The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets tonight for an evening of caucus-debriefing-State-of-the-Union-discussing-Impeachment-updating-and-other-stuff. Or…just relax over a pint.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. Look for us in the back room of the pub beginning about 8pm. Or stop by early and catch the State of the Union at 6pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle? There are hundreds of chapters of Living Liberally, including dozens in Washington state, a bunch in Oregon and even a few in Idaho. Find a chapter near you. Or start a new chapter for your community!
Bob is so belligerent and obnoxious – you have to wonder who were the two that fornicated to produce and raise him.
Were they Horse or Human?
Mayor Pete took campaign lessons from The Chardonnay Lady 2.0.
Walker Bragman
Not great optics here, folks:
– Dems paid company literally called Shadow to create caucus app
– Buttigieg campaign also paid Shadow, FEC records show
– Caucus app fails
– Buttigieg declares himself Iowa winner with no results
9:59 PM · Feb 3, 2020
Shadow’s server is hidden in one of Mayor Pete’s wine caves.
This is how The Chardonnay Lady gets Trump re-elected.
Robert Partridge
Shadow Inc is all former Hillary for America people
She’s just gettin’ started, y’all.
Mayor Pete is as innocent as Hunter Biden.
Replying to
CEO of Shadow is also a Pete fan and married to a Pete advisor.
elaine layabout is nobody 🐦
Oh, and the CEO’s husband works for Pete Buttigieg. #NothingToSeeHere
I can’t understand all the fuss over Iowa. It’s not like anyone died. Move on. Deal with me you fuckers.
Go Mayor Pete!
I bet these were wine cave dollars Mayor Pete spent.
Ariän El-Tahry
This is how much each top-candidates donated to Shadow, Inc. — the app-developer for the Iowa Caucus.
Buttigieg: $42,500
Biden: $1,225
Klobuchar: $0
Warren: $0
Sanders: $0
There might be absentee Dems at SOTU tonite but it won’t be out of disgust at The Donald. It will be out of shame over what their party is about to let happen to them for a second presidential election in a row.
And let us not forget:
Iowa Poll canceled after a Pete Buttigieg supporter says the candidate’s name was omitted during a poll call
While the polling partners are aware of only one instance of a candidate’s name being omitted, the decision was made to cancel the poll because the same thing could have occurred with Buttigieg or other candidates.
I suppose Mayor Pete, along with Shadow, put people in a trance to stand in his corner too.
It was just the other day you were talking about the changes in the first alignment, final alignment, blah, blah, blah (and how it would benefit Sanders). Did this rule change complicate things to the point where it was part of the problem.
Get rid of this stupid caucus and have a primary for god’s sake. Really stupid, to stand around in a room and pretend it’s some fucking party celebration and then align this and align that, beg the guy across the way to come to your side.
Just have a fucking vote.
PeteCheat.@9 was his name omitted or was it not? If it was, was it intentional?
Go Mayor Pete!
@11 The Hump Fuck Pussy Grabber
@ 10
Without the caucus system and the re-alignment of voters in each precinct, Mayor Cheat is at 16% in Iowa, according to the DMR poll result.
That’s borderline viable.
Whatever caucus support above that number that Mayor Cheat ends up with is because of the caucus system, gman.
Every once in awhile it would be good to pull your head out of your ass.
Apparently Team Sanders developed its own app. Results just released:
Note that Mayor Cheat’s percentage between first count and final count jumped more than any other candidate’s.
Mayor Cheat benefitted more from the caucus system that gman now says he doesn’t want than any other candidate.
In reading the Sanders release # 15 I admit I am left wondering whether there is a difference between a trained Sanders volunteer and a trained monkey.
How’s that impeachment/removal thing workin’ out for y’all?
Trump Job Approval at Personal Best 49%
The Jan. 16-29 poll was conducted in the midst of the Senate impeachment trial that will likely result in the president’s acquittal. The poll finds 52% of Americans in favor of acquitting Trump and 46% in favor of convicting and removing him from office.
More Americans in the new poll approve (53%) than disapprove (45%) of the U.S. military action that resulted in the death of a leading Iranian military general.
Now, 51% of Americans view the Republican Party favorably, up from 43% in September. It is the first time GOP favorability has exceeded 50% since 2005.
Meanwhile, 45% of Americans have a positive opinion of the Democratic Party, a slight dip from 48% in September.
Additionally, the poll finds 48% of Americans identifying as Republicans or leaning toward that party, compared with 44% Democratic identification or leaning. Recent Gallup polls had shown a fairly even partisan distribution, after the Democratic Party held advantages for much of 2019.
So bwave, Democrats. Boycott SOTU in the face of tanking public support for y’all’s party. So bwave.
@16 coming from a Putin Trained Troll
Democrats about to be indicted really should learn to keep their fucking mouths shut.
Matt Gaetz✔
“If I was losing I might throw some wrenches in that thing and say I have more questions” – @AndrewGillum on @CNN on the #IowaCaucusFail
It was also exactly what Gillum did when he was losing the Florida Governor’s race to @RonDeSantisFL. …
Andrew Gillum withdraws concession as Florida recount begins
Democrat Andrew Gillum withdrew his concession to Republican former Rep. Ron DeSantis in the Florida governor’s race on Saturday, hours after the secretary of state announced a recount of their race…
10:55 PM – Feb 3, 2020
If you’re just waking up, evidently Iowa’s version of Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow Sunday, which means six more weeks of the Iowa caucuses.
@ 20
It definitely had something to do with a Shadow. See @ 3,4,5
When a Democrat sees a Shadow it means four more years of Trump.
The Democrats’ debacle of last night brings clarity to the upcoming presidential election. As Trump’s re-election is increasingly likely, the stock market responds positively, we see today.
Shadow, sponsored by Burisma
Get the app! Have your SSN and bank routing information handy.
I liked Joe Lieberman. He was an awful prez candidate in ’04, but I liked him.
It was painful to read his campaign’s spin on New Hampshire. The campaign said Joementum was in a three-way tie for third.
He was fifth.
Having seen Matt Santos in his fighter pilot uniform, gman drops Mayor Cheat like an empty PrEP bottle.
The Iowa Republican Party proudly announced it had completed its assigned duty last night in record setting time, giving all of the Iowa delegates to president RapeHero by 9:36 pm.
New images of the precinct events showed overflow crowds of raucous, excited RapeHero supporters eager to participate:
RapeHero campaign spokespeople declared it “The Biggest Ever. The BEST! HUGE!”.
Fake news US Edition:
Il Duce declares CNN not allowed to attend annual SOTU pre-briefing lunch. Everyone else attends.
Britain Edition:
Press staff alert only THIS list of people can stay in the briefing and Boris Johnson will arrive after the non-invitees have left. Every journalist leaves the room.
They’re not journalists anymore. They are all political operatives, across the spectrum, using “news” as the raw material to support their groups’ goals.
Just got a text message from Team Pete
“We shocked the world last night in Iowa.
Team Pete: While we wait for the IA Dem Party to release official results from the Caucuses, we’re on to NH with fire in our bellies and hope in our hearts.”
Onward to NH! Thank You Iowa!
@24 I had to google Matt Santos because I never heard of him. I hate to break it to you, but he’s not even close to being attractive. He’s about as attractive as a horse. Maybe he looks like your horse.
@1 It has more to do with who — or what — he’s been fornicating with (you answer your own question @2). The etiology of syphilitic brain rot traces back to the patient not the parents.
@11 @14 Boob, who’s never described Trump in these terms, calls Buttigieg a “cheat.”
It’s all relative, dumbfuck, when you have to choose between one or the other.
@16 We don’t have to wonder in your case because you aren’t even potty trained. You spew a river of crap.
Very interesting video going viral of an unaligned Iowa caucus goer having signed her card after the first alignment agreeing to caucus for Buttigieg. Then, upon overhearing someone discussing his same sex partner, freaking out and demanding her card back and asking “How come this is just now coming out?”
This is Iowa. It’s really not like any other place. And the people who attend these caucuses are very different sorts of people from the ones who will ultimately decide the outcome of the general election. Still, rather amazing.
@22 Looks to me like it has more to do with something else:
“Tuesday’s continued bounce comes after a Reuters report said China’s central bank could cut its key lending rate as well as banks’ reserve requirement ratios (RRRs) in the coming weeks to support economic growth. The report came a day after the People’s Bank of China unveiled liquidity injection measures to the tune of more than 1 trillion yuan. The PBOC also injected another 400 billion yuan in liquidity.”
But never waste a talking point, eh? Even if it’s as phony as the Republicans’ shifting defenses (choose one) of Trump’s high crimes and misdemeanors.
@25 Well at least godwinha can brag his side finished counting first …
@ 33
Very interesting video going viral of an unaligned Iowa caucus goer…
Very interesting video going viral of the death of the Democrat Vice President on the very night he was elected.
The poor man was an alcoholic and was divorced. His struggles were exposed to the world and yet he overcame them, only to succumb to a sudden heart attack on the very night of his election to the second-highest court in the land.
It was a performance worthy of Aaron Sorkin, really. Amazing what you’ll see on the ‘net. Some of it’s even believable.
Don’t forget, Biden voters, that Creepy Joe has not one, but two drug-addled offspring.
Apple doesn’t fall far…
@27 In Breitbart world, yes; maybe you should broaden your reading horizons?
@29 Maybe he is his “horse.”
@33 I hopped through there once. The houses are 5 miles apart. I don’t think they get out very much.
It’s still 2016 apparently
When Republicans screw up, that’s the story. When Democrats screw up, the Republicans’ reaction is the story.
Quote Tweet
CBS News
· 12h
Republicans gloat over Iowa caucus meltdown
6:25 AM · Feb 4, 2020·
@37 Donnie Jr. and Eric …
… and they don’t even need drugs to be dysfunctional …
Hey, bad news is bad news.
Steve Guest
CNN’s John King reports that the Biden campaign may seek a court injunction to halt this afternoon’s release of the Iowa Caucus results.
Before the Iowa results are released, Biden’s campaign is questioning the integrity of the results.
10:13 AM · Feb 4, 2020
Somebody tell me again about Biden’s firewall in SC. Biden’s firewall will be a judge-issued piece of paper later this afternoon.
For once something good (other than bacon) came out of Iowa:
“So, the Biden people are the most disappointed here, at this precinct. They didn’t know if their guy was going to be viable, but they didn’t expect him to be this far away from being viable.”
Pure comedy gold.
@33 that is funny – that people like that actually think they have a brain. I wonder if she knows that Bernie is a communist? lol. Or did she even know what those two lumps are that are on Klobuchar’s chest.
Somebody tell her about the Coronavirus.
I don’t know about the Iowa app. And I haven’t looked into Shadow yet. But a larger org that helped fund Shadow is called ACRONYM.
They are a progressive cause and candidate org that advocates for a digital/mobile first approach to micro targeting, advertising, communications, and strategies. As part of that they’ve made strategic investments in several outside companies, like Shadow, to gain a foothold in key areas. They assist campaigns and movements in development in these areas. Their work was essential in producing the 2018 blue wave victories.
As such ACRONYM is the kind of company that makes enemies among more traditional paid political operatives. Creative directors with a huge financial stake in giant broadcast and cable media buys hate them and all that they stand for. And they will not hesitate to use this Iowa fuckup as an opportunity to discredit the entire approach. But keep in mind that it is the approach that helped a fat, bald, spray tanned reality TV celebrity idiot defeat a US Senator and former Secretary of State.
Once the dust settles on this, and for anyone who bothers to find out long after the media frenzy has moved on to NH, I suspect we will learn a couple of things. First, that the Iowa Democratic party cheaped out and declined to fund robust field testing ahead of the caucuses, recognizing perhaps that to do so they would be paying to assist other states. Second, the DNC declined to step in to help in that regard, figuring that it was part of the burden for Iowa to bear as the “First in the Nation” primary state. And third, that despite that (or perhaps because of it) the Iowa Democratic Party burdened the app with a bunch of additional data collection and reporting intended to benefit the state party in organizing and fund raising.
Iowa Democratic Party was never shy about expressing resentment over the changes forced upon them after 2016. It wouldn’t come as any surprise to learn that they were stingy about funding and supporting those changes, reluctant about implementing them, and consequently did a very poor job. Now we get to see how Perez responds. His neck is in the ringer on this too, having been repeatedly pushed by party progressives demanding a more diverse early sampling. Now, it looks like the moderates are just as angry with Iowa. This may be it for Iowa’s “special consideration”.
If you see the video don’t overlook the fact that she’s wearing a Klobuchar pin.
While #TomPerezResign trends rapidly, absolute silence from the DNC Chair.
Howard Dean is tanned, rested, and ready.
@ 33, 46, 49
As I suggested @ 36, it may have been a made-to-go-viral video, not a lucky capture of true ignorance.
The Democrats bungled an app. The Republicans bungled everything. After careful consideration, I’m voting for the Democrats.
Leading us to conclude that the Klobuchar campaign supports #TomPerezResign and #IowaLast?
Mmmkay. If you say so.
Hanlon’s Razor comes to mind here.
In the end it’s more likely that these problems are the result of the unique and entirely stupid process that Iowa follows, the relatively low information of large numbers of caucus participants, and the unique demographic skewing of Iowa caucus participants and the Iowa Democratic party. Many of these people show up for the same reason that college football fans paint their faces.
Mind that rake, Gomer.
John King
Important: Team Biden says talk it may challenge IA release plans 100% untrue. In the breaking news rush my discussing, even skeptically, incoming from rival campaigns was, in a word, stupid.
11:06 AM · Feb 4, 2020·Twitter Web App
Stupid is as stupid does.
To give some idea of just how credulously stupid Gomer is being, that same guy, John King on CNN, a few hours ago pointed to a digital interactive map of the 2020 election and flipped Minnesota to Trump while mistakenly calling it Wisconsin.
For people like this, this whole process, whereby we choose whoever will be the most powerful human being on earth, is just irrelevant temporary entertainment meant to briefly distract them from their receding hair lines, their dwindling retirement savings, the boredom of television, and the beckoning darkness of the grave.
Let’s not be people like this.
Meanwhile 9 in 10 foreign political correspondents are still struggling to sort Iowa from Idaho.
@48 Ohh jeez, it figures. I have to find the video when I have the time….If you have the link, please provide. Thanks.
@55 funny….
Again, I think people should be taking this virus a bit more serious, but we have other entertainment, what to do.
Doesn’t looks fake to me Bob, but you never know.
Great day at the market today, nothing to worry about, always big gains to be had (wink wink), don even think about hibernating!
Hyundai halts Korea output as China outbreak fallout spreads
Early results.
62% reporting
Candidate Delegates Percent Count
Pete Buttigieg – 26.9% 36,262
Bernie Sanders – 25.1% 33,793
Elizabeth Warren – 18.3% 24,623
Joe Biden – 15.6% 21,038
Amy Klobuchar – 12.6% 16,972
Tulsi Gabbard – 0% 0
It appears Buttigieg was right. Eat shit, Dumbfuck.
@59 No, it was a lousy day, all the stocks I want to buy went up. But Exxon is still crawling down and I’ll bet dumbfuck didn’t short it like I suggested. He never listens to me.
Opportunity knocks! I must console her!
“Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, one of only two Republicans to vote in favor of hearing witnesses at President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial, announced Tuesday that she will vote to acquit him. Collins said Trump’s request in a July 25, 2019, phone call that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy investigate Joe Biden and his son was ‘improper and … wrong.'”
Of course she will. Of course it was. There was never any doubt about either. What a wuss. Or maybe Collins is just a hard-right Republican pretending to be something else because she has to run in a state that isn’t and has never been anything else, in which case I’ll bet Maine’s voters (especially women) can see right through her. We’ll find out in November.
Yo, Yo, Yo Pete. Go Pete. Come on New Hampshire. I think they are more moderate there. So. But Bernie is from next door.
Go go go Pete!
Awards and prizes bearing Trump’s taint mean nothing. That’s why he’ll never get a Nobel Prize. It would cheapen the Nobels for all time.
@61. Of course he was right, he’s a smart gay guy.
Sanders won the counties where the cities of Cedar Rapids and Des Moines are situated, and was close where Davenport is, though. Sanders seems to have a leg up with city voters.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 61
I acknowledged it. Last night.
And here’s where we are:
With 62% of precincts reporting:
1st alignment
Sanders 24%
Buttigieg 21%
Warren 19%
Biden 15%
Klobuchar 13%
Sanders 26%
Buttigieg 25%
Warren 21%
Biden 13%
Klobuchar 12%
Mayor Cheat is second. Which is what I wrote. Last night.
I don’t think tomorrow or the future in the Market and in the world isn’t looking too good right now.
Hehe. I’ll try to be modest.
After many issues inthe world to solve and He will not be able to do it alone. It’s going to take team work and unification. And that might be very hard to come by, especially with people dropping like flies.
And there still can be a long way to go
@69 that’s not what I hear. I hear Mayor Pete has 27%
Bob, the other day I read that some drugs that fight HIV are helping a bit with fight the Coronavirus. It wasn’t Truvada, or PReP, but from what I understand is that PReP has the ingredients that they use for individuals with HIV, as part of a concoction.
I know that doctors/researchers would know, but I’m wondering could PReP be a remedy to stopping transmission?
If this virus gets out of control here in the US, I could see The Hump calling off elections. Anyone?
@ 74
Don’t french-kiss during unprotected sex.
Don’t felch.
Don’t have unprotected sex.
Try monogamy.
@76 how about you?
How you going to keep from someone sneezing on you?
Say for instance the Horse?
@75. If the impeached miserable failure has low poll numbers he will call off the election. And the republicans will support him. Because that’s who they are.
@77 Horse. Which reminds me of a bartender joke …
Mrs. Rabbit is reminiscing about Dan Evans. Said he was “the kind of Republican people could get behind.” I replied, “He was competent and wasn’t a crook. They don’t make Republicans like that anymore.”
@78 They never liked elections anyway.
This can’t be good. Kind of old news but I just got a news notification so I thought I’d share.
If the Stock Market doesn’t reflect this, you know then that the Stock Market is bullshit and rigged.
@ 80
Said he was “the kind of Republican people could get behind.”
gman joke arriving in 3…2…1…
When you’re extolling private business while dissing government and the Iowa Democrats as incompetent, read this:
War is absolutely necessary to maintain and obtain ever more white power…
Trump is a race traitor because the child cares more about his failing businesses than white power. This crybaby believes to his core that War is bad for his failing businesses.
He’s kidding himself if he believes he can hurt me for exposing him for what he is.
@83 The joke’s on you.
@85 What did you expect from a coward draft dodger?
oh yeah! Excuse me if I’m wearing a jacket tonight.. Tonight’s a celebration of
In my ‘rasslin days I loved to WATCH WHITE male on male power!
I should be in shirtsleeves.. BRIGHT WHITE shirtsleeves!
@82 The stock of Carnival Cruise Lines (CCL), the parent company of Princess Cruises, already down 16% over the last 2 weeks, is down another 1.4% in today’s after-hours trading.
@89 yeah, but I am more focusing on this in a Global scale, not just CCL. It’s easy for that one particular stock to be down, but for the stock market to gain on some strong economic indicators while the sky is about to fall doesn’t seem right to me.
But I also understand, how it’s not just limited to CCL, and it can be broadened to say all Tourism industry stocks and then trickle down to other industries and eventually leading to a bad economy, which will then end up being reflected.
I just think until then they’ll grab for any positive news to site as a gain in the market, and eventually it all comes crashing down.
Did you hear that? I’m getting a Medal!
White Power! White Power! White Power!
@90 Well, the coronavirus triggered what now looks like a mini-correction, including Friday’s 600-point drop, but the market bounced back almost that much yesterday and today.
What’s going on is investors are flocking to bonds, pushing bond prices higher, which is pushing yields down, which is pushing investors back into stocks.
It’s notable that all last year non-corporate investors (including individuals) pulled more money out of stocks than they put in, and last year’s rally was due to multiple expansion and buybacks. Don’t expect to find a link between this stock market and the economy or earnings because there isn’t one. It was all financial engineering until the coronavirus came along.
The story there is investors now fear its possible impact on the global economy. It’s shuttering factories in China and disrupting global supply chains.
The virus is what they call a “black swan” event — one the markets didn’t foresee or price into financial assets. This week’s Barrons lists 5 other potential black swans that could cause trouble for markets:
(1) A miscalculation by Trump or Xi that triggers a financial crisis in China or leads to a U.S.-China military clash; (2) bursting of China’s debt bubble; (3) Taiwan; (4) Europe’s refugee crisis; (5) escalation of the conflicts in Libya and Syria; (6) unrest in Russia because of that country’s economic problems; (7) a “violent reaction” by Trump’s supporters to a defeat by a progressive Democrat like Sanders or Warren “analogous to” the Confederate secession in 1860 when Lincoln was elected. (Barrons magazine, Feb. 3, 2020 issue, pg. 6)
“Black swans,” by definition, are improbably. That’s why they’re unexpected and, because they’re not priced into stocks, can have a sudden and dramatic impact on the stock market. Such events are rare, but they can and do occur, and there’s really no way to prepare for them.
I tried to warn you.
Iowa is a complicated chimp circus in many ways. Steamrolling the airwaves for months with tons of big ad buys may not work in most years, but it is even less sure to work in The Age of The Great Republican RapeHero. Individual activists, whoever they are and whatever their motivations are going to be disinclined to give their trust to a “brand” when “brands” laughingly brag about lengthy histories of violent sexual assault, pour train loads of Guatemalan infants into Rape Cages, and then jet off to private clubs to casually contemplate the assassination of senior US diplomats.
The campaigns that did well in Iowa had ground game that relied on identifying key supporters, bringing them out, and making those supporters prepared when things got dynamic. Drill down and you’ll find that Biden’s people got almost nothing during realignment.
Biden will surge back. Money will pour in. And he has great purchase and a fond history in Yankee New England. But he’s also wounded now. In a few months you may be wondering why you and the rest of the Moldovan chat bot algorithms went after him the way you have.
Inauguration speech: America is in terrible shape, on the path to hell, but I’m gonna make it all better.
Tonight: All better now. You gotta re-elect me, because I’m indispensable.
@91 I’m surprised Trump didn’t give one to himself, too. Or maybe he did and I missed that part of his speech while I was in the bathroom leaving a piss.
Speaking @ 94 of speeches, how about you gotta elect me because the world will end if you don’t?
…this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war …
Still in Iraq. Still in Afghanistan. But hey, Nobels, Grammys, and Oscars look good on that mantle.
Listen up, fucktard, the joke showed up @83 every other comment you’ve posted for some time now. Your problem is that I stopped laughing a long time ago.
You’ve got a fucking problem and you need to start realizing how serious it is. You’re in deep shit and you’re too fucking stupid to know it.
@97 The “problem” is that he’s a troll and gets his jollies by pulling your chain. He’s going to type whatever he thinks will get a rise from you.
@96 “The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president …”
… and fuck the oceans, fuck the planet, and fuck peace, because Republicans have different priorities.
Know what? It really sucks to be you. Glad I’m not.
“He’s going to type whatever he thinks will get a rise from you.”
If he doesn’t wise up, he’s going to get something much different than that. He’s no troll. He’s a traitor and that’s no game he’s playing. If thinks this is still a game, he’s wrong. Way wrong.
He’s here taunting patriots while American democracy is at stake. That’s no game. That’s as serious as it gets.
@100 It’s a game.