It’s a primary election night tonight! Okay, so it is in Alabama, Mississippi and New Mexico. Even so…you now have a good excuse to join us tonight for an evening of electoral politics under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. We meet at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning at about 8:00 pm. Stop by even earlier and enjoy some dinner.
Not in Seattle? There is a good chance you live near one of the 325 other chapters of Drinking Liberally.
Tonight will be a fun night.
1) Bigoted Lobotomy’s wallet will be $1000 lighter and progressives will benefit.
2) Bigoted Lobotomy will be a no show and prove what I’ve always pretty much known him to be – a bigoted, ignorant, name-calling chickenshit.
I call 2. Bigoted Lobotomy – prove me wrong.
“Tonight will be a fun night.” “wallet will be $1000 lighter and progressives will benefit”
Huh? I must not have been paying attention. What’s up?
I think the discussion should revolve around whether Puddy sins?
See comment on Open Tread, I think Puddy is suggesting that he doesn’t sin? Puddy, only you know of your sins, I only ask why do you choose to sin?
Simple question, but I understand, not an easy answer. How about you just admit that you too are a sinner. You can do it….you do go to confessional, don’t you? Forgive me Father for I have sinned……
I just hope josef doesn’t show up in a trench coat!
Loved the Baba Brinkman!
2 – Last Friday lobotomized fool wagers a grand that GBS will be a no show at tonight’s DL.
As if a former navy seal who saw combat is afraid of anything much less an ignorant, name-calling coward.
So GBS, says ok, show up at DL, let Goldy hold the grand, Goldy will call GBS to take delivery. GBS shows. $100 goes to Goldy for holding the cash, the rest will be generously distributed on a round of drinks at DL regardless of ideology.
ok BL – man up. Show us the money fool.
@3 “You can do it….you do go to confessional, don’t you?”
Nah, Puddy’s a follower of the failed 19th century American prophet, Ellen White. Um, I think they handle snakes, or something like that.
Wow the goober arschloch goatsee is using the names we who think right call goober arschloch goatsee.
Once again the fudge is packed too tight against Gman’s “brain”! Please post the link where Puddy said Puddy doesn’t sin.
Go on gman.
Let’s hear it for The Tea Party Effect!
junk-shot moron @ 7
The bigot challenged GBS. Either he follows through or he’s a chickenshit.
I say he’s the latter. I’m not shy about being proven wrong.
If I am wrong, Goldy has $100 for HA, a lot of libs are one drink happier and GBS still takes something home so he can treat you to shot of Jameson’s on the 10th.
Either way progressives win! Right wingers lose.. Suck on it fool.
Puddy @ 8
Do you feel that your homophobic slur added value to your commentary? In your world, does a comment like that gain you stature, or some laughs, at least? Why do you feel a need, urge, whatever to reference Gman’s sexual orientation in a derogatory manner when the thread has nothing to do with that? Enlighten me, Puddy, if you would.
@9 – Well then, you should be able to answer the question then, Why does Puddy choose to din?
@12 – Puddy is a bigot. Simple. Hypocrite and shoe shinner.
Did the bigot show? Doesn’t look like it..
Did you discuss the Oba-Mao Plague sweeping America?
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
For those of you who insist the Tea Party is meaningless and merely a nuisance–
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
In Washington State, 19 percent of registered voters strongly support the teabagger movement. It’s interesting to me that 11 percent of registered voters have never heard of them.
43 percent of Republicans in the State stongly support the teabaggers compared to only 2 percent of Democrats.
In other words the teabaggers in this State is a fringe movement.
The Teabaggers of course break strongly for Rossi. Didier? Huh.. Doesn’t have a prayer it seems.
The Tea Party makes up the vast majority of the Unaffiliateds.
The decline of those identifying themselves as Democrats plus the vast majority of Independents supporting Republicans is a bad formula for the Oba-Mao regressive Progressive Movement.
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
Democrats mock & ridicule the Tea Party to their own demise. Oba-Mao should have simply engaged the Tea Party in meaningful dialogue.
Politics 101–When you are in power, like the Democrats, do not arrogantly go out of your way to antagonize folks who disagree with you.
That works when you are NOT in power….in fact, that is the formula Democrats used to gain power. However, once in power…it’s a baaaaaaaaaad strategy.
These polls obviously vary from State-to-State.
However, the anti-ObaMao and anti-Incumbent and anti-Democrat trends are making what should be a sure thing for Murray…not a sure thing. It will require lots of Democrat resources to hold a seat that should be easy, taking resources away from other races.
“…The decline of those identifying themselves as Democrats plus the vast majority of Independents supporting Republicans…”
During the last election (2008) the Republicans got stomped good. A lot of it’s base evaporated due to disgust with George W. Bush, and it lost the independents, too. Republican identification among voters hit lows not seen since Herbert Hoover’s reign.
The only change since the last election is that some of those who had deserted the Republican Party out of disgust for George W. Bush, and called themselves Independents, are returning, albeit in smaller numbers.
This is in part because the Republicans have so far moved even further to the right to try to incorporate the “Tea Party” movement. It also has taken advantage of the truly
usefull idiots” that make up a significant part of it’s base by feeding them lies, trying to blame the current economic crisis and the cost of dealing with it on the Democrats, rather than the Republicans where the blame properly sits.
But those people usually voted Republican before, and will continue to do so anyway. The Democratic base isn’t eroding significantly, and the true independents are repelled by Tea Party rhetoric.
Once the Republicans start making the noises and dog whistles that teabaggers like to hear, the baggers will fall right into line.
They’ve done it since before Nixon. Why should they stop?
rhp @ 20–
Huh…back at you.
Where did you get this from??
Wishful thinking?
Those who identify themselves as Democrat has dropped significant since ObaMao was elected.
Oba-Mao was +32 on the Strong Approval Index post inauguration and is now at -14. Same poll.
The Democrats were +9 on Generic Congressional Polls post Inaugusration. They are now -7.
The list goes on & on.
rhp…all you are doing is regurgitating DailyKos and Huffpo unsubstantiated nonsense.
You can do better than that.
Come on…let’s have a realistic discussion.
Even the Democrat party knows they are in deep trouble.
One of your worst posts rhp.
Bad Try==No Sale!
The FACT is ylb..
The Tea Party has already taken out establishment R’s in Utah and Kentucky.
More to come.
You seemed to like that and somehow believe that will create a Democrat opportunity.
The polls show anything but.
Too Bad the Democrat Party cannot clean up it’s mess like Maxine Waters, McDimwit and the other useless KLOWNS>
Cynny: “Oba-Mao should have simply engaged the Tea Party in meaningful dialogue.”
Damn, you’re an idiot. Assuming you are an adult as you claim, you should certainly have learned by now that you can’t reason with crazy. Teabaggers, like you, are incapable of engaging in meaningful dialogue. They have nothing positive to offer the nation and should simply be mocked, ridiculed, or ignored. They are a transient phenomenon that is good for neither the nation nor the Republican Party. Go ahead, Cynny, hitch your wagon to a team of horses headed for the cliff.
Sorry about recent typos. My excuses: drinking way too liberally; rhp-style multitasking. Instead of being attentive to typing, I’ve been wallowing in political porn about “the triumph of Barack Obama, the humbling of Hillary Clinton, and the evisceration of John Edwards” in Iowa on 3 January 2008:
– via Heilemann/Halperin’s Game Change.
Not a RogerRabbit commentary: Porno gets really tricky when the pornographers (Heilemann and Halperin) start transliterating thoughts and feelings and beliefs. Beats me if Chelsea, e.g., “believed” Mum had to finish what she started, but what the hell. The whole point of porn, after all, is the willing suspension of mundane reality and mere belief.
While goldy was taking us on a virtual tour of stately Dunn Manor, virtual tours of Gore West were going up elsewhere. Yet another Gore monster mansion, this one on the California coast, bought for a bit under $9 million.
By most counts that’s Big Gore # Four, starting with Gore #1 (variously estimated as 3,000 – 10,000 sq’) in rhp Tennessee. But back to #4, which is way beyond that little shack back in the hollers of inbred hillbilly GrandOl’Opry rhpland …
A couple weeks ago somebody here wrote that Reagan promoted his shining city on a hill because he knew houses at the top of the hill would soon be valuable beach-front property. Gore #4 completely spins that Reagan canard off the table because catastrophist Gore, screaming all the way to the bank that we’re all going to drown from rising seas, buys his biggest bachelor pad right at the edge of the sea. See the irony?
And then there’s the fact that Gore #4 is … a bachelor pad. Not that there’s anything wrong with the Love Story made in heaven, but how did poor Al and poor Tipper, worth way under $2 mil when they bit the wire in 2001, come up with the cash to buy Al a monastic hideaway more than 2,000 miles from Tip in Tennessee?
Hmmm. Even before the Oscar for Inconvenient Propaganda, even before the “Peace” Prize, but after leaving public life as a pauper in 2001, the Jayson Blair Times reported that Gore was on a fast track to his first billion. With a B. All from pimping junk science about hockey sticks and rising seas.
Not that there’s any possible cooling with the scorching hot Al-Tipper marriage, but just suppose the impossible ever happened and they decided to MoveOn. Of course he’d get the sea-level bachelor pad. Probably mansions #1 – #3 too, since his lies and jive made them possible. He’d get most of the billion.
But who — Al or Tipper — would get the fleet of SUVs?
And would poor Tip, at her advanced age, have to beg for a gig writing smut rap for Dr. Dre?
Lagomorph commentary: Stay tuned for the climax! And don’t even get us started on Sarah Palin!
Last week we had Obama on the beach: “The muck stops here.” Before that, for many very long years, we had Big Dog Bill in his boxers and briefs: “The fucks start here.”
YLB gets annoyed when we occasionally mention that Blue Dress Bill was (is, according to the usual reliable sources) a sick, twisted freak. But just remember how close we came to having him back in the West Wing. Maybe YLB was ready for 4/8 more years of sordid soap opera, but anybody else? Hope not.
And speaking of hope, give Obama credit for change. For putting Clinton and the other Clinton away.
Yesterday we were back at RFK’s 13 Days, his self-serving and bro-serving account of the Cuban Missile Crisis.
In a good book about presidents’ lies, what-liberal Eric Alterman takes apart the 13-Day mythology. The Kennedys lied and got us to buy their lies. When Adlai Stevenson at the UN suggested a missile swap to defuse the crisis, JFK slimed Stevenson as a limp-wirsted pansy, and then did a missile swap.
Lies were told about the blockade, about verification of the removal of missiles in Cuba, about RFK-led plots to kill Castro, about secret agreements to not invade.
Credit to Alterman for dissenting from smelly liberal pieties about Camelot. About FDR, too. FDR’s lies about Yalta, Alterman writes, poisoned the well of politics and made McCarthy (my own spin here) inevitable.
When Presidents Lie is so good, in fact, that it seems churlish to quibble, but here are my caveats, quibbles & bits:
* By referring to his “district,” Alterman implies in the ‘Yalta’ chapter that Senator Arthur Vandenberg was Congressman Vandenberg;
* In the Cuba chapter Alterman refers to Senator Kenneth Keating as Representative Kenneth Keating;
* In the same chapter Alterman invents a Speaker of the House named “W. Everett Dirksen”;
* In the Contra chapter Alterman cites responses in 1988 to Reagan’s scandal by the Bush Administration. George H.W. didn’t have an administration in 1988;
* In Endnote 39, page 326 (hardcover), Alterman writes that “In an April 7, 1945, diary entry, Harold Ickes suggests that the specter of Yalta was one of several factors that had created tension between the new president and his secretary of state.” Very prescient of old Harold to be writing about our tense new president several days before we had one.
Finally, for what it’s worth, FDR at Yalta was willing to pay any price and betray any principle to enlist Soviet support for the invasion of Japan. In the war-fogged context of early 1945, Soviet support was probably worth the cost of truth’s betrayal.
Insubstantial Lagomorph commentary in disguise: Looking bad for your side. You’ve got a naive callow uppity upstart and you’ve got … Clintons. Just like having cooties.
But fear not! Goldy’s love daddy and Rabbit’s boytoy John Edwards is waiting brilliantly in shadow, one haircut from the presidency, confecting a deucedly brilliant plan to save the day for you dumb Democrats.
28 – Yawwwwnnn… The most sick twisted freak of recent history is Dick Cheney.
A legacy of manufacturing terrorists abroad and oil spills and other fatal fossil fuels incidents domestically.
Heckavu job voting for it twice HNMT.
Absolutely not. Never supported a Clinton Dynasty. Had enough of that with the Shrub.
Not that I wouldn’t have voted for Hills if she had been the nominee.
The supreme McCanianc had a demonstrated compulsion for “boots on the ground”.
Regret only that I was able to only vote for him only twice. Was out of WY each time he ran for election as the Cowboy State’s only congressman (a word Barbara Cubin probably wouldn’t use.)
Anyway. Wish we were all in Beaver, Utah with Streve.
Apparently Hill did too, since she was a Hell-Yes! voting warmonger in 2002.
(limp-wirsted = limp-wristed)
Streve = Steve
Outta here.
Here, for everybody else, is the Church of Beaver.
Many excellent photos of beautiful downtown Beaver for those with eyes to see. Beautiful country. Lay of the land looks like the Utah village where Robert Parker/Butch Cassidy grew up.