The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets tonight for some lively political discussion over a drink. We welcome you to stop by.
The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern (2409 10th Ave E, Seattle) starting at 8pm in the back room of the pub.
Chapters of Living Liberally are all over the place…if you can’t make it to the Seattle chapter, there is probably another nearby chapter for you.
What is Hunter Biden really accused of having done?
From previous thread
I take it you were really replying to @43 in the previous thread. Thanks for making my point.
I evolved beyond Neanderthal, it’s something Darwin says happens. Maybe you should try it.
And using his last name to advance employment. And using that name to get a job they probably aren’t qualified to have.
I have more military service than the kids of the last four Republican Presidential kids combined. I actually showed up and Jr. was doing blow too but the testing in the 70s…he didn’t show up for that either.
Judge, Ken Paxton will have to defend filing a bogus lawsuit to overthrow the government before the Texas State Bar.
Ken, “I’m ABOVE licensing and the judiciary. I’m the highest lawyer in the state AND I’m elected!”
Judge, “Did you hear yourself say Lawyer?”
Before drugs took over his life in 2015, after graduating from Georgetown and Yale Law, didn’t he have a pretty good career in financial management? On paper at least, he looks pretty well qualified to do many of the jobs he’s had. I notice you said “probably” not qualified. Is that because you don’t know? Or is it because you know but don’t want to say?
Did you ever kill anyone, even in an accident like Laura Bush?
Many nepobabies prove to be very good at what the doors of privilege open for them even though they would never have been asked to interview without the connection.
But yeah, GW Bush hired Hunter so it seems like he had his shit together.
Congressional district maps from the 2020 census are still not complete in fifteen states.
Maps are still being decided in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, Texas, and Utah. A careful examination of that list of states where gerrymandered maps are pending court interventions indicates that the party composition of the next Congress may have as much to do with how the maps are still being redrawn four years after the census, as with the QUALITY candidates that Republicans nominate to run for office.
For now, at least, Republicans appear to have abandoned the idea of adopting a policy and legislative agenda that can help them win elections, or recruiting less extreme, inflammatory, and corrupt candidates. Instead their focus is on using the courts to tip elections in their favor either by redrawing whites-only restrictions on districts, or enacting whites-only restrictions on voting. Democrats have to be prepared to think as much about the legal fight as the elections fight.
@8, Well, wouldn’t an undergraduate degree from Georgetown and a law degree from Yale often be considered good qualifications for a job in high finance at a big investment bank, even for a nobody?
I have no clue about what Hunter is talking about with the other two or three people there, but all I know is that
HN STD Virus is killing people and it’s going unnoticed like an alcoholic in denial.
@ 6
I notice you said “probably” not qualified.
Alexander Vindman didn’t think he was qualified.. And he wears a military uniform to work, sometimes, so you know his opinion is credible.
@ 10
Well, wouldn’t an undergraduate degree from Georgetown and a law degree from Yale often be considered good qualifications for a job in high finance at a big investment bank, even for a nobody?
Well, you could argue that Chelsea Clinton’s education qualified her for a $600k/year on-camera job at NBC News.
It’d be a mistaken argument, but you could make it. Two Masters degrees and a PhD.
Hey, how come nobody ever calls her DOCTOR Chelsea Clinton?
This morning we learned that the FBI raided the Penn Biden Center back in November. Curious that we didn’t learn about that sooner.
@12, Okay. So it was the Burisma job where he made all the money he blew on drugs and prostitutes.
You say he wasn’t qualified for that job. But he was for all the other jobs in finance.
Is that because the Burisma job was specializing in petroleum energy trades?
And is that what he did wrong?
Ah, c’mon guys, she gave scammers and identity thieves the signatures of a mere 16 voters. What’s the beef?
Kari Lake doesn’t understand even the basics about laws. For example, that you have to obey them. I hope any voters who have their identities stolen because of her sue the shit out of her.
“Freedom and liberty isn’t dying. It’s being killed systematically and deliberately.”
“The tree of liberty needs watering, it needs men of valor. Patriots willing to put their own lives on the line, to stand in opposition to tyranny.”
“You’ve got to go to the streets and be as violent as Antifa and BLM”
“I spent all my time exposing government corruption online, only to have them silence my freedom of speech as quickly as they could.”
“I had a website of over 300 pages. That’s 300 pages of stuff they don’t want you to hear.”
“I’m in the process of trying to set up a new site out of the reach of tyrannical globohomo fascists and their internet censors.”
“It originates with Hillary. But Pelosi ran the lie, day in and day out. The person on TV lying every day was Pelosi.”
“I am not going to mince words with you all. Democrats want Republicans dead and they have already started the killings.
So … kill or be killed.”
“This is a record-breaking crime spree, the Democratic Party. They are criminals. They were submitting fake evidence to spy on rival campaigns.”
“Like the founding fathers. It’s like they fought the British, They fought the tyranny. When I left my house, I went to fight tyranny.”
Which of the foregoing statements are quotes from Paul Pelosi’s attacker, and which are public statements by Republican House members?
@13 How come every time people call you DOCTOR it’s used as an adjective for DUMBFUCK?
@15 Lots of people get promoted beyond their ability. It’s common. For example, Doctor Dumbfuck was promoted to second grade at some point in his educational career.
Biden’s helicopter(s) flying above my office bldg today. God Bless President Joe Biden!
@17 You got me. I can’t tell the difference. GOP congressmen and domestic terrorists all sound the same.
@19, Tell me about it.
Weird how you keep saying ‘Raid’ when in actuality it was us calling them to say what we found and inviting them to take over.
No warrant needed. Come on in. No sworn statement denying. Just, “Hey guys we’re gonna do this voluntarily and after all this time we likely could have just not told you and shredded it. Case closed unethically but forever.
Even the Washington Examiner knows it.
@ 23
… in actuality it was us calling them to say what we found and inviting them to take over.
I see. So, like the “security review” that #CrookedHillary claimed. The one that resulted in a draft indictment before Loretta leaned on Comey after the tarmac meeting with Bill.
Is this Commander in Chief material, or what?
Not even YLB comes off this unserious. Usually.
In response to Momala waxing poetic about yellow school buses, Katie Hobbs issued an executive order that all illegals be bused the fuck out of Arizona in a yellow school bus from now on.
No, dumbass. Not even remotely.
If it were not so unrelated and off topic it could almost be described as exactly the opposite, you dunce.
Good God you’re high. The draft indictment for WHITEWATER? By Ken Star? From 1999? The one ‘Judicial Watch’ was denied receiving by a George W Bush appointed federal judge during the 2016 campaign? There was no draft indictment in 2016.
Sweet Jesus you’re not grasping at straws but wisps of steam.
We generally investigate things with an open mind. But when somebody calls us up on the phone to invite us in to search through their secure private spaces to make sure they haven’t committed any crimes, we accept that as a strong indication that they aren’t trying to get away with anything or deceive us. That would be a pretty bad way of going about it.
I mean, who does this?
Okay. So I guess we’ve settled on the bad thing that Hunter Biden did being that in 2014, while he was an attorney at Boies Schiller, and while his father was Vice President, he finagled a very high paying private sector job in energy trading that he “probably” wasn’t qualified for. And the claim is that it was his family name that helped him get the job.
And that’s the big thing. He got a nepotism-ish job.
I’m pretty sure there isn’t any law against that.
I guess I thought there would be a lot more. This is pretty disappointing.
Not even steam…
At an event in Seattle about replacing internal combustion school busses with electrics….Kamala Harris talked about school busses. Memories of school busses.
I know I know. No politician can be taken seriously unless they’re snarling about fake news and the Deep State and Chinese Bamboo paper ballot and making up names like Kung Flu and calling Mexico a shithole.
And this is such nothing that it took you from OCTOBER until now to notice it.
Up the amount of Geritol in the mornings and see a doctor about cholinesterase inhibitors.
@ 29
But when somebody calls us up on the phone to invite us in to search through their secure private spaces to make sure they haven’t
committed any crimesforgotten to destroy any evidence of their crimes, we accept that as a strong indication that theyaren’t trying to get away with anything or deceive ushaven’t forgotten to destroy any evidence of their crimes.Sweet Jesus you’re not grasping at straws but wisps of steam.
Or just making shit up. Like “FB friends from CO”, or retroactive TSLA gains, or “Whitey”, or poll results, or fist-bumps, or “border chaos”, or MLK tapes, or…
@ 31
Mexico is a shithole. That’s why they come here.
@32, but none of that happened.
Oh, wait. It sort of did in Florida.
All those empty SCIF folders. Dozens of them. Just empty. Fuck.
You must be thinking of Florida.
And this is such nothing that it took you from OCTOBER until now to notice it.
Or the ultra MAGA fabrication ecosystem that he relies upon is just having a very slow day/week/month/year. So the poor thing has to dig much deeper and more desperately for material to riff on. IIRC that’s more or less what was going on in the spring of 2021 when he made up
an imaginary Supermodel girlfriend in Canadaimaginary people in another state who received tainted vaccines. That was obviously very humiliating.The Hetero Neanderthal STD is as rampant in India as it is in America. Why? Because not enough Drag Queens in India.
Neanderthal Heteros are very sick.
I’d be willing to bet that the same results would be true if they tracked the HN STD virus afflicting the Heterosexual community.
Breeding will not save them!
@30 “He got a nepotism-ish job. I’m pretty sure there isn’t any law against that.”
Jared and Ivanka better hope there isn’t.
@34 And if they’re smart enough to leave a shithole and come here, shouldn’t we welcome those smart people with open arms? Don’t we need smart people in our workforce? Lord knows we have enough dumb ones.
Another of Trump’s “patriots”:
“An Iowa man who was convicted alongside his son for his involvement in the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol is in legal trouble again … this time, for allegedly recording a woman [undressing] in a tanning salon.”
Since we’re discussing nepotism, it appears the chief justice’s wife is trading on her family connections at least as profitably as Hunter trades on his.
Ben Cardin is 79 years old.
That’s 2022 Q4. Less than $700 of that was personal contributions, the rest was PAC money.
The seat will remain Democrat, but it’s one more without an incumbent that Dems will have to pay to defend.
They should put him down before he kills a wife or girlfriend.
DJIA sits at 34,000
That recession is coming soon – and Bob will be happy to take out the cheerleading skirt.
It’s ok it’s ok. He was POSING AS trans just for the purpose of perving on women.
SEE we’ve been right all along.
Mexico is a shithole.
And shit-lord kreepshit is a bigoted, ignorant asswipe. Mexico has been a country on the way up for many years. From Peter Zeihan’s notes:
Mexico, arguably, has the world’s worst geography from an economic-development point of view. Mexico shouldn’t just be a failed state, it should exist in a degree of organizational chaos rivaling Afghanistan.
Yet not only is Mexico not a failed state, rather it’s the world’s 15th richest country, and among the most industrialized states of the developing world..
Mexicans can read maps and thermometers. They know their country is in the tropics. Rather than staying in the tropics, the majority moved up their omnipresent mountains until they, literally, rose above the oppressive heat and humidity. Over half the Mexican population resides in a series of highland valleys and plateaus in the country’s midsection, with most living above 7000 feet. In doing so, Mexicans, at least in part, addressed some of their issues with agriculture and economies of scale and health. Other Latin American countries have followed similar paths, but none of them have proven as successful as Mexico….
By imposing American security levels on the northern borderland’s bulk, northern Mexico has found itself somewhat freed of multiple “normal” stresses that plague borderlands in general (mountainous terrains specifically). And since Mexican labor is less expensive than American labor, the propensity for trade and economic integration among the two lobes of the borderland is amongst the strongest globally…
The cities on the southern side of the borderland – the Mexican metro regions of Tijuana, Juarez, Hermosillo, Chihuahua, and Monterrey – might be culturally Mexican, but economically, they function as satellite cities of the United States….
And because Mexican-American relations have been stable and fruitful these past thirty years, those Mexican cities have painstakingly developed and increased their local educational standards to the American norm. This isn’t simply a relationship that simply works, it works well. Mexico figured out its geography, and northern Mexico in particular decided to get in-bed with its northern neighbor….
Access to American capital and consumer markets provided Mexico with the opportunity to shift away from a resource-export-driven system into something more value-added. The results are almost unprecedented. Most developing Latin American countries are relatively closed, with most export income coming from things like crude oil, coal, coffee, fish. In the early 1980s, Mexico was no different. But now, Mexico is the most trade intensive Latin American country by a factor of three, and over 80% of its exports are manufactured goods, with nearly all its products flowing north. Hiccups and exceptions abound, but Mexico has taken maximum advantage of the formation of North America’s trade space…
Mexico became America’s largest trade partner in 2019, a position they will not give up in our lifetimes.
There’s a bit more see:
Yes Mexico has problems. The U.S has had similar problems in its history.
One of the worst mistakes repukes can make is to maintain the same old hackneyed bigoted attitudes towards Mexico. They will be poorer and more marginalized for their willful ignorance. The rest of us will only be better off..
So let the bigoted unserious jerks continue.
Btw, the folks seeking asylum at the border are by and large NOT Mexican.
Mitch McConnell is 80
What’s your point?
School busses and Ken Star
He should get used to saying that.
RNC leaked plans to ramp up STOP THE STEAL heading toward 2024 to appease Trump base.
I’m going to take my first opportunity in a committee to praise the Martyr of January 6th.
Thanks Speaker McCarthy.
Two years of this are more than enough to get Donald Reinstalled as President.
Instead of spending time, energy, and resources on banning “diversity and inclusion” from legitimate Florida colleges, Gov. DeSantis should pay more attention to preventing fly-by-night Florida colleges from exporting fake nurses to Washington and other states.
I can’t see this guy being president, but Doctor Dumbfuck likes him, because he’s a dumbfuck. Dr. Jill Biden can do better than this, even though her doctoral degree isn’t in medicine. She should be governor of Florida instead of DeSantis.
Britain’s conservatives have balanced budgets by cutting real worker pay, and they’ve bought themselves strikes by teachers, nurses, ambulance drivers, firefighters, train engineers, civil servants, coast guardsmen, university lecturers, and others. Their response? Try to make striking illegal. If they do, all those workers should quit.
@ 52
Try to make striking illegal. If they do, all those workers should quit.
And then starve.
Yet another FBI raid on The Biden Crime Family.
With all these FBI raids on the drug dens of The Biden Crime Family, and POS Hunter Biden about to be indicted for federal income tax evasion and weapons charges, that POS family is really looking like a Short Bus version of The Sopranos.
Democrats delivered Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance program and mandatory coverage for pre-existing medical conditions. In contrast, GOP has delivered the Great Depression and Great Recession, Iraq War, Watergate and the Jan 6 terrorist attack.
@55, Last time I asked you said the very bad thing Hunter Biden did was that while his father was VP and while he was a partner at Boies Schiller, he secured a lucrative job at an oil trading company that he probably wasn’t well qualified for.
Either you left something out or you’re fucked in the head.
To properly honor the grieving family of Tyre Nichols, and to kick off Black History Month, I’m very proud to announce that my Republican colleagues and I have eliminated the House Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties.
I could not find even a single Republican willing to chair it.
It’s been some months since my Republican colleagues and I last warned you about the inflationary effects of high gas prices.
Exxon just posted $56 bln record profit.
They need a tax cut!
While I was serving as your President, collecting a $400,000 salary, running up massive security bills for each of my four different private homes, flying an Air Force 747 around to campaign events, and planning terrorist attacks on your Congress, I was also collecting over $78 million in cash bribes from your foreign enemies.
Border Crisis is real!
Either you left something out or you’re fucked in the head.
Nah, I’m just an unserious twat.
So, you’re saying you’re fucked in the head then.
In other words, Hunter Biden is just a fucked up guy with a drug problem.
But not my problem.
And not America’s problem either.
Just something to distract.