It’s Tuesday, so tell your friends, family, and constituents that you will be hard to reach for awhile, and hike the Montlake trail to the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally for an evening of politics under the influence. The festivities take place at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning at 8:00 pm. Or stop by early for some dinner. And turn off your cell phone.
Not in Seattle? The Drinking Liberally web site has dates and times for 333 other chapters of Drinking Liberally for you to get lost at.
He was meeting with Dr Jeremiah Wright. Didn’t you get the memo? Wright wanted to make sure nobody would block access.
Hmmm…Puddy remembers the HA swineflu weasel crew such as Just Dumb Bozo going nuts over a “gay” person asking a question of GWB in the 2005, James Gucker (aka Jeff Gannon).
Why are these same swineflu weasels quiet over a setup question from Huffington Post to “the messiah” today?
Deputy Press Secretary Bill Burton confirmed the White House did contact Nico Pitney in advance and planned for Nico to ask about Iran based on Internet chatter coming from the people. And of course the continual sounds of silence from the foolish ones here.
So you HA swineflu weasels remember (libtaroness is a 24 hour memory malady) the HuffPo presentation of the doctored John Gibson video where he didn’t make those comments against Eric Holder?
1, 2 — Tomorrow is garbage pickup day in my neighborhood — who forgot to take out the trash?
Roger Rabbit has a sore back from too much humping and can’t hop down tonight.
Pelletizer@4 Using the Fleshlight again?
Puddy don’t live in your dumb bunny dump.
I thought you were lying until I googled it…
White House officials phoned a blogger from a popular left-leaning Web site on Monday evening to tell him that President Barack Obama had been impressed with his online reporting about Iran. Could the writer pass along a question from an Iranian during the president’s news conference on Tuesday?
Of course. The next day, The Huffington Post’s Nico Pitney got a prime location in the White House Briefing Room and was the second reporter Obama picked for a question.
From the same article-
And already it’s proven that the obama was planting reporters/questions.
At least that is change.
Probably not the change the left had hoped for considering how much the obama campaigned on transparency.
The New York Slimes doesn’t name their captured reporter David Rodhe at the Hotel Taliban Afghanistan for the past seven months. Yet, when Jill Carroll of the Christian Science Monitor was captured in early 2006 the NY Slimes was quick to publish her story. Now we learn the NY Slimes asked forty news orgs to now publish Rodhe’s name.
Yet the NY Slimes scrambled ASAP to publish Khalid Shiekh Mohammad’s interrogator Deuce Martinez over the objections of his lawyer. The NY Slimes told everyone about Martinez’s education, employment, and details of his interrogations. Now it’s common knowledge the interrogator and his family fear for their lives, but that’s okay, because the public has a right to know who that “nasty” CIA interrogator was.
Remember, the NY Slimes told the world about the NSA wiretapping techniques and how the US and friendly countries were into bank monitoring techniques, so the terrorists and financiers now know how to avoid terrorist systems surveillance.
Typical of the libtardo MSM.
Marvin, when Puddy first read it, Puddy busted a gut because Puddy remembered the Jeff Guckert – Jeff Gannon attacks of many HA swineflu weasels.
You really want to bring up Jeff Gannon, gay escort and his overnight stays?
Jeff Gannon attacks. That was before we learned about Republicans and goats.
K, it doesn’t bother Puddy whatsoever. It seems you progressives have an issue with a gay man. This is why Puddy calls you on your bigotry. It shows just from comments #9 & #10.
We’ve been told over and over “the adults are in charge, change has arrived, and transparency abounds”.
Well we are seeing none of the above is happening!
Now for something for the Huskies and Cougs to enjoy together – Phil Knight’s latest experiments on the Oregon football team’s unis:,172251
@6 Oh my, the White House staff games a presidential news conference to put their story out. Of course, no Republican president would ever do that …
Hey, suck my bunny cock, you fucking hypocrite. You need a shoulder to cry on? Ask a priest. I’m busy.
@11 Right. Nothing bothers you, puddinghead. Not even things that should.
Hey all you peeps with Nokia phones, this is for you!
Enjoy this info from the PuddyFiles. Oops… it’s from the WA Times, a Mooney Pub per clueless wonder so it can’t be trusted.
Another figment of Pelletizer’s imagination. The Hubble at maximum power hasn’t found it so why do you think Marvin will be successful?
Well certain HA swineflu weasels bother me. You get a pass because of your “issues”. See the comment above. So Pelletizer, a gay man in the white house bothered you too? Must have really bothered K cuz he brought it up!
Damn, I missed Darcy? That’s what I get for taking up a pal’s offer of a ticket to the M’s game.
We could have touched base before my visit to DC in July.
What’s worse, helping the terrorists figure out how to go around our security net, or helping the terrorists destroy our Constitutionally protected liberties and freedoms?
Typical of the
libtardo MSMFOX propaganda consumer.GBS, then why is “the messiah” keeping those techniques in place breaking a “campaign promise”?
Are you Neo-socialsts gonna support Darcy against Reichert in 2010?
So GBS, you agreed with the NY Slimes naming Khalid Shiekh Mohammad’s interrogator Deuce Martinez?
LMFAO, to simply say “Jeff Gannon attacks” now constitutes bigotry -hatred and intolerance, that is – against gays in the deranged wingnut mind. Way to lower the bar, Puddy. It might shock and amaze you to learn that one could have had issues with Jeff Gannon and his relationship with and access to the previous administration without injecting gay into the conversation. This hilarious wingnut quest to uncover HA commenter bigotry against gays reveals more about you than it does about us. Mark, Mark the Redneck, Mr. Klynical, they all spewed real hate here on this blog and it was aimed directly at their intended target, the Seattle GLBT community, calling them “fags”, “queers” and “degenerates”, and you freaks ignore that and think you’ve found bigotry in “Jeff Gannon attacks” or GBS calling the self-loathing Marvin a “faggot”. Too fucking much. You all need to take your moral compasses in for calibration. Maybe it’ll help you get your fucking minds right.
Why does it matter that jeff is gay? Why bring it up unless you think there is something wrong with it.
But the left did inject gay into the conversation. Why?
Things you can count on-
1. Death
2. Taxes
3. steve’s daily “they did it too” excuse
4. steve “forgetting” to post the rasmussen poll when it’s not favorable for the obama
Using the slur “faggot” is wrong. I provided you the link last night that GLAAD objected to the use by perez hilton. If it’s wrong for a gay man to use it as an insult it’s wrong for you and gbs to use it as an insult.
Why would both you and gbs apologize if you didn’t do anything wrong. And I shamed both of you into not using it anymore.
S[peaking of gbs, let’s not forget he also has a little racial thing going on.
To make gbs feel good about himself I said I was on welfare. And then he promptly assumed I was black.
You stopped using a word you insisted didn’t prove you were a homophobic bigot. You’re finally on the right track for the first time in your life. Kudos for that.
Steve, you moronic twit@23,
Read again what K brought to the conversation. Puddy realizes reading ain’t fundamental on your goat farm.
Now that this is cleared up, maybe you should write to K and ask what is his problem. Also you should stop using that bar on yourself. You could hurt yourself.
And with your worthless commentary you bring other people into the discussion who haven’t visited this thread proves your debate skillz are very weak. Only K went there and you like the slow dim-witted fool you are joined him.
And you asked Puddy to stick up for your character?
What words were used in the real post @25 for it to be eaten? Hmmm…?
Steve there is a response waiting if Goldy releases it.
Steve you should send a written apology to the GLAAD people, writing 1000 times
“I apologize for my lack of compassion and will never use the word or call someone a faggot again.”
Exactly. If it was wrong for bush to plant jeff and set him up with all the questions, complain. Call them liars, assholes, whatever. But because the left doesn’t really have the tolerance (obama/biden against gay marriage, cheney for gay marriage) they have to use the gay word (and the words “maricón,” “faggot,” “fruitcake,” “I’m not comfortable around those people,”) as an insult. Like they do against jeff and foley. The advocate has a story, Liberals and Their Invisible Homophobia, that talks about the double standard for liberals and how the left uses gay hate for political purposes…
…as exemplified as recently as the Mark Foley saga. The canard that gay men prey on young boys remains credible in America, a misconception that the never-ending sensational coverage of the Foley case only strengthened. Days after the scandal broke, Minnesota Democratic congressional candidate Patty Wetterling rushed television ads onto air stating that the imbroglio “shocks the conscience. Congressional leaders have admitted to covering up the predatory behavior of a congressman who used the Internet to molest children.” But there was never any evidence that Foley had “molested” anyone; Wetterling jumped to the conclusion shared by many people about gay men for electoral advantage.
“read my lips, no new taxes”
“Most transparent administration ever”
All campaign lies that their voters blindly believed because they wanted to.
steve won’t because he doesn’t believe *his* use of the word was offensive because he was only insulting me.
You have never posted anything I’ve ever written that demonstrates hatred and intolerance spewed in the direction of gays, or any GLBT, only towards you, a hate-spewing wingnut goatfucker.
Of course steve won’t answer this question, but it needs to be asked…
steve, would it be okay for you to call Puddy a “nigger” if you were only insulting him and not the black community?
I know steve is trying his hardest to dig himself out of the hole he dug for himself, which explains why he has written so many different excuses. And not one of those lame-ass excuses holds water.
Looks like “the messiah’s” overture before the Iranian election may have backfired. Well “the messiah” is learning about these “people” because he and his minions didn’t understand the world we live in. Maybe they are finally realizing these “people” will kill you in a heartbeat.
Puddy, you willingly inject yourself into this matter.
I’ll take myself out of the discussion for a moment. Marvin has repeatedly accused GBS of being a racist and a bigot, Puddy. Do you agree or disagree with these accusations?
And please answer the following two questions Puddy. If one uses the “F” word on this blog as an insult directed towards gays, would that make them a bigot? If one uses the “N” word on this blog to describe black Americans, would that make them a racist?
Steve, Puddy somewhat knows GBS. Puddy don’t know you. While GBS and Puddy don’t know each other as tight buds and have that watch your back camaraderie, Puddy thinks GBS lost his cool against Marvin. Well he did smack a higher rank officer once.
That’s why Puddy thinks GBS’ apology to Marvin was sincere… to a point. Anyway if the GLAAD people think the faggot word is bigoted who is Puddy to disagree with them when they took Mario Lavandeira to the woodshed. Gosh it was funny seeing him cry like a little girl when he got his peepee hit. Oh… that was his face. Well Mario what goes around cums around.
Now onto headless lucy’s favrit term for Black Americans. Yes, it’s accepted in American Lore that it’s use is racial and derogatory. But Puddy thinks is strange how libtardos love to use that word when cornered like a weasel in an argument.
That’s all Puddy gonna say on that topic.
Now back to the real topic of the day…
Have you lefties been paying attention to anything lately except your favrit whackjob web sites?
Now that “the messiah” is going after big tobacco with “the messiah’s” anti-smoking bill, how will “the messiah” refill the treasury coffers to recoup the tax revenues lost of from tobacco taxes? What are the states gonna do with the reduced tobacco revenue already planned in their budgets?
With all the screaming over the years about the subsidies sent to Archer Daniel Midland (remember the This Week with David Brinkley commercials?) what are the specific plans and provisions to subsidize the soon to be out of work tobacco farmers? Is “the messiah” gonna throw them to the wolves and increase the poverty level in Virginia, North Carolina, Kentucky, and Tennessee? Will they be paid to grow another cash crop? Or was this another Dummocraptic feel good moment for the libtardo press to kiss “the messiah’s” ASS?
Just axking… Let’s see if any HA libtardo wants to answer. Puddy doubts it.
Puddy asked this question before last week, but the HA swineflu weasel libtardos wouldn’t answer…
Now that GWBush started the Democratic Arab states initiative (Iraq, Afghanistan, pressure on Kuwait, etc.) how will “the messiah” and his gang of nit-wits go about really addressing the Iranian masses who are seeing what freedom rings in other Arab lands? Or will they take their queue from Nancy Stretch Pelosi and her visit to Syria?
“The messiah” said in 2008 before he was raised to that position…
“I will cut investments in unproven missile defense systems. I will not weaponize space. I will slow our development of future combat systems.”
Oops… looks like North Korea doesn’t like those campaign promises. Now that North Korea is aiming their next missile at Hawaii is “the messiah” gonna cut incoming missile defense programs?
@31 You failed to answer the questions.
You are staring at her in a creepy perverted way.
He answered the questions.
You didn’t like his answers.
And please, stop groveling at the feet of Puddy to justify your behavior.
Puddy has been consistent in his opinion on this matter, you’re the one that has been flip-flopping with all those different lame excuses.
From today’s Rasmussen–
That is a HUGE jump.
Obama is quickly “owning” the economic crisis in the eyes of voters. WHY? Because he overpromised in his campaign…got elected…then tried to blame others or backtrack on his promises & bravado.
This will continue to rise as months & years pass & things get worse resulting in plunging approval ratings.
Once again Puddy is making an astute observation.
gbs smacked a higher ranked officer????
At least now we know what gbs considers “supporting the troops.”
No wonder gbs lost his cool when I posted the link to the left wing-nut protests where they were proudly holding the sign that said “we support the troops when they shoot their officers” and “fuck the troops.”
I was thinking the same thing.
If I didn’t know better, I would have thought that some right-wing goldy hater waited until the exact moment when goldy was looking at her in that way to take the picture and post it here.
Our Idiot Kommander-in-Chief has lots & lots of blood on his hands due to a missed opportunity to show leadership. Instead, O-blah-blah panders to the Israel-hating terrorist Amahdinajad…,2933,528940,00.html
Instead of IMMEDIATELY backing protestors for a free, fair election…Obama the cowardly idiot expresses “concern”. WTF??!!!!
There were millions in the street.
No Obama support.
Now it is thousands and they are being shot like dogs.,2933,528940,00.html
Read it!
This is your PACIFIST leader of the free world in action and the consequences of his actions and inactions.
Between this and the economy….Obamunism is on it’s last legs after 5 months.
What’s you opinion on why gbs assumed I was black when I said I was on welfare.
For FUCK’s sake…is there an HONEST REPUBLICAN in office ANYWHERE??????
What is fucking WRONG with these people anyway???
Morals???? GOT MORALS???
Republicans say “OK…morals…sure…give me a couple days and I’ll pick some up for ya. Need some scruples? I can get those too.”
JE-sus K. Reist…
Oh…Sheriff Hairspray maybe…but he’s so LAME who’d want to fuck ‘im.
Oh…maybe Michelle Bachman (reminds me of when I fucked the craziest woman at the office)…or Larry Craig!!!!! LMAO!!!
@37 “And please, stop groveling at the feet of Puddy to justify your behavior.”
Why on earth would I ever grovel at the feet of a bigot?
“Puddy has been consistent in his opinion on this matter”
Oh, really?
Perhaps you’ll turn to Mr. Klynical.
Say, Puddy, what for you is the difference between “queers” and “fags”? I only ask because I see that you threw out both slurs in a single sentence. Here, allow me to remind you of what you wrote:
“I’ve stated my position on queers, gays, fags, GLA, GLAAD, etc many times.”
Geez, Puddy, I have to ask, just what is your position on the folks you call “queers” and “fags”?
Oh, and I missed your apology for using such hateful words. Would you please direct me towards your apology so that I might set the record straight?
I wouldn’t suggest turning to Mark the Redneck to bail you guys out.
heh- After calling gays “fags”, Mark accuses some other poster of resorting to namecalling.
This wingnut is all over the threads. He also had a thing for the “N” word. Interestingly enough, the conversation on the left back then was similar to now – why won’t Puddy stand up to right-wing racism? But for now let’s just stay with the gay-hate spewn by Marvin’s fellow travelers.
Thanks for bringing up Jeff Gannon/Guckert the internet porn celebrity/gay hooker and fake reporter who was (some say) sucking Scott McClellan’s or Dubya’s dick (both???…heh heh boyz will be boyz, yeah?). How else would one explain NUMEROUS visits to the White House? Can you say “unprecedented access”.
That puddybiotch…defender of “gay rights”…and the…who knew??? (some say they’ve been seen in bathrooms with Guckert and Larry Craig…and a poor defenseless goat!)
Heh- I actually thought Puddy, he of the amazing, super-duper photographic memory, had enough sense to stay out of this conversation. I reckon not.
I’d hoped you’d stay out of it, Puddy, but you stepped into it all on your own.
OH…sorry…I meant “DEFENDER OF GAY PORN STAR/HOOKER FAKE REPORTERS” about pud and the marvin.
If you honestly believe that what you said wasn’t offensive, “You have never posted anything I’ve ever written that demonstrates hatred and intolerance spewed in the direction of gays or any GLBT,” why are you posting message after message trying to defend it. Well, not really defend it, you’re desperately trying to point the finger at others as if that is an acceptable excuse.
As did you fail to answer my questions…
If what you said wasn’t offensive, why did you stop using those words you childishly attempted to insult me with and subsequently apologize.
Idiotic goatfucker, what GBS and I said was offensive and we both apologized for saying it. What your wingnut friends spew is pure, hateful, full-blown, unapologetic bigotry spewn directly at the target group. The offense against gays at this moment would more likely be your pathetic attempts to ignore real unapologetic bigotry spewn by the right in order to attack offensive statements by GBS and myself for which we apologized long ago. Looks to me like you have your wingnut agenda mixed up with what you state your intentions to be. In other words, your own bigotry is showing up here in spades.
Why is Marvin so utterly incapable of denouncing Puddy, Mark and Mr. Klynical for hatefully calling gays “faggots”? Geez, I thought he was the great wingnut defender of GLBT’s? It wouldn’t be because it was all just so much bullshit, would it? Oh, that’s right, IOKIYAR. heh- You’re such an obvious asswipe, Marvin.
Considering I didn’t consider steve and gbs calling me a “faggot” an insult, do you really believe I would consider anything you say of any importance.
But I will give you the chance to say something of importance, *IF* you are willing to be honest…
Why do you consider gay sex innuendoes an insult.
Of course, the answer will be one that speaks volumes about your views on gays. After all, what kind of a person would view being gay an insult.
@56 “After all, what kind of a person would view being gay an insult.”
Puddy? Mr. Klynical? Mark the Redneck?
What kind of person would never, ever take offense with a wingnut troll calling gays “faggots”?
Marvin, of course. He couldn’t give a shit about GLBT’s. They’re obviously just pawns in Marvin’s stupid HA comment game.
Again with the finger pointing at others.
In your opinion, why does little rujax use gay innuendoes as an insult?
That same question could be asked of the HA lefties that didn’t speak up when you were calling me a “faggot.”
Are you going to call them out for not speaking out about your bigoted use of the “faggot” word? Of course not.
As projected by someone that used the “faggot” word as an insult many times. Remember steve, I only use that one quote because you made it very clear you were trying to insult me.
You’re my pawn in the ha comment game.
Checkmate?? You’ve obviously fucked at least one too many goats, Marvin. You’ve lost. Puddy lost. Mr. Klynical lost. Mark the Redneck lost. You all lost. Your friends didn’t misspeak, regret what they wrote and then apologize. No, your friends unapologetically hate gays, they derisively call them “fags”, and there’s a long string of their posts in the HA archives as proof. But you? You’re not bothered in the slightest by their hatred spewed towards gays. And isn’t it obvious why? You don’t give a shit about gays. You never have. You’re no different and no better than the crowd of hateful bigots you run with.
Fuck, you don’t even know how bad you’re losing, you stupid goatfucker. Jump, Marvin, jump!!
the marvin is so fucking stupid it makes my fucking head hurt…
I completely and categorically disagree with you and your (unbelievably stupid) point of view about, well, everything. You are tone-deaf, “un” and “ill” informed and pretty brain dead.
That goes double for the stupid fuck known as puddybuddy.
But it IS fun to make fun of you guys!!!
steve, stop pretending you misspoke.
If all you wrote was-
61. Steve spews:
That faggot Marvin is such a cunt!
05/03/2009 AT 9:49 AM
you might be able to make the point you misspoke.
Instead, you made it very clear that you calling me a “faggot” was intended as an insult.
Steve spewed:
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
You sure are getting your panties in a bunch considering you keep trying to insist you didn’t say anything hateful and intolerant. Despite the fact GLADD considers it hateful and intolerant. Go figure.
As far as me being a loser. Okay. If it makes you feel better about yourself feel free to call me a loser.
According to you and gbs, that makes me a goatfucking loser faggot black boy on welfare.
Now you see why I have such fun mocking you.
What a jackass you are stamn.
I’ve never been so insulted by a trained monkey before.
Now ask your organ grinder steve what next for you to say.
Wow back to you “marvin”…
…you really aren’t the sharpest tool in the shed are you?
“You sure are getting your panties in a bunch”
LMFAO!! You just can’t control the projection, can you, you stupid goatfucker?
Interesting that I ask little rujax to ask steve what to say and then they post within 2 minutes of each other.
I would say that one of you is a sockpuppet, except rujax hasn’t had to resort to hateful and intolerant slurs to insult me yet.
I wonder why the words of steve and manocrap are so similar.
That silly Marvin. He fucks goats, you know. Oh, and if you’re a Dem, never, ever say the “F” word around him. The fucker goes off the deep end every time.
Well, unless you’re a fellow wingnut like Mr. Klynical, of course. In that case, he couldn’t give a shit. So situational, so pathetic, so sad. That’s our goatfucking Marvin for ya.
Once again, and I quote my favorite commenter: