Stop by the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally this evening for some boos and freighteningly good fun.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle? Check out one of the 240 chapters of Living Liberally, including 23 in Washington state, five in Oregon and three in Idaho. Find, or go out and start, a chapter near you.
Puddy had a late meeting last Tuesday in Seattle and drove by the tavern but only saw three cars out front. Was gonna stop in to say hello to the HA DUMMOCRETIN! Was it sparsely attended last week?
Reports are pouring out of the White House that Fuckface is on a furious rampage demanding push back against the Special Prosectuor (that he appointed) the FBI (that he runs) and the Justice Department (that works for him) and wants Ryan and McConnell to get on board (they too, for the most part, work for him).
He’s got friends and advisers surrounding him now who are ratifying this crazy shit. Kelly has lost his credibility and no longer controls the daily agenda. And Ryan and McConnell appear willing to do anything to keep their tax plan from slipping away.
I think it might happen. I think he may either fire Mueller or cut him off and leave him hanging. Sessions and Rosenstein will go along. And Ryan and McConnell won’t do anything to upset the tax cut apple cart.
One of the Treason Campaign Poobahs that Pap contacted to see about setting up meetings between the campaign and Russian officials offering stolen emails, and referred to in his stipulation as a “campaign supervisor”, has been identified as USDA Sec. nominee Sam Clovis who at the time was the campaign co-chair. Clovis’ lawyer has confirmed to WaPo that he was one of the campaign staffers identified in the stipulation to the plea who encouraged and supported Pap’s efforts to tie the campaign in to the stolen email and other Russian assistance with the campaign.
#NoPuppet #NoCollusion etc. etc. “Look! A squirrel!”
I see someone didn’t learn the lesson from Bill Cosby’s choice to suggest that people ‘meme’ him.
Goldy ✔ @GoldyHA
Hard to believe I’ve managed to make it 54 years w/out sexual harassing, lying to the FBI, laundering money, or colluding with the Russians.
BREAKING NEWS — A truck drove onto a bike path and killed 6 bicyclists in New York City. The attack appears to be deliberate. The driver displayed a fake gun and was shot by police.
No word yet on whether the truck was flying Confederate flags.
As part of his “charisma” campaign to get House and Senate Hillbillies to back him on shutting Mueller down, Fuckface has prodded surrogates to promote a sort of political quid-pro-quo.
First Chris Christie and now Rand Paul are promoting the idea that Fuckface won’t run for re-election.
Keep your head down. Don’t make eye contact. Nothing to see.
@1 I wasn’t there but Bunny Math infers if they carpooled attendance was between 6 and 18 liberals.
@ 5
No word yet on whether the truck was flying Confederate flags.
NBC News “Middle Eastern man” and “Allahu Akbar” just now.
Always a fucking asshole first, aren’t you?
You need to understand that in idiot Hillbilly/Traitor country it is not just perfectly normal to drive from the trailer park to a tavern and drink alcohol. It is ritualized.
It goes without saying that healthy, affluent, well educated, politically progressive coastal liberals avoid drinking and driving. But that would never occur to a Hillbilly/Traitor.
@2 “Kelly has lost his credibility”
Not only that, he gratuitously and uselessly threw away his credibility by asserting the Confederate traitors who defended slavery were “good people.”
Truman could as well have been talking about a future president’s chief of staff when he said of MacArthur: “I didn’t fire him because he was a dumb son of a bitch, although he was, but that’s not against the laws for generals. If it was, half to three-quarters of them would be in jail.”
I like to think we try. But Hillbilly/Traitors almost always get there first.
He lost it long before that when he seized the podium in front of teevee cameras to exploit his own son’s death in battle and spread malicious falsehoods about an elected member of Congress simply to provide political cover for the disgraceful failures of his boss.
@4 “Hard to believe I’ve managed to make it 54 years w/out sexual harassing, lying to the FBI, laundering money, or colluding with the Russians.”
I’ve made 70+ years without any of that, and also without a divorce, a bankruptcy, dodging the draft, or fucking a goat. The worst you can say about me is I voted for a couple of Republicans, although I’ve learned my lesson and will never do that again.
@8 “Always a fucking asshole first, aren’t you?”
You’re bitching about me aping you? You should feel flattered.
@8 (cont.) Even if he’s an ISIS guy, it’s not comforting that ISIS is adopting the tactics of Trump’s fine people.
On Terrorist Tinder, Hillbillies only swipe right when they have dark skin.
@16 After a couple weeks of silence, a raft of media criticism, and considerable prodding by friends, family, and advisers, Trump will tweet this terrorist “should be shot.”
He’s not thinking about that right now. His homicidal priorities are elsewhere, namely, a mentally ill soldier who deserted his post because he thought his unit leadership sucked.
8 dead, 12 injured, including kids on a rammed school bus. NY Gov says attacker is “lone wolf” not linked to any overseas terror group, so the “Trump’s fine people” motive theory is still viable.
Wow! The NASDAQ is on a big run. It’s annualized return for 2017 is 27.08%, and that’s without including any dividend yield for the index. The S&P 500is up 17.33% (includes 2.3% dividend yield), and the Dow 30 is up 21.04% (includes 2.75% dividend yield). All yields are annualized.
With the NASDAQ doing so well, I think it’s time for everyone to pull a bit out of the pot. It’s getting a bit frothy out there, and it may be a good idea to take a little profit. Nothing is wrong with making money, however.
Oh reeeeeeeally????
*Don’t you just love how he follows the sworn perjury about treason with a smirk? I bet Bob Mueller loves that smirk. I’m sure he has a swell sense of humor when it comes to treason.
“…affluent, elite, healthy, and highly educated coastal progressives.”
…versus traitors.
Yeah. I know that must be a tough call for you. Hee, hee.
Auditions have been scheduled for the upcoming season of “The Wire”.
Poor Hope. Now no one will want to room with her on the Asia trip.
BTW Hannity kicked Maddow’s sorry ASS last month since he moved back to 9PM Eastern!
BTW Hannity kicked Maddow’s sorry ASS last month since he moved back to 9PM Eastern!
Till Next Time!
I like that the loon has learned to accept his Chrome! affliction. Maybe he’ll feel free to do more triple posts now.
@19 Sure beats working for the wages Republicans want to pay for honest work.
I believe you may find this interesting:
“The Hamilton 68 dashboard, a project with the Alliance for Securing Democracy at the German Marshall Fund of the United States, seeks to expose the effects of online influence networks and inform the public of themes and content being promoted to Americans by foreign powers.”
Check it out. You’ll see that Врач немой ебать has been a very reliable traitor.
@25 “Hannity kicked Maddow’s sorry ASS”
His show isn’t exactly prospering. Last I heard, he’ll soon be looking for work plucking chickens for $7.25/hr.
at the rate things are going FUX Snooze will replace him with a circus chimp who throws his poop.
Puddy, we hardly knew ya
@30 “FUX Snooze will replace him with another circus chimp who throws his poop.”
@19 It might not hurt to pull a few chips off the table and have some dry powder handy. The market is counting on Trump’s bigly tax cut, but it isn’t exactly thriving.
“Just 25 percent of the public calls the Trump tax plan a good idea, according to a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.”
“The House GOP will delay releasing its tax bill until Thursday, two congressional sources told NBC.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Like the last GOP ripoff of the middle class, this one doesn’t have the votes either.
Here’s a partial catalog of the compromises that were made to avoid a civil war over slavery:
” In the Constitution itself, the Three-Fifths Compromise granted political power to the slave states, and the fugitive-slave clause enshrined owners’ rights to their human chattel. There was the Northwest Ordinance, which outlawed slavery in the Northwest Territory but contained a fugitive-slave clause; the Fugitive Slave Act; the Missouri Compromises; the House gag rule banning antislavery petitions; the Compromise of 1850; the Kansas–Nebraska Act, putting slavery to a popular vote within the territories; the unsuccessful Crittenden Compromise; and of course Abraham Lincoln’s own entreaties to the South to return to the Union with slavery itself intact. ‘If I could save the Union without freeing any slave, I would do it,’ Lincoln wrote to Horace Greeley in 1862, ‘and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves, I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone, I would also do that.'”
None of that was enough to secure peace with the South, just as none of the concessions made to Hitler were enough to secure peace in Europe 78 years later. And,
“Of course, the compromises did not end there. American reunion was preceded by the violent reimposition of white supremacy in the South, with the acquiescence of the North. The New Deal was shaped by compromises between Northern Democrats and Southern Democrats that limited many of its benefits to whites. Republicans broke with their own abolitionist history, bending to oppose civil rights in exchange for Southern votes. America compromised when it outlawed de jure segregation and sanctioned de facto segregation. Paring back the welfare state and building up the carceral state was a compromise. Offering body cameras in response to unarmed black people being gunned down by armed agents of the state with impunity is a compromise. This is a significantly abridged list; you can trace the entire history of the United States through political compromises in which black rights are the currency of exchange.”
That isn’t enough to appease the white supremacists of today, either. Yet Trump’s chief of staff, a former Army four-star general, thinks we should pander to them anyway? If he can’t do any better than that, he shouldn’t be working for our government, much less in the West Wing. Who’s he going to appease next? Vlad? Kim? Assad?
New NYC terror incident?
Like 9/11 it happens on a troll favorite Repukelican’s watch!
Oh the trolls will blame it on librul courts that blocked the bigoted Muslim (no not travel) ban..
Ooops perp is from Uzbekistan – not on the list trolls!
Piddles may have accepted his Chrome! deficiency/affliction, but he hasn’t accepted the fact that the POTUS and his supporters want to string up people like Piddles. What a lawn jockey.
@28 Heh. I’m sure any resemblance between Doctor Dumbfuck and Russian trolls is purely coincidental.
“The Trump administration has been working overtime to downplay Manafort’s role in last year’s campaign.”
Shit, I didn’t know HA’s resident dumbfuck doctor was part of the Trump administration…….ohhhhh, I get it. There is some type of Trump connection to the Repukilan Party; and therefore the dumbfuck is working overtime to downplay the connection between Drumpf, Manafort and Russia.
Great magician this Doctor Dumbfuck is…..put him together with Abigail, and you get a sideways talking magician.
from same article posted above
“Dad gave him his list of requirements and so long as he can fulfill the list, Dad accepted.”
Oh what privileged little white people (disclaimer – a friend of a friend (to put it vaguely) is friends with the Manafort Family, not sure if it is of Paul’s immediate family or one of his brothers).
“Yea he works his charm.”
I don’t know about that – watch the clip of video in the article where Manafort answer’s the question of Drumpf’s connection to Russia and Putin…..the guy kind of floundered that one….you can see him lie right there.
Bunch of fucking people have the wool pulled over their eyes. Or just complete Dumbfuck’s like Boob.
Something tells me this AMS is going to get a rash of talking to by daddy, if they ever spoke to begin with…sounds like they did though.
“Trump waited a little too long in my opinion, but I can attest to the fact that he has now hired one of the world’s greatest manipulators. I hope my dad pulls it off. Then I can sell my memoir with all his dirty secrets for a pretty penny.”
Just like Daddy and the White Privileged people.
My god this is an embarrassment to the Human (the Straights) race.
I must have ADD – I get bored so quick. I almost stopped reading the article….but I think I’ll finish it…seems kind of juicy.
I’m sure Abigail can find some excuses for what is in it.
“Political favors later?”
yeah, I’m sure and Russian related….Ohhh my God…what a fucking Soap Opera the Repukes have become.
“Corey went to Trump’s son-in-law, Ivanka’s husband, and burst into tears about how that would ruin him.”
” if this is not your cup of tea, totally forget I asked. I’m only asking bc it’s my dad.”
Ohh, and by the way can you get me a Russian whore who can pee on my Dad.
This is the best part of the article. At the end…
Do you have information you want to share with HuffPost? Here’s how.” With link.
The Utah nurse roughed up by a bully cop (since fired) for refusing to perform a blood draw in violation of hospital policy and the patient’s constitutional rights will get a $500,000 settlement.
They told themselves it would all be worth it.
Everything they gave up. Everything Fuckface and his hooting mob of beer drunk meat puppets have destroyed so far. All that they have yet to destroy. All worth it. Just so they could once again tell “nigger” jokes at work like back in “the good old days”.
@2 The Republican congress can only blame itself if it cannot get a tax bill done. Certainly use of the bully pulpit could help, but 48 hours of distraction at the WH should only help Congress get something through the meat grinder and to the Presidents desk.
So how many people have lost in the last day of President Trump pool, and what is the pool up to. You all just love Pence that much. If it were to happen shortest honeymoon in history.
“The suspect is reported to have screamed ‘Allahu Akbar’ after the crash, and … left a note saying he carried out the attack on behalf of ISIS, law enforcement officials tell ABC News.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Well, I guess that rules out a Confederate motive. If Trump has any balls, he’ll retaliate against ISIS by bombing the shit out of them. But they have nothing to worry about. They don’t need armor or fortifications to deflect tweets.
@33 RR does not clarify that the fight in these United States was not over slavery. It was a fight over the future of slavery. Mr. Polk’s war and the subsequent admittance of California to the union did as much to make a civil war inevitable, than any of the points he has made.
It’s possible that a simple solution was always available since what was actually protected was property. The UA in theory could have bought all the slaves, only those slaves represented such a investment of capital that there was no way any US government could do such a project.
Some supporters of slavery would consider RR further comments as reasons why slavery should have continued. RR points do not give any reason why red lining occurred in the city of Seattle (and his deed to his hole may hold certain covenants that he cannot sell to certain persons) and the same goes for many American cities and it was not done by American white Supremists, but by bureaucrats in the US government helping out their buddies in the real estate business. The NAZI’s did not take over. There have been Red scares, Catholic, Jewish panics, but there has never been the colossus he speaks of in this nation. There have been problems and there has been overt racism, and there remains much institutional racism, and much that is imperfect. And sometimes a willingness to destroy the village to save it.
Now tell the one about uranium.
That one always gets us rolling.
the POTUS and his supporters want to string up people… DUMMOCRETIN libtards
Remember HA DUMMOCRETINS… three of the originators of the Tea Party are BLACK MEN! They are alive and kicking. The only peeps who want them dead are DUMMOCRETINS!
Till Next Time!
Hey Mark Adams,
You have to excuse Roger senile idiot moron wabbit. This UW website has been up for years. If Puddy knows about it why didn’t the idiot wabbit? Oh wait… maybe because the idiot wabbit is stooooooooooooopid? Yeah, that’s the ticket!
It wasn’t until 2006 that this “stain” was removed! Sad butt true!
For example here’s one from Magnolia…
— Magnolia, Magnolia View, Magnolia Manor, Carlton Park, Carlton Park Addition, Magnolia View Addition No person or persons of Asiatic, African or Negro blood, lineage, or extraction shall be permitted to occupy a portion of said property, or any building thereon; except domestic servants may actually and in good faith be employed by white occupants of such premises. — So that be yes massa! Al Jolson in black face singing “Mammy” anyone?
Not until 2006! Seems to demonstrate how racist northern libtard DUMMOCRETINS really were then and some still are! Puddy brought up a friend of Puddy’s where she saw the term “midnight” on resumes years ago. That meant the applicant was black. Ax the crazed clueless databaze cretin for that PuddyComment review. Remember, the crazed databaze was created to track PuddyComments, plain and simple! It has used the crazed databaze 334 times now with 333 EPIC FAYLES and counting!
Bet you can’t guess what “dusk” or “sunrise” meant butt then again you could surprise Puddy. Why? Puddy knows there has to be one HA DUMMOCRETIN whom can figger out what race each term meant! And for those who moved here from other locations you ain’t excused either! 2006!
Roger senile idiot moron wabbit is as stooooooooooooopid as they get! Seems retirement has been detrimental to its health!
HAHAHAHAHAHA! So you morons whom live in Seattle, look at those “covenants” your forefathers placed in their “property arrangements”!
Till Next Time!
Even CNN and the NY Slimes are sanitizing the news libtard DUMMOCRETINS view!
The New York Times also falsely reported that Saipov shouted “God is Great” instead of “Allahu Akbar.”
Libtard DUMMOCRETIN news services are a JOKE!