Thom: Shouldn’t we all be getting a check for the wealth of our nation?
Gov. Elect Jay Inslee with some important transition metrics:
Sam Seder: The fall of FreedomWorks and the conservative con.
Ann Telnaes: AIG adds insult to bailout.
Thom: Will Republicans do far more harm than al Qaeda?
Lawyers, Guns, and Money:
- Stephen defends the NRA.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Joe Biden is the NRA’s worst nightmare.
- Ann Telnaes: The gun lobby stands it ground.
- Thom: Do right wing nutjobbers need guns against the government.
- Ed: Conservatives compare Obama to Hitler over guns.
- Maddow: Rage against the buyback program.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Republicans go bonkers over VP Biden statement.
- Sharpton: NRA, the VP will see y’all now.
- Sam Seder: Alex Jones loses it on Piers Morgan
- Jennifer Granholm: Has the NRA met its match?
Thom with The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
Sharpton: New Republican War on Women as Rep. Paul Ryal (R-WI) introduces fetal personhood bill..
Maddow: On the popularity of Republicans versus cockroaches, lice:
Liberal Viewer: FAUX News hides U.S. spying on citizens?.
Gingery Goes All Aiken On Us:
- Sam Seder: The return of the Aiken Blunder.
- Young Turks: WTF Gingery!?!
Thom and Pap: KBR committed crimes all over the planet.
White House: West Wing Week.
Jon: First FAUX News “Boner Alert” of 2013.
Young Turks: FAUX News nutjob suggests algebra is part of the liberal agenda.
Thom with some more Good, Bad, and Very, Very Ugly.
Buzz 60: Congress less popular than colonoscopies, lice, root canals, cockroaches less than congress..
- Ann Telnaes: Obama nominates John Brennan for CIA director.
- Thom: Why the FCC needs a woman in charge.
- Lawrence O’Donnell: Obama’s binder full of men.
- Young Turks: Is the White House too white?
- Martin Bashir: Where is Obama’s binder full of women?
- Mark Fiore: Double Trouble.
- Stephen slams Obama’s all male cabinet.
- Thom on the Hagel nomination.
Ed: Republicans lose leverage in debt ceiling debate .
Sam Seder: corporate personhood on trial in California.
Thom: The Good, The Bad, and The Very, Very Ugly.
A date with Mitt Romney:
Last week’s Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza can be found here.
This guy entrusted his life savings to a wealth management firm that trusted a real estate investment firm.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is why you diversify your savings and investments.
An investment advisor mentioned to us in 2006 that we might consider moving some assets into a mutual fund that invested primarily in REITS. I did a little investigating and found that at the time the REIT that seemed to be the darling of the industry was run by a dominionist jerk who contributed heavily to right-wing causes and fired employees for not going to church. We decided to pass on the recommendation.
@2 You run into the same shit with companies in stock investing, plus a raft of other, such as cooked books and environmental irresponsibility and new airplanes spontaneously combusting and so on, but at least you can get out of a stock with a mouse click or phone call. I suppose you could argue that gold does none of these things to you — it just sits there and shines.
A bigger problem is what do you do if your job pays only $20,000 a year and you have no health or pension benefits? You become a 47-percenter, that’s what you do. Who created these
47-percenters? People who vote for Democrats, or politicians who jam through “right to work” (for low wages) laws?
Heh.. What percent voted for RMoney???
That fucking powermad greedhead liar really reaped the whirlwind on that one.
@5 You become a 47-percenter when Mitt Romney buys out your employer.
Here’s a how-to-spot-em article about Ponzis, pyramids, MLMs (multi-level marketing schemes), and other frauds.;ifp=0
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Fraud seems to be America’s largest industry now. Which suggests we’re becoming a third-world country.
how sweet it is to be loved by you.
Mother video tapes her 14 year old daughter having sex. What kind of person (heterosexual) are you for doing this?
Preach to me Master. One of Puffy’s freinds. Where is that idiot?
I posted about this yesterday. The perp (the mother) is a lawyer tied to a vicious anti-gay Christianist group. Puh-raiz JEEBUS!!
RFK Jr.: Oswald Wasn’t Lone Gunman
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. yesterday appeared to endorse the theory that JFK’s assassination was a mob hit.
“He said his father had investigators do research … and found that phone records of Oswald and nightclub owner Jack Ruby … ‘were like an inventory’ of mafia leaders the government had been investigating.
According to Kennedy, his father kept quiet about the Warren report in public, but privately called it “shoddy.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The Warren report has generated skepticism from its release, and when you watch the Zapruder movie it does look like the second shot came from the direction of the grassy knoll.
If that happened today it would be captured on thousands of cellphones from every conceivable angle.
Unsolved History on the Discovery Channel a few years ago found some photos that might have proven something on the Grassy Knoll, but they could not determine what it was, because the photos were taken with either the wrong film, or wrong filter on the camera. They recreated the image with the same cameras with the right setting, and there stand-in was visible. They also deduced that in one picture there was another person with a camera who had not come forward, and whatever they saw, could be the thing that solves the mystery This particular documentary aired about a decade ago.
Where did all the wingnuts go?
@7 “Fraud seems to be America’s largest industry now.”
At least we still excel at something.
Colin Powell doesn’t use the actual word, but makes it clear he thinks the GOP — his party — is racist.
Atlanta 27, Seattle 7, late in third quarter.
Republicans are working to make state taxes more regressive.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Some folks think you can never coddle the “jawb kweators” too much.
The NRA was for gun regulation, when it applied to scary black people.
So when black people displayed their guns, it was bad and must be banned. When white tea baggers display their guns, it’s their 2nd amendment right.
This makes no sense.
It was the Seahawk’s game to lose and they lost it..
Damn what was Carroll thinking in the first half? Never NEVER throw away an opportunity to score in the playoffs.
Anyway recover by seeing “Silver Linings Playbook”..
A beautiful gem of a movie. I would be very happy to see it win Best Picture.
Mostly true. Of course the baggers amoung us claim we’re taxed enough already. Go figure.
Too effin’ funny… What do some right wingers think of these places?
Hong Kong
New Zealand
Some right wingers claim these places are among the “freest countries in the world”…
All of these countries have government provided/supported health care..
Take it down Jim Stupid DeMint!
PuddyIdiot once lauded Colin Powell as a “man of integrity”..
Huh.. Why’s he saying this?
Heh. Moot point I know.. Puddyfool ejected himself from the game or someone had him committed.
New report on climate change coming out. A sample:
What will right wing idiots do? Deny reality as they’ve always done? Seems likely to me..
I hope I’m wrong.. We may have run out of time.
Of course the baggers amoung us claim we’re taxed enough already.
I’ve said many times, when Tea Baggers claim to be “taxed enough already,” they’re not talking about their wallets.
@24. In about 10 years, they will be the people blaming everyone else for the climate and saying why didn’t anyone do anything when we had the time!
PS. IMHO. We have run out of time. I think we passed the tipping point about 10 years back.
Hey. Tailor-made for our troll Bob
Wow.. The delusional mentality of Beck knows no bounds. Sheesh..
Hope they have their own modular nuke reactor to make juice to power their air conditioners.. They’re gonna need it in TexASS..
Go Galt right wing dings!
@28 If their reactor doesn’t work, they can buy electricity from my utility. Hell, if Prescott Bush could sell oil to Hitler, I can sell juice to wingnuts!
An immature young smartass gets his ass handed to him by Piers Morgan.
The Saudi government is stonewalling widespread condemnation of its beheading of a young foreign migrant worker, saying what they do to foreign workers is none of anyone else’s business.
@31 We execute people all the time. so what? In the time it took me to write this, Texas killed 3 or 4 mentally challenged and or innocent women and men that were on Death Row. Are you objecting to her being killed for killing the baby, or the way she was killed?
It’s like right-to-work laws. You don’t like the conditions, don’t work there.