We will be watching the V.P. debate tonight at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally. Please join us for a debate, conversation, and good cheer over a drink.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. We normally meet at 8:00p.m., but the debate starts at 6:00 p.m., so we will get together in the back room then. Note that the audio might be difficult to hear. Bring earbuds or headphones and a streaming device (phone or tablet) if you want to hear every word. There is free Wi-Fi in the bar.
Chapters of Living Liberally are all over the place…if you can’t make it to the Seattle chapter, stop by another chapter near you.
Continuing from the previous thread.. kreepshit spews:
Iran has no reason to fear
Had no reason to fear drumpf..
Bibi tried to shame Obama into a war with Iran.. Obama refused to be cowed.. History shows bombing campaigns end disastrously. See North Vietnam, Cambodia, North Korea..
drumpf showed no interest to play ball either.. killed Soleimani but..
Iran retaliated by targeting a US base in Iraq with missiles and gave some of our soldiers TBI..
drumpf responded by babbling the soldiers got “headaches”..
Wow.. what an asshole. And some still believe drumpf never called veterans like John McSame “suckers and losers”..
Trump backs out of ‘60 Minutes’ primetime interview
Trump never turns down a chance to get airtime. He lives for the attention.
So, somebody on his staff must have put a stop to the interview because they realized what a trainwreck that interview would be.
Trump’s campaign staff is in total damage-control mode right now. They would rather he stay in his safe-spaces: his rallies and friendly conservative news outlets where he won’t be asked any real hardball questions.
>> It’s the Fugitive Slave Laws, dressed up for the 21st century, but underlying it is the same assumption; that there is a class of human beings who are to be afforded lesser freedoms, and whose lives will be more heavily regulated.
@1 Actually he didn’t call McCain “suckers and losers.” The bone spurs draft dodger reserved that epithet for America’s D-Day dead.
Tonight jerkoff dickhead bowman will “create stories”.
How‘s Peter Jdb?
Vance calls climate change “weather.” But if you believe in global warming, the solution is drill baby drill.
It wasn’t possible for Mitt Romney to disrespect anyone more than Romney disrespected jerking dickhead bowman.
Not even drumpf.
First mic mute, because Vance is talking out of turn and won’t shut up, as he tries to defend his Springfield anti-Haitian hate.
Vance claims Trump’s billionaire tax cuts raised workers’ wages. Gonna need a frontloader, not a shovel, to clean up this bullshit.
Jerking dickhead bowman was fact checked once so far.
Kreepshit will babble 3 vs 1.
Donald Trump and Vance would treat climate change like they did Covid pandemic.
They aren’t serious about fixing any problems that occur only giving tax breaks to the wealthy
Line of the night: “I am a knucklehead at times, but I was a good teacher, a good soldier, a good member of Congress.”
Walz finessed his verbal flubs well. Vance’s defense of his flipflopping on Trump (he blames the media) is far less convincing.
Jdb is full of shit.
But he slings the shit with an even cadence and a straight face.
What does that say about fat hitler?
Can y’all say “cognitive decline”?
Vance says “let voters make the decision” about abortion. Well, they are making the decision; in every state that’s had abortion rights on the ballot, voters have passed it. And Republicans are doing everything they can to keep those initiatives off the ballot, because they know they’ll pass if voters get to choose.
The best Vance can do on this issue is to repudiate his own past position. But why should anyone trust him?
@15 Yeah, Jaydee just slung some bullshit about what the law says and Walz promptly called him a liar. Good for him for not letting the liar get away with it.
Vance blames gun violence on Mexican cartels bringing in guns through “Harris’s open borders.” That’s not my understanding; my impression is the cartels get guns from the U.S. Vance also argues the solution is “better locks on school doors, and better windows” in school buildings.
Walz: “Do you want to turn your kids’ school into a fort? Sometimes it’s just the guns, and there are things we can do about it.”
jdb babbled a lot about fentanyl. It’s a problem sure.
“Street fentanyl has long been viewed as unstoppable. Now many experts say the supply of the deadly synthetic opioid is suddenly drying up in many parts of the U.S. and fatal overdoses are dropping.”
Problem addressed. Thank you Joe and Kamala.
Vance’s solution to the housing crisis: “Drill, baby, drill!” Literally! Those are his exact words!
Thank you Nancy Pelosi for making rebukes dance to “we’ll save your pre-existing conditions”.
Walz talks like a Governor.
As in one who has actual experience in governance.
Jdb not so much.
Jerking dickhead bowman is proud of its support from “lifelong democrats”.
It lists Tulsi Gabbard and RFK Jr.
Jaydee is downplaying January 6 and calling Facebook censorship the biggest threat to democracy.
Jerkoff dickhead bowman said drumpf saved the ACA.
Jdb refused to concede that drumpf lost in 2020.
Jerking dickhead bowman is patently dishonest. It goes without saying that Jdb can’t be trusted.
Who won the debate? Vance made progress in softening his toxic image. Walz had a good debate. Both achieved their primary objectives. So both won.
Who had the better debate? Vance dodged on Trump’s refusal to transfer power, and danced around questions where Republicans are wrong on the issues. Walz had the facts on his side. Given that advantage, he was better.
It’s a Virus.
It’s a missing chromosome.
You know what it is!
More icky Virus
26)I was working, so listened to it on the radio apps.
@29 The most important thing that happened in tonight’s debate is Walz didn’t choke.
Second most important is that Vance looked like a weasel several times, including on the last question in the final seconds, and Walz knew exactly how to respond.
When you can, you should watch a replay of the final couple minutes to catch that moment.
30)I was nervous first few minutes, it sounded like Deja Vu from June, only this time he Tgere was a rebound.
MSNBC captured the essence of the debate with this line:
“Vance’s Republican Party sounds pretty nice. Too bad it’s fantasy.”
Is this the “housing on federal land” that Vance has in mind?
Vance: I was told there would be no fact-checking.
@ 19
“…fatal overdoses are dropping.”
Problem addressed. Thank you Joe and Kamala.
Just as the obesity problem has been “addressed” by less expensive insulin, Welfare Queen YLB claims that fentanyl trafficking has been “addressed” by wider naloxone distribution to counter ODs.
It’s a silly, wholly unserious argument. No surprise that it is being made by our precious, unserious twat Ms. YLB.
Sharing because I’ve never seen a “personal explanation” form before. Did not know they exist. Here is Walz’, in his own hand-writing:
Alternative explanations for
• decreases in murder rates
• decreases in fentanyl deaths:
In both cases, those responsible are being eliminated from the population and the remainder of the population becomes somewhat less criminal.
“Let God sort it out at the end.” might actually work.
Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius.
America has no interest in watching a bunch of black lesbians play at a boys’ high school team skill level.
WNBA Playoff Ratings Down Nearly 50 Percent Without Caitlin Clark, Indiana Fever
The dreaded Holman Ellipses merely mask further evidence that Americans have a taste for watching real-time black-on-white violent crime with Clark as the perpetual victim, but not womens’ basketball at the quality level that the WNBA has historically displayed.
If Clark ever blows out her Achilles at the beginning of a season a la Aaron Rogers, we’ll see incontrovertible evidence that the WNBA is unwatchable, with a single exception.
Look at it this way, libbies, and it might make some sense: Caitlin Clark is the Donald Trump to the WNBA’s Republican party.
Tim Walz close friendships with school shooters is up there with Kristi Noem bumping off puppies.
Or G-clown’s oft-expressed desire to fellate Jeffrey Dahmer to completion.
Libbies, what is the right decision when an abortion procedure unexpectedly results in the birth of a live, survivable baby?
Cut and Run Walz heard the first question well enough to provide an extended answer. He heard this question just as well.
School Shooters for Harris-Walz!
Sensing an opportunity, the Harris-Walz campaign has announced final weekend stops in Sandy Hook, Parkland, and Littleton.
Imagine how the debate would have gone had Josh Shapiro said yes.
It’s good for CNN for viewpoints like this to be expressed on-air.
Misspoke: How a Democrat explains being caught in a blatant lie.
@ 26
Walz had the facts on his side. Given that advantage, he was better.
You think that’s disappointing?
Democrats are already in battlegrounds with ads built around Diet Private:
There’s a reason why post debate spin rooms exist with literally hundreds of campaign surrogates standing around holding up signs over their heads identifying themselves to the media.
The real “contest” to win or lose begins immediately after the debate concludes. TRUMP 2024 and the GOP don’t really seem to like jdb very much. The campaign consistently fails to provide advance service for His local events. Trump barely mentions the guys name unless forced to do so
His surrogate support in post debate spin has been weak af. Very few showed up in the spin room.
@ 48
Democrats are already in battlegrounds with ads built around Diet Private
Not only have I not heard of Diet Private but neither has Google.
Maybe rethink your planned ad.
It’s a silly, wholly unserious argument.
yawwwn.. It’s wholly unserious of the kreepshit to not read the linked article which goes into detail about HOW the supply of street fentanyl is drying up:
There were nearly 70,000 pounds of fentanyl seized along the Southwest [U.S.] border in the 24 months ending in August 2024,” said Jen Daskal, a deputy assistant to President Biden on the National Security Council who focuses on fentanyl policy. “That’s more fentanyl seized in the past two fiscal years than in the prior five years combined.”
Seizures are one part of the strategy. The U.S. has also steadily ramped up direct pressure on the Mexican cartels, attempting to seize fentanyl profits, arresting top Sinaloa leaders and gaining more cooperation from the Chinese and Mexican governments.
Again. Thank you Joe and Kamala for making kreepshit look like a wholly unserious kreep addled by the fear of an IRS audit.