Here we go!
4:00: Georgia is too close to call! Trump takes Indiana and Kentucky. Hillary takes Vermont (thanks, Bros!)
4:01: South Carolina is slightly Trump leaning, but too close to call (really…not enough returns.)
4:03: Tim Scott (R), Pat Lehey (D) and Rand Paul (R) are going back to Washington D.C.
4:09: Dear MSNBC: Keep fucking Ghoul Giuliani off the fucking TV, for fuck sakes!
4:10: (p.s. if you could minimize Tweety’s time on the TV, we’d appreciate that, too.)
4:18: In my opinion, if Trump loses either Florida or North Carolina, he will lose.
4:50: SC has been called for Trump! Not a big surprise. I predicted 100% with BS polls and 77% chance without for Trump winning.
4:55: Shit’s gonna start happen’ soon.
4:45: North Carolina was called at 7:53pm PST in 2012. But, I believe a judge just extended the poll close time in some areas on account of erroneous announcements. Expect later call.
5:00: CALLS: FL, PA, NH, MO, ME, GA, NC, VA too early to call. IL, MA, CT, RI, DE, DC goes Clinton. MS, OK, AL, TN goes to Mr. Drumpf
5:03: Duckworth takes IL SEN!!!!!!!
5:05: The Duckworth win isn’t a surprise, but it is significant. Without this win, there is no way Dems would take the Senate. As it is, Dem control of the Senate is iffy.
5:09: Steve Kornacki, “…with Hillary Clinton cleaning up with Black voters in Florida….” Ummm…maybe rephrase that?
5:25: As I predicted, Young takes Indiana! That is a blow to Dem’s taking the Senate, but not unexpected given the recent polling.
5:30: Virginia has moved from “too early to call” to “too close to call”. Frankly, I don’t view that as a good sign.
SC/AL both called for Trump. No surprises.
Trump best: T+66
Expected: C+8
Clinton best: C+210— Election Graphs (@ElectionGraphs) November 9, 2016
5:44: Some networks call the House for the GOP. Probably true, but AP hasn’t called it yet.
5:45: Georgia is too close to call. Really?!? Georgia could go for Clinton?
5:46: On the other hand, Florida isn’t looking good for Clinton.
5:47: Clinton has a +7% lead in Ohio right now, but really the lead may not be representative.
I wonder if @DineshDSouza is working off any of his public service sentence tonight?
— Darryl Holman (@hominidviews) November 9, 2016
5:55: Hassan leads Ayotte in NH, but it is too close to call.
5:56: It took four days to get a call in Florida in 2012. It looks like FL is going to fuck with America again in 2016.
6:07: Clinton wins NY. Trump takes IN, ND.
6:08: Trump takes NE. Not sure about the NE CDs, but he probably takes them, too.
6:11: Trump takes Texas. Maybe President Hillary Clinton can arrange for Trump to become president of an independent nation called Texas.
6:16: I understand FAUX News has called Arizona for Sen. McCain. Could be.
6:18: Feingold is looking strong in WI.
It's pretty fucking embarrassing that this many states and this many Americans have been conned by a blithering dickhead.
— The Rude Pundit (@rudepundit) November 9, 2016
6:45: Frankly, it is pretty disappointing that the election is this close.
7:17: Virginia is going to Clinton. This is a “must win” for Clinton in case she loses NC and FL. She’ll need NV, WI, MI, and MN too…
7:20: The Donald takes OH. Totally expected, but an important development.
7:28: Okay…Two swing states called: OH Trump and VA Clinton.
7:36: PA is looking better. Clinton is up by 5%, although “calling” the state requires knowledge of what precincts have reported.
7:38: Are we having fun yet?
7:49: Looks like some media is callin NC for Trump…
7:52: Pennsylvania is looking good for Clinton. So here is the deal. If Trump wins FL and NC (as seems likely), Clinton needs VA and PA, which she probably has. Then she needs to sweep WI, MI, and MN, which is likely (even if Trump leads in WI right now). The critical state will be NV. It will likely determine the winner. If Trump takes one of WI MI and MN, bad news for Clinton. I had NV likely going for Trump, but I am told by a campaign doing internal polling in NV that NV will be in Clinton’s column. I’d be happy to be wrong.
BTW: Alaska is a 3-vote wild card. Last non-internet poll in AK had Clinton leading by +4% (or something). On the other hand, it is the ONLY poll that found her leading. And it was from an unknown pollster, so don’t bet the farm on AK.
7:59: Another point about NV: Most polling is likely to underestimate Clinton support because most polls don’t do Spanish versions.
8:00: Clinton takes CA, WA, and HI. Trump gets ID.
8:03: Unbelievable: Johnson is called in WI. No Senate for the Dem’s.
8:04: A couple of other points: First, I am assuming Trump will win IA, but Clinton seems to be running Strong there.
8:05: Trump takes NC.
8:22: Wisconsin is going to be VERY close. Humanity as we know it may depend on the cheesehead vote.
About 10 percent of Milwaukee County & 40 percent of Dane still to come in in WI.
— Scott Detrow (@scottdetrow) November 9, 2016
8:32 Trump takes Iowa and Utah. So it all comes down to MI (looking good for HRC), WI (too close) and NV.
About 10 percent of Milwaukee County & 40 percent of Dane still to come in in WI.
— Scott Detrow (@scottdetrow) November 9, 2016
incredible coda to the night
— Sam Stein (@samsteinhp) November 9, 2016
I want to take a moment to congratulate the Russians on their narrow victory.
— Darryl Holman (@hominidviews) November 9, 2016
9:20: Okay…Kathy has called and said we’ve lost power at the house, estimated until 11:00. I’m heading home.
11:32: AP has just called the election for Donald Drumpf. Should thing go as expected by Inauguration Day in January, we will be in for chaos.
Thanks for all the hard work this year. Really appreciated your analysis and perspective!
My pleasure! Glad you got something out of it.
Can we have Chris Matthews go away yet also? He is so obnoxious.
Bayh Bayh Evan. Time to sell the condo.
@4 Enjoy this night while you can, Boob. It’s not going to get better for you.
Hillary has jumped to a 53%-43% lead in OHIO with 26% of the vote counted.
@ 5
Explain how a weak, corrupt, deeply unpopular Dem president having to work with both congressional houses under GOP control, while facing continued FBI investigations and further disclosures from Wikileaks and elsewhere, with 2018 Senate elections just around the corner, is not better for me than the current US executive and legislative composition.
Be sure to show your work.
The networks aren’t calling it yet but given how little of Miami-Dade and Broward have reported and how much Clinton is crushing him in what’s in…..
They just want to keep people watching.
@7 Explain how much of the GOP agenda will get passed and implemented with Clinton in the White House. Show your work.
Clinton is not the least bit corrupt. You asswipes have been pushing that meme since 1992 and you have failed. Except that you now seem to be brainwashed by the bullshit.
That is your failure, not hers.
With 7.8 million votes cast, Trump and Clinton are 38 votes apart in Florida, based on NBC’s count.
Tammy Duckworth is going to the U.S. Senate.
having or showing a willingness to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain.
“unscrupulous logging companies assisted by corrupt officials”
synonyms: dishonest, unscrupulous, dishonorable, unprincipled, unethical, amoral, untrustworthy, venal, underhanded, double-dealing, fraudulent, bribable, criminal, illegal, unlawful, nefarious;
Darryl, you rock!
Yes…you are fucking brainwashed, Squirt. Clinton has dedicated her entire life to public service, and has performed it honorably.
So go back in you hole and try your best to pleasure yourself. Maybe some viagra will help, but I doubt it.
A state house now KYnnected to the GOP.
Omarosa sez Donilld Drumpf is keeping a list..
of traitorous Republicans.. Vendetta!
The sports palaces have NOTHING on the Donilld:
Open your wallets Drumpf psycho-phants.
Might be the thin air up here making me read it incorrectly but NYT is 94% sure #CrookedHillary will lose Florida. She is running out of south FL votes left to be counted.
That was far more satisfying than writing that Trump would take the state.
Oh. Jill Stein has 0.7% in FL right now. Watch the final margin of victory there.
Like GWB and its paintings:
Flaky voting machines registering votes for Careless Crooked Heilary!
YLB with his usual incisive Election Night contributions, I see.
Three posts, three exclamation points.
Hold on to your wallets. The markets tank on more Trump news.
@23 Now, now boob. @21 was a blockquoted exclamation.
Have another overpriced drink to go with the thin air.
Yep, a lot of angry white folks are coming out of the woodwork in rural counties in Ohio.
But it’s looking better in VA and PA may very well hold.
I guess we know now why all those last-minute trips to MI by Team Clinton took place in the last few days.
Remember her trips to AZ last month?
Good times, good times.
I’m still confident in Hillz. Sad about the House. Worried about the Senate. Not nearly high enough for this drama.
When has the crazed databaze deala ever delivered a cogent comment on HA DUMMOCRETINS?
Remember all those Daily Kooks cut and pastes from yesteryears?
DAYUM funny!
Good thing I closed out my 11/16 expiration naked put exposure last week.
I expect pharmaceutical stocks to jump, or at least hold, contrary to market activity in general tomorrow. And thank Christ Imheld off on buying Cemex.
If the Democrats go down in this election, it’ll be for what Joe Bageant and others were warning about nearly 20 years ago: Intellectual urban elitist Democrats (probably including yours truly) thumbing their noses at working-class rural white people.
@29 Now, now babbling jackass. Everyone here remembers your dopey bleat about Mediaite in 2012.
Predictions of mass layoffs anyone?
Heh. The babbling jackass obviously forgets the “mass layoffs” of 2008 on its beloved empty suit’s watch.
That was not your thumb, Art.
Probably your first hard truth is to tell the whole truth about the way your ilk has behaved.
Damn! Barack had Ohio in 2012 at this time. It was just waiting for the inevitable call at 8:00 pm..
Gonna be a long night. VA goes for Hillz. That was badly needed.
If black turnout is way down in ’16, do all of you still plan to be balls out for #BLM in ’17?
Right now NYT has it forecasted 86% likelihood that Trump takes it. That can’t be. Why, just yesterday CZ was telling us that #CrookedHillary had a lock on 252 EVs.
Surge pricing in the air, Alaska Airlines style.
Saturday flying to ATL it was $15 for sucky internet access.
This trip back it is $21.95. And every laptop in every row is half red and half blue right now.
Damn you $15 minimum wage!
@35 Incisive. Another mini of Chivas for boob.
Little low life Scotty Walker and its minions are turning it out for Drumpf. Yes, very nasty.
I have felt queasy since May. Glad you all could join me.
@ 38
Jack and Diet Coke tonite.
My son just walked into the kitchen and took a big slug of McNaughton’s right out of the bottle.
hope you all are getting ready for President Trump….
If Trump takes the EC, there is still a bright side.
Y’all still have a really good shot at winning the popular vote.
Glass is half full.
Ron Johnson holds Wisconsin?
H U G E!
Feingold is out.
Even I liked that guy.
The amusing thing is, if Drumpf wins, our trolls will take it in the teeth with the rest of us.
Y’all got away with that bitter clingers comment.
But if the 47% line helped sink Romney, why in hell did #CrookedHillary think basket of deplorable state was a good line to utter in public?
See @31.
Florida to TRUMP!
North Carolina to TRUMP!
Hmmm…? Not over yet!
Careless Crooked Heilary is expecting a long night now!
@ 47
Even more amusing is that we are younger than you are and did not overexpose ourselves in stocks the way you did, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Now go see @ 5 and look at the WI Senate result. That is amusing.
no matter what happens, this election was a hell of a lot closer than everyone expected.
Quote on Channel 4 from a Trump supporter; “He may have said many things, but his words never killed anybody.” I wonder, is that about benGHAAAAAAAAZI(tm) or maybe Vince Foster?
Look at his last PA and MI tweets.
NV won’t matter.
DUMMOCRETIN pollsters ALWAYS stupidly over sample DUMMOCRETINS in their idiotic polls!
Even if Trump loses Careless Crooked Heilary, she will have ABSOLUTELY NO MANDATE!
Remember the common people don’t like being called
by the media elites, who vote DUMMOCRETIN by 95% to 5%
One bit of comforting news.
No matter what happens – the Goopers will continue to eat each other.
#CrookedHillary wins the popular vote but loses the EC (the way it looks from up here) and a Cheney will be in Congress.
Oh. And the GOP will probably gain in governorships.
Any of you see that coming?
Hey, where’s Steve?
@ 56
You forgot being called racist for mere opposition to an Obama-backed policy.
Trump wins Wisconsin!
Remember when checkmate claimed Careless Crooked Heilary had the more IMPRESSIVE ground game?
Even if the careless one wins, it wasn’t the ground game!
Wasn’t checkmate the one who claimed this was going to be a landslide for Careless Crooked Heilary?
Evangelicals didn’t stay home this year.
Drumpf apparently attends a more palatable “church”.
Groannn… 2 Corinthians, blah, blah..
The morons at the Clinton News Network are bummed out!
2 Corinthians 12:2 fetid crazed databaze cretin!
kinda looks like white middle class people are tired of being shit on by Democrats and their Identity Politics.
Heard Randroid Ryan bloviate about “untapped” potential..
In the form of YUGE tax cuts for the rich obviously.
Heh. Does the fiend go back to the back bench?
Identity politics. Oh great that’s what George Wallace and Nixon’s Southern Strategy was NEVER about.
Glad to know it.
Isn’t this a great year in politics?
Nebraska will reinstate by referendum the death penalty.
Only people of color need die.
Even California is buying into that madness.
because 50 years ago matters….not.
@69 Embrionic lives matter but Black lives don’t.
I just got off a plane and shit got weird.
that said, its gonna go down to the wire in this election.
Re: Florida.
Thanks a lot Johnson/Weld, Jill Stein and the rest of them.
Sound Transit and carbon tax are losing. Statewide minimum wage is passing. Inslee re-elected.
also..lets hope ST3 goes down in flames now too…..
Trump leads in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, New Hampshire. Still too early to call, but it looks very ugly. The good guys don’t always win.
Congrats to the first Latina to serve in the U.S. Senate.
The Honorable Catherine Cortez Masto of Nevada.
WOW…trump took the lead in Pennsylvania?? thats gonna seal the deal if it stays
@77 Depends on point of view. Piddles is doubtless spooging all over himself.
thats good news…ST3 and the Carbon Tax were terrible. One was bad policy and the other was just a money grab for a shitty transpo system.
Wrong AGAIN. Puddy been telling you FOOLS that the polls oversampled DUMMOCRETINS big time.
The return of know-nothingism to this country. Is this a worse joke than Berlusconi?
If Donald Trump wins the EC, will DUMMOCRETINS accept the results?
I seem to remember the left saying, numerous times over the last few years, that the R party was dead on its feet nationally.
hmm…whole lotta Humble Pie in grammas oven right now, and its just about done cooking.
better grab a plate and fork you Dems….time to eat!
who’s votes got cancelled out? LMFAO…..
Seems the stock markets were betting on Careless Crooked Heilary. Big wall street banksters are not happy.
Goldman Sux!
@84. Yes, we’ll accept the results, because we’re not fucking traitors like Redneck Party voters.
Yeah the fetid crazed databaze deala claimed that.
Hey senile dumb wabbit. A great buyer’s market tomorrow on wall street.
Clinton now leads in New Hampshire by 18 votes.
Idiot @ 84
Sane people will have the same choice they did in 2000. Eat shit. Best not to nibble.
Dow Futures trading has been halted. Great vote of confidence there.
@89 Yeah, I noticed the Dow could be down 1,000 points tomorrow, and I’ve got money to spend. Heads I win, tails I win.
Trump now leads in New Hampshire by 15 votes.
This state went just fine.
Sixth best state for bidness. #1 in technology and innovation!
No thanks to a backwards thinking fool like you!
big deal…it always comes back…..then goes down…..then goes up…its constant.
Trump leads by 2,000 in Pennsylvania.
Moronic twit @91
The vomit producer been saying for years Wall Street is Republican. Now we know the truth!
Lock her up!
ST3 and Carbon Tax getting ass kicked…those are what matters, and frankly they were pretty much all I cared about as far as state races go.
If I was a member of the moocher class, I would be very nervous right now.
Looks like you fools want ST3. Good to see that the poor and middle class DUMMOCRETINS will be footing the bill!
AMERICA’S TOUGHEST SHERIFF LOST!!! Penzone 55%, Arpaio 45%!
still gonna go down to the wire though…..gonna be a close election.
pretty evenly divided nation.
Trumps leads Pennsylvania by 25,000+
@99 Not me. I voted against ST3.
Looks like a new investigation about to begin in January. I would guess around the 21st. #66 You’ve elevated yourself to spokesman for the democratic party. You fucking dipshit. Can you believe that Mr. Puddy? You will now have to watch how address him.
How un-American and fascist of you. Jerk.
DAMN….looks like the half latino cancelled out my vote on ST3.
Might be time to move out of the ST taxing zone. No way in hell am I paying thousands of $$ a year for that POS…
do the crime…do the time.
Van Jones on CNN head just exploded!
bet you democrats wish Joe Biden was the candidate now, eh?
hehe……..I told you….
Thought you said you weren’t there. Another lie. Ho hum…
Does she get formal charges? Does she get a trial? Due process? Not if the idiot doing the jailing is Vlad Putin or a Putin-wannabe.
I seem to recall the FBI cleared her of any wrongdoing. TWICE.
Fuck you fascist.
I didnt think I was, but it sure as hell showed up on my ballot.
@107 Considering that she hasn’t been charged with, much less convicted of, any crime; all those “lock her up” chants sound more like Nazis talking about Jews than any kind of justice I’m familiar with.
fuck you marxist.
see how that game is played?
you mean the same justice dept that met with her old man?
ya – get the Obama crooks out of the way that have been covering for her, then hold a REAL investigation – then we see whats really up.
but hey, you seem to be OK with nations paying the Clintons for access to the State Dept.
LOTS of heads should be rolling.
the fetid one is a commie!
An authoritarian birther jerk so unhinged it was an embarrassment even to a largely authoritarian mentality state. One small beam of light in a bleak night.
Senile wabbit @112,
Oh how you seem to forget how the libtards were pushing the rape issue that died last week!
Maybe Hillary should have deployed the mysterious fainters that Obama used at his rallies.
LMFAO…….and you fools ate that shit up too…….lol
@117 I didn’t hear anyone chanting “lock him up!” Unlike you fascists, we believe in due process and giving someone a fair trail.
Earlier today…
Clinton 98.7% probability 310 electoral votes
Trump 1.3% probability 228 electoral votes
All those incorrect polls over sampling DUMMOCRETINS.
DUMMOCRETINS claimed you had to be
for partial birth abortion
for gay marriage
for abortion
for transgenders using any bathroom
for sanctuary cities
can you say electoral college landslide? could happen…..
cmon…I know you can do it….just say it really really slowly at first.
careful now, dont gag on that humble pie!
Ignorant. James Comey is a former prosecutor and a Republican.
I’d say he knows the law and the standard of criminal intent a lot better than a know nothing tool like you.
For what genius? No quid pro quo has ever been proved. You get that shit from Drudge or Breitbart?
Trump up by 59,000 in Michigan
Trump up by 52,000 in Pennsylvania
ST3 is now passing. Ugh.
It was Comey that met Bill C on the airplane, now was it?
head exploding yet?
I can see the steam shooting out your ears from here!
Like Raygun vs. Mondale?
Clinton 254.8 Trump 283.2
Still returns coming in. Nope. Not at all. Simply a divided country with some very angry fucked-up in the head people.
Uh oh – even the talking heads on TV are suggesting the D’s should have gone with Joe Biden ticket(had he agreed to run)
didnt someone scoff at that idea?
The thing is, all the people who voted for Drumpf now have to live with him. They’re nuts if they think he’s their friend.
“Simply a divided country with some very angry fucked-up in the head people.”
cmon now, dont be so mean in describing our Progressive countrymen.
because you thought Hillary was gonna be your freind?
No it’s YOUR HEAD that’s addled from all the booze you’re swilling.
Trump gonna get 304 me thinks.
Not quite Reagan, but still pretty bad, considering you guys thought it was in the tank for hillary.
Wrong again. As usual. Yawwwwn.
Hillary might still win the popular vote. More people in the nation at large might still vote for Democrats in the House of Representatives like they did in 2012.
I mean to write “it wasnt comey….” my bad for mistyping
No quid pro quo has ever been proved.
FBI still investigating fetid one!
no booze tonight YLB, just organic milk.
you on the other hand, should start drinking, because free rides are gonna hard to come by after Feb.
if you lefties think this is bad, can you imagine the absolute ass kicking that would have happened had Bernie run?
holy shit, now THAT would have a Reagan level beating for sure.
America. Stick a fork in it. It’s done.
Puddy disagrees with Bernie.
Bernie really had solid support. It was the elites that hated Bernie!
Thanks to Gary Johnson and Jill Stein in PA.
Let’s re-hash shall we?
Joe Biden supports
1) Woman’s right to control her own body i.e pro-choice.
2) stricter gun regulation – closing show / on-line loopholes and background checks
3) Affordable care act – strengthening it.
4) climate change NON-denier.
5) a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.
Shall I go on? You’re just trolling jerk.
Neera Tanden correctly called this election by WikiLeaks email!
Careless Crooked Heilary should have come clean on the email server back in March 2015. Correctly laid the blamed at Cheryl Mills feet!
How hippie of you. You got the gloating you wanted. Now go pleasure yourself.
Who knows? By the time the afterglow wears off – things might change!
Seems the fetid one’s head exploded @143!
Go on all you fucking want, the DIFFERENCE is that people dont hate Biden. Biden is not a crook. Biden does not have Clinton level baggage.
@146 Little maxie supports Joe Biden for prezz..
You agree with the troll? Show your solidarity fool!
Senate still Republican!
Sorry Puddy, I dont think the Bern had a chance in the general election.
Bernie’s asinine math skillz would have gotten exposed as the voodoo bullshit they were.
and fuck Socialists anyway.
Ask your fellow troll boob about Biden. Keep digging.
So you think Biden would have a more negative poll opinion than Hillary does?
can I have some of what your are drinking?
Is Biden too much white male for you? is that it?
man you guys should see all the heads exploding over at Slog.
so how many of you are gonna run away to Canada?
dont let the door hit you in the ass………..
152 – Look what’s happening you dumbass!
Hillary is associated with “establishment”..
You believe Biden isn’t? Who cares if he’s more “popular”? Are you really so stupid to believe all those angry ex-urb types like you who are giving it up for Drumpf right now would have gave it up for Joe because he wants to regulate their guns?
Thanks for yet more misogyny. Keep digging.
So, just got home from the airport.
I don’t know if this has been discussed but I’d like to point out the discussions about the Remington and Tralfagar polls we saw on HA this week. Goldy shredded them – I won’t say he called them “skewed”, but YLB, call your office, girlfriend.
Darryl analyzed them with a much less partisan and much more scientific approach.
Trump right now has 50.0% in Florida, or 2.9% more than #CrookedHillary.
Tralfagar had Trump at 49.7%. So, 0.3% off. Not bad.
Remington had Trump at 48%, 3.0% more than #CrookedHillary. So, 0.1% off. Not bad.
In Pennsylvania, Trump right now is at 48.9%, 2.1% more than #CrookedHillary.
Tralfagar had Trump at 48.0%, 1.0% more than #CrookedHillary. So here Tralfagar underestimated Trump’s performance, both in absolute percent and relative to his opponent.
Remington had Trump LOSING to #CrookedHillary, 46.0% to 45.0%. Remington significantly underestimated Trump’s performance, both in absolute percent and relative to his performance.
I’m sure that, among numerous other issues relative to polls, Darryl will revisit his assessment of Remington and Tralfagar.
But since three posts in the past 24+ hours were at least partly about these two polling firms and what were described charitably as questionable results, I think it’s worthwhile to revisit their results in light of the results we are seeing tonite in PA and FL.
you mean the same mysoginy you all had when Palin was the VP candidate?
lolz……sorry YLB, you have not learned a thing have you. Identity Politics is what did your party in this election.
By Rudy’s crew using a discredited Breitbart book as a guide.
And you wanna “lock her up” to for safekeeping?
Thanks for playing Putin-wannabe brown nosing one.
good points for discussion.
poor Goldy right now……lolz.
all of Shillary’s cronies have gone into hiding….none of them around to be interviewed by the news stations.
lol…..oh those poor heads must be coming apart at the seams.
and Hillary now gets call the Donald and say congratulations.
couldnt happen to a better person, that gal.
Don’t know what you’re talking about.
Her record spoke for itself. Not in the least suitable to be one heartbeat away from a cancer survivor.
You didn’t even care for her as I recall. Asshole.
I didnt care for her, I didnt think she was the right person for the job, just as I dont think Hillary is
somehow, in your justifying head, one is a logical decision, while the other is “mysoginy!!!1111”
you miss the point again.
You talking about BLM?
Let’s roll tape.
I guess Drumpf supporters were ok with that. Nice to know.
I am talking about identity politics as a whole, of which BLM is just a small symbol of….its really pretty minor in overall picture.
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
You happy “objective” journalism? You did this.
Being a liberal means there’s always someone else to blame. Even if it has to be another liberal.
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA May 27
I’m a big lefty too, but Jesus Christ, Twitter friends, Hillary is the nominee! Push her on policy, but stop attacking her credibility.
Ya shoulda gone with the honest guy when ya had the chance, Goldy. Own it.
Ok the craziness is about over. 247 Trump and 215 Clinton and it’s looking like it will be President Trump. So are the Democrats really going to put their money where their mouths have been.
When can we expect Hiliary’s speech? Well not tonight. Is the President going to step down which is the real meaning behind the concept of transition of power and we have not become a third world nation.
Biden is way more “establishment” than Hillary. The Clintons came to Washington as outsiders.
If all those angry types turned out to vote for an outsider – your Biden “support” MAKES NO SENSE.
You just hate Hillary Clinton for no good reason I can see. “Baggage” you’ve filled your pin head from crap websites and other propaganda.
Well at least we didn’t elect the Public Lands Commissioner who wanted to sell off the public lands. Go Washington! #graspingatstraws
CZ, dude!
Where are all those lock EVs for #CrookedHillary, my man?
@ 167
You just hate Hillary Clinton for no good reason I can see.
Well, then, there would be no good reason for her to be pardoned by Obama, would there?
AG Giuliani would prefer it that way, too.
Year That Trembled
by Walt Whitman
Year that trembled and reel’d beneath me!
Your summer wind was warm enough – yet the air I breathed froze me;
A thick gloom fell through the sunshine and darken’d me;
Must I change my triumphant songs? said I to myself;
Must I indeed learn to chant the cold dirges of the baffled?
And sullen hymns of defeat?
Way to shit the bed America!
It’s all yours,Fuckwad. Enjoy.
I’m out.
She has trouble standing after 9 p.m. And after that fifth vodka. And if she has to put one hand on the Bible and raise her other one.
The Associated Press ✔ @AP
BREAKING: Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta says her campaign will have nothing to say tonight about state of race
good, get the fuck out then.
or are you gonna be like all those other fakers that said they were leaving when Bush got elected? You know, the ones that mysteriously never left after saying they were leaving?
Rum anyone. No one burned the rum?
How lacking in imagination… even for you…
Dumbya… Scooter Libby… Go to bed boob. You’ve had a long flight.
William Wingate, the black man arrested by a racist Seattle cop for using a golf club as a walking cane, has been awarded $750,000 by a federal jury.
Whatever happens in the next four years, Republicans own it. As for me, I’ll be buying cheap stocks tomorrow.
its official.
trump wins
heads explode
and the world will keep spinning tomorrow..
Nate Cohn @Nate_Cohn 52m52 minutes ago Manhattan, NY
Clinton suffered her biggest losses in the places where Obama was strongest among white voters. It’s not a simple racism story
They voted for Obama to show they weren’t racist. They voted against #CrookedHillary because she is awful.
Remember. You wanted this.
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
I plan on easing myself through the first four stages of grief, but fuck you “acceptance!”
Oh, sorry. Your copy got cut off there at the end.
It was supposed to read “acceptance of responsibility”.
See @ 165.
What a bunch of dumb white folks sez boob. If only they had boob’s good sense.
Yep. That’s your judgement and it says as much about YOU as it does about anyone else.
‘nite, gentlemen. You too, YLB.
Hopefully Obama will just give Hiliary the pardon. That would be the politically smart thing to do. Save the nation a lot of grief and more than a few bucks. Then again he’s a constitutional scholar, but he did take out that US Citizen terrorist on foreign soil.
@182 Take a vacation to the rust belt. Seems like hat section of the country was the chooser this Presidential election
@183 yawwwn. fuck you very much jerk.
185 – I’ve been there. Not my idea of a good time.
Michael Moore was proved right tonight. How sad.
From racist king of the birthers to President?
No way. Not my President. I look forward to its impeachment.
Compromised from each point on the globe due to its grubby bidness deals with a host of low lifes.
Congrats PREZNIT Drumpf. I look forward to laughing AT your joke power grab from our little perch here for the next 4 years. Hopefully less than that.
Assuming the electoral college does not actually do what it’s designed to do. (It should not allow an unqualified individual become President, if it operated as originally designed)
So just maybe he’s going to grab balls and pussies and get a few things done. At least it will be entertaining.
You could be crowing in 4 years how great the President is and isn’t it great his family fortune was started here during the Alaskan gold rush days.
Might actually be a bit like that Teddy Roosevelt fellow when he became President who told his team roll up your sleeves we are going to work. Went after the monopolies pissing off the elites in both parties. Maybe I’m day dreaming, but we will just have to see, And he’s definitely is going to do some things that will upset some folks on this list. Still did not a President Obama say elections have consequences or something like that?
I’m a bit puzzled over what Huff Post is going to do. That whole paragraph disparaging Trump after any Trump story is already getting stale and now is going to be absurd
@178 Might want to wait a day when the prices will be even cheaper. Where will the bottom be? Some rum or other beverage RR?
daryl said clinton is not the least bit corrupt.
i’m laughing my fucking ass off
Forget everything I said about voting. I’m never voting again.
“No way. Not my President. I look forward to its impeachment.”
sour grapes….and yes he is. accept it. – you will sleep better at night.
wait! what? its 730am and the markets are UP! lol
Lesson to urban progressives: this is what happens when you shit on white middle america.
reap what you sow bitches.
Give Trump credit though – in ONE election, he knocked out both the Clinton and Bush families from politics.
The people too embarrassed to tell pollsters they were voting for Trump were real. Now they have the president they were embarrassed by who has never in his life displayed any business dealings that would help working class blue collar white people but they picked him anyway.
People vote against their self interest all the time without realizing it.
Republican just voted for massive deficits. People vote against their core interests all the time.
Union members in Midwest states heard he’d bring the jobs back and elected the guy who has spent his career busting unions.
I actually don’t think Trump is a racist he’s just Granpa Don who’s rich enough to not give a fuck so he can say whatever. “So sue me.” My concern, and it should be concerning to our other troll is there is undeniably a white pride racist element who might take from this win that they can do and say whatever they want. Racially motivated harassment and violence will likely see a surge.
But then clearly I don’t know nothin about nothin this cycle.
On the WA front
National and state GOP spend a boatload trying to take the state senate and King County slow counting notwithstanding it looks like they held two, failed to pick up one (Chad!) and lost one (Litzow).
Good riddance Clinton’s.
Good riddance Obama’s.
Good riddance Bush’s.
Anyone who vanquishes the Clinton’s STARTS in a good place.
We are tired of your screeching, we are tired of your preaching to to those you consider stupid, deplorable and irredeemable (even Jesus considered all redeemable) we are tired of all your damned drama, we are tired of ALL OF YOU.
psst – it’s pretty delicious that the woman who enabled a pervert, the woman who raged against the country to defend a pervert was brought down by another pervert. Karma, baby.
Maybe her logo arrow should have pointed to the left! Subliminal message: go RIGHT!
The country did.
Kellyanne Conway crashes glass ceiling: Kellyanne Conway First Woman to Run Victorious Presidential Campaign
The asses must be off destroying their city.
“We’re going to punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends” – President Obama
… “you lost because you governed the nation as if you owned it, and everyone in it. Did you think that you could lie to people, and take away their health insurance, either to give it to someone else, or to swirl it down the rat hole of bureaucratic incompetence, and there would be no price to pay?
Did you think you could scream ‘racist’ at every dissenter and that the 70% of the country that is still white wouldn’t be offended by your grotesque insults? Did you believe that the vicious campaign of intimidation waged by the media, the IRS, and every other organ of your socialist empire would bear no blowback?
When large majorities objected to your policies and gave Congress to the other party to stop you, did you reconsider, or did you double down on illegal immigration through unconstitutional executive orders? Did you think no one would notice doubling the national debt, or that the entitlement state is accelerating towards national bankruptcy?”
You thought you got lucky when Republicans picked Trump, and you thought that alone would be enough to win, but it wasn’t. Maybe you should stop calling everyone who disagrees with you a Nazi, if only to hold in reserve such labels for when you truly believe them.
Third, you’ve forgotten that there is a whole country out there – the size of a continent – that doesn’t live on the coast; that doesn’t read the New York Times, listen to NPR, or go to Starbucks to sip mocha cream lattes. They’re part of this country too, and have a purpose other than providing a blue wall to protect the power of your bi-coastal elitism. In case you haven’t noticed for lack of ever visiting, they’re not doing so well in the globalized economy in which you’re prospering.
They don’t work at Google, or Facebook, or Apple. They can’t afford to eat at a fancy restaurant even if there were one where they live. They don’t have much savings, and may be deeply in debt. They break their backs to send their kids – if they can afford to have them – to obscenely overpriced colleges and universities, where your ideological soulmates indoctrinate them to hate the nation their parents love.
They are seldom educated with skills that make a living. They part of the 94 million Americans who aren’t working, and while they’ll cash a welfare check if they have to, they want to earn a paycheck. They’re not victims of anything except big government, big spending, and the high debt policies ushering in the era of American decline.
They don’t care about Caitlyn Jenner, Trayvon Martin, or Michelle’s sleeveless dresses, and if they know who Lena Dunham is, they probably hope their daughter doesn’t. They worry about their communities, the breakdown of families, and the cultural rot impeding their attempts to lead a normal happy life. More than anything, the 59 million Americans who voted to dethrone the Clinton Dynasty, and flipped the bird to the ruling class, resent being looked down upon by people they consider to be no better than themselves, and in many ways, a whole hell of a lot worse.
Not that any know it all, sanctimonious, Seattle liberal is ever given to self reflection.
Didn’t Sawant support Greens? And now she thinks we should protest the guy she helped elect? Yeah, right.
daryl I’m so proud of the protestors in Portland. destruction and rioting is so us Marxists. go daryl