The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets tonight. I suppose we’ll toast the start of the Senate trial. But there are lots of other politics—local, regional, state, and national—to discuss over a beverage. Stop by, if you can.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. Look for us in the back room of the pub beginning about 8pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle? There are hundreds of chapters of Living Liberally, including dozens in Washington state, a bunch in Oregon and even a few in Idaho. Find a chapter near you. Or start a new chapter for your community!
You have to love the irony and hypocrisy in life.
Imagine if a gay man said – “Don’t make me a criminal. You won’t like me as a criminal.”
Or if a Palestinian said that – which you would think that that would be mor of a case for it to make sense.
But if someone on the right can say it then….it’s ok. Not really Gaslighting, is it? And if not then a term should be made up for it.
Bloomberg seems to be getting a free pass on his “relationship” with African Americans. African Americans should be ashamed of their bigotry
Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s.
Q: In the doc, you’re brutally honest on Sanders: “He was in Congress for years. He had one senator support him. Nobody likes him, nobody wants to work with him, he got nothing done. He was a career politician. It’s all just baloney and I feel so bad that people got sucked into it.” That assessment still hold?
HRC: Yes, it does.
Q: If he gets the nomination, will you endorse and campaign for him?
HRC: I’m not going to go there yet.
This is what happens when after six months of debates, the Dems can’t find a decent candidate. They turn their lonely eyes to a twice-failed one.
Wait, seriously?
Your “concern troll” is that HRC hates Bernie and refuses to say if she’d endorse him?
For many of his most ardent supporters, that is entirely the point, Dumbfuck.
It’s entirely axiomatic that someone who stumps and votes for Rape/RapeFantasy will regard any Democratic Party candidate as unacceptable. Had Klobuchar or Tulsi, or fucking Gary Johnson been the runaway poll leader since last summer Trumpers would be dragging them too. But ferchrissakes if you must do it try not to be so inept.
It’s just amazing how many new friends a person gains the first Wednesday in November every four years. If anyone ought to know that it would be you, Dumbfuck.
If I had a chance to serve defense in a globally important crim trail case where:
– only the evidence the defense agreed to could be presented;
– the defense could move to dismiss before opening and
– the motion to dismiss would be decided not at the bench, but at the defense table…
I do believe I’d be willing to take that case. Pro bono even.
@ 3-5
She turned her knives on the Berniebros, too. By extension, on AOC.
Hillary needs one candidate to drop out – Warren. Klobuchar dropping out won’t be enough to give her a running lane. Warren out and CW being that Klobuchar can’t win, and Hillary launches.
@ 6
Would you serve as defense counsel at an inquisition in which only the prosecution could present witnesses, and all defense motions were decided at the prosecution table?
That was the impeachment phase, after all.
I’m surprised you went there, QoS McHillbilly. It really begs my question.
Coming to a Theater near you.
Ahhh, yes – but there is Mayor Pete! Go Mayor Pete!
Oh fuck me. This is so fucked up, even for you with the Seth Rich conspiracy delusion still worm holing your gray matter.
The biggest argument among Democrats right now is owing to Sanders sr staff strafing Biden over entitlements, and this re-opening the old wounds of Bernie Bros being dragged for not supporting Clinton. Even if your delusions are accurate as to her ambitions, they are irrelevant as to the events on the ground.
In that atmosphere HRC is a poison gas. And you and your 4chan girlfriends are huffing it.
Yes, they would. They are the Party of fear politics. Instead of telling you what they can do to fix something, they’ll tell you why you don’t want the other guy fixing it his way.
Mayor Pete: “I don’t just suck, I swallow.”
@7 you still believe she’s jumping in?
Bob, I’ll owe you 10 beers (your choice of what they are), if that ever happens, of no value greater than $100.
@ 14
Probably at the DNC, second (or third) ballot.
I have a really hard time believing it will be Biden. Really, Dems?
@13 now, now Bob. You and American can show your true colors, we don’t mind. But it really goes to show you the low life characters that you are.
@13 now, now Bob. No need to lower your character any further than you have already.
Like it or not, that accurately describes every criminal investigation and grand jury ever. In the phase of our system that precedes indictment and trial it is all criminal investigators and prosecutors. Nobody comes in to argue for the innocence of the prime suspect. Nobody gets to challenge the interrogators. It is entirely one sided.
In that respect our constitutional process for impeachment in the House is quite a bit more favorable to the accused than any criminal investigation ever is. You Trumpers got to call your own witnesses, cross “prosecution” witnesses, and otherwise put on a little political show for the cameras. It’s not House Democrat’s fault that your entire presentation consisted of “SO WHAT?” It isn’t even remotely true that Republicans were prevented from putting on a relevant defense of RapeFantasy in the House. Republicans didn’t bother to put on a relevant defense in the House because they couldn’t.
I’m only too happy to go there. Every chance you offer I’ll go there. Any smart Democrat would be happy to. Credibly debating the evidence of RapeFantasy’s criminal guilt is the one place in American where we know we won’t be bothered at all by Republicans. You never go there.
Now 16 post, after having to re-post (@17).
I got a new boss this past October.
After getting out of a meeting this morning – he comes to me and says were are going to be getting busy soon….so I ask why. He says the name of a Project that is going to start up soon.
I told the Dumbfuck that I’ve already started working on it, and have been for the last two weeks, and I sent him an email about 4 weeks ago letting him know that the Project Executive approached me on working on it and he even replied to the email to go ahead and add it to my work load, at that time.
What a dumbfuck – I think if they fired me, for not working right now, I really wouldn’t give a shit. This new boss was supposed to be a better replacement to the terrible boss that I had before. Great management and leadership!
” They are the Party of fear politics. Instead of telling you what they can do to fix something, they’ll tell you why you don’t want the other guy fixing it his way.”
That’s is the incumbent party’s job in an election.
The point is not that Republican partisans are doing what you would expect of them.
The point is that Bob is doing it.
Bot-farm troll’s idiot pretense that he is an independent free thinking individual who would gladly vote for a “good” Democrat is horseshit. That’s the fucking point. Everything he posts is a lie or a gross distortion. Everything. The only purpose that can be served by responding to his horseshit is to use the many opportunities he offers to demonstrate how degraded he and his political party have become.
That’s all he is to us. A foil. A caricature. A useful opportunity.
“Probably at the DNC, second (or third) ballot.”
Remember when Dumbfuck and his pal Ted Cruz sang us nearly the exact same tune ahead of the 2016 RNC?
From Wikipedia:
“Trump won the presidential nomination on July 19, 2016 on the first ballot with 69.8% of the delegates, the lowest percentage of delegates won by the Republican nominee since the 1976 Republican National Convention.”
That’s Republicans for you. Even a confessed rapist gets 70%.
13 – Yeah, that’s Pete’s big problem with Black voters: he’s a bit light in the loafers for them.
“They turn their lonely eyes to a twice-failed one.”
You need to go back to hashtags, traitor. That’s more your speed.
By the way, black unemployment went up. So much for your delusional wet dream of a Black Wave carrying you and Putin to victory.
@23 yeah but ironically he could probably give them the biggest and best stick!
“Everything he posts is a dumbfuck lie or a dumbfuck gross distortion.”
I thought it needed a fix.
@23 and they might observe it as being light in the loafers, but others might see them being empty in the skull as their downfall.
Good luck to All!
Remember how Republicans used to claim Democrats disrespect our military? By supporting Trump they will never, ever again have any credibility on that subject.
“…but others might see them being empty in the skull as their downfall.”
Maybe it might help to apply this reasoning to the thumpers and Church Ladies.
Not only have they been willing to get rapturously behind Satan, they helped elevate one of their own true rising messiahs to be, not just his Vice, but also one of the key operators of his criminal schemes. I wonder what’s in it for them?
Here’s a hint: bot-farm brings it up nearly once a week.
So you and I and everyone with an intact brain stem knows that the “culture wars” are over. Medical abortion is a click on a smartphone app. Same sex marriage is the law of the land as sanctified by a conservative Supreme Court. Bathroom bills are poised to cost the GOP North Carolina. The planet is awash in anime, MLP, goat porn in more translations than the Jehovah’s Witnesses can claim. Weed is legal in 33 states.
So what’s in it for them? They get a little more breathing room to continue the grift, drag their feet, humiliate a few trans middle schoolers, compel a few more Guatemalan rape babies, and maybe carve out their own little “constitution free zones”.
If they can find a pony buried under the Marianas Trench of Trump Shit, I can certainly make peace with Joe Biden.
Or Amy Klobuchar.
On ANY subject other than arm fishing and spare tire yard art.
@30 I was trying to keep my focus within manageable limits, not deal with the entire rap sheet in one comment.
@1 You would think law enforcement loves when budding sociopaths announce their intention of becoming criminals. Makes their job so much easier when the time comes to identify the perpetrators of crimes.
@3 “This is what happens when after six months of debates, the Dems can’t find a decent candidate. They turn their lonely eyes to a twice-failed one.”
Put in the context of the GOP’s 2016 nominating process, that’s fucking hilarious!
So the Democrats nominated Sanders? I thought the nomination wasn’t locked up yet. When did it end? Or were you just released back into our society after being kidnapped by aliens who took you on a trip into the future?
Your horse isn’t laughing with you, he’s laughing at you.
@5 “It’s just amazing how many new friends a person gains the first Wednesday in November every four years. If anyone ought to know that it would be you, Dumbfuck.”
Well ain’t that the truth. Lindsey Graham used to despise Trump. Just look at him now.
@7 I suspect your desperate desire for the Democrats to nominate Hillary again will lead to disappointment.
@8 Somebody should educate our armchair legal expert about how grand juries work. I don’t have the patience to do it. It’s like trying to feed a baby who keeps spitting food all over the place.
@15 “I have a really hard time believing it will be Biden. ”
But you have no trouble at all believing your party will close ranks behind Trump again. Neither do I. He’s what you are now.
I just got a blanket email from the Pete 2020 campaign – I’m sure this can be written off as typical campaign rhetoric, but it says that a pro-Bernie dark money group is running digital ads in Iowa and New Hampshire spreading falsehoods of Pete’s affordable healthcare plan.
I’m starting to think Bernie is a bit zealous, overly so, in his drive to be Prez. I don’t know – possibly the same accusations could be made towards the Pete campaign, or any of the others, but looks to me like I’d rather have a guy who is getting money from the rich as Prez, then some dishonest, low balling, individual or group of people.
@20 It’s not a publicly traded company, is it? If so, I don’t want to own their stock. In investing, management quality matters. (It matters in public governance, too, but you’ll never get Boob to understand this.)
@21 It’s interesting that he’s promoting HRC now. I don’t remember him doing that when she was the actual nominee.
“What a dumbfuck – I think if they fired me, for not working right now, I really wouldn’t give a shit. This new boss was supposed to be a better replacement to the terrible boss that I had before. Great management and leadership!”
Gman, I could tell you tales of dumbfuckness at the top of Seattle engineering firms that would both curl you hair and leave you rolling on the floor. And there’s a glass floor under this dumbfuckery as well. No matter how much someone at the top fucks up, even if they drive their firm into bankruptcy and disgrace, they always reemerge as a principle somewhere else. There’s just no getting rid of these people.
Masks are fashionable. I see Washington State can claim being a first for me.
@39 No, no worries in mistakenly investing in them, not a public company. Privately owned.
Although they are a very reputable Company, just growing too quickly too big in NYC and the leadership in this office is a bit to be desired.
I first thought it was just a problem with my direct report, the guy that was replaced – he was new to the company and wasn’t at all ambitious. But his direct report, who made the decision to bring in the new guy, I think is now more of the idiot, for bringing in this new idiot, with not much better skills than the other guy, who is still around and taken a lesser role. We both report to the new guy.
Oh well, 3 more years or 5 if I want to try to stretch it a bit more, or I take the moonlighting job a bit further, which is a strong potential and I could work part timish.
@43 The problem with MEP consultants is greed at the top, and greed corrupts. Soon, they have no ethics at all. It’s a pretty sad thing. It wasn’t always that way.
The NFPA code development process is also corrupt. It’s become a means for corporations to increase market share, regain lost market share, or creating an entirely new market that has no technical substantiation for being in the codes in the first place, and for which the corporation submitting proposals has the only product available that meets code. Tyco subsidiaries (do recall the toga-dancing CEO?) are pros at this. It’s the only thing they do well.
I’ve seen that “dumbfuck hires a fellow dumbfuck” thing too often. Smart developers like Microsoft don’t want MEP consultants on their projects. They much prefer design-build contractors. MEP consulting firms did it to themselves by having dumbfucks at the top, and those dumbfucks hiring more dumbfucks.
The only thing wrong here is a lot of disorganization and a lot of non management as opposed to being completely mis-managed.
So anyway, dumbfuck, how goes the treason today? Making any progress ending American democracy and replacing it with a totalitarian fascist dictatorship?
It used to be that the best and very ethical engineers were at the top. But as those firms were sold, it was dumbfucks with wealthy wives who were able to purchase the most stock. Then dumbfucks began to begat more dumbfucks. Sad, really, to see a once hugely respected profession in steep decline over ethical issues. They quite willingly violate the laws which govern the profession
These people think it’s fun to order a dildo online and have it delivered to the office where they know that the girls at the front desk are required open and inspect the contents. If the package is addressed to a firm principle, the girl then has to hand deliver the open package (with a dildo in it) to the principle it was addressed to, a man with the power to fire the young woman. Fun, huh?
Speaking of companies with management issues, I sold all my remaining Boeing shares this morning. (I started selling at about $370 but kept some shares as a bet on a quick recovery, but things just keep getting worse at that company. BA is down more today, and looks to go under $300 soon.)
@50 The way I see it, I haven’t made a dime until I sell the position. Cel-Sci (CVM)* is up over 1200% in little over a year, up over 20% today, but as long as I hold it, I’ve made no money at all.
I don’t care if Cel-Sci is little more than a hand written sign taped to an abandoned store window. I’ve played that one like a fiddle for 20 years. I do love my small-cap biotechs.
I can’t help but admire Republicans for their courage and their love for American democracy.
@52 What did you expect? This notion that Romney is a kind and gentle elder statesman is bullshit. That’s only true in comparison to Trump, who makes everyone else look like a moderate. This is the same guy who made his bones by stripping companies of their assets and laying off thousands of workers, and then lost to Obama in 2012 after telling a private (or so he thought) gathering of millionaires that the rest of us are “freeloaders.” He doesn’t want Trump gone. Trump protects millionaires like him, and as a cheater himself, Romney has no problem with Trump cheating to win re-election.
losing lots of money after spending almost as much on attorney’s fees has never sounded like much fun to me.
Stock market no do so good today.
52, 53,
I’m not sure there’s much they can do at this point.
Most of them negotiated their agreements before the Parnas documents started being published. They have to do whatever damage control they can. But that was baked into this pie from the start.
The problem as I see it for Senate Republicans is that their original intention was to put the House process on trial. And until a week or so ago that looked okay. But now that more and more directly involved cooperating witnesses are coming forward it has massively improved Schumer’s chances for putting Senate Republicans on trial, while limiting their options for damage control.
I don’t really expect to be very impressed with Schumer’s performance in this. Nor frankly of Schiff. They let their personal egos get too invested in details and specifics of where they stand and they fail to feel it when the ground shifts. But on balance, seeing as it’s a given that every Republican votes to suppress the evidence and rig the trial, and with each day revealing more members of Team FingerRape in on the Drug Deal, maybe that isn’t as important.
The hardest dance in this process will still fall on Blue State Senate GOPers trying to pretend to be “moderate” or to represent their voters and the constitution instead of obeying FingerRape’s orders. It’s day one and Collins has already shit the bed very badly and the sheets are already being flown in the DC sky over the trial. Before this is over, she will have plenty of company.
Julie Swetnick is very unhappy she was not called as a witness. She was present in the room when the pee-pee tape was recorded.
Preening. Is there anything that is a more disgusting, um attribute, I mean, other than being a fascist POS traitor?
Who does that more? Dumbfuck or his orange moron?
I’d say it’s Doctor Dumbfuck. “I’m a radiologist and you’re not!” “I’m rich!” “I just bought a pickup truck!” “I just bought a horse trailer!” “I just bought a boat?” “I’m special!!”
What a fucktard. It’s like he’s got “loser” stamped all over his forehead and doesn’t want us to notice.
“President Donald Trump spread distorted information about the U.S. economy and his administration’s involvement with historically black colleges in a preening performance Tuesday at the Davos…”
Other than collectors, people who are truly wealthy don’t buy trucks for personal use.
Because there is never a circumstance in their personal lives where owning a truck would be of any use to them.
@59 The trick is to hire someone else to do your yardwork, haul your trash, make repairs and purchase the lumber and supplies, etc., and then not pay them. Just ask The Donald. He taught us “The Art of the Deal.” Even hired someone to write a book for him. I’ll bet that guy didn’t get paid either.
@56 Today Adam Schiff spent an hour explaining the intended role of impeachment in our system of government to a roomful of Republican senators who don’t want to hear it. Then Trump’s lawyers got to respond, and his lead counsel spoke for only 3 minutes. It seems they were unprepared (something you learn not to be in the earliest days of law school, which makes you wonder how these people got through law school). They had no response. All they did was attack Schiff ad hominem.
It’s still early in the first quarter, but this already looks like a game they’re losing, and would lose badly without a corrupt referee on their side making up the game rules as he goes along.
@55 What do you mean not so good? I want it to go down, so I can trade ephemeral Fed-created fiat money for valuable stocks. I hope it goes down a lot more.
Add Alan Dershowitz to the list of Trump sycophants who think there should be different rules for Clinton and Trump:
“’To the extent there are inconsistencies between my current position and what I said 22 years ago, I am correct today,’ Dershowitz began his four-part Twitter thread. … ‘To the extent therefore that my 1998 off-the-cuff interview statement suggested the opposite, I retract it,’ he concluded. ‘Scholars learn to adapt and even change old views as they do more research.’”
They also learn to adapt from offense to defense when their guy gets caught.
What you might have missed had you not followed @ 58 Steve’s link:
The Trump administration generally has supported historically black colleges, as previous administrations have done, and it’s true that such schools have faced financial struggles and some have closed. The Trump administration has expanded access to federal support for black schools with religious affiliations and in 2018 forgave federal loans given to several of them after hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
Kudos to Doug Jones are due, as well.
Dems are gonna have to twist in the wind on this one.
The justices denied motions to fast-track consideration of petitions filed by the U.S. House of Representatives and a group of blue states, asking the Supreme Court to weigh in on the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate.
Earlier this month the House and the states came to the Supreme Court, telling the justices that the question is too important to wait for the district court and then the court of appeals to act again before the justices finally have their say. Briefs were filed by the individuals and states challenging the mandate, as well as by the federal government, which has declined to defend the ACA, countering that there is “no emergency” that would justify a departure from the court’s normal procedures, and today the justices turned down the motions to fast-track the petitions.
The denial of the motions means that the responses to the petitions will not be due until February 3, unless that date is extended, and the justices will not consider the petitions until a conference in late February or early March – too late for the court to hear oral argument this term even if the petitions are granted.
Too late.
Here’s the Biden team, telling reporters how to frame the Biden family’s involvement in events connected to the impeachment.
Meanwhile, Biden campaigns while Bernie, Liz, and Amy cool their heels and fidget. Bernie, of course, will be using chartered planes to
piss off Greta Thunberghit those all-important fundraisers and campaign stops in the evenings while the trial is ongoing.Schiff intentionally redacted evidence that “mr z” isn’t President Zelensky.
Schiff may have mischaracterized Parnas evidence, documents show
This is why ‘froggy can’t get a job.
Man stabs, kills pro-Trump boss, drapes American flag over him, deputies say
According to the affidavit, Toney is very outspoken about his beliefs and has said the government is out to get him.
Witnesses said they heard Knight yell for help and saw Toney repeatedly stabbing him with a trowel, according to the affidavit.
‘froggy would have used an airplane tail jackscrew rather than a trowel. There’s no other difference between the killer’s behavior and ‘froggy.
Hillary drags Obama through the mud.
Hillary Clinton, left, has defended taking money from Harvey Weinstein, right, arguing the Obamas did it too and she ‘could not have possibly known’ about the raft of sexual assault allegations against him. Clinton and Weinstein are pictured in 2004
I’d like to see the guy convicted and sent to prison to be buttfucked for all eternity.
And I’d like it to only require one trial. WTF.
Okay, let’s break this down. When asked to describe the book in court, the novelist omits that it has something to do with relationships and older men. Then, when directly asked if it involved “predatory older men,” she lies and says that while it involves older men, “it’s not a predatory situation at all.” Yet as noted above, her own website to this very day describes the book as involving “predatory older men.”
So to recap: Harvey Weinstein is charged with predatory sexual assault and one of his jurors wrote a book about young women and predatory older men. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to deduce that the novelist clearly lied and misled both the parties and the court to be on this jury.
I just realized that gman wouldn’t think it was prison if he was sent @ 70 to be buttfucked for all eternity; he’d think it was heaven.
Whoa! Did the doctor prescribe himself some good stuff? Look at him post! And check this shit out. Must be drugs.
“generally has supported”
“with religious affiliations”
“2018 forgave federal loans”
“I’d like to see the guy convicted and sent to prison to be buttfucked for all eternity.”
Well, common ground. Huh! How about that. Don’t see much of that anymore. Whatever happened to days when I’d argue with any liberal who attacked Puddy and Christianity? Yeah, back when I had more contempt for that dipshit motherfucker Daddy Love than I had for any troll. And I loved the HNMT! I miss him! He wrote the most poignant comment in the history of this fucking blog after I had taken on someone attacking Puddy on his faith. That comment left tears in my eyes.
Those were the days.
Yeah, back when Goldy had his Bible bashing blog. What a dumbfuck. There was a time when if anyone from Philly or anywhere else had moved our city and started telling people what’ to do, they’d have gotten their ass kicked every day until they left town tarred and feathered. That’s what I always wanted to do to Goldy. But my God, if anybody from California came here, especially from that fucking Frisco, heh, came here and did that, they could get shot on Seattle’s 5th Avenue and the people on the sidewalks would rush over to piss on him before he died.
Those were the days.
Now back to these goddamned fucking fascist traitors.
I consider myself duly chastened.
Do not come between a Trumper and his pickup.
@70 Huh. Shows how little you know. The most anybody can do under our system is the rest of his/her life.
So much sexy talk from Bob. The dude is definitely hard up for it.
Those were the good ole days….need to bring that back!
Fuck all them voodoo religions.
“The District of Columbia is suing President Donald Trump’s inaugural committee and two companies that control the Trump International Hotel in the nation’s capital, accusing them of throwing parties for the Trump family with nonprofit funds, and overpaying for event space at the hotel. …
“The lawsuit, announced Wednesday, alleges that the committee abused nonprofit funds and coordinated with the Trump family to ‘grossly overpay for event space’ in the hotel.
“It was the latest allegation that Trump and his family have used public and nonprofit funds spent at Trump-owned properties to enrich themselves ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This isn’t new, and misusing public office for grifting purposes isn’t unique to Trump; it’s longstanding GOP policy. Converting public funds to private gain is an essential part of Republicans’ core tenets and values. Heck, that’s what Blackwater mercenaries and privatizing everything from prisons to Social Security is all about.