Thom: Conservatives are the new Taliban.
Ann Telnaes: Jeb Bush thinks history will be kind to his brother.
Sam Seder: Are Ron Paul’s gold investments being wiped out?
Scott Prouty…The Man Behind the 47% Video:
- Bashir: Scott Prouty
- Maddow: Scott Prouty, I
- Maddow: Scott Prouty, II
- Ed: The Interview, Part I
- Ed: The Interview, Part II
- Ed: The Interview, Part III
- Ed: The Interview, Part IV
- Ed: The Interview, Part V
- Matt Binder: Bill Clinton inspired Romney 47% videographer.
White House: West Wing Week.
Maddow: Ground Hog Day again:
Thom: Republicans have finally found voter fraud…in Ohio.
Mark Fiore: Mr. Blasty goes to Washington.
Ezra Klein: MD kills death penalty.
Sam Seder: The politics of social security cuts.
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Sam Seder: Mitch McConnell is feeling the heat over gun legislation.
Liberal Viewer: FAUX News spin on bin Laden’s son-in-law.
Rob Portman’s Change of Heart:
- Sam Seder: Republican is against gay rights until it is HIS son.
- Young Turks: Sen. Portman’s big shift.
- SlateTV: Sen. Rob Portman has a change of heart.
- Sam Seder: If only Rob Portman’s son was about to go on Social Security!
The Onion Week in Review.
Pap: Right wing hate groups turn violent.
Sam Seder: Katherine Harris updates Sam on Michele Bachmann and things:
Alex Wagner and friends: The Patty Murray budged versus the Paul Ryan budget.
The CPAC Comedy Show:
- Young Turks: Lapierre’s paranoid CPAC fantasies
- Ed and Pap: a cabal of crazies…
- John Fugelsang and a panel of Democrats on CPAC.
- Alex Wagner and friends: Republican still living in the past.
- Young Turks: No new ideas! Really.
- Al Sharpton: The Conservative Party of the Year!
- Ann Telnaes: CPAC looks to the future.
- Young Turks: The Biggest Fail at CPAC.
Tina Dupuy: Jeb Bush says there is no Bush baggage.
Sam Seder: Ted Cruz vs. Dianne Feinstein on assault weapons ban.
Young Turks: Republican–we won’t vote for the Black guy in the White House.
Thom with some Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
This is being billed as “the greatest obituary of all time.” I’m not sure it’s that, but as a connoisseur of literature, I recommend it.
Yes, it’s gone viral on the inner tubes.
What’s a “budged”? Is that a type of pet bird?
@ 1 RR
Yeah, thats a hellava obit.
Hard to match that one with anything.
It wasn’t so long ago that Gabby Giffords was running for re-election to Congress and needed some gun cred.
AR-15s were cool, then.
Cool enough to be photographed with and to have that photo used by her campaign.
The photo was taken at a gun range “facility” in Tucson. According my source, Giffords personally requested the photograph after shooting the AR-15.
Why is Giffords smiling? She’s smiling because she loves her big ole “assault riffle,” the AR-15. The same gun Kelly recently bought in Tucson? Yep.
A little irony for you HA libbies. The photo shows Gabby Giffords using an AR-15 as a pawn for political purposes. These days, people with political purposes are using Gabby Giffords as a pawn.
Sad but true.
So Boner Bob thinks Gabby Giffords is being used. Oh my. How tragic.
Never mind her own near fatal shooting. Never mind the other 12 injured and 6 dead. All by one right wing crazy that was stopped only after his gun finally ran out of bullets.
And you and your right wing crazies think she is a hypocrite because she was photographed with an AR-15 before she was gunned down?
Artur Davis gave a pretty good speech for a Republican. I didn’t see it as a “Minstrel Show”. However, looking at the audience, thoughts of “Freak Show” came to mind. Just kidding. More like, “Amway Convention”.
After Ted Cruz spoke I was going to write that he has the strangest eyes in politics. Sigh! Then he was followed by Sarah Palin.
So Mark Kelly, retired American astronaut, U.S. Navy Captain and naval aviator who flew combat missions during the Gulf War, American hero, took his wife to a shooting range. They took a photograph.
“Why is Giffords smiling? She’s smiling because she loves her big ole “assault riffle,” the AR-15. The same gun Kelly recently bought in Tucson? Yep.”
Um, it’s not hers. It belongs to the shooting range. Before it’s over that’s the only place you’re gonna be able to shoot one of those, Bob.
“The photo shows Gabby Giffords using an AR-15 as a pawn for political purposes.”
As far as I can tell, you’re the only one doing that, you and your radio show host. Your host says that Kelly is manipulating his wife who is not cogent enough to know any better, and writing scripts for her to mindlessly read, and he’s doing this to advance his political ambitions.
Your wingnut source didn’t back up any of the shit he pulled from his ass and neither have you.
I donno, being shot might give a person a different perspective on things.
Does serial Conn have a problem with people changing who change their minds? romney used to do it two or three times in a press conference.
America wants prudent gun regulation.
A look at Portman, wingnuts and narcissism. Portman gets slapped in the face and yet it affects him on only that one issue. Good for Portman, his son and that one issue, but this sheds a light on how wingnuts struggle to connect with people they don’t know and whose problems they don’t share.
A couple of tid-bits.
Same old, same old.
It’s like Nancy Reagan coming around on stem cell research when ‘Ronnie’ was obviously afflicted with Alzheimer’s.
It seems to be a common trait among conservatives – not giving a shit, or worse, taking ungenerous positions because it will appeal to other haters – until you are affected personally.
Seems to denote a profound lack of empathy.
Don’t bother with cheapshotBob’s posts, steve. That thing he linked to was totally incoherent, and cheapshot’s posts are nothing more than deceptive, wheedling, obnoxious comments designed to piss people off and derail actual debate.
He’s a slightly slicker piddl.
“I make you think, you make me think” -cheapshotBob, early in his career here. *SNORT*
101.4 THE TRUTH, KTTH “the Truth” = Pravda and cereal laps up the last drops of milk from the bowl and begs for more.
baaaaah, bahhh, bahhh, All animals are equal but some Animals are more equal than others.
WOWZA – freakshow at CPAP continues – documented at ThinkProgress and DailyKos, and TPM.
My, oh my. ‘Fredrick Douglass Republican’ goes mano-a-mano with white supremacist, but really comes out swinging at Black woman who had temerity to ask about racist language among conservatives. White guys pining for renewed segregation and stopping the ‘disenfranchisement’ of white dudes. Fredrick Douglass Republican making nicey nice with dude wishing for segregation.
Read the links…I can’t possibly do this justice.
From what I can tell, the ‘Frederick Douglass Republicans‘ appears to be a one-man show of K. Carl Smith designed to sell his book.
Conservatives are nothing if not consistent.
Love the head-to-head between Douglass and Obama on the FDR website:
“Admired the Founding Fathers/Abhors the Founding Fathers, Respected the U.S. Constitution/Rejects the U.S.Constitution…Capitalist/Socialist…Pro-School choice/Anti-School choice…”
(Do you suppose K. Carl has realized what the acronym for the Frederick Douglass Republicans is?)
Getting shot in the head might have bit of an effect on changing ones mind about guns. Kinda like how two of my uncles were pro-Viet Nam war USA chanting jingoists prior to joining the Marines and shipping out to Nam. Both are now anti-war and anti-jinosit chest beating.
Not really, most of us had never heard of her prior to her being shot and our positions on guns have changed very little since Giffords was shot. Quite a few of us, myself included, split the difference between the anti and pro gun sides.
How dare she!
And there’s a nice little bit about defending slavery. Nice people, these Republicans.
See #16
Nice crowd you’re hanging out with!
@14 White, right-wing extremist Republicans telling blacks that slavery was good for them. Apparently it still is.
“When asked by ThinkProgress if he’d accept a society where African-Americans were permanently subservient to whites, he said “I’d be fine with that.” He also claimed that African-Americans “should be allowed to vote in Africa,” and that “all the Tea Parties” were concerned with the same racial problems that he was.”
I bet this guy wishes he had his tranvaginal wand with him so he could have dealt with this woman properly.
“At one point, a woman challenged him on the Republican Party’s roots, to which Terry responded, “I didn’t know the legacy of the Republican Party included women correcting men in public.””
Recall how the Texas School Board wingnuts removed Thomas Jefferson from the history books and put in Jefferson Davis?
“He claimed to be a direct descendent of Confederate President Jefferson Davis.”
Today’s GOP. Hatred of our government, senseless war, makers and takers, rape, transvaginal wands, slavery, torture and the Confederate flag. Did I miss anything?
you know, every time a conservative says that Jessie Jackson is the face of the democratic party, I’m going counter with this guy being the face of the teabaggers and the republicans.
Your buddy puddy is not going to like that, steve!
“Several people in the audience cheered and applauded Terry’s outburst.”
Serial “Minstrel Show” Bob was cheering too, I’m sure.
It seems that for Bob, “Minstrel Show!!” is the new “Benghazi!!” Laughable, of course, seeing what sick shit comes out when Republicans start talking race.
@7 If I never see an M-16 again, it’ll be too soon. However, I know how to use one, if need be.
@10 More commonly they make rules for the rest of us that were never intended, and never did, apply to them.
Sad news. The first Pierce COunty Executive and 19th Governor of the State of Washington, Booth Gardner, passed away at the age of 76, last night. He had been suffering from Parkinson’s in recent years.
In both Tacoma, and Olympia, he was a reformer, the right person, at the right time, to clean up Pierce County government.
@14 “designed to sell his book”
Ahhhh yes, everything conservative celebrities do is designed for just one thing — bring in moola. Money is the only thing conservatives ever have, or ever will, really care about. And there’s only one kind of money they care about (yes, there are different kinds of money, but the important thing is it all spends the same), namely, money they don’t have to work for. Working is the one thing these people dislike even more than abortion, liberals, and gays.
@18 “Did I miss anything?”
It’s getting toxic in the bubble.
@24 I wasn’t impressed with him. Working for the state at the time, I saw him make a show of “walking around” state offices and taking over state employees’ desks for photo ops, but working conditions didn’t improve. Caseloads remained too high, pay remained low, and managers spent taxpayer money on programs designed to “motivate” workers who simply needed to be treated better and given sufficient resources to do their jobs. Gardner was all talk, no walk. His main accomplishment as governor was to keep a Republican from occupying that chair. Washington’s last GOP governor, John Spellman, was such a disaster that even a place holder looked good by comparison. Spellman made it easy for all subsequent Democratic governors to do little or nothing while in office.
Not a shining moment at CPAC
Wonder how puddy would get along there?
Plus, as for the 1984 election, Spellman was expecting a rematch with his 1980 opponent, but Jim McDermott lost the primary.
He would get along just fine – just like the ‘Frederick Douglass Republican’ K Carl Smith – he would make kissy-face with the white supremacist and criticize the woman reporter for asking rational questions about racism.
Good catch. Thanks. I think I’ll just call that class warfare and cover tax breaks for the rich, attacking the social contract, etc. Corpoatism and theo-fascism fit as well. And how could I leave out guns?
From 25,
I hate to break this to you, Roger, but it’s always about the money.
While I am glad this guy decided to change his stance now that his son came out two year ago and that he’s not a vice prez candidate, it’s been amusing how the conservatives are turning on him.
Isn’t puddy always yammering about dems kicking some conservative off the “reservation”. Portman is still an arch conservative on all his other views, and they STILL want ideological PURITY.
No Saint Ronnie! say it isn’t so!
But he was still a dick, and that means a lot in that crowd.
@16 – How about Gay Bashers?
Fascist Pigsty…
You still don’t get it. Has libtardism really messed with your mind.
Puddy completely understands this person’s perspective. Homosexuality per God’s word is an abomination. You either choose to agree or disagree with God’s word. Where in the article did it say Portman should become a DUMMOCRAPT?
@38. You are unable to read, must be that christian education you got. I didn’t say Portman had become a democrat, I said that republicans are turning on him like starved weasels falling on a baby bunny, now that he’s dared to leave the republican reservation and support gay marriage.
You’re an abomination.
Take your hate elsewhere, piddl, along with your meaningless “Word of God” excuses for your hate.
One thing Republicans like to do is go after High Speed Rail, claiming no progress made in the recent years. Although 110MPH running in Michigan(which the GOP Governor was on hand as the first test runs on the improvements between Kalamazoo and the Indiana Line were made, and is in the process of buying the trackage east of Kalamazoo to Detroit, so they can upgrade it from the current below 50MPH to 110 running), improvements underway on the Lincoln Corridor(CHI-STL) are making progress, not much good news is ever reported. NOw there is a schedule alert in affect for Amtrak Trains 11/14(Coast Starlight) and Amtrak Cascades runs between Seattle and Portland, Construction season for Higher Speed Rail upgrades on that segment is now underway, the slow orders will be in effect through the end of summer.
By the way, some of the money came from the three GOP States that rejected the money, Wisconsin, Ohio, and Florida. Also, some GOP Governors did not say no, McDonnel in Virginia is one of them, I think he is a very big supporter, even rode the first new train to Norfolk last December. Then again, he does not have a re-election fight coming up. Roanoke is the next city on Virginia’s Intercity rail restoration plan.
@38 Uncle Puddles,
Can you cite one verse in the Gospels of Mathew, Mark, Luke & John when Jesus addressed the topic of Homosexuality?
Did the Son of God bring it up?
Hey, y’all ready to watch the bank run in Europe tomorrow?
Atrios puts it like this:
Spuddy, stop using the bible to justify discrimination (the way the Klan does) and tell us how much shit you sucked out of Rmoney’s ass.
No more accusing your accuser, just give us the numbers.
Would it really surprise you if a Republican candidate for President committed treason?
The Lyndon Johnson tapes: Richard Nixon’s ‘treason’
That a few 10-s of thousands died is/was viewed as a small price to pay so that Nixon could win office.
So they decided to say nothing.
Seems just like Reagan’s man in Tehran prior to the 1980 election.
Treason is an acceptable strategy for winning, it seems, for Republicans.
Jesus from John 10:30 “I and my Father are ONE!”
Who’s Jesus’ Daddy CubbieScout? God. God of the Old Testament CubbieScout – Genesis 19 (Sodom and Gomorrah), Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13
Nuff Said SUCKA! Told you this before CubbieScout. Did you ferget?
Poor moron@44,
You are the sucka here. Stop projecting your vacuuming skillz on others. Steve called it a Psych 101 thing.
BTW the number was and still is ZERO!
@48 Spuddy,
You’re the one doing the projecting.
And for the record, I don’t recall you denying your sucking shit out of Rmoney’s ass.
Though since you live on the site, commenting hundreds of times a week, I haven’t bothered reading much of the none sense you spew. But I’m sure you have every word you have ever written here saved somewhere, so you can probably give a link to the time you denied your shit sucking. Maybe I even read it, your BS is so forgettable after all.
So, you’re now denying your having sucked shit out of Rmoney’s ass?
Then whose shit have you been sucking spuddy?
@47, 48, 49
piddl is not worth the trouble of arguing with. He a garden-variety hater, convinced that his sky-daddy hates the same people he does, and so he’s smug and self-righteous. He has the alleged ‘inerrant Word of God’ on his side – you know, the edited and translated and manipulated wisdom of a bronze age tribe to back up his hate.
It’s really rather pathetic.
That Sam Seder & “Kathleen Harris” video is terrible.
But it does remind me of Sam Reed telling the assembled election administrators at an Election Assistance Commission event how much he enjoyed meeting Kathleen Harris and the great advice she gave him.
EAC Holds Public Hearing in Seattle on Vote Count and Recount Procedures Apr 20th, 2006
BoyScout @ 45
I’d be surprised if a GOP presidential candidate didn’t commit treason.
Johnson’s rationale for withholding the info reminds me of The Wire. Oh what tales we weave.
@ 50
What do you think would happen if you and others ignored him? Trolls feed on attention.
The bible has been used to justify almost any position. Couple of centuries back it was used all the time to justify slavery. So times change, society changes, and the people who won’t change, die off.
Why deny something that never happened moron1.
Keep projecting… it’s the only thing you can do!
There goes Lib da moron again. f you don’t agree with his “positions” U R a hater. Exactly what Dr Ben Carson said about libtards. Kill free discussion. My principles are based on the Bible Lib da moron. You call Him sky-daddy. Well, God (sky-daddy) created the heavens and the earth. Since your beliefs are not God-based they must be based on Satan. Did Satan create the heavens and the earth? No you believe in Charles Darwin. You evolved from gorillas! Plain and simple.
What happens when Jesus comes and looks you in the eye Lib da moron and tells you YOU WERE WRONG about Him? Do you think He’ll give you a pass for a lifetime of rejection?!? God says love the sinner but hate the sin.
Because, as you are now claiming, it never happened.
Now keep on accusing your accuser, its all you know how to do!