Remember when Howard Schultz was running for President? And we all heard stories about how terrible he was? Anyway, what happened to him? Is he still off somewhere being terrible? Nobody knows.
Seems the NRA was funneling lots of contracts to board members which would definitely run afoul of New York’s non profit laws.
I get that most NRA members are in it for purely ideological reasons and nothing will end their membership but how would one feel knowing their dues went directly into the bank accounts of the board members?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Anyway, what happened to him?
Biden announced.
The plutocrat money and interest backing Schultz has shifted to Biden. If Biden breaks with them and stops playing their tune Schultz is waiting in the wings.
Come. Swim in the swamp. The water’s fine.
What did Mitch know and when did he know it? (Everything, from the moment it started)
The Transportation Department under Secretary Elaine Chao designated a special liaison to help with grant applications and other priorities from her husband Mitch McConnell’s state of Kentucky, paving the way for grants totaling at least $78 million for favored projects as McConnell prepared to campaign for reelection.
Chao’s aide Todd Inman, who stated in an email to McConnell’s Senate office that Chao had personally asked him to serve as an intermediary, helped advise the senator and local Kentucky officials on grants with special significance for McConnell — including a highway-improvement project in a McConnell political stronghold that had been twice rejected for previous grant applications.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Think less about how that makes those members feel. Think about how that makes them look.
These people tend to be very publicly demonstrative about membership. Most NRA members, depending on where they live, make some effort to communicate their membership to the rest of their community. Whether it’s to communicate solidarity, signal virtue, or even to announce a warning, it’s usually pretty important to NRA members that others “know where they stand”.
Now, at least for non-members, membership announces gullibilty rather than capability. I’m sure there will continue to be communities of mostly like minded dumbfucks where florid display of NRA insignia will be seen as generally positive. But that may account for only a fifth of membership. And membership revenues were already in decline.
And corp and commercial sponsorship is now more threatened than ever. Surely most of them must have at least suspected. But now that the board and exec leadership operations are exposed it makes the corp underwriters look like idiots. And that’s not the look they are after either.
The firearms industry is just massive in the US. The collapse of the NRA is sadly not going to change that. But it will change the conversation, which up to now has been pretty goddamn one-sided.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 Did any of us ever think for one moment that people who run rightwing organizations aren’t in it just for the money?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Who blinked? Nadler or Barr? Looks like Barr did, but the devil is always in the details.
But I think many of us might have previously given deeply gullible NRA members tools the benefit of the doubt and assumed that they assigned sincere motives to the orgs leadership. Now even that mask has fallen away. Anyone who pays membership into the NRA is agreeing to be scammed. They are agreeing to be stripped of some of their own personal earnings in order to pay, not for member services, programming, or advocacy, but rather for executive cocaine/hooker/yacht parties.
Which is fairly tantamount to wearing a sign that says “Please Kick Me. Hard”.
That’s not pwning the Libs. That’s amusing the Libs.
And frankly, we should thank them for it.
As bad as gun idiocy is in Murika, imagine how much worse things might have gotten if the NRA hadn’t chosen to spend most of their income on Brioni menswear and accessories.
If you’ve ever uttered the phrase “Uranium One” but haven’t wondered why $90m in foreign investment has been funneled through a Cayman islands account to a company owned by Jared Kushner since 2017…
There’s a ton of very problematic behavior here. But in fact that problematic behavior is not limited to the one officer. When this terrified and traumatized mother, contacted police to allay her fears, seeking an explanation, and to file a report of a complaint the agency responded by having the same out-of-control officer return to the home so they could re-experience the pure joy of “playing while black in Murika”.
Subsequently the agency insists that there is nothing for them to investigate in this officer’s conduct because it was all perfectly normal, routine police procedure. And to some extent that really may be a truthful statement. This is a shitty little suburban town about half way between Ogden and SLC where a nearby agency was engaged in an active search involving reported shooters.
This cop’s daily routine of utter boredom and porn surfing was suddenly being interrupted by the kind of potentially real life-and-death drama that he’d trained for. The adrenaline kicked in along with all the excessively military “make it home safely” coursework. With nothing more than a radio dispatch and his tingling Spidey Senses, this body armored pudgy douche laden with advanced military weaponry was transformed into a paranoid nightmare unleashed on his community. And don’t forget, this is Murika. Black folks will always be the first to go down in these situations. The kid is incredibly lucky to have survived the encounter. But face it. This shit puts all of us at monumentally increased risk.
Not a few “bad apples”. This is modern policing. And it makes us all less safe.
While you may not, Yertle may worry more about “unhappy” fellow CageRapists in the Senate who don’t get their very own designated special liaison.
Partisanship has it’s limits. Especially when it comes to a GOP caucus that voted to permanently earmarks only a couple of weeks ago.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
…ban earmarks…
Tennessee House Speaker announces his resignation effective in August because a few more months pay is worth the dragging.
If you haven’t been following his top aide resigned after someone dug up social media posts detailing the aide’s considerable cocaine consumption, racism including regular use of the N word and a direct text exchange with the aide who bragged about having sex in a chicken joint bathroom to which the speaker replied with congratulatory praise. Oh, and records suggest the visit to the chicken joint was official business. Either that or it’s a weird coincidence the campaign paid the tab on the night in question.
All of which is a bad look for a family valuesGOPer who also happened to be a plaintiff in a birther lawsuit to overturn an election.
First off, MRS. Yertle is bringing it home.
Second, good that you’re down with corruption now.
What would you call using a cabinet post to enrich your husband? Wait, we already know hundreds of posts about speaking fees and book deals…
Sit your ass down Dumbfuck.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Here’s OC Sheriff’s Dep Michael Higgins doing some fine police work that cost his taxpayers a cool million in settlement, four years of litigation, and hundreds of thousands on outside counsel and experts:
The accompanying video is pretty interesting to me.
I don’t think the officer had any choice but to shoot this kid. And I suppose his training was to continue firing until the threat is neutralized.
But nervously fast pacing back and forth over the dead body while periodically dancing in to deliver boot kicks to his lifeless head, then finishing up with a series of powerful heel stomps that crushed the kids skull and sprayed gray matter onto the pavement was maybe to much? Dep Higgins seemed to realize that as you see him suddenly come to his senses and rush toward his unit to disable the dash cam.
He’s since been promoted to Sgt. and decorated for his valorous stomping technique. Which is nice.
Interesting fun fact: while fighting this grieving mother through the courts the 9th rejected the lower court grant of summary for the def and remanded back for jury trial, with this droll bit of commentary: “A jury could reasonably find that Higgins knew or easily could have determined that he had already rendered Zion harmless. If so, a reasonable jury could also conclude that Higgins was acting out of anger or emotion rather than any legitimate law enforcement purpose,”
Ya think?
This shit, besides costing taxpayers millions, does not make us any safer. This is the shit cops do for fun and to win the approval of their fellow cops.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 … you must be a Republican.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 Playing in his grandmother’s front yard while black! In Utah yet! What was he thinking? He’s lucky to be alive.
As for the cop and police department, they could use an attitude adjustment — $750,000 sounds about right to me.
I see the mom has lined up a law firm to handle it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 & 12: Everything you’ve posted about San Francisco and Seattle is a product of unrestrained capitalism. Just thought I’d point that out.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 Not true. I get veterans benefits from the government every single day of the year. Gay people get nothing for being gay. Under the Trump regime, not even a flag, much less protection against discrimination and anti-gay violence.
As a veteran, I’m much better off than those Gay Pride marchers are. But then, for the short time you’ve been posting here, you have yet to be right about anything.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@18 Typical of the gutter slime constituting the GOP elected bench these days. No reputable citizen runs for office as a Republican. This isn’t Wendell Willkie’s or Ike’s GOP anymore; you can’t be Republican and respectable at the same time.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 You gotta really fuck up to cost your department a $1 million settlement for what you do after the subject is dead in a justified shooting.
It seems pretty clear to me that police departments employ people who never should be cops, and that reforms are needed in how they recruit, train, and supervise officers.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
19, “Second, good that you’re down with corruption now.”
That’s GOP progress under president sundowner.
The most important thing about this to remember is that going forward, whenever one of the TeaPatriot phonies pretends to care about anything other than tax cuts and easy access to underage girls DO NOT RESPOND DIRECTLY to whatever it is. Just remind them.
Grab ’em by the pussy.
NetJets to Paris coke parties.
$15,000 office dining tables.
C’Ville DeathCar.
Mr. Safety School, Esq.
Koal Jerbs!
Nuclear Free Korean Peninsula.
Merrick Garland.
ACA Repeal.
Boat Full ‘O Dildos.
All their pulpits are burned to ashes at their feet. president PornSweat destroys all their glorious pieties. That’s why they elected him. They really don’t get to complain about anything anymore. And knowing who these fucktards are, that is the cruelest punishment of all.
Go ahead. Inflict it. Relish the suffering.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
26, “It seems pretty clear to me that police departments employ people who never should be cops…”
Again. They promoted him. And they gave him a medal of valor specifically for this shooting.
It’s true he saved another Deputy’s life. But whatever recognition or professional respect that might have earned him was pretty effectively eliminated by his the subsequent expense request for new boots.
It’s not the cop. It’s the culture.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@28 “It’s true he saved another Deputy’s life.”
Let’s review. The deceased perp brought a knife to a … gunfight. He had already stabbed two people before he stabbed the first deputy to respond — who was stabbed twice in thearm.
Weren’t the deputies told the subject had a knife? And had stabbed people? Weren’t they both armed with guns? If so, how did the first deputy get in a position where he, too, was stabbed?
The fact he was stabbed in the arm — twice — suggests these were defensive wounds, i.e., he was fending off the knife-wielding attacker. Why didn’t he draw his weapon and shoot the attacker at that point?
The million bucks apparently is for stomping the subject’s head and splashing his brains all over the sidewalk after he’d been shot 18 times. The stomper claimed he was making sure the subject was down.
Yeah, I see where an appellate court would have trouble believing that.
To put things in perspective, the subject’s mom got $360,000 for compensatory damages, which doesn’t seem excessive. The other $740,000 is for legal fees, which doesn’t seem excessive either, considering the city resisted paying her anything at all for years and had to be forced by the court system to cough up. It’s hard to settle when the tortfeasor’s settlement offer is “go fuck yourself.”
“Third, Warren and Buttigieg are not gloom and doom candidates. Buttigieg’s preternatural calm is soothing and reassuring; Warren’s peppiness and conviction that fundamental changes can be made (We can do this!) provide a relief from the cloud of Trump that has hung over our politics.”
Fun article about the surge in warren and pete.
Republicans are lost. They will never leave trump. So we need to get out the base and appeal to independents.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
The question is which independents?
Crafting a strategy to appeal to “socially progressive fiscal conservatives” is truly pointless. Most of the voters who desribe themselves that way to journalists and pollsters are straight up lying about it, even if they don’t realize it. They are almost always far more socially conservative than they admit, especially when it comes to controlling “those people”. And they are seldom as fiscally conservative as they claim, at least not when it comes to subsidizing their sprawling suburban communities and fighting more wars for cheap gasoline.
Positive energy and enthusiasm is key fuel for organizing and motivating activists and partisans and gaining media attention at this stage for the Dems. But never forget, and don’t let anyone tell you differently: unless a completely different Trump shows up next year, he is a campaign juggernaut when it comes to riling up his base with energy and enthusiasm. We can match him for energy and enthusiasm. And we must. But we beat him with messaging, policy, and temprament.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@31 We don’t have to beat Trump. He’ll beat himself by being himself.
A lot of gay bashing going on here kately. What’s up with that? Channeling Puffy? Is it his anniversary?
Go Mayor Pete. The only intelligent one in the bunch!
Seems the NRA was funneling lots of contracts to board members which would definitely run afoul of New York’s non profit laws.
I get that most NRA members are in it for purely ideological reasons and nothing will end their membership but how would one feel knowing their dues went directly into the bank accounts of the board members?
Biden announced.
The plutocrat money and interest backing Schultz has shifted to Biden. If Biden breaks with them and stops playing their tune Schultz is waiting in the wings.
Come. Swim in the swamp. The water’s fine.
What did Mitch know and when did he know it? (Everything, from the moment it started)
Think less about how that makes those members feel. Think about how that makes them look.
These people tend to be very publicly demonstrative about membership. Most NRA members, depending on where they live, make some effort to communicate their membership to the rest of their community. Whether it’s to communicate solidarity, signal virtue, or even to announce a warning, it’s usually pretty important to NRA members that others “know where they stand”.
Now, at least for non-members, membership announces gullibilty rather than capability. I’m sure there will continue to be communities of mostly like minded dumbfucks where florid display of NRA insignia will be seen as generally positive. But that may account for only a fifth of membership. And membership revenues were already in decline.
And corp and commercial sponsorship is now more threatened than ever. Surely most of them must have at least suspected. But now that the board and exec leadership operations are exposed it makes the corp underwriters look like idiots. And that’s not the look they are after either.
The firearms industry is just massive in the US. The collapse of the NRA is sadly not going to change that. But it will change the conversation, which up to now has been pretty goddamn one-sided.
@4 Did any of us ever think for one moment that people who run rightwing organizations aren’t in it just for the money?
Who blinked? Nadler or Barr? Looks like Barr did, but the devil is always in the details.
Did any of us? No. Certainly not.
But I think many of us might have previously given deeply gullible NRA
memberstools the benefit of the doubt and assumed that they assigned sincere motives to the orgs leadership. Now even that mask has fallen away. Anyone who pays membership into the NRA is agreeing to be scammed. They are agreeing to be stripped of some of their own personal earnings in order to pay, not for member services, programming, or advocacy, but rather for executive cocaine/hooker/yacht parties.Which is fairly tantamount to wearing a sign that says “Please Kick Me. Hard”.
That’s not pwning the Libs. That’s amusing the Libs.
And frankly, we should thank them for it.
As bad as gun idiocy is in Murika, imagine how much worse things might have gotten if the NRA hadn’t chosen to spend most of their income on Brioni menswear and accessories.
If you’ve ever uttered the phrase “Uranium One” but haven’t wondered why $90m in foreign investment has been funneled through a Cayman islands account to a company owned by Jared Kushner since 2017…
Standard police procedure:
When she looked outside, she saw an officer with a pistol pointed toward her son’s head, telling the boy to put his hands in the air. When D.J. — who is developmentally delayed and has vision issues — asked the officer what he had done wrong, she said the officer told him not to ask questions.
There’s a ton of very problematic behavior here. But in fact that problematic behavior is not limited to the one officer. When this terrified and traumatized mother, contacted police to allay her fears, seeking an explanation, and to file a report of a complaint the agency responded by having the same out-of-control officer return to the home so they could re-experience the pure joy of “playing while black in Murika”.
Subsequently the agency insists that there is nothing for them to investigate in this officer’s conduct because it was all perfectly normal, routine police procedure. And to some extent that really may be a truthful statement. This is a shitty little suburban town about half way between Ogden and SLC where a nearby agency was engaged in an active search involving reported shooters.
This cop’s daily routine of utter boredom and porn surfing was suddenly being interrupted by the kind of potentially real life-and-death drama that he’d trained for. The adrenaline kicked in along with all the excessively military “make it home safely” coursework. With nothing more than a radio dispatch and his tingling Spidey Senses, this body armored pudgy douche laden with advanced military weaponry was transformed into a paranoid nightmare unleashed on his community. And don’t forget, this is Murika. Black folks will always be the first to go down in these situations. The kid is incredibly lucky to have survived the encounter. But face it. This shit puts all of us at monumentally increased risk.
Not a few “bad apples”. This is modern policing. And it makes us all less safe.
Better perhaps if asked of the major media corps. The JarJar story will last maybe 48 hrs.
Whereas the NYT alone devoted most of 2015 and easily invested millions investigating and reporting on Uranium One
VETERANS vs . . .
and, as a result, Ditto Seattle
OOPS. forgot a ”
VETERANS vs . . .
Nope. Clearly it’s you not me. Link works perfectly elsewhere.
VETERANS vs . . .
An Illinois man punched through a railing, kicked in a door and shouted “I’ll slit your throat” over and over during a homophobic rampage at the home of gay Soulard residents, police say.
>> An emboldened bigot drunk who shoots guns recklessly.
Cz-252 unhappy that Cocaine Mitch brings home the bacon.
Wonder what he thinks of Robert Byrd’s 56 namesake structures?
While you may not, Yertle may worry more about “unhappy” fellow CageRapists in the Senate who don’t get their very own designated special liaison.
Partisanship has it’s limits. Especially when it comes to a GOP caucus that voted to permanently earmarks only a couple of weeks ago.
…ban earmarks…
Tennessee House Speaker announces his resignation effective in August because a few more months pay is worth the dragging.
If you haven’t been following his top aide resigned after someone dug up social media posts detailing the aide’s considerable cocaine consumption, racism including regular use of the N word and a direct text exchange with the aide who bragged about having sex in a chicken joint bathroom to which the speaker replied with congratulatory praise. Oh, and records suggest the visit to the chicken joint was official business. Either that or it’s a weird coincidence the campaign paid the tab on the night in question.
All of which is a bad look for a family valuesGOPer who also happened to be a plaintiff in a birther lawsuit to overturn an election.
First off, MRS. Yertle is bringing it home.
Second, good that you’re down with corruption now.
What would you call using a cabinet post to enrich your husband? Wait, we already know hundreds of posts about speaking fees and book deals…
Sit your ass down Dumbfuck.
Here’s OC Sheriff’s Dep Michael Higgins doing some fine police work that cost his taxpayers a cool million in settlement, four years of litigation, and hundreds of thousands on outside counsel and experts:
The accompanying video is pretty interesting to me.
I don’t think the officer had any choice but to shoot this kid. And I suppose his training was to continue firing until the threat is neutralized.
But nervously fast pacing back and forth over the dead body while periodically dancing in to deliver boot kicks to his lifeless head, then finishing up with a series of powerful heel stomps that crushed the kids skull and sprayed gray matter onto the pavement was maybe to much? Dep Higgins seemed to realize that as you see him suddenly come to his senses and rush toward his unit to disable the dash cam.
He’s since been promoted to Sgt. and decorated for his valorous stomping technique. Which is nice.
Interesting fun fact: while fighting this grieving mother through the courts the 9th rejected the lower court grant of summary for the def and remanded back for jury trial, with this droll bit of commentary:
“A jury could reasonably find that Higgins knew or easily could have determined that he had already rendered Zion harmless. If so, a reasonable jury could also conclude that Higgins was acting out of anger or emotion rather than any legitimate law enforcement purpose,”
Ya think?
This shit, besides costing taxpayers millions, does not make us any safer. This is the shit cops do for fun and to win the approval of their fellow cops.
@8 … you must be a Republican.
@9 Playing in his grandmother’s front yard while black! In Utah yet! What was he thinking? He’s lucky to be alive.
As for the cop and police department, they could use an attitude adjustment — $750,000 sounds about right to me.
I see the mom has lined up a law firm to handle it.
@11 & 12: Everything you’ve posted about San Francisco and Seattle is a product of unrestrained capitalism. Just thought I’d point that out.
@13 Not true. I get veterans benefits from the government every single day of the year. Gay people get nothing for being gay. Under the Trump regime, not even a flag, much less protection against discrimination and anti-gay violence.
As a veteran, I’m much better off than those Gay Pride marchers are. But then, for the short time you’ve been posting here, you have yet to be right about anything.
@18 Typical of the gutter slime constituting the GOP elected bench these days. No reputable citizen runs for office as a Republican. This isn’t Wendell Willkie’s or Ike’s GOP anymore; you can’t be Republican and respectable at the same time.
@20 You gotta really fuck up to cost your department a $1 million settlement for what you do after the subject is dead in a justified shooting.
It seems pretty clear to me that police departments employ people who never should be cops, and that reforms are needed in how they recruit, train, and supervise officers.
“Second, good that you’re down with corruption now.”
That’s GOP progress under president sundowner.
The most important thing about this to remember is that going forward, whenever one of the TeaPatriot phonies pretends to care about anything other than tax cuts and easy access to underage girls DO NOT RESPOND DIRECTLY to whatever it is. Just remind them.
Grab ’em by the pussy.
NetJets to Paris coke parties.
$15,000 office dining tables.
C’Ville DeathCar.
Mr. Safety School,
Koal Jerbs!
Nuclear Free Korean Peninsula.
Merrick Garland.
ACA Repeal.
Boat Full ‘O Dildos.
All their pulpits are burned to ashes at their feet. president PornSweat destroys all their glorious pieties. That’s why they elected him. They really don’t get to complain about anything anymore. And knowing who these fucktards are, that is the cruelest punishment of all.
Go ahead. Inflict it. Relish the suffering.
“It seems pretty clear to me that police departments employ people who never should be cops…”
Again. They promoted him. And they gave him a medal of valor specifically for this shooting.
It’s true he saved another Deputy’s life. But whatever recognition or professional respect that might have earned him was pretty effectively eliminated by his the subsequent expense request for new boots.
It’s not the cop. It’s the culture.
@28 “It’s true he saved another Deputy’s life.”
Let’s review. The deceased perp brought a knife to a … gunfight. He had already stabbed two people before he stabbed the first deputy to respond — who was stabbed twice in thearm.
Weren’t the deputies told the subject had a knife? And had stabbed people? Weren’t they both armed with guns? If so, how did the first deputy get in a position where he, too, was stabbed?
The fact he was stabbed in the arm — twice — suggests these were defensive wounds, i.e., he was fending off the knife-wielding attacker. Why didn’t he draw his weapon and shoot the attacker at that point?
The million bucks apparently is for stomping the subject’s head and splashing his brains all over the sidewalk after he’d been shot 18 times. The stomper claimed he was making sure the subject was down.
Yeah, I see where an appellate court would have trouble believing that.
To put things in perspective, the subject’s mom got $360,000 for compensatory damages, which doesn’t seem excessive. The other $740,000 is for legal fees, which doesn’t seem excessive either, considering the city resisted paying her anything at all for years and had to be forced by the court system to cough up. It’s hard to settle when the tortfeasor’s settlement offer is “go fuck yourself.”
“Third, Warren and Buttigieg are not gloom and doom candidates. Buttigieg’s preternatural calm is soothing and reassuring; Warren’s peppiness and conviction that fundamental changes can be made (We can do this!) provide a relief from the cloud of Trump that has hung over our politics.”
Fun article about the surge in warren and pete.
Republicans are lost. They will never leave trump. So we need to get out the base and appeal to independents.
The question is which independents?
Crafting a strategy to appeal to “socially progressive fiscal conservatives” is truly pointless. Most of the voters who desribe themselves that way to journalists and pollsters are straight up lying about it, even if they don’t realize it. They are almost always far more socially conservative than they admit, especially when it comes to controlling “those people”. And they are seldom as fiscally conservative as they claim, at least not when it comes to subsidizing their sprawling suburban communities and fighting more wars for cheap gasoline.
Positive energy and enthusiasm is key fuel for organizing and motivating activists and partisans and gaining media attention at this stage for the Dems. But never forget, and don’t let anyone tell you differently: unless a completely different Trump shows up next year, he is a campaign juggernaut when it comes to riling up his base with energy and enthusiasm. We can match him for energy and enthusiasm. And we must. But we beat him with messaging, policy, and temprament.
@31 We don’t have to beat Trump. He’ll beat himself by being himself.
A lot of gay bashing going on here kately. What’s up with that? Channeling Puffy? Is it his anniversary?
Go Mayor Pete. The only intelligent one in the bunch!