These days, the air is filled with the smell of conspiracy and the stench of corruption. Add ‘er all up, the nose sure brings out the craziness! The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets tonight to ponder the political mystery and intrigue of our crazy times…all over a drink, of course.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the room at the rear of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle? Check out one of the 260 chapters of Living Liberally, including 22 in Washington state, eight in Oregon and three in Idaho. Find a chapter near you. Or you might consider starting your own chapter!
Republicans will have to forget all about any hopes or schemes to somehow get out from under all the PornAbortion corruption before 2020. There will be no primary challenger. There will be no “announcement” of stepping aside. The 2020 primary contest is designed to be an efficient vehicle to promote the corronation of Cheeto Jeezus, and his “lifestyle” brands.
Ronna McDaniel, having purged the RNC of all potential opposition, has agreed that the reelection committee, Trump Victory 2020, will oversee the party, all the primaries, the rules, all the voter data, all the fundraising, and all the spending from now through 2020. A substantially reduced RNC staff will be located in the Trump Victory offices in Rosslynn VA under the direction of the Trump campaign. He will control and approve all spending. Trump family and Trump Org will be front line vendors for all party expenditures going forward.
Thirsty? Here’s a $25 bottle of river water with a gold “T” on it.
Merry Christmas.
He owns the brand now.
Happy Holidays!
Fuck That! 27,000 by the start of 2019! The fun is just beginning!
@1 It’s something that he had to learn from Putin.
God Bless!
Long Live Ireland – True Home of the Free and the Brave
Earning too much while black. What on earth was he thinking?? He could have been shot!
“Bank calls cops on black man because they thought his paycheck was too high”
Just saw Peter Moricci on Varney’s show. He’s a professor emeritus from the University of Maryland, and, man, did he just slam the university system as a bunch of elitist assholes!
They’re not doing education at colleges and universities these days. They’re doing indoctrination into socialism, communism and extremist educational elitism.
Yabbut I don’t smell no borscht.
These days, the air is filled with the smell of conspiracy and the stench of corruption.
We’re in blue dress stain territory, peeps.
And I’m totally fine with Mike Pence selecting RBG’s replacement.
@ 1
The 2020 primary contest is designed to be an efficient vehicle to promote the corronation of Cheeto Jeezus, and his “lifestyle” brands.
So, a GOP version of the 2016 Democrat primary, then.
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. At least she made Corinne Brown appear less corrupt in comparison.
@5 Steve, the other day I saw this black woman that was walking a dog….a white dog. I almost called the cops. What the fuck was she thinking!? White dog no be owned by black!
News Alert. News Alert.
White boy gets stopped by Cop.–year-old-ticketed-for-driving/article_02007f13-773e-5066-b615-dd4ce80e9d57.html
Sure, that is one big assumption on my part and I could end up being completely wrong…..but is there anyone who really believes that this kid could have been black?
So that’s why we have fines. Fines were created for the sole purpose of letting white people go…the jails and death by cop are for the black people.
Is the Clinton Foundation shut down? That’s funny, The Humps have such integrity.
“He” had to learn?
Try “they”.
This is all being overseen by the daughter of Mitt Romney.
Remember him? The “kind”, “reasonable” one?
Second in command is W’s old political director. Can’t get much more “establishment” GOP than that.
This is really who Republicans are now.
Teh Dumbfuck, you’re saying your survival plan is being modeled on the second most catastrophic failure in modern political history.
I’m okay with that.
@ 11
Is the Clinton Foundation shut down?
No, but the Clinton Global Initiative shut down a couple of months after Hillary lost the presidential election and contributions dried up.
No better evidence of a Pay For Play scheme than that.
Thanks for your contribution, gman.
@6 Still not as bad as Fox, Rush, InfoWars, and the other nonsense morons like you fill their heads with; so, forced to choose, I’ll still take fact- and reason-based “indoctrination” over the cotton candy stuffed inside your skull.
And here you’re saying that your survival plan is modeled on the most catastrophic failure in modern political history.
Heck! Why not just call the committee CREEP? It’s been four decades. Nobody will remember.
There’s a very good reason you are called Teh Dumbfuck.
@7 “And I’m totally fine with Mike Pence selecting RBG’s replacement.”
I think I just saw the first crack in doc’s confidence that Orange Julius will finish his term.
He’ll finish. Pence might not.
So did Doctor Dumbfuck. For a horse trailer.
“‘You sold your country out!’ Judge delivers scathing smackdown of Michael Flynn during sentencing”
@14 Hillary made two mistakes. (1) Giving the American people more credit for brains than they deserve; there’s way more like you out there than she realized. (2) Not owning a hotel in downtown D.C. in case she won. Yep, Trump outsmarted her on both counts, and there’s no avoiding the fact he’s more cynical and corrupt than she is.
@18 There’s no reason to believe Pence will still be around even if Trump survives his first term and wins a second one. The best thing he has going for him is no one wants to replace him.
Ya know, if I were Trump, I’d replace Pence with Palin … she’s the best impeachment insurance he could buy.*
* I couldn’t think like Trump no matter how hard I tried. This is just a hypothetical thought experiment.
In fact, I’ve noticed that ever since Eisenhower the GOP’s nominees have been picking No. 2s nobody wants to become president. I’ve always thought they do it because all Republican administrations are criminal enterprises.
That smackdown was coming from Flynn’s incredibly ill advised sentencing memo.
Kelner appears to be a rational human being and a competent atty. So there’s never been any good explanation* as to why he assented to including paranoid delusional ravings in the sentencing memo he submitted, assuming it was at the insistence of his client who is well recognized as paranoid and delusional.
Taken to their logical conclusions, the challenges to the FBI investigation included in the memo amount to a post hoc declaration of innocence. Submitting such a declaration to the court in the context of sentencing subsequent to entering a plea of guilty begs the court to inquire in order to forestall some form of fraud being enacted upon the court.
In short, though it may be the stuff of daily ritual in modern Republican political circles as prompted by FOX News, judges really hate lying bullshit. The idea that Flynn was mistreated by the FBI is highly distilled Republican lying bullshit. Including it in the memo left Judge Sullivan no choice but to call Kelner on it. And every single competent crim def atty knows he also fucked up his client’s sentencing as well. He should be sanctioned. It’s malpractice.
*One possible, and perhaps likely explanation is that even top dog elite klownsurvaturd political practice attorneys like Kelner have gotten too close to the big suck and now find themselves stuck beyond Teh Orange Event Horizon no longer able to discern objective reality. Like Teh Dumbfuck they are permanently consigned to daily helpings from the giant orange shit sandwich. And the only available option that allows them to cling to their self identity is to convince themselves that it tastes just like pumpkin pie.
Perhaps the most delicious element in the Flynn sentencing debacle is watching the frothing delusional Child Molester media pros, who all spent the last week declaring how OBVIOUS it is that THE GOOD AND DECENT Flynn was ENTRAPPED by MISCONDUCT and that the FBI is a bunch of DIRTY, DIRTY SLUTS all named STRZOK, etc.
Now Republican Bizzarro World is stuck trying to figure out how to incorporate today’s events into the earlier lying bullshit without the cognitive dissonance melting their brains.
Shazaam! Saint Reagan appointee, Judge Sullivan is CRAY! And also part of the DERP STATE KLOWNSPIRACY to take away Christmas and spray everyone with LSD. And that is what Republicans are going with. Yup.
Honestly, all this was inevitable and probably baked in as far back as the last Bush admin. Yes, it’s true. With enough power Republicans really can create their own reality. But the problem is that once they create it they are stuck having to live there FOREVER.
Hey godwin, what’s the trump deficit up to?
26 – I don’t know what the deficit is, but the national debt is approaching $21 trillion. Pretty soon we’re gonna be talking about some real money there!
@14 no problem, it’s the least I could do for someone that needs a lot of help.
Shameful that The Prick can even call himself an American. He should be deported to Gitmo.
How’s everyone doing in the Stock Market, or with your 401K?
Slight chance anyone doing good?
The Stock Market use to be the talk of the town. Things are all quite now.
Whenever Child Molesters are running the show he has no idea.
Put a black dude in the White House and he knows it to the penny.
Actually, the national debt is approaching $22 trillion. We are past the point of ever paying it down by half. When the US defaults on this debt, the shit’s gonna hit the fan!
“the shit’s gonna hit the fan!” –
Nah, all we have to do is promise China that we will be their slaves, then maybe they won’t invade us.
Prolly not a good idea to build a $20 billion dollar border monument then. Right? Riiiiight? Riiiiiiiiiiight?
“A newly obtained document shows President Donald Trump signed a letter of intent to move forward with negotiations to build a Trump Tower in Russia, despite his attorney Rudy Giuliani claiming on Sunday the document was never signed.
“CNN’s Chris Cuomo obtained a copy of the signed letter of intent that set the stage for negotiations for Trump condominiums, a hotel and commercial property in the heart of Moscow. The letter is dated October 28, 2015, and bears the President’s signature. When asked on Sunday about the letter, Giuliani incorrectly told CNN’s Dana Bash that it had not been signed. ‘It was a real estate project. There was a letter of intent to go forward, but no one signed it,’ Giuliani told Bash.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Well, there goes Giuliani’s credibility, not that he ever had any.
Remember Trump’s commission on school safety, convened after the Parkland shooting? If you thought this group would do something about guns, you were wrong. Here’s their recommendation:
“The Department of Education [read: Betsy DeVos] is poised to rescind Obama-era policies that sought to ensure minority students are not unfairly disciplined in schools, an effort the Trump administration believes will alleviate school-related violence.”
No colored kids, no problems. Get it?
It’s about time someone told you sad little people,
Democracy exists by permission of capitalism.
@24 Do they serve pumpkin pie in federal prisons? That’s starting to look like the likely location of Trump administration alumni reunions for some years to come.
@27 For some reason that wasn’t a problem when Trump was busy giving away $1.5 trillion to his billionaire friends. I guess you’ll just have to live with that debt now, because after Nov. 6, he sure as hell won’t be taking it out of my social security.
@30 I’m going to collect 36% more dividend income this year than I did last year, and the cheaper stocks get the bigger my dividend checks will be next year.*
* Now wait for Doctor Dumbfuck to start bleating about dividend cuts by stocks I don’t own. But I do own Boeing, which announced a 20% dividend raise today, from $6.84 to $8.22 a share.
@32 Why does the national debt have to be repaid?
@6 You need to lay off what ever you are snorting. So do you condemn U of VA too?
Does this ring a bell? “It is safer to have the whole people respectably enlightened than a few in a high state of science and the many in ignorance.” It should, you said it.
What a dumbfuck you are.
Trump and his clan are nothing more than flim flam artists. Always have been, always will be. They have no morals and no integrity. Trump University? Trump Foundation? Pay to play (remember Ivanka got an exemption for her clothing line that was manufactured in China), the list goes on and on.
This is pretty telling:
Sure Clinton’s have their share of questionable deals, at least their foundation hasn’t been shut down. However, Trump has been lying and cheating all his life and the scale and magnitude of his deception is far and beyond anything the Clinton’s could ever do.
Trump has surrounded himself with liars and cheats, glad to see some of them finally head off to prison. Drain the swap, sure you betcha.
Strong economy? Ha! all smoke and mirrors, to the tune of $21 T in debt.
China doesn’t have to attack us, they practically own us now.
Trump, what a disgrace but the bigger disgrace are the idiots that voted for him. That is probably the single biggest reason that China hasn’t called in the debt or invaded, they don’t want those trailerbillies.
Child Molester America’s feet hurt and it gets sleepy late in the day so the whole bunch is planning to retire next year and die. But they need to pay off the house first I guess.
“you sold your country out”
The judge could have been addressing the entire Republican party. And Doctor Dumbfuck.
@45 ” … the entire Republican party. And Doctor Dumbfuck”
Why the conjunctive? Is there a difference? Other than he molests horses instead of children.
This is for godwin,
If trump really wanted to lock Hillary up, he should have hired her for his campaign.