Please join us tonight for an evening of politics under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. We meet at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning at about 8:00 pm. Stop by even earlier and enjoy some dinner.
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Any of you liberal drinkers responsible for this?
I love the fact that McChrystal called ObaMao’s clowns precisely what they are “clowns”.
Holbrooke & Eikenberry are irreperably damaged and need to go.
McChrystal is essential in the Afghan counter-insurgency.
The ObaMao KLOWNteam of Holbrooke & Eikenberry is not.
Will ObaMao do the right thing for our troops and the country….or save the 2 idiots?
re 2: Ms.Chrystalis is getting himself fired because he knows he’s failing and that the Afghanistan effort is a lost cause.
He’s covering his ass. What a fucking pussy.
And yes. I’d say it to his face. I’ve heard the “I can kill you a thousand times with my pinky and a Parker retractable” and my reply was that I only knew 4 or 5 ways to do that — but I knew them really well.
That’s how I make friends with special forces type dudes.
Of course that horse manure from #3 is as always horse manure. When John Effin Kerry supports McChrystal, you know McChrystal has what it takes.
Again headless is from the long line of libtardo fools. Remember McChrystal voted for Odumba!
@4 McChrystal’s competence isn’t the issue, idiot! The issue is serving generals can’t publicly criticize sitting presidents, and McChrystal knew that. It’s an insubordination thing. You are a dumbbell.
Your hatred of American traditions is really starting to piss me off. As Rabbit points out at 5, McChrystal crossed a line, and he did it more than one time. Do you want to be a military dictatorship, Cynny? The military bows to civilian leadership. Period. Not a close call. And Mr. Cynical is an unAmerican piece of shit. Go tend to your goats, Cynny.
@6 The hatred that the traitor KLOWN spews towards our great nation is truly disgusting.
Cynical doesn’t give a shit about this country. All he cares about is his partisan position.
Of course I care about America.
That’s why I will work night & day trying to get the Democrats & Karl Marx ObaMao out of office and replaced by Constitutional Conservatives….despite your name-calling and other irrelevant noise.
I agree that McChrystal crossed the line….even though what he said was already common knowledge among REAL Americans.
ObaMao clearly was…and still is…a deer in the headlights who has lost the respect of the majority of Americans and our Military.
One of the key issues against ObaMao in the election was his lack of experience & knowledge of key issues.
We have sadly gotten the weak leader we deserve.
It won’t happen again.
ObaMao will be Jimmy Carter, Jr.!
“REAL Americans”
Huh? You mean “REAL Americans” like you? You mean to say that goatfucking freaks like you are the REAL Americans? I don’t think so, KLOWN. You’re just some freaky teabagger. And with any luck at all you’ll soon be in a FEMA camp with the rest of the teabagging traitors*.
* heh – It’s just a joke, you dumbfuck KLOWN.
The assignment of Petraeus to take over McChrystal’s duties is either the height of lunacy or a very smart political move. Petraeus has already been dipping his toes in the water about a run for the White House in 2012. but he can’t run against his own Commander in Chief without resigning. Depending on how things go in Afghanistan, he might have trouble walking away without looking like a shithead.
@6 Cynical, like most right-wing idealogues, likes to thunder about the supreme authority of the United States Constitution when it supports his preconceived notions. Otherwise, it’s a “God-damned piece of paper”.
Cynny @ 9: “despite your name-calling and other irrelevant noise”
There is such a precious irony in Cynny accusing others of name-calling and making irrelevant noise.
10 – Anne Coulter humor..