Please join us this evening as the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally gathers for an evening of politics, conversation, and good cheer over a drink.
The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern (2409 10th Ave E, Seattle) starting at 8pm out on the back patio (under an awning). The cold weather may entice some folks to hang out in the back room of the pub as well.
Chapters of Living Liberally are all over the place…if you can’t make it to the Seattle chapter, there is probably another nearby chapter for you.
According to many sources, including the NYT, Twitter has now stopped paying most of their bills. And Elon has ordered employees to demand that all suppliers renegotiate pricing.
Okay everybody. Move along now. Nothing to see here.
It’s all down to Richard Neal and how fast his staff can leak them.
The only difference is that this time, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit claims to no longer own GE shares.
US Consumers Are Doing Exactly What They Did Just Prior To The Crash Of 2008
YLB’s kids are so fucked.
LOL! Silly troll.. Kids have:
no student debt..
no credit card debt..
No mortgage.
Both are gainfully employed.. Seen the employment numbers recently?
Oldest shares rent w/ a roomate..
Youngest pays his parents very modest rent..
Silly troll.. your silly tricks are for smirking maga teen kids..
Conservative minded type people, the Neanderthals, here in NYC like to whine about the crime in the Subway system. Sure, I don’t like it either, and it’s bad, although I think improving a bit.
But it’s not because they are opposed to violence and crime, it’s that they are opposed to it IF it effects them.
They have no problem with some unhinged nut job with a Neanderthal Hetero STD killing thier wife and children, or raping them. They have no issue with an unhinged person going into a Nightclub shooting people up, or a Synagogue, or a supermarket, so long .as it’s not what they do or would be at.
They are perfectly ok with the unhinged nutjob who threatens a politician. They even promote the shit in their hate rehetoric. Or they don’t care if an other is spewing hate rehetoric… long it’s not on their train.
The Irony is that Elon Musk doesn’t care either……or does he now?
YLB – what did you ever do to make him so jealous of you?
@6 dunno gman… go figure..
I just love living large, rent-free in the vacuous black hole between its ears..
Looks like Bob didn’t see anything…..except maybe a horse cock
Fauci will finally be leaving government. That greasy bastard never had any business in being in any government job anywhere in the Universe.
Good riddance to bad rubbish!
(Plus he’s a fucking relic, age wise!)
That greasy bastard
Oh wow.. you’re calling an Italian-American a greaseball. thanks for being a low life racist pos..
Now add yourself to the list.
Dr. Fauci triggers the right because he reveals their deepest insecurities They are jealous of people who say yes to novel ideas and new experiences, instead of freaking out at the mere thought of having to learn something new. They want to violently put down those who do express inquisitiveness and a willingness to be intellectually challenged. They are deeply afraid that their kids will be rewarded for intellectual curiosity and grow up to be brighter than dear old mom and dad. What scares white conservatives is the possibility of learning — or having their kids learn — anything about the world outside of their cloistered enclaves of willful ignorance. They treat ignorance like a virtue, and intellectual dullness like a mandate.
When I was in High School, the John Birch society teachers described the horrors of a Communist State exactly like that. A communist dystopia is one that would treat ignorance like a virtue, and intellectual dullness like a mandate. I find it so sad and ironic that the conservatives of today have embraced those ideas.
Maybe the dumbass doesn’t know how to fill out a ballot.
@1 It probably was Elon’s plan all along to discharge the severance pay owed to fired employees in bankruptcy.
@6 Just copy what I do.
I actually called Fauci a greasy bastard, not a greaseball. “Greaseball” is your word, not mine.
Fauci will finally be leavingTrump has finally left government. That greasy bastard never had any business in being in any government job anywhere in the Universe.Good riddance to bad rubbish!
(Plus he’s a fucking relic, age wise!)
Now you’re starting to get it!
Hey, freaks of nature have 2A rights, too.
Colorado club shooting suspect is non-binary, attorneys say
Pretty sure once you commit mass murder your pronoun is either “it” or “the motherfucker”.
@ 9
That greasy bastard never had any business in being in any government job anywhere in the Universe.
Randy Shilts would likely disagree.
Of course, he’s not around to be consulted these days.
I actually called Fauci a greasy bastard
What would you call him if his name was “Smith”?
Something else, maybe you’d halfway praise him even. Say you disagreed with him and is glad to see him go.
But instead you denigrate him in racist tones. You’re a racist pos.
It begins.
Deathfrogg’s career-long struggles, explained:
It’s like having an old calendar.
@ 24
So Brett, the calendar is proof she lied? That what you’re saying, now that you’re confirmed an’ shit?
If David Hogg was a regular on HA, YLB would still be HA’s dumbest twat.
But not by much.
“We don’t go into situations based on whose parents this kid belongs to or anything else. We look at the law based on the situation, not last names. Which is EXACTLY why we let every 20 year old adult drunk and disorderly while carrying an arsenal call their dad to come pick up the guns and let his friends drive him home with an patrol car escort instead of hauling him to the station for prints and booking.”
Railfan has told us a lot about railroads. I must not have attended class the day he told us that there are eleven – count ’em, 11 – railroad unions.
We’ll know more when they start striking next month.
If David Hogg was a regular on HA
He’d compete with my kids and Mary Kay drawing straws..
for gasoline…
for the lit match..
burning the shitpile of lord kreepshit’s miserable remains..
in a coffin made of bricks of…
it’s fookin’ munee.. on “that certain day”..
David Hogg, you, my kids and Mary Kay will outlive lord kreepshit… dang, the kreep is so resentful… heh.
But according to its own insipid babbling, it’s all GOOD!
@ 27
I have to wonder what special treatment was given to Hunter Biden by the Navy, ’cause his dad was Veep.
I mean the special treatment in kicking him out.
We already know about the special treatment to get him in.
The wrong Biden son died – the one who wasn’t a POS from Day One.
Just as importantly, what special treatment will Hunter Biden receive now?
28)Most crafts have their own, started as fraternal organizations, one of the reasons they use brotherhood in their names. At least Metro only has two unions that I know of ATU Local 587 handles most mechanic and driving jobs, IBEW Local 77 handles the electricians. Until recently, only transit system in tge state that needed line crews. Sound transit employs a few in Tacoma on their only directly operated service, the T-Line. Most other services are contracted to PT, CT, or Metro.
IBEW overtime probably explains why Metro requires contractors who need the trolleybus wire de-energized put up a $1000 deposit. Tgey shut the system down by hand. I would not want that automated.
Whatever Trump tells him to do. That’s what.
Groom of the stool
Where ‘Joining the Armed forces’ is exactly like ‘being so drunk the cops were called and they found two rifles and two pistols’.
SUPPORT THE TROOPS. STAND for the flag you commie BASTARD!
@ 34
Where ‘Joining the Armed forces’ is exactly like ‘being so drunk the cops were called and they found two rifles and two pistols’.
I’m guessing Hunter Biden was so strung out that he walked into the Navy office with his pants down and cock out.
You don’t really think it was a positive urine test that got him kicked out, do you?
Given the behavior of the FBI over the past several years, it’s time we look at shutting down the organization. It has proven itself to be an enemy of our Constitution and freedom in general.
And you would have appreciated it more if it had been a horse’s cock
Sounds like the GOP. Shut them down?
The current guys are pussies. Let’s go back to the good old days.
Where is this recession Bob and the Church Goers were
talkingPraying for?Need more Prayer in the Schools!
Here is a selective silver cloud announcement from Bob, had one of his beloved fascist Nazi Neanderthals were ruling with the Iron cock.
The DJIA is only 2,000 points (approximately) from it’s ALL TIME high. It would have had to been said with a disclaimer, conveniently omitted by the fucks, that the ALL TIME high didn’t occur while their NAZI’s were in office.
But I get it, the DJIA is responding to the Mid-term elections and celebrating that the Nazis have taken the house and that that is why… more recession. The Nazis have saved the Day!
And to put things further into perspective.
The DJIA is 13,000 point higher than what it was on the day of the FUCKHUMP Crash (21,600), more than double the increase.
And if it tanks after the Feds meeting minutes comes out, ohhhh well, at least we can thank God we don’t have a failed fat fuck hamburger mother fucker in office right now.
Thoughts and Prayers.