Did you hear about the guy running for Governor? How about the guy running for President? Stop by the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally and join our evening of political discourse over drinks.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern. We start at 8:00pm.
Chapters of Living Liberally are all over the place…if you can’t make it to the Seattle chapter, stop by another chapter near you.
It’s too bad that Congressional Republicans two times this year rose up in angry unison to block their own legislation to secure the southern border.
In the midst of a crisis the Executive Order that President Biden issued this morning is unlikely to remain in effect for more than a few days once legal challeges are successful in obtaining an order to suspend it.
Republicans should put America ahead of convicted felon Trump.
But that’s not what Republicans are about anymore.
Republicans put politics first ahead of American interests every time.
The ACLU filed notice just an hour ago of their pending lawsuit to prevent President Biden’s unilateral action from going into effect before it has been reviewed by a court.
If only Republicans in Congress would allow their own bill to get a vote. Then the program implemented by President Biden’s order would become the law and no federal court could intervene.
But Republicans care more about politics than they do about securing our borders.
In 2017 President Trump used nearly identical language in a similar Executive Order in an attempt to ban immigration from majority-Muslim countries. That ban was blocked from implementation about a month later and overturned in 2020.
Congressional Republicans all know this history. They held hearings and heard extensive testimony from immigration law experts. That’s why earlier this year, in a bipartisan effort, both Republicans and Democrats joined together to draft a bipartisan bill that would grant the President precisely this legal authority.
But then convicted felong Donald J. Trump issued threats to Republican lawmakers if they passed this bill that would give President Biden this new authority. And so every time it has been brought to the floor it has been blocked by Republicans from receiving a vote. Because Republicans care more about a convicted felon rapist than they care about the United States of America.
In the midst of the Cold War the Immigration and Nationality Act passed by Congress in 1952 created an asylum status for any person who presents themselves either within the United States or at any US border and makes a credible claim seeking asylum from political or criminal persecution. The Act authorizes the President to formulate and carry out rules to implement the provisions of the law. The law requires that all persons be granted an initial opportunity to apply. The law instructs the Executive Branch to provide a legal process for determining the credibility of an application for asylum and to issue final determinations. The law guarantees to all persons who make such an application that they will be legally entitled to reside in the United Sates until that determination is made without fear of deportation. And it further guarantees legal residence to all persons granted asylum.
The law provides for absolutely no conditions or circumstances in which the President may unilaterally suspend the program mandated by the law. The Executive Branch rule making authority
provided in the law, as with nearly all such laws, is limited to the terms set forth within the law.
Without further legislation no President has the unilateral legal authority to terminate the Congressionally mandated program for legal asylum status.
Even Village Idiots know this.
“ Even Village Idiots know this.”
Then there’s a good chance that Jay Inslee might might know it, too!
Coming on the heels of Ohio legislators being reminded that they moved their nominating deadline with zero objections for Trump, trying to insist that ONLY allowing them to outlaw abortion which the voters already had a say on to alllow the same courtesy to Biden….
Ohio goes blue.
We NEED to be able to cheat is a tough sell for voters of the not rabidly partisan type.
That last bit reminds me of Arlen Specter. He claimed he had to change his party affiliation to get re-elected. For Specter, it was all about getting re-elected, not good governance. His ego trumped the Constitution, in his twisted and arrogant mind.
A quick reminder, as part of Ohio Republicans PREVIOUS attempt to thwart a fair vote on the abortion measure Ohio voters said ‘Hell to the Nah” to upping the threshold for a constitutional amendment vote to 60%.
The Ohio GOP losing streak is going to continue.
Trying to bury media outlets for printing factual information is JUST the kind of first amendment assault the dying Republican Party will be remembered for by your grandkids. It’s going to be in their textbooks.
That’s why their relating to rewrite them NOW!
(Eds. note, this suit will never be filed. Could you imagine the discovery of finding out who Donald and his campaign have paid off. Like literally a full accounting?)
Let us give thanks to Lina Kahn and the FTC for choking off the TexASS greedflators:
Bloomberg Energy Columnist Javier Blas said the announcement Monday signifies that OPEC had “all but thrown in the towel” in the face of U.S. production dominance and energy market instability following the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Blas said the decision by OPEC could also be a strategic move for long-term stability due to the global decrease in inflation that would result from increased oil supply and the resulting fall in gas prices.
The policy of choking off oil production in the middle east in order to drive up energy prices may finally be coming to an end, which is sure to be a welcome relief to Americans after years of pain at the pump.
knock, knock, knock…
@1 “Republicans put politics first ahead of American interests every time.”
That was unquestionably true a year ago, but I’m not sure politics has much to do with it anymore. Now it’s all mindless goose-stepping behind The Leader.
DDHQ has called the NJ-Senate primary for Andy Kim. At 25% of the count, he has 80% of the votes. He has a big lead in every county so far and goes into November a heavy favorite. Dems are proud to support him!
BREAKING: Joe Biden wins the Democratic presidential primary in New Jersey. #APRaceCall at 8:05 p.m. EDT.
BREAKING: Joe Biden wins the Democratic presidential primary in the District of Columbia. #APRaceCall at 8:06 p.m. EDT.
The Procreators are killing unborn children, thier wives, their kids and their pets. Now ain’t that special. 🦠 Heterosexual Neanderthals Virus is out of control and costing tax payers billions. The American Citizens are not tired of this!
In the Republican primary the MAGAt endorsed by convicted felon Donald J. Trump has lost badly to a moderate anyone-but-Trumper.
Convictions have consequences.
Someone was saying Stefanik is the future of the party.
I got my ass handed to me by a court of law but make me a STAR!
Perfect for a Trumper.
Nope, the TikTok where most young voters get their news is not on this one at all. Like it didn’t happen. It’s not even a top five search right now. SEVEN IS NOT TOP FIVE. BAN TIKTOK!
There is LITERALLY no difference between the parties.
Someone was saying Stefanik is the future of the party.
That’d be kreepshit. yawwwn.. typical..
@ 3
That ban was blocked from implementation about a month later and overturned in 2020.
That’s not what your link says. Your link says all three cases were dismissed with prejudice. Trump was the defendant, not the plaintiff. It was the plaintiffs’ complaints that were overturned, not the government’s ban.
Int’l Refugee Assistance Project v. Trump, 961 F.3d 635, 640 (4th Cir. 2020)
Tim Shehey, a carpet-bagging jet-ski trust funder from Minnesota wins MAGA primary in Montana and will face third generation Chouteau County homesteader and former Big Sandy school teacher and cattle rancher Senator Jon Tester.
Seattle’s finest?
Gotta question for Elijah: Since we all can guess how Loose Cannon will rule on this, will these antics get her removed from the case?
FOX “news” claims a “guilty” Hunter Biden will be found innocent because there are black people on the jury.
>> The Law and Order party is harkening back to jury nullification when all white juries would not convict a white man. They did so they are afraid that other groups are now going to do it.
>> Just shows you that conservatives are afraid being treated like they treated everyone else.
Biden: I’ve come here today to do what the Republicans in congress refuse to do, take the necessary steps to secure our border… Four months ago, we came to a deal but Republicans walked away because Trump told them to
>> Republicans don’t want border security, if they did, they would support that bill.
@ 22
FOX “news” claims a “guilty” Hunter Biden will be found innocent because there are black people on the jury.
A “guilty” Donald Trump will be elected in November because there are black people in his camp.
The average black person is far more intelligent than The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, and has no reason to parrot what (s)he is told by the Biden campaign.
Clyburn can’t help Biden in 2024.
Watch video of Biden in 2021. Then watch video of Biden today.
Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping
Participants in meetings said the 81-year-old president performed poorly at times. The White House said Biden is sharp and his critics are playing partisan politics.
Now imagine how Biden will look the last few days of October and the first couple of days of November.
This is what libbies have hitched their wagon to. Libbies will get what they deserve, which is a second Donald Trump term and a GOP vice president with the inside track to eight more years in office.
Was it worth it?
@24 an ally of “YE”
@ 26
It takes an especially unserious twat to allege ties between a Black Panther founder and Kanye West, while posting a link that has absolutely no mention of the former.
One can conclude only that Queen YLB is using Kanye West to slur a Black Panther founder based on nothing more than their commonality of skin color.
C’mon, Queen YLB. Show us the “alliance” you allege, girlfriend.
Four-plus days. That’s how long Trump has been on TikTok.
Republican lawmakers now say. All Republicans. Every single one.
Here’s the problem.
Brave Sir Kevin emerged from his debt ceiling meeting with President Biden and declared to reporters it was ‘The best meeting yet.’ This is the same meeting he now says nothing got done because President Biden couldn’t focus. “Very professional. Very smart but tough at the same time.”
And other than just after being selected speaker MAGA Mike Jesus Johnson has famously refused to meet with Oresident Biden to negotiate anything.
Those are the two main sources.
Meanwhile Dotard doesn’t know what court he’s been convicted in.
Keep setting the expectations low. When Biden comes across as lucid and Trump has his standard word salad going at the debates it’ll be SOTU again for voters. “Wait, WHICH guy have they been saying doesn’t know where he is most of the time?”
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Desperate to reverse the mounting losses at Twitter, it’s now going to allow porn.
Note: Texas has banned online porn without providing phot id so…