Another Tuesday, another primary election night. Okay, not so much in Washington, but there are some interesting (and odd-ball) races to watch this evening. It all adds up to an excuse to join us for an evening of electoral politics under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. We meet at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning at about 8:00 pm. Stop by even earlier and enjoy some dinner.
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be careful israeli commandos dont show up and off you guys.
Go Orly!!!!
A sucka’s tour:
Great going command..
Makes Avatar look like amateur hour:
Sarah Palin thinks she has something she could tell our president about anything. Her ego truly knows no bounds:
Up in Snohomish County, they are discovering how deep the connections are between the Master Builder’s Association of King and Snohomish Counties and the former planning director.
The old news is that the former planning director, Craig Ladiser, was apparantly an alchoholic who, while attending a golf tournament sponsored by the MBA, exposed himself and pressed up against a woman lobbyist for the MBA. He has since gone into treatment and was forced to resign for his conduct, which he claims he was too drunk to remember.
What’s becoming more news is the extent to which the MBA pressured the woman to keep quiet and not report the incident, promising to resolve it “in house” and discuss it informally with the Snohomish County Executive Aaron Reardon. But Reardon’s office didn’t receive any call from the MBA, no action was taken, and it wasn’t until the woman hand-delivered a complaint to Reardon’s office two weeks later that alarm bells started to go off throughout the county executive, HR, and legal departments, and action was taken.
While the media (and Republican opponants of Reardon) are off looking for smoking guns to aim at Reardon, the real issue appears to be the cozy relationship between the MBA and the Snohomish County Planning Dept. which goes back for decades. Such relationships between the regulator and the industry become toxic when they end up resulting in frequent waivers of public policy requirements, and favoritism of specific firms or organizations over others in the sharing of information and rules enforcement.
Source: Everett Heraldnet: Police records add heft to claims in sex case: Woman tells of lobby group’s bid to keep matter ‘in-house’
Ok–1st and most important is to remind you how shitty ObaMao is doing.
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
ObaMao showed up in Pennsylvania and not one single elected official showed up to greet him. ObaMao is a cactus! Hug him and you will be impaled and hurt.
Notice above that 39% of the SC voters identify themselves as Tea Party members. 39%! While that is certainly above the average, it is probably close to 15% even in Washington State. If they get active in the Rossi/Murray race, you have plenty to worry about.
Good article about the impact of women…conservative women and the Tea party.
Reality is difficult for our fragile KLOWNS.
@7: Klynical
Instead you remind us that Obama is doing about 25 points better than Bush was and that you are an idiot who keeps quoting a biased poll.
Thanks for reminding us of how stoopid you are. thanks for showing how dumb, ill-informed and pathetically ignorant the rightwingnut base is. You are the prime example of how the tea party fools cannot think for themselves and put forth a coherent argument. Your shallow and uniinformed posts just make me laugh at you and your ilk.
“how shitty”
Shitty? He’s doing twice as good as the abject failure you voted for twice. Did you tell us “how shitty” he was? No. You were that loser’s biggest cheerleader.
After he had racked up failure after failure, as well as massive deficits, even after New Orleans drowned, you cheered his name. That makes you a dumbfuck KLOWN.
“Reality is difficult”
For a dumbfuck going through life wearing a KLOWN Kostume as you do, yeah, I imagine reality presents you with occasional challenges. You need to work on your personal issues, KLOWN. In the meanwhile, keep your stupid Psych 101 projections to yourself.
Gee steve–
The context of my past post was merely a reminder as you KLOWNS had forgotten.
Bush was a weak President on Deficit Spending.
Your new guy has accelerated the money machine to completely unsustainable rates.
Hence—Enter the Tea Party.
I’ve been telling you for over a year Massive Deficit Spending would be ObaMao’s undoing…that and excessive, heavy handed government. We are now clearly seeing it.
ObaMao is in trouble as are the Democrats.
A 43% Strong Disapproval rating is difficult to overcome. This group of folks really don’t like you. And lots of them are…Tea Partiers.
ObaMaoism is clearly about bankrupting America..financially and morally. Real Americans see clearly what he has been up to and what his plans are. Had ObaMao been vetted by the media prior to 2008…he may not have been elected. He certainly won’t be re-elected.
You KLOWNS have your backs against the wall and are on the defensive.
The NEW Obama/Rahmbo/Devil Axelrod/Pelosi/Reid scam is to call all new Socialist spending “JOBS creating stimulus”.
What a pile of BS.
cnr continues to screech that Rasmussen is “biased” without one shred of evidence to prove it…other than DailyKos & Huffpo conspiracy theories.
Rather than acknowledge the obvious, cnr tries the Saul Alinsky approach desperately trying to discredit Rasmussen…the source of the data…despite independent study after study showing Rasmussen at or near the top.
CNR–Yo’re lookin’ like a fool wit your drawers on the ground!
@12 “Blah, blah, blah.”
You’re just a blathering KLOWN.
Cynical @ 7 said: “…it is probably close to 15% even in Washington State. If they get active in the Rossi/Murray race, you have plenty to worry about.”
Huh? Why would this worry the Democrats? The Tea Party folks don’t vote for Democrats anyway, and make up a solid core of the 30% or so in Washington State who would vote for Richard Nixon again if you merely dug him up and dusted him off.
The only thing the Tea Party is doing is forcing Republican candidates to the right in order to win their primaries. But that’s just going to cause them more problems in the November. They are going to have difficulty reversing themselves in order to appear more moderate for the general elections. If the candidate moves toward the center, they can be criticized for being hypocritial and lacking principles; if they keep to the right they can be ridiculed as part of the Tea Party wingnut base.
In Washington State this year, it isn’t going to make any difference. In the top-two primary system, Reichert is going to face his Democratic challenger. The only question is whether some of the Tea-Party supporters of Huber decide to sit this election out, which will only hurt Reichert. But having Huber in the race does make Reichert look good, but only in comparison.
Well after all the right wing guys made such asses of themselves.
It was only natural that the ladies would try to clean up after them.
So far I’m not impressed – see Princess Sarah, the chicken lady, the flouride lady and Carly? Sheesh – made a total mess out of HP.
Meg Whitman will govern to the right of Schwarzenegger and CA will sink into the
muck even deeper.
The idea of any “businessman” or “businesswoman” trying to run government “like a business” is worth a chuckle. The whole reason government is involved in some aspect is because private business could not do so efficiently or fairly. The need for accountability and fairness, enshrined in multiple levels of regulations designed to ensure just that, prevents the handshake deals among the old-boy’s network by which many executives are used to doing business.
It reminds me a bit of the old quote by Ike Eisenhower, about what it was like being President after being a soldier for so many years. He said he was frustrated: when he was in the army, he would tell someone to do something, and it would get done. But as President he would tell someone to do something, and nothing ever seems to happen.
The Tea Party folks have voted for Dems in the past…or not voted. The majority are true Independents…that have no faith in the Democrats or Republican establishment.
They are very motivated activists.
Minimize them at your own risk.
It is not about self-proclaimed Tea Party candidates winning Primaries…it’s about moving forward a Constitutional Conservative Agenda…specifically ending deficit spending and ever expanding government (like ObaMao Care).
You really don’t get it rhp.
Here is another thing to rally Tea Partiers..
Another example of Gregoire & Washington Dems asleep at the wheel while the Treasury is plundered.
How come it takes King5 to uncover this?
Mosely ought to be fired immediately.
Instead,he is holding others accountable?
What a joke.
Watch this.
The buck stops with Gregoire & Democrats.
A never-ending source of mismanagement & feeding taxpayer anger with the Dems.
16. rhp6033 spews:
No one is chuckling about the Gregoire/Mosely Ferry Debacle rhp.
Why shouldn’t the Ferry’s be run as a business?
How about privatizing?
I thought you were an open-minded thinker?
Watch the King5 investigation (AGAIN) about Ferry waste.
“The majority are true Independents…”
Horseshit. They’re a bunch of white Republicans, a phoney astroturf movement ginned up by Dick Armey, just angry, racist losers motified at the thought of a black Democrat president.
Cynical @ 18: They tried private ferries here once. Remember references to the “mosquito fleet”? There was a reason why it was replaced by a state-run ferry season decades ago.
As for waste in government, the problem is that for every publicized waste in government, there are plenty more in private enterprise. Ask insurance companies about their 30% overhead in claim administration, for example. Or the heads of companies who have an airplane and flight crews standing buy just in case the CEO or board members decide they might need it, for a trip to an exotic destination, or whatever. Or the whole idea of paying high-ranking officers huge bonuses in order to “motivate” them to do the job they were hired to do for a considerably high salary, anyway.
You old Constitution lover, you. Tell me, along with most of your Teabagger friends, do you seek repeal of the 17th Amendment?