace.
Debating if Hamas being elected is good or bad is pointless. It’s cheap posturing on an issue we probably agree.
Corrected and improved.
Bring it unemployed moron ylb. Show everyone of us how you selfishly spend all day on a couch at home when you could be employed improving your children’s life. Show us how you would rather have your wife work hard while you lard ASS away everyday. Bring it.
You are one hateful piece of shit, piddl. What would your Jesus say about such a post? Would he approve?