It’s primary election season in Washington. Ballots have dropped and that gives you the perfect excuse to mosey on over to the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally. Yeah…we’ll talk electoral politics.
The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern (2409 10th Ave E, Seattle) starting at 8pm out on the back patio.
Chapters of Living Liberally are all over the place…if you can’t make it to the Seattle chapter, there is probably another chapter nearby.
Public transit kills.
I bet the dead guy even paid his Sound Transit taxes, all forms of them.
I also bet he would have been safely still alive if he drove a GMC Denali instead of taking public transit.
@1 I bet your horse would be safe if he padlocked the barn from inside.
“You will hardly ever hear this on Fox News, but Biden and the Democrats pushed through an emergency rescue plan that did a terrific job lifting America’s economy out of the pandemic-induced downturn. They did such a good job that millions of workers moved to higher-paying employment as the nation added 8.9m jobs during Biden’s first 18 months in office – more than in any other president’s first 18 months.”
I know this isn’t what Doctor Dumbfuck wants to hear, either.
More on @1: I’m for taking all violent criminals off the streets, not just those who attacked the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.
Warnock in big-big trouble:
Walker “gwine kill him”.
Was an FBI agent. Y’all dint know? Y’all don’t care. Pfshht.
What you will hear:
“A couple of $600 checks from two years ago blew up the ‘conimee and caused all the ‘flayshun!”
@ 3
Biden and the Democrats pushed through an emergency rescue plan that did a terrific job lifting America’s economy out of the pandemic-induced downturn.
There was no emergency in March, 2021, the economy was already recovering from the downturn, and what was done then ended up overheating spending and contributing directly to our current high inflation rate.
While Trump was president, the following was done:
3/2020: $8.3B Wuhan emergency spending package.
3/2020: HR 6201 The Families First Coronavirus Response Act
3/2020 CARES Act
3/2020 PPP Act
12/2020 HR133 Consolidated Appropriations Act
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, if you want to lard some type of credit credit onto Biden for the American Rescue Plan, feel free. But don’t make it seem that there was an emergency at the time. There wasn’t; GDP increased 6.4% in 2021 Q1, and there wasn’t time for the American Rescue Plan to have influenced that.
C’mon, man.
4)No wonder I’ve not been bothered on the 48 the o past couple weeks. Been taking it because of the Rainier Valley Single track while tiles are being replaced at Columbia City Station.Going to need it back to full capacity for Seafair. They’ve moved elsewhere.
Seafair is on this year and Columbia City Station is part of the plan. Too bad the city forced the Seattle and Rainier Valley to shut down, in the Thirties, not knowing that 20 years later, the swamp that was Genessee Park would be host to a big summer party. Besides the airshow, love the racing, unlike car racing, newer is not necessarily better. Hope in the vintage heat, they have the 1980 Miss Budweiser run, best Piston engine hydroplane ever built in my opinion, all the hull improvements up to that time, combined with one of the most powerful piston engines ever, the Rolls Royce Griffon.
When I passed by Garfield High, noticed from 23rd Ave behind the Medgar Evers Pool, they added a new performing arts center , named after Quincy Jones.
@ 6
You heard about it from Larry Summers before the American Rescue Plan was signed.
We can debate the inflationary effects. What really should be up for debate was that there was no “emergency” at the time. 6.4% GDP growth during a quarter is not an emergency.
About time, although he wasn’t being paid to play the sport he was competing in the 1912 Olympics. Nowadays, most Olympic Sports use professional athletes.
@5 If you scroll down into the comments you’ll find a simple, plain, obvious explanation: “Traumatic Brain Injury. Dude’s been knocked in the noggin a whole bunch.”
@7 “There was no emergency in March, 2021”
In March 2021, only 8% of Americans had gotten their first shot, somewhere between 10 and 18 million people were unemployed, and Covid-19 deaths peaked at over 100,000 per month only 2 months previous. This country was still in crisis mode when Biden took office. Maybe it feels like long ago because we’ve come so far since then.
@9 “6.4% GDP growth during a quarter is not an emergency.”
If you fell in a deep hole, and you’ve climbed only part way out of the hole, it’s still an emergency.
Republicans Took a Woman’s Right to Choose. Now They’re Threatening Her Right to Travel
In Washington DC, Republicans say it’s ridiculous to accuse the GOP of trying to prevent women from traveling to access abortion care. In Texas, that project is already underway
I mean, the word travel isn’t in the constitution so… unenumerated right, right?
@1 Can a disabled man in a wheel chair drive?
Republicans: “The rabble has no bread? They should eat cake then.”
@ 15
@1 Can a disabled man in a wheel chair drive?
I had such high hopes for you, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron. Such high hopes.
He and his attacker exchanged gunfire, with Earls aiming at what he believed was the suspect’s vehicle. Instead, police said, it was the Alvarez family car, with 9-year-old Arlene in the backseat. She was struck by a bullet from Earl’s gun and died the next day.
In the wrongful death lawsuit to follow the healthy 9-year-old’s life is worth a lot more than the sixty-three-year-old disabled guy.
Democrats sure seem appreciative of that recent drop in fuel prices, eh?
Biden’s approval rating within his own party fell to 69% this week from 74% a week earlier.
Reuters doesn’t sugarcoat it:
Biden approval rating falls to 36%, matching record low
The part I love the most is the graph title:
59% of Americans disapprove of the president
The other 41% don’t think that disabled people can drive, and therefore need billions wasted on public transportation @ 15 so that they can be murdered @ 1 while waiting for the next train/bus.
@ 17
… the healthy 9-year-old’s life is worth a lot more than the sixty-three-year-old disabled guy.
Well, McHillbilly, since disabled people @ 15 aren’t able to drive themselves anywhere or do anything else to compensate for their disability, aren’t they worth less than nothing?
Perhaps we should ask the sage The Even Bigger Fucking Moron for input.
Taking one for the team isn’t always pretty.
DeSantis/Cheney 2024?
Maybe Liz Cheney’s gambit is to be AG in a DeSantis administration. What better audition than the J6 Committee, for which she was hand-picked by Nancy Pelosi?
The Democrat Party shoots down its own White House occupant barely 22 months after his inauguration.
It’s comin’, libbies. As soon as the Fall elections are over, y’all can be vocal about kickin’ the leader of The Biden Crime Family to the curb. And her senile husband, too.
Warnock is in big-big trouble.
In the most recent reporting cycle Walker has raised about $20 mil from about 70,000 donors.
While Warnock has raised about $80 mil from 258,000 individual donors.
Money isn’t turnout and dollars don’t vote. And Walker’s fanboys will tell themselves that all of Warnock’s individual donors are “woke libs” in Hollywood. But Coca Cola and Aetna don’t vote either. And while lots of both Walker’s and Warnock’s donors are out of state, Warnock’s small donor count is triple Walker’s.
Whatever collapse of midterm support for Democrats the Trump Party is looking for, it has not yet showed up in fundraising.
This will fail even more spectacularly than FINGER BANG.
Jill Biden is just a nice school teacher who married a grieving widower. She never followed Joe to DC. She never sought to involve herself in politics.
Hillary is gone. “Crooked Jill” can’t bring her back. But it can make Fat Midget look even smaller before he even makes it onto a debate stage.
@ 23
I didn’t read the article, but it’s not just Georgia.
It’s enough, for 2022, to take the House. In 2024 the Democrats have to defend 23 Senate seats and the GOP only has to defend 10.
Oh. The Democrats, in 2024, also have to explain two more years of The Biden Crime Family’s White House disaster.
But yeah, you’re right. Democrat Senate incumbents have shit-tons of money. Money will materialize for non-incumbent Dem candidates as well.
And then there are all of the state legislative races that our own Wise Latina YLB claims will make Mitch McConnell quiver in his leg braces. Although she has never dared to explain why she wrote that.
@ 24
Jill Biden is just a nice school teacher who married a grieving widower.
Who the fuck are you, Anna Wintour? Are you previewing captions for the Fall Democrat fashion insert in Vogue?
I’m not sure what that’s supposed to mean?
Class 1 Democrats serving in states won by Trump in 2020:
Sherrod Brown
Joe Manchin
Jon Tester
Class 1 Democrats serving in states won by Trump in 2016:
Tammy Baldwin
Sherrod Brown
Bob Casey
Amy Klobuchar
Joe Manchin
Kyrsten Sinema
Debbie Stabenow
Jon Tester
2024 is still years off and lots of things can happen to affect these incumbent races. Who knows? Amy Klobuchar might stab a staffer in the eye with a pencil.
But realistically what are the things we can predict with confidence? Trump will run again and split the GOP. A whole lot of Trump surrogates with Nazi/Klan histories will run in primaries in states like Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin, etc. About half of them will win their primaries. And Joe Manchin will probably retire in order to be Trump’s running mate.
Looks like 1 out of 23. Thanks to Trump.
Thankfully I’m somebody who isn’t submerged in the abhorrent, vicious, blood thirsty mire of Degen’s Twitter timeline and other social media fapping material.
Badly Photoshopped memes of baby cannibalism, Bill Clinton being sodomized by George Soros, and AOC’s vag, adorned with quotes from Protocols of the Elders of Zion and Mein Kampf take a certain toll I’m sure.
Conservatives saying the hidden parts out loud
@15 “Can a disabled man in a wheel chair drive?”
Yes, but that doesn’t do him much good if he can’t park because an able-bodied Republican stole the handicapped parking space.
TLDR: In 2018, MI residents gathered enough signatures for a ballot initiative to increase the minimum wage to $12/hr and include mandatory paid sick leave by 2022.
So, wanting to hurt working families and subvert democracy, the greedy GOP-majority legislators quickly adopted the resolution before the election because it makes it easier to amend it later. After the election, they amended the resolution to increase the minimum wage to $12 by 2030 and took out the mandatory paid sick leave.
A judge just ruled this tactic was unconstitutional.
@19 “aren’t they worth less than nothing?”
Republicans certainly think so, except when it’s time to make fun of them.
@21 “for which she was hand-picked by Nancy Pelosi” because Republicans are incapable of picking responsible people, even when they have a responsible person to pick.
A couple of days ago The Even Bigger Fucking Moron decided to post this:
It is rare for a bystander to stop a mass shooting in the United States, according to an analysis by the New York Times. The newspaper showed that only 22 gunmen in the 433 shooting attacks since 2000 were shot by a bystander.
That 5% is more timely than the Uvalde cops.
Well, there’s a different way of looking at data compiled by The AP:
Just think how many more shooters would be stopped by many more people legally carrying handguns, concealed, or otherwise.
Just think how much more we could learn by correcting The Even Bigger Fucking Moron on each and every stupid thing he spews.
@ 34
Yes, I realize there’s a difference between shootings and mass shootings.
But did any of y’all know that 42% of shooters in states permitting carry were stopped by good guys with guns, who did just that?
@17 It seems that in Texas, criminal intent is lacking, but negligence may still be present, when a “good guy with a gun” misses the bad guy and kills an innocent kid instead.
@35 Dallas has a violent crime rate 63% above the national average, and a property crime rate 43% above the national average. That’s not as bad as Chicago, but it’s still very bad. Clearly, Texas gun laws aren’t a panacea.
Just to be clear….
So us liberals have to fact check instantly and better than every news organization ever and be absolutely accurate in everything we cite but the greedy racist incel can lie with abandon. It lied and said Child Labor justified Japanese Interment camps. It lied and said everything in the Steele Dossier was false. It lied and said that everything imagined in the Biden laptop was true. It lied and said that a tornado that killed 27, was going to kill more people than COVID. It lied and said that a teenage boy in a dress convicted of rape was so much worse than raped 11 year old girls being forced to birth. It lied and said voting for democrats would cause death by starvation.
Seems like a double standard to me.
The Q poll has First Vegetable Joe Biden’s approval at only 33%. That’s down two points from four weeks ago.
My senile, incompetent, imbecilic president’s approval numbers are in freefall.
In the Q poll, the unfavorable opinion of Momala is 50%.
Among Democrat respondents, the favorable opinion of Momala is only 61%. That’s a horrid number. Why are Democrats such misogynistic racists?
The unfavorable opinion of 2024 President-elect Ron DeSantis is only 32%.
Just to be clear ….
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron has the comprehension skills of your average twelve year-old boy.
@41. Just how republicans like em.
Just how republicans like em.
The FBI also found that Shortey had previously used fake names to send and receive child pornography and to go on Craigslist to seek casual encounters with males, the “younger the better.”
See it MAGA out…
The other day Degen lied and fucked a little girl.
The pattern you are describing is one that’s been with us for a long time. At least since the Clinton admin when, according to the Degens of the world, the White House Christmas Tree was decorated with condoms and cock rings, and Hillary Clinton was responsible for dozens of carefully concealed assassinations of “enemies”.
This is why I mostly only respond to claims offered by Degen in order to mock and humiliate him. I consider the credibility of any violent Republican to be non-existent. And I’m quite perfectly content to reject any claim they make under any circumstances without any further investigation. If a Republican says it, it is probably a lie.
But from time to time pointing out the absurd paranoia and crippling weakness that gives rise to Republican lies can be some fun. Moreover, their reliance almost entirely on lying to back fill the vacuum created by their abandonment of ideology and principle is freeing for the rest of us. I no longer have to concern myself much about the “credibility” or “confirmation” of the stories about Ted Cruz and Lauren Boebert’s abortions.
It may not be much, but at least I don’t fuck children.
@ 44
…fucked a little girl.
Then took her to prom.
Ford will cut 8,000 jobs.
Bidencession’s here, bitches.
Jus’ gonna leave dis right here:
Patriot Prayer leader Joey Gibson acquitted on riot charge from May Day 2019 in Portland
The rightward trend we’re experiencing, HA libbies? This is part of it. Y’all misunderstood the meaning of 2020.
IIRC we were repeatedly assured that it meant four more years of Trump.
Hillary Clinton was responsible for dozens of carefully concealed assassinations of “enemies”.
Last I looked, the count had grown from 93 murders to 126. In case she’s still active, I sent her a note doxing the low IQ Nazi traitor and his 9,000 pro-Putin hashtags.
@48 Perhaps this is what low IQ Nazi traitor is talking about.
a dozen cosplaying grandmothers
“The DA’s Office and Schmidt in particular invested a great deal on this. It’s highly unusual for judges to basically say, I don’t know what you were thinking,” said Marquis.
Well, this just isn’t true at all. I don’t know shit about this Marquis guy. But I won’t be surprised to learn that he’s venting some bias here. Local DAs put people through the system for no legally sufficient reason all the time. It’s less common for them to be caught doing it, because over 95% of criminal cases are disposed of with plea bargaining. But it still happens quite a lot. Accused people obtain decent counsel and refuse to take a plea. At trial many of the most serious initial charges used to pressure them into a plea are dismissed from the bench. Maybe that leaves them facing less serious felonies or even misdemeanors. Sometimes (quite often actually) they reach an agreement at that point and plead to one or two of the remaining lesser charges, and the jury is thanked and dismissed. Other times they take it all the way to the jury and that’s that.
Whatever the particulars, this guy’s claim that it is “highly unusual for judges” to dismiss charges is bullshit. Dude probably has some axe to grind with Schmidt.
Biggest Loser: you know who. Built an entire face-painted, naked end zone dance around something that doesn’t really exist at all.
I feel like we’ve seen this before?
I bet he’d still be alive if Heteros weren’t such fucking Neanderthals.
Our low IQ Nazi traitor will love this.
Body Cam Footage Shows California Police Fatally Shooting A Black Man In The Back
I feel like we’ve seen this before?
It’s become so fucking boring.
God Bless President Joe Biden, who saved us from a great catastrophe that is the fascist fuck pigs of America caked Repukes, even if temporarily.
Thank You Mr. President. Thank you for saving us!
Bad news for Republicans and The Dumbfuck:
“Gasoline prices may have peaked for the summer and could be headed below $4”
Just in time for Biden to take credit.
Fetterman is in big-big trouble too:
Recruiting Snookie to the cause is 🤌
“Gasoline prices may have peaked for the summer…”
Average CEO pay raise has not.
From link @57: “It is unwise to stan politicians, but there comes a time when we must stan their ingenious campaign staffers (which, sure, said candidate had the wherewithal to hire)”, e.g. Nevada GOP Senate candidate Adam Laxalt’s campaign spokesperson, Courtney Holland, who marched with the Oathkeepers to the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.
Politicians, too, are known by the company they keep. Just ask Doctor Dumbfuck.
It has been brought to my attention that the correct spelling is
I apologize most profusely to all.
As Elijah reminds us, police don’t do what you think they do:
“A New Jersey police lieutenant is facing charges that he used his position to interfere in an investigation into a fatal car accident last Halloween involving his son, who is also a police officer, NBC News reports.
“Damian Dymka, a nurse, was killed while walking along the Garden State Parkway on Nov. 1, 2021. Prosecutors say Newark Police Lt. Luis Santiago’s 25-year-old son, Louis Santiago, was off duty and drunk when he crashed into Dymka.
“Louis reportedly didn’t render aid or call the police after the crash. Instead, he and his passenger, Alberto Guzman, loaded the Dymka into the back of his vehicle and drove to his home. He later drove back to the scene with Dymka’s body and called police. Dymka, 29, was pronounced dead at the scene at 5:27 a.m., roughly two and a half hours after he was hit.”
Rep. William Timmons (R-SC), who “campaigns on conservative family values,” told radio show listeners, “My wife and I do not comment on our personal lives,” and declined to comment on reports that he “influenced police and judges” to have the husband of his mistress arrested and jail so he could carry on the affair.
@55 “God Bless President Joe Biden, who saved us from a great catastrophe that is the fascist fuck pigs of America caked Repukes, even if temporarily.”
He also reduced the national debt by a whopping 9.1% in just one short year, and did it without raising taxes or cutting spending.
Let’s not overlook the collateral benefits of inflation. If Biden’s going to get the blame for inflation, he also should get credit for the benefits.
Actually, having cancer would give First Vegetable Joe Biden an excuse for being such an awful president.
@ 51
Local DAs put people through the system for no legally sufficient reason all the time.
Or refuse to do so despite overwhelmingly sufficient reason.
See Boudin, Chesa. See also Gascon, George.
G-clown’s fave movie is Cruising.
Man confesses to fatal stabbing after random hookup in Prospect Park
Bet it’s clear to G-clown.
If it was 2004 they’d be found in about 10 days in the trunk of Dean Logan’s car.
Marco Rubio calls legislation to protect same-sex marriage “a stupid waste of time.”
He probably just fucked himself with the Log Cabin Republican vote.
@67 I’ve met Dean Logan. Even talked with him. He’s way more honest than you are. I’d trust him with an election any day. I wouldn’t let you out of sight in the presence of my horse, if I owned a horse.
The self hating of Log Cabin Republicans would still vote for the R. They assume their money will protect them. They will be the “good” gays. I pity them.
Enough Greenland ice melted last week to cover West Virginia with a foot of water.
Looking forward to the unveiling that The Biden Crime Family sold the United States out to more nations than ol’ Joe can recall visiting.
Federal investigation of Hunter Biden reaches critical juncture, sources say
I think it would be easier to claim stupidity based on paternal genetics, but apparently Hunter will claim that he smoked so much crack with such frequency he could no longer differentiate right from wrong:
He’s a fucking felon. The whole family is dirty, including that bleach blonde who doesn’t know that breakfast taco is Hunter’s term for paying some random skank whore to allow him to eat her out when he wakes up in the morning.
@72 “The whole family is dirty”
He doesn’t have horse poop on his pecker.
@71. This the decade where man made climate change effects everyone. I expect conservatives to blame democrats for not doing something.
@ 68
Rubio’s so far ahead that there hasn’t been a FL Senate poll since February.
He might lose Andrew Gillum’s vote, tho.
Keep flogging that laptop
We mustn’t forget Ravnsborg or my personal favorite Michael Dutton Douglas.
@ 77
We mustn’t forget Ravnsborg …
You can’t remember Daschle. Enjoy what you can.
My 401k account is still in the positive for 1 year period.
Poor Bob be losing money. So sad.
My response to them would be – “Burn in Hell Mother Fuckers!”
If you try to defend the record, they just win.
@68 the bigoted Cubans will love it though, and the Log Cabin Repukes, they’ll still beg to go to the Convention, they are a bunch of Dumbfucks, like Bob.
@80 When the Sovereign Electrical Grid of the Autonomous Region of TexAss fails in this heat wave, they’ll wish they had our electricity.
@ 82
Yes, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, when it’s hot as hell in Texas they will be envious of the WA hydroelectric power that the PacNW geography provides, and which Texas’ hydrology and geography cannot ever match.
This will make for excellent prime-time viewing.
MAGA lawmakers who trembled during J6 attack will be ‘humiliated’ at Thursday hearing: report
“they have plans to paint a really striking picture of how some of Trump’s greatest enablers of his coup plot were — no matter what they’re saying today — quaking in their boots and doing everything shy of crying out for their moms.”
…using photos and footage to slap down MAGA lawmakers’ claims of a ‘tourist visit’ from ‘peaceful patriots’ is part of a broader effort to bring reality to bear on a fictitious, pro-Trump reimagining of Jan. 6.”
Speaking of fictitious, pro-Trump reimagining of Jan. 6,
I foresee the low IQ Nazi traitor posting pro-Putin hashtags #9,003 through 9,019 tomorrow, what with pro-Putin hashtags being the dumbfuck’s safe space.
I’ve come to believe that, during a civil war in 21st Century America, and with our nation’s democracy at stake, there are no rules of engagement.
@83 They could tie into the national grid. But they won’t. Because TexAss.
@83. That would be like the Pacific NW banning the purchase of Texas oil and gas and then whining bitterly that the Pacific NW doesn’t have the geology to provide it’ s own oil and gas.
What stupid stupid illogic, obvious even to a person raised in a rural republican conservative school district.