Have at it!
5:54: I’ll throw in some random stuff like…
Martin O'Malley looks as much like a Democratic president as Mitt Romney looked like a Republican president.
— LOLGOP (@LOLGOP) October 14, 2015
It was hard for him, but Jim Webb remembered all his daughter’s names. That will get the women’s vote.
— Amanda Marcotte (@AmandaMarcotte) October 14, 2015
I like Bernie but he makes want to throw spitballs and make fart noises in the back of class.
— Ana Marie Cox (@anamariecox) October 14, 2015
Quick fact: Jim Webb and Hillary are the only candidates this cycle who have personally killed people
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) October 14, 2015
You know…Vincent Foster.
6:00: Anderson is to Hillary as Megyn was to Donald?
6:06: Republican Debate: “Raise your hand if you believe in Evolution.
Democratic Debate: “Raise your hand if you believe in Capitalism.
Chafee wants Democrats to become the Party of Lincoln
— Darryl Holman (@hominidviews) October 14, 2015
Seattle's Roanoke Park Place Tavern is filled with folks paying rapt attention to the #DemDebate. Is it like that at bars nationwide?
— Goldy (@GoldyHA) October 14, 2015
Jim Webb should offer to place ads on his forehead. Might sustain the campaign for a little while.
— Ana Marie Cox (@anamariecox) October 14, 2015
TFW you've convinced your opponents to attack each other while you sit back and watch: pic.twitter.com/xc2le2JbS9
— Scott Bixby (@scottbix) October 14, 2015
Will someone please ask Chafee about the metric system?
— Taegan Goddard (@politicalwire) October 14, 2015
"I know guns. Guns are friends of mine. You, sir, are no gun." — Jim Webb, basically. #DemDebate
— Chris Cillizza (@TheFix) October 14, 2015
6:25: Goldy: “She is better than anyone else in the room.”
Does Webb's head actually pivot on his neck? Serious question. #DemDebate
— Goldy (@GoldyHA) October 14, 2015
I will vote for anyone who answers a yes or no question with "yes" or "no."
— Dave King (@DaveKingThing) October 14, 2015
Jim Webb and Herbert Hoover: Separated at birth? #DemDebate pic.twitter.com/JXa2MOL1q7
— Dan Savage (@fakedansavage) October 14, 2015
Seriously… has anybody seen Jim Webb's head pivot? This is really distracting. #DemDebate
— Goldy (@GoldyHA) October 14, 2015
This is a terrible answer from Sanders. This is a candidate who was not prepped on foreign policy. Clinton is way out in front, here…
— JeffreyFeldman (@JeffreyFeldman) October 14, 2015
IALL GOING ACCORDING TO PLAN. MT @jbarro: Sanders is here to make Hillary look like a moderate; Webb to make Sanders look like a non-crank.
— Ana Marie Cox (@anamariecox) October 14, 2015
This #DemDebate is like being speed-interrogated by an inquisitor on meth.
— John Fugelsang (@JohnFugelsang) October 14, 2015
Cyberwarfare? Really?
6:46 Back from intermission. Time for some emails.
Clinton: "This [Benghazi] committee is basically an arm of the Republican National Committee."
— HuffPost Politics (@HuffPostPol) October 14, 2015
6:48: “The American people are sick and tired of hearing about the damn emails!” An that was not Clinton…
6:49: Bernie just earned himself an Ambassadorship.
6:50: “Secretary Clinton, do you want to respond?” “No.” We have ourselves a WINNER!
6:52: ‘Black lives matter” question interrupted by a “Child Abduction Emergency”.
6:54: Where do the get the Atari computers to run those Amber Alert notices?!?
— Alithea (@alithea) October 14, 2015
If all lives actually mattered we wouldn't need #blacklivesmatter #DemDebate
— John Fugelsang (@JohnFugelsang) October 14, 2015
#DemDebate I would love to hear Bernie order a meal. "1st of all, let's understand that I want cheese on my burger."
— Paula Poundstone (@paulapoundstone) October 14, 2015
O'Malley: Reinstate Glass-Steagall. (Thanks to Cooper for explaining to stoopid American public what that means.) #DemDebate
— Goldy (@GoldyHA) October 14, 2015
The fact that the #DemDebate had to tell us what Glass-Steagall is kinda shows why the crash happened in the 1st place.
— John Fugelsang (@JohnFugelsang) October 14, 2015
Between "five point plan" and Glass-Stiegel, I think a bunch of folks just fled to @Mets and @Dodgers.
— David Axelrod (@davidaxelrod) October 14, 2015
7:08: Chafee just had a slow motion “oops” moment trying to explain his vote.
Linc Chaffee just about pulled a Stockdale with that answer "Who was I, what was I doing there?" #DemDebate #DebateDebateLA
— Lizz Winstead (@lizzwinstead) October 14, 2015
— Chris Cillizza (@TheFix) October 14, 2015
Why the hell haven't any of these people tried to scare me over Mexicans yet. #DemDebate
— John Fugelsang (@JohnFugelsang) October 14, 2015
RNC Rapid Response email count: 8 #nprdebate
— Scott Detrow (@scottdetrow) October 14, 2015
If Don Lemon can only ask about black people and Juan Carlos Lopez can only ask about Hispanics, Wolf Blitzer only gets to ask about wolves.
— Dave Itzkoff (@ditzkoff) October 14, 2015
Shorter Hillary: any of us is better than those assholes on the other side!
— Michael Maddux (@michaeljmaddux) October 14, 2015
Gonna go ahead and predict that Chafee/Webb/O'Malley all stay below 1% after this debate.
— Conn Carroll (@conncarroll) October 14, 2015
Gonna go ahead and predict that Chafee/Webb/O'Malley all stay below 1% after this debate.
— Conn Carroll (@conncarroll) October 14, 2015
Sorry, watching cartoons with a 3-year-old, but did they really ask candidates if they've *used* pot, but not an actual policy question?
— Lee Rosenberg (@Lee_Rosenberg) October 14, 2015
Whenever I start feeling sleepy, I realize Jim Webb is speaking. #DemDebate
— Dominic Holden (@dominicholden) October 14, 2015
Talking time (so far):
Clinton 21:40
Sanders 21:16
Webb 12:29
O'Malley 11:47
Chafee 7:44
(via @meridithmcgraw)
— Ryan Struyk (@ryanstruyk) October 14, 2015
Webb and his views serve as reminder that the older Democratic Party is not gone, only eclipsed. #nprdebate
— Ron Elving (@NPRrelving) October 14, 2015
Enemy question: Does Jim Webb still suffer from PTSD?!?
— Darryl Holman (@hominidviews) October 14, 2015
Chaffee Bumper Sticker: No scandals and only two mulligans!
— Sam Seder (@SamSeder) October 14, 2015
The debate had many highlights but Jim Webb’s slow grin at the mention of killing a man will *haunt my dreams.*
— Ana Marie Cox (@anamariecox) October 14, 2015
Chafee: "I did my homework… except for that first vote I took. I winged that one." #DemDebate
— Dan Savage (@fakedansavage) October 14, 2015
"The enemy soldier that threw that grenade that wounded me, but he's not around anymore."
So, Jim Webb, gonna whack Congress members?
— Daniel Robinson (@daguro) October 14, 2015
Enemy you're most proud of making?
Chafee: Coal lobby
O'Malley: NRA
Clinton: GOP
Sanders: Wall St, Pharma
Webb: An enemy soldier
— PBS NewsHour (@NewsHour) October 14, 2015
I'm hoping for his closing, Jim Webb will loosen his tie, and his head will fall off. #DemDebate
— Goldy (@GoldyHA) October 14, 2015
A solid A- for Cooper tonight. Tough questions and, even more surprising, tough follow-ups… 1/2
— Brent Bozell (@BrentBozell) October 14, 2015
I think Clinton’s numbers are gonna jump after tonight. She balanced being warm and fierce — what holdouts were waiting to see. #DemDebate
— Dominic Holden (@dominicholden) October 14, 2015
If Jim Webb had played the I-Killed-A-Guy card earlier, he might have had more success getting Anderson to give him more time.
— Josh Barro (@jbarro) October 14, 2015
When Hillary Clinton uttered the word “Amuck”, the first thought that crossed my mind was the “Amuck, Amuck, Amuck, Amuck” punchline from the family classic “Hocus Pocus”.
I never thought that Bernie Sanders would be the most sane individual on stage when it comes to firearms ownership.
Also, we’ll trade you a “Chris Christie, Carly Fiorina and a Lindsay Graham” for Jim Webb, no questions asked.
Glad to see you are alive!
Life’s been busy. But when I saw your byline on this thread, I felt it worth stopping by to say hi.
WTF is Back Ward doing here? Go back to (un)SP.
Where one can “chime in” on Seattle traffic! Too funny!
Lots of pithy stuff being said above in 140 characters or less. C’mon people.
Boob was right again, a lot of boooing abouut emails…..not! instead a standing ovation to stop talking about fucking emails.
BOB you fuck blow hard fuck wad!
Goldy @GoldyHA
Clinton attempts to pivot to substantive issues, and Cooper cuts her off to get back to the emails. #DemDebate
I know that the same questions are being asked, time and time again. It would be really, really boring if she didn’t keep giving different answers each time.
Bob @ 7,
You are not clever. You are a bore.
Chafee is is looking pretty sad. He should drop out after this.
Last of the eastern rock-ribbed R’s now posing as a D.
I have a question. Is there anyone using Twitter with half a brain? Even one person?
@1 “Also, we’ll trade you a ‘Chris Christie, Carly Fiorina and a Lindsay Graham’ for Jim Webb, no questions asked.”
No. I’ve flipped stocks, watched sports, and shopped for used and new cars long enough to know a shitty deal when I see one.
There is love and respect, then you have booing and hissing and disrespecting Repukes.
@4 I see Jim Miller revived (u)SP a few days ago to whine about the traffic disruptions caused by Obama’s visit. Of course, he only complains about Democratic presidents; it was a different story when Reagan or the Bushes came to town. My main point, though, is that the chief editorial director of Washington state’s leading conservative blog can’t think of anything to talk about in the middle of a presidential campaign except traffic.
@13 reference @12, gives you the reason why.
@9 I kinda like him, at least better than O’Malley or Webb.
@14 Yes, we all understand that Jim Miller believes he can make the Democrats go away by trivializing them. That’s been his strategy for some time. And everyone but him knows it isn’t working. His blog isn’t exactly thriving, and that coward won’t let anyone post comments, in case there’s someone out there who wants to.
@4 How do you “chime in” on Seattle traffic when the coward running the blog doesn’t allow comments?
After watching 2 hours of debate, I’ve concluded the worst Democrat is still light years better than the best Republican.
Interesting Back Ward’s “trade”..
Carly? Was her PP fantasy too “lefty” for “real americans”?
Lindsey? That fool is the BFF of McSame who Back Ward couldn’t slobber over enough. Oh I get it. Graham’s recent climate change remarks musta painted him as some kind of Trotskyist.
Christie? I believe it. Christie hugged the Kenyan Mooslim Soshulist. Beyond the pale..
I guess for a newly minted D Webb is “real american” enough for Back Ward. I mean Webb even packs some real heat.
Puddy and Mrs Puddy declare Jim Webb the winner here. The only real sane one tonight in the five DUMMOCRETIN klown show.
Even Bernie Sanders said Jim Webb is RIGHT! SuperPACS for Clinton is proving wall street big money runs the DUMMOCRETIN klown show!
Heilary is sooooooo phony especially her closing statement! A 1%er claiming to be for the little people!
I know everyone here is glued to the Democratic debate. But there’s still a world out there. In other news, Lamar Odom, ex-NBA player and ex-spouse-to-be of Khloe Kardashian, is hospitalized after being found unresponsive in a Nevada brothel, and the ACLU has filed a lawsuit against two psychologists who helped the Chimp regime design torture methods. And a Milwaukee jury has found a gun shop liable for injuries suffered by two cops shot by a gun the shop knowingly sold to a straw purchaser.
The economy sucks with this DUMMOCRETIN in the whitey house. Flip flopping on the keystone pipeline!
Too many rehearsed Clinton lines! This was the real klown car show!
Contrast couldn’t be more clear. Sober minded people with records of achievement (the Democrats) vs frothing at the mouth venom spitters scrambling for the nutcase vote.
Speaking of the nutcase vote and it appears @ 20 and 22.
@20 Who gives a rabbit fuck for what you think?
@22 Compared to what? The Bush economy that Obama inherited in 2009? The Democratic nominee, whoever it is, should ask the audience in next year’s debates: “Are you better off than you were eight years ago?” Then they’ll know who to vote for, if they don’t already. Sure, the economy could be better, but you won’t make it better with the Republican program of giving more tax breaks to the billionaires and financiers who wrecked it in the first place.
Funny that jackass. At one time you thought Webb was a kiddie porn writer.
Wanna link?
Climate change vs. ISIS? Really?
Two hours of bloviating. No worry about Russia and the middle east issues!
The top 0.1% of Americans own Heilary Clinton’s campaign. Bernie Sanders is right!
@24, farts Who gives a rabbit fuck for what you think?
No one who thinks right cares what you bloviate every day! Have at it early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Puddy cares less!
@27 “No worry about Russia and the middle east issues!”
Actually, they talked about that, but maybe you stepped out to deal with salt mining issues or something.
@30 Good, we understand each other.
The FBI is partisan Republicans on Heilary’s email scandal? Heilary never addressed this in the debate!
58% of Americans think Heilary is still lying!
Glad be of service to the truth about a batshit insane troll.
@20 the babbling jackass troll farted:
And on 10/27/2006 the same troll’s sock puppet diarrhead:
Read the trash from Jim Webb.
I just visited DU moonbats. Even they are in a quandry over Jim Webb’s mind!
From a “trash” writer to a “winner”. Always wrong wing memory malady.. Heh. Too funny.
@34 Puddy’s a flip-flopper? No! You don’t say! Say it isn’t so! He’s no better than that? I don’t believe it! Whew. If Puddy has gone over that hill, who’s left? Besides me, I mean.
salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS @34,
Seems Slate agrees with Puddy on that one!
Where did Puddy flip early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? Someone help the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Jim Webb wrote what Salon thought was trash. Jim Webb was the only cogent DUMMOCRETIN there!
Now here is a flip flop DUMMOCRETINW would rather see everyone forget. http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.....goer/?_r=0
PuddyCommentary… So she is a pro-gun churchgoer who now hates all guns with a passion!
Flip Flop Flip Flop
Did Tulsi Gabbard sit in debate tonight? Was she allowed to attend? Seems the Kooks at Daily Kooks are upset with Schultzie..
“I was told that I was no longer welcome to come to the debate.” – Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, Hawaii Democrat
Knowing the continual of horsesASS manure coming from Debbie Blabbermouth Schultzie over the past few months trying to jock strap the Coronated Candidate Clinton (CCC), and it being worse than that spewed here by HA DUMMOCRETINS, Puddy believes Tulsi!
LOL! This troll believes Webb wrote porn. And then he calls Webb a “winner”?
What kind of message does this send to the trolls fellow SDA klownservatics?
Oh they can’t know about this website! Especially the “use” this troll has for this forum.
Salt mining tonight jackass?
Heilary claims she took responsibility for the email scandal. Yet she doesn’t discuss why she “wiped” (with a cloth) the server and gave direct orders to only back up the email for 30 days at a time. She hasn’t discussed why the FBI has impounded four State Department computers in the scandal.
Must be Obummer’s FBI is really a new wing of the Republican Party!
Salon or Slate called it “trash” jackass?. Nope you dope. Slate said it was porn. Slate was wrong btw. Jim Webb just wrote about what he saw in Vietnam. Why do YOU HATE the recollections of a Vietnam Vet, babbling jackass?
You called it “trash” in 2006 and linked to Drudge.
Damn! The salt mining is gonna be fucked up tonight!
Puddy is right!
Puddy and Salon both agree and believe Webb wrote porn.
Puddy calls Webb the debate “winner”?
This is why Puddy PWNS the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS!
Soooooooooo to the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS porn isn’t trash.
And you never read the commentary in Daily Kooks where many of them thought it was disgusting and trash too! Apparently HA’s salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS knows the topic of Jim Webb’s “novel”! Very interesting!
Must be prime time morning and evening reading to the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS!
Thanks for playing!
What happened to Salon jackass? Wrong again? Fucked up in the head?
Both the jackass and Slate are stupid wrong. And damn! A klownservatic troll goes on the record of calling who it fantasizes as a porn writer being a “winner”.
Just a laugh a minute from this troll.
Keep slinging the tasteless salt salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS. Your brand has no taste! More monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless mania from the clueless fool!
On the stage tonight Jim Webb was the best in every answer.
Bernie had to backtrack a few times
Heilary was caught in her flip flops
Martin Who?
Lost Lincoln!
Hands down winner salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS! Go back to mining the tasteless salt you spew here!
@44 what are you babbling about Slate?
[Content spilling over edge deleted]
LOL! Now the troll calls Webb both a guy who “wrote porn” and “the best”.
Too funny this holier than thou troll!
@47 I’m not sure who won, but I think there was a big loser in tonight’s debate — Puddy. But what’s new about that? He loses every debate, and every debating point of every debate. Puddy was born a loser.
Darryl @ 8
That’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.
Hry Jesse Ventura maybe running for President.
So I did not miss much by not listening to the debate. There maybe a little movement in the polls, but the Cubs are playing baseball. Did anyone ask if the candidates would rather have been watching a game? I bet Bernie would have nailed that one.
So is Joe Biden definitely out? In? Should have been there?
Well the e-mail business will continue. The Clinton white house was lax in that area. Sometimes it was a refreshing.
“On the stage tonight Jim Webb was the best in every answer.”
The loser loon identifies with a loser. No surprise.
Too close to call for me. Boob is definatrly running a close second place and on the heels of running past the biggest loser.
When Puddy is the topic Puddy PWNS everyone, especially the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS above.
Nothing new was learned from it except monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless mania. Can’t accept FACTS from the debate. Witness #47. Still can’t separate what Jim Webb wrote in a book that libtard e-rag agreed to his command performance in the debate. Tonight Jim Webb was better. Heilary used her rehearsed lines about the email server never talking about the FBI probe. Bernie looked as lost as Lost Lincoln, especially over that guns in Vermont answer. Martin O didn’t step up to the plate when given the chance!
So if Jim Webb didn’t win per HA DUMMOCRETINS then Bernie Sanders did. CNN and Fox each had “normal” DUMMOCRETIN groups viewing the sleepy debate. Both said Bernie won! Yet the media narrative is Heilary won. The media loved CCC’s canned answers for libtard causes. Nothing new was learned from CCC. YAWN!
Of course… she is the coronated candidate clinton. (CCC). More like the manchurian candidate! Or may the coronated candidate clinton problem (CCCP) for DUMMOCRETINS.
Once you walk away from the preeningNew York City libtard zone and K-Street class of HA DUMMOCRETIN libtards… http://www.ibtimes.com/who-won.....ce-2140414
Canned Clinton Commentary Proved (CCCP) Sanders the win!
CNN – Clinton News Network called it for Clinton. Of course, the slobbering DUMMOCRETINS on CNN are still in the tank!
An interesting take!
http://time.com/4072688/democr.....ald-trump/ DUMMOCRETINS were so boring the Twits looked at Donald!
[Content spilling over edge deleted]
Seems the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS lost again. Awww! Puddy guesses it’s back to Jim Webb’s book which it claimed to love above! Monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless mania reigns supreme in that neandertal cranial orifice!
“When Puddy is the topic…”
…the jokes told by COMMIE FASCIST DUMMOCRETIN scum leaves me ROFLMFAO at the batshit crazy loon!
Who ever really believed Jim Webb was actually running?
This is becoming a tired tactic for professional public figures. But it’ll sell scripts and earn him bigger advances.