Letterman: Biden one-ups Clinton on gay marriage.
Young Turks: Can Colbert’s sister defeat Mark “Hiking the Appalachian Trail” Sanford?
White House: West Wing Week.
The Makeover:
- Young Turks: GOP insultingly wonders why minorities don’t like them.
- Sharpton: The ‘narrow minded, stuffy old White Men’ of the GOP respond to Reince Preibus.
- Bill Press on the G.O.P. “makeover”.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: State Republicans ignore national ‘minority push’, double down on voter suppression.
- Sharpton: GOP’s talk of change is all hot air
Maddow: Obama receives Israel’s highest civilian distinction.
Pap: FAUX News is coming to your child’s public school classroom.
Obama to designate San Juan Islands National Monument:
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Liberal Viewer: Deportation over a barking dog?
Michael Shure: Hillary dominates for 2016.
This IS your Grandfather’s CPAC:
- Susie Sampson’s Teaparty Report: CPAC.
- Thom: CPAC race panel “goes wild”.
- Michael Brooks: Why are Republicans going extinct?
- Young Turks: Slavery defender at CPAC gets pat on back.
- Sam Seder: Tea Party panel turns racist at CPAC.
- Red State Update: CPAC, New Pope, Rob Portman, and Michael Moore.
- Ann Telnaes: Sen. Ted Cruz delivers keynote CPAC address.
- Young Turks: Republicans lose War on Gay Marriage at CPAC.
Young Turks: A G.O.P. catfight!
Ann Telnaes: A new coat of paint for Gitmo.
Maddow: Misstated positions betray lack of seriousness on policy.
Shuster: Paul Ryan’s budget slashes social programs and cuts taxes for millionaires.
Thom: More Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Mark Fiore: Deficit Hawk Man!
The Tenth Anniversary:
- Sam Seder with Becky Bond: Reliving Iraq 10 years ago.
- Young Turks: FAUX News uber-fail on Iraq Invasion.
- Maddow: Bush administration officials unrepentant over Iraq War.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Crimes against humanity.
- Sam Seder: Re-living George W. Bush’s invasion of Iraq
- Young Turks: Dying Veteran’s last letter to Bush and Cheney.
- Sharpton: After 10 years, Republicans still denying the criminality of a falsified invasion
- Rummy tweets asking for respect & gratitude for him & fellow Iraq war criminals
- Thom: Time for our media to offer us—and the people of Iraq—an apology.
- Sam Seder: Media fails on who was right and who was wrong in Iraq Invasion.
- Young Turks: Was it worth it?
Tina Fey channels a certain half-term Governor.
Young Turks: Trump versus Malkin for battle of the clowns.
Andy Cobb: CNN Do-Over:
Ann Telnaes: Republicans rethink gay marriage.
Bachmann Bluster Overdrive:
- Alex Wagner: Michele Bachmann’s big fat food stamp lie.
- Sharpton: In 2013, Bachmann still vows to tear down Obamacare.
- Michele Bachman is in trouble.
- Maddow: House Tea Party caucus appears to be dead.
- Recovery Act:Latest in Michele Bachmann’s infrastructure hypocrisy
Netanyahu sets US conservatives straight on ‘anti-Israel’ Obama.
Young Turks: Newt and Santorum for president?
Thom: The effect of the sequester on small businesses.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
I thought Israel’s highest civilian distinction was “Righteous Among Nations.”
What will HA troll puddysilly do?
@ 2
Masturbate furiously to YouTube videos of nuclear explosions and the pictures of dead babies in Iraq.
Liberals behaving badly.
• Caitlin B. Haycock, 24, is charged with a misdemeanor for signing her name and both her parents’ names to a Walker recall petition on Nov 15, 2011. Haycock said she told the petition circulator she wanted to sign for her parents, retired teachers who were then out of the country, according to a complaint.
The circulator, Jenny Wanasek, 64, also was charged with a misdemeanor for accepting the signatures from Haycock. Wanasek said she would have to turn away while Haycock signed her parents’ names, Haycock told investigators. Wanasek said she later had second thoughts but forgot to cross out the signatures before turning in the petitions.
Haycock’s parents, Virginia Hirsch and Mitch Haycock, separately signed Walker recall petitions on their own, the complaint said.
Heh. Daily Caller tied to Menendez hookers.
@ 4
So does that mean you would have no issue with Busting Timmeh the Timer for the same thing?
Guess what?
Washington’s senior Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) took the reigns as the Chairwoman of the Senate Budget Committee 3 months ago and today she successfully led the Senate to pass its first budget in 4 years..
Rejoice trolls. A Washington state Democrat has delivered what you’ve asked for.
7 – Reneging Bob looks thrilled.. One look at Steve’s “Menendez fucking” link and he turned tail and ran..
Very strange behavior from Bob for an !!Underage Hookers!! link.
@7 Don’t waste your efforts, Mike. They’re all having a circle jerk telling each other she’s a stupid one-term wonder.
March 23rd!!!
Happy 3 year anniversary to ObamaCare!
(a.k.a. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act)
Still a BFD.
ps. Whatever happened to “repeal and replace”? Have the Republicans come up with a replacement in 3 years? lol
Walking While Black in New York
via Atrios
Puffy, the religious being that he is, must love this story.
Have you heard of SWATing? It’s where someone,using a disposable cell phone, calls the cops and tell them something like a guy with a gun is holding hostages at some address the SWATer targets. Naturally,the cops sen out the SWAT team, and those goons pretty much behave badly at the target address. Typical, given the cops’ tendency to pretend they’re actually military forces in hostile territory.
Needless to say, this is a potential disaster in every case. Why don’t we just get rid of these SWAT teams? The police don’t need to pretend they’re special forces troops any more than we need to be harassed by zealots with police badges.
That CNN Do-over clip was funny. I particularly enjoyed to line where the CNN narrator say, “We’ve got Piers Morgan. Do you think we give a shit if you watch?”
@13 No I hadn’t but I’m not surprised. Easy to do and little chance of getting caught.
Get rid of SWAT? I’m all for it. Waste of money and extremely dangerous to have around.
But, but, I thought pipelines were perfectly safe… Even the evil, greeny, socialist in the White House said that pipelines are safe. And while we’re busy ignoring reality let’s ignore what the pinch in gasoline supplies in Spokane’s going do and the fact that many of our gasoline pipelines are very old and in poor repair.
@ 5
Figueroa has not responded to requests for comment.
The account that Dominican authorities said they received from Figueroa could not be independently confirmed by The Washington Post.
Meanwhile, the FBI continues to investigate Menendez, and moved its investigation from Florida to New Jersey.
Lemme know when you get a comment from Harry Reid expressing confidence that his friend Robert Menendez will be fully exonerated, Steve. You know, something perhaps more helpful than
“That’s all I’m going to say,” Reid responded, cutting off the questions. “I’m not going to say anything.”
@17 Just won’t give up on a fabricated rightwing smear of a Democratic politician, will you? That’s okay, Bob; you have no credibility here anyway.
British police are investigating the unexplained death of a 67-year-old Russian oligarch who fled Russian and granted political asylum after a falling-out with Russian leader Vladimir Putin. The deceased was a close friend of another Russian exile who was murdered by polonium poisoning.
From 19,
The Russians haven’t changed in centuries. They were taught how to run a country by Viking invaders and Mongol hordes. Plus the Germans had some input, too.
You can bet your bottom dollar that Putin and his ilk are behind the deaths of these Russian expatriates.
@20 Ten Years After,
Not that Putin is anything to be happy about, but Berezovsky was no angel. He got his billions like every other Russian oligarch after the disintegration, he stole them.
And you are lucky no one took the bet for your bottom dollar, because Boris Berezovsky committed suicide. It is known as “Ностальги”.
From 21,
Yep, it was suicide. He went wading in concert sneakers and got in over his head!!
But seriously, I bet Putin & Company he something to do with the deaths of anyone who dared criticize Putin, and this guy Berezovsky was pretty darn critical of Putin.
The Russians are pretty serious about stifling dissent.
Do you folks, particularly cheapshotBob, know who said this, and about whom he was talking?
It was douchebag Tucker Carlson, late of breathless Menendez hooker “scandal” reporting, and he was defending the morally unassailable David Vitter, the diaper-hooker Republican dude, er, Senator.
See here.
@13, @15 William F. Buckley wrote a piece in the National Review back when he was still running it, in which he pointed out the ill effects of big munitions companies’ marketing efforts to police in comparative peacetime (I think it was early in Bill Clinton’s watch). To paraphrase his punch line, there was once a time when a husband and wife had a spat he’d throw a piece of Grandma’s china against the wall and go to the corner bar for a couple beers, and if got far beyond that, the local beat cop would politely knock on the door and tell everyone to cool it. Now, every hick town police department has a “kinky-weapons” unit and Dad vents his anger by knocking Mom around, tying up the kids and barricading himself inside the house shooting passers-by.
What Bill’s thesis points up, aside from what he might have intended, is that even law-enforcement professionals get it wrong–so what does that say about some clown whose “training” doesn’t consist of much more than which end of a gun is which, who thinks he can do better?
@ 23
Yeah, Vitter’s an embarrassment. Granted.
‘scept, Vitter’s crime was showing up in a client list, IIRC, right? No FBI investigation. No raids on the medical offices of fatcat contributors for whom he repeatedly went to bat.
Menendez is under investigation for something other than sex. If it were just about sex, fellow Dems would be far more openly supportive of him.
Just like they supported Anthony Wiener… Makes a lot of sense…
Do we file this one under “makes you look pretty fucking stupid” ????
Pluto boy picking on Serial Conservative again.
Hey Pluto boy? Find a job yet?
27 – Lots of family/skygod time in this number:
% b cs -t puddymoron -c
| count |
| 37433 |
1 row in set
I’d ask if you’ve got a life yet.. But this life don’t matter much to whackjobs like you. As long as your weekend “premium” is paid up and you murmur the right words to the sky.
Don’t bother with worldy things – a shit load of babbling to the sky (from your ilk anyway) didn’t do much to change last Nov 6.
Puddy got a life Pluto boy. Got a job yet? Keep babbling about Nov 6th. That’s last year. We’re discussing this year. Got a job yet? Why are you punishing your children?
No such person as puddymoron… only in your dreams!
29 – LOL!! I forgot..
The fool is here to psych himself before it’s
“back to the salt mines” time…
Tell the “union thug” I said hello.
Sure there is:
% b cs -t puddymoron -d 2013-02-23 -s 201302
*************** 1. row ***************
body: Bob Woodward, well known
conservativeliberal writer of the WA Post:The president and Lew had this wrong. My extensive reporting for my book “The Price of Politics” shows that the automatic spending cuts were initiated by the White House and were the brainchild of Lew and White House congressional relations chief Rob Nabors — probably the foremost experts on budget issues in the senior ranks of the federal government.Obama personally approved of the plan for Lew and Nabors to propose the sequester to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.). They did so at 2:30 p.m. July 27, 2011, according to interviews with two senior White House aides who were directly involved.See you leftist morons in a few months. Back to traveling the world.
datetime: 2013-02-23T21:13:00+00:00
handle: Puddybud
tag: puddymoron
type: h
url: http://horsesass.org/?p=49250#comment-1215430
1 row in set
Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi!
Reuters – Lawmakers are reconsidering a 1990 law that makes the State Department accept the lowest bids for contracts to provide private security at most U.S. diplomatic posts, a requirement that can lead to the hiring of thousands of guards based on how cheap they are rather than their quality.
Concerns about the policy, which was aimed at cutting costs, were heightened by the assault on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya, last September, in which U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans were killed. None of the local guards was outside the lightly defended complex when it was overrun by militants, according to the results of a U.S. government inquiry.
Fifteen months earlier, at the heavily guarded U.S. Embassy in Pakistan – a walled compound within a gated diplomatic enclave – dozens of local guards refused to work for three days. The strike over pay and benefits potentially put security at risk, the U.S. State Department inspector general’s office said in an audit in February 2012.
Spuddy, if you really think your job sucking the shit out of peoples asses is something to be proud of…
Speaking of, are you still so ashamed of having sucked shit from that loser Rmoney that you can’t bear to hear anyone mention Nov. 6 last year?
How sad.
That’s your job. Stop that Psych 101 Projection!
Who was in control of Congress in 1990? DUMMOCRAPTS! Who was in control of the Senate in 1990? DUMMOCRAPTS!
Richard Gephardt & George Mitchell
Nuff said sucka!
02/23/2013 at 9:13 pm – no puddymoron there you jackASS unemployed idiot Pluto boy.
Everyone can see in the next post where your name Pluto boy came from
Accusing your accuser, the last refuge of spuddy the shit sucking liar.
You need to get over the shame and humiliation you feel at having sucked shit out of a losers ass.
Start by going out and making an honest living.
They say money isn’t everything but whatever’s second is far behind. Well being a billionaire doesn’t do you any good if you’re dead.
@37 “Start by going out and making an honest living.”
Not me. I’m a capitalist.
@27 ” … picking on Serial Conservative again.”
That’s what you trolls are here for. Didn’t you know that?
This is something interesting, a conservative blogger from New Mexico posting a letter to Republican Elites that attack passenger rail. Reminds me, the late Paul Weyrich(who I disagreed with on everything else), was a supporter of rail, and made a conservative case for it.(In Reconnecting America’s Street Smarts: Streetcars in the 21st Century, he had two pages making the case)
Warning, the above link does have some strong language. One thing mentioned, was the alternative to flying, that included mentioning aviation security issues. Reminded me of one of the points in Fred Failey(transportation reporter and author) mentioned in his book “Twilight of the Great Trains”(which I just bought the second edition of, which included a chapter on the optimistic Illinois Central, Abraham Lincoln’s railroad). In the chapter about the Seaboard Coast Line, they mentioned that one of the reasons SCL’s traffic base, the Northeast to Florida market, held up, was the fact that I-95 had not been built yet, and the SCL’s trains did not have the unscheduled stop in Havana(in the late 1960s, that was a possibility, and Frailey reminded the younger readers that that was a regular occurrence at the time). The railroad that would have probably have given Amtrak something to worry about if it had declined to join, was the Santa Fe, The still had a very substantial passenger network in 1971, and the decision was a tough one. Although in the late 1950s, the Santa Fe had began combining the mostly pullman Super Chief, and all coach El Capitan into one train in the off season, but up until the late 1960s, Train 17 as the super train was numbered, ran in two sections in the Summer. Frailey added in his book, the Santa Fe just did not know how to run a substandard service.
To clarify, I meant the airlines having that unscheduled stop in Havana in the late 1960s. Although one railroad once got as close as Key West, and named their train the Havana Special(Florida East Coast).
And who was President?
If I were to be as superficial as the moran™ PUTZ, I’d say Bush was responsible for Benghazi because he signed the bill.
If I was a bit less superficial, I’d suspect some REPUGNANT turd in congress slipped a provision into an appropriations bill to divert the money to a Bridge to Nowhere.
Ah, Hell. I believe in REPUGNANT conspiracies. They planned this out in advance to stain the Obama presidency which they knew was coming because they found the Kenyan birth certificate.
Sure is amazing the lives of HA libtards.
Some are into scat.
Others are into goats.
Others masquerade as rabbits.
Strange HA libtard individual leftist lemmings.
You mean Robert Byrd and his Pork Droppings.
Ahhh yes libtards like ekim love to remember Ted Stevens’ Bridge to Nowhere but good old Robert Byrd gets a pass. Puddy doesn’t!
Robert C. Byrd Drive, from Beckley to Sophia (Byrd’s hometown)
Robert C. Byrd National Technology Transfer Center at Wheeling Jesuit University
Robert C. Byrd Highway
Robert C. Byrd Federal Correctional Institution
Robert C. Byrd High School
Robert C. Byrd Freeway
Robert C. Byrd Center for Hospitality and Tourism
Robert C. Byrd Science Center
Robert C. Byrd Health Sciences Center of West Virginia
Robert C. Byrd Cancer Research Center
Robert C. Byrd Technology Center at Alderson-Broaddus College
Robert C. Byrd Hardwood Technologies Center, near Princeton
Robert C. Byrd Bridge between Huntington and Chesapeake, Ohio
Robert C. Byrd addition to the lodge at Oglebay Park, Wheeling
Robert C. Byrd Community Center, Pine Grove
Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarships
Robert C. Byrd Expressway, U.S. 52 near Weirton
Robert C. Byrd Institute in Charleston
Robert C. Byrd Institute for Advanced Flexible Manufacturing
Robert C. Byrd Visitor Center at Harpers Ferry National Historic Park
Robert C. Byrd Federal Courthouse
Robert C. Byrd Academic and Technology Center
Robert C. Byrd United Technical Center
Robert C. Byrd Federal Building (there are two)
Robert C. Byrd Hilltop Office Complex
Robert C. Byrd Library and Robert C. Byrd Learning Resource Center
Robert C. Byrd Rural Health Center
Robert C. Byrd Clinical Addition to the veteran’s hospital in Huntington
Robert C. Byrd Industrial Park, Hardy County
Robert C. Byrd Scholastic Recognition Award
Robert C. Byrd Community Center in the naval station, Sugar Grove
Robert C. Byrd Clinic at the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine
Robert C. Byrd Biotechnology Science Center at Marshall University
“West Virginia has always had four friends,” Byrd said, “God Almighty, Sears Roebuck, Carter’s Liver Pills, and Robert C. Byrd.”
“When I was a member of the West Virginia House of Delegates 51 years ago, West Virginia had four miles of divided highway. Four miles.’ Today West VA. has about 37,000 miles of highway.
So? There was 55 DUMMOCRAPTS in the Senate and they had a big majority in the House.
Patty Murray’s lovely debt loading senate budget barely passed 50-49. Must have been a real winner!
Bipartisan rejection! Flubscout has no comment
LOL!! I type “puddymoron” in my database query and out spews YOUR SUCKASS SWILL…
Coded it that way – for my own entertainment.
IT’s YOU and it will always be YOU! Till the HA server goes cold and BEYOND!
What a dummy! So blind..
Of course our lives are amazing. We have a lot of FUN! Watching the slow death spiral of the right wing in this country!
You and your ilk are hopelessly depressed and boring.. See last Nov 6.
Why are you here stupid? Why do you “like this blog”?
It’s to be like a middle school tag along.. To warm your miserable self in our reflected glory!
The juiciest turn of the worm is that the very hate Fox News nurtured and grew, is now trying to destroy it.
Imagine that. Faux News is “too liberal” for some people.
!!Bengahzi!! !!Illegals!!
@46 Think of all the jobs Byrd brought to his district! Jobs good! Unemployment bad! Yay for Byrd!
Nice article on the poor record of energy prediction/punditry:
Right wing dings who are in thrall to fracking and tar sands pipelines might learn something..
heh.. NOT!
Seriously, it’d be much better if a lot more people no matter their politics could work together to support cleaner alternatives to the fossil fuels whose filth is choking the planet.
Exactly Pluto boy… your unemployed filth continues to pollute HA.
Get a job ya moron!
54 – The salt miner is back to spew his right wing filth..
$1.5 Billion to Egypt
$0.5 Billion to Palestinians
Guess the sequester is only for the common folk who barely voted for Obummer!
This unemployed moron@55 sits on HA lurking 24 hours a day!
56 – How much to Israel O dumbass?
Why not give them less? The “chosen people” FAILED to depose your hated “community organizer”.
Numbers speak for themselves O right wing moron.
Who is puddymoron unemployed ID10T Pluto boy? Must be your imagination!
Seeing things from a different perspective…
Are you really that dumb?
Tell you what. For the longest time, I’ve wanted it to be all of the following and more: puddyidiot, puddydumbass, puddyshitforbrains, puddynuthinbetweentheears..
You’ve reaped what you’ve sown. Maybe for your sake I’ll make it happen sooner rather than later.
Look in the magic mirror and and your question will be answered.
One part of the Higher speed rail construction in several states that is not making the news, is that states are pooling resources for a better deal. A couple of Midwest states did that earlier for coaches, with California(although not a Midwest state, it’s current Surfliner coach is perfect for the short-haul runs in the Midwest like Chicago-St. LOUIS, Chicago-Detroit, Chicago-Carbondale, and new services coming such as Chicago-Dubuque, Iowa),and now they and Washington are doing the same with Locomotives, and Illinois taking the lead.
No posts from anyone with that name.
Since you can’t find one of those XXX Spews: comments anywhere with a date and time link, it really sucks to be you and that EPIC FAYLE databaze.
Thanks for playing unemployed moronic lunatic Pluto boy!
@65 So you deny we’re calling you names that irritate you so much you refuse to acknowledge we’re calling you those names, puddynutz?
@65 You call me “dumb” so I don’t see why I shouldn’t call you a “moron” and “idiot.” Nobody is entitled to special privileges on this blog. This is a democratic blog.
Conservatives say they believe in equality of opportunity, not equality of result. I’m good with that. Give sons of Arkansas chicken farmers the same opportunities as sons of Wall Street traders and we’re good to go.
DUMB Wabbit @65 and 67, do you remember Cuyahoga County, Ohio? How about Stafford County, Virginia? Remember your factless attacks? Oh you don’t… Well ask the unemployed Pluto boy. He has those two wonderful comments cached! Who cares what you call Puddy. That’s not the point here. That’s why Puddy calls you the DUMB Wabbit! FACTS are not your strong point anymore, just useless swill!
Regarding those names Pluto boy used… Pluto boy claimed puddymoron was a name Puddy blogged under in his crazed databaze. NOT TRUE… therefore unemployed Pluto boy is a bald face liar.
Here’s da proof: % b cs -t puddymoron -d 2013-02-23 -s 201302
datetime: 2013-02-23T21:13:00+00:00
handle: Puddybud
tag: puddymoron
type: h
You see Puddy’s handle, yet he claims % b cs -t puddymoron is what Puddy blogs under. That is not Puddy except in Pluto boy’s imagination!
Puddy sees type h: – h for hero worship! Pluto boy is PWN’d by Puddy!
See ya DUMB Wabbit… Thanks for playing again!
Oh lookie here… James Clyburn is following in the footsteps of Robert C. Byrd.
@69 Doesn’t take much to get a rise from you, does it? And you call me “dumb”?
69 – Give it up you STUPID MORON…
When did I ever say this? Yes, it’s true you blog AS a “puddymoron”.
But I explained this so long ago..
Folks here we witness a mental deficiency unique to the right wing degnerates.
WDM squared..
72 – “Wingnut”, excuse me..
Nice catch for a WDM squared sufferer.. Yes, that’s a strange anomaly there..
It will be corrected – believe me..
Notice unemployed Pluto boy will not provide any proof? Unemployed Pluto boy has the crazed databaze. He can’t provide one date or time entry.
Corrected? You created it unemployed Pluto moron boy. It’s your crazed databaze.
BTW did you ever take that “test”?
Lying sack of unemployed shit. Maybe that’s why he’s unemployed!
Won’t answer the simple questions posed earlier. So let’s ask them again… Time to step up unemployed fool!
1) Didn’t mamma teach you anything?
2) Why are you not working and providing like most men for their families?
3) Aren’t you a man? With your avatar it seems you aren’t a man, playing with “dolls”!
4) Why is Mrs SEIU the bread winner while you lounge away everyday on HA?
5) Does the skirt fit so well you love it?
6) Doesn’t know when to use curl vs. wget?
Will Pluto boy “man up” and explain his unemployed position. Why does he lounge at home on HA all day while Mrs SEIU slaves hard each day bring home da bread to keep electricity running for his fetid commentaries?
So sad so sad a sack of horse manure.
Thanks for playing today Pluto boy.
Awwww did Puddy spank the DUMB Wabbit? Awwww. Just pointing out your great factless commentaries Puddy has cataloged as DUMB Wabbit Comedy.
Remember your definition of “IF”? You can ask unemployed Pluto Boy for that missive too!
The USA should invade America and win over the hearts and minds of the locals by building roads, schools, bridges and putting the locals to work.
@76 “Awwww did Puddy spank the DUMB Wabbit?”
In your dreams.
@77 That’s a damn good idea. Why didn’t Dubya think of that?
Pud, can I ask you something? Why do you work? I mean, really, what’s so great about working? Well, anyway, it’s time for me to get my beauty sleep! It looks like the stock market will go up again tomorrow, so I’ll probably make another $2,000 before I wake up; but, who knows, I might have a bad day and make only $1,500. Cya sucka!
That’s right stupid.. It’s mine and mine to correct when there’s a bug:
% b cs -t puddymoron -d 2013-02-23
*************** 1. row ***************
body: Bob Woodward, well known
conservativeliberal writer of the WA Post:The president and Lew had this wrong. My extensive reporting for my book “The Price of Politics” shows that the automatic spending cuts were initiated by the White House and were the brainchild of Lew and White House congressional relations chief Rob Nabors — probably the foremost experts on budget issues in the senior ranks of the federal government.Obama personally approved of the plan for Lew and Nabors to propose the sequester to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.). They did so at 2:30 p.m. July 27, 2011, according to interviews with two senior White House aides who were directly involved.See you leftist morons in a few months. Back to traveling the world.
datetime: 2013-02-23T21:13:00+00:00
handle: Puddybud
tag: puddymoron
type: t
url: http://horsesass.org/?p=49250#comment-1215430
1 row in set:
Happy now? I sure am. Thanks for pointing that out dummy!
Oh yeah. I passed. I’m sane..
You failed.. Not even the “chosen people” could give you the slightest bit of relief from your own insanity.
HA! Projecting again.. Is Prof Darryl “lying” here?
Remember what Lee said..
Blah, blah, blah… I asked questions of you first.. No worries. I don’t expect any answers.. You’re too desperate running from reality to face the truth about your degenerate ideology.
@41 I had a conversation a week ago with a lovely lady from Germany in which I learned something interesting, and a bit disappointing. It seems that at least in her native country, the memory some of us older Yanks may cling to of bumming all over the Continent on a Eurailpass is just that. She reported that there are still comfortable, convenient and very fast trains going all over the place, but the fares have risen to where it’s considerably cheaper to fly.
By comparison, I guess I’ll choose to be content with our more sluggish (but cheaper) Amtrak.
Poor Poor unemployed Pluto boy. Your link refers to:
7. Puddybud spews:
See ya unemployed Pluto boy moron. Puddy has some money to make.
type: t – terrific in dealing with unemployed left wrong moron fools such as Pluto boy.
Thanks for playing.
Nuff of this… Don’t worry world unemployed Pluto boy will want the last word.
Sniff, what is that smell?