Zina Saunders: Idiots with Guns.
Maddow: Make your own assault rifle.
Thom: Hanford nuclear waste on its way to the Columbia.
Voting Rights and Racial Entitlements:
- Sam Seder and Ari Burman: Will Republicans destroy the Voting Rights Act.
- Ann Telnaes: Your wasted vote.
- Ed: Scalia’s shameful comment.
- Pap: The Republican war on voting makes it to the Supreme Court.
- Young Turks: Scalia’s “Racial entitlement”.
- Thom and Pap: Should Scalia hang up his robe?
- Ann Telnaes: Courting history.
Barely Political: The Sasha and Melia show.
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Young Turks: A stung Hannity goes after Rep. Ellison.
Sea Quest ER!
- Maddow: Congress blows sequestration, takes long weekend.
- The sequester explained.
- Susie Sampson’s Tea Party Report: What is the Sequester?
- Sharpton: Republicans pass the buck.
- Obama on the Sequester.
- Maddow: Cuts threaten America’s standing….
- Stephen on The Sequester.
- Mark Fiore: Starve the beast.
Rep. Ellison (D-MN) attacks Sean Hannity on his show (via TalkingPointsMemo).
White House: West Wing Week.
Jon: Merger Mania.
Going Drone:
- Ann Telnaes: Drones? What drones?
- Liberal Viewer: Limit on Obama’s flying killer robots.
Ed: Michele Bachmann is very proud that she didn’t get anything wrong….
Hanford: 6 leaking tanks.
Young Turks: Louie “Guber” Gohmert.
Seattle Police using crime prediction software.
Jimmy Kimmel: Unnecessary censorship.
- Sam Seder: Bob Woodward threatened by WH advisor’s…kindness?
- Young Turks: “Threat”.
- Bill Press calls Bob a HorsesAss!
- Ed: The Right Wing’s brand new hero!
- Jon: Ginned up controversy.
Maddow: Michigan gives up on democracy.
Thom: The NRA’s latest conspiracy theory.
Wrestlers have a message for Glenn Beck (via Indecision Forever).
Young Turks: Congress finally passes the Violence Against Women Act.
Conan: The final benediction.
Young Turks: Is Hannity the Worst Journalist Ever?
Thom: More Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
Making your own assault rifle may be harder than making your own handgun. A competent machinist with the right computer-directed milling machine and the appropriate metals could probably make, say, a Colt .45 automatic over a weekend at his house. Some think handguns are more of a danger than assault rifles.
At least one CNN journalist not known for being a conservative didn’t think Hannity was at fault:
Why would the Minnesota lawmaker launch a premeditated assault? Perhaps it’s good politics for a liberal Democrat to force a confrontation with Hannity. He can brag to his base about beating up on one of Fox’s most popular pundits. In fact, at least one liberal group is already trying to raise money off the incident — another example of how unbridled partisanship can be profitable.
Me? I’m just glad I haven’t seen Alan Grayson on the tube.
I like this sequester thing more and more.
Controversial green jobs program to get axed in sequester
“It’s a huge loss,” said Center for American Progress senior fellow Bracken Hendricks. “This means the U.S. will be flying blind on the growth of a very, very important sector in the U.S. economy.”
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2013/03.....z2MOnJlWT6
Well, fret not, fellow Bracken, for conservatives have got your back. We’ll make sure the fruits of those massive green jobs subsidies don’t fail to see the light of day:
Another — yes, another — Obama-funded solar firm making layoffs
See that, fellow Bracken? Didn’t cost you a dime. We’re helping to reduce the deficit.
If only we’d cut short that other unsustainable “investment” that was supposed to pay itself off in new fossil fuel energy:
The Iraq War…
@3. Yawn. Solar bad. Obama Bad. Jobs losses in sustainable industries are Good. Typical conservative.
We all know Bob delights when Occupy Activists are prosecuted and then incarcerated, sentenced to death what have you..
I bet he loves it even more when the cops lie under oath to make that happen..
How right wing..
What communist, Alinsky lover said this???
Obama obviously.. That socialist!
Bzzzzzzt. Wrong..
Ronnie Raygun..
@ 7
Your point? Boehner’s said that those subsidies could be on the table in the context of a larger framework for an agreement.
You gain little from references to Reagan and Iraq at this point, YLB. One was three decades ago, the other decision was a decade ago. Meanwhile, median household income has fallen more since the end of the recession at the end of the Bush presidency than it did during that recession. Invoking Reagan is nothing but a misdirection ploy. One you bring up frequently rather than argue current issues, BTW.
It’s not an argument to excuse current idiocy because of bad decisions that others made in the past. I could bring up Kennedy, LBJ, and the Vietnam conflict, but what would be the point? Would it be useful for me to point out Carter’s stagflation?
Try responding to an argument without dredging up something unrelated and decade(s)-old once in a while, YLB.
Can’t wait till the baggers elect Steve King to the Senate..
That loon’s conspiracy-theory speeches will split sides from coast to coast.
Yawwwwn… Not taking any “argument” from you the least bit seriously Bob..
After all – you believed in the “unskewed pollster”..
Continue to post your right wing drivel.. Worked out great for you last November.
Poor Bob.. His love affair with right wing bullshit began with old Ronnie..
Now Ronnie, that old tax raiser, is too commie for him.
Got proof this cop was right wing Pluto boy?
Nope you don’t. Just more horse manure from another horse manure pinhead.
Thanks for playing Pluto boy. It proves the Republicans are NOT the oil baron lovers you and other worthless libtards scream and shout over.
How bout them gas prices? And who is in da whitey house? A DUMMOCRAPT.
Thanks for playing.
The deficit – the monster that GWB, the monkey, created, and Republicans love to cast away as not of their making.
Annualized Growth of Federal Spending — Actual Spending by Year
Reagan — 82-85 — 8.7% — ($746B; $808B; $852B; $946B)
Reagan — 86-89 — 4.9% — ($990B; $1,004B; $1,064B; $1,144B)
Bush I —- 90-93 — 5.4% — ($1,253B; $1,324B; $1,382B; $1,409B)
Clinton — 94-97 — 3.4% — ($1,462B; $1,516B; $1,561B; $1,601B)
Clinton — 98-01 — 3.9% — ($1,653B; $1,702B; $1,789B; $1,863B)
Bush II — 02-05 — 7.3% — ($2,011B; $2,160B; $2,293B; $2,472B)
Bush II — 06-09 — 8.1% — ($2,655B; $2,729B; $2,983B; $3,518B)
Obama — 10-13 — 2.5% — ($3,456B; $3,603B; $3,793B; $3,803B)
Hey Puffy, how’s all that hatred going, you bigot.
@6 Well waddya know, some NYC cops turn out to be perjurers! Who wudda thunk? I’ll bet these guys vote Republican, too.
We already know what cops in general think of video cams and camera phones. There are innumerable tapes from around the country of cops busting citizens for the “crime” of filming police arrests.
Problem is, cellphone cameras are now so ubiquitous, it’s virtually impossible for cops to get away with anything anymore. Their official actions in public — especially at protest events — are going to be taped, period.
Live with it, boys. And if you don’t know how to tell the truth on the witness stand, then take an ethics course or two. It’s painfully evident that some of you desperately need some training in basic right and wrong. And take a class on First Amendment rights while you’re at it.
The way to stop this horseshit is by juries awarding damages to citizens in cases of police misbehavior, followed by insurance underwriters requiring municipalities to permanently remove those officers from street duty as a condition of being insured.
@14 Shhhh! Don’t tell the trolls that Obama is the lowest-spending president since Eisenhower — despite inheriting the worst economic bust since Hoover. That would puncture another of their most-cherished wingnut myths.
@13 “Republicans are NOT the oil baron lovers”
Do tell. All those oil companies I invest in are run by tree-hugging Democrats? That’s news to me. I thought only Republicans knew how to make money by being dirty lying stealing polluting bastards.
@12 “Got proof this cop was right wing Pluto boy?”
Can you find a cop who isn’t?
I see stoopid is back.
Vice President Biden, at least for trips back to Delaware on weekends, has grounded Air Force 2, and is reverting to his mode of transport before being elected VP, taking Amtrak. I was asking on a railfan board about that, and his use of the Acela Express(and when it existed, the Metroliner) to commute back and forth, the moderator said the reason he gave that up in the first place was probably the Secret Service telling Biden that it was better to fly(security issues).
On another note, Amtrak may actually see a ridership boost on some corridors, if the cutbacks in TSA and Air Traffic Control turn out to cause delays. So far, few effects on Amtrak, but then again, Amtrak was actually able to absorb a small cut in their budget last year without cutting service.(Farebox recovery is 85%, and is now losing the least money since 1975. Leave it alone, and it might get more. By the way, current Amtrak CEO Joe Boardman, is a Republican, former Federal Railroad Administrator under George W. Bush)
In the short-run, I meant it looks like the irony of the sequester for Amtrak will be not that bad, but long-term, could be different. Although one Long Distance Train seeing ridership a ridership boom, Train 7/8 and it’s split section, 27/28, the Chicago-Seattle/Portland Empire Builder. One of the ridership generators? North Dakota, Western North Dakota and the oil boom, to be exact. Instead of the arguing over funding, and which is best, a better schedule, perhaps a Minneapolis-Minot day service would be better, but BNSF has a lot of traffic on the line(besides stack trains, crude oil trains are a big revenue source on the Hi-Line, and will be when the Keystone XL pipeline is built, because, the pipeline will carry mostly Alberta Tar Sands crude).
The oil boom in North Dakota has also spilled over into eastern Montana. Sheridan County, which is in the Northeast Corner of the Big Sky State, county seat Plentywood, is seeing a population boom out of it.
“Would it be useful for me to point out Carter’s stagflation?”
Yeah, I’m sure that’d be the first time a wingnut troll ever brought up Jimmy Carter.
As you know, Bob, wingnuts rag on Carter all the time. Thousands of times, I’m sure, in the history of this blog. Odd, how none of them seem to have any knowledge of WIN buttons. Wingnuts who once hung “Wanted” posters in Dallas have practically adopted JFK. It must be that home schoolin’. Odd, too, how after a thousand Carter rants, a wingnut will go into full whine mode when someone on the left so much as mentions Bush.
What it is, Bob, is an examination of Republican ideological failures that span decades, culminating in a Great Recession and a party held captive today by 21st Century Birchers and Dominionists. All of which begs a question, Bob, one for which you have no answer. Why on earth should anybody trust a Republican?
As for Hanford, just what it needs, more Nuclear Waste will be on it’s way in the next few years, the Nuclear Reactors from the Enterprise.
From 16,
No, I’d say that NYC police are predominantly voters for the Democrats. New York City (including surrounding area) is extremely “blue” in its politics.
People can be good Republicans or Democrats and still be perjurers.
From 17,
Yes, I agree: police should be held personally liable for such things as terrorizing some little old lady with their SWAT forces (which happened in June of 2011 in eastern Pierce County). Somehow, our police forces have got the idea in their heads that they are in the military. Every one else is a “civilian,” and not part of their “sacred club” of law enforcement officers.
The police, if they want to be in the military, should enlist and try their combat skills in Afghanistan. My guess is that the real military would not support a bunch of SWAT team guys trying to play soldier. The stakes are just too high for real soldiers to have to put up with wanna-bees.
@27 My 20-year-old niece is currently in Afghanistan for her second tour there, and my guess is she could run (and shoot) circles around most of those guys. All you have to do is look at how overweight they are.
Barron’s magazine editor Jim McTague is paying homage to President Obama this weekend by calling him “one of the most gifted bare-knuckled politicians in memory.” He predicts the GOP will cave in the sequester battle.
McTague is no liberal. But then, he’s not much of a political prognosticator, either. He wrote two feature articles last year predicting that Romney would win by a landslide. His penchant for being wrong may be his fellow conservatives’ best hope.
Anyway, read this article and see for yourself what McTague’s reasoning is. Executive summary: Republican governors are bailing and Obama is even peeling off some GOP senators and House members. The president needs only 17 GOP votes to pass his version of a budget and he’s already gotten twice that number in at least two key votes this year. Doesn’t look good for the hard-core Teaparty stonewallers.
Lost in the media coverage of the Voting Rights Act before the Supreme Court, was an alternative that was tried in a couple cities decades before the VRA for local elections, and repealed because it worked. In some cities, Single-Transferable Vote proportional representation was repealed by the old guard using the Red Scare, in some cases, they used race-baiting. The only city that did not repeal proportional representation on city councils, was Cambridge, Massachusetts, and the people pushing repeal only gave up after their 4th defeat.
THeir is one other city that uses Single Transferable Vote for local elections, Minneapolis. While the Mayor and City Council are elected using Ranked Choice Voting(aka Instant Runoff Voting), multi-seat, at-large elections for the Park Board, and Board of Estimate and Taxation, use STV.
@ 24
Lincoln was a Republican. Bull Connor was a Democrat. Neither of those facts have anything to do with arguments over the current deficit, government spending, or the sequester.
Obama, not Boehner, shouldn’t be given cover by deeds or misdeeds of those who have preceded them. All I did was point out YLB’s tendency to yell “Squirrel!” when he’s at a loss to address a point made by an opponent.
@31. Blah Blah Blah. Paid your debt yet?
I know you were wondering with the Sequester and all, but the Rich will be fine.
I wonder what the precedent is for making a SCOTUS justice cite his sources for a comment made from the bench?
“Do you know which state has the worst ratio of white voter turnout to African-American voter turnout?” Roberts asked, according to the transcript. When Verrilli said he didn’t, Roberts said: “Massachusetts. Do you know what has the best, where African-American turnout actually exceeds white turnout? Mississippi.”
“Which state has the greatest disparity in registration between white and African-American?” Roberts continued, cutting off Verrilli’s response. “Massachusetts. Third is Mississippi, where again the African-American registration rate is higher than the white registration rate.”
I suppose it will come out in the opinion.
Speaking of the opinion, and assuming it comes down 5-4 along predictable lines, if you are CJ Roberts, who do you assign the task of writing the majority opinion?
I suppose you could keep it for yourself, as it is an opinion that no doubt will be cited for decades to come.
Or, you could give it to AJ Thomas.
@ 32
Would you have any factual idea if I have, or haven’t? Or are you just as stupid as everyone else around here who feels free to spout off without any idea of what they are saying?
No need to respond. You’ve already answered that second question.
@31 Lincoln wouldn’t recognize today’s Republican Party, and Bull Connor would be thrown out of any Democratic gathering. And it isn’t the liberal members of SCOTUS who are lusting for dismemberment of the Voting Rights Act.
@ 34
CJ Roberts may have used this:
Philip Miles said…
Perhaps this? From the County’s Reply Brief:
The national registration gap between non-Hispanic whites and blacks is 9.1%.
U.S. Census Bureau, Voting and Registration in the Election of November 2004
tbl. 4a., Reported Voting and Registration of the Total Voting-Age Population, by
Sex, Race and Hispanic Origin, for States, available at http://www.census.gov/
population/socdemo/voting/cps2004/tab04a.xls (“Census Report”). As the Census
Report shows, six fully-covered States fared better than the national average:
Alabama (2.0), Georgia (3.8), Louisiana (5.5), Mississippi (-2.5), South Carolina
(4.4), and Texas (5.2). Id. On the other hand, Massachusetts has a 26.7% gap. Id.
3/2/13, 12:20 PM
Philip Miles said…
Here is a link to an .xls of the 2004 numbers cited by the County in its Reply: http://www.census.gov/hhes/www.....tab04a.xls
3/2/13, 1:12 PM
That’s from comments on the Althouse blog.
NPR covered CJ Roberts’ comment as well:
Perhaps the VRA could use some retooling, though. There is a rational basis to argue that any messing around with election procedures should require DOJ’s pre-clearance in southern states AND all other states where Republicans control election departments.
@35. You have links to everything else, this should be easy.
Post post the link documenting that the check has been received and I’ll stop calling you on your honesty.
@ 36
What the liberals want is for the VRA to remain intact. CJ Roberts will likely be of a majority opinion that the VRA is now out of date and it should be recalibrated.
The opinion(s) he will write and/or join will argue that if the VRA is to remain, it should apply to states that, in today’s world, should be subject to the Act’s provisions when it was first written.
That likely means that most of the states currently covered by the act will be freed from it, and states currently considered ‘blue’ will suddenly find themselves under the microscope.
Think, say, Boston. And Chicago. It will apply to states with cities like that. Cities with political machines in which minorities are less voters than they are rubber-stamps for the handpicked slate of unionistas.
It’s your worst nightmare, RR. Or at least it’s Deval Patrick’s worst nightmare.
@ 39
Verification was provided to the arbiter of the bet, who no longer seems to consider it an issue worth comment. I owe you nothing, asswipe. When you questioned my honesty without factual basis your credibility went into the shitter. It’s got plenty of HA company in that regard.
There is also a 1967 law that mandates one-seat districts for Congress. It was passed with the best of intentions, the fear at the time was that the SOuthern States would go all at-large to get around the Voting Rights Act. The law inadvertently made it impossible to use a better solution. There is precedent in the south of proportional representation, or at least the semi-proportional Cummulative and Limited Vote being used for cities, counties, and school boards to settle Voting Rights Act cases. Perhaps if the STV used for the Cincinnati City COuncil had not been repealed, it would have given Congress a better idea.(Cincinnati was one city that used STV that racebaiting politics was instrumental in it’s repeal.)
You got it wrong, Chief Justice Roberts was arguing that Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act should be extended to Massachusetts.
@41. Trust but Verify. Just post the link. That should be easy enough.
@ 43
I mentioned Boston @ 40. Data I included @ 37 specifically contrasted MA with six states subject to VRA.
So, I got it wrong….
How, exactly?
And if you weren’t addressing me, whom were addressing? (Although just based on statistical likelihood of an incorrect statement I’d guess you meant it for Roger Rabbit.)
@ 44
A verification response to Darryl was posted four minutes after his query; both were on HA. There’s been no comment from Darryl on HA since.
Asked, answered. Done discussing this with you.
@40 “What the liberals want is for the VRA to remain intact.”
It’s not a matter of what liberals want, it’s a matter of what people being denied their voting rights want.
@ 47
Then CJ Roberts’ point was that it will be an easier matter to begin work on in Massachusetts than in the states currently under the VRA, since the voter registration gap in MA is so much higher than it is in the VRA states.
Right, RR? Shall we count you, by your words, as an advocate for reshuffling the list of states subject to VRA such that the ones with the largest disparity in voter registration are the ones now subject to it?
Surely you, as a barrister and jurist, grasp the basis of CJ Roberts’ argument.
Parties should embrace a couple forms of proportional representation, because, they could find ways to game the system, within reason. In Australia, because they require all ballot positions to be ranked,(it was partly the Conservative Coalition’s idea, to avoid ticket splitting between the the Liberals and Nationals(yes, that is not an error, the major Center-Right party in Australia is called the Liberal Party of Australia), allowing Labor to win more seats), parties send out to supporters, “How to Vote” cards, and for the Senate races, where each state’s 6(12 if it’s a double-dissolution election) and territories 2 senate seats are up for election in single statewide slate, they submit Group Voting tickets with pre-ordered rankings(sometimes split with deals with other parties), just marking an X and being done with it.
In Germany, Mixed Member Proportional system works great, allowing regional representation with more proportional results. With each voter getting two votes, one for a district candidate, and one for a party slate(CLosed list proportional, although the state of Bavaria uses Open List for state parliament elections), with results based on the statewide party vote, and compensatory seats added. It allows for ticket splitting(in the recent Lower Saxony state election, a bellwether(as it is the last one before September’s Bundestag election that counts, as the Christian Social Union will win Bavaria’s state election) Christian Democrats put their party votes with the Libertarian-leaning Free Democrats, to keep them above the 5% threshold so they did not lose their coalition allies, but it was not enough to offset surging support for the Social Democrats and Greens, causing Chancellor Merkel’s ally to be defeated) There is another method, Mixed Member Majoritarian, where the party vote only counts to the proportional slate, although most countries that use this one, have more single-seat district seats than proportional(which benefits the dominant party, or parties, at the expense of third parties). MMM gives the parties a good chance to control it.
Both MMP and MMM would work in 49 out of 50 State Legislatures(MMP is used in bodies as small as 25 seats, as in the Greater London Assembly in the UK. By the way, on that one, Labor has about 12, Conservatives 9, Greens and Liberal Democrats 2 each)
The one precedent for statewide proportional elections that I know of, was using the semi-proportional alternative, the Cummulative Vote. It works with the voter having as many votes as their are seats. From 1870 to around 1980, the Illinois State House was elected using this system, with three seat districts, marginalized groups had representation, such as in the Downstate, Democrats got elected(I believe that is how Senator Paul Simon first got elected), and in Chicago, non-machine Democrats and Republicans were sent to Springfield as well. The excuse for repeal? Cost reduction, besides ending cumulative voting, they reduced the size of the state house.
In Philadelphia, they have a mixed-member system of sorts on the City Council. THe bulk of the seats are gerrymandered single-seat districts, but about 7 of the seats are elected at large using the Limited Vote, it works the same way as the previous Illinois example, but the voter has a few less votes than the number of seats to be elected, in Philadelphia’s case, with the voters getting 5 votes for 7 seats, and parties can only nominate a limited number of candidates. It gaurantees a few seats for the minority party(currently 2 Republicans, plus the 1 Ward they have)
Lying is an instrinsic right wing affliction toolish fool..
Just look at you..
Pluto? Heh.. Pluto’s a dawg, dawg..
YLB, glad to see you’re improving. You only went back 4 years on that last post.
What, nothing from 2005ish you could have dredged up?
LMAO!!! Exactly why they TODAY they want to keep the Oil baron’s tax breaks.
Harold Hamm was a HUGE Perry and R-Money supporter.
Oh no wonder you loved R-Money so much.. You bought whatever bullshit he sold at the exact moment he vomited it.
Never mind it contradicted what he said only hours or even minutes before.
@ 53
YLB, as a minority representative on HA, and as one who has had to endure rude comments about you based on your ethnic makeup (See what I did? Since I brought it up, I saved you the trouble of doing it, yet again, yourself.) made here by others, do you have any insightful thoughts related to this past week’s SCOTUS oral arguments concerning VRA?
Try to restrict your reply to actual States of the Union and try not to use references that predate the year 1776 A.D..
LMAO!! How about those “free markets” selling a depleting resource as fast as they can get it out of the ground..
Oh but we can’t develop alternatives on the public dime – can’t afford it.. Leave it to private capital – they’re doing a fine job.
Poor fool, you were whining about gas prices last October time.. You’re keeping hope alive for 2014.. LOL!! Not a chance stupid. You were feckless then..
You’re feckless now.
@ 55
Maybe you can get Obama to release the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, again. We can use the money from the oil we sell to keep useless solar projects @3 from their otherwise inevitable nod to reality.
You could post the idea as a petition on the whitehouse.gov site. Then you could ask Rachel Maddow how she creates so many fictitious individuals
to say good things about her, and then do the same thing to get the number of petition signers to 50,000. Then the White House is supposed to take it under consideration and issue a response, except they don’t unless they like the idea.
Whaddya think, YLB?
Oh, and when the White House sends you the letter with the salutation Dear Ms. YLB, try to ignore it. People mistake your gender all the time.
Oh Bob please! Sorry to be so blunt (not really) but you represent your tribe hardly any better those other morons.
I’m sure you learned to post Ronnie Raygun’s ugly mug in your dorm room or frat house and it’s been starry nights of rapture ever since..
Right up to and WAY PAST the great recession.. How’d all those tax cuts work out for you??? Maybe just great for YOU and the rest of your fellow 1 percenters..
I see the hot air and the gatewaypundit and you don’t fool me.
Excuse me if I demur on the VRA. Scotus politicians in robes are going to do what they’re going to do.
Jesus H, I meant it @ 56 as a fucking joke.
The dumbfucks are actually thing of doing it:
WASHINGTON, Feb 21 (Reuters) – The White House is keeping an
eye on surging gasoline prices but spokesman Jay Carney on
Thursday said he had no comment on whether the Obama
administration was looking at tapping emergency oil reserves as
a way to tamp down prices.
@48 The problem isn’t in Massachusetts.
@ 57
‘Tribe’ is one of those words I cannot use, YLB. You know that.
Paul Allen, and his sister Jody, are being sued by their former bodyguards.
LOL! Thanks for playing..
Like I said earlier. Please continue to post your right wing drivel.
It’s all you know how to do.
LOL!! This right winger used it..
Nobody talked back shit on it that I can see.. Feel free.
@ 59
RR, you need to learn to throw a pitch besides a hanging curve down the middle of the plate:
And it’s not the first time long lines in Ohio have been a topic in the public eye, either, RR. Do you remember when before that?
It was discussed a few years before:
Oh, and one of your dumbfuckest talking heads in the Leftosphere fingered long lines in Ohio as the reason Kerry lost in 2004:
Shall we replace AL and MS, then, Roger Rabbit, with Ohio and Massachusetts as states subject to VRA?
Paul Allen, and his sister Jody, are being sued by their former bodyguards.
“Silenced by court orders and confidentiality agreements, the former members of the Allens’ personal security detail have made vague claims that the Allens were involved in criminal activity and bribery, and that Jody Allen sexually harassed security officers. …
“At least five former members of the Allens’ personal security team have sued the siblings and Vulcan … 10 other former members of the team have previously settled with Vulcan after closed hearings before a private mediator.
“In a series of lawsuits filed in King County Superior Court, the security officers accused Jody Allen of sexually harassing members of the executive protection team. They’ve also claimed she, her brother and others with the firm have committed and covered up crimes …. The Allens [will] be called to testify, as [will] dozens of current and former Vulcan employees alleged to have witnessed illegal or unethical activities.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Wow! Looks like there might be something to this. Normally you wouldn’t have over a dozen of your closest and most personally loyal employees suing you and calling you a criminal if you weren’t … a criminal. Could it be the Allens’ human nature is the same as everyone else’s? People with unlimited amounts of money tend to believe they can take unlimited license, i.e. society’s rules don’t apply to them …
@ 65
In other news, Bradley Manning ‘settled’ with the military by pleading guilty to 10 counts. No concession was made by the military and they are still planning on trying his ass on all of those other counts still pending.
‘Settled’ means the suit was dispensed with. Unless there’s more information than that we know nothing more than that.
Why the supposed ‘former attorney’ RR doesn’t grasp that……..
Mrs. Rabbit, after crunching numbers, pointed out to me this afternoon that our two tallest presidents were Lincoln and LBJ. Both were six-foot-four.
Short people don’t get NFL careers. And, in the age of television, they don’t become president either. For most practical purposes, if you aren’t at least 6 feet tall, you can forget about becoming president and you probably won’t be a congressman either.
It’s a sad commentary on our society that a commanding physical presence is more necessary than brains, knowledge, or good judgment to get our country’s top leadership jobs. That’s no small part of the reason why we end up with people like George W. Bush in places they shouldn’t be able to get into without an armed escort.
It occurs to me that Lincoln wasn’t tall enough to get hired by today’s NBA. Maybe if he wore his stovepipe hat to the tryouts?
65 – Heh.. Everything old is new again.. In Roman times hardly a second thought went through a slave’s head when the “Domina” demanded sexual favors – it was either that or flogging or worse..
In deference to Bob’s sensitivity to time, yes Thomas Jefferson sought and got similar comfort.
I hope those employees get every dime they can possibly get. Heh.. Right wingers like Bob will say they’re forming a “union”.
@58 People think about lots of things they don’t do. The problem is when they do things without thinking.
@ 69
You left out Bill Clinton and Paula Jones.
Oh, and Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky.
@66 I commented on this the other day but you apparently slept through that.
@69 That’s one of many reasons why no human being should be allowed to own another human being. It’s pathetic that in our own country, which supposedly was founded on principles of freedom, human dignity, and human rights, it took a civil war costing half a million lives to settle this issue.
@ 72
Next time I think of commenting on Lincoln’s stovepipe hat on HA, I’ll try to remember to cite your earlier comment, RR.
71 – Gee Bill made something like 35k a year as Governor of AR? Hardly a Jody Allen.
And Monica/Bill were two consenting adults.
@ 75
That’s one way of looking at it. Another way is a governor asking for sexual favors from a state employee.
Jones said no.
How about a president engaging in sexual activity with an intern?
What Lewinsky might have said isn’t clear. Her mouth was full.
People in powerful positions taking advantage of their underlings…….
Is that a monetary issue, YLB? Really? That’s your defense?
76 – Nothing was proved Bob.. The Jones lawsuit was settled..
Bill had/has a sex addiction problem. Hardly unknown on the right..
Where’s the Lewinsky lawsuit? She had no motivation to help Paula Jones or seek any remuneration for falling hard for a powerful married man. The second mistake of that kind she had made in her life.
YLB, can you ‘prove’ that Sally Hemings didn’t have a far better life as Jefferson’s mistress?
You seem to argue that he took advantage of her. How do you know that and how do you know that it wasn’t fully consensual? ‘Two consenting adults’… Where have I heard that recently? Oh, yes @ 75. That’s right.
You want to make the argument, YLB? You need to be ready for the counter. I’m not disagreeing with you @ 69. I’m only saying that you’re not in a position to disagree with me, either.
Heh. Those pictures of Barclay shaking hands with Rove and Lynn Swann were hilarious. Too bad they’re not coming up in that link
Did they have ANY CLUE WHERE that hand had been????
@ 77
Bill had/has a sex addiction problem.
WTF? So do serial rapists, then, I suppose. No jail for them. What they need is understanding and rehab.
78 – Oh Bob please.. I’m sure you read those FBI transcripts of the interviews with Lewinsky just like every other Clinton hater of that time.
It was TOTALLY consensual..
The fucking moron Lindsay Graham tried again and again to get Lewinsky to say she was forced.. She threw that shit right back at his dirty-minded head.
Who knew that those of your ilk still have that fantasy.
Well, I guess it’s time all those people crowing about public opinion and we should all do what Obama wants began crowing a little less loudly.
Apparently all that whining he’s done in the past couple weeks has made Obama look like, well, a whiner.
So, YLB: I guess Obama’s current position insofar as the sequester is concerned is ‘totally consensual’ @ 81 as well, right?
After all, he signed the bill.
82 – LOL!!! And you’re next going to show us the Congress’ numbers right?
Nice talking to you Bob.. I’m gone..
“Women take Biden’s Shotgun Advice”
Pretty funny, except for the one chick who ends up with the shotgun barrel aiming right at her face for a split second.
Two minutes underscoring the extreme importance of Barack Obama remaining perfectly healthy for every minute of the remaining 46+ months of his term.
Stay healthy, Barack. Please.
“Lincoln was a Republican. Bull Connor was a Democrat.”
Lincoln was a liberal. Bull Connor was a conservative.
@ 84
Oh, and the interviewer in the first few seconds of that video…..
In my mind, that’s exactly how YLB sounds.
“all those people crowing about public opinion”
Eh, of course Bob doesn’t crow about public opinion. After all, WTF is there to crow about when one’s own party’s approval is at 22% and tanking. The president’s 47% approval probably looks like an unobtainable dream for wingnuts. No doubt that’s why all of their focus these days isn’t on winning elections, it’s on stealing them.
@64 You want federal supervision of Ohio’s elections? Great, so do I. Funny how the long lines in Cuyahoga County don’t exist in Republican counties. Is that just a coincidence?
Wingnuts are tanking. One reason why, wingnuts just don’t know when to keep their fucking mouths shut.
@85 Yep, the roles of the parties have switched. Democrats are the reasonable people now, and Republicans are the troglodyte last-ditch defenders of old, discredited, and dying social orders.
@ 87
Naw, Steve, we lost, fair and square.
Except we still hold sway in the House.
Howya doin’, Steve?
The White House had been quietly signaling to its Democratic allies on the Hill that Obama would not threaten a veto out of fear the public would blame Democrats for the shutdown.
But the decision only underscored what many Hill Democrats believe was a major negotiating error by the White House and Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. in the fiscal-cliff deal.
By making all of the tax cuts permanent but only avoiding the sequester for two months, the president traded away most of his leverage in return for only half of the revenue he had been seeking — and no clear way to force Republicans to the table for more.
“It’s playing out exactly as we warned them it would,” a senior Senate Democratic leadership aide said.
Still OK?
From what I have read today, Boehner will simply extend the CR, no changes.
We all get to see what happens when the sequester takes effect.
Here’s the thing, Steve:
Only 4% more Dems than GOP respondents wanted to see new legislation to avoid it.
And only 6% fewer Dems than GOP wanted to see it take effect.
The bully pulpit’s pretty much failed The One this week.
Good thing we’ve still got Shotgun Joe.
Researchers say they’ve catalogued over 42,500 Holocaust sites in Europe, far more than previously believed. This includes not only the well-known death factories and concentration camps, but also POW camps, forced labor camps, smaller ghettoes, “special” medical facilities were mothers were forcibly aborted or their babies killed after birth, slave brothels for German troops, and so on. Wherever Germans were, the Holocaust was there, too. How does one man get millions to behave this way? Sometimes I can’t help wondering if our rightwingers are as much in thrall to their ideology and demagogues as Germany’s rightwingers were to theirs.
“Is that just a coincidence?”
Nah, it’s that racial entitlement Scalia was talking about. White Republicans are entitled to a five minute wait to vote. Black Democrats? Five hours.
“The bully pulpit’s pretty much failed The One this week.”
And Republicans tanking is the result of great messaging? If one calls Obama a failure, what words are left to describe wingnuts who are on the losing side of every issue in the polls?
@ 93
I think lines to vote can be looked at in at least two different ways.
One is unpreparedness, incompetence, or inadequate funding of the support during a major election.
Another is enthusiasm of the electorate, overwhelming available resources.
It’s an argument fair to make about Obama in 2008. Wow. Just, wow.
Harder to make in 2012, agreed. There were four years to prepare.
We’re promised free and fair elections. Not perfect ones. Yes, there were lines. Anyone willing to argue Obama’s win was unfair? I’m not.
RR’s credibility, on virtually anything and everything, was gone probably 50,000 or more posts ago. Steve, don’t make yourself irrelevant in the same way.
Caro calls it “perhaps the greatest blood feud of American politics in the twentieth century.”
No comment. Go ahead and delete me.
From 96,
Yes, I think the country would have done much better had JFK not been killed and LBJ had just faded into obscurity. LBJ was not a good president.
You missed right wing vote supression..
See here and here..
Heh. Why am I not suprised you would miss that? You’re “out of touch” Bob.. And given some of your leisure time reading – “extremist” isn’t far-fetched either.
How is your sense of humor or do you take this seriously ? Here ya go ! The Low Information Voters Guide to Politics – (H/T – Pajamas Media).
If you think you only deserve fun answers to all life’s questions … you’re right! This primer will help you look smart and morally superior in any political discussion. Just memorize these big words, explained in easy terms you already know from TMZ and The Daily Show:
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
“Steve, don’t make yourself irrelevant in the same way.”
Um, Bob, thanks, but your time might be better spent concerning yourself with the fading relevancy of yourself and your GOP. You can read the polls. You can see the trend. Obviously, the trend here is not your friend, Bob. Really, you don’t have much time to turn it around before 2014 arrives and your minority-hating, vaginal probe obsessed TeaBircher/Dominionist base seem very determined to continue blowing your party’s chances again. Trends continue until broken, Bob. What are you going to do to break it? What have you got? Transvaginal vaginal probes and 30-round clips? Sorry, Bob, but that’s not going to cut it.
I see that Jim Miller has a different approach than Pudge and his banning when it comes to dealing with having his ass handed to him in his own (un)SP comment threads. No more comments. Problem solved! Putz.
@91 “Except we still hold sway in the House.”
Would you call that “fair and square,” given that Democrats got over a million more votes in House races than Republicans? Or could it be the result of GOP redistricting shenanigans in several states where Republicans hold a majority of House seats despite majorities of voters in those states having voted for Democrats? Here’s a clue: There’s no fucking way in hell the GOP’s House majority is “fair and square.”
Still waiting Pluto boy!
An Armed Society Is A Polite Society Dep’t
“A woman was shot in the arm by a stray bullet from a nearby shootout as she was walking with friends just outside Pike Place Market early Saturday, police said.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Humans shouldn’t have guns, period. None of you should have guns.
All Pluto boy has to do is contact the family descendants for their records on Sally and her life. They made a movie about her. But as always, Pluto boy takes from a position of lunacy!
Nope… everyone knows Pluto boy is an emasculated man. Mrs Pluto boy wears the pants in that family as an SEIU serf!
Nope Steve, come on you are better than this…
The libtard press has been swallowing the Obummer kook-aid for so long they continue to proffer the Obummer Sadministration lies. Bob Woodward couldn’t take it anymore.
Bob Woodward explained to the world sequestration was Obummer’s idea and he proposed it to Scary Reid July 27, 2011. Republicans agreed to it because the Senate proposed it as part of the budget deal. If you libs would invest time in something other than left wrong puke sites you’d learn the truth.
The problem is… even after Woodward’s truthful expose… leftwrong sites continue to proffer the Obummer lie… It’s the Republican’s fault. Obummer promised spending cuts. He has failed to deliver cut number one.
Bob Woodward s a big time libtard reporter who still jock straps Obummer. But truth wins out in honest people. Most of the libtard msm is no longer honest news brokers.
LOL!!! Lookee someone is trying to trademark..
Will the moron puddyidiot object??? Course not! That’d be meddling in the affairs of “jawb kweatohs” like the gubmint!
That’s a JOB KILLER!
Wow, you post a youtube link on rich liberal elitist Ashley Judd and HA blocks it.
Did Pluto boy fart in #108? Of course more psychobabble!
Nice to know you approve of TJ taking such liberties with his “property”.
A 44 year old guy with a 15 year old girl! Nice to know you approve! No power play there. Just “young” love..
And did I ever say TJ mistreated Sally Hemmings? Fuck, even though Sally turned out to be first lady Martha Jefferson’s HALF-SISTER, do I have to?
Heh.. Think on that while you “labor in the salt mines” tonight.
@107 “Republicans agreed to it because” they were outsmarted.
Obama is “one of the most gifted bare-knuckled politicians in memory,” and the GOP will cave for the reasons stated here:
It’s already over except for the shouting.
If you are a DUMMOCRAPT you try to get away with commentary like this…
Where were you from last Nov 21 till just recently?
After the collapse of your beloved right wing bullshit and the EPIC FAYLE of !!BENGHAZI!!, you didn’t have the heart to show your miserable ass around here.
Moron. You have fayled and fayled and fayled..
Lied TO!!!
By right wing bullshit grifters.
Where did Puddy write that Pluto boy?
U R still a moron; ever since you appeared and you continue to prove it with your useless database.
112 – Heh.. Nice find..
LOL! What a blow that will be to old Bob and the idiot @ 113..
Looks like the ‘community organizer’ is something of a chess player. A grandmaster even.
They wanted spending cuts..
They sure GOT THEM!!!!
So that’s the last time Puddy posted…? Keeping track of Puddy Pluto boy? Who knew Pluto boy? Well lets see…
NONE OF YOUR BIDNESS Pluto boy! But, FYI, it’s been a lot of fun since 11/21
Ahhh yes, here is the counter to the Barron’s commentary from the DUMB Wabbit!
Here’s a few terms – not that many to give y’all a flavor for this. Do the readers a service and let them stand :)
BIASED: If you have a weird friend who goes to church and her parents are still married, that’s what they are.
ELECTIONS: These are like the Teen Choice Awards: the coolest and most popular wins. Democrats always win because they are cool and popular. Republicans are more like your weird friend’s parents.
PRESIDENT OBAMA: Think Brad Pitt, dashing A-lister who can’t do anything wrong.
VICE PRESIDENT: Think Steve Carell, a lovable nincompoop who likes to make others laugh.
WHITE HOUSE: This is like Cribs, a really fancy pad where celebrities hang out and party instead of working.
MIDDLE CLASS: These are like the extras in movies — kind of important but nobody cares who they really are.
CON-STI-TU-TION: It sounds almost like Cosmopolitan, except it’s really old and has no make-up ads or sexy pictures, but some people are really into it, like Antiques Roadshow.
@117 – a whopping 2.5% of the budget – HAH !
Now you are supposed to say the sky is falling…
“I see that Jim Miller has a different approach than Pudge and his banning when it comes to dealing with having his ass handed to him in his own (un)SP comment threads. No more comments. Problem solved! Putz.”
Partly right; Miller responds in a cowardly way because his content is attacked by the leftists (some who cross over from this blog) and is not that good at messaging or responding – he is different from Pudge who challenge all and has no tolerance for lieing. Jim Miller acts too much like the Republican party leadership. Ron Hebron doesn’t care and let’s em play and sometimes Warren Peterson does that.
@122 Pudge is the biggest coward of the lot.
Hey, I’m glad to see that my old friend Puddy is back and firing on all cylinders! I take it that all is well.
Morning Steve,
All is very well. I have pictures too. God is great!
BTW, R U still involved with Rachel Beckwith’s charity?
Hey Pluto boy, more of your peeps in action.
Hey Spuddy,
Now that the election is over, will you finally tell us how much shit you sucked out of Rmoney’s ass?
And whose ass are you sucking shit out of these days?
@125 I’m glad all is well, Puddy. Yes, my friends and I are still helping Rachel’s charity. What we’ve done for her has inspired us to start our own charity, one that helps other small charities like Rachel’s. Our first project is for a local Christian organization that is building schools in remote Ugandan villages where an education has never been available before. It’s amazing what they can do with very little money and a lot of heart. They’re really excited that we’re doing this for them.
I’m guessing spuddies mommy finally let him plug the computer back in, I can’t even imagine what a massive tantrum he threw after the election. :)
Washington state’s Republicans are 2nd to none in teh stoopid
State lawmaker defends bike tax, says bicycling is not good for the environment
Just remember folks, if someone you know is a Republican s/he is aligned with world class dumbasses who couldn’t find their ass with 2 hands.
@ 130
Your point noted, MBS.
BTW, is the EPA still trying to regulate CO2 as a pollutant, or did that die with Richard Windsor?
Oh my moron2@127 is back. Pluto boy is #1
@131, Kap’n Kornflake – Serial RENEGER,
Before I address your trolling, please tell us how do humans biologically produce CO2?
And thanks for your continuous commenting here which proves my point.
Methane is a biological byproduct as well. And yet there are efforts to alter cattle populations because of it.
Can humans buy carbon credits to offset their own CO2 production? Somebody go ask Al Gore. He’s over with the other sheiks.
Good for you Steve. I know you have a good heart.
We just picked up another young child to pay ALL their living and school expenses until they turn 18 or get married first. Mrs Puddy calls them our extended children. One of them, Ray (not his real name because Pluto boy will be scanning the ‘nets looking for this person), who turned 18, wrote us a powerful tear jerking thank you letter we are saving until Jesus comes again. He admitted his life is much better now that we chose him from the orphanage. We didn’t choose him. God chose him for us. Sometimes we wish we could do more but there are only so many children you can afford to support.
It’s good to see one (you of course) from the libtard side of the aisle being compassionate with their own money vs. almost all the other libtards waiting for the govmint to fork it over while they are sitting on their fat ASSES doing nuthin for their fellow man.
Still refusing to tell us how much shit you sucked out of Rmoney’s ass.
Afraid it will effect future offers for your shit sucking services?
Golly U R STUPID CubScout!
Seems you must all about shitsucking since you project yourself onto others. So is scat tasty to you? It’s a Psych 101 Thing.
Keep trying to ASSume something you ASS!
Now, now, Puddy. They’re not doing nothing. They’re voting to make somebody else pay for their shit. That’s something, isn’t it?
The desperation of the lying shit sucker; accusing their accuser.
Just admit to your shit sucking ways.
Kap’n Kornflake – Serial RENEGEGER
Does the fact that your biggest fan here is a lying, hate mongering shit sucker ever give you pause?
@137 Uncle Puddles – and welcome back you ignorant troll!
The question is: Tell us how do humans biologically produce CO2?
Your answer: “It is exhaled in the breath of humans and land animals.”
Now, take both hands and see if you can find your ass, dumbass.
The only way that would happen is if he crawls out of his basement and asks his mommy for help.
While CubScout and moron#2 pull their heads from their ASSES… here is what WikiPedia sez… Puddy went there becuz pictures are the only way to express a thought to Neanderthals such as you two!
Too bad Puddy can’t see ya heads… they are so far up your ASSES!
@134 Kap’n Kornflake, Serial RENEGER,
I asked you to tell us how do humans biologically produce CO2? and your reply not only does not answer the question, it throws in the meme we who understand science just love;
Al Gore is FAT!
You don’t have to fall in to the trap of looking like an idiot that Uncle Puddles did.
Just admit it.
You’re a RENEGING Republican who despite knowing nothing can’t help himself in being stupid.
@144 Uncle Puddles – and welcome back you ignorant troll!
Once again, the question is: Tell us how do humans biologically produce CO2?
Your answer is a cite on breathing which says: “Breathing is only one process that delivers oxygen to where it is needed in the body and removes carbon dioxide.”
One last try, how did the CO2 that is removed from the body via respiration get produced?
No, but I have to wonder if the fact that no one from HA has ever defended Liberal Scientist’s use of the term ‘minstrel show’ in reference to a black politician with whom he disagrees, when I have called him on it, ever gives Lib Sci pause.
Some things are just wrong, Lib Sci. For some bigotry there simply is no defense.
Oh, and I’m not here to gain fans, Meme1. I’m here because I would rather argue and occasionally be taught a lesson than hang out in some echo chamber populated by others of my own ideology.
U R an idiot… The answer is right there in the Wiki article.
Sad so sad! Moronic a libtard Cubscout is! Yodaspeak!
See ya later Cubscout. Sun is out and Mrs Puddy and I have things to do. Be sure to read the articles in WikiPedia! It may help your worthless case!
Well said. Moron#2 lives in the libtard echo chamber 24x7x365.25.
Speaking of the ignorant Republican re-branding effort,
Mitt Rmoney, he of the 47%, does his part today.
Romney: ‘Obamacare’ Was Attractive To Minority, Low-Income Voters
Yes, that was it! Rmoney and the Republicans lost in 2012 because they underestimated and underplayed the ‘takers’ meme.
Just remember folks, if someone you know is a Republican s/he is aligned with world class dumbasses who couldn’t find their ass with 2 hands.
Largely as the byproduct of the oxidative metabolism of glucose. That was 1977, 1979, 1981, and 1983, so the answer may be a little rusty.
Ask me about oxygen radicals and scavenging. I’m better at that.
@148 Uncle Puddles – and welcome back you ignorant troll!,
“The answer is right there in the Wiki article.”
It certainly is not. All of which leads us to ask how many hands a Republican would need to find his ass?
The answer to “How do humans biologically produce CO2?” is catabolism which occurs at the cellular level in humans. Exhalation of CO2 is the process by which the toxic substance of CO2 is removed from the human organism.
“When you go into bankruptcy your pension is gone. It’s gone,” Dolan said.
Uh oh.
More this Sunday on Republican Stupidity!
David Gregory To Boehner: ‘Mr. Speaker, That’s Just Not True’
Yes, why oh why didn’t the Senate Democratic plan (which according to Boehner can only exist if it passes) not pass the Senate vote on Thursday, February 28th?
Because the Senate Republicans filibustered it!
LOL!! We know where you were dumbass.
All that shit from your ugly ass made life a living nightmare for 4000 people.. I’m sure it’ll come out in the investigation.
Sweet home Alabama! Back in the deep red South where people respect you.
Came back due to Mrs Puddy getting a phone call…
From Wiki article
Just admit it CubScout… you didn’t read the article…
Sux to B U! Now pull your ASS from your head! Yep, Puddy said that perfectly in your case!
Keep guessing Pluto Boy. Keep guessing. At least Puddy can afford cruises because Puddy has a job. How is that SEIU loving wife staying with your sorry unemployed ASS? Must be for the kids sake!
Senate DUMMOCRAPTS have no plans except to raise taxes as a way to pay for more spending… Obummer campaigned on a balanced approach. Yeah Obummer’s balanced approach is to tax more and cut defense spending… Yeah Cubscout really balanced approach! Except the rich are now paying taxes back at the Carter year levels.
Sux to B U! Now pull your ASS from your head! Yep, Puddy said that perfectly in your case!
@156 Uncle Puddles – and welcome back you ignorant troll!,
I provided the answer up @152.
And no, your claim that the embedded reference of cellular respiration produces C02 was not and is not correct. Not by my account Uncle Puddles, but by the source you provided.
Sadly, your inability to comprehend what you read will continue to impede you, but see if you can understand.
Respiration at the cellular (and any) level provides the Oxygen needed for the catabolic process which produces C02 by releasing it from the carbon based molecules (a.k.a. food!). And then respiration (exhale) takes away the C02 waste, which is a byproduct of carbon based lifeforms.
Thanks for playing. Good luck finding your ass.
@158 Uncle Puddles – and welcome back you ignorant troll!,
“Senate DUMMOCRAPTS have no plans except …”
So, you disagree with Republican House Speaker Boehner’s assertion that the Senate Democrats do not have a plan to end sequestration?
It really is amazing y’all function at all.
Deep Thought:
Boehner on sequester: ‘I don’t think anyone quite understands’ how it ends
Is Speaker of the House, Republican John Boehner’s complete and utter confusion about the legislative process the reason his legislative branch has been given more non-work days (paid vacation!) by him and his ‘leadership team’ than work days this year?
Just remember folks, if someone you know is a Republican s/he is aligned with world class dumbasses who couldn’t find their ass with 2 hands
LOL! No need for that moron. I hit it right on the head.. Only way you could stay away from HA on vacay..
Your ugly ass was working overtime on that cruise pumping the shit through the aisles! Musta been something in the gulf fish dinner.. Scratch that – you were BORN full of shit!
Welcome back buffoon! That right wing bullshit of yours gotta work on something sometime.. Sure did wonders for your moronic ODS-addled mentality last November.
MBS @ 159
I provided the answer up @152.
And I provided an answer in @ 151, one I didn’t need to look up. I did so after you twice @ 133 @ 145 demanded of me that I do so.
Is there no response from you? Something suggesting I’m stupid @ 145, that I misunderstand, that I, by implication @ 161, am a dumbass?
C’mon, MBS. Let’s have a snappy response. Something about how I don’t make good on my obligations. You’ve got another one in you. Give us a kiss, big boy.
Uganda – Kill the gays. Way to go Steve and Puffy. Very religious like.
@ 164
And yet Gman doesn’t understand why even his mother rejected him.
@163 Kap’n Kornflake – Serial RENEGER,
“And I provided an answer in @ 151, , one I didn’t need to look up.”
If your credit was any good here, and it is not, you’d get partial credit.
We metabolize more than glucose.
Obviously if you don’t know we metabolize more than only glucose, you certainly do need to look it up.
So, in conclusion, you are a dumbass who has for nearly 20 weeks failed to meet your obligation to me for the wager you lost and to write a check in the amount of $1,000 made payable to Northwest Harvest and mail it to Darryl.
Now, do us all a favor and save the environment (in accordance with Republican understanding) and ask a friend to end your respiration.
@165 – Dip Shit – my mother hasn’t rejected me nor has my father, we have a loving relationship. And my mother is a very devout religious person. Only a dumb mother fucker like yourself wouldn’t understand.
@ 166
We metabolize more than glucose.
Yes, indeed we do.
This might explain why I included the word ‘Largely’ in my explanation.
’cause if I knew I had to list each and every compound converted by the body to CO2, I would @ 163 have had to look it up.
Wow, tough crowd. The sequester must be taking hold or something.
@168 Kap’n Kornflake – Serial RENEGER,
“This might explain why…”
The explanation of why you got the answer wrong was posted when I originally raised the topic of the wrong headed Republican thinking about C02 generation by Representative Ed Orcutt (R – Kalama) and which I’ve been repeating in this thread since.
Just remember folks, if someone you know is a Republican s/he is aligned with world class dumbasses who couldn’t find their ass with 2 hands.
You’re a dumbass Bob.
If you want expansion about why you are a dumbass, it is because you are a willful dumbass.
So Pluto boy, you are claiming Puddy been on vacation since Nov 21st?
Remember Puddy can take vacations because Puddy has a job. U on the other hand live hand to mouth from Mrs Pluto boy who wears the pants in that South Seattle family!
Such a moron! Sux to be you!
Awww poor gleeeeeeeman. Found some place he can’t visit! Guess they take hetero marriage seriously.
And before you call me a bigot, I’m keeping my opinions out of it, I’m just telling you what I hear from the white people i know. You bigot.
From the wiki link Puddy provided… Just two of the many God created reactions in humans… C6H12O6 (s) + 6 O2 (g) → 6 CO2 (g) + 6 H2O (l) + heat and
Glucose + 2 NAD+ + 2 Pi + 2 ADP → 2 pyruvate + 2 NADH + 2 ATP + 2 H+ + 2 H2O + heat
It really sux to be Cubscout… he doesn’t read!
Keep on trucking moron! U R stuck on stupid.
@171 Uncle Puddles – and welcome back you ignorant troll!,
If you are sincerely interested in going after teh gays, might I suggest you point your bigotry at the Roman Catholic Church?
Sex conduct admission by cardinal Keith O’Brien
Rmoney is such a tease.
“It kills me not to be there, not to be in the White House doing what needs to be done,” Romney said in an interview on the “Fox News Sunday”
Really Cubscout… Changing the subject now after your ASSkicking on the wiki page?
If you ask Pluto boy nicely, he can catalog all of Puddy’s positive Catholic Church comments. Puddy not a fan of Catholic Church!
C’mon Darryl, delete #172 if you don’t like and release the other comments.
Puffy I know many white people that think you should go back to Africa, where you belong. Before you call me a bigot, not necessarily stating my opinion, just telling you what I hear from many white people that I know.
Puffy runs – afraid of showing his true colors, the bigot that he is.
You mean your libtard Massachusetts friends? Yeah Puddy can believe that! Libtards are so racist.
BTW Gleeeeman, Puddy doesn’t live here U idiot! Run away from you? HAHAHAHAHA!
@186 actually all those white people i speak of are republicans….hahahahahahaha! And I’m not in Massachusetts, hahahahahah!
And checks in with HA while on those vacays.. It’s documented.. It’s a fact that you seem strangely unable to process. Wha’s wrong boss? Fambly not good enough for you? Need to blow off some steam? While stewing in paradise?
Better than checkin’ in with the office ‘spose.. Awwwwww. He misses us comment thread regulars.. sniff.. sniff..
Let’s review güey..
During your hated “community organizer”‘s first year in office you logged an average of 23 comments a day here.. All that during underemployment days, traveling days, sky god day, fambly time whatever… 23 comments a day..
You called the President countless names, called the regulars here even more names, 19,596 comments total during the President’s first term and all of that shit amounted to WHAT???
Four more years for your hated “community organizer”… heh.. No second toke on the “next Jimmy Cahter” fantasy blunt for you fool.
It sucks doesn’t it?
Lied To…
by the right wing bullshit grifter complex.. But it takes a fool to be fooled..
Only in TexASS…
Review what Pluto boy? You seem to not want to talk about your sorry state.
Let’s review… Here are the facts on Pluto boy
Skirt wearer
Class warfare cheerleader
Hands out for a free ride freeloader!
Nuff said sucka! Don’t need a crazed databaze to demonstrate those wekk-known facts!
Yet that’s all one heard from Obummer the last two weeks. You are those some people Obummer! Must be reality has set in and he WILL have to cut social programs spending.
One drawback of the voting system I mentioned Australia uses, it can be susceptible to the party establishment in Canberra gaming it for political advantage. One controversial example is the Labor PM pushing for an Aboriginal athlete to be nominated at the top of the ticket for Senate in the Northern Territory(home to a big Indigenous Australian community), and since the NT only gets two seats, whoever is at the top of the Center-Left Labor Party and Center-Right Country Liberal Party tickets is as good as elected(unless enough voters vote below the line, and rank every candidate), the Labor incumbent was outraged, as well as some Aboriginal activists within the NT Labor party, who had their own candidate. PM Gillard and some in the Labor Party were probably just upset that one Western Australian Liberal in the House of Representatives was of Aboriginal descent, and they needed to do the same for this election coming up later this year.
Yes he’s nailed himself by his own words. The Obummerpocalypse is all his doing.
Spuddy stop spouting your hate mongering BS and tell us how much shit you sucked out of Rmoney’s ass.
And since your back, that means you found someone new to suck shit from, who would that be?
LMAO!!! Those 600 billion in extra funds from the rich really burned your ass.. Bob whined a tiny bit about his higher tax bill.. Nice to see your moronic mentality lose.
Not waging class warfare stupid.. Waging sanity vs your insanity.
Pluto boy@191 .. When you gonna man up and get a job? When you gonna stop being a deadbeat dad Pluto boy?
When you gonna stop being the woman of the house?
When you gonna man up and take your hard working wife on vacation?
Class warfare cheerleader indeed. Obummer has painted himself into a corner.
You need to discuss your issues with gleeeeman. He knows what you ask about!
This “gleeeeman” can verify the amount of shit you sucked out of Rmoney’s ass?
Can he also tell us whose shit you are currently sucking?
It’s amazing how moron#2 has two fixations…
Romney’s ASS!
Typical of a libtard… 101 Psych Projection
Still accusing your accuser, now THAT”S psych 101.
Now come clean about your shit sucking (pun intended).
See #195
see #196
“Uganda – Kill the gays. Way to go Steve and Puffy.”
192 – Woooo hoooo… Still as loony as ever..
Welcome back buffoon.. After the utter fayle and total collapse of your beloved ODS – we’ll see what new diseases bubble up out of your empty skull…
O proud member of the zero percent.