It’s Tuesday! So please join us this evening for some politics over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern. We start at 8:00pm.
Chapters of Living Liberally are all over the place…if you can’t make it to the Seattle chapter, stop by another chapter near you.
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Humorous, TSLA😂
So, I’m still being moderated. Can’t post with a known IP Address, otherwise HA’s Maoists get their panties all knotted up.
They just can’t handle the reality of The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus.
Go Google “Man kills Wife”. Enjoy!
Looks like TriMet have begun pulling the Type 1 LRVs from service. Only got about 38 years of service out of them. Last couple days, didn’t see any of them out on the Pantograph Pro app, but as late as last week, 2-3 were still running, up to 22 hours a day. The past 15 years, hard to find spare parts for a vehicle that was almost custom made. Bombardier sold a few to Charleroi, Belgium, although that system was a product, and victim of Brussels trying to appease Flanders and Wallonia. TriMet kept them running well, thanks to their resourceful and skilled mechanics.
One of the reasons they are doing it now, is tgey need the space in Elmonica and Ruby Junction for their replacements. Also, right now TriMet is in the middle of the Better Red project. One thing Sound Transit hasn’t done yet on the 1 Line, is cut costs by single tracking a key junction, now 20 years later, a TriMet is adding the second track to their Red Line at Gateway.
Today was a good day to be the Speaker of the house.
Trump doesn’t like being called “Citizen Trump.” One of his ex-lawyers says his “ego is bruised and he’s ‘concentrating’ on it.”
Meanwhile, his campaign spokesperson says, “President Trump respectfully disagrees with the D.C. Circuit’s decision and will appeal it in order to safeguard the Presidency and the Constitution.”
That’s his campaign flack putting lipstick on a pig; Trump doesn’t disagree “respectfully” with anyone or about anything.
The next week is gonna be great too. For I am my own man, man and maybe i can manoever members into mucking the measure made to make the Mexican border more mighty.
Bipartisan bullshit bonds begone!
Just to Jerk with Joe.
We’ll probably hear a lot more about this guy — a rare duck who has both a divinity and a law degree — if he succeeds Ronna McDaniel as RNC chair: “Whatley has baselessly claimed that election security efforts from Republicans in North Carolina stopped Democrats from cheating.” Lying is a basic qualification for any important position in the GOP, which he satisfies.
By the way, Ronna, the party thanks you for your service after pushing you onto the subway tracks.
Looks like None of these candidates won the Nevada GOP Primary. Wonder if it’s the first time?
@9 Yep, “None of these candidates” is running away with the Nevada GOP primary with 62% of the vote.
Look, Republican voters don’t want Nikki Haley (neither do I), and if they can’t have Trump, they want … what? revolution?
On the Democratic side, Biden won of course, but more interestingly, Marianne Williamson lost to “None of these candidates” by more than 2-to-1.
Once Mike Johnson’s speakership was merely implausible. Now it looks incompetent. …
“Setting up a high-stakes, televised tour de force for the impeachment of a Cabinet official … [and] failing to actually pull it off by a couple of votes broke the cardinal rule of not putting a bill on the floor until the numbers are rock solid. The result was a debacle that made the House leadership a laughing stock. …
“The malpractice of Johnson’s impeachment team was encapsulated by Democrats outmaneuvering them to bring a shoeless Rep. Al Green, who was recovering from surgery, to the chamber in a wheelchair to cast a dramatic vote.”
What more is there to say? Making MAGA Mike speaker was like putting a student driver behind the wheel at Daytona.
Hehehe, she thought her tits would do it.
People may suffer.
But that’s just a sacrifice that must be made in order to defeat once and for all the scourge of democracy. Bipartisan bills that achieve important progress in solving critical problems are a direct threat to our long sought dream of authoritarian dictatorship.
Surrender to me now.
Or suffer the consequences.
My Orcas? Like the Whales? Never heard of it.
But ‘Biden Cracks Down on Manufacturing With Ne Climate Rules”
‘Democrats prep backup plan as Senate border deal goes down in flames amid GOP backlash’
It’s ’Gay Wedding Website’ time again.
This is the case awaiting SCOTUS hearing.
“We will not consider aid to Ukraine unless it is paired with security of our southern border”
“That’s ridiculous. One has nothing to do with the other and you are helping Putin win this war by cutting off military aid.”
“We will not consider aid to Ukraine unless it is paired with security of our southern border”
“OK fine, here it is. Tied together in one nice bipartisan bill that the Senate has passed. Massive border spending and Ukraine aid.”
I think Ukraine will get the aid regardless.
The timing is what remains in question.
Among other idiocies, Republicans now claim that the President already has legal authorities to close the border. And they claim this while simultaneously claiming that he may only supply arms to a security partner with Congressional Republican approval.
They actually have it precisely reversed.
Multiple court stays and rulings since 2017 have made very clear that the president has only strictly limited authority to defy existing federal immigration laws passed by Congress that create a legal pathway to entry for those seeking assylum. All those authorities have been exhausted and those efforts overturned by lawsuits.
Meanwhile since the Ford administration presidents have enjoyed authority under laws passed by Congress to oversee and control all foreign arms exports as well as direct and oversee the previously approved resupply of US military branches. Outside of the appropriations process this provides a ready pathway for any president to transfer “surplus” weapons and military supplies from US stockpiles to any foreign security partner and then to resupply those materials within the current biennial defense appropriation – which thanks to Republicans is massive.
Thus, what I expect is to happen is that President Joe Biden will use the momentary blockade imposed by Republicans on both Ukraine and Israel, as well as the removal of border security also imposed by Republicans to maximum political effect before finally stepping in to resupply Ukraine.
As for the border, once President Biden has played the cards handed to him by Republicans to the advantage of Democrats in this election year he will only be willing to revisit border security by starting over from scratch and only if Republicans agree to the loss of at least some of the huge concessions that Democrats have offered. In all liklihood immigration reform legislation is dead for the rest of this year. And Democrats will be able to head into the fall having defined the “BORDER CRYSIS” as belonging pretty much exclusively to extremist, partisan MAGA Republicans.
Finding out.
@17 Which won’t make a dent on Republican voters. What will get their attention is the chaos Trump is engineering so he can claim a strongman is needed to fix the chaos.
It’s kinda like if Corporal Hitler threw World War 1 and Versailles so he could claim Germany needs a Hitler to rescue it from the World War 1 and Versailles humiliations.
It will have no effect on “R” voters and probably only limited effect on some “Lean R” voters.
But recall that Trump and many House and Senate Republicans find themselves in a precarious situation in swing states and districts. Arguably the reason someone like Ronna McDaniel is now unemployed is that the trend lines have all been against Republicans in these places ever since 2016. They are losing ground and their prospects for success at the ballot box require that they change the minds of many non-aligned, so-called “moderate” voters about them.
They’ve spent the last three years campaigning relentlessly on the idea that our Southern border is a shit show, that President Biden is responsible, and that new laws restricting asylum and increasing border enforcement are vital. In the fall when the first CR was approved resulting in the MAGA riot overthrowing Brave Kevin, they refused to consider a budget without all their border requirements being met. And they linked that refusal to Ukraine funding. They maintained that argument right up until the end of December, just barely over a month ago.
Then suddenly in just the last couple of weeks, when it was announced that Senate and White House negotiators had reached an agreement on new immigration and border security laws giving them everything they had previously demanded, they quickly announced that they now oppose border security and immigration reform. And that now is their official position.
Unlike what is often the case, here the Republicans find themselves in the position of having to explain to voters some kind of weird, complex, and nuanced position, rather than Democrats. Democrats get to go to these disengaged, non-aligned voters and simply say “Republicans oppose legislation to secure the border”. And Republicans can only deny that with long-winded tortured pleadings about made up bullshit. Democrats win the “bumper-sticker” war on this. Manifestly, Republicans oppose legislation to secure the border and tighten immigration. Those voters don’t give a fuck why. A bunch of them are going to refuse to vote for those Republicans now.
It certainly doesn’t have to be all of those voters in order to swing elections. But coupled with all the other head winds facing Republicans in 2024, it’s very likely to be enough.
I certainly don’t forsee Republicans flipping any Senate seats. This may even imperil one or possibly two previously Republican Senate seats. And it probably spells the end of the Republican House majority, assuming they can even hold their shit together until the end of the year.
“Yoo-hoo! Miss me yet?” – George Deborah Jingleheimer Devolder Santos, PhD, MD, AIA, PCP
Next up in the ‘forced to pay a huge settlement putting us out of existance’ AKA “The Project Veritas Trophy”:
Curtis Silwa and his ‘Guardian Angels’ beat a shoplifitng illegal while doing a live hit on Hannity while Hannity cheered on because, well, shoplifters should have to take a beating.
NYPD, “He’s not an illegal alien. He wasn’t shoplifting. He was just a rando trying to get his face on the TV. We are looking into possible felony battery charges.”
@19 “Democrats get to go to these disengaged, non-aligned voters and simply say ‘Republicans oppose legislation to secure the border’. And Republicans
can onlywill deny that” they tanked the legislation, claim the Democrats did, and a substantial number of those low-information voters will believe their lies.@19 “I certainly don’t forsee Republicans flipping any Senate seats.”
Not even West Virginia? How about Montana?
Civil war!
Social media users posting that 49ers quarterback Brock Purdy resembles Lee Harvey Oswald have too much time on their hands.
Tennessee morons calling themselves “patriots” have been arrested for plotting to travel to the border and shoot Border Patrol agents with unregistered firearms in order to spark an uprising against the federal government.
…and a substantial number of those low-information voters will believe their lies.
I don’t think that’s how it works.
When speaking of low-information lean-R voters what we’ve seen time and time again is that they don’t actually believe the lies in full or in context. Instead what appears to be happening is that these Republican identity voters make a choice. And that they literally choose what they know is bullshit out of a sincerely held belief that by doing so they “own the libs”. They take their bites out of a shit sandwich ultimately in full knowledge that they are consuming shit. But willing to do so for the sake of triggering outrage, disgust, revulsion, and disapprobabtion which they now regard as indicators of their strength and their resolve.
But I’m not talking about Republican identity voters. They are unreachable. And unworthy of making any attempt. They are already in the bag for Trump The Rapist.
Most of the voters who will decide swing district and swing state elections in November are even now almost completely oblivious to the things we write about here every day. They know there will be an election. They know Trump is running. They know Biden is president. And that’s about the extent of it. They know more about the pass coverage systems used by the teams competing this Sunday or more about the top contenders for the Oscars. And they are paying far more attention to those things and will continue to do so until their kids return to school in September.
But by then the cultural narrative and the cognitive frames surrounding the sabotaging of this border security legislation will have been set. And that’s what they will respond to when they turn their attention to the presidential election.
Not even West Virginia?
I don’t consider that a flip.
@27 Whatever you call it, it’s a loss of a Democratic-held seat.
In January of last year while preparing to marathon-fuck Brave Kevin with fifteen consecutive votes to gain the gavel, Steve Scalise stood with Elise Stefanik and bragged to the media that the hardliners accomplishments had included bringing an end to “proxy” voting in which absent members could cast a ballot by proxy.
Yesterday his bill to impeach the Secretary of Homeland Security failed because Steve Scalise was unable to cast a proxy ballot while he was off the floor undergoing chemotherapy for his ass cancer.
Finding out.