It’s Tuesday…and that’s Drinking Liberally night in Seattle. So please join us for an evening of politics over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the back room of the pub. We start at about 8pm.
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Best thing of the day – Bob being told to sit down and shut up (in previous thread). That is a classic, one to remember for a life time.
The wisdom of Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit:
I get veterans benefits from the government every single day of the year. Gay people get nothing for being gay.
The wisdom of Uh Dumbfuck:
Tony Podesta hung Louise Bourgeois’ The Arch of Hysteria in his home. Jeffry Dahmer placed one of his victims in a similar pose. Ergo DahmerCannibal equals InvisiblePizzaCannibalDungeon.
No matter how many times someone gives Donald the “Tariffs for Toddlers” set of flash cards he keeps going on about how the U.S is getting that money from ‘furriners’.
As much fun as it might be to immediately drag the GOP through a detailed public recount of their crimes during and after the 2016 election, an impeachment will lead to the GOP controlled Senate. And they will use that opportunity to scrub and distort the record of their criminality. Unfortunately most people are dumber and lazier than they should be. Especially when it comes to understanding and evaluating their own government. For far too many people the only thing that counts is the score up on the board at the final gun. We know going in what that will look like. We know that every single CageRapist in the Senate will vote for RapeCages. It may be shameful. But the thing is we live in shameless times.
Win in 2020.
Do that and the rest comes easy AF. The right Democrat in the WH orders the AG to appoint a new special prosecutor. And after Jan 20, 2021 no OLC policy memo protects these people. Of the ten known and detailed specific instances of obstruction at least three of them are good for trial and surpass the 80% threshold for certainty of conviction and surviving appeal. Win in 2020 and Trump goes to jail. Focus on that. What would that be worth to you? To see him convicted at public trial, and his conviction sustained on appeal? To see him dressed in orange and photographed for his BOP id file? That’s a meal you can dine on for the rest of your life.
Impeachment followed by acquittal will make that almost impossible. This is too valuable to throw away like that. America deserves something for having to endure four years of these incompetent, criminal idiots. Winning in 2020 and then waiting until 2021 to bring the hammer down leaves the Senate CageRapists impotent and useless spectators witnessing justice. It makes them accomplices in criminal conspiracy rather than defenders of the innocent.
@2 Is there a counterpoint in there somewhere, or are you merely enjoying listening to yourself babbling gibberish?
For every hour of my time I devote to helping other veterans and their families, I’ll bet Bob spends two hours in horse sex therapy.
Not all extracurricular activities are equal.
@5 “The right Democrat in the WH orders the new AG to appoint a new special prosecutor.”
You left out a word. fify
Like never before, NEW is better.
@2. He’s correct. Regardless of how the Alt Right media lies about it, gays get nothing but grief from republicans. Republicans would have have us all in the closet at minimum and gone if they could.
Republicans at least give lip services to the troops and grudging pay up on their promises to vets for veterans benefits, if you are white and male and a citizen and straight.
@ 5
And after Jan 20, 2021 no OLC policy memo protects these people.
What about an email sent by Susan Rice to herself fifteen minutes after transfer of power?
This flip-floppin’ makes the 2004 Kerry look like an amateur.
Biden changes tone on China: “They are a serious challenge to us”
I’m envisioning a series of debates in Fall 2020 during which each candidate backtracks from every previous statement made.
Seeing this Tweet:
I’m reminded of Peter Thiel’s quote: “But I think one thing that should be distinguished here is that the media always has taken Trump literally. It never takes him seriously, but it always takes him literally.
I think a lot of the voters who vote for Trump take Trump seriously but not literally.”
Trump gets the people who support him better than almost anyone else. He somehow has his finger on the pulse of this cohort of angry white people resentful about their perceived diminished status. And he’s probably absolutely right about this. Just as in 2016, in 2020 there will be a lot of these voters who will go into the booth and pull the lever for RapeCages. And if asked about it, they will deny it. It will never show up in polls. They have a “social” sense of how wrong this all is. But inside, at their core, they really like it. For them Trump is like fetish porn.
Dems should keep this in mind next year. Wherever he is polling, especially in the key battleground states, we should add ten points. Even when it looks like he can be counted out, he will still be in the fight because of these shy-Trumpers.
Oh, I see. Well yes. I can see how you might conflate contemporaneous documentation with:
-Orders to fire the chief investigator in a criminal case;
-Orders to falsify the record surrounding the order to fire the chief investigator;
-Orders to rescind a recusal and modify the order authorizing the investigation;
–“We need some kind of heads up.”
I can see why you would conflate those. Yup. Sure can.
Hey, know what? Maybe this is a good time to remind you and every other Trump voter suffering addiction withdrawal symptoms. YOU STILL RUN THE DOJ. At this point how many more times do you need this spelled out for you?
Mueller was YOUR investigation. His report was YOUR report. This whole thing has been your show from the start. And if you’ve got an indictable case to bring against any member of the Obama administration, well then…
Maybe, just maybe, it’s time you took a look at yourselves. The price of your partisan support for Trump is to consistently diminish and belittle his competency and authority over his own administration. If he’s so fucking unserious, volatile, and powerless, what does that make you?
When the Republicans all become such a gaggle of whining, pussy, sorority girls?
@10 Veterans organizations are full of people Trump would throw out of our country if he could. Sure, some of us are old white males, but our memberships reflect the makeup of the armed forces, which is heavily non-white and increasingly female.
@11 Ah yes, the magic words “Susan Rice” will get all your Republican criminals off — all you need is the right judge.
This is what amateur armchair lawyering by a uniquely stupid doctor with no legal training looks like.
P.S., did it work for Manafort or Cohen?
@12 In which the good doctor propounds that strategic situations are static and never change, therefore our strategic posture towards a given country never needs re-evaluation.
Like I said, uniquely stupid.
@13 This waiver of literal meanings is brought to you by the same people who got their shorts all twisted and knotted over a non-literal statement by a previous president regarding a private consensual affair.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not defending adultery, lying in any form, perjury in particular, Bill Clinton’s extracurricular activities, or his character. After all, I refused to vote for him because of his bad character; at least I’m consistent.
I’m simply pointing out the stunning hypocrisy of Republicans, something they’re extraordinarily adept at, as a result of long practice.
Looks like Wall Street’s bookies may soon rethink their odds-making:
“It may be time for Wall Street to recalibrate expectations about the 2020 election. In a survey of institutional investors this spring, more than 70% told RBC Capital Markets they expect President Donald Trump to win a second term in 2020. But a new national poll of voters today points toward a different outcome.
“The Quinnipiac Poll showed the top Democratic candidate, former Vice President Joe Biden, leading Trump by a double-digit margin in a potential 2020 matchup. But it also found that five other Democratic contenders – every one the poll pitted against Trump – leading the president as well.”
In other words, there is no one in the Democratic field who couldn’t beat Trump. Because, well, because he’s alienated nearly everybody. Identifying cause and effect here doesn’t require deep thinking; even Doctor Dumbfuck should be able to connect the dots (although I won’t believe that until I see it, given his unique stupidity).
Puts Trump within the margin, once you account for the shy-Trumpers.
@20 And Russian hackers.
It’s possible Trump could “win” in 2020 with a combination of Russian disinformation and hacking into selected vote tallying computers, an energetic targeted voter suppression campaign, and pollsters missing those Trump voters who fly below the radar because they’re in places that don’t have electricity or running water.
Possible. But not inevitable. There’s a huge cohort of influential people who are simply fed up with letting Putin’s minions and fellow travelers run our country for the benefit of our enemies.
“There’s a huge cohort of influential people who are simply fed up with letting Putin’s minions and fellow travelers run our country for the benefit of our enemies.”
Even if true, how many of them are in a legal position to do anything at all about it? And that’s assuming they are even aware.
In the end the election will come down to a handful of maybe no more than four states. The Electoral College system is practically designed to benefit election tampering. Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin will probably be in play again. And the Trump campaign (and who really knows who else?) have already begun unprecedented spending on a sophisticated micro targeted social media campaign that is flying almost entirely under the radar.
Taking comfort in polls like these is foolish. Not only because of how likely they are to produce statistical errors. But also because they tend to measure the wrong things in the first place. Trying to predict how unaffiliated and marginally engaged voters in four or five states will behave eighteen months from now by performing nationwide phone polling of disproportionately activist “likely” voters today is an exercise in journalism, not political science. It’s just more of the horse race noise. And it does not tell us what we need to know in order to defeat CageRape.
Seriously. There is currently no effort in the key battlegrounds by Dems. Zero. Nada. Nothing. Not in terms of the national groups and PACs with real money to spend getting out message and framing the race. Absolutely nothing.
The candidates are understandably preoccupied with early primaries. But that will not put them in any of the key battlegrounds with any consistency. And until next year it will remain fragmented, unfocused, and in the wrong media markets.
While Trump has been running full speed ahead since Jan 1st focusing on Florida, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania with rally stops and media blitzes, the Dems are eating corn on the cob in fucking Iowa. He’s re-engaging with the same older voters he duped last time with much of the same script about immigration, nationalism, trade, jobs, etc. He gets a full year head start to define the election ahead of the Dem candidate, not as a referendum, but as an “alternative to The Fake News Left”.
By this time next year those polls will look completely different. And we will have let that happen.
@12 Here, this for the conservative man with an obsession for artificial penises.
“Because changing your mind means admitting, on some level, that you used to be wrong. It can be seen as an act of weakness, even heresy.”
You are being a dick, for excoriating Biden for finally changing his position on important issues. I notice you never excoriate trump for changing positions several times in the same sentence, (Moon, Mars, North Korea, social security, health care, taxes) but I know for you, Biden’s a Democrat so the standards are different.
If the group stage is decided by Goal Differential I think we’re good
An angry Jon Stewart ripped into congressmen who didn’t show up for a hearing on reauthorizing health care for 9/11 first responders.
I just paid an additional $198 for my 3-year-old car’s tabs. That’s an extra $198 for a light rail system I will never live to see, much less ever use. I hope the damn thing falls apart on its first day of service and all the light rail advocates have to surrender all of their personal wealth to re-build it!
I hate when I post a comment to an old thread and not the current one.
So here is a repeat.
The border vigilantes building a privately-funded wall on federal land without permits blocked the access road to a dam, so the government knocked a hole in their wall.
Drive a less expensive car if it bothers you that much.
In short, don’t be an asshole. People will be here after you’ve shuffled off. The previous generation paid for things you use everyday that came about before you were old enough to be a taxpayer.
@28 Really? Only $198? What kind of “car” do you have? A golf cart?
“A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.”
Nils you are selfish and shortsighted. It’s not all about you.
@33 his handle, “Nils”, says it all – he’s a Zero.
Yours truly paid a lot less for a somewhat more mature vehicle..
Heh. So what? We don’t even have 65k miles on it.
And we will use ST.. – everyday and kc metro. Saves us money.
Sux to be nil brains.