Mask mandates may be coming back to King County. I think it would be good for public transportation. I mean vaccination and boosters are probably better than masks, but it’s not an either-or situation. So I don’t know enough, but it doesn’t hurt to wear one. I know some of you have glasses or stink breath, but really it’s pretty minimal.
Anyway, push the wire so it fits snuggly against your nose. This way a lot less air will flow, and the mask will work better. It’s also more comfortable.
Anyway, whatever comes of a mask mandate or not, you should wash your hands right now. And get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
Let’s Go Darwin.
Nothing helps the GOP more than liberals demanding that masks be worn.
And no word on whether Fauci will quit sooner if Biden dies or resigns before President Ron DeSantis is sworn in on January 20, 2025.
Bend over little Bobby!
I think I’d like to see the FuckHump get the nominee just to fuck over little Bobby.
Bob has the knee pads on for DeFuckFace.
What’s the worst that could happen? A fascist country? A civil war? No biggies.
I’m sure this makes little sense to a sad group of HA libbies who are, themselves, accelerating further and further from the Democrat party base.
DeSantis will clean the clock of any Democrat nominee. That’s how much Damage First Vegetable Joe Biden has already caused to the Democrat party’s prospects. It’s too late.
On July first a story broke internationally about a pregnant 10-year-old girl from Ohio who sought an abortion in neighboring Indiana. The doctor who shared the story, initially in a tweet, reported that the girl’s pregnancy was a result of sexual assault. The story was immediately seized upon and circulated very widely as an real example of how ultra-extreme, Republican abortion laws were already heaping misery on innocent women and, sadly in this case, little girls.
Almost just as quickly a widespread media inquiry began into the origins of the report and openly questioning its validity. Many reporters, editors, and content producers, some of whom were probably not qualified to do so, sought to investigate the claim reported by the Indiana doctor and find records or other evidence either supporting or disproving it. That journalists sought this corroboration of an important story is laudable. It is their job to examine claims, the sources of claims, and look for ways to confirm those claims and include that in their reporting. It’s frankly disappointing that so many of those seeking confirmation of the story lacked even the most basic understanding of the laws surrounding child abuse, child sexual assault, reporting requirements, and confidentiality. But it is a professional disgrace that none of them bothered to reach out to experts for advice.
As sad and deeply shameful as this episode has been, it does provide a useful lesson in examining how media across the ideological spectrum approach reporting. Consider the reporting on the Uvalde shooting in comparison. Local, national, and international media companies with collectively unfathomable resources to investigate and probe independently, all credulously accepted the official public statements given by Texas law enforcement, even as parents, teachers, and school officials were openly contradicting those official public statements.
The official public statements issued by Texas law enforcement we now know were filled with distortions, errors, and deliberate lies, driven by a desire to cast the utterly failed law enforcement response in a more favorable public light. And yet none of those official public statements filled with lies were investigated or challenged by these giant, powerful media companies until grieving parents armed with their own cell phone videos forced them to do so.
And again, this difference in media reporting and professionalism is not ideological in nature. It is not driven by partisan lean or left-right framing. Traditional bastions of “liberal” media challenged the Indiana doctor’s claim and reported (very, very badly) on their incompetent efforts to confirm her report. You can find media reports “investigating” the claim on NPR, WaPo, NYT, CNN, etc. But until grieving Uvalde parents began sharing their own stories and their own video evidence, you won’t find any of them investigating the claims of Texas law enforcement describing their own “heroic” response to the shooting.
“There was zero hesitation on any of these officers’ part, they moved directly toward the gunfire, only to be repelled when the gunman fired at them. Two of the officers were grazed by debris from the gunfire.
The total number of persons saved by the heroes that are local law enforcement and the other assisting agencies is over 500 per U.C.I.S.D. But for U.P.D. and U.C.I.S.D. being on scene IMMEDIATELY, that shooter would have had free range on the school.”
Sure Jan.
With the comparison of media reporting between Uvalde and Ohio abortion doctor fresh in your mind, consider this story:
Do you think you are reading a well investigated report of a police shooting incident that includes independent reporting from eye witnesses and careful confirmation of the claims included in the official police statements?
Or do you think maybe, possibly, you are being lied to by well paid public servants with the assistance of lazy media driven by their own agenda?
Hey, but the free money was fun while it lasted, amirite?
Inflation Has Now Devoured All Biden’s COVID ‘Rescue’ Checks
That’s just the effect of inflation so far. The ballooning national debt will strangle YLB’s kids their entire working lives, those sad fucks.
Y’all voted for the people who did it. They ignored the warnings that inflation would take off. Now they want to call it “old news”.
I call it President DeSantis.
In other news, a good guy with a gun stopped a bad guy with a gun at a mall in Indiana.
Indiana Mall Shooting: Gunman Kills Three Before Being Shot by Witness
Three people were killed and two were injured at an Indiana mall after a man with a rifle opened fire in a food court Sunday, police said.
The man entered the Greenwood Park Mall in the city of Greenwood, just south of Indianapolis, with a rifle and several magazines of ammunition and began firing in the food court. One of the victims was a 12-year-old girl.
It is rare for a bystander to stop a mass shooting in the United States, according to an analysis by the New York Times. The newspaper showed that only 22 gunmen in the 433 shooting attacks since 2000 were shot by a bystander.
That 5% is more timely than the Uvalde cops.
The question not being asked, is should the killer have had his weapons?
@ 7
The incident occurred early Sunday morning.
Fewer than eight hours later the story, by an ABC News affiliate, went up.
Several hours later the police issued a statement:
Denver police injured five bystanders when they opened fire in the busy Lower Downtown nightlife district as bars closed early Sunday, shooting a man they allege pointed a gun at officers.
Those bystanders — three women and two men — were either shot by police or injured with shrapnel from the officers’ bullets, Denver police said in a news release Sunday afternoon. All five are expected to survive.
Maybe 16 hours after the incident occurred, the statement QoS McHillbilly wants you to think wasn’t issued and wasn’t reported on was put out. QoS McHillbilly merely decided not to ask the largest area newspaper, The Denver Post, if it had done the work. It had, with an update posted at 10:16 p.m.
I guess if you want thorough reporting, go to a source that doesn’t use former traffic chopper pretty girls
Some of her fondest memories from Nashville include covering the record-breaking NFL Draft from up in her station’s helicopter, both the Tennessee Titans and Nashville Predators playoff runs and the 2017 total solar eclipse.
with faces made for TV. Pretty sure that is the point that QoS McHillbilly is trying to make.
@ 7, 11
Or perhaps QoS McHillbilly intended to convey that a thorough report and another 48 hours to issue it probably would enable the reporter to learn that each of those five innocent bystanders is wanted by police, and that felony warrants exist for each of them.
But I am merely speculating.
@ 10
It is rare for a bystander to stop a mass shooting in the United States, according to an analysis by the New York Times. The newspaper showed that only 22 gunmen in the 433 shooting attacks since 2000 were shot by a bystander.
More concerned citizens should carry deadly force weapons. As a deterrent, these citizens should consider open-carry, where permitted by law.
That should boost The Even Bigger Fucking Moron‘s 5% figure quite a bit.
Charlie Crist chased off by a bunch of women.
DeSantis wouldn’t have been stupid enough to put himself in this position.
Switching parties is not enough, Charlie Crist I call your bluff.
To the best of my knowledge police can count.
By 3 am Sunday they had collected and counted their brass.
They knew by then that the only shots fired were by police.
And they knew by then that ALL of their unarmed victims rushed to local ERs had been shot by police with lousy aim and poor trigger discipline.
Get jacked up on ‘roids and speed. Swim aggressively into a crowd of stupid drunks.
Open fire in all directions.
This is how more police make you safer in America.
Well, thank heavens the first police victim in Denver got this important memo from Degen.
Too bad for him and the other five he didn’t know Denver County was an exception.
Thank God for President Joseph Biden. A true American hero and servant to his Country. A man who puts America first!
So glad I voted for the man. Fascist pig fucks would be running this country to the ground and to hell.
It’s fucked anyways, Neanderthal heteros have really fuckef this country with their prodigy of Neanderthals. What a disgrace.
God Bless President Joe Biden.
@2 “Nothing helps the GOP more than liberals demanding that masks be worn.”
Nothing helps Democrats more than forcing women to carry dead fetuses and blocking any and all gun restrictions as the body count piles up into a towering pyramid.
I can remember when Republicans were for business and a strong defense. Now their candidates try to out-militia each other.
In light of recent events, perhaps we should all be grateful that Texas police commanders were all too scared to do anything at all about the Uvalde school shooter.
Things could obviously be much worse.
And who knows? Maybe the gun-humpers have it right. Maybe given the alternative between cowardly inaction and roid-rage cops spraying into crowds, we would all be better off if everybody, including guys like Jake Angeli and Nicole Armbruster were all heavily armed.
But then what would we have police for?
@2 He’ll be 84 years old in Jan. 2025, so that’ll certainly look more like a retirement than being forced out by any administration change. He’ll have been a federal employee for 56 years, so his pension vested long ago, but I predict Republicans will try to fuck with it anyway if they get a chance. By the way, McCabe is getting his full pension.
@5 Sez the troll who can’t find anybody to take him except a captive horse and an obscure blog where he functions as a whipping boy for everything that’s wrong with the Republican Party.
@6 “It’s frankly disappointing that so many of those seeking confirmation of the story lacked even the most basic understanding of the laws surrounding child abuse, child sexual assault, reporting requirements, and confidentiality.”
Especially when two of them are the attorney generals of the two states involved.
@6 Total number of the 376 LEOs on scene who timely did what a single armed civilian timely did in Indiana yesterday: Zero.
They each have attorneys on staff assigned to, and with expertise in child abuse and child sexual assault investigations and prosecutions.
Instead of checking with them and seeking their help in understanding the circumstances, they each chose to fuck a little girl instead.
When Republicans tell you exactly who they are, believe them.
@8 “Inflation Has Now Devoured All Biden’s COVID ‘Rescue’ Checks”
And I’ll bet you didn’t anticipate that, and went out and spent yours, instead of saving it for the higher prices that were coming as a direct result of issuing those checks, amirite?
Is there some reason why you didn’t mention inflation has also devoured Trump’s rescue checks — the ones he sent out with his signature on them, accompanied by a letter mailed to each and every recipient bragging he’s the one who gave them that money?
I wonder how many of them realized it was a tax credit that increased the deficits? Effectively a tax cut financed by borrowing, just like the ones Republicans hand out to billionaires and millionaires? Except this time they got it?
If Joe Manchin had been in charge, nobody would’ve seen a dime, and inflation might be one or two percent lower.
@ 23
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit makes the argument to shoot first, ask questions later.
The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory adopted a policy for responding to a fire. And the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory deserves credit for having done so. In hindsight, depending on each of the workers to sprout wings and fly away was not a workable policy. And steps should be taken to improve on the plan.
@9 “a good guy with a gun stopped a bad guy with a gun”
Like Neil Armstrong’s moonwalk, it’s big news, because it had never been done before.
This is why I post about the economy and why y’all disconnected libbies wanna talk gun control and abortion rights.
The Bidencession and Bidenflation will dramatically widen the wealth gap in America. YLB has to walk everywhere so that she can afford to fill the tank, and her kids will bear the burden of a 10.5% boost in the Social Security monthly payment to my wife and, in fewer than two years, to me. Meanwhile, we’re replacing capital gains through equities with options trading gains.
Y’all won’t hold the House, y’all might or might not hold the Senate, and y’all will lose the White House in 2025. Worst of all, y’all won’t even git yer preferred pronouns. Lia Thomas and Rachel Levine are still fuckin’ dudes, even if they tuck their sacks back.
Own it.
Bidenflation is becoming so bad that Democrats are beginning to embrace the concept of the chained CPI.
How does it feel, Democrats, to know that your likely general election nominee for the FL governor’s race is a Republican who left the party because Marco Rubio was gonna clean his clock a dozen years ago?
Charlie Crist is kinda like Lia Thomas, in that he does everything he can to try to convince people that he’s something different than what he always used to be.
@12 “each of those five innocent bystanders is wanted by police, and that felony warrants exist for each of them”
Which, if it were true, the cops would’ve known because they checked their IDs and ran warrant checks on them before accidentally shooting them.
Now I have a quote of my own from the Denver Post which, after noting the suspect didn’t fire his gun, says “the probable cause statement doesn’t describe the officers firing their weapons. It reports that one officer ‘heard four to six gunshots and observed Waddy fall to the ground,’ then notes that ‘after the shots were fired,’ the officers began to render first aid to Waddy ‘and several other victims who were injured during the shooting’ — the only reference to bystanders being caught in the line of police fire.”
They can’t even admit the police gunfire came from police weapons. A UFO must’ve done it.
@13 “That should boost The Even Bigger Fucking Moron‘s 5% figure quite a bit.”
Collateral damage, too.
Own it.
Why not follow your example never own anything.
a dozen cosplaying grandmothers
@14 Maybe women will decide “to hell with both parties” and form their own. If all women join and vote for its candidates, this party will hold every elective office in the country from dogcatcher up, because human females outnumber the kamikaze gender of their species.
@15 Things might have turned out differently if all those drunks were packing as doc suggested at #13.
@ 35
If all women join and vote for its candidates, this party will hold every elective office in the country from dogcatcher up, because human females outnumber the kamikaze gender of their species.
And then your party will lose power. Or have you forgotten Arizona’s Fab Five?
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, your party had filibuster-proof control of the federal government in 2009. By 2017 your party had lost the presidency, the House, and the Senate.
Kinda like what will happen by 2025.
Being female is nothing special. Jeezus, just look at YLB.
@31 “How does it feel, Democrats, to know that your likely general election nominee for the FL governor’s race is a Republican who left the party because Marco Rubio was gonna clean his clock a dozen years ago?”
If he doesn’t ban rainbows on kids’ lunchboxes, that’s good enough for now.
Willie Brown’s memoir shows Kamala Harris going down.
Major Poll Shows Liz Cheney Going Down
For Cheney, it’s the end of a political career. For Kamala, it was to launch a political career.
@37 “And then your party will lose power.”
That’s a tragedy? By your own account, that’s a good thing. I only disagree with your choice of alternative.
Kamala said with a grin as she wiped off her chin, “Attorney General?”
To the dismay of Republicans everywhere, the woman survived.
Munoz said he faced an awful predicament with a recent patient who had started to miscarry and developed a dangerous womb infection. The fetus still had signs of a heartbeat, so an immediate abortion — the usual standard of care — would have been illegal under Texas law.
“We physically watched her get sicker and sicker and sicker” until the fetal heartbeat stopped the next day, “and then we could intervene,” he said. The patient developed complications, required surgery, lost multiple liters of blood and had to be put on a breathing machine “all because we were essentially 24 hours behind.’’
In addition to forcing a woman to carry a dead fetus, I’ll bet Republicans wouldn’t donate blood to save the mother of a dead fetus, either. They’d push their way to the front of the line for her organs.
Doesn’t vulnerable Democrats seem a bit redundant?
Vulnerable Democrats sound the alarm over inflation crisis
Kelly’s not in trouble. But Warnock is.
@ 43
I’ll bet Republicans wouldn’t donate blood to save the mother of a dead fetus, either. Instead, they’d shove their way to the front of the line for her organs.
This is how we know that only women can have babies. ’cause if a baby-carrying man with a functional penis died, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit would be first in line for a replacement penis that works.
Same thing that took Democrats eight years took Republicans only four years..
Something did indeed happen after America moved a black family into the White House. It’s still happening. And whatever “it” is is dose not favor John Danforth, Mitt Romney, or Paul Ryan (or Hillary Clinton). Seems somehow to have worked out okay for Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nick Fuentes, and JD Vance. Even Sarah Palin is doing okay. You betcha!
Let’s rundown real quick the roster of violent Repuublican talent that Degen is relying on here to make his dreams into reality.
Ron Johnson
Herschel Walker
Dr. Oz
Blake Masters
Adam Laxalt
Don Bolduc
The fact that Ron Johnson is the standout in this crowd tells you the story in brief. In most of these other marquee races with vulnerable Dems or open seats the most recognizable, fundable Republican talent decided to take a gap year, leaving Rick Scott to recruit celebutards, Nazis, cranks, and drunks.
@ 47
Had to look up Bolduc.
Chris Sununu likely cares more about 2024 than Senate 2022, or Hassan would be toast.
Carl, that’s good advice, but MAGApukes will ignore it because for them risking it all in the name of “Freedumb” is a matter of honor, and dying of Covid is nearly as fine a death as martyrdom defending fascism at the U.S. Capitol.
@44 “Kelly’s not in trouble. But Warnock is.”
Warnock ought to be in trouble, but he’s not thanks to your candidate.
Still, this race should be a blowout. Something’s wrong with Georgia’s voters. Too many vote Republican no matter what, and Herschel Walker is the “what.”
@ 50
This poll is more reflective of reality than the one that even Warnock’s team didn’t believe, a week earlier, that had Warnock up 10.
This poll has Kemp up 7 over The Fat Cow and Walker down 3. That’s a lot of ticket-splitting, if accurate.
ah, c’mon now…
Yup. Daddy Twump.
Doesn’t need Daddy Twump calling him fat.
Doesn’t wan’t to spend six years as China Mitch’s Groom of the Stool.
Doesn’t need two hundred face-painted, open carrying, violent Trumpalos from Keene following his daughter to school.
Keep in mind Roger, that this poll like any other is making certain assumptions about the composition of turnout. And while they’ve undoubtedly made a lot of adjustments to those assumptions in recent years, also in recent years those assumptions about turnout composition have been almost entirely responsible for the lager than normal poll error in many important races. Some of those important races happened to be in the state of Georgia.
I’m not saying these polls are wrong, or that Warnock (or any other candidate) is a sure thing. I am saying that well run campaigns will focus less on statewide polling numbers and more on turnout, both forecasting it and driving it. Warnock may not be in trouble. But whether he is or not, he’s certainly wise enough to know that the race will be very, very close. And he knows that violent Republicans throughout the state and the country will stop and nothing to suppress turnout among his voters and to swing the vote to Walker any way they can.
@ 50, 51, 53
Keep in mind Roger, that this poll like any other is making certain assumptions about the composition of turnout.
OK, enough of this shit. QoS McHillbilly’s declaration made me actually look. Go to the last page of the poll linked by Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 50 and you find this:
Focus on everything I highlighted in bold print.
There are 1197 poll respondents. Of these:
500 are what I would call “fair” respondents. Meaning no shenanigans that are disclosed.
550 are added as only voters 50 or older. I don’t know from this one paragraph which way they lean and I don’t want to delve further in to a poll like this to find out. It’s a waste of my time.
147 are added as only black 50 voters. Now, in a poll between two flawed black male Senate candidates, this doesn’t point me one way or another, but it does permit me to call this poll shit. It also permits me to state that if Kemp is beating The Fat Cow by 7 in a governor race poll juiced with additional black respondents, then it’s likely that he’s really beating her by double-digits.
These types of polls are aimed at increasingly useless fucks like Steve, who fell for one in 2020 in the SC Senate race. I’m not surprised that Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit fell for it.
I am surprised that QoS McHillbilly didn’t do his homework.
Pretty sure that posts like this one are why Darryl hasn’t banned me yet. If I don’t keep y’all honest, he’ll have to do it.
OK, I did look a little further in the AARP poll for evidence that the oversampling might help Warnock over Walker.
More 50-plus voters in a poll —> more respondents concerned about funding for health care —> potentially more support for the Democrat candidate.
Suffice it to say that y’all libbies shouldn’t be crowing about a 3-point lead for Warnock in a poll this sketchy. YLB, of course, will cheer because she’ll cheer anything that smells like it gives libs an advantage.
The rest of y’all shouldn’t. The rest of y’all should worry.
They have released names. The shooter was a white guy. You can look his name up yourself. The killer, had two rifles, a pistol and more than 100 rounds of ammunition with him at the time of the shooting, but only used an AR 15-style rifle, police said. The victims were identified as Indianapolis couple Pedro Pineda, 56, and Rosa Mirian Rivera de Pineda, 37, and Victor Gomez, 30, who is also from Indianapolis.
The guy who stopped the shooter, was another white guy, Elisjsha Dicken.
@ 56
The shooter was a white guy.
Ya sure? Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, y’all claimed that the dude with the dreads who mowed down all them Dancing Grannies in that WI parade was white, remember?
Johnathan Sapirman, 20, “was from a troubled family” and “had a juvenile history of assault, including at school, those court records reveal.” He purchased the guns he took to the mall legally.
Another mass shooting brought to you by GOP and NRA disdain for human life. Civilians don’t need military weapons. Background checks should be universal and include juvenile record checks. Red-flag laws should err on the side of public safety, and there should be a red-flag national database. Gun-buying ages should be raised. Courts should have broad powers to intervene in cases of troubled individuals. It’s not like they aren’t hiding in plain sight.
@1 Let’s Go Darwin.
People in Republican Counties Have Higher Death Rates Than Those in Democratic Counties
kreepshit, everything you fucks believe in, as it logically follows from your own deranged, insane and inane moronic babbling, can only be good for my kids..
freedumb, “bitch”…
@8 I call it President DeSantis.
What? Say it ain’t so. I thought you were all-in on your man-crush Trump.
Just wait until Trump finds out you are disloyal, the chants will be, “Hang Dr. Dumbfuck, hang Dr. Dumbfuck…”
@60 Should we intervene? We’re nearly out of trolls. Most don’t last long and replacements are difficult or impossible to come by.
Y’know, Stacey Abrams wanted to cut a video during which she would ride on a galloping horse, just like Kristi Noem did.
Her campaign couldn’t find a horse big enough to convince PETA to allow it.
YLB has to walk everywhere
I walk a lot but oftentimes not that far because we live close to shopping and transit.. krap, we use the car for just Costco runs these days and Costco is trying to take over a empty Sams Club even closer to us which means even less driving.
Walking is cheap and greatly beneficial exercise that I highly recommend.
Of course degenerate repukes turn their nose up at that and that explains why their lives are short and getting shorter.
Which can only be good for my kids – as follows from lord kreepshit’s degenerate babbling…
@63 And I should add entertainment, dining and various recreation to shopping.. It’s great where we live. No place is perfect but we’re happy where we are.
Remember when College Republicans preyed on Seattle senior citizens and bilked them of their life savings? I sure do.
Well, now Oklahoma College Republicans’ chairman has been arrested and charged with preying on a 14-year-old girl.
College Republicans seems to be a training academy for thieves and perverts.
@65 Was just reading some piece about repuke babbling about “grooming” and happened upon this:
Former House Speaker Lee Chatfield (R-Levering) is currently being investigated by the Michigan State Police on allegations from his sister-in-law that he groomed her since she was a child and had been sexually abusing her for years, beginning when she was about 15. Chatfield has denied the allegations, claiming it was a consensual relationship when she was an adult.
klownservaticism projects.. always.. their forced birther ranks are lousy with groomers and rapists.
I’d red-flag this guy.
Bannon is more evil than The FuckHump. The FuckHump blows him.
Just the way Bob likes them. He should share his horse.
Probably good freinds with Gym Jordan.
This is another one that Bob likes.
Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! Benghazi! Benghazi! Crooked Hillary!
Repukes are opposed to same-sex marriage because they’re embarassed that they, the Neanderthals, are the immoral ones.
Raping women. Fucking animals. Grooming and grooping the kids. Mother fucking their mothers.
A Good Guy with a Gun:
• Nov. 2, Milwaukee: A woman’s ex-boyfriend tried to enter her home without her permission to “get his things,” police said, and he began to fight physically with her when she said she would bring down his possessions but that he could not come inside. Witnesses heard the woman shout, “Don’t come close to me,” before either she or her current boyfriend shot the ex-boyfriend in the leg. At the time, the ex-boyfriend had three open felony cases against him, including for firing a gun at the woman, and was not supposed to be within 500 feet of her home.
• Nov. 6, Chicago: An elderly man who holds a concealed carry permit was in a parking garage when a vehicle approached and someone with a gun got out and demanded his belongings. The permit holder drew his own gun and fatally shot the robber, police said.
• Nov. 8, St. Louis: Two persons approached a woman as she walked to her car and asked to use her phone, police said. When the woman said she didn’t have a phone on her, one of them—a 13-year-old boy—pulled out a gun and demanded her car keys and money, which she handed over. As the two robbers got into her car, the teen with the gun became distracted, giving the woman time to grab her own gun and fire at the teen, wounding him. The two fled, but responding officers later found the wounded teen and took him to a hospital before charging him as a juvenile.
• Nov. 14, Bossier City, Louisiana: A convenience store clerk fatally shot a man who walked in and demanded money while saying he had a shotgun in his pants. The would-be robber didn’t actually have a gun, police said, but did have part of a tire jack in his pants. He recently had been released from prison after doing time for robbing another convenience store in 2017.
• Nov. 16, Blytheville, Arkansas: Police said a truck driver pulled off the side of the road to adjust his trailer and someone got into the truck. When the driver attempted to pull him out of the truck’s cab, the stranger shot him. Two witnesses tried to intervene, police said, but the assailant chased them back to their car. One witness was armed, however, and shot the man after repeatedly warning him to stop. The wounded truck driver was released from the hospital; his assailant faces a charge of first-degree battery.
• Nov. 20, New Port Richey, Florida: A man shot and wounded an acquaintance who stabbed him multiple times during an argument, police said. The acquaintance, armed with a machete, followed the man into his bedroom and stood in the doorway after being told to leave, police said. The intruder stabbed the resident in the hand, chest, and side of the head before the man was able to retrieve his handgun and shoot back in self-defense. Both were treated at a hospital for injuries; the assailant was charged with aggravated battery with a deadly weapon.
• Nov. 20, Philadelphia: Surveillance video captured the moment that an Uber driver with a concealed carry permit used his gun to fight off three armed robbers who demanded money at gunpoint. He fatally shot one robber and injured another while the third fled, police said.
• Nov. 21, Des Moines, Washington: A woman exchanged about 15 roundswith two armed intruders, wounding one before calling 911, police said. Responding officers found the second armed suspect outside the woman’s house and fatally shot him. The woman was not injured.
• Nov. 23, Coldwater, Michigan: A man arrived home to discover an intruder in his living room armed with a hatchet, police said. The man returned to his truck, retrieved a handgun, and held the intruder at gunpoint until police arrived.
• Nov. 26, Forest, Virginia: When a woman’s estranged husband forced his way inside her home and attacked her with a knife, another resident retrieved a handgun and fatally shot him, police said. At the time of the attack, investigators said, the estranged husband was subject to a restraining order that he already had violated several times.
• Nov. 30, Thomaston, Georgia: An armed resident shot and wounded a would-be car thief in a shootout, police said. The resident, who was not harmed, had confronted the thief after seeing him try to break into a vehicle.
• March 1, Atlanta: Five teens—at least two armed—tried to carjack a woman as she sat in her vehicle, police said. The woman drew her own gun and exchanged fire with the would-be carjackers, who fled. Although she was injured, her car was not stolen. Police said they arrested the teens just hours later, after a police chase in which they crashed a car stolen during a second carjacking.
• March 4, Longview, Texas: A woman armed with a rifle shot and wounded a man who forced his way inside her home, police said. The woman had told the man—who neighbors say had a history of criminally trespassing in area homes—to get off her porch. But he refused and tried to smash in her sliding glass door with his fist, according to police, who arrested the wounded man. The county sheriff praised the woman’s actions as “an excellent example of the importance of our Second Amendment.”
• March 5, Lincolnton, North Carolina: Police said a woman’s estranged husband showed up at the residence where she was staying, forced his way inside, and threatened her and the male homeowner. During the altercation, the homeowner retrieved a firearm from a bedroom and shot the intruder in self-defense before running to a neighbor’s home to call 911. Police charged the wounded husband with multiple crimes.
• March 9, Nashville, Tennessee: After her boyfriend physically assaulted her earlier in the day, a woman returned to their shared home to gather her belongings and retrieve her three young children, police said. A female friend accompanied her for support. When they arrived, the boyfriend argued with the woman, then assaulted her again. She saw that he was armed, so she drew her own gun and exchanged fire with him in self-defense. The woman, her friend, and the boyfriend were all injured, but the three children weren’t harmed, police said. The boyfriend faces several felony charges, including being a felon in unlawful possession of a firearm.
• March 10, Dayton, Ohio: A woman’s ex-boyfriend ignored a protective order against him, scaled the roof of her home in the middle of the night, and tried to climb through her bedroom window, police said. When the woman heard the intruder, she grabbed a firearm to protect herself and her daughter and shot the man in the arm as he descended into her bedroom. She told police she realized it was her ex-boyfriend as he ran from the house. He was arrested later that day after calling paramedics for his gunshot wound, and faces several criminal charges.
• March 16, Reading, Pennsylvania: A woman and her boyfriend were about to get into their car at a local park when a man approached them and fired two rounds, police said. The woman drew her own gun and shot back, giving her wounded boyfriend time to take cover behind their car. Police later arrested their assailant and charged him with attempted homicide and unlawfully possessing a gun as a felon.
• March 22, Orlando, Florida: A female veteran working as an Uber driver arrived at a customer’s pick-up location and saw him physically assaulting his girlfriend, police said. The driver decided to give them a ride despite the man’s violent actions because she didn’t want to leave the girlfriend alone with her assailant. When the couple got into the car, the man passed out drunk in the back seat while the Uber driver spoke with the girlfriend. When the man woke up and assaulted both his girlfriend and the driver, police said, the driver stopped the car and demanded that he get out. The driver shot and wounded the man after he shoved his girlfriend to the ground and advanced on the driver in a threatening manner.
• March 23, Paradise, Nevada: A woman was with her boyfriend and three children when an ex-boyfriend broke into their home, police said. The woman armed herself and called 911, and the ex-boyfriend left. However, he returned a short time later armed with his own gun, which he pointed at the current boyfriend’s head. The woman fired one shot, striking him in the head and killing him, police said. No one else was harmed.
• March 24, Lansing, Michigan: When a man with two prior convictions for domestic violence began assaulting a woman inside her home, police said, her son came to her defense, shooting and wounding her attacker. Police arrested him at a nearby hospital. The woman was treated for non-life-threatening injuries.
• March 25, Montgomery, Alabama: When a woman called police after being assaulted by her husband, officers advised her to pursue a protective order against him. The woman was on her way to the police station with her two adult sons when the husband rammed his car into hers, drove them off the road, and approached them while brandishing a handgun. One son, an off-duty sheriff’s deputy, told his brother and mother to run when his father opened fire. Despite being shot five times, the son was able to draw his own gun and fatally shoot his father before anyone else was harmed. He was hospitalized in critical condition, but expected to survive.
Expert on shit speaks with the same authority as he speaks about SCD. Being terrible at math can be crippling. But not when you’re a degenerate gambler. Because when a degenerate gambler spends his “golden years” timing the market, math is the last thing he should be concerned with.
Sorry. My worthless son had been in the Walla Walla city jail awaiting trial for a month for exposing himself to three little girls in a public park, but he was released on bail just half an hour ago.
I’ll certainly report his criminally excessive use of cut & paste to the authorities. Anything to keep the worthless bastard behind bars.
@73 Your son doesn’t know the difference between the NRA’s “good guy with a gun” and someone acting in self-defense. Not a single GGWAG case in the encyclopedia @72.
Looks like Ukraine’s survival depends on Democrats winning in November now. I always suspected Republicans would sell them to Putin given the chance.
As a reminder, the topic of this blog is “Republicans suck.”
For countless reasons. That’s one of them.
Trump thought Pulitzer Prizes require his approval. He thought wrong.
Two Chinese sold access to the Trump campaign. The buyers should have known the Trump campaign would take their money and then welsh on the deal. And no, they don’t get refunds.
“A group of House Democrats called for legislation on Monday that would add four seats to the Supreme Court, lamenting a ‘ultra right-wing’ branch that just overturned the Roe v. Wade decision on abortion rights.”
It isn’t just about abortion:
“The eight lawmakers cited recent Supreme Court decisions that rolled back Miranda rights, threw out a New York gun control law and allowed religion to surface in schools — as well as the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health decision that overturned the right to abortion in Roe — in saying there was a need to add new justices to the court. Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.), the lead sponsor …, called the current makeup ‘a Supreme Court at crisis with itself and with our democracy’ where ‘basic freedoms are under assault’ from the 6-3 conservative supermajority on the bench.”
It’s about saving the rest of our rights, before they take those away, too. And I don’t trust this court not to tamper with electoral votes.
J-Rod killin’ it in the Home Run Derby…
The Mariners have another superstar.. Seattle is lucky to have him.
And Ty France.. another killer bat.
No fist bumps happening here…..just a lot of cock sucking!
Bad guy with a gun. Bad guy with a spear or fire extinguisher.
Children dead. Cops killed. Neandrthal kills wife and kids.
@ 80
“A group of House Democrats called for legislation on Monday that would add four seats to the Supreme Court
Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.), the lead sponsor…
Why doesn’t ol’ Hank just call for legislation to put the six SCOTUS justices on one side of Guam, so that when the island tips over they’ll drown and First Vegetable Joe Biden can nominate their replacements?
@ 81
The Mariners have another superstar…
You know it’s practice, right? YLB? You know that, girlfriend, right?
I don’t know if the shooter was black or white, but I’m willing to bet he classified himself as heterosexual
You know it’s practice
It’s the Home Run Derby oh silly schmuck of widbee…
Two Mariners are All Stars i.e., plenty for Seattle baseball fans to celebrate…
You just don’t get it.. you’re a widbee degen kreep…
Here’s an extracurricular reading assignment for PI:
“A bystander’s decision to shoot a man who opened fire at an Indiana mall was a rare occurrence of someone stepping in to try to prevent multiple casualties before police could arrive. …
“From 2000 to 2021, fewer than 3% of 433 active attacks in the U.S. ended with a civilian firing back, according to the Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training Center at Texas State University.”
Executive summary: The odds of a “good guy with a gun” stopping a mass shooting are too low to justify saturating society with guns.
@84 I like the idea of consigning them to the judicial purgatory of writing dissents better.
Mike Crotts, a former Republican state senator who pushed legislation enabling Georgia’s constitutional ban on same-sex marriage in 2004, has died at age 75.
Old guy.. SS check? no more…
It follows from the silly, inane, insane and deranged babbling of lord kreepshit of widbee… that this.. is..
for my kids…
AMIRITE??? Nothin’ but blue skies…
Trump v. DeSantis among GOP voters in Florida:
DeSantis, by a substantial margin, 61-39.
Trump v. DeSantis among GOP voters in Michigan:
Trump 45-42, but within the MOE.
The 2024 GOP nominee won’t be Donald Trump. Biggest losers: QoS McHillbilly and Steve.
Remember that?
Every single time the degenerate gambler capers about yowping and gurgling about its “visions” and “forecasts” we all win.
And again.
And again.
This is how Degen gets four more years of Trump. He’s already half way there.
@ 90
this.. is..
for my kids…
Not as good as when RBG bought it.
You can thank Trump later, YLB. It takes awhile to appreciate personal responsibility when it’s forced upon you.
YLB, if you can’t sit on it and orgasm, it’s not a spike.
It’s a lock – The FuckHump will be the nominee, now that Dumbfuck has opened his mouth.
He’s never been right in his life. He’s always been wrong. He’s a failed medical student vapid troll.
But to be perfectly clear, I do think it’s possible for the GOP to bypass Trump in 2024. I just don’t think it’s possible for them to do so without suffering immense costs to the party, their ticket, and all the down ballot violent Republican names.
The same people who spent the fall of 2020 filling crates with assault rifles, building pipe bombs, and ordering body armor will not go quietly. And if you think it’s easy for Trump to complain about state elections run by independent professionals, wait till you see him take on a nominating convention filled with coked up drunks dizzy from huffing hair spray.
For Democrats it’s win-win. Either violent Republicans destroy themselves by nominating Trump (a fate that Degen has now quite obviously recognized – albeit years too late – Hey, he was warned). Or they destroy themselves by not nominating Trump, and unleashing the violent mob they assembled in their own midst. Either way, I’m looking forward to watching.
We’ve reached the point in Bidenworld at which words need to be redefined in order for Team Biden to avoid admitting they fucked up, and bigly.
“I think the lack of specificity about the temporal cadence that was implied by that word led to a level of ambiguity that that wasn’t serving the debate very well.”
Think about it.
By the time of the 2024 GOP nominating convention nearly all of the Trump luminary crackpots of TEAM KRAKEN will be rested and ready for duty. It’s even likely that Bannon will have completed his prison sentence by then.
Sindey Powell, Lin Wood, Mike Lindell, Alex Jones, Marjorie Neanderthal Barbie, Mike Flynn, Rudy Giuliani, Roger Stone, the entire staff of OAN, not to mention Proud Boy, Oath Keepers, Three Percenters, Qanon, and most of the J6 rioters will leap into action. Having piled up four years of legal expenses they’ll be more motivated than ever. And how do the DeSantis people hope to keep them out? How can they? Most of these people have more clout than any of the DeSantis people, include Fat Midget himself.
The only way they avoid a bloodbath is if Trump agrees to stand down and step aside. And that’s not a thing. Sure as fuck polling won’t scare him. Go back and look at his 2015, and early 2016 polling if you doubt it.
Trump will run. The rest takes care of itself.
@ 98
Sure as fuck polling won’t scare him.
Losing scares him. Unless he knows he’ll run against #CrookedHillary again, he won’t run.
By the summer of 2024 it’s probable that the kinds of objections Trump’s TEAM KRAKEN would raise over losing a nominating contest will have become almost sophisticated.
Let’s begin by recalling that TEAM KRAKEN had no qualms whatsoever about viciously attacking and falsely discrediting the motivations, qualifications, and performance of fellow Republicans in their STOP THE STEAL campaign. They are still at it to this day, leveling accusations of fraud, corruption, and cowardice at everyone from Mike Pence to Doug Ducey.
But more recently the efforts have become almost artful in their lunacy and complexity. JOO SPACE LASERS and dead Venezuelan dictators now figure much less prominently in the attacks.
I don’t intend to watch 2000 Mules, confident as I am that Degen will deliver the broad strokes in his comments here.
But that does give some hint as to the kind of “scientific challenge” TEAM KRAKEN is likely to employ to dispute any other-than-Trump nomination.
More and more the challenges are taking on a mathematical and statistical flavor, arguing that challenged election results are statistically impossible, but often requiring some very “creative” mathematics. For a tool like Degen, it’s a dream come true.
In a general election poll model Trump crushes Biden.
It’s only among specifically modeled Republican primary voters that DeSantis prevails over Trump. And Trump knows what every other Republican candidate should have learned by now, but JEB! and Degen never did learn: Trump changes the Republican turnout.
We know Trump is obsessed with polling. He knows exactly where he stands with voters exactly the way he knew in 2016, when conventional, flawed polls showed him losing to Clinton. Trump crushed every Republican primary dwarf in 2016 and went on to eke out the narrowest of possible wins against Clinton because he knew he would alter the turnout.
Thank you President Joe Biden.
Dow is up 500 points. Good Bless Joe Biden.
The failed FuckHump should be hung along with Mike Pence!
Denver police have now filed their probable cause statement for the arrest of one of the people they shot early Sunday morning. The statement reports the recovery of a 10 mm handgun from the inured suspect pursuant to investigation of a disturbance outside a bar involving the suspect and two other males, not contacted, not identified, not questioned, not taken into custody. The statement describes responding officers reporting that the suspect drew his weapon and aimed it at them. Five bystanders were injured either directly by police gunshot wounds or by fragmentation of police bullets. Five Denver police officers were patrolling the street outside the bar and were involved in the shooting.
Eyewitness statements confirm some parts of the police probable cause statement, including that the armed suspect was involved in a dispute outside the bar with at least one other individual. Eyewitnesses report that the armed suspect had already disengaged from the dispute and was walking away in the opposite direction when police opened fire. No independent eyewitnesses confirm seeing the suspect draw or point a weapon before police opened fire.
Denver police have so far refused to release BWC information and have seized and impounded private security video from adjacent businesses, refusing to release any images or other information.
Reports are now emerging that there may be some additional victims of the police gunfire as it appears some victims may have transported themselves to nearby emergency rooms when no assistance was given by Denver police or EMTs. Additional information from Denver police has stated that three of the five officers working the detail discharged their weapons. But no information has been released about how many rounds the officers fired.
@ 103
I cannot believe how slow the cops are. Columbo always solved the case in 60 minutes.
Morning Consult poll:
Barack Obama sure was right about Joe Biden. Nobody had a better view than Barack.
This should be fun:
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the Congressional Workers Union released the following statement after taking the next step in their organizing drive by filing petitions for representation at the Office of Congressional Workplace Rights for the offices of Rep. Cori Bush (MO-01), Rep. Chuy Garcia (IL-04), Rep. Ro Khanna (CA-17), Rep. Andy Levin (MI-09), Rep. Ted Lieu (CA-33), Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY-14), Rep. Ilhan Omar (MN-05), and Rep. Melanie Stansbury (NM-01):
Anthony Weiner and Mark Foley could not be reached for comment.
Every single time the degenerate gambler capers about yowping and gurgling about its “visions” and “forecasts” we all win.
The here and now sucks so much for our low IQ Nazi traitor that he’s been self-reduced to taunting us with his imbecilic visions and forecasts.
I’m glad he’s too stupid to ever realize that what he’s doing is a laugh riot.
Losing scares him. Unless he knows he’ll run against #CrookedHillary again, he won’t run.
The reason for that post was Russia’s GRU notifying our low IQ Nazi traitor that he was falling behind on his posting of pro-Putin hashtags for July.
In all the “chaos” we may never learn who the shooters were or what caused them to open fire into a peaceful crowd.
BlUe lIVeS mAtTEr…
… more.
Looks like opening statements will get underway today after all in Steve Bannon’s criminal trial. Bannon’s Team Fuck You lawyers had sought once again to delay, demanding a one month continuance after jury selection. Judge nicely told them to go fuck themselves and gave them a long lunch instead.
They are going to lose and cling to some faint hope of appeal.
Damn near as boring and stupid as our low IQ Nazi traitor.
‘It’s the murder of our country!’ Mike Lindell says ‘billion’ will watch his election fraud ‘summit’
God bless Raw Story.
@91 “The 2024 GOP nominee won’t be Donald Trump. Biggest losers …”
I don’t see how anyone loses from that. Except The Donald and his entourage. And Steve Bannon. And all the Capitol rioters hoping for pardons or commutations. And, not least, Putin.
There are definitely a few House Democrats who absolutely deserve to lose:
Good riddance if he does.
@ 113
I don’t see how anyone loses from that.
People didn’t vote for Biden so much as they voted against Trump. Any GOP candidate will have fewer detractors than Trump.
QoS Hillbilly wants Trump the same way I want #CrookedHillary. The two of them bring out the haters in ways that no other candidates can.
QoS Hillbilly needs Trump to run. Otherwise it’s President Ron DeSantis.
@ 114
Good on ya, McHillbilly. The blogger is as awful as Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, except he also has a following.
President Ron DeSantis.
Get a load of the low IQ Nazi traitor spiking the ball two years before the game even starts. So fucking pathetic, but it’s all the imbecile’s got.
@107 I assume there’s no Republicans in that list, because any staffer employed by a Republican seen talking with a union organizer would immediately be fired.
President Ron DeSantis.
I foresee fat midget suffering the same fate as Scott Walker. After losing to the raging orange man-baby, the low IQ Nazi traitor will never mention his name again. Ever.
@112 “Cumulate” is the right word. You’d have to go to a feedlot to find that much bullshit in one place.
@ 117
…spiking the ball two years before the game even starts.
Yer absolutely right, Steve. DWS and the DNC waited until one year before the DNC convention to anoint #CrookedHillary as their nominee.
Man, did they fuck over Bernie, or what? And to what end?
• Gorsuch
• Kavanaugh
• Coney Barrett
Pretty costly decision they made. Isn’t that right. Steve.
Think on yer sins.
And to what end?
• Gorsuch
• Kavanaugh
• Coney Barrett
Such a tiresome bore. It’s like his brain needs new batteries.
Think on yer sins.
For my part, I don’t believe it’s a sin to execute a low IQ Nazi traitor and bury him in the forest in a shallow grave.
Think about it.
@ 123
… low IQ Nazi traitor …
“Such a tiresome bore.” Comes from over-reliance on RawStory. Steve suckles RawStory because his mommy isn’t around.
The Indiana doctor who performed the abortion on the 10-year-old rape victim who Republicans said doesn’t exist after arresting and charging the rapist is suing the Indiana attorney general for defamation and reputational harm.
Doctor Dumbfuck doesn’t know anything about reputational harm, because he has no reputation worth harming.
And that’s not all: A former law school dean has filed a lawyer misconduct complaint against him, too.
Not as good as when RBG bought it.
Expiring repukes is nothin but the best for my kids… Every single motherluvin day AND at a greater rate as science shows..
And the cherry on the top is that my kids’ good fortune just follows from lord kreepshit’s degenerate babblin’.
And when it lk’s turn? oh yeah.. the ABSOLUTE BEST… heh..
Thank god for President Joe Biden!
750 points!
@ 128
750 points!
DJIA close today 31,827.05
DJIA close 1/20/21. 30,930.52
That’s a 2.9% increase in 18 months, or less than 2% per year, G-clown. Don’t forget you needed today in order to even get to 1%.
After accounting for inflation, the stock market is actually down a few percent during the Biden years.
Thank God it wasn’t worse, because based on his competence it should be worse. Especially for people with your shitty AGI, G-clown.
Of course, it will be worse. Watch and wait.
What the fuck has that got to do with it?
Geezus, it’s just depressing to imagine what kind of comical shitshow Degen’s day trading financial conjuring must look like. Need?
Degen may “need” oil to trade at $120 for the next five years. Good luck, I guess. Fingers crossed?
Trump’s going to run because Trump’s going to run. My need, or Biden’s need have got nothing to do with it. Trump’s running and the questions that remain are how soon will the fucking idiot announce, how badly will he split the Republican party when he does, and how cowardly will Degen’s cancervative heroes react to that announcement.
More than four in ten 2020 Trump voters describe themselves as “Trump first, GOP second” in polls taken as recently as this month.
Better change the subject fast, or they may find themselves forced to praise Daddy Twump some more.
Another question worth considering:
When Trump loses all over again in 2024, and cranks up Stop the Steal all over again, will sniveling asswipes like Degen and Hannity play along all over again?
I can’t wait.
Democrat clowns AOC and Omar arrested outside SCOTUS building today. Walked with their hands behind their back when taken away by LEO in order to fool low information voters like Steve, YLB, and G-clown into thinking they were handcuffed.
AOC is probably good for about three seat-flips to the GOP in other districts.
Speaking of Secret Service agents, I was at a friend’s house and he was showing me his weapons room, which was very cool, by the way. I noticed there were a bunch of framed photos on the wall and looking closer, I saw that they were all of sun-glass-wearing SS agents guarding President Ford. Behind the sunglasses, I could still recognize my friend in every photo.
“WTF?? You were in the SS?” Yeah, he was.
So we’re talking and I learned that, after he had served in Vietnam, he was with the SS for three years. He left not long after subduing a woman with a knife in Ted Kennedy’s office. He was the SS agent whose hand was cut.
Woman Wielding a Hunting Knife Subdued in Kennedy Senate Office
At the close of the story about that, he said something quite unforgettable. “I’m not afraid of facing anybody with a gun or a knife, but I’ll tell you what, bombs scare the holy fuck out of me.”
I’m hoping for Trump, once he is convicted, will get the special Benito Mussolini treatment. I bet there are a few ExxonMobile stations that would fit the bill
Oh Dr. Dumbfuck, you haven’t been paying attention, RE: Trump the nominee in 2024.
Trump learned a few things over the past few years. He watch your most hated nemesis Hillary manipulate the process to kick Bernie to the curb. Ol’ Donny may not like her, but I’m sure he admired her for her chutzpah for doing it.
Likewise, he has learned a few things in his attempt to “rig” and overthrow the US Government. He will unleash the hounds to get his GOP nomination. Just watch. It will be fun to watch the GOP slit each others’ throats over Donny running and manipulating his way to the nomination.
… low IQ Nazi traitor …
What a stupe. You used to be Doctor Dumbfuck, but I now address or talk about you using low IQ Nazi traitor. But don’t worry, you’re still a dumbfuck, only far worse since you crossed Elijah’s orange event horizon and started elongating your way towards the orange singularity.
But here’s the thing. Unlike you with the names you’ve given people, everybody here knows who the fuck I’m talking about.
I did figure out that you’ve given Elijah the name QoS Hillbilly. But why that? Only you and Putin know.
Face it. You’re not very good at this.
Trump may not even be indicted.
But if he is he’ll play it up in front of the GOPipe-Bomb Base for maximum effect and delay trial for years. His criminal involvement with the J6 conspiracy is unlikely to save us from another candidacy. In fact, it’s likely that being indicted would increase Trump’s growing impatience and frustration and compel him to run.
Whatever happens it will be a fiasco. And Trump and the media will monetize it while everyone else looks on in amazed horror.
String corporate earnings!!!
God Bless Joe Biden!!
Cheap gas!
God Bless you, Joe!
@129 The stock market is up during Biden’s term in office, despite inflation, and look at Doc squirm! He should’ve shorted GE, not the DJIA.
@131 “AOC is probably good for about three seat-flips to the GOP in other districts.”
She doesn’t represent those districts. She represents poor minorities in the Bronx who’ve been fucked over by your tribe more times than they can count.
@133 Trump may or may not be indicted, but all 16 Georgia fake electors have gotten pre-indictment notifications.
“The Atlanta-area prosecutors scrutinizing former President Donald Trump’s attempts to overturn the 2020 election in Georgia said Tuesday that all 16 of the ‘fake electors’ who participated in a plan to subvert the Electoral College are now targets of an ongoing criminal investigation.
“Court documents filed late Tuesday reveal Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis has informed all 16 of the individuals who signed an ‘unofficial electoral certificate’ that was ultimately sent to the National Archives in late 2020 they may be indicted in the probe.
“The significant development indicates prosecutors are moving closer to possible criminal charges against those involved in the effort. It also suggests the probe may be drawing closer to Trump himself …”
New York New York!
I think it was about a year ago Degen argued that falsifying an electoral certificate was perfectly legal and a lawful exploration of the campaign’s “legal options”.
Beyond the inanity if it, what was most delightful was how obviously he is still nursing wounds from the Dino Rossi failures.
There are often some steep intent requirements to be met in cases like this. However, if these are standard issue Republicans they have already provided prosecutors with ample evidence of criminal intent in the form of emails and tweets.