Early results are coming in on the statewide ballot measures, and it doesn’t look good for Tim Eyman. In Spokane, Lewis, Franklin and Island counties, I-1033 is performing dramatically worse than Eyman’s I-960 did in 2007. Based on even these early results, I’m ready to call it. I-1033 loses.
UPDATE (8:15):
King County reports. With 23.5% reporting (I’m guessing, about 60% of the eventual total), Dow Constantine leads Susan Hutchison by a commanding 57-43 margin. That’s toast.
UPDATE (8:26):
Just to put turnout in perspective, King County has reported about 254,000 ballots counted thus far. Unofficially, I’m told that there were 350,000 ballots in hand as of Friday at 5PM, and that elections projects about 650,000 ballots to be counted over all. So there are a lot more ballots left to count in King. Keep that in mind when considering close races, and particularly R-71.
UPDATE (8:36):
Given my previous comments about King County, knowing that the ballots reported thus far are solely from batches received by Friday, and seeing as the polls appear to have trended toward McGinn, I tend to believe that his slim 50-49 percent lead over Joe Mallahan will not only hold up, but expand.
UPDATE (8:50):
I-1033 is getting its ass kicked. In Eastern Washington. Lincoln, Spokane, Garfield, Columbia, Asotin, Whitman, Adams, Walla Walla and Kittitas counties have all gone No on I-1033, some of them by pretty impressive margins. I’m looking pretty prescient right about now, huh?
UPDATE (9:33):
With all the counties reporting something, R-71 is up 51.1 to 48.9. But looking at the turnout figures on the SOS’s website, I’m pretty confident it will expand its lead by a couple points.
So far it looks like R-71 is passing and I-1033 is failing. If the trend continues I predict Tim Eyman will give up the initiative business and register as Michael Dunsmire’s domestic partner.
Timmah is too much of an opportunist not to quit. You have to remember he profits win or lose.
R71 at 52-48 Approve with NO Pierce or Whatcom data at the SS site. This is looking good so far too.
But you’re correct, it makes Timmah look more irrelevant each time he loses.
kiro live feed
Constantine claiming victory.
#1 MarkS
I almsot spit on my keyboard. Damn that was funny.
Huthchison about to concede.
King Co is supposedly not releasing any more results until tomorrow?
I stand corrected.
Next results from King County 4:30 tomorrow
Ditto on teh funny MarkS. Well done.
Let’s all breathe a big sigh of relief that we dodged the bullet with Hutchison losing. Especially when you consider what I believe was her real plan, which was to act as the Republican fox in the hen house of King County elections. The GOP knows that “Floridating” the King County vote is key to handing over our state to the GOP presidential and gubernatorial candidates in 2012. That won’t be happening now.
What’s up with Pierce and Whatcom data (i.e., none)?
Little Timmy took out a big second mortgage on his house, presumably believing that he could use it to prove to his financial backers that he could deliver.
If I-1033 goes down in flames, perhaps his backers will go find a better investment. And he’ll go back to his former life as a cheesy salesman of overpriced-college-logo-watches.
One can only hope.
Constantine is just another Sims.
Uhhh. Anyone see the HNMT?
Chairman Dow?
Uhhh.. Anyone see Mr. Klynical or Little Ricky Dumbass?
“Sex Pred”?
Anyone see that homophic troll?
Any Howie Rich fans out there?
It’s a good night tonight in Washington. NJ and VA aside I hope it’s good elsewhere.
And NY-23 is looking good for the Dems! What a surprise!
@15: a perennial winner? He’ll take it.
@ 5: Thanks for the video feed, but is that date rape Dow’s significant other (not wife, playing house) behind him?
Reminds me of someone else with that bad hairdo.
Whatcom up: R71 approve 56, 1033 no 55
ESO- fools like you devalue the language and cheapen political discuorse. But I bet you think you’re clever.
Suzie is such a freaking bore.
Nothing would nauseate me more if she came baaaaaack..
Stick to spending rich men’s money Suzie.
@ 20 ~ you say that as a regular posting in this waste treatment plant (HA) given all the hate this site spews? You can’t possibly be that ignorant can you?
Just look at dumbass Darryl’s post “drinking liberally” thread tonight for an example of how political discourse is cheapened, dumbass. You might learn a thing or two about reality.
Yes ESO, re characterize the dialogue all you want. We are crushing the right wing here. This is our state.
Pierce up: R71 winning, 1033 losing but just above 50% for both
I speak to your language. Rape is a serious charge. You throw it about lightly. Be responsible for yourself.
you dumbass
And the quote of the night from Susan H on KIRO moments ago “the voters got confused”
I-1033 is down in Yakima County. That’s incredible.
Maine Marriage failing 52-48; Medical pot passing by 58%
Little Ricky Dumbass @ 22
We defeated you.
Okay okay this political horseshit aside
A guy is driving around the back woods of Washington and he sees a sign in front of a broken down shanty-style house: ‘Talking Dog For Sale’
He rings the bell and the owner appears and tells him the dog is in the backyard. The guy goes into the backyard and sees a nice looking Labrador retriever sitting there.
‘You talk?’ he asks.
‘Yep,’ the Lab replies.
After the guy recovers from the shock of hearing a dog talk, he says ‘So, what’s your story?’
The Lab looks up and says, ‘Well, I discovered that I could talk when I was pretty young. I wanted to help the government, so I told the CIA. In no time at all they had me jetting from country to country, sitting in rooms with spies and world leaders, because no one figured a dog would be eavesdropping.’ ‘I was one of their most valuable spies for eight years running. But the jetting around really tired me out, and I knew I wasn’t getting any younger so I decided to settle down.
I signed up for a job at the airport to do some undercover security, wandering near suspicious characters and listening in. I uncovered some incredible dealings and was awarded a batch of medals.
I got married, had a mess of puppies, and now I’m just retired.’
The guy is amazed. He goes back in and asks the owner what he wants for the dog. ‘Ten dollars,’ the guy says.
‘Ten dollars? This dog is amazing! Why on earth are you selling him so cheap?’
‘Because he’s a liar. He never did any of that shit.’
@ 25
Plying a subordinate 20+ years younger than you with alcohol repeadedly through the night while planting the notion that a ‘position’ is opening in your office in order to get that subordinate into a compromised state where their inhibition is lowered so that they’ll have a one night stand with you can be construed as predatory behavior that CAN and HAS resulted in date rape. Those are facts. Deal with it.
Meanwhile, Dumbass Darryl is giggling over a video that laments why Glenn Beck isn’t dead. Hmmm, advancing that political dialogue the progressive party of today isn’t it?
It’s called context. This site spews hate 24/7 about its political opponents and I say “date rape” Dow and you get your panties in a wad. Don’t be so ignorant.
1033 was not endorsed by any idiot politicians that I know of, so it stands to reason there was no encouragement seen by the voters to support it.
In this state, it’s a dime dozen that match that criteria- Democrats. Only thing dumber than the politician is the average voter that cast a ballot for them.
Pretty dead over at Sound Politics.
Puddy @ 30
What’s gotten into you? Humor on this Holy Night? Good joke. I’d buy the dog. I’d make sure, however, to teach him that lying just ain’t right.
You’re making up shit, pure and simple. Anyone who reads the facts of the story knows that you’re making up shit.
And shit with big words in it is still shit (referring to your earlier piece-of-shit comment).
On top of that, you’re not a fucking mindreader, so you have no idea how I’d react if it were a Republican. Nor do you have any idea how big my ass is.
On the other hand, I know enough about you to speak with authority about the fact that you’re an asshole.
Right wingers making up shit? I’m shocked, simply shocked!
31 – An ugly fantasy to go with the rest of the crap you bring here dumbass.
@ 36 ~ apparently you didn’t read the notes from Jane Doe.
This isn’t rocket science, but I can certainly understand why you’re confused. The fact is, you’d be squealing like a stuck pig if it was a Republican that had the same allegation lodged against them. You’re simply an ideologue with little intelligence.
I think R-71 will end up passing. But honestly, I’m still embarrassed by Washington state. I’m ashamed of 49% of Washington voters. NO one. No one except the KKK and neo-Nazi’s will look back in 2050 and think this was a brave vote to stop the ‘evil gays’ from taking over or whatever the lunatics fear. It’s embarrassing that this isn’t passing by 80%-90%. I know the future will be better for gay people. But being in the middle of this, and watching my fellow citizens say that gay couples shouldn’t have the same civil rights is…pathetic and kind of sad. I know every civil rights fight feels like this, feels unbelievable, like you can’t even imagine someones “fighting” you and on the other side. Thinking there were people who fought FOR slavery, and fought FOR keeping women from voting, and fough FOR keeping blacks from marrying whites. The very fact that there’s another SIDE to this is jaw dropping at times.
The ONLY argument I hear, the only folks on the “other side” here say, “it’s against my religion”. Great. And the Amish don’t believe in using electricity, and the Mormons liked multiple wives, and the Jewish tradition bans pork, Muslims aren’t supposed to drink, and so on…great. Then don’t do it. Don’t drink, don’t eat pork, don’t use electricity. I don’t care. I don’t want anyone to change THEIR religion. Just stop trying to pass laws telling ME I can’t eat a hot dog, or have a beer, or use electricity. Why is this not obvious?
Once again ylb arschloch is going delusional.
This is a whackamole blue state. So is NJ. Butt even peeps in NJ can wake up. Will WA ever wake up or will they keep meandering down the libtardo path?
Why? Peeps want to teach their children their values not have someone legislate them away. When you tell peeps they can’t have their religious views respected it shows where this country is going…
I recall ESO (Little Ricky Dumbass; he still calls himself Rick D. on SoundPolitics) making some predictions about the election here in Washington this year. Those predictions were about as accurate as those which he made about the 2008 election. Little Ricky Dumbass, why do you insist on making a public ass of yourself? You add nothing to the discourse. Unlike, oh say lostinaseaofblue, who can actually think, you just like to pull strings of partisan shit from your red ass and hurl them against the World Wide Web. That doesn’t count for anything, Ricky. And, by the way, I’m sorry your life didn’t turn out the way you thought it would; your bitterness shows, Ricky. Some people overcome disappointments in life, and some just fling strings of shit from their assholes at others.
I’ve been embarrassed by this state for 20 years, but for different reasons. Date rape Dow is only the last installment of embarrassing ‘leadership’ this county and state have endured (right behind Queen Christine). The blue bubble of ignorance continues.
Yes, why should we have to teach that blacks are equal to white. How DARE someone come in and force us!
Are you f**king insane. How are you on THAT side? This isn’t a “values”. Gay people (like me) aren’t some abstract thing, or just some protest political movement out to cause you problems. We’re ACTUAL people. We DO exist. We DO fall in love, for real, and want to get married. I’m sorry that offends you. I’m sorry if blacks, Jews or gays scare you. But we’re real people, not some political football. How DARE you attack me like that. To you it’s just some abstract political fight against something you view as “liberal” so you have to attack it. But it’s REAL people’s actual lives.
I’m SORRY if you have to tell children that gays exist, but it’s reality. Why is reality SUCH a problem for you?
Didn’t you get my POINT? Why should the Amish be ‘forced’ to accept your immoral use of electricity. Why should Muslims be forced to accept your immoral use of alcohol. Why should Jews have to accept your immoral use of pork? You live your crazy nutball religion the way you want…and leave me alone.
looking like republicans are winning in NJ and Virginia…Obamama’s on downhill….
No doubt you’re part of that latter group…
(but thanks for your projecting- very telling)
1033 failed because it was bad for the state and people from all over Washington were able to see that it was bad for the state.
46, and that is a mandate? You guys will take scraps at this point like the “country last” statements over the Olympics bid.
Tell me who says you can’t teach your children your values, whatever those values are. SHOW ME where anything anywhere says that.
All this says is that my daughter can have a legally recognized union with her same sex significant other.
That’s it. No legislation of morality or thought or religious expression. If you want to keep hating gay people, just like your Jesus did…not…go right on ahead. Nobody’ss stopping you.
Meanwhile…move to Kansas. You’ll be very happy there…or Oklahoma.
Yeah except Obama apporvial numbers in VA and NJ are the same as what he was elected with.
But Right Wingers don’t like facts do they. I am glad WA isn’t ignorant and elects smart people.
Wow Dow is a rapist? What slanderous lies will the wingnuts embrace next?
I understand your sentiments. But, let me harken back to the Cheney/Bush years, and those whom we call “puppy barbecuers.” Then, there was about 25-30% of the American population that if told that Dick Cheney was barbecuing live puppies on the White House lawn because he was a great patriot and that puppy-barbecuing was anti-terrorist, would believe it. Not only that, but that segment of our population would insist on barbecuing some puppies themselves. That segment of the population is always out there–Cynical, Little Ricky Dumbass, Puddybud, Mark1, they are members of the club. The puppy-barbecuers, unfortunately, vote in droves, even in off-year elections. So, the numbers you’d like to see on a nobrainer issue like R-71, just can’t happen (unless the Oklahoma Project moves forward, and we deport all puppy-barbecuers to Oklahama, where they, and we, will be happier).
Then get the F out fool!
How freaking silly is this troll?
Well, I’m embarrassed by Clark Co. but at least the rest of the state is smart enough to tell Eyeman to FOAD.
And yay for more people deciding to let others live their own freaking lives. Yay love!
@54…you got a job yet? NO?
Slighty off-topic but another bit of good news…
I spent the better part of the day on the road and flipping the hyperventalating righty talk shows. Everyone, Rush, Beck, Levin the screamer, Hannity, Screech err…Laura Ingraham, pretty much every national radio righty available here was crowing about the “real conservative” winning NY-23.
Bill Owens is the winner. First time a democrat has held the seat in over a century. SUCK ON THAT!!! Another yes vote for the “healthcare plan no-one wants.” The House Majority is one bigger. “You’re welcome Mrs. Pelosi, so gald we could help. Sincerely, the conservative radio syndicate. XOXOXO”
“Real Conservatism” is a loser even among a solid conservative electorate. Let the war for the “soul” of the Republican party continue…
#53 – It’s just frustrating. To those guys it’s just a fun political football. They don’t care that they’re f**king with peoples actual lives.
I get it. It IS scary to admit gays exist. I KNOW that people were ACTUALLY horrified if a black women kissed a white man in public in 1941. I get they’re honestly really offended by this stuff. But it’s THEIR shame, and reflects on their bad values and the poor way their parent raised them. I’m getting TIRED of worrying about “offending” the racists and bigots. I’m getting tired of worrying about upsetting the KKK or neo-nazi’s. I don’t care if this offends them. THEY’RE the bad guys!
Fun on the TV.
KONG live report, “(Suzie’s) not conceding but I’m doing this live stand-up from a 100% empty victory party ballroom in Bellevue.”
So Suzie hasn’t given up but her supporters have ditched the party for a disappointing early bedtime and fitful night of not restful sleep.
Suzie. Concede. You’re smart and have a career in front of you and can get elected to some office if you keep trying. You just didn’t win “this” one.
Empty Suit Obama,
Please oh please would you show me where it says Dow raped someone. I want to use it in my
confessionconcession speech. I have looked and looked and can’t find it anywhere.Re 40 and 45
I voted yes on R71, because personal sexual choice should not be the business of government. The same rights I have as a hetorosexual you should have.
If the state recognizes a heterosexual civil union it should recognize a gay one. I can’t, wouldn’t and shouldn’t be able to refuse to rent one of my houses to a gay couple. I can’t refuse to hire a person based on their orientation and shouldn’t be able to.
All of this should be gauranteed, except the right to get married. That word means something. For, at the very most, 5% of the population to decide to adopt a lifestyle, then demand that everyone else work around them is antisocial.
Yes my religion teaches that homosexuality is a sin, and even an abomination. This doesn’t mean gay people are evil or that “Jesus hates gay people.” It just means that, by the lights of that religion people can make bad choices, like adultery, or stealing, or homosexuality.
But this is about social issues, not religious ones, for me at least. The building block for any functional society is the family, and the state has both the right and the duty to protect that institution.
Rujax @ 50: “If you want to keep hating gay people, just like your Jesus did…not…go right on ahead. Nobody’s stopping you.”
Hey man, Jesus didn’t hate. And, if you read the Gospels (that would be Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), which is where the words of Christ are recorded), he never whispered a word about gay people (nor, gasp! abortion). Christ loved. As someone said a long time back with regard to our “Christian” wingnuts, “The Religious Right is neither.” Beckians and Limbaughians and Palinites are not Christians. They are first and foremost political creatures who disregard the clearly liberal thrust of Scripture when Scripture is not consistent with their political views.
Heh. The homophobic trolls sure must tearing their short hairs out over R-71.
I just saw Ken Hutcherson on King 5 – what a hateful fool!
I like the Reject R-71 “party” – invitation only, no media. A freaking wake filled with paranoid, hateful, frightened and diminished excuses for people.
So is Timmah still hanging around with Miss Susan tonight???
#62 I appreciate your support, but you need some education. First, you have opinion, I have fact. I know first hand this isn’t a “lifestyle”. I don’t have a super power. I, like you, do not have the ability to change my sexuality. You didn’t “choose” to be straight…ever. I know this. So do you. You never made a choice, you couldn’t CHOOSE to become attracted to men, have dreams about men, and be sexually attracted to men, even if you WANTED. Are you saying you could? You could actually flip some switch and choose who you find attractive?
And your religion finds it a sin? So what? I’m not in your religion. The Jews know pork is a sin. The Amish think god doesn’t want them to use electricity. I don’t want YOU to change your views, but I’m OFFENDED by you telling me I can’t get married because YOUR religion doesn’t like it. I don’t care. It’s none of your business.
If you want to play that, I WANT the Jews to pass laws forbidding YOU from eating a hot dog. Sure it’s not YOUR religion, but it’s SOMEONE’s religion and they believe it so YOU should be forced to live by it!
After all marriage is for procreation only. That’s why Washington state currently only allows marriages if you can produce children. Oh wait, that’s not true. 89 year old couples who can’t have children can get married (if they’re straight). 25 year old couples who choose not to have children can get married (if they’re straight). Dude, SATANIST can get married legally (if they’re straight).
I appreciate you a religious conviction. But how can you not get the point? If you think pork, alcohol or electricity if forbidden to you by your god, then by ALL MEANS don’t do them! Problem over. But by what right do you have to tell others to leave by your religious laws by force of secular state law? It’s ok if your CHURCH doesn’t want to marry gays or perform gay unions. That’s ok! But you’re telling Buddhists they can’t get married to someone of the same sex because YOUR religion doesn’t like it?
63 – Whoa PL. Rujax said “..Jesus did..not“
David @ 58
You are correct that there is a great proportion of the anti-gay people who just wish gay people did not exist. They can’t believe God created gay people, and so they try to wish them away. They hate issues that confuse them. (By the way,lost @ 62, I can respect your distinction between the civic and the religious; I sometimes think the notion of “marriage” should be something reserved for religions, without the state’s involvement.) The bottom line is that we are all frail and flawed humans. To the extent that “rights” are recognized by our civil authorities, we should all share in them equally. I think that day is coming, don’t you?
I do understand that gay marriage is scary. It seems like an ‘attack’ to the right wing. Irony of course. Because to me, it’s not attacking, it’s defending. You straight people have TOTALLY made a mess of marriage with your shotgun marriages, drunken Vegas quickie marriages, celebrity marriages. The highest divorce rate is in the south, the conservative area of the country. I don’t WANT people to get divorced or families to break up. I don’t want my brother to divorce his wife. I just want my partner to be able to inherit my social security benefits if I die just like my brothers spouse can. I don’t see that as an evil attack on society. I’m not doing this out of hate, or some mean spirit, I’m doing this out of love. The other side, is fighting this out of fear and hate. When I see love fighting fear…it’s obvious which is right, not matter how you argue it.
Ouch. You’re right. I didn’t see that. Rujax, my apologies.
Well, congrats to the new King County Executive for the city of Seattle Dow Constatine.
Actually Obama’s doing just fine.
Fact-free Puddy @41:
Yeah, New Jersey’s so blue that it’s had Republican Governors for 16 of the last 28 years. Typical of you not to know the names Christie Whitman and Tom Kean.
This switch is just SOP in the Garden State.
62. lostinaseaofblue
I don’t mean to come off too rough. I do appreciate your support of R-71. The marriage thing just always burns me personally. I just don’t buy the religious argument. Sorry. Gay marriage must be fought because it’s against your religion? I don’t believe you. Sorry. Why?
I guarantee you, correct me if I’m wrong, that you’ve never signed a petition or fought to make Hinduism illegal in this state? Or stop Hindu marriages? Why? Gotta stop the gay marriage because that offends your god? Dude, doesn’t the Bible tell you “no other gods before me”? Isn’t worshiping Shiva or Ganish just as much, or more, of a sin than being a Christian who just happens to be gay? You let people worship other gods, get married and blessed under those gods, including even Satanists, and never lift a finger.
That’s why I’ve never bought the B.S. that’s it’s religious. Then follow your conviction and outlaw ALL of the things the Bible says are wrong. How can you just pick and choose one or two things to make illegal? Isn’t the ENTIRE Bible magically true…not just a few paragraphs? Or are you going to tell me the U.S. Constitution and states allow “other religions”, and we must “render unto Caesar” and all that? :)
That reminds me of an argument I had with a Conservative on here about torture. I tried the “who would Jesus torture” question, and I got back this theological explanation that our GOVERNMENT doesn’t have to follow what Jesus or the Bible would do…that it’s ok for Bush to order torture because the Bible tells us with the “render unto Caesar” passage that certain functions are the domain and providence of government.
So our government can torture people, and have Hindu marriages, just not allow gays marriage, that would make god angry. Really? It’s that sort of inconsistency that drives me mad. if you want to follow the Bible, or Koran, or Upanishads, or whatnot…then follow them…EVERY SINGLE WORD. If they’re magically true, then it’s ALL true and you don’t get to pick and choose the “comfortable” passages and just write off the crazy stuff. Sorry.
Re 66
I couldn’t begin to understand the problems and joys of your life, and don’t pretend to do so. The two issues you bring up I hear all the time though. First you assume that the only objection to gay marraige is religious. Second, if promoting the family is the secular goal of marraige and why society protects it, what about childless couples?
I only brought up the religious issue because you or someone else did. Religious convictions and legislation are separated by our Federal and, so far as I know, State Constitution, of which I approve. I also brought it up to refute what to me is a badly flawed assessment of Christianity as a hating religion. But that’s neither here nor there. If you wish to see it as a hateful and bigoted religion that certainly is your choice. Given the statements of some of its’ protagonists I could even understand that view.
Marraige is a fundamental element in society because it promotes families. Families are the basic element of any functional society. For instance, your parents instilled in you that sense of justice so agrieved by people who would take away your civil rights for your choices. This sense is what makes laws and the enforcement of them possible. Presumably they gave you a sense of what’s good and bad by way of behavior. Without the family instilling in children a basic sense of how to behave and why we do so, society would collapse.
Because 89 year old couples celebrate their love in marraige doesn’t invalidate this. We use words as symbols in human society, and marraige is a symbol which a tiny minority simply doesn’t have the right to change for their convenience at the peril of the larger society. If this offends you I am deeply sorry, as it certainly isn’t my intent.
@62: I don’t see the problem. “Civil marriage” as the law sees it is a civil contract. How could it be anything else? What government could tell god what to do? Civil marriage already diverges from church marriage; some churches do not recognize most civil divorces, for instance. No law can make any church marry gay people–that’s a clear violation of the first amendment. So…what’s the issue here?
#75- “Marraige is a fundamental element in society because it promotes families. Families are the basic element of any functional society”
I agree. Irony dude. That’s why I want gay marriages. I see it making MORE families, stronger families. You see it attacking/destroying/weakening families. History will show us who’s right.
For a funny take on this (and we can all use it)
Another vote for whatever Obama wants to do:
Healthcare reform, here we come.
SO lets sum up.
* Virgina – A traditionally conservative state was won by conservatives. Expected.
* NJ – A governors office that has been held by Republicans 16 of the last 28 years, goes to a Republican. Ok, 50/50 split there.
* NY – A house race was won by a Democrat in a district that has NEVER elected a Democrat (even when voting for Obama). BIG win for Democrats.
* California – Special election win by Democrat. No biggie.
YEP, clearly the winds of change have spoken! Er, I’m just not sure what they said? LOL
Yay, Julie Anderson is the new Pierce County auditor. And lets give a big warm Fuck You!!! To the Republicans on the county council that voted Jan “I’m a hack” Sharbo in for the special term.
Pierce County Auditor
NP – Jan Shabro
NP – Julie Anderson
NP – Will Baker
Gay civil unions take nothing away from straight couples. Nothing. Not one thing changes for straight couples with gay civil unions on the books.
There is no problem.
Michael @ 80
So Will Baker split the Republican vote and let Julie Anderson get in with just under 50%? How funny!
re 31: Dinner and a few drinks and maybe a little roll in the hay? Sounds like normal male behavior to me.
Why don’t you go to the nearest public restroom, take a wide stance, and think about it for a while.
78 – Indeed. Garamendi is a staunch SINGLE PAYER advocate. We need more like him in Congress.
Gay marriage is a trojan horse. The real reason behind it is religious persecution. If gay marriage becomes legal in all 50 states then the next step will be to make it a right. If it is a right than the courts will have to decide whic right is more important the right to marry or the right to religion. If marriage is declared a more important right that clergy will have to preform the ceremonies or face jail time or fines. In canada just saying that homosexuality is wrong or a sin from the pulpit can get you thrown on prison. I think that movement is alive and well in America.
@30 That was a good one, Puddy.
@30 Puddy telling a “liar” joke! Priceless!
@34 “Pretty dead over at Sound Politics.”
Someone should call 911 to send the cops over to check for dead bodies. They may all have committed suicide.
@85 You’ve got it all wrong. Think FEMA camps. And be sure to bring a warm coat and an extra blanket.
so the kike governor of nj, who called the republican fat, lost. only a fucking jew, who always claims you shouldnt be predjudice, calls his opponent fat. good fucking riddance.
steve, i’m not sure what side of the aisle you are on, but taking your comment about fema at face value, i assume you dont trust the government. so here’s my question. nowadays, you have millions of people, especially seniors, dependant on daily dosages of medication. if the government goes all out with these camps, what happens to the sick? what hapens to all the seniors in elderly housing? even though i believe there is a nwo, i dont know if its in their interest to let millions die.
rujax such a punk farts
Then there’s the case of Robb and Robin Wirthlin of Massachusetts, which is featured in another pro-marriage ad. Without their permission, the Wirthlin’s 2nd-grade son was read “King & King,” a book about a prince who turns away from every princess he meets, until he finally falls in love with another prince and “marries” him. According to Robb Wirthlin, when he and his wife lost a legal challenge against the school, it was troubling for him to hear the judge suggest “that the state must teach these things to children before they’ve had a chance to make up their own minds.”
So rujax, being the dumb cinder block you are ask ylb arschloch if Puddy didn’t already place this on HA. Go on you stupid idiot ask ylb arschloch for the evidence. Peeps rights have been taken away.
You know proud leftist, Puddy already DESTROYED this stupid argument so here Puddy goes again…
Since you are the son of a preacher man you know Jesus, being the Son of God was there at the foundation of the world.
Since you are the son of a preacher man you know Jesus, being the Son of God was there when God gave all the laws.
Since you are the son of a preacher man you know Jesus, being the Son of God said “I and my Father are One”.
Since you are the son of a preacher man you know Jesus, being the Son of God knew the sexual laws had NOT been repealed.
Since you are the son of a preacher man you know Jesus, being the Son of God know that man and man or woman and woman relations were not held as normal by God. Leviticus 18:22, 20:13.
Since you are the son of a preacher man you know Jesus, being the Son of God the sexual laws were still enforced.
Since you are the son of a preacher man you know Jesus, being the Son of God said He came to fulfill the law.
Since you are the son of a preacher man you know Jesus, being the Son of God Jesus said “Think not that I am come to destroy the Law or the Prophets: I am come not to destroy, but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in nowise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled”.
See ya proud leftist. You are a plowed leftist.
WTF? It’s freedom of speech. Freedom of religious expression. Freedom of association. This is what you and other want to legislate away.
“But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.”
Maine Voters Reject Gay Marriage Law
Maine voters repealed a state law Tuesday that would have allowed same-sex couples to wed
“Gay marriage has now lost in every single state — 31 in all — in which it has been put to a popular vote. Gay-rights activists had hoped to buck that trend in Maine — known for its moderate, independent-minded electorate — and mounted an energetic, well-financed campaign.”
“Five other states have legalized gay marriage — starting with Massachusetts in 2004, and followed by Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut and Iowa — but all did so through legislation or court rulings, not by popular vote. In contrast, constitutional amendments banning gay marriage have been approved in all 30 states where they have been on the ballot.”
Hmmm… Puddy knows why. Peeps got wind of the MASS legal affect. Peeps were losing their rights through courts legislation.
More proof Jon Corzine’s campaign was a bunch of sleazeballs…
“The New Jersey Democratic State Committee has admitted to paying for a robo-call promoting independent gubernatorial candidate Chris Daggett and criticizing Republican Chris Christie.
Lawyers representing Christie on Tuesday called for an “immediate investigation,” saying unless the robo-calls were conducted in coordination with Daggett, “they are not permitted by law.””
Yep, now who funded that crap HA Libtardos?
David barfed
So how do two men procreate? So how do two women procreate?
This will be interesting…
David @ 40
A winger coworker decided to vote against R-71, because he believed that R-71 would make same sex roommates living together for a long time considered married by common law. So then you could be financially obligated for a roommate’s debts, e.g. medical bills.
This is a guy who would never admit, even to himself, to being prejudiced (anti-gay). So he stretched for a rationalization that’d make it “reasonable” to oppose R-71.
I refuse to concede.
God has told me I’m winning.
@97 Why are you so hung up on sex and the procreative act? That’s not the limiting factor to a family.
A family can just be only two adults, choosing to grow old together.
But if gay couples want kids, they can make their own, using old fashioned or high tech methods, or take responsibility for someone else’s children, after those kid’s parents have proved to be unable to parent, through informal or formal adoption both domestic or foreign.
Blue John,
God created MARRIAGE between a man and a woman to allow procreation. Two hetero people create children. Plain and simple. Anything else is polluting marriage. Puddy ain’t hung up on sex.
Anything else is an impossibility dude. Two sperm cells make a child? Two eggs make a child? You need a third party, plain and simple.
Let’s recap POLL’s.
Rasmussen NAILED the election in NJ. Not only the spread, but also the fact that the Independent woulf poll only around 6%. KLOWN polls had Daggett at 15%.
Rasmussen also nailed the Virginia elections and the NY election the Dems won.
Rasmussen has their finger firmly on the pulse of LIKELY VOTERS!!
So here is your KLOWN-in-Chief today–
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
No Health Care until next year…if ever.
Many Dems can read the Tea Leaves!
You will see Republicans nationwide run a campaign identical to McDonnell of Virginia.
Stick to the issues.
Talk about THEIR District or State.
Corzine blew it talking about Christie’s weight. What a mean-spirited KLOWN!
51. Steve spews:
See my post above.
The key is always LIKELY VOTERS.
Also, APPROVAL does not mean vote.
There is STRONG APPROVAL (where Obama is plummetting) and WEAK APPROVAL (where voters are still giving him the benefit of the doubt).
Anything in between is up for grabs.
Spin it all you want.
Watch the Dems continue to pretend to move forward the Progressive Agenda while doing nothing but talk to try & keep you KLOWNS from going insane.
@51 But Right Wingers don’t like facts do they.
Here are some facts:
Eager to drain the 2009 elections of drama and import, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs claimed Tuesday night that President Barack Obama was “not watching returns.”
You can be sure that he is studying them closely now: The off-year elections were, in two big races, an unmistakable rebuke of Democrats, reshuffling Obama’s political circumstances in ways likely to have severe near-term consequences for his policy agenda and larger governing strategy.
Independents took flight from Democrats. They suffered humiliating gubernatorial losses in traditionally Democratic New Jersey, where Obama lent his prestige in a pair of eleventh-hour campaign rallies Sunday, and in Virginia, which had been trending leftward and just last year was held up as an example of how Obama was redrawing the political map in his favor.
Contests serve as warning to Democrats: It’s not 2008 anymore
It’s the Economy…
If unemployment is still high when the the mid-terms roll around, or we dip again in the economy or people get the chills from health care “reform” or Afghanistan rages, those independents who abandoned Dems in droves in NJ and Virginia are just an indication of what will happen more broadly. And you can count on it that those moderate Dems who are on the fence about health care legislation are looking at the results in NJ and thinking about their own health.
104 – Yeah, like Republicans are the answer to those problems.
Such delusions will only lead to more nights like last night – mixed affairs trending mostly AWAY from right wing nonsense.
The NY-23 was a resounding DEFEAT for the teabagger insanity cult.
Classic wingnut paranoid nonsense. You could have lifted nonsense like that straight out of Newswhacks (Newsmax) or Wingnut Daily (WND).
Hi PL…you missed a word in ccomment #50…
@85: the First Amendment would have to be repealed, to do what you fear. Not going to happen. Or did you think it only protected atheists?
“Peeps want to…”
It appears, Puddy, that in your attempt to be cute you’ve pretty well elucidated your problem.
They’re people, sir. You and your ilk consistently think of the voting public as though they were due the same respect as little yellow bird-shaped marshmallows, and they know it.
@93, Puddy, do you wear the “garment with fringes at the corners?” (Numbers 15:38-40) Not “round the corners of your head or mar the corners of your beard?” (Lev. 19:27) Or try to obey all of the 613 canonical commandments of TANAKH which Peter did not have a vision about? No?
Let’s not have talk about not obeying the commandments unless you are willing to try to obey all the commandments, hmmm?
What kind of “rights” are being taken away?The right to be a hateful bigot? What if the book was about miscegenation, and how that wasn’t right because if two people love each other they ought to be able to be married even if their skin color is different. Is MISCEGENATION one of your “Family Values” asshole? Would you be OK with a lawsuit to ban a book about interracial relationships?
There is really no way to take any of these right-wing morons seriously.
Irrelevant KLOWN @ 102
Silly right wing FIEND @ 101
See the returns in Maine from University precincts? The future generation is not bothered by gay marriage. It’s in the cards fiend. Just a matter of time.
Ha Ha…wonder who THAT was?
Moronic fiend,
Heh. Rujax makes a great point. If the book was about two people of different skin color what “rights” would the parents have?
More silly right wing bullshit.
114 – I’m sure the stench of you-know-who kind of carried and cleared out the ballroom even more than the agony of defeat.
That’s so much horsecrap, shithead. GOD did not create marriage for procreation. Mammals, homo sapiens specifically, can fuck and make babies whether they are married or not.
Man/men created the “institution of marriage” to own and control women and children as property. This whack-a-doodle idea of the “sanctity” of marrriage is an idea propagated by your craptacular relious craptaculators to continue the practice of owning and controlling women and children.
From AP–
PORTLAND, Maine — Voters in the northeastern state of Maine repealed a state law that would have allowed same-sex couples to wed, dealing the gay rights movement a heartbreaking defeat in the corner of the country most supportive of gay marriage.
Gay marriage has now lost in every single state — 31 in all — in which it has been put to a popular vote. Gay-rights activists had hoped to buck that trend in Maine — known for its moderate, independent-minded electorate — and mounted an energetic, well-financed campaign. “The institution of marriage has been preserved in Maine and across the nation,” declared Frank Schubert, chief organizer for the winning side.
It is funny Gibbs would go out of his way to proclaim that President Barack Obama was “not watching returns.”
Now let’s parse those words…
Watching Returns===doesn’t mean Obama wasn’t getting reports and updates.
Remember, these KLOWNS are all lawyers and consider themselves clever wordsmith’s (like our Goldy!)
And remember, Obama told us clearly “THEY ARE JUST WORDS”.
Fair warning.
Never trust a word that comes outta Barry O’s mouth. If Barry’s lips move, he’s likely lying!
Hey Roger Rabbit you IDIOT!
Late last week, the Moronic Rabbit told me I was stupid looking at Gold because of the strong dollar. Gold hit $1,027.
3 trading days later it hit $1,095!!
Roger also said Phils in 4 or 5.
He also said Corzine would win.
Turn up the Oxygen Tank you old F*@K!!
Your moments of lucid thoughts is fleeting fast.
Cinder cluster block, do monkeys go down the aisle and say I do? How about goirllas? The alpha male gets the selection. And from your posts you ain’t the silverback here. Well maybe ylb arschloch and his “wife” are monkeyspawn since he has this simian fetish. Since you equate humans to animals… so progressive of you… many animals mate for life. Surely your Darwin evolution classes and books told you these facts.
Bullshit moron. I never voted for that chimp you voted for twice.
Cynical see #95.
Notice how ylb arschloch uses the university counties? He forgets how progressive indoctrination works over the 12 years of gay indoctrination horseshit. Puddy wonders how many Connecticut, New Hampshire, Massachusetts students are voting in Maine with residency in their home states?
Hmmm… ylb arschloch?
Puddy rests his case Dr Pavlov!
The Prosecution Rests
Gotta love how gay marriage loses 53% in Maine and ABC calls it a narrow victory while Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm wins by 53% and ABC calls it a landslide.
What a crock!
Robert Gibbs said, “Well, he was actually watching, you know, the HBO special about his year-long campaign and how it all went.”
Kids singing the Mmmm Mmmm Mmm song
124 – You voted for him twice. The fool’s smirking chimp-face sickened me the first moment I saw it – then he opened his stupid mouth.
It’s you who has the fetish.
Yawwwwn. More right wing projection.
127 – Kids at the Jesus Camp laying the hands on the cardboard dummy-in-chief.
And training in Leviticus case law is what if not indoctrination?
Unless the R J Rushdoony freaks take over and execute all the gays, the gays will always be among us fool. They’ll be family relatives or they’ll be walking down the street holding hands or arms around their partner’s shoulder – just like heterosexuals do.
And there’s more of them because there’s MORE PEOPLE in the world – well on the way to 9 billion idiot. Some of them will be gay.
Kids have eyes in their heads moron. Are you going to teach them to HATE that?
I find it humorous the KLOWNS minimize the Governor’s results to 2 pivotal states (NJ and VA.) Then tries to spin some Polls showing Obama with over 50% approval…
Of whom?? Not LIKELY Voters you KLOWNS.
Also, as I Pointed out, soft approval does not mean a vote.
Believe it does at your peril.
@121: “The alpha male gets the selection. […] Silverback […]”
In gorillas, yes. But gorillas live in harem groups. So, does Islam have the right idea? Chimps go for group sex when the females are in season, baboons are matrilocal, and bonobos, well, bonobos will screw anything that isn’t nailed down.
There might be, oh, a bit of a problem modeling human ethics on ape instincts.
@112 There is really no way to take any of these right-wing morons seriously.
Let’s kill two birds with one stone: Rujax! pays YLB to update his blog. That way Rujax has a blog that is updated more than once very six months, and YLB can claim for the first time that he’s actually worked for a living in the last ten years.
Good article on what was learned in the NY 23 Race
Hoffman was only 30 days in the race and unknown.
BTW…does Owens have to run for re-election next year??
I’m not sure.
Does he??
131 – Those R’s are just warming the seats for better Dems.
It’ll be interesting to see the Rovian shenanigans Christie will pull – may he go WAY over the top as is the Rovian way.
The other guy will look out of step with a changing VA soon enough.
Gotta find better Dems. We just didn’t have them this time.
133 – Hey Sue. Stupes says you’re “progressive”.
Is that true?
How’s your victory hangover? I’m still buzzin’ myself.
Hah! A perennial loser of a wingnut fantasy trotted out each election – even in off years!
You keep the faith well Stupes.
Things are so dead at (un)SP I didn’t even see ACORN and Fraud! trotted out.
Did…you miss that part, you superstitious prick?
…and as usual the PuddyDummy didn’t answer the real question.
He never does, ’cause he really has no answer.
Ohhhh Suuuuuuuue….ohhhhh yeah that’s BRILLIANT. Wow…impressive. You are really going to have to do better than that.
Please see (again) comment #112.
Dear Suzy,
It looks to me like Rujax updates his blog (unless he’s paying YLB as a ghost blogger) rather frequently.
Irrelevant and Ignored you microscopic prick and brain.
BTW dumb cinder block… NO ONE who thinks RIGHT takes you seriously.
A “man” with no brain. Believing in God and His Son Jesus isn’t superstitious. Especially when Jesus comes back in the Clouds what will the dumb cinder block do?.
Cynical, Gallup has Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm at 50%.
31 ESO
Rebuttal to idiot wingnuttery:
– Having drinks with an adult is a legal activity.
– Flirting with someone who does not work for you is not harassment.
– “Not having sex with someone” is never rape.
That’s because dumb cinder blocks can’t formulate questions. They leave dust piles.
ylb arschloch, it was already proven in the 2000 and 2004 erection double voting occurred fool. Check your vaulted tctmgr for the links. It was libtardo MSM reportage.
Still an unemployed moron all these years.
Poor Stupes. Always cooking up paranoid theories about the so-called “librul media”.
Here’s his alternative:
Scozzafava supports “Matt” Hoffman. Yeah right. Could only come from Faux News – fair and balanced.
By the way NY-23 was a resounding DEFEAT for Stupes’ beloved cult of right wing bullshit.
Mommy, I’m hungry . . . do you think Daddy will ever get off the computer and look for work?
Sure. Not superstitious. No way. Nuh-uh.
He said he’d devote all day today to looking, little YLB. I KNOW he’ll follow through this time . . . I’m hungry, too.
Hi Michael-
I’m actually a kind of “bad blogger”. I would like to update more, but life kinda gets in the way. Hell…I probably spend too much time here toying with trolls. Sigh…but it’s fun. Who doesn’t love delivering a good liberal ass kicking.
Good thing I quit waiting for the PuddyDummy to “man-up”. Lousy chickenshit bastard.
To a fool such as you? Irrelevant and Insignificant!
Still A Fool!
You’re right. Only thing dumber than Susan Hutchinson is the average voter who cast a ballot for her.
Right…like a real man, man. Go ‘head on baby.
You failed wingnuts! Dream on about NJ and VA.
Hey Rabbit! Nice rack!
If the Pudddydummy can’t attack…he’s got nothing. None of the shit he believes in works, so he can’t explain how what he thinks is so great is good for anybody. Here’s a hint, brainiac…saying “God thinks it’s a good idea” just doesn’t cut it. Ellen Craswell tried it, Suzie tried it…whatever. It’s gotta have nuts, it’s gotta have bolts, it’s gotta make sense.
Dearest Little Troll Buddies…if all this St. Ronnie crap was so great…the electorate would have kept it going. If the electorate believed that public services don’t have to be PAID FOR I-1033 would have passed. Finally…you foolish people are completely unmasked. You can now have your little cage matches for the amusement of all the rest of us as you drift onto the dust-bin of history. And in conclusion, I would like to sincerely, and I mean that sincerely…no!, I’m really, really, really sincere here…really…THANK YOU for destroying the Republican Party. After Ike and Everett Dirkson and Edward Brooke…and Dan Evans here ferchristssake you clowns took over and ran the thing right into the ditch. Good job. Keep it up. Thanks again. Carry on!
Can one of you so-called conservatives point to the platform document that details how government should intrude into people’s personal affairs? Where does it say government is responsible for imposing the morality of a religious group onto the rest of the population?
I used to think I was fiscally conservative and socially liberal. Now I think I was just being reasonable. Because now a days, I have no idea what “conservative” means. And I’m pretty sure no one else does either. It’s just a tribal label used by the trogs to paper over their regressive beliefs.
134 Cyn
What was learned in the NY-23 race.
Republicans suffered a humiliating loss where they drummed a winning Republican candidate out of the race and handed the Democrats a seat they haven’t held since the Ulysses Grant administration. Republicans everywhere are overjoyed–no one understands why.
Net gain in the House for Democrats this cycle – 2 seats.
Please, PLEASE do the same thing in Florida next year.
@141 It looks to me like Rujax updates his blog (unless he’s paying YLB as a ghost blogger) rather frequently.
It sure does, doesn’t it? He had a creative burst several weeks ago:
“I HAVE a blog…where’s yours you stupid ass… ”
and apparently he’s now researching his next post. Stay tuned . . . . .
135. “I dont hate anybody” spews:
Moronic babbling.
McDonnell is the future direction of the country. Great campaign…on point…issues only.
Deeds & Corzine screwed around with the “Bush & Rovian” nonsense and worse. Totally failed on issues. Should have distanced themselves from Obama the Marxist.
Obama is failing KLOWNS.
Denial, denial, denial.
realClear Politics had Christie by only 1%
Rasmussen nailed it
Daily Kos had McDonnell by only 10
Won by 18.
Shows you how biased AND WRONG Daily Kos is.
143. Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forget spews:
What I dislike about Gallup is their failure to divide APPROVAL & DISAPPROVAL between Strong and weak,
also, do they poll only likely voters??
Can’t remember.
Uhhh. Trolls for 100.
What is the noise coming from the irrelevant KLOWN?
ylb @ 165–
Trying a new monikor cuz your kids found out the nonsense you post while you should be looking for a job and supporting your family??
I thought so you shameless a$$hole.
He’s no longer employable. He only has vicarious living of other peeps successes left.
166 – Not hiding from anything KLOWN. Click on the link – it’s to one of your peeps claiming he doesn’t hate anyone while spewing slurs against gays, women and anyone to the left of Dori Monson – his “occassional” right wing hate talk listen.
A credit to your tribe.
Now this is funny how the Washington Post endorses 26 Candidates. 14 lost yesterday.
The Washington Post wrote 12 negative stories on Bob McDonnell. EPIC FAIL.
ylb arschloch, you show your “wife” and “children” how you spend your day every day on HA Libtardos?
Bzzzzzt – Wrong Answer
Cynical – “What is ylb?”
Correct, continue please.
Cynical – chronically unemployed for $100 please.
Todays daily double. Who sits home while his wife works to pay his way in life. That because of his parenting, he already acknowledges his son will be republican.
Cynical – What is ylb.
Correct, continue please.
Heh. A bunch of right wing losers using those tired old gibes.
So Stamm, how’d you like Garamendi in the CA-10?
A single payer advocate goes to the Congress!
What a arschloch loon@172,
We all know the CA10 territory. Whackamole libtardos. Nuthin new here, run along arschloch.
Thursday, November 05, 2009
If health care passes, 72% say it’s likely companies would drop insurance coverage for employees. Most also think that being pushed onto the government option would be bad for workers.