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The DNC calculated that Hillary would perform better in primaries if the dates and times of the debates were structured such that primary voters didn’t have the opportunity to vet her positions.
They were correct. Until the general.
Goldy Retweeted
Sam Seder✔
Bloomberg is calculating that he will perform better in primaries if Democratic rivals & voters dont have the opportunity to vet his positions. I’d bet he is correct.
What’s the difference between:
• buying an election, as Bloomberg hopes to do
• buying an election by promising free shit purportedly paid for by other peoples’ money but ultimately paid for by Joe and Jane Taxpayer, as Warren and so many of the other Dem candidates hope to do?
Depends on what the outcome of what is produced and if it benefits the Country as a whole. Not just what benefits Bob is the point of us being Americans and Humans.
What’s the difference between spending $300 for a whore, and $300 for a horse trailer?
If you only had a brain Bob.
Bob how about you tell us what the difference is between the following:
People who cry about a deficit, that is inherited and reduced over a period of 8 years
then electing a fucking fascist fucking pig who increases that deficit back to levels that were inherited, and then don’t cry about it anymore.
@2 if you were concerned with elections being bought you think you would speak out against the Citizens United decision. But you are not – you are here just to be a troll.
Spent thousands to be in the medical profession, only to end up a as a Troll – so fulfilling.
@2 Hooboy. Here we go … a libertarian (libertine?) complaining about “free shit” …
Got news for ya, doc, nobody — NOBODY — are bigger panhandlers than Republicans and their libertarian fellow travelers. Show me “free shit” and I’ll show you a herd of Republican pigs crowding around the trough.
@3 Well, I wouldn’t say spending $300 on a front seat blowjob or $30,000 on horse trailer is the same as spending $30 on a library book, but we know which Boob loves to complain about.
Sen. John Kennedy seen and heard walking back his remarks about Ukraine interfering in our 2016 election.
Believe it or not, there’s still a Republican out there capable of feeling slightly embarrassed about being an idiot.
It’s too bad YOU never developed that trait!
@ 8, 9
Indeed. One would think that after publishing a screed
What Citizens Don’t Understand About Police Use Of Force
about ‘fleeing felon’ doctrine in reference to a thug who was shot several times in the front of his body while he was in the process of bull-rushing a cop,
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit would show some humility and embarrassment.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is shameless. Incontinent, impotent, and shameless.
NPR hits on the YLB Factor:
Foster says there could also be what’s called a moral hazard factor here for future students. “Those students might expect future loan forgiveness and therefore they’ll take out even more money than they might have otherwise.”
Handouts increase the number of hands out.
Tweet du jour:
Ryan Lizza
Verified account
Bernie’s rise amid Warren’s decline has really been under-covered. It’s still possible that this ends up a Bernie-Biden race in the end. Or even a Bernie-Biden-Bloomberg battle of the 77/78 year olds.
5:46 AM – 26 Nov 2019
It’s Bernie’s turn. Remember that logic, with Hillary? “It’s her turn.”
This is how you get more Trump.
@6 last Friday I could have saved $10. Someone I know would have been able to “put my name on a list” to get into a club instead of paying the cover charge. But I told him no.
I happen to frequent this place soften because it’s one of the closest places I go out to. I think by putting my name on the list, I think it was implied that it would be for a while, but maybe it was just that one night because my friend was performing there that night.
Anyhow, I go so often that sometimes they’ll just charge me $5 instead of the $10. But I elected not to take him up on it. I just felt that if I had to tell someone my name just to avoid paying $10 that it was kind of an elitist attitude, unlike any fucking Republican would do. That night they charged me the $10, I didn’t even get the discount of $5….and I was no poorer than I am today.
@12 “It’s Bernie’s turn”?
Are you hoarding giraffes again?
That’s how we get more Shithead
Today Warren was forced to admit that, contrary to the answer she gave to a black woman who called her out last week, she DID send her kid to a private school.
This Thanksgiving I suggest that Steve somberly reflect upon his sins, notable among them the loss of two (and counting) Supreme Court seats and the theft of his sanity by Hillary Clinton, due to his devastatingly moronic decision to go all-in on her candidacy in 2016.
In fact, Silverman noted, for the last 50 years, the Wampanoag Indians have marked Thanksgiving as a National Day of Mourning. Like many other Native Americans, they spend the holiday somberly reflecting on a history of genocide, the theft of their lands and the assault on their culture. At the Plimoth Plantation, a living history museum in Plymouth, some staff paint their faces black on Thanksgiving and perform traditional ceremonies to both honor their ancestors and remember a legacy of oppression.
“due to his devastatingly moronic decision to go all-in on her candidacy”
Zero. The number of times I’ve said anything nice about Hillary.
Zero. The number of Hillary’s crimes Dumbfuck has identified.
Zero. The number of times Doctor Dumbfuck has offered an explanation to us for why Hillary was so…awful.
Zero. The effectiveness of a dumbfuck’s dumbfuckery.
Zero. The number of times it will ever dawn on a dumbfuck that he’s being a dumbfuck.
@ 17
Just so we’re clear:
Zero. The number of times I have cast a vote for Trump.
And yet, he’s my fault. Isn’t that right. Steve.
Just so godwinha’s clear
Zero is the number of times godwinha has made good on a bet he lost.
And yet, it’s our fault that nobody trusts him.
@18 We believe you didn’t vote for trump the same way we believe your declarations of Roger Rabbits wealth.
In March of 2011, according to FOX and the GOP, enforcing a “no-fly” zone in Libya in accordance with a UN Security Council resolution was legal grounds for impeachment.
Well that’s a coincidence…
“But Mum! I was going to check the IDs of the hookers this time.”
They did what with the what now?
It’s a Thanksgiving miracle!
The Fucking Moron @ 19, 20 is back!
Now this is truly surprising.
Bloomberg News’s union pushed back on the decision on Monday and demanded that reporters be allowed to cover the campaign. It accused the editorial team of “silencing journalists” and urged them to reconsider.
“We are extremely alarmed by management’s decision to silence the journalists we represent at Bloomberg Industry Group, as well as the unrepresented journalists at Bloomberg News,” the Guild at Bloomberg Industry Group wrote. “Journalism’s first obligation is to the truth and as journalists, we must maintain an independence from those we cover.”
This must be the first time in history that a union has objected to getting paid for doing nothing.
according to FOX and the GOP, Obama breathing was legal grounds for impeachment.
But now Fascism is the way to go – lead by Bob. The horse is so disappointed
a true miracle would be for Puffy to return from Hell.
first time in history that a union has objected to getting paid for doing nothing.
CBP union has been doing it for decades.
As usual, Teh Dumbfuck to busy choke-fapping to goat anime to pay any attention.
Tom Cotton’s seat is one y’all libbies won’t flip.
The National Republican Senatorial Committee, meanwhile, questioned the challenger’s work history, tweeting that Mahony had been “unable to remember the last time he was employed.”
“Other damaging material that has not been made public” was in the hands of reporters, Colas wrote in the memo. The memo — which urged Cotton backers to continue to support the campaign — did not spell out what that material was.
The Republican bombardment was brief.
“Two hours later, Mahony dropped out, without first alerting the Democratic Party of Arkansas,” the memo noted.
Too bad, really. ‘froggy can’t remember the last time he was employed, either.
@9 Never had the opportunity, because I’m not an idiot, Rabbit Brain.
@10 “would show some humility and embarrassment.”
Coming from you, that’s laughably hypocritical. After all, you’re the dumbfuck who shills for Trump on a liberal blog on a daily basis.
@11 “Handouts increase the number of hands out.”
Boy, ain’t that the truth, nowhere is this facet of human nature so pronounced as at the top of the heap. Not satisfied with the Reagan and Bush tax cuts, America’s rich came back for more. But doc, their greed isn’t a good excuse for refusing to help those at the bottom.
Numerous studies have shown the surest path to success in America is having rich parents.
@14 Yeah, I’m sure Dumbfuck would love to see the Democrats nominate a self-described “socialist” to validate Trump calling Democrats “socialists.” And also because he’s just itching to get four more years of Trump.
Here’s where that could go horribly wrong for the Doctor Dumbfucks of the world and their fellow travelers:
“Without these interventions, many times Donald Trump would have wandered into the political wilderness far from the Republican camp … his fear of disappointing ‘the base’ most consistently keeps him in check. … This should be only a temporary comfort to worried Republicans. Because the base will not matter to Trump if he is reelected in 2020.” — “A Warning,” by Anonymous, p. 94
@15 No doubt millions of black voters would find in that a reason to vote for Trump instead of Warren.*
* Actually, no, but you might be stupid enough to believe that. Or alternatively, you’re posting irrelevant trivia just to clog up this comment thread with meaningless static.
“Zero. The number of times I have cast a vote for Trump.”
Zero. The number of people here who will ever believe you.
You need to remember, Doctor, that this is HA, Here, we not only fill in the blanks about you, we fill your ballot out for you, too.
So, yes, you voted for Trump. And, yes, everything wrong in this world is your fault.
@18 Most people don’t relentlessly shill for candidates they didn’t vote for, which implies something is out of kilter with your thought process.
@24 Holcomb didn’t get Amazon HQ2 anyway. Bezos knew better than to trust a Republican to keep his promises.
@25 That’s all you got? Even your horse can do way better than that.
@28 Not gonna happen. Hell is like a black hole, there’s no way out; Puffy’s stuck there. There’s no way out of Doctor Dumbfuck’s skin, either; he’s stuck with who he is.
Clearly it has begun to bother him a teeensy weeeensy bit. Hee hee.
As a proud member of “Willard’s Party of Personal Responsibility” Teh Dumbfuck neeeeeds to find a way to BELIEVE that this humiliation his movement is undergoing is SOMEBODY ELSE’S FAULT.
Hell, I’d love to be able to take the credit. And I honestly wish we could say Democrats did all this to them. But the really astonishing truth is that REPUBLICANS DID THIS ENTIRELY TO THEMSELVES.
Republicans designed their primary to elevate the most accomplished Birfer-In-Chief to be their nominee.
Republicans staffed the campaign with incompetent, lying, criminal grifters like Stone, Cohen, Flynn, Manafort, Gates, etc. all now doing time.
Republicans took the meeting when Russian GRU reached out with DURTY-DURTY DURT.
Republicans set up the back channels to feed stolen emails into the press.
Republicans built the fake shell companies to payoff the sticky porno ladies with illegal campaign money.
Republicans chanted “JEWS WILL NOT REPLACE US!”
Republicans drove the DeathCar.
Republicans beat up the Sobbing Guatemalan Toddlers™.
Republicans built and staffed the Baby Rape Cages.
Republicans fired the FBI director.
Republicans appointed the Special Counsel.
Republicans ran the Special Counsel investigation.
Republicans controlled the timing and release of the Special Counsel report.
Republicans set up Giuliani’s team of Russian-Ukrainian bag men.
Republicans arranged the quid-pro-quo.
Republicans proffered the solicitation to bribery.
Republicans faked the transcript.
Republicans locked down the real transcript.
Republicans assembled and carried out the conspiracy to obstruct.
Republicans promoted the latest iteration of Stoopid TIME MUSHEEN Qanon conspiracies.
Republicans witnessed it all.
Republicans testified about it all.
And now Republicans are falling all over themselves conjuring up dumb reasons why their impeachment voting fingers got injured doing POOOSEY GRAAABS.
I wish we could take credit for this debacle. Fuck me, I do. If Hillary could take credit she’d go down in history as the greatest progressive politician in history. But in truth she’s just an old lady who ran a bad campaign. The rest, and boy howdy it’s a fuck ton, the rest we have to admit the Republicans all did entirely to themselves. These years could have been a triumph for them. But for one thing. Republicans.
#youbuiltthat Republicans. You really did. You can cry and piss and moan and point fingers and hold your breath, and it won’t change it or convince anyone differently. We all watched in shocked amazement as this humiliating history of shirtless rage faced bigotry and stupidity unfolded before us. You did it all in plain view for all to see. Waaaay too late to try hiding from it now.
Thanks again!
@ 37
You need to remember, Doctor, that this is HA, Here, we not only fill in the blanks about you, we fill your ballot out for you, too.
That may be the funniest thing I’ve read on HA this year.
@43 Nah. Your posts are waaay funnier. Even the horse thinks so.
So they say life expectancy is on the decline due to middle-aged people dying, especially in Ohio.
Understandable. Republicans cherish the sanctity of life.
Gym looking away
Gabbard in 5th place in Suffolk/Globe NH primary poll.
Willie’s former cocksucker and Spartacus way down.
Political Polls
#NEW Post-Deabte New Hampshire @BostonGlobe/@Suffolk_U Poll
Sanders 16%
Warren 14%
Buttigieg 13%
Biden 12%
Gabbard 6%
Yang 4%
Harris 3%
Booker/Steyer 2%
Klobuchar/Patrick 1% …
2:04 PM – Nov 25, 2019
The best thing about Gabbard in that poll is that more respondents said they’d vote Trump or 3rd party if she wasn’t the nomineee than in response to any other candidate.
@46, @47 Here’s Doctor Dumbfuck cheerleading for Putin’s favorite candidate in the Democratic primary field, after spending three years cheerleading for Putin’s Manchurian candidate in the White House. At least Doctor Dumbfuck is consistent — consistently pro-Putin, that is. Here’s a sing-along for ya, doc:
With a little practice, you should get pretty good at it.
Timmy Eyman makes the usual ass of himself in court today.
Imagine what he’d be like as governor.
The best thing about Biden is that he might actually get nominated.
Hunter Biden suspected of smoking crack in DC strip club’s VIP room
The incident, which took place at Archibald’s Gentlemen’s Club in Washington, DC, late last year, represents the most recent alleged drug use by Biden, 49, who has acknowledged six stints in rehab for alcoholism and addiction that included a crack binge in 2016.
Workers at Archibald’s, located about three blocks north of the White House, said Biden was a regular there, with two bartenders and a security worker all instantly recognizing his photo and one worker identifying him by name.
Fortunately, Hunter parties close to the White House so when he needs to score it’s only a couple of blocks to steal shit out of the Lincoln Bedroom to pawn.
@49 Eyman says he’s running for governor as an independent. Apparently the GOP, even in its current state, doesn’t want a shoplifter candidate. This is good. Eyman will split the Republican vote — what’s left of it. Inslee won’t have any problem getting a third term.
@50 That’s not news. Hunter Biden’s struggles with substance abuse has long been common knowledge. See, e.g.,
So what?
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History remembers the 1890 Wounded Knee massacre as an atrocity. Although the mostly-disarmed Native Americans fought back as best they could, most of the Seventh Cavalry casualties resulted from their own fire (so-called “friendly fire”). Afterwards, 20 of the soldiers were awarded the Medal of Honor. (By contrast, only 3 Medals of Honor were awarded to South Dakota residents in World War 2.) The Lakota tribal council has called these awards “medals of dishonor.” Now, Democrats in the House and Senate are supporting a bill to rescind them.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: There is ample precedent for rescinding medals. During the Civil War and Indian Wars, medals were handed out capriciously, and a 1917 review board rescinded 911 Medals of Honor, although about half a dozen of these were later restored to individuals who were deserving but deemed ineligible because they were civilians (two of these recipients were Buffalo Bill Cody, a civilian scout, and Dr. Mary Walker, a civilian surgeon). The Wounded Knee medals are a thorn in the side of Native Americans, and were awarded with flimsy justification. This bill shouldn’t be controversial, but it remains to be seen if Republicans will support it, and don’t be shocked if Cadet Bone Spurs vetoes it. After all, the victims were Native Americans, so to his racist mind, why shouldn’t this bloodletting be applauded?
LMAO!!! Undergrad’s paid for. Nothing to forgive. Post grad is on them. We advise them to think it through and choose wisely.
Current loan forgiveness programs is only for fed backed loans. Do the feds loan for overpriced shit like U of Phoenix? That’s fucking insane if they do. Yours truly wouldn’t know. It doesn’t apply to us.
As usual, ofmarykay talks out its horse-f’ed ass.
Latest CNN poll:
Biden – 28%
Sanders – 17%
Warren – 14%
Buttigieg – 11%
Notably, Warren’s poll numbers have been cut in half, largely because of the unpopularity of Medicare For All, which she is promoting. Also worth noting is that Doctor Dumbfuck’s screeds against Hunter Biden are getting no traction, but that should surprise no one; even his horses laugh at him.
About half of all Americans diagnosed with cancer will go bankrupt during treatment. About half of all women will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetimes. About a third of all men.
Often people fear what they are told to fear, instead of what they really should.
@57 Obviously about 40% of Americans fear Donald Trump much less than they should. Fox has brainwashed a lot of people.
And then you have Doctor Dumbfuck, who claims he didn’t vote for Trump, but who seems to be against everybody else.
But really, if any one of us had to try and make it through life with a name like Aubrey…
Anti-vax grifters sell $200 tickets to low income people in developing nations in the Central and South Pacific to attend “Making Informed Choices” seminars, where they can also purchase books, videos, and elixirs. RFK Jr. is in on the grift.
In June he visited Samoa to promote the seminars and to push back against local government trying to prevent the grifters from scamming people, lobbying gov officials at the highest levels.
Now 2500 people are very sick, and 32 people, mostly infants, are dead from an outbreak of highly infectious yet utterly preventable measles. Fucking measles.
But hey, at least they don’t have autism.
Let’s go Pete!
If she the Dem nominee, I’d vote for The Hump, and maybe even campaign for him….how’s that.
You like things fucked up, we can make things even more fucked up to please you.
See Bob.
How things can get more fucked up.
It’s probably not something you would have agreed with in the past, but I’m sure you have no problem going along.
Could be worse. What if his parents had named him Audrey because they wanted a girl? No telling what the body count would be.
@59 Seems like a case for Child Protective Services.
I think I mentioned something very similar to this a couple of days ago.
Brit Hume
Verified account
Difference between Mike Bloomberg and Elizabeth Warren/Bernie
Sanders is that Bloomberg is trying to buy the election with his money and Warren/Sanders are trying to buy it with yours.
2:31 PM – 26 Nov 2019
@66 so catchy. I’m sure Faux News made it part of the choir days ago.
The Hump has stole your brain, he’s turned it into shit. Wasn’t very hard. Probably the easiest thing the Hump has ever accomplished in his life.
I call bullshit on @ 57
About half of all Americans diagnosed with cancer will go bankrupt during treatment.
If this is true:
We found that cancer patients were 2.65 times more likely to go bankrupt than people without cancer.
and if half of Americans go bankrupt during cancer therapy, then the bankruptcy rate for everyone else should be nearly 19%.
It isn’t.
Yesterday was the stock markets’ 100th new all-time high closing under Trump.
Looks like today will be # 101.
If current trends hold, later today Steve will pronounce me responsible for the Holocaust and for the hurricane that devastated Galveston in 1900.
Before he does that I’d like to wish Steve a very happy Thanksgiving.
We’re the e-mails by any chance on a server?
@ 71
We’re the e-mails by any chance on a server?
1. No. They’re on Weiner’s laptop.
I’d be a little concerned if I were you, and the horse is starting to get jealous.
What are y’all libbies gonna do to prop up Warren?
I read somewhere earlier this week that so far only 8,000 people have ever voted for Pete.
Of course, that’s 8,000 more than ever voted for Trump, before 62 million of them decided they preferred him to a corrupt, horrible human being who had already spent eight years fucking up the White House.
Racist Incel, there is this article.
Cancer forces 42% of patients to exhaust life savings in 2 years, study finds
Across the population, the average patient saw a loss of $92,098. Financial insolvency extended to 38.2 percent after four or more years.
Someone with more time can make sense of this data
1 in 4 cancer survivors is going broke fighting to stay alive
I can hear the Racist Incel crowing that it’s only 25%
Red, if you’re gonna die you have no real need for savings beyond date of death.
I suppose playing a version of Brewster’s Millions if you’re given a short lifespan prognosis might be a fun way to go. Unless you’re Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit or ‘froggy, that is.
Exhausting savings and going bankrupt are not the same thing, Red.
If Elizabeth Warren is not President, I’m fine with her staying Senator.
most people not on a single payer system who get sick with cancer spend the bulk of their treatment fighting with insurance companies over bills, and rearranging their finances to try and pay those bills while they are far too sick to work and earn any money to pay those bills. If they are lucky, they have lots and lots of money to begin with, or they (very rarely) have a generous insurance policy, and so they survive the institutional torture with some financial foundation still intact.
But about half of them end up going through everything they’ve got, selling off assets, liquidating savings, canceling future plans, and depleting all the principal in their primary residence in order to pay all the bills for treatment.
Because they got sick. And they had insurance.
Call it whatever the fuck you want. Most don’t file for bankruptcy because since Republicans reformed the bankruptcy laws it offers them little protection from medical debt and costs them more than its worth. Under our system of private health insurance you may “get to pick your own doctor!” But you still don’t get to pick whether or not you get sick. And for about half of all Americans who get really sick they lose everything to pay for it.
Maybe we are all just incredibly lucky. Maybe none of us will get cancer.
Then again, maybe Puddy got cancer.
Far more realistic than pretending he was lynched. And maybe he survived it. But no $800 iPhones and $100/mo internet when you still owe $250k and you’re on a payment plan forevah.
Yeah. Medicare for all is some scary shit. Boooooo!
The new GOP campaign slogan:
Gotta come up with a way to fit that on a red trucker hat.
@ 79
But no $800 iPhones and $100/mo internet when you still owe $250k and you’re on a payment plan forevah.
I don’t see why not. Thousands and thousands of XXXXXX Studies graduates manage to do it.
I don’t see why this matters to either side.
Jessica Huseman
Verified account
Three women, named and on the record, accuse Sondland of sexual misconduct.
12:58 PM – 27 Nov 2019
Ford truck transmissions suck, and have for a very long time. Chickening out of a public duel with Tesla perpetuates Ford’s poorly kept secret.
Ford says it has nothing to prove to Tesla in F-150 vs Cybertruck tow battle
I preferred the F-250 features but went with the RAM 2500 because of the Cummins engine and the more reliable transmission. Probably the last time ever I’ll buy a new vehicle.
@ 80
Gotta come up with a way to fit that on a
red trucker hatn Audi RS8.ftfy
“I don’t see why this matters to either side.”
Yeah. About that.
You see, in Trump Afterlife you get to watch everything you’ve worked your whole life for taken away slowly by lawyers.
See: Michael Flynn, Dylan Howard, Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, Michael Cohen, Roger Stone, Igor Fuhrman, Lev Parnas, Konstantin Kilimnik, George Papadopolous, Alex Van der Zwaan, Richard Pinedo, Sam Patten, Bijan Kian, Skim Alptekin, etc. etc. etc. fooorevaaaaah……
Gotta come up with a way to fit that on
a red trucker hatn Audi RS8Mary Kay’s Christmas Eve camisole.No. ftfy
@ 85
You see, in Trump Afterlife you get to watch everything you’ve worked your whole life for taken away …
In Obama afterlife you get to watch everything you’ve worked for your whole life taken away by executive orders that undo yours. Because you didn’t work through Congress, Pen/Phone dude.
Wasn’t paying much attention. But had not noticed a long line of Obama’s close personal associates pleading out, signing away all their belongings, or squandering their life savings on quixotic extended legal battles ending in maximum sentencing.
And maybe it’s just me, but I’ll be damned if I can see how beating up Sobbing Guatemalan Toddlers or building Baby Rape Cages deprives Bob Bauer or David Plouffe of their beach lodges in Bermuda.
Come to think of it, the most famous Obama alum dealing with this kind of shit is Greg Craig. I guess that just goes to show you, eh? Choose your clients. Don’t let them choose you.
@ 88
… a long line of Obama’s close personal associates pleading out…
You should have been noticing a long line of Hillary’s close personal associates being granted immunity in order to speak with the FBI.
You should have noticed all of those destroyed laptops and Blackberry phones not evaluated as part of the FBI’s “investigation” into Hillary’s malfeasance.
Had you done so, there likely would have been time to substitute a nominee who could, you know,
beat Donald Trump.
The Kiwi who first summited Everest?
Admittedly progressive in his politics. But not even an American.
Much less and American President.
I think he was a dairy farmer, or some shit like that.
Were his cows in trouble? Geez. You Republicans and your cows.
Sorry Dumbfuck. That wasn’t just a swing and a miss. That’s wood choppin’. No wonder you need to change the subject whenever you bring up your president.
In the end, Gordo is really no different than any other Trump stooge, so really no different than you.
Trump got the better of him. And Trump got the better of you. You and every other Republican. He fucked you.
Maybe Mr. Safety School,
Esq.will write you a check when he gets out of Otisville.Having seen what his presidency has reduced you to, why would I want that?
“Y’all” Groypers did it for the lulz.
Look who’s laughing now.