The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets Tuesday for a night of politics over a pint. Won’t you stop by?
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. Look for us in the back room of the pub beginning about 8pm.
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The miserable failure in the white house was rushed to the hospital and not seen since.
Every reporter who filed a story on “Hillary’s health questions” in Sept 2016 should be required to do a Trump version in 2019.
They doing tests to rule out windmill cancer.
Evangelicals for Trump:
This Christmas please don’t forget to hate the refugees while you build your church’s Nativity Scene depicting refugees in a desperate search for shelter.
@3, cont.
Also, very important for the sake of authenticity that you place the tiny sweet newborn baby Jesus in a cage for all our safety.
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@5 Do you do horses? Doctor Dumbfuck is tired of the same old horse and is looking for new dates.
It’s fine. He was finger painting and consumed a large amount of paste.
@7 I’m under the impression he eats his own shit. I’ve heard of dogs doing that, but dogs will be dogs.
Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) had penned a letter to the Judge in the sentencing phase of Patrick Carlineo who entered a guilty plean to charges that he threatened to kill her that could result in 10 years in prison.
Remember when our Uber-Loon who claimed to be a Christian would go on and on about he didn’t need to forgive because he clearly hadn’t read his Bible?
“He should understand the consequences of his actions, be given the opportunity to make amends and seek redemption.”
@9 What the Bible Thumpers overlook and don’t get is that while Jesus promised forgiveness for sin, he never told sinners to keep on sinning.
So Jim Jordan spent a good part of his morning trying to break down a Military officer (Support the Troops!) for not properly running his concerns through the immediate supervisor in a chain-of-command manner.
Jim Jordan.
At least five Ohio State Wrestlers reported to their immediate Coach Jim Jordan that Dr. Richard Strauss a member of the wrestling team staff sexually assaulted them. Mr. Jordan was required by University policy AND State and Federal laws to report those allegations up the chain of command. He did not.
A professional referee says in a lawsuit filed Thursday that disgraced doctor Richard Strauss masturbated in front of him in a shower after a wrestling match at Ohio State University, and that he reported the encounter directly to Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, who was then the assistant coach. Jim Jordan did not report this up the chain of command.
In June of 2014, according to FOX and the GOP, negotiating the release of a U.S. Army Seargeant held prisoner by terrorists was legal grounds for impeachment.
Shade throwing, subtle edition.
@ 1
Every reporter who filed a story on “Hillary’s health questions” in Sept 2016 should be required to do a Trump version in 2019.
Something tells me Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea would not agree with you, Red.
If that’s not enough, how about I agree with you?
@ 3
This Christmas please don’t forget to hate the refugees while you build your church’s Nativity Scene depicting refugees in a desperate search for shelter.
This Xmas, give the gift of anchor baby.
@ 3, 15
I just realized it’s more hygienic to be born in a barn, surrounded by manure, than it is to be born on a sidewalk in San Francisco.
Why is San Francisco … covered in human feces?
My, how far we as a society have come under Democrat municipal leadership.
And they were sore afraid.
Logical end game of Trump/GOP hostility to global security partners:
That’ll work out great… for China.
Working great GOP. You called Voelker as a witness and he’s publicly tossing Rudy under the bus and exonerating VP Biden.
Volker doing a 180 on most of his prior sworn testimony is down to timing and sequencing of witnesses. Leads effectively into Gordo tomorrow. His best choice involves a permanent retirement from political activity after fingering “The Boss”. But there’s always the one where he commits perjury… again.
Pleased to see that Rep. Nunes has now joined with Rep. Stefaniak in calling for Qusay and Uday to resign from The Trump Org. because relatives employed by big companies with business before the US is just so inappropriate, etc.
Gym Jordan and little Devin Nunes are going to wrestle to see who gets to kiss Trump’s ass today
And he keeps going back to the back channel Rudy was running with statements like, “Now aware of other testimony I see now what I should have suspected then,”
and OH SHIT!
Describing how Sondland said he spoke to the President and gave him his directions to relay to Ukranian officials Voelker says Sondland said, “There is no Quid Pro Quo but (Zelensky) needs to make the statement (eds note, the CNN Interview that the investigation is under way) and want to do it.”
As to the idea put out by Steak Sauce that ratings are terrible,
NPR and KUOW apps keep crashing on me so I switched over to CSPAN and it crashed, CNNs live feed video on their website is delivering 720P instead of their standard 1080 indicating high network traffic.
This is anecdotal information.
@16 “I just realized it’s more hygienic to be born in a barn, surrounded by manure, than it is to be born on a sidewalk in San Francisco.”
The barn wants to know if it can use you as a reference?
@22 This isn’t complicated. If Trump’s request for these investigations was part of a legitimate corruption-fighting policy, why didn’t he pursue it through normal diplomatic channels, and do it in the open?
The answer, of course, is that even in his mind it was skullduggery.
I think the term you’re looking for is ratficking.
When the trial occurs in the Senate, Trump will not be thrown out of office. Schiff and company will feel better, but nothing will have been accomplished.
It does not matter to me whether Trump stands trial in the Senate or not. Both the major political parties are reprehensible.
If the Republicans demands for investigations of Burisma was a part of legitimate corruption-fighting policy, then why continue to withhold the aid package after the guy we backed got elected and promised to investigate Burisma?
The wanted something else. They wanted something more.
They wanted lots more. And all of that something else and something more is what makes it illegal and corrupt.
Part of the “excuse-a-day” defense lies in coming up with reasons for people to stop just short of asking and answering the right questions.
Poor Devin and Jim
When they scream about not getting to call witnesses America can refer them back to the ones they did call.
GOP can kill this in the Senate sometime in 2020 at their own peril. I fully expect them to roll the dice and pray they don’t lose bigly the Senate as a result.
Remember when they acquitted OJ and literally everyone except a handful of true believers in the Juice, kool-aid?, knew he killed his wife?
While the US becomes Nazi Germany, with all them Judicial appointees (amirite), the rest of the world is becoming friends.
I like to watch!
The horse can’t be too proud.
Sad. So sad.
@21 my bet is a that someone’s cock will end up in one of their mouths.
Except that you and the other 62,999,999 will feel that much more shame, regret, and humiliation about the terrible thing you did.
Totally worth it!
They start them young now:
“A 16-year-old white high school student is in custody after her plan to attack an historically black church in Gainesville, Georgia, with knives was foiled, police said Tuesday.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What I don’t understand is why she couldn’t get an AR-15. I thought everybody has AR-15s now. Isn’t that what the NRA and GOP want? Everybody has an AR-15?
@26 I was trying to be polite.
@27 This comment shows how stupid you are.
Something will have been accomplished: The House, despite the obstruction and circus antics of its Republican members, will have carried out its constitutional responsibility to impeach a corrupt president whose actions threaten the very foundation of our democracy, i.e. fair elections. (In case you haven’t noticed, Trump cheats at everything, including getting elected.)
If the Senate’s Republican members choose to be irresponsible and fail or refuse to carry out their responsibility to remove the corrupt president, that’s on them. That in no way furnishes an excuse for anyone else (including you) to look the other way at Trump’s high crimes and misdemeanors.
Moreover, the House hearings are exposing to the world — or, at least, those who care to listen, which clearly doesn’t include you — Trump’s scheming to corrupt our elections. This is information for voters to act upon, if he’s still around next November. Also for history. And for whatever deterrent value exposing this corruption might have upon Trump’s future machinations, and upon future presidents. As Louis Brandeis said, “Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants.”
(If you don’t know who Brandeis was, look it up. If you don’t know what a disinfectant is, look that up, too.)
In case you haven’t noticed, and it doesn’t appear that you have, this administration needs plenty of disinfecting. All the evidence to date suggests this impeachment inquiry merely scratches the surface.
Your argument is, well, you don’t have one. But you’re doing an impressive impersonation of an ostrich. Just don’t do it standing in the middle of a road. You might get run over.
@30 History will remember Trump as a disastrously incompetent president, not merely as one of the most corrupt. It won’t be kind to the dumbfucks who continued backing him to the bitter end, either. Where are Nixon’s diehard supporters now?
Not to be overlooked is the very real possibility that millennials will shake their fingers at boomers and say, “You fucked up. You really fucked this up.” Because Trump is, to a great extent, a boomer phenomenon and a product of collective boomer stupidity.
So let’s take a look at the current issue of Time magazine. I’m doing this off the print version, so no links. The lead-in article is titled, “A National Test,” and begins:
“The possible impeachment of Donald Trump is about more than one man. It is a singular moment in American democracy that will try our capacity for reason over passion, fact over faith and principle over tribe.”
So true. And polls indicate a majority of Americans are on the right side of these not-so-difficult challenges. The problem is our system allows a tribal minority to override the majority; it takes a supermajority to remove a corrupt president.
The article then segues into for-and-against viewpoints. “The case for impeachment” was written by Neal Katyal, a former Solicitor General and now Georgetown Law professor — someone eminently qualified to opine on these matters. He writes:
“Imagine if it had worked.”
He then outlines the consequences that could have flowed from Trump’s scheme if he had gotten away with it. Then he says, “Image what our President would do next.”
There’s much more, but he bottom-lines it this way: “If President Trump’s efforts to coerce Ukraine into interfering with American democracy had stayed a secret until the 2020 election — if a whistleblower hadn’t spoken out — we would have fundamentally, perhaps irrevocably, lost faith in the legitimacy of our republic. That is why there is no choice but to impeach and remove Trump ….”
That also is why the whistleblower, whoever it is, deserves to go down in history as one of American democracy’s greatest heroes.
Now for the case against impeachment, written by Robert Ray, the lawyer who authored the final report of the Whitewater investigation of the Clintons.
He begins: “You can’t impeach if there is no crime.” That, right there, is fundamentally wrong. He can’t be serious, because virtually no constitutional scholars of any repute agree with him on that. This is just desperate grasping at straws.
It doesn’t get better. He presents more arguments, all equally specious. He asks us to consider “what really is at issue for the country to decide.” He seems to have no idea. He argues that “simply if it is proved that he abused the power of his office,” that is not enough. (Yes, it is enough.)
He talks about a “problem with [the] legal theory” that “Trump proposed an exchange of something of personal benefit to himself in return for an official act by the U.S. government,” and then propounds that “in my view, a fair and better legal argument blah blah blah.” But impeachment is not a legal proceeding, nor does it rest on legal theories.
He then proceeds to recycle many of the standard Republican talking points: That the aid ultimately wasn’t withheld, and “Ukraine never announced an investigation of the Bidens” — arguments even a first-year law student knows better than to make, because attempted robbery and attempted murder indeed are crimes, and a failed effort at corruption does not clothe the attempt with innocence — and, finally, “many fair-minded Americans seem prepared to accept that even if such conduct was wrong, it was not so seriously wrong as to warrant removal from office.”
When a big-shot lawyer like this guy can’t do any better than this, you know they don’t have an argument. It may play well with the Politically Incorrects of the world, but probably not so well with readers of history textbooks 50 years from now. And that’s where we are today, even before the impeachment hearings have heard from the most important witnesses, who are yet to come.
@34 Actually, 62,984,828 to be precise. I didn’t deduct PI from the total because I’m not convinced he’s old enough to vote. Maybe his mother, who periodically posts here, will shed some light on that for us.
@27 Still haven’t figured it out yet? What has been accomplished, asswipe, is that he didn’t get away with it. But it was a near thing.
It’s the little things in life…
Pa. Dems lose a state senator: John Yudichak of Luzerne County declares himself independent, will caucus with GOP
Luzerne County is close to hardscrabble Scranton.
Joe Biden:
You know, I get a little tired of being told I’m an insider. I come from Scranton, Pennsylvania. And that’s as hardscrabble a place as you’re gonna find. I’ll show you around sometime, and you’ll see: it’s a hellhole! An absolute jerkwater of a town! You couldn’t stand to spend a weekend there. It’s just an AWFUL, AWFUL, sad place… filled with sad, desperate people with no ambition. Nobody, and I mean nobody, but me, has ever come out of that place. It’s a genetic cesspool. So don’t be tellin’ me I’m part of the Washington elite, because I come from the absolute worst place ON EARTH, Scranton, Pennsylvania.
Joe, call your office.
(Italics are from SNL)
Turns out it’s Obama who is the worst.
Story on U.N. study on child detentions withdrawn
GENEVA (Reuters) – A Nov. 18 story headlined “U.S. has world’s highest rate of children in detention -U.N. study” is withdrawn. The United Nations issued a statement on Nov. 19 saying the number was not current but was for the year 2015. No replacement story will be issued.
’cause Obama being the worst is the replacement story.
Pete’s campaign has a flashmob dance.
How gay. Even Castro’s campaign peeps are mocking it.
Hey Darryl today’s the 19th, not the 18th.
Then there’s the OTHER hand picked GOP witness.
Daniel Goldman, Democratic Council
-And what did Ambassador Sondland tell you that he told Mr. Yermak?
Timmothy “He should have followed the chain of command instead of talking to lawyers.” Morrison
“That the Ukrainians would have to have the prosecutor general Make a statement with respect to the investigations as a condition of having the aid lifted.”*
Now I’m not a seasoned courtroom attorney but that seems bad for the “no quid pro quo, no bribes,” defense. Maybe they should try low blood sugar from too many Twinkies the night before.
Next up…Sondland.
This should be veery interestink
*direct quote from testimony 11/19/2019
@452 Are you from SNL?
(No, not that SNL; I’m thinking of the Russian version, because you’re not just any clown, you’re Putin’s joker.)
Hey asswipe @ 45, most people have more important things to do than criticize others for an alleged incorrect date on something trivial.
Darryl posted the thread on the site four minutes before midnight. It was still the 18th at the time.
You are incapable of not being an asshole, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@46 Do you think maybe an amateur ambassador watching the rest of Trump’s associations shuffle onto the prison bus might be a little more forthcoming than the amateur president/amateur gangster may want?
Impeachment of Clinton didn’t work out well for the GOP, either.
Poll: Opposition by independents to impeachment inquiry jumps 10 points
The poll showed 47 percent of independents opposed the inquiry, compared to 37 percent last week. Meanwhile support for the inquiry by independents fell 7 points to 40 percent.
Support for the inquiry among all respondents fell 2 points to 48 percent, while opposition to it rose 3 points to 45 percent.
@48 Yeah, I guess you’d notice right away it was posted at 11:56 pm because that’s your normal time to make your trek to barn, which is why the horse always sleeps in every morning.
@50 Given that virtually all polls show the country sharply divided along partisan lines, what the polls really show is that grass-roots Republicans no longer know right from wrong.
@48 “You are incapable of not being an asshole, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.”
I’ll cop a plea to that if you’ll admit you’re incapable of not being a dumbfuck. Deal?
@ 51
It’s far more likely that you would post something incorrect than Darryl would.
It also required zero effort to verify, not unlike verifying that a thug shot several times in the front of his body was not a “fleeing felon”.
You’re an unrepentant asshole, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Your inability to simply apologize to Darryl for wasting everyone’s time at his expense because of your silly error is just the latest proof of it.
You mean a poll taken over the weekend before two people with first hand knowledge called by the defense testified it was clear that aid for a statement against Crazy Uncle Joe is exactly what happened.
Now point to a single poll where more people supported Clinton Impeachment that not. Then look for one where 47% supported not just impeachment but removal as well.
Let us know what you find.
You reek the desperation of a single frat boy still in the bar with no women talking to him when the lights come on to clear the place at 1:45a. Or is it barnyard funk I smell?
When you’re stupid enough to file suit claiming you were unfairly fired, you drag your wife through it a second time.
My wife] has my phone. Read an angry note I wrote but didn’t send you. That is her calling from my phone. She says she wants to talk to [you]. Said we were close friends nothing more,” one of Strzok’s text to Page read, according to the filing.
“Your wife left me a vm [voicemail]. Am I supposed to respond? She thinks we’re having an affair. Should I call and correct her understanding? Leave this to you to address?” Page responded.
Strzok then wrote, “I don’t know. I said we were [] close friends and nothing more. She knows I sent you flowers, I said you were having a tough week.”
Small wonder Strzok wanted Hillary to win. They kept secrets with the same competence.
@ 55
You reek the desperation of a single frat boy still in the bar with no women talking to him when the lights come on to clear the place at 1:45a. Or is it barnyard funk I smell?
On my sweatiest day I smell better than any attendee at a LD43 meetup.
@ 55
Now point to a single poll where more people supported Clinton Impeachment that not. Then look for one where 47% supported not just impeachment but removal as well.
How did the 2016 polling work out for ya, Cz-252?
No but I’d be surprised a Hotelier has a lot of experience in testimony before Congress. He already talked himself into a possible lying to Congress charge and had to ‘clarify’ so even if they’ve been doing witness prep every waking moment since then he’s bound to face plant a couple times.
But as you suggest he’s probably mulling over a ‘just following orders’ defense.
Wherein Republicans totally debase themselves in pursuit of raw, naked power.
This isn’t Lincoln’s or Eisenhower’s Republican Party anymore. It’s a Frankenstein monster of a political party.
@54 The only person whose time I wasted was yours, and why would anyone apologize for that, when your time isn’t worth anything to begin with?
@58 “But as you suggest he’s probably mulling over a ‘just following orders’ defense.”
Maybe someone should remind him of how that worked for Goering, Himmler, Eichmann, Keitel, et al.
Pence didn’t read the Memo….maybe he was having sex with Gym Jordan instead.
@50 I don’t know….maybe there is a difference for going after your opponent because he’s having sex with the intern as opposed to betraying your Country and an act of treason. Ehhhh, Bob?
Your letting an opportunity to speak out against this Pussy Grabber of a fuckwad. There is still time. Don’t be a coward.
So, he half changed parties to the majority to keep the sweet sweet government money flowing to his district.
Looks like Gordo made the right choice.
So… obviously a “Never Trumper”.
Oh dear….
Q: Was there a Quid Pro Quo
A: yes
Brought documents, text messages and emails. Says EVERYTHING for Ukraine depended on an investigation of the Bidens.
“Mike (Pompeo)
.Kurt and I negotiated a statement…The contents (of the statement) will hopefully please the boss enough to facilitate the White House meeting…”
After quoting this email:
“This information was known at every level.”
Nunez’s response….
“We’re you aware the DNC was against Trump.’
And the one they keep wanting to crack the top ten hit list.
“They won’t subpoena the Whistleblower. Wah Wah!”
“Was there a drug deal?”
“I’m not aware of a drug deal.”
” … Let’s talk about Burisma. They were able to get an investigator fired.”
Love how Nunes paints Shulkin as an “investigator” trying to “get to the bottom of” Hunter Biden’s activities at Burisma. Still trying to put the Bidens on trial.
No matter how Republicans try to spin things, a president conducting legitimate foreign policy doesn’t go skulking around outside of normal diplomatic channels and then order all the witnesses to clam up.