Please join us on Tuesday as the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally gathers for an evening of political conversation over a drink.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the back room of the pub. We start at about 8pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle? Check out one of the 266 chapters of Living Liberally, including 22 in Washington state, seven in Oregon and three in Idaho. Find a chapter near you. Or start a new chapter for your community!
Here’s hoping Joe Biden gets the Brett Kavanaugh treatment.
Hell, here’s hoping Joe Biden gets the Jussie Smolett treatment.
“They said no Jussie Smollett jokes. I know. What a waste of white skin. You know what I could do with that light skin? That curly hair? My career would be out of here. F–ing running Hollywood,” Rock joked.
“What was he thinking?” Rock asked. “From now on, you’re Jessie from now on. You don’t even get the ‘U’ no more. That ‘U’ was respect. You don’t get no respect from me.
Chris Rock at the NAACP Image Awards event.
Now do Roseanne!
Confidential to gman:
From current level the Dow need rise barely more than 3% more to reach 27,000.
With a bit of leverage – some well-timed options, perhaps – PI very likely is telling you the truth. Remember that for every winner there’s a loser, and HA has no greater stock-market loser than Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Make 401k Great Again.
Roseanne? Hell, she’s small potatoes, metaphorically speaking. She said something racist about one person.
Smollett tried to smear half the nation.
Yield curve no longer negative.
Date 1 Mo 2 Mo 3 Mo 6 Mo 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 5 Yr 7 Yr 10 Yr 20 Yr 30 Yr
04/01/19 2.42 2.43 2.43 2.46 2.41 2.33 2.29 2.31 2.40 2.49 2.71 2.89
Biggest loser: Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. I know, that sounded redundant.
@1 In other words, you think he should be our next president. Well, at least he’s 9 places lower on the 0-10 groper scale.
@4 Cashed another dividend check yesterday. Being a loser is fun!
I don’t need to leverage my risks. I can live on less than Doctor Dumbfuck because I’m not responsible for the care and feeding of a barn full of four-legged fuck buddies.
Trump raised Obamacare deductibles so he can complain about them.
Meanwhile, we don’t get to see his health care plan until after the election.
That’s because he doesn’t have one. His plan is health care for the rich. Show me a Republican and I’ll show you someone who believes taking a sick kid to the doctor should be a privilege.
The GOP is the party that wants to privatize Medicare so senior citizens, too, can enjoy five-figure premiums and deductibles.
Virginia Republicans can no longer kick their dogs. Not legally, anyway.
But Iowa Republicans still want to make it a felony to report abuse of farm animals.
Meanwhile, why Oregon Republicans want to keep Doctor Dumbfuck out of jail is a mystery. He doesn’t give them money, doesn’t let them fuck his goats, and his dog is a Democrat.
Probably kicked him one time too many.
@4 Cashed another dividend check yesterday. Being a loser is fun!
Yeah, I hear those toys they give out with Happy Meals are a hoot. Hopefully this dividend check was enough to cover all of it, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@ 11
The GOP is the party that wants to privatize Medicare so senior citizens, too, can enjoy five-figure premiums and deductibles.
Wait a minute. I thought Obamacare would bend the cost curve downward. Your ilk made it worse?
Had a “dialogue” with a trumper who believes adamantly that welfare is charity that the government and his taxes should NOT pay for, but his Medicare and Medicaid are Rights and the government and my taxes must pay for, because those vital goverment service equal to paying for the military.
Today is the Paul Manafort’s birthday. He’s the Republlican’s Presidential campaign chair who was quit/fired when they learned he was colluding with Russians.
If you are reading this right now, that’s probably because you are not in prison like Paul Manafort, and therefore are allowed to dial up the internet whenever you want to. You may have eaten cake today, even if it is not your birthday. And Paul Manafort might have eaten cake too, whether a nice guard brought him a shitty cupcake for his birthday (no candles because contraband), or because he accidentally fell in the bathroom and ended up eating urinal cake.
Pecker going to jail for sure.
Our investigators and several experts concluded with high confidence that the Saudis had access to Bezos’ phone, and gained private information.
We studied the well-documented and close relationship between MBS and AMI chairman, David Pecker. That alliance includes David Pecker bringing MBS intermediary Kacy Grine to a private White House meeting with President Trump and Jared Kushner. Pecker has also traveled to Saudi Arabia to meet with the Crown Prince.
Though relatively benign at first (“Al Gore’s Diet Is Making Him Stupid”), the Trump/Pecker relationship has metastasized: In effect, the Enquirer became an enforcement arm of the Trump presidential campaign, and presidency, as the U.S. Attorney in the Southern District of New York laid out in its case against Michael Cohen, who has pleaded guilty. The U.S. Attorney has done the country a service by levying extensive controls on AMI, David Pecker, and his deputy Dylan Howard, through a non-prosecution agreement that requires them to commit no other crimes for three years, and requires everyone at AMI to attend annual training on federal election laws. I’m guessing that’s not how they used to spend their time.
@13 “Hopefully this dividend check was enough to cover all of it, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.”
A hell of a lot more than the Republican minimum wage.
@14 “Your ilk made it worse?”
Taking a little license, aren’t you?
Democrats made the 2018 midterms about the last 30 years of Republican health care policy.
How did you guys do in that election?
@15 You should go to eastern Washington sometime and listen to those farmers living on federally subsidized irrigation water and crop supports rant about “socialism.” That’s right up there with “keep your government mitts off my Medicare!”
On Friday, the President announced that he was ending all aid to Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras. “We’re not paying them anymore because they haven’t done a thing for us,” Trump said. By all accounts, the decision shocked officials at the Department of Homeland Security and the State Department—one, speaking to the Washington Post, described an atmosphere of “chaos.”
The President’s move, which will affect everything from development aid and humanitarian assistance to joint law-enforcement operations and anti-gang initiatives, will only make the crisis at the border worse. James Nealon, who was the Ambassador to Honduras under President Obama and later worked in D.H.S. during the Trump Administration, told me, “If he hates irregular migration now, he’s going to hate it a lot more once he cuts off aid, cuts the rug out from under friendly and coöperative governments, creates uncertainty and instability—and people really begin to move.”
But that is the point of this. Republicans need a border crisis to lead into 2020. Thirty years ago Republicans fearing a wipe out at the polls staged a US invasion of a Central American country. Today things are so advanced, they can stage a Central American invasion of the US!
@21 This is like ending aid to Puerto Rico: It probably will come as a surprise to them that he was paying them anything in the first place.
You Get What You Vote For Dep’t
Red-state farmers are hurting because of tariffs. Fuck ’em. They already got $12 billion of Trump socialism. That’s enough.
Tricia Newbold, a manager in the White House’s Personnel Security Office, told the House Oversight and Reform Committee during a private interview in March that two senior White House officials, as well as other people with sensitive access to the president, had failed their national security clearance evaluations.
Ms. Newbold explained that, starting in 2018, she began to keep a list of White House employees whose denials were overturned. Her list eventually grew to 25 officials, including two current senior White House officials, as well as contractors and individuals throughout different components of the Executive Office of the President. According to Ms. Newbold, these individuals had a wide range of serious disqualifying issues involving foreign influence, conflicts of interest, concerning personal conduct, financial problems, drug use, and criminal conduct.
The evidence of drug use, and criminal conduct is said to include forgery, prostitution, financial fraud. and use and distribution of cocaine, opiates, hallucinogenics, and prescription medications. Among the reports are documented instances of cleared individuals hiring multiple prostitutes to engage in sexual activities at parties and in private where narcotics were used and distributed.
@ 19
How did you guys do in that election?
Expanded the Senate majority, lost the House.
You can measure it in House investigations or you can measure it in judicial confirmations over the next two years.
Go to Coulee City for the 4th sometime. The irony of the trucks covered in RW slogans and ‘Socialism = Death” following behind Grant County PUD in the parade…
Speaking of farmers….
Donald tried to pin their problems on disaster aid to Puerto Rico, in the process lying about how much money was spent on Puerto Rico.
1. Soybeans aren’t much of a staple in the PR regional cuisine.
2. “Hey white salt of the earth farmers. Those brown people in that Mexican Country of Puerto Rico are stealing the socialism we could be spending on you for their own. Why are we letting brown people from shit hole countries get American tax dollars? You should be angry. No collusion. Trade wars are easily won.”
You missed another big one in your Multimedia Extravaganza!
Law to Protect Women Against Domestic Violence Forces Shelters to House Transgender Men
The party of women, indeed.
North Carolina Republican Party Chairman Robin Hayes has been indicted by a federal grand jury as part of an ongoing corruption probe that threatens to consume his party.
After Lindberg funneled $500,000 to the state GOP, some of it earmarked for Causey’s campaign, he pushed Causey to fire a regulator and replace him with one of Lindberg’s own staffers, offering $1 million in independent expenditure support of his campaign if Causey made the move — a number that grew to $1.5 million in outside support and another $500,000 to the state party.
The North Carolina GOP has been in a huge amount of turmoil in recent months after it was revealed that a local GOP operative committed voter fraud to help House nominee Mark Harris win a close election last fall. That race’s results were thrown out after Harris’ own son testified in court that he’d warned his father against hiring the operative.
Hayes was close to Harris — both come from the religious conservative wing of the party.
Police kill 3.2+ Americans a day. No crime charged, no jury verdict of guilt, no judge confirming a death sentence. Just 1,000+ extrajudicial summary executions without due process every year.
More information overlooked by MULTIMEDIA EXTAVAGANZA! for MUSHROOM MANAGEMENT purposes
Jeh Johnson, President Obama’s secretary of homeland security, March 29, 2019, appearing on ‘Morning Joe’:
Can a mushroom be a sucker too?
You seem confused about gender identity. I could recommend some study material.
You won’t find it on JudicialWatch to cut and paste though.
Oh my, MUSHROOM SOUP courtesy of …
Tucker Carlson’s first commercial break last night:
-A two-minute MyPillow ad
-Two Fox News house ads
-A political ad for a Trump PAC
That’s it. ZERO blue chip companies.
One of the most-watched shows on cable and NOBODY wants to advertise because Tucker’s show is toxic.
Gender identity. So? Women hiding from abusive men will still be exposed to MEN. Oh gee, there has never, never, not ever been a man pretending to be something he’s not for nefarious purposes.
Stop pretending otherwise. Or just admit you hate women and hope their abusers can find them and finish the job of abusing them until their dead. Dead women, dead babies, what’s the difference, eh?
Just admit you will defend ANYTHING as long as it’s proposed by a liberal D.
More yummy pasta!
Like this:
Shriveled Mushroom @34
-A two-minute MyPillow ad
-Two Fox News house ads
-A political ad for a Trump PAC
Did they pay for the advertising? Do you know if there are different rates for “blue chip companies”?
Oh gee, I wonder what is Neilson numbers/viewer numbers/rating numbers were? Afraid to check?
Of course you are.
The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday rejected a bid by anti-abortion activists to narrow a Planned Parenthood lawsuit accusing them of illegally recording video of abortion providers to try to falsely show the illicit sale of aborted fetal tissue for profit.
Activist David Daleiden and his group, the Center for Medical Progress, had argued they were exercising their right to free speech under the U.S. Constitution in surreptitiously making the recordings.
Daleiden and another activist also face criminal charges in California in connection with the videos.
Probably not as afraid as you are of relying on your own words instead of copypasta.
But I don’t blame you for being afraid of us. You’re stupid. And we’re smart. And while you may be generally a stupid person, you are at least smart enough to recognize that you can’t match wits with liberals without looking like an ass (see 37). So you copypasta all day instead.
Smart move.
Your mother taught you nothing.
Pointing to bad behavior in others does not change FACTS nor excuse other bad behavior.
Braggadocious sex talk among men (oh no, color me shocked!) is not ABUSE. It is NOT beating women. It is NOT punching them. It is NOT throwing them against walls, stoves, floors. It is NOT breaking their bones. It is NOT disfiguring their faces. It will NOT force women to seek protection orders and hide from men who purport to love them with their fists.
Of course, you know that. You just want to HURRY! CHANGE. THE. SUBJECT. And on this subject is despicable.
You should be ashamed, but instead, you’re a liberal.
@ 40. You didn’t click the link, did you?
“Dead women, dead babies”
Don’t forget the plight of America’s horses.
But this is:
This is not the way to go here. CornCob.
You were better off serving CopyPasta until being banned.
You’ve lost the ability to moralize. You and your party celebrate torturing sobbing Guatemalan toddlers. You side with Nazis. You march in torch rallies chanting anti-Semitism.
That’s who you are now. It does you no good to attempt to hold others to standards you can’t even begin to approach. You are a Republican. And all your pulpits lie in ashes at Donald Trump’s feet.
Dear Tim Burton’s latest star @40, et. al.
Let me refer you to the MULTIMEDIA EXTRAVAGAZA!* where you will find (60+!) headlines and links to them (with nary a word of commentary) to spark conversation amongst the MUSHROOMS.
There is no difference, none, between that and my posts.
Except one: the MULTIMEDIA EXTRAVAGAZA! feeds your narrative with supporting information and opinion.
Mine refute it.
And you don’t like opposing facts.
*Actually there is a dearth of commentary from MULTIMEDIA EXTRAVAGAZA!, the “Open Thread and the “Drinking Liberally” authors
“The window on the door was broken and his hand was bleeding and he was requesting to be able to come in and seek medical attention. At that point, I was scared, and he also wasn’t supposed to be there to begin with,”
A very fine gentleman, indeed.
This really is “the status quo” for Republicans now.
Assisted Suicide
Defending MS-13
Forcing churches to accept behavior against their beliefs
There is no difference, none, between that and my posts.
One big difference. It isn’t your blog. Trying to change the subject because you are afraid of debating the things the moderators are using for prompts is bad enough. But stealing the work of others in order to do it is pure weakness. And it shows.
You’ve barely shown who you are in the last few hours and you are already shriveled and dry, CornCob. From copypasta troll to pale mockery in only a few hours. This is the natural consequence of trying to reason your way out of the thick viscous film of dried jizz and diet coke littered with spent condoms and porn star public hairs that is Teh Orange Event Horizon. Reason didn’t pull you in. It can’t get you out. Nothing can. You are stuck in there forever.
Then why don’t you people run on these issues?
Where is your backbone? You people do nothing but troll this stuff.
If you Church Ladies are indeed so right, why don’t you campaign on it?
He even cheats at golf. Of course he cheats at golf! He cheats at golf above all.
Here’s an idea: Why not try putting on your big boy pants and actually do that. Try refuting something Daryl posted you disagree with using your own thoughts expressed in words.
Now who’s afraid?
@28 “Among the various ideas that are being advanced in Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2019 are measures restricting gun ownership”
Yeah, taking guns away from wife beaters who threaten to kill their partners is more than Republicans can bear. But that’s nothing. In Colorado, they’d rather lose police lives than take guns away from crazy people.
These are two more examples of why you asswipes have no credibility on anything anymore.
@29 Now I understand why an ex-convict working for the NC GOP believed he could openly steal a congressional election with impunity. He’s only the tip of an iceberg. North Carolina Republicans are corrupt to their core.
But at least they are regular church goers. Amiright?
This is going to be a tough road ahead for the Evangelical Christo-Fascist wing of the GOP.
Between JarJar paying to watch men violate his wife while doing poppers, and the pointless cruelty of DHS operating border rape camps, there’s not much left for the Church Ladies to cling to except Stand By Your Man lectures about “masculine space” to working moms. And that won’t help them win down ballot at all.
@31 What’s the crisis? That millions of Mexicans want to come here to pick fruits and vegetables? Don’t you like to eat? Did you want those jobs for your kids?
You must have crawled out of a bin full of idiots.
@35 “Just admit you will defend ANYTHING as long as it’s proposed by a liberal D.”
We’re not there yet, but your side is.
@38 Only idiots brag about how many idiots there are.
Have you ever wondered why no reputable companies advertise to such a large audience? For several reasons: Low literacy, no money, jail inmates aren’t a big market, etc.
@41 In your crowd, grabbing them by the crotch isn’t, either. Because for some people there are no lines. It’s like golf: if you cheat at golf, you probably cheat at other things, too. People who have no lines tend to cross every line.
Google “Rachel Maddow collusion delusion”.
YLB’s got company in the unserious tw*t column.
@43 I certainly understand why people who routinely take their children to see Chuck Norris movies object to an abortion movie getting an “R” rating.
@46 “the MULTIMEDIA EXTRAVAGAZA! feeds your narrative with supporting information and opinion”
This is a liberal blog. Trolls like you come here to get abused and called names. Why, is anybody’s guess. You’re stupid, I guess.
And you can point to a reputable source that will show a CIS – Male posing as a trans woman just for fun or deceit? Several reported incidents that led to arrest were right wing types out to prove a point, unsuccessfully, that men are now free to go into any locker room and bathroom of their choosing and “Be affraid for your little girls. I’m not creepy, but the actual real live trans person could be a total perv!”
We don’t really need to unpack the notion that an abused woman is fleeing ALL men instead of an abuser. If that were the case there could be zero male abuse recover counselors or when law enforcement responds to a DA call they better make sure they have the right team. Pair of lady cops or pair of male cops or one of each?
So in your world, a high school straight boy or girl finds the assured receipt of homophobia and gay panic (rumors, bullying, assaults) that ACTUALLY happen acceptable just for an opportunity to see a real live penis/vagina? (“Well, tell all my friends I’m trans. Let them react, come to school dressed as a girl. Get harrassed by my former friends. Maybe get beat up by a Jock who knew me as Bill but isn’t really down with Jill. Use the girls bathroom and BINGO! I saw some tits! Jokes on you! I’m actually normal. You can stop beating me now. I saw your girlfriend topless. And I got a boner because I’m not gay. Hey, I said it was a joke. Why are you still punching me?”)
In your world there’s a bunch of trans men faking it so they can get into a battered women’s shelter and maybe cop a feel?
If you look behind you, that paranoia really is getting closer.
Ta-Ta (see what I did there?)
(Pssst….The letters in Penthouse, is that still a thing, weren’t real. Neither are your trans fantasies.)
@48 That’s quite a list. Of sanctimonious bullshit.
Abortion is a constitutional right. Exercising is, well, like exercising Second Amendment rights. Except for you guys. You want to decide what rights other people have regardless of what our courts decide. Sorry, it doesn’t work that way.
Infanticide is a crime. If you’re aware of such an incident, and you don’t report it to the police, you’ve failed in your moral obligations to society.
Assisted suicide is legal in some places, not in others, so its legality depends on where you live. As for its morality, they shoot horses, don’t they? I’ve never watched a western movie yet where the characters thought walking away from a suffering horse was a decent or moral thing to do.
Nobody on our side defends MS-13. That’s just a flat-ass lie. Lying is immoral.
“Forcing churches to accept behavior against their beliefs.” No, you don’t get to stone people or throw them off rooftops. Nor do you have any right to impose your beliefs on others. Behavior that doesn’t break the law is none of your goddamned business.
You should maybe watch a documentary once in a while.”
In his world homosexuality is a choice.
Because in his world heterosexuality is a choice.
And his preoccupation is with everyone else’s choice.
Just imagine the conflict and cognitive dissonance he must have experienced that first week of gym class showers – and the long sleepless nights that followed. That’s bound to leave some scars.
How do you know when Howard Schultz is secretly running as just another Shy-Trumper Republican?
When he even finds away to blame the Democrats for this:
As with healthcare and the ShitDown, the GOP owns this. I’m heading out to the store later today for some avocados just in case. So I kinda sorta hope the idiots do shut the border. I know it’ll really fuck up some people’s lives, and not just people in El Paso or San Diego. But white people have to learn somehow.
I don’t know if any of you paid any attention over the weekend to the unraveling of Denise McAllister.
But it was epic.
For those who may not know, she was a frequent contributor to Ben Domenech’s Federalist who opined mostly about “real men”, “masculinity”, “masculine space”, and otherwise lectured to conservative millennial “ladies” about these very important topics.
About a week ago she got drunk and mean tweeted about The View. In the subsequent dust up she talked a bunch of shit about Meghan McCain. Which was dumb in so many ways. Not the least of which is that her boss, Domenech, is married to McCain. Domenech to his credit left it to his wife to settle her own scores. Which she did to devastating effect with a one-tweet reply,
you were at my wedding Denise….
which quickly went ultra-viral and within a few days become a kind of catch-phrase meme.
What followed was McAllister trying vainly to change the subject any way she could by foghorning. Her tweet frequency exploded. Predictably enough, by Satruday she got drunk and did it again. Only this time it involved a bunch of rabidly bigotted vulgar hate-tweeting directed toward some specific gay men about dicks, assholes, all somehow mixed up with “God’s plan”. I guess it was a bridge too far. By Sunday morning she was still at it, but unemployed. Within the span of just a few hours she was DM’d by everyone she worked for not to come in Monday.
The offending tweet and the associated stream of consciousness flameout has been removed now. But I was lucky enough to witness it in real time. I’d been to a concert with my wife and was still up uncharacteristically late and spotted a link.
I’ve come to believe we will be seeing more of this kind of shit. Like that klownsurvaturd publisher of the Post-Gazette getting drunk and forcing his twelve year old daughter to watch him humiliate himself in front of his newsroom staff. Or even David Pecker truly fucking himself with the Bezos extortion scheme. Or even the unraveling of Avenatti. Something of moths to the Trump candle flame about all this. The extreme flavor of Trump Tang has become overwhelmingly attractive to these people, yet fatally toxic.
+32.72% for the period January 1, 2018 through April 2, 2019.
Investments? The only way my stupid “millionaire” son has ever made a living is by filching from my purse.
While SCOTUS was ok’ing torture vis-a-vis the application of the death penalty, Florida pointed out why the death penalty needs to go.
The older of the pair was sentenced to death and would be dead were it not for Florida outlawing the death penalty in 1980. 42 years they’ve been in prison.
I wonder what she was thinking, breaking that white racist guy’s windshield with her face while he was beating her for parking while black? She should just plead guilty and consider herself lucky that neither he nor the cops shot her.
“White man beats black woman in viral video — and now police want to charge her”
Trump’s game plan for dealing with the Democratic House is resorting to extortion to get what he wants.
Ain’t gonna work. Democrats will let his axes fall, then blame him, and count themselves lucky to be recipients of such gifts.
Never a dull moment in this presidency. Keeps the press busy.
From your link:
“The list of topics Trump claimed could be addressed in 45 minutes has long vexed Congress, and almost certainly run afoul of the priorities of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whose Democratic votes Trump would need to pass any immigration legislation.”
This is what is fundamentally flawed about “neutral” journalism.
While it’s true the preferred policy outcomes favored by President FingerBang are probably not compatible with the House majority’s, this blurb about Pelosi is tossed in gratuitously, without context, and in a largely symbolic attempt to signal neutrality by setting the issue up in a binary that really does not exist.
Let’s get fucking real. Democrats have been begging their Republican colleagues to negotiate with them around comprehensive immigration reform for two decades. And the only time Republicans dared come to the table it resulted in a primary bloodbath for them. Furthermore, Trump is lying when he says he wants reform. He does not. And that’s why he set this up in this way. He’s trolling the issue and any idiot ought to be able to see that. But somehow, not CNN whose obligatory “neutrality” demands that they treat his claims as somehow suddenly credible.
The obstacle to immigration reform is, has been, and for the foreseeable future will continue to be the beer-drunk, red asshat wearing, Pork Sauce GOP base of Crazy Uncle Liberties sweltering in fetid trailer parks all across flyover country. The GOP demagogued their base with dog whistle fears that Trump has only amplified. Thanks to them, he was their nominee in 2016. And now they own the store.
The single biggest reason Pelosi would decline President StinkFinger’s generous offer is that she knows no matter what they put on the table it all goes down in the Senate. Yertle would never even bring legislation to a vote. Any idiot who knows the name Eric Cantor knows that much. The media should not lie to their audience, even in service to “neutrality”.
@68 Closing the border will shut down 100% of U.S. auto manufacturing within a week.
Trump apparently has forgotten what happened to the last Republican who wanted to shut down the auto industry.
Now who’s going to give him his massage?
You know, Obama’s polling was around 40% when Granholm made that speech. The guys who built that campaign knew how to come from behind.
From that moment forward the enduring image of the campaign was Mittens the hedge fund manager tying his family’s sick dog to the roof of the Range Rover.
Let’s give it the old Unvle Joe Biden reminder. Neither the NRCC, the GOP or any individual Republican candidates have returned Steve Wynn’s donations.
Wynn was the RNC Finance Chairman for a period even after these allegations went public.
Wynn Resorts counters that it is no longer led by Wynn and instead run by a board of trustees who covered up Wynn’s behavior so it’s all good NOW.
@76 Speaking of legislation the Turtle won’t bring to a vote,
“Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told President Donald Trump the Senate will not revisit health care reform before the 2020 elections, the Kentucky Republican said Tuesday.”
The Turtle may be mean and unscrupulous, but he isn’t stupid.
@68 Well, I do like the fact he helped make me a millionaire. My Starbucks stock is now worth nearly 70 times what I paid for it. But that doesn’t mean I’ll vote for him. I’d rather he stick to what he’s good at, i.e., selling overpriced coffee.
@78 Chinese spy. If Republicans behave the way they usually do in similar circumstances, they’ll summarily shoot her without a trial.
But wait, that treatment is only for fucked-up-in-the-head American soldiers. There’s no foreign blowback from shooting your own troops. Whereas you can’t suck up to Xi by shooting his spies, so I predict she’ll walk, and soon.
And when she does, Trump will never again have any credibility with respect to the offenses of people like Manning and Bergdahl. Not that he does now. Not that it matters.
you concede way too much there.
The things Biden is actually accused of are not sexual, however much the 8chan fever swamp where CornCob Bob dwells might wish.
His misdeeds may well have to do with gender power politics in a big way. And his “victims” have every right to be treated with respect and consideration. And everyone can learn from this (except Republicans, of course).
But nobody that I’m aware of is personally accusing him of the kind of groping, perving, pussy grabbing, sexual extortion that the current GOP is now well known for.
Still wrong. But perhaps not irredeemably wrong. Biden isn’t handling it correctly in my opinion. He may not know how. But the people around him should. That they cannot, or will not address this head on with apologies and listening is what I find most disqualifying.
Obviously not all Republicans are shitty at business.
Just most of them.
China probably will grab an American tourist next week to trade for her. They might even not beat him up very much if the questioning of their spy is confined to mere formalities.
When she returns to China, she’ll be shot for getting caught.
The fact Trump appoints a lot of unqualified people isn’t as bad as it seems. A lot of them either don’t last long or leave the reservation.
Wherein Don Junior makes the mistake of accusing the Washington Post of having “zero regard for journalistic integrity” because it accurately reported that a Trump golf course hasn’t paid its taxes. Which prompted the following reply (among others):
“Ok…so, apart from running that fake university AND that fake charitable foundation, where exactly did you learn what integrity was and was not…? While you were laundering money through golf clubs?
“Fuck’s sake…how do dickheads like this have the balls to post this shit…?”
Simple. Fake bravado. My dad is president so I can talk shit and nobody can touch me. Worked for Uday and Qusay, too. To a point.
Fuck You! Quack, Quack.
Buzzfeed is going to regret what they did to me. Paybacks are a bitch.
your most powerful friends, who are not GRU operators, are Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, and Michael Sanchez….
I neglected to mention Jeff Guckert.
So there’s that.
Trump’s “fine people” at work.
“A Tennessee social justice center that has hosted iconic civil rights leaders was destroyed in a fire and a ‘white power’ symbol was found on the site, the center said.”
Pssst….Wind turbines and cancer. Google it.
Comet Ping Pong
Jet fuel can’t melt steel.
Why is the flag fluttering when there’s no wind on the moon.
They’re all crisis actors the kids are fine.