The Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally meets tonight, and there are a few topics likely to be raised over a pint:
- Washington lawmakers have have reached a budget agreement. Some of the details came out today.
- Returns will be in from the NY-
2326 special election. This close election (in solid red territory) is a first referendum on the Ryan plan to transform Medicare into a voucher program. - Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich’s visit has fueled more speculation about a possible run in Washington state.
- Costco has filed a new liquor privatization initiative.
So please join us tonight for drinks, conversation, and even dinner at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Starting time is 8:00 pm, some folks show up by 7:00 pm for dinner.
Can’t make it? The Burien chapter of Drinking Liberally will meet on Wednesday. And if that doesn’t work, there is an excellent chance you live close to one of the 227 other chapters of Drinking Liberally.
Memo to the Puddybud’s sub:
Hey this “conservative” is saying that Herman Cain is the “real black man”:
And he laughs at Obama’s Irish heritage! Would this right wing dope laugh at Puddybud’s Jewish heritage?
Puddybud I guess I owe you an apology. Sorry dude.
We’re still pulling for you in October Puddybud!
As the most holiest of holier than thou – YOU ARE FIRST IN LINE MY MAN!
Puddybud! Puddybud! Puddybud! Puddybud! Puddybud!
That would be NY-26, not -23.
ZOMG! Talk about a retread:
How low can Gingrich sink? How desperate can he be to recruit the Senator from Deliverance, GA?
And the U.S. Supreme Court orders California to freaking fix its prison overcrowding problem. Calitics has this to say:
Great post from Robert Cruickshank who guest posted once here at HA!
This is a great story. I understand Scalia read his dissent from the bench, hectoring his colleagues. What a miserable SOB! I gotta read that.
So it turns out Iceland is really Mordor…
6 – All the people there are wearing masks – what about the poor animals?
Interesting “weather” they have there.
Not to discount the interesting weather they’ve had in Tornado alley.
LMAO!! A insider blows the whistle on the Evita from the “Mad Zoo”:
Great video here:
Don’t cry for me, Wasilla!
But yeah, the Republican’s aren’t lackeys for a handful of corporate interests or anything…
Yes Nimrod. All you are is hot air.
Netanyahu kicked some Obummer ASS today on Capitol Hill in his speech to Congress.
11 – And someone in the Gallery heckled that schmuck to end the occupation.
After well over 40 years what are they trying to prove? Hmmm. They want the West Bank and everything in it perhaps?
You’ll need a lot of hot air to ASCEND! in October. I predict it will be no problem for you.
Netanyahu, the mouse that roared.
Meanwhile the illegal settlements continue to grow in size.
Gee, some insane guy gets his hands on some weapons he really shouldn’t have been able to acquire, and shoots a Democratic U.S. Congressman and a number of others. There is an outpouring of sympathy and support for the victims, to the detriment of Republicans and the NRA.
So what do well-trained Republican operatives due? Wait a little bit for the attention to die down, and then start a web site in Texas to claim the whole thing is a fabrication staged by Homeland Security using actors. And just for extra effect, try to intimidate potential witnesses by pretending to be officials and demanding that they turn over the “evidence” (including any photos they may have) which they claim would support their theory. Of course, in their world, failure to turn over such evidence to support their theory is simply evidence that the individuals are part of the conspiricy.
Oh, and that Republican Congressman from Georgia, who criticized a retired constinuent who voiced her concerns about the Republican-proposed privitization of Medicare? It seems he is defending his own use of government-paid health insurance (available to Congressmen) because “its free”.
Translation: “I’ve got mine. It must suck to be you. You should have had the initiative to have been born with the contacts and influence to be elected to Congress. Since you weren’t, if you die of a disease due to lack of health care coverage, it’s your own damn fault”.