This is primary election night in Washington state (and a few other places). Stop by the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally and we can talk about it.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern. We start at 8:00pm.
Chapters of Living Liberally are all over the place…if you can’t make it to the Seattle chapter, stop by another chapter near you.
I see a Texas’Republican got busted for child porn and sexual assault. Wonder if he’s a cousin of Doctor Dumbfuck, or just a very close friend.
HN virus being censored again.
“So during this time when you were living at Chain Bridge Road and there were documents relating to the Penn Biden Center, or the Biden Institute, or the Cancer Moonshot, or your book, where did you keep papers that related to those things that you were actively working on?” Hur asked during the relevant portion of the interview.
“Well, um… I, I, I, I, I don’t know,” Biden replied. “This is, what, 2017, 2018, that area?”
“Yes, sir,” Hur told him.
“Remember, in this timeframe, my son is — either been deployed or is dying, and, and so it was — and by the way, there were still a lot of people at the time when I got out of the Senate that were encouraging me to run in this period, except the President,” Biden answered. “I’m not — and not a mean thing to say. He just thought that [Hillary Clinton] had a better shot of winning the presidency than I did. And so I hadn’t, I hadn’t, at this point — even though I’m at Penn, I hadn’t walked away from the idea that I may run for office again. But if I ran again, I’d be running for President. And, and so what was happening, though — what month did Beau die? Oh, God, May 30th—”
“2015,” Rachel Cotton from the White House Counsel’s Office interjected.
“Was it 2015 he had died?” Joe Biden asked.
“It was May of 2015,” an unidentified speaker said.
“It was 2015,” Biden repeated.
“Or I’m not sure the month, sir, but I think that was the year,” Biden’s personal Robert Bauer said.
Marc Krickbaum of the Special Counsel’s office added, “That’s right, Mr. President. It—”
“And what’s happened in the meantime is that as — and Trump gets elected in November of 2017?” Biden asked.
That’s right. Joe Biden didn’t even remember what year Donald Trump was elected president. Two people then jumped in to correct Biden by saying it was 2016.
“’16, 2016. All right,” Biden said. So — why do I have 2017 here?”
“That’s when you left office, January of 2017,” Edward Siskel from the White House Counsel’s office said.
@3 Sounds to me like he didn’t want to be there. Was tiring, whatever.. Why waste time recalling this stuff?
Doesn’t a President have better things to do?
There’s no evidence that Joe hid anything, tried to deceive investigators unlike orange dear leader of teh magats..
So after the fiasco of jackoff Smirnov, teh magats are clinging to Joe’s flagging comittment to the questioning.
The Dogwood Senior Center at 1953 Donald Lee Hollowell Pkwy NW, Atlanta, GA is not, I repeat NOT a polling place in today’s Georgia primary election.
Troll resorting to posting his lies anonymously now.
I don’t know what’s more humiliating. Getting repeatedly caught in the lying. Or getting caught trying to hide himself from the lying. It’s all very ewwwwwwwww. This is certainly not going well for them.
It’s more actually relevant than that. It’s true that this passage is later in the day and they did consider quitting for the day immediately after this, but Biden asked to be allowed to continue and get it done. He’s the President of the United States. He’s got a bit of a schedule to keep.
What’s relevant is that by statute it is unlawful to misinform a federal officer during a voluntary interview like this one. Everyone has a perfect right to decline this kind of interview. And the fact of having done so may never be introduced in a criminal trial against them. But Biden made a point of wanting to fully cooperate from the moment he discovered the documents and reported them to the FBI to the moment he was contacted for these interviews. He wanted to get on the record that he did nothing wrong and that he fully cooperated at every step including initiating the investigation of himself to begin with.
But none of that immunizes him from potential criminal prosecution if he were to even accidentally misstate material facts to these investigators. He must state clearly either what he knows with absolute certainty to be 100% true, or he must respond that his recollection is imperfect or incomplete. And that’s true of everyone who agrees to such an interview with federal law enforcement officers.
So it’s very common in these kinds of voluntary interviews for the witness to be assited by legal counsel. Given the stakes it should be required. But it isn’t. And it’s also very common for a witness’s legal counsel to consult with them throughout such a voluntary interview providing advice and helping them with providing precise answers that are not going to get them in trouble.
That becomes particularly thorny when the questions being asked start to become focused on precise dates, times, locations, etc. Most people in common, everyday conversation tend to report greater precision in the memory than they actually have. People just fill in the gaps, or guess and feel perfectly okay doing that. But doing that can put you in jail if you are being interviewed by FBI agents. When given the chance almost any good lawyer jumps in at moments like this to protect their client. And that’s true for all clients.
So it’s a series of questions focusing on a very complicated period in his life, when he was leaving office as Vice President, contemplating his future plans for an academic center at Penn, for a non-profit institute, for a cancer research project at Penn, writing a book about his son, all going on while grieving for the death of his son. And Hur has just asked him a series of compound questions about documents he retained for use in carrying all of that work. There’s nothing the least bit forgetful or evassive about any of it. Just read the transcript. It begins on page 82 of the HUR1 file.
Republicans just fucking lie constantly.
@ 4
Doesn’t a President have better things to do?
Than sit for an interview by the Special Counsel appointed by the president’s own Attorney General?
Queen YLB, you precious unserious twat, would you be asking that question of a Republican president?
Doesn’t a president have better things to do than jet off to Delaware every weekend, Queen YLB?
I guess it bears mentioning since almost nobody, but least of all any fucking lying Republican, is going to read these interview transcripts in full, despite being 100% comfortable holding forth with certainty about what was or was not said, but…
it needs to be pointed out that this first interview took place exactly one day after the Hamas terror attacks in southern Israel.
It was a particularly busy time for President Biden and the White House. There were non-stop demands for information and policy guidance coming from every major ally, from Congress, from Homeland, and from the media. And the U.S. was still substantially in the dark about what took place and what Israel was doing to respond. It’s almost 100% certain that on October 8th President Biden had not slept in over 24 hours.
Read the transcript. The world is potentially in flames with for all we knew at the time a giant regional conflict getting ready to kick off and he’s pretty chill, he’s chatty, he’s relaxed, and in control. I doubt most people could have exhibited as much composure.
Republicans just lie constantly. And Robert Hur is no exception.
…24 hours after the biggest attack on Israel since Oslo?
This is a lying Republican being “serious”.
Congratulations to Seattle’s own unserious twat, Pramila Jayapal, for giving Robert Hur the opportunity to clarify that Biden was not exonerated.
Biden was exonerated.
(Golly. Would that have more validity if I had bolded it?)
What Robert Hur says following the termination of his employment with the Department of Justice is both irrelevant and lacking in credibility in the context of how many material untruths have been uncovered in his report now that the interview transcripts are published for the public to verify.
Biden was exonerated. It’s in the report.
Hur states he was unable to obtain evidence to support any criminal charge. That’s what being exonerated looks like. In Hur’s own words “It is a binary determination.” A person under investigation is either charged or they are not charged. When the Special Counsel determines they are not to be charged, they are exonerated.
@ 10
…24 hours after the biggest attack on Israel since Oslo?
Addressed on page 3 of the interview document to which you linked, QoS McHillbilly. Certainly my corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president had ample cause to reschedule. He chose not to do so.
Can’t blame Hur for Biden’s voluntary decision.
@ 12
When the Special Counsel determines they are not to be charged, they are exonerated.
Ergo Donald Trump has been exonerated from all allegations that he was a participant in insurrection.
Clearly that’s where you are going with this, QoS McHillbilly.
I don’t think the word means what you claim it means.
@8 “Doesn’t a president have better things to do than jet off to Delaware every weekend, Queen YLB?”
I didn’t see you complain about Shrub spending two-thirds of his time at his Texas ranch when Osama bin Laden and his confederates were plotting the 9/11 attacks. Lest we forget:
That bit of Republican negligence cost over 3,000 innocent Americans their lives.
I guess the news did not penetrate the jizz smeared, spent condom littered film of the Orange Event Horizon but Donald Trump is indicted by three different grand juries on 91 criminal felonies.
Only a jury can exonerate him now.
Did I just witness the last remaining shred of baseless GOP attack on Biden collapse from “He’s an enfeebled imbecile suffering from dementia who must be spoon fed Jello!” into “He’s a workaholic who overschedules himself and doesn’t know when to quit!”???
I can remember when they really thought they had Biden Crime Family Inc. Now it’s just Not
SureExoneratedI bet that looks great on a bumper sticker.
would you be asking that question of a Republican president?
Gee repuke prez, when did your great auntie so and so die? btw, did you fucking make shit up about your “privilege” or hide shit from even your own attorneys?
Doesn’t a president have better things to do than jet off to Delaware every weekend
Or Mar a fucking lago…. or Whatthefuckminster, NJ?
Direct quote from the Special Counsel transcript.
Educate and you won’t make a fool of yourself and others dumb enough to ride your bandwagon.
Congrats! Your “elderly man with a poor memory” won the Democrat nomination.
I linked the transcript for all to see and included the relevant context to humiliate you… for all to see.
And as they can also see your post is absolutely not a direct quote from the transcript. Your inclusion of phrases such as “he said” and “Biden asked” and “Biden replied” make that perfectly clear.
Those are journalistic style guide driven inclusions from whatever your media source was. They are not part of the transcript. Again, the original transcript is linked for your edification you sad, weak, dunce. 🧌
Go on now. More please.😉
But I’d warn you now, we’ve already caught your RNC media sources falsifying “quotes” from these interviews. The more you shit bags lie, the worse you shit bags look.💩
Joe Biden clinched the Democratic nomination today, and Trump will soon clinch the Republican nomination, all but ensuring they will appear on the November ballot unless denied nomination by their respective party conventions for some unusual reason.
Which of these candidates is least likely to stand in the middle of a street and shoot someone? Check only one box:
[ ] Joe Biden
[ ] Donald Trump
Haley: Finish them.
Biden: Let them win.
‘Very senior’ Israeli official accuses US government of seeking to oust Netanyahu
@ 22
Which of these candidates is least likely to stand in the middle of a street and
shoot someoneshit himself while having no idea he did it?@ 17
“He’s a workaholic who overschedules himself and doesn’t know when to quit!”???
It’s been done.
In the last thread kreepshit proclaimed itself a big Obama fan..
Silly us, the moldering freek of widbee has been “retired” to its golden years of moldering and horse shit shoveling..
In its place is an AI concocted deep fake..
the deep fake trust fund degen troll it is.. cover blown…
links to those “special” “news” sites to follow…
the deep fake trust fund troll calls Joe a criminal and a liar..
oh wait it (or its predecessor) did that to Hillary too.. called Hillary “corrupt” at every opportunity..
Questions: Has Joe or Hillary been charged with anything?
And who’s been charged with 91 criminal felony counts by 3 different grand juries?
Answer: the orange tinted asshole the deep fake trust fund troll babbles it will vote for in November..
Good thing deep fakes can’t vote. Well unless the hackers compromise the election.
Which of these candidates is least likely to stand in the middle of a street and
shoot someoneshit himself while having no idea he did it?Least likely? That’s obvious…
@ 27
…oh wait it (or its predecessor) did that to Hillary too…
As did Obama’s FBI Director, James Comey, when he wrote the draft indictment of that crooked cunt.
Questions: Has Joe or Hillary been charged with anything?
If that’s your requirement for criminality then it’s time, Queen YLB, for you and your fellow unserious twats on HA to stop alleging that Trump engaged in insurrection.
Although if it wasn’t for double standards the HA libbies would have none at all.
I prefer someone other than Biden or Trump.
stop alleging that Trump engaged in insurrection.
And if a Dem pulled that shit? Called for a mob to “fight like hell”??
Well goddamm.. they sure did. One gal got so fucking hyped, tried to break through a window like an anarchist and got killed for her “beliefs”.. What did she believe kreepshit?
And don’t make her out as some fucking martyr jerkwad.. Even brave Kevin said the cop did his job.
You pooh poohed the whole thing as “cosplaying grandmothers” and the antics of a “nearly nude dude”..
You’re such a fucking asshole…
he wrote the draft indictment of that crooked cunt.
lmao.. what fucking draft indictment? Oh the same one that he took to the stage before the media and said no prosecutor would take the case?
In your masturbatory dreams dick head…
@29 “As did Obama’s FBI Director, James Comey, when he wrote the draft indictment” of Hillary Clinton?
What are you talking about? I only find a reference to a “draft exoneration” at Wikipedia. Are you confusing that with this?
Wonder how many votes Christie, Vivek, Ron, and Haley are going to get in the WA Primary tonight? Was too late to take them off the ballot.
We’ve been over this already.
You stay home and refuse to vote.
That’s the ONLY way for all those goll darned elites to be forced to pay attention to you and your concerns about…
well, nothing really. Except “change”! And also “the little guy”. And we mustn’t forget “those darn taxes”.
Vivek? The one Haley’s kid calls “Ramaslimey” and “Pennywise”?
Heh.. Good on Haley’s son. I call it “Rama-scammy” myself.
@31 He can call it whatever he wants, but so can we, and a violent attack on Congress to overturn an election is an “insurrection” in my book, and to me a person inciting such an attack is an “insurrectionist.”
So when doc says “stop alleging Trump engaged in insurrection,” just laugh at him, because he’s a clown. As Elijah said on 3/8/24 @74 —
Ken Buck flaming MAGA Mike and the rest of the GOP on his way out the door.
Not to mention they gave his parking spot to Matt Gaetz. 😂
Fifth Circuit grants father the right to deny a child access to contraceptives even if the other parent is informed and consents.
Because a child is the property of the father and the mother has no rights.
“You’re overreacting. They won’t come for birth control it’s just send abortion back to the states. Calm down.”
Texas goes Blue.
@34 You can follow results here (statewide) and here (King County).
Statewide as of 8:24 pm, Biden 86%, uncommitted 7.5%, Phillips 3%, Williamson 2.6%, write-in 1%; Trump 74%, Haley 22%, DeSantis 2%, Vivek under 1%.
In King County, Biden’s about the same (84%), uncommitted is higher (10.2%), Haley much higher (34%), and Trump notably lower (61%).
41)When I was voting R in the Primary, I usually voted for the candidate out of the race, or a write in. Probably would not have voted for this year’s out of the race candidates. I changed my affiliation this time, been waiting for three years.
Oh for fucks sake. The flight time from DC to Wilmington Delaware is 16 minutes.
The former guy, what with his instable gait and fast food diet spent more time getting from the oval to the bedroom Melania refuses to share with a stop on the shitter.
In other words, he’s going to try his luck with the “I didn’t listen to my lawyers when they told me this was a crime” defense.
RFK Jr. doesn’t want you to know he’ll pardon Jan. 6 rioters.
Republicans plan to spend $50 million to defeat Trump.
That’s a lot of GOP ads saying “don’t vote for our nominee.”
Unfortunately for you the actual transcript is available. If you add back in the parts you removed Joe Biden is talking about electric cars. (You deleted that to make it seem like he was rambling) and how impressive the ‘Instant Torque’ is and how it just launches (you deleted those sentences).
Eds note:
This is a common experience for first time electric car drivers. The 0-60 is often described as like a rocket. Outside of drivers who have experience in extremely high performance sports cars the acceleration is unlike anything they understand from a passenger car.
The ‘You can take 30 seconds” is admonishing Hur that, as President his Time is WAY more valuable and to paraphrase, “Shut the fuck up about you being in a hurry. If I have to be here you get to sit there and listen.”
An excercise.
Lincoln was clearly addled.
In NY a formal advice of counsel defense deprives the defendant of all privilege claims. Prosecutor gets to subpoena all of his lawyers and all of his legal communications. He’s been blaming his lawyers for this criminal scheme for six years. But he can’t afford to go through with it because of all the rest of the corruption.
Thank you for reading the transcript.
These falsified excerpts are exploding in the right wing echo chambers right now. The incels need their Biden fanfic porn.
@49 Arguments that rely on people not reading actual sources are built on foundations of sand.
Practice Tip: It’s always a good idea to read stuff before citing it in a legal brief or argument.
This is why election years are called the “silly season” (the term is derived from politicians saying silly things to get attention before voting begins):
The U.S. has no plans to deploy American troops on Russian territory or in Ukraine. Russia is always “technically ready” for nuclear war, as are we (guys sitting in silos with missile keys, ballistic missile subs on station, nuclear bomber crews in ready rooms). They are not going to start a nuclear war against us because if they did there would be nothing left of their country but smoking ruins and charred bodies. Putin blusters a lot, but I seriously doubt he’s suicidally nuts. So what’s going on here? Even dictators have to make campaign speeches, I guess. Like I said, it’s the silly season.
“Under Biden, US oil production is as high as it’s ever been
Biden is not ‘waging war’ on American energy. He’s boosting it.”
This may piss off climate activists, but it puts paid to the Republican lie that Biden caused high gas prices.
The Republican Party’s answer to being accused of flagrant lies is to reply we don’t lie enough.
A Republican voter’s answer to being shown that their party is flagrantly lying to them is to reply more please.
After laying off about 100 employees involved in candidate/campaign support and targeted voter outreach Lara Trump had announced that funding will be refocused on “election integrity”. $$$$
If you are sufficiently patient you can build an entire Boeing airplane out of parts that drop into your backyard.
It’s a weak move that displays uncertainty and at least some desperation for all the world to see.
Unfortunately it’s a move US Presidents have succumbed to way too often. Mostly Republicans, of course, due to their natural tendencies towards weakness and desperation.
OK so Donald is putting his Daughter-in-law who has zero relevant experience in charge. What’s the WORST case scenario.
(Waits three weeks, puts the checkbook back in the drawer)
There is a powerfully held belief within Trump The Rapist’s inner circle that The Big Lie and Stop The Steal can be effectively marshalled to produce small dollar fundraising. The Family’s biggest criticism of Romney-McDaniel was her failure to build a small dollar machine to compete with operations like Act Blue.
The idea is not completely tested. And there is some reason to suspect that it may not work the way the Trumps hope. But the biggest flaw with the idea, and the reason Romney-McDaniel did not embrace it, is that the messaging it relies on is a proven turn off for swing voters.
Trump The Rapist is confident that he can leverage evangelical turnout in battleground states to overcome any shift among random swing voters. That’s also an untested theory. There is very mixed data about the existence of an untapped reservoir of disengaged evangelicals waiting to be activated. If they exist in the numbers needed, they don’t show up in most normal public surveys. But the evangelical leaders like Ralph Reed spearheading that effort are comfortable with that and ready to spend the money. It would not be the first time in his career that Reed squandered a huge sum of money on such a campaign.
I think the social/political theory is sound enough. Thumpers are people conditioned towards obedience, suspension of critical thinking, and group conformity. These are all qualities that make them perfect victims for the MAGA lies. Working directly through congregations a network like Faith and Family can achieve the movement and momentum fairly quickly. I’m far less confident that their math is right.
People like Reed punch way above their weight when it comes to national politics. Reliable community social survey data are pretty consistent in showing that older Thumpers are already fully engaged to vote pro-Rape. And there just don’t seem to be nearly enough young Thumpers.
If I had to, I’d wager Trump The Rapist is right about the fundraising but wrong about evangelicals. Lara will improve small dollar fundraising. But Ralph Reed will be woefully unable to replace the voters turned off by that fundraising.
“I’ve been Totally exonerated”
“Sir he dismissed three potential charges. There’s still 88. You’ll be on trial during the campaign”
“No no no no no it says right here on Truth Social, ‘Judge dismisses Trump charges’”
I don’t imagine anything happens until after the case resumes. But the three indictments that were dismissed were stand alone statutory offenses. The pleading standards for indictments like those are stricter and require a precise recitation of elements supported by the evidence. There can be good reasons to initially withhold some of that specific evidence at the earlier stage of filing the indictment. One reason is if the prosecution is actively in negotiations with cooperating co-conspirators, as was the case here. Filling up the indictments with all of your evidence can lessen the risks and uncertainty faced by potential cooperators. But of course, leaving out evidence can risk an indictment being quashed as in this case. That’s much less of a risk with a RICO conspiracy indictment because the evidentiary requirements proving acts in furtherance are substantially lesser.
And at this point, with guilty pleas in hand, the prosecution may simply refile with additional evidence.
Besides, it’s an easy, no cost way for McAfee to soften the blow when he rules against the motion to disqualify.
@55 In other words hiring Venezuelans to steal voting machines.
@59 What we’re witnessing is the end of intelligent life at the RNC.