Here’s an idea…stop by the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally this evening. We have some politics and policy to discuss.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the back room of the pub. We start at about 8pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle? Check out one of the 263 chapters of Living Liberally, including 22 in Washington state, eight in Oregon and three in Idaho. Find a chapter near you. Or start a new chapter for your community!
I feel like leading off with the Lewinski interview is a bit unfair.
Teh Dumbfuck has been trying his damnedest to lay low and avoid taking much deserved shots for having abandoned every single ideological principle in order to support President Sundowner.
And now Darryl puts that up.
It might just kill him.
I’ll be first. The Hump and Repukes blow! Bunch of Treasonous fascist fucks destroying democracy!
Fuck! I’m not first! Still a bunch of Treasonous fascists
So President Draft Dodger’s Attorney General has asked Rod Rosenstein to stay on at DOJ.
Fuck yeah.
Of course, it’s the black man’s fault that the white woman repeatedly called him a “nigger”. It’s always the black man’s fault. Just ask Doctor Dumbfuck.
Wherein a violent white supremacist islamophobe and self-proclaimed Trump supporter becomes a liberal environmentalist with a wave of Rush’s magic wand.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If you can’t keep your followers under control (and on this side of the law), then rebrand ’em.
Conservatives have already talked themselves into believing racism, attacking places of worship, and shooting Jews, blacks, and Muslims are okay again. What’s left? Talking themselves into thinking secession and civil war are okay, too.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If you keep trying to talk yourself into something, eventually you will convince yourself. So just stop. Now. Before it’s too late.
@5 Steve, you talking to me? Jehebus Christ. Fuck you!
See Steve, its your fault.
@7 I think I said it here before….I told a friend of mine, whom I’ve mentioned here, 8 years ago that this Country is headed for Civil War.
Now if I only could predict who wins it.
Arm up people – if you don’t like guns, then at least buy all the ammo and arm your neighbors or take away from your enemies.
Fire this cop!
In Virginia, a cop serving as a high school resource officer has been outed as a recruiter for a white supremacist group.
He needs to be gone, pronto. He has a right to his beliefs, but he doesn’t have a right to wear a badge and gun; that authority belongs to us, not him. It’s time to say: “You’re fired!”
“In a New Jersey court appearance Monday, the alleged killer of Gambino family crime boss Francesco Cali flashed pro-Trump propaganda scrawled across his palm.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Trump appears to be winning the murderer vote, but at least this one made himself useful.
A Michigan lab run by a DowduPont subsidiary force-fed fungicides to helpless dogs. The company claims Brazil made them do it.
(Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit doesn’t own DowduPont stock.)
@5 “‘I was walking down the center aisle in front of the cash register,’ Terrone told police, ‘and I turned around to my daughters, and I said, Oh, Jesus Christ. The man, in his little scooter, said, Are you talking to me, (expletive)? And I said no (N-word), I’m not.’
“The white woman dared the black man to put his hands on her, and she chased after him when he walked away.
“Terrone told police she and the man had spat at one another during the confrontation, and she threatened to press charges.
“She demanded police come to her New Haven home to investigate, then swore at the officer who answered the call because he said East Haven police did not have jurisdiction there.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Well, now we know what happened. The woman has a big-mouth problem and doesn’t even realize it. She needs some social training. When she’s undergoing that, the trainers should determine whether she needs potty training, too.
Plenty more where he came from.
This is who cops are now, too.
The fact is, we simply don’t need most of them. The overwhelming majority of police 911 calls are for situations that really don’t call for a police response. And depending on your age, race, and income you may be more likely to be violently arrested or worse because you called the police than if you had not. And for the things that we really need an armed police response for, they are for the most part unwilling to take the risks necessary to be of any real use.
@9 Look at the bright side — if their side has bought up 8 trillion rounds of ammo, at 25 cents a bullet, they’ve added $2 trillion to the economy.
I wondered how Trump did it. Now we know.
In 2018, the cost to raise a kid to 18 was estimated to be approximately $233,000. That means, the instant the kid pops out, the parent or parents have a liability on the balance sheet of $233,000 and an asset (the kid) of unknown value. That’s why abortion might be one of the new financial planning tools impoverished women should consider using in order to avoid being impoverished for a lifetime.
Take all of the emotion out of it, and all we have is a financial decision: does it make more financial sense to have a child one cannot afford, or does it make sense end the pregnancy to avoid the liability? That’s why abortion needs to be available to women as a way of building financial security in their lives.
So, let’s get those abortions under way and the sooner the better!
@14 I don’t think we need fewer police, we just need different police. There’s obviously something wrong with police recruiting when you see who they’re hiring.
So you object to birth control and family planning?
We really need a lot fewer police.
They are not making you any safer. They are just costing you a ton of money and, indirectly, making you less safe.
Part of the reason you say we need “different” police is due to the inherent conflict between public policies calling for vast, unaccountable expansion of both police ranks, police powers, and police armament. Even small city police agencies now routinely staff, train, and equip para-military rapid response tactical teams with almost nothing for them to do. So consequently they routinely assign them to carry out most or all felony search warrants. And you get innocent dead people, injured children, lots and lots of dead pets, and multi-million dollar liability settlements.
We thin our own ranks of qualified candidates in order to create idiotic over-response with multiple tactical response teams, breach teams, K-9 teams, Equine teams, drone surveillance teams, bicycle mounted teams, community outreach teams, EOD teams, intelligence teams, marine response teams, HazMat response teams, gang intervention teams, etc. etc. Costing us tons of money and leaving us with no choice but to reach ever-lower into the candidate pools. Then when that magical synergy of over-response combines with limited resources and under-qualified candidates we dump billions into risk reduction strategies, retraining programs, settlements, and federal consent decrees rendering those massive investments mostly impotent and incapable of actually protecting us.
And because Republicans in Congress have withdrawn the federal government from any role in urban economic development or stabilization, with our municipal resources depleted by massive over-investment in bloated police programs, we cut social services, particularly for youth and family intervention and diversion programs. Which produces more petty crime, vandalism, substance abuse, and property crime. So some kid breaks into your garage and steals your bike and you predictably freak out and yell for more police.
It’s a self-perpetuating, self-reinforcing cycle of stupid we’ve been stuck in for the better part of five decades. It hasn’t shown the faintest hope of making things any better. We don’t need “different” police. We need a lot fewer of them. And we need to use the money “better”.
@16 “all we have is a financial decision”
Not true. There’s more to children than dollars and cents. In fact, most parents don’t even consider money when they think about having kids. That’s why so many kids are born into lives of poverty. If they did, nobody would have kids, because only the rich can afford them.
However, financial considerations are playing a larger role in life decisions. That’s one of the reasons why the U.S. birth rate is plummeting. It has fallen below the replacement rate, and without immigrants, America eventually will be unpopulated.
The only way the average Trailerkid rejected from the armed forces for fitness, addicted to LARPing, and stuck toiling in retail
is ever going to get a real raise is to skip parenthood.
Besides in retail, at least for females, pregnancy is guaranteed unemployment straight to TANF. An option that is oddly attractive to many Trailerbettys.
+32.82% for the period January 1, 2018 through March 19, 2019.
@22 It doesn’t take brains to become a millionaire. The math is so simple children can do it. Paid your margin calls yet?
Kamala Harris looks more like a contender all the time. Meanwhile, GOP voters are solidly behind Trump.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What do you say about people who heartily embrace a racist liar under criminal investigation? Republicans are stupid en masse. If you want to understand Hitler’s rise to power, study today’s GOP voters.
@16. Vasectomy prevents abortion if you’re so worried about it.
@24. this is a series of posts I had with a trumper about the topic of the new zealand white supremacist praising trump…. {Spelling errors are his. }
Me: It doesn’t bother you that trump is doing things make him a symbol of “renewed white identity and common purpose.” to white supremacists everywhere? So exactly, how much do you agree with them?
Him: I believe trump is doing a great job. and with the help congress is supposed to give him, he could even help you.
Me: Let’s see, trump demanded the death penalty for black men regardless that they were found to be innocent, he puts brown toddlers in cages, he banned Muslims from nations he was not doing business with, he pardoned – and praises – Joe Arpaio, the Arizona sheriff sanctioned for racially profiling Latinos and for keeping immigrants in brutal prison conditions, he endorsed and campaigned for Roy Moore, the Alabama Senate candidate who spoke positively about slavery and who called for an African-American Muslim member of Congress not to be seated because of his religion, he called some of those who marched alongside white supremacists in Charlottesville, Va., last August “very fine people.”, he frequently offers false crime statistics to exaggerate urban crime, including about Oakland, Philadelphia and Ferguson, Mo. and he spent years lying that the nation’s first black president was born not in the United States but in Kenya.
If you call that a great job, then so be it. I guess for you, he’s hurting the right people.After all you voted for him and said you would vote for him again.
Him. Thats a damed lie and you know it. how low will you people stoop. And od course you blame Trump for that.
Me: I blame trump for his record of what he has DONE.. Why do you keep giving him a pass? Aren’t there other, better, republicans you could vote for, who DON’T ACT in racist white supremacist ways?
Him: Trump is not a racist, never has been and never will be, he has hired and promoted more blacks than anyone.
Me: the mail bomber mentioned trump, the synagogue shooter mentioned trump, the coast guard white supremacist mentioned trump, the New Zealand terrorist mentioned trump, it’s like there a pattern….
Him: Its only because they like you hate him, get of CNN
At least it wasn’t a goat or horse or some other 4 legged animal or Steaksauce’s mother (hopefully).
For those concerned about surviving the upcoming civil war in this country, there are two rules of thumb to consider:
1. Get good equipment and supplies for survival now. You don’t need a Cadillac when a good Chevrolet will do the trick. Just remember “good enough and plenty of it.”
2. Stay away from crowds.
Trump, a white man of a certain age, serves as an identity proxy for these people. His record will never matter to them. It’s who he is that matters. That’s why they take criticism of him personally, however much it may be justified. That’s why they share his deepest insecurities about appearance, sexuality, virility and relevance. That’s why his thin skinned, bleating victimhood and ludicrous boasting only encourages them. And that is exactly why his decline and collapse is their decline and collapse.
He is the late mid-life crisis Presidency for late mid-life crisis America.
@29 It’s simpler than that. They’re afraid they’ll never get laid again if date rape is outlawed.
Hey rabbit, you are not the only one who made this connection
“Working as intended keep the poor and working class fighting over race and religion why the wealthy and corporations fight a class war and they are winning.”
And this was a fitting cartoon. Midirection
@31 It’s not like the Class Warriors are subtle about their intentions. Anytime you see Repukes float a proposal like this, the intent behind it flashes like a strobe light.
Rationing education is no different from rationing health care; what’s the point of being the elite if everyone else has what you have? These fuckers want to ration food, too (i.e., food stamp cuts).
I guess going hungry is meant to create an incentive to inherit wealth. (“Born rich or die!”) Or maybe they just want people to be hungry and homeless because they enjoy watching them suffer.
As Warren Buffet said, yes there’s a class war raging in our country, and his class is winning it.
You have to remember that conservatives sided with the British during the American Revolution, and with the Tsar during the Russian Revolution. They don’t want an elected President or Congress. A hereditary king and nobility suits them just fine. But don’t ask them to be part of the commoner class, they’ll take offense at that.
Some of them have ideas about what to do with presidents, too. Hey, not my ideas. Speak to this guy about it.
Oh, and that ex-school employee who unloaded on the black guy in the checkout line? Probably Anastasia’s granddaughter. The guy didn’t know you can’t speak to royalty without permission.
Ohhh, it’s so riveting waiting for the Feds! Right now down 100 plus points. I’m sure by the end of today the balloons and confetti will be flying, high fives all around, and circle jerks with laughter.
Maybe all that will happen even before you Seatlans wake up.
We have political royal families here in this country. The three main ones are the Bushes, the Clinton’s and the Knnnedys. I hope one of their descendants never is president again. Even 17th cousins, twice removed!
@36 do you prefer The Hump family? Bunch of fucking immigrants.
Republican health care plan: Your insurance doesn’t pay, and debt collectors grab your home.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This can’t happen to me, because I’m a senior citizen and have Medicare. Maybe everyone should have Medicare, so it won’t happen to them, either.
Sure, Medicare For All costs a lot. But the health care system we have now costs more. Even a kid can do the math:
More – A Lot = Money Left Over
Republicans claim we can’t “afford” MFA. They say it will cost X. But to support their claims, they’re subtracting X from zero to “prove” MFA is just too expensive and will bankrupt the country. Any math teacher can tell you they’re setting up the problem all wrong. You wonder how they made it through seventh grade.*
* I suspect the answer is they didn’t, they dropped out after six grades.
A question that just popped into my hate is whether Rep. Steve White Supremacist from Iowa has schooling beyond sixth grade, so I looked it up, and the answer is no. Wikipedia says he graduated from a community high school, but he was the kid who slept through all the classes. He also “attended Northwest Missouri State University from 1967 to 1970, where he was a member of the Alpha Kappa Lambda fraternity and majored in math and biology, but did not graduate.” Heh. We all know what that was about: Drinking And Partying Draft Deferment at the local college where cows are taught how to moo. So now I know where Rep. WS gets his politics from: A coloring book. Color me white, color you fuck you er I mean brown. Everything makes sense once you understand it.
A Republican is someone who doesn’t want the colored guy down the street to vote while proclaiming there’s no racism in his community because they get along fine as neighbors.
@35 Gives you that warm sinking feeling, doesn’t it? All kinds of companies, starting with FedEx, are warning of a global slowdown. FedEx should know; less freight being moved means less stuff is being sold — a rather direct correlation there. Wall Street has known for months the global and U.S. economies are slowing, so it’s partially priced into stocks, but now that we’re getting confirmation from the front lines of business, where the air freight hits the tarmac, you can expect to see some further recession expectation to hit stocks. A buying opportunity for all!
And, oh year, almost forgot — a slowing economy obviously has to be a Democrat conspiracy to rig the 2020 election. We should hear from Hump about that soon, when he can’t sell his “the economy is growing the fastest in history!” meme to midwest soybean farmers anymore.
@36 “I hope one of their descendants never is president again.”
I’ll go you one better: I hope no Republican is ever president again. Here in Washington, we haven’t had a Republican governor since the 1980s, and our state is better off because of it. Now let’s do that nationwide, and our country will be far better for it.
Blowjobs for Wall Street!