Please join us tonight for an evening of Bible burning politics under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. We meet at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning at about 8:00 pm. Stop by even earlier and enjoy some dinner.
Not in Seattle? There is a good chance you live near one of the 245 other chapters of Drinking Liberally.
Too good not to repeat from the previous thread:
[Deleted…see HA comment policy]
So true.
Yeah, I got your Tea Party right here… And while were hear can I sell you some fine Amway products?
And a whopping 50% of what they raise goes to the cause.
Don’t forget to order your Amway cleaning products and Mary Kay cosmetics while you’re at your tea party!
Oops. here not hear, obviously.
This is a bit of fresh air in these times of political catatonic seizure:
In addition to Washington, who would have the 8th highest income tax in the nation if I1098 passes, the states without an income tax are Alaska, Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas and Wyoming. Combined they had an average 18.2% growth rate in jobs over the past decade, more than twice the 8.4% job growth of the nine states with the highest income tax rates, according to a new report based on Commerce Department data by the American Legislative Exchange Council.
I 1098 would also be a job killer. If you start taxing only instate adjusted gross income, which includes all profits left in an S corporation, partnership or sole proprietorship, the will be at a disadvantage to out of state companies who do work in this state but do not have to pay these taxes. As well it will be a job killer to these exact businesses. If you take 5% to 9% profit away from companies, you are going to kill jobs.
Ah the spin machine fires up…
Obama pisses away $787 billion on cronies and payoffs, now needs another $50 billion to do something visible
and….you blame it on GOP not doing his bidding?
The democratic Congress when Bush left office is equally to blame, if you want to look backwards
its gonna be ugly for the dems come november.
over a trillion dollars(including the interest) wasted and still the economy is on the verge of collapse.
7 – 10 years? The Bush “boom” years where the jobs were never quite plentiful enough. The vast majority of jobs paid so much less then last generation being furiously outsourced to cheap labor domiciles. The “recovery” that never felt like a recovery. Musta built alotta cracker boxes in those places with borrowed money from that great pot seeking mortgage-backed higher rates of return. So many of them now sadly foreclosed upon.
Not to mention almost all of those “wonder” states are highly addicted to federal pork.
@9: wrong-on-everything
Ahh, the right wing moron can’t document a thing that he/she says.
According to actual economists (not ignorant republican fools) without the stimulus package and the banking actions we would have been in a worse economic condition than the great depression. You know, the one Hoover started and then it took 10 years to get out of it.
Republicans like “wrong” are so stoopid they keep saying the same lies and think that the lies will become true if they repeat them enough.
Idiots like “wrong – on -everything” have nothing to back up their specious claims.
Oh, and here comes another fool #10. I guess actual facts are hard for those fools to understand – they prefer to lie and pretend instead.
Hello…..the BUSH recession started over 1 year before BUSH left office – remember these are the same republicans who claimed there WAS no recession when McCain was running. They lie and they have no memories.
Poor WA State is going to have so much competition from the 7 dwarves (TN taxes (gasp!) dividends and interest).
All our immediate neighbors have income taxes. 43 states in total.
I-1098 is going help balance the budget. Yes on I-1098.
Socialist Sarah Failin’ raised taxes on oil/gas producers to hand out checks to Alaskans..
What a “job killer” that was.
for the most part, the Bush years had a very strong economy – even in spite of 911. Not sure what rock you were living under
Well lets see….the recession also started under a democratic party controlled congress too..who makes up the budget? who makes fiscal policy? who completely fucked fanny and freddie? hmmmm…..could it be the great lithsping one? – you know,the guy who ran a male prostitute ring out of his home? hmmm……
and speaking of people CLAIMING there was nothing wrong – how about that queen christine telling all you fools that the state was in great shape and had a surplus? LMFAO…I bet you swallowed that hook, line, and sinker.
which of our immediate neighbors also has a high sales tax….dumbass YLB..go get a job.
yes, another person, like goldy, who pays NO income taxes, and who wants others to pay MORE.
keep cashing those gvt checks ylb….people like me are working hard to keep your family fed and housed…
Remember that generic Gallup poll from last week that put the Republicans up by 10%? Yeah, the one that unleashed a tsunamic tide of pundit-babble predicting an historic drubbing for Democrats in November. Well, this week it’s tied up at 46%. WTF?
16 – The executives of f&f screwed up their own sure thing trying to keep up with the mortgage backed bond frenzy on Wall Street. Congress merely went along with their lobbyists which they so often do on both sides of the aisle.
And why is that the case for WA State? Oh! We don’t have an income tax!
Small business and property owners get a TAX CUT!
Rich people can deduct their state income taxes from their federal tax bill.
Yes on I-1098. Middle class tax relief.
Ah… It’s that time of year again. Time for Monday Night Socialism!
I-1098 doesn’t affect you mr. 92K…
Or is it mr. 82.8k?
So much for the chickenshit Wurzelbachers of the world..
No more than what people in other states pay.
When the government is strapped for cash to fund basics like public safety and education they have to go where the money is.
It sure isn’t with the poor and the middle class who haven’t seen wage growth since the 70’s.
Yes on I-1098.
Dumb as a Rock @ 15 says:
Gee, you guys really do try to re-write history, even before the ink is dry on the original.
Let’s do a quick comparison of the performance of the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA)during the most recent past presidents:
Carter (4 years): -0.87%
Reagan (8 years): +135.13%
Bush I (4 years): + 45.57%
Clinton (8 years): +225.37%
Bush II (8 years): -27.78%
Obama (1 yr, 8 mo): +25.49%
Note that under Bush, the DJIA lost ground during BOTH of his terms in office:
Bush II’s 1st Term: – 0.78%
Bush II’s 2nd Term: -21.17%
The ONLY time during the Bush administration when the economy seemed to be doing well was for a two-year stretch, between early 2005 and early 2007, when the economy was artifically boosted by hyper-inflation of the real estate markets and the profits derived from it from sales, refinancings, sophisticated wall-street real-estate backed offerings, etc. Bush and his cronys tried to use this artificial economy as a justification for privatising social security. Of course, such a market couldn’t sustain itself, and it soon collapsed, bringing down first the real estate markets, then the financial investment firms, and finally banking generally.
More updated graph on employment growth during the Bush years vs. the Clinton years.
No comparison. The Bushconomy was a slow moving nightmare.
Hey, I finally found an explanation for Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh, O’Reilly, and the varioius wingnuts who troll around on this sight. It seems that knowledge can actually be a negative value.
How it’s possible to know less than zero
So in essence, the more ignorance spoken by the wingnuts, the less intelligence there is in the universe, and it can not only reach zero, but surpass it and achieve a negative number.
Or as they said in a line from the movie Billy Madison:
you mean those same clinton years where the republicans controlled congress?
those years?
silly rhp….
# 29: Hey, you were the one who wanted to credit Bush with a great economy for “most” of the years he was in office. I just pointed out the facts regarding the DJIA.
Of course, Clinton was able to reduce the damage which the Republicans in Congress would have accomplished otherwise by the threat or use of the veto. During the Bush II years, there was no such safety-break in place, and the Republicans managed to drive the economy right into the ditch. Of course now they are blaming the Democrats, but that’s always been their tactic – it’s never their fault, it’s always somebody else’s fault.
They should leave a note behind at the crime scene every time they are kicked out of office…
“Please stop me before I govern again!!!!”
# 29: I noticed also that you tried to change the subject from the “prosperity” of the Bush years which you originally touted, and instead tried to direct the conversation away from Bush and take credit for the economic recovery during the Clinton years.
my point is that no matter what kind of economic condition we have had over the last 20 years, you can place the blame/credit on either party, because they have each swapped places with similar results
the “chanage in subject” was intentional and a way of making your original argument look like shit….which it did.
the economy has boomed and busted with a democrat in the white house and republicans in congress. The economy has also boomed and busted with a Republican in the white house and democrats in congress.
you cant have it both ways.
thanks for playing…please insert another quarter.
RHP….doing all lemmings proud.