The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets tonight for an evening of politics over a drink. Please stop by.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the back room of the pub. We start at about 8pm.
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Clarence Thomas wants to make it easier for Trump to sue SNL.
Last night on a crowded club corner in downtown New Orleans the NOPD and Louisianna State Patrol gunned down five innocent bystanding taxpayers while attempting to arrest a robbery suspect.
Woman, 17, with gunshot wound to the leg
Man, 34, with gunshot wounds to the left arm, upper abdomen
Man, 37, with a gunshot wound to the left shoulder (released from hospital)
Man, 33, with gunshot wound to the right elbow (released from hospital)
Man, 32, with gunshot wound to the right hip (released from hospital)
GSW to the upper abdomen remains in critical condition.
@ 2
No, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Thomas wants it to be a state-decided issue, not a federal one.
“The states are perfectly capable of striking an acceptable balance between encouraging robust public discourse and providing a meaningful remedy for reputational harm. We should reconsider our jurisprudence in this area.”
You’re truly a fucking clown. You were truly an incompetent attorney.
Finally, a debate that YLB might have a chance to win.
Only women, transgenders are allowed in GW debate tournament
How’s that work in practice?
Because SNL is aired in Mobile one could file suit in Alabama if NBC gave you a sad.
People with thin skins may not be able to sue media outlets in CA but CAN sue in MS?
If sued for ‘hurt feels’ successfully in Utah, can one use the asset shielding laws by moving to Florida to not pay damages?
@5 This is what happens when arrogant doctors not only think they can fly airplanes but are legal scholars, too.
This particular doctor can’t even get the comment cite right.
Because there’s always gonna be a Steve.
“Why should anyone believe you when you were fired from the FBI for lying?” @savannahguthrie asks Andrew McCabe
4:58 AM – Feb 19, 2019
Ya know, I haven’t heard gman joke about how the Dow’s not gonna get to 27,000 in 2019 for quite awhile.
I sorta miss those jokes.
Thomas still seething that his reputation was besmirched by shrill bitches simply for discussing his dick size and doing the Humpty dance in their cubicles.
Pills didn’t do it for him, but when Russia’s flag is raised over the White House, maybe Doctor Dumbfuck will at long last finally get himself a hardon.
I got $50 I can tell you who he voted for for President…
Alabama Newspaper owner editorialized in favor of a return of the Klan.
Asked about it…
Your first clue was that he only called for assassinating Democrats and Democrats in the Republican Party…
like Mitt Romney I guess?
South Carolina Sen. Tom Corbin really doesn’t like female Senators. While working with several he reportedly looked at one on particular and told a HI-Larousse joke…
Literally conparing women to meat. Taking Genesis LITERALLY. How 1950s of you.
“In my day we just asked about pubes in a Coke and it was no problem. People are too sensitive today.” Clarence Thomas.
Obstruction, flip flip, obstruction of, flip flip, Justice oh here it is:
And Method Acting AG Meathead denied any such conversations under oath? I am shocked! Shocked I say!
Like I said the first time, plan B was perjury. Should have gone with plan A.
Report any day now. Yup.
Probably more important in the long term:
“One of Mr. Trump’s lawyers also reached out that summer to the attorneys for two of his former aides — Paul J. Manafort and Mr. Flynn — to discuss possible pardons. The discussions raised questions about whether the president was willing to offer pardons to influence their decisions about whether to plead guilty and cooperate in the Mueller investigation.”
Please let it be Sekulow.
ABJ has issued a show cause to Stone and his clowncar of lawyers for the bizarre series of Instagram smears and threats he launched at the court yesterday.
The court did the right thing in protecting Stone’s First Amendment rights in the original gag order. But of course, he’s a fucking idiot and he abused it recklessly by insulting and threatening the court, ABJ, and the presiding. Stones abject instant apology not withstanding, the court is entirely right now to intervene and consider expanding the gag.
It seems unlikely that Stone’s attorneys can credibly argue that they can influence him in this way. The first thing the judge will be asking is did any of them advise him about his Instagram postings. If they did they are fucked. But it seems unlikely that they did. They’ll have to admit that he does whatever the fuck he wants and doesn’t talk to them first.
That means it will fall to Stone himself to convince the judge that despite a consistent fifty year history of this kind of defamatory and threatening public speech, his behavior will not directly or indirectly threaten the court or the course of justice in his case. A very tall order. But the First Amendment is a very tall shield. If I had to guess I’d say the judge is issuing a strike call here and wants to make sure Stone hears it. If she’s smart, and I know she is, she’ll use his own lawyer’s pleadings to outline to Stone the limits of his conduct.
But I’d also add that federal judges are very wary of threats of violence, and for very good reason. Upon taking their oath one of the first things they all go through is a very thorough and intimidating background check and security briefing. They learn that sadly federal judges are targeted with real threats all the time. They learn a whole lot of non-public information about the nature and extent of those threats. And they are trained to take their own security and that of their family and coworkers very seriously.
As far as threats to the court go, Stone probably won’t get a second strike.
What an Alabama swamp creature looks like.
Corruption and obstruction are SOP for this administration.
“The states are perfectly capable of striking an acceptable balance between encouraging robust public discourse and providing a meaningful remedy for reputational harm. We should reconsider our jurisprudence in this area.”
State court records abound with case law amply demonstrating that prior to Sullivan state and local officials routinely used taxpayer resources to bring SLAPP suits against media organizations that reported unflattering stories. Calling it a pubic hair doesn’t make it one. And calling out The Southern Cause in a concurring opinion doesn’t make it a reserved power.
The whole fucking point of Sullivan was that the fact record before the lower court showed that the states were absolutely not capable of striking a balance where their own interests were concerned. Nor do I imagine could Associate Justice Public Hair or Associate Justice Date Rape. But seeing as that’s only two out of nine on the court who will forever bear the unique burden of that asterisk after their names, it would take a remarkable roll of the dice for such a case to ever see a grant of cert.
Roger, owing to the fact that you chose to link CNN for that I think you should be aware.
CNN has just announced that the position of Political Editor for the network for the 2020 election coverage will be given to someone with absolutely zero journalism education, training, or working background. This person will be managing and coordinating all of CNN’s coverage of the next Presidential election, making assignments, approving and spiking coverage, and deciding the editorial direction of all the political coverage.
To give you a flavor of this person I’d invite you to review a curated timeline of her most choice tweets from that last few years that Aaron Rupar put together here:
And give very serious consideration to not bothering with CNN going forward. I don’t know what’s going on at CNN. I just know it isn’t journalism.
“Finally, a debate that YLB might have a chance to win.
Only women, transgenders are allowed in GW debate tournament”
Given how folks on the right are always projecting what they see as their own worst attributes onto others, it seems to me that Doctor Dumbfuck is trying to tell us that he’s transgender.
Journalism has turned into the manufacture of propaganda supporting the point of view of the “journalists” performing the manufacture.
@21 Did Rupert Murdoch buy CNN when we weren’t looking?
You just described Newscorp and RT.
And frankly I see no real difference between Newscorp and one of Putin’s Moldovan bot-farms. Except that Murdoch’s insistence on relying on actual living, breathing (I wont say “real”) chunky female catalog models to deliver his propaganda is less efficient.
Shame Murdoch never developed a taste for fucking pimply Moldovan script-kiddies. He could have saved himself a fortune.
Les GrossmanJeff Zucker makes Murdoch look like Mr. Rogers.@ 11, 18
This is the largest-circulation paper in Marengo County, population as of the 2010 census 21,027.
That having been said, Jesus H. Christ, that’s awful. Just awful.
People like that cannot die soon enough. Hopefully painfully.
Small wonder they went after him. Finally, a guy your average liberal male thinks he might be able to take.
5.Nicholas is 16-years of age,is 5’9” in height and weighs 115pounds.
@27 Maybe he just got his property tax bill in the mail. His rant made references to taxes.
@27 trying to play nice? Covering up something? Would you feel that way about a gay person being lynched by this guy, or if he said something similar about a gay person?
I didnt think so. You are a fraud. You always will be.
@27 if I had said what you have said you would tell me I was a bad person, you fraud, you and the whole Repuke Party. And to boot you are all a bunch of Russian loving traitors.
“Finally, a guy your average liberal male thinks he might be able to take.”
And yet anyone here could kick your sorry ass from one end of Seattle to the other and there wouldn’t be a damned thing you could do about it. SAD!
@7 “lying”
Oh my, one little lie made our Doctor Dumbfuck cry.
Lies told by this administration now number in the tens of thousands, and you have repeated just one of those lies thousands of times right here on this blog.
McCabe has more integrity than all of you combined.
“The government’s top ethics watchdog disclosed Tuesday that it had refused to certify a financial disclosure report from Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross. In a filing, the Office of Government Ethics said it wouldn’t certify the 2018 annual filing by Ross because he didn’t divest stock in a bank despite stating otherwise. The move could have legal ramifications for Ross and add to pressure for a federal probe.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Is there any corner of the Trump administration that isn’t corrupt? So far, I don’t see one.
Before the trolls mention it, yes I saw this story. Although it appears, conflicting stories on whether the conditions of the grant have been violated.
Meanwhile, a separate project, Caltrain Electrification construction continues, providing jobs across the nation, including Utah and Texas.
Re: MAGATEEN lawsuit agianst the WaPo.
Upon initial review it does not appear that the alleged fact set argued by plaintiff resulted in the alleged tort.
It does not appear that the alleged tort argued by plaintiff arise from actions by the Washinton Post Company.
It does not appear that alleged actions by the Washington Post Company were motivated by malice toward the plaintiff.
It’s thin af. But they deserve their chance to at least make a preliminary showing of evidence to support the claims. But aside from a long winded primal scream about media bias so far it doesn’t look promising for MAGATEEN’s dreams of riches. I’ll be surprised if they are granted discovery.
But it should play well to the mouth breathers and wife beaters. And maybe they can gin up a book deal and some appearance money. Perhaps it even opens a few doors for the kid. But it certainly will never compare to how many doors it will close.
At the conclusion of the Special Counsel’s work, he or she shall provide the Attorney General with a confidential report explaining the prosecution or declination decisions reached by the Special Counsel.
A newly appointed, not method acting, Attorney General has been confirmed. The Deputy Attorney General who has been overseeing the SCO is preparing to resign and make way for a new deputy. Throughout the last 19 months the SCO has regularly consulted with and reported to the DAG on authorizations, referrals, indictments, declinations, sentencing memos, and cooperation agreements. The understanding of these consultations and decisions can potentially vary between the SCO and the DAG at main. The new AG, who henceforth will be assuming oversight of the SCO, will want the most comprehensive view of these consultations and decisions before assuming oversight of SCO. He’ll want a report.
So yup. A report is coming from the SCO to the AG in the next week or so. But it is not the “wrap it up” report Trumpublicans might have wished for.
Aside from that we get another sentencing memo for Manafucked, this time for his conviction in DC. And it should be another enlightening one. It will give some additional view into what other criminal indictments might roll up from the Manafort case and his activities with foreign spies during the campaign.
@36 yes from the Party of Family Values and Tort Reform comes…………a $250M bullshit lawsuit.
But hey, I hope he wins……potentially it opens the door for me one day too.
Bezos can easily afford it. Who knows? Maybe if things work out Bezos can obtain tax benefits as a flow-through from AMI to MAGATEEN and come out way ahead on the deal. Unlike MAGATEEN, I give Bezos outstanding odds for prevailing against AMI, Pecker, and maybe even one of two of his lawyers.
@36. The Gawker Attack.
@38. Republicans literally don’t care if they’re seen as hypocrites on Family Values and Tort Reform. They don’t see it as a bad thing, they see it as “winning.” If they’re getting something they want and others are hurt, that’s a victory for them, and it’s not a bad thing.
Regardless of what it does to democracy.
@27 Hold the papers, did godwinha just actually write something critical of racists?
“That having been said, Jesus H. Christ, that’s awful. Just awful.
People like that cannot die soon enough. Hopefully painfully.”
But given your track record, that statement could go either way.
Blink once if you meant the democrats should die off….
Blink twice if you meant the racists should die off…