“Lock him up!”
Today, for the first time in history, a former President has been criminally convicted. A short time ago, the jury in a NY State court found The Former Guy guilty on all 34 felony counts.
There is something important to notice here. This isn’t really a case about extramarital sex, or buying Pecker, or having people sign NDAs. Rather, its about the team that routinely cries “rigged election!” being found criminally guilty of falsifying business records in order to rig a presidential election.
Anything and everything they accuse Democrats of doing is because they have already tried doing it. It is always projection with these assholes!
With a little luck, there will be more guilty verdicts for election-rigging charges in D.C. Federal Court and Fulton County Court. The icing on the cake may be indictments and charges in another jurisdiction or two—you know, like AZ, WI, and MI.
One of the strongest criminal cases against Трамп is the federal documents case in Florida. So far, Judge Aileen Cannon has managed to slow-walk that case, but if Трамп loses the 2024 election, that case should result in a conviction with a serious sentence.
For now, we will have to be satisfied with a Felon Von Shitzenpantz guilty of business record fraud, and guilty of civil crimes that have racked up well over half a billion dollars for business fraud, defamation, and for sexual abuse.
Republicans must feel such a deep sense of pride in their candidate!
NBC News says “Trump’s online fundraising page appears to have crashed and is displaying an error message.” Also, Trump Media stock just dropped 9% in after-hours trading.
Someone should check whether Trump Tower’s foundation is sinking and water from sea level rise is seeping into Mar-a-Lago’s basement (we don’t want the still-hidden classified files to get wet).
Convicting Trump of trying to rig a presidential election won’t cost him a single Republican vote. Not one GOP politician will withdraw their endorsement. Republicans believe election laws only exist to be broken. They routinely violate campaign finance laws.
Voters are smart enough to have seen what happened. They rejected #CrookedHillary’s dishonesty in 2016, and they’ll very well reject what happened in Trump’s trial as well.
Trump’s real verdict will be read November 5th.
The locals and networks broke in to lead the news with the conviction report tonight.
The 20% of regular Republican voters who have identified themselves as at least somewhat “Never-Trump”, who have voted for Haley in primaries, and who say they are still considering their options, are also the most highly educated of the Republican base voters and are also the most regular evening news consumers.
Prior opinion surveys have also measured these voters overwhelmingly indicating that they would consider felony criminal convictions disqualifying.
I guess it must be time for another boat parade.
Acceptance of responsibility is indeed one of the factors that a NY judge is bound to consider when imposing sentence on a convicted criminal like the Republican nominee.
In this case the convicted criminal is on Truth Social summoning Republicans to arm themselves and prepare to go to war against the United States.
Speaking of Truth Social, the stock is down almost 10% in after hours trading on news of his conviction on 34 felonies.
@ 4
Prior opinion surveys have also measured these voters overwhelmingly indicating that they would consider felony criminal convictions disqualifying.
I guess it must be time for another boat parade.
I guess it must be time for another poll, you mean.
Although polling didn’t do me much good, once Election Day arrived.
@ 7
Speaking of Truth Social, the stock is down almost 10% …
Yes, briefly it was down 15%. Now down less than 7%.
Does anyone recall futures trading in the first few minutes after it became clear that #CrookedHillary would have her ass handed to her by Trump in 2016?
QoS McHillbilly, you know better than this. You just can’t help yourself.
For a Trump-affiliated social media company, what happened today will drive traffic to it. The shares will rise because of it.
So will Trump’s polling.
Let’s remind ourselves that POS Hunter will face two separate trials in June, one scheduled to begin next week. It will be The Biden Crime Family’s turn to have its dirty laundry aired.
Donald J. Trump, often described as a “real estate mogul” is now disqualified from holding a real estate license in New York.
Still not voting for Hunter
@ 11
Donald J. Trump, often described as a “real estate mogul” is now disqualified from holding a real estate license in New York.
Yes, and former president Bill Clinton was disbarred before the US Supreme Court. To help him manage his grief his friend Jeffrey Epstein flew him out of US airspace so that Bill could fuck minor girls bareback.
Just look at that, would you?
Village Idiot is saying (and he will continue to say it because he has no other choice now) that randomly chosen juries of regular citizens unanimously vote to convict innocent 79-year-old white men represented by the best lawyers their vast wealth can buy.
I love this shit.
“Yes, and former president Bill Clinton was disbarred”
Not voting for him either.
Trump’s dumbest child, Don Jr., just compared his father’s conviction to the JFK assassination.
The greedy racist incel cast aspersions about bill and Jeffrey Epstein but never saya a peep about trump the convicted criminal rapist and Jeffrey Epstein, when that is just as likely. Odd.
@3 I see you read Washington Examiner too. Another of your treasured “sources.” Is there anyone working at Washington Examiner who wouldn’t crawl over broken glass for Trump? That rightwing rag does all the time, and I don’t see how you can work there if you don’t.
Reminded me again, Jeffrey Epstein, who also spent time with convicted rapist trump, died in 2019; in the Metropolitan Correctional Center, that was operated by the Federal Bureau of Prisons, a division of the United States Department of Justice, and who was the President in 2019?
“So you’re saying that all twelve jurors, who began the trial as complete strangers, conspired with each other to unanimously convict you?”
I’m saying I never even met those men they say I ate.
It was the most outrageous miscarriage of justice in all history.
I’m completely innocent.
All the evidence against me is fabricated. And I have absolutely no idea how all those skeletons got piled in those rice paddies.
President Joe Biden is going to debate a convicted criminal.
Ewok party right after Luke blows up the Death Star.
I’m gonna fuck tonight!
What now, Motherfucker?
Don’t worry Evangelicals, this was God’s will.
You know isn’t a convicted felon? The email lady.
Sure thing, Jan.
A WA Examiner commentator with byelines about how successful sending the National guard in for Trump’s Church speech never voted for Trump.
That’s as believable as a horesefucker timing the market with incredible success.
@9 In which the dumbfuck doctor does an end zone dance because his lifelong dream of someday voting for a felon has just been fulfilled.
@10 I’m looking forward to Hunter and Trump being cellmates.
@13 “Yes, and former president Bill Clinton was disbarred before the US Supreme Court.”
Not exactly accurate. Clinton resigned from the Supreme Court bar, and was suspended from the Arkansas bar. But the point that lying should have consequences is valid. For Republicans, too.
A public-spirited citizen working tirelessly to protect children from Drag Queen Story Hour is arrested for possessing kiddie porn.
“TOO DAMNFUNNY!” – Piddles
The sone of a candidate will be on trial where a conviction is…questionable. Again because he paid the taxes with penalty so now the prosecution has to prove he didn’t pay up and did so with criminal intent.
Dumbfuck’s desperation is noted for the record with the court. Like a Assinine Brief.
The greatest hits keep coming from the Dumbfuck.
Clinton isn’t running for anything. AND…
The Republican nominee for President is a convicted felon.
No amount of “The guy from 30 years ago is bad” is going to change that.
I spent some time in the car this evening so dropped in on what the dimmest of the Right Wing Bulbs had to say.
Jason Rantz was all about the Steele Dossier and paying to plant stories and kill others would put all politicians in jail.
Well maybe. Did they all NOT disclose the expenditure from Campaign funds. Wait, how do we know that the Clinton Campaign bought a copy of the Steel Dossier even though they didn’t fund the initial research. Oh, IT WAS IN A CAMPAIGN DISCLOSURE.
Now do, paid for it with campaign funds to a lawyer and billed as tax deductible “legal work” for the explicit purpose of hiding:
a: the source of the funds
b: the nature of the ‘work’ provided to earn the funds
c: bribery
The knots y’all are gonna twist until November are gonna be entertaining. If you sprinkle them with enough butter and a shit ton of garlic and a side of Marinara they may become palatable.
“I’m looking forward to Hunter and Trump being cellmates.”
I get top bunk, bitch!
I never got a fair trial either.
In a celly fight Hunter wins no question.
That aside as first time felons Hunter is unlikely to serve any time at all (see already made restitution) and Donald due to the security issue of an ex-president is gonna end up on home confinement if Engaron assigns incarceration.
WA GOP chair,
The trial was a circus and a waste of taxpayer money. (And we love Semi Bird and fuck you Seattle/Pierce for shoving Reichert the Rino down our throught)
Any time you go 34-34 on charges and convictions it wasn’t a waste of money it was felonious conduct.
But IF I did it…
Wait till I get my appeal.
I got this fantastic lawyer who promises me he can get me off on appeal.
(The lawyer is fucking Melania)
He just needs another $4 million to “order the full trial transcript”, whatever that means.
(It absolutely means he’s fucking Melania)
Once I get my appeal I can get a release bond.
(The lawyer is going to snort all that bond money off Melania’s ass)
Tulsi Gabbard exhorts us that we are now a “banana republic” and “are finished” if this “personal political persecution” of Donald Trump by the all-powerful Dark Brandon is allowed to stand.
@34 “Clinton isn’t running for anything.”
Don’t you realize there’s a secret plot to replace Biden with her? The dumbfuck’s “sources” told him so.
@43 Huh. Gabbard is running for vice president. Trump might pick her, too. How did I miss that?
Because he committed crimes.
We’re going to see all kinds of reasons offered in the days ahead from MAGA to justify backing a convicted felon to run for president. Most MAGAts will wind up probably relying on more than one of these reasons, just like they relied on many reasons to waive away voting for a candidate who admitted to sexual assault. These reasons all suffer from some fatal flaws. But they are also revealing about the personalities of the people who express them.
It seems to me that, with some variation for style, these reasons all fall into one of three forms:
A) He’s essentially innocent, either in a purely technical sense or more absolutely. But “the system” is corrupt.
B) He’s “technically” guilty just like the jury unanimously concluded. But these offenses aren’t “real”. They are just a complex fabrication that a biased, overzealous prosecutor used to “go after him”.
C) None of that matters because of “who he is”. He’s the 79-year-old, wealthy, white male leader of the Republican Party. So regardless of whatever he may have done, he can’t be prosecuted and convicted because of his political identity and what he represents to his political supporters.
Gabbard is predictable in this sense. She’s going with C. If you look at her political history it makes sense. She believes in a society organized around its elites and a system that serves and protects these elites. Trump is very much the same. The trick for both of them is leveraging that elite driven concept of an orderly society into populist messaging. And so it renders their entire political identity a lie. And it forces them to devote a lot of time and energy lying. She just not nearly as good at it as Trump, and that’s why she’s a podcast guest financially supported by a Russian war criminal. Trump’s had lots more practice and he was taught by Roy Cohn.
@47 “Most MAGAts will wind up probably relying on more than one of these reasons,” popularly known as throwing spaghetti at a wall to see if anything sticks.
@47 “She’s going with C.”
Looks to me like Gabbard is (D) “I’m sucking Trump’s dick because I want to be his vice president.”