It’s Tuesday…and that’s Drinking Liberally night in Seattle. Please join us for an evening of political conversation over a drink at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
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Draining The Swamp Dep’t
A 2-year-old, 2-person company with no employees from Interior Secretary Ryan Sinke’s hometown has been awarded a $300 million no-bid contract to fix Puerto Rico’s devastated electrical grid.
Oldie, but too good not to post.
CNBC reports Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) will not seek re-election. In recent polls, he has been badly trailing Kelli Ward, a red-alert nutjob who challenged McCain last year (and lost by 11 points in the primary). Flake’s seat is a potential pickup for Democrats next year. Doctor Dumbfuck thinks HIllary shouldn’t have campaigned there.
Recently a Hillbilly/Traitor Congressman’s entire family disowned him for spouting the sort of racist, GOP approved nonsense our trolls frequently pass along as “FACTS”.
Our most active trolls needn’t worry, though. One of them left his family long ago to enter into a supernatural worshiping cult. And the other had his brain patterns uploaded to a condom vending machine in a truckstop restroom outside Ritzville.
leave it to Republicans to use the public trust to monetize global warming the same way they monetized armed regional conflict.
“Be the swamp you want to drain in the world.”
You can get a bit more mileage out of your car’s tires if you over-inflate slightly. For example, if the car manual calls for 32 PSI per tire, bumps that up to 34 PSI. The manual always gives you a tire pressure for a more comfortable ride, but that causes your tires to wear out more rapidly, thus meaning you’re on the hook for new tires earlier. Just a slight increase in tire pressure will mean a cost savings over the life to the vehicle, and it’s completely safe to do so.
@ 3
Doctor Dumbfuck thinks HIllary shouldn’t have campaigned there.
#CrookedHillary visited November 2nd. If one goes to Darryl’s poll analysis of the same date,
one finds this series of AZ polls in preceding days:
CNN/ORC 27-Oct-16 01-Nov-16 1005 3.0 44.0 49.0 T+5.0
Emerson 28-Oct-16 31-Oct-16 700 3.6 43.5 47.1 T+3.6
Data Orbital 29-Oct-16 30-Oct-16 550 4.1 41.0 45.0 T+4.0
That’s Trump up between 3.6 and 5 points in the three AZ polls released just prior to #CrookedHillary’s AZ visit. Darryl’s Monte Carlo analysis based on these polls and on five other, somewhat older polls showing a tighter race gave Trump a 77% chance of winning the state. I suspect that a Monte Carlo analysis of just these three polls would have given Trump a 90+% chance but I don’t know that for certain. Why visit a state you only have a 23% chance of taking? Why visit a state that the most recent polling probably tells you that there’s only a 10% chance you could win? So yeah, I maintain that she was a dumbfuck for visiting AZ in the final week.
While PA, WI, and MI as Darryl’s method saw it seemed solid for #CrookedHillary, apparently Team Clinton thought otherwise, as they spent $6M on advertising in those three states alone, during the final week of the campaign. Something wasn’t right and Team Clinton figured that out a bit too late. Never, not once, during the general election campaign did #CrookedHillary visit Wisconsin.
Darryl’s 11/2/16 analysis predicted #CrookedHillary’s chances at victory in WI and PA were 100%, and her chances in MI were 99.9%. She lost each state.
Small wonder y’all can’t accept it. What a massive fucking collapse. Yes, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, go ahead and try to suggest that #CrookedHillary was REALLY in Arizona on 11/2/16 to soften the ground for Democrats in 2018. It’s as believable as your flip-flop from recommending GE on Friday to suggesting it be shorted only two days later, after you caught hell for your moronic assessment.
Can we talk about John Urqhart? I don’t have a lot of info about Mitzi Johanknecht other than her professional resume and her campaign material but I have a hard time believing we can do worse than Urqhart. (Side note, Urqhart by his political donations and registration is a Democrat.)
Urqhart’s department is sitting around a 44% clearance rate for homicide over his tenure. Clearance is merely that the department makes a finding of fact and hands the evidence over to prosecutors so the actual conviction rate is lower and not really a reflection of the Sherriffs Dept. But still, if you murdered someone on KCS jurisdiction you had better than average chance of getting away with it.
And then there’s that Urqhart said in an interview that they have paid well over $5M in miscalculated overtime and they’ve known about it for years but the accounting software that calculates it is at fault and it would be much more of a hassle to get it right and possibly have to make up underpayments to some officers rather than just pay what they knew was wrong.
And then there’s many complaints and lawsuit settlements to officers who allege retaliation for complaining about sexual harassment and command malfeasance.
And then there’s the lawsuit that revealed that Urqhart directed his internal affairs unit in 2016 to stop investigating a former deputies’ claim that Urqhart sexually assaulted her in 2002.
Really, can we do worse?
@ 9
And then there’s the lawsuit that revealed that Urqhart directed his internal affairs unit in 2016 to stop investigating a former deputies’ claim that Urqhart sexually assaulted her in 2002; the accuser was drunk at the time, and has acknowledged problems with mental-health issues, drinking and prescription-drug abuse, according to a piece
in the Seattle Times.
So criminal charges are what tip you over the line?
(Looks back over all the Weinstein jokes he’s made, the references to Hillary’s emails, Huma…)
It’s rare for a post to be tone deaf and hypocritical simultaneously.
Not for Doctor Dumbfuck. He pulls that one off
almost* every post.*Forgot about the handle. Godwin used by a Trump supporter.
@ 11
I didn’t say he wasn’t guilty, nor that the accuser did not recall correctly.
I pointed out some of the problems with her claim.
Well, will ya look at that. The Steele dossier on Trump turns out to have been constructed from “research” bankrolled by Team Clinton and by the DNC, sez WaPo.
Proof positive that everything in it is accurate.
See, this is how I envision Steve. If he had hair and was HWP.
Pat Ward ✔@WardDPatrick
Wow…protester gets in w/ gathered press, throws something @ POTUS, yells “Trump is treason” (📽 via @elizacollins1)
10:04 AM – Oct 24, 2017
Not that Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is watching, but another record close on Wall St. today.
#CrookedHillary, still not president.
Goldy Retweeted
De-Escalate WA @Deescalatewa
Everyone who says there is a time and a place to protest never says where that time and place is.
Oct 23, 2017
Why, it was the Women’s March On Washington, January 21 of this year. 10A-5P. There’s your time and place.
January 20 DJIA close: 19,732
Today DJIA close: 23,441
I guess that protest worked. The numbers don’t lie.
FBI documents released today reveal that a Newton resident warned police before the shooting that Adam Lanza had threatened to kill his mother and students, but the cops told her they couldn’t do anything because the guns in his home belonged to his mother.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If that’s what tied their hands, then Connecticut’s gun laws are stupid.
@7 Depends on how much you drive. Tires deteriorate with age, should be replaced every 6 to 9 years, depending on manufacturer. So, if you don’t drive much, you may as well underinflate ’em, because they won’t last long enough to wear out the tread anyway.
@8 “Yes, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, go ahead and try to suggest that #CrookedHillary was REALLY in Arizona on 11/2/16 to soften the ground for Democrats in 2018.”
I’ll pass on your silly suggestion. Thanks anyway.
@14 Not proof it isn’t. But whether it’s true or not misses the point. The real point is POTUS is a man of such rotten character that allegations which normally are the stuff of supermarket tabloids come across as perfectly plausible to millions of people, and what that says about the idiots who elected him.
@ 21
The real point is that the President of the United States is a man of such rotten character that such allegations — the stuff of supermarket tabloids — seem perfectly plausible to millions of people.
That being the case, they declined last November to elect his wife.
@16 Varian wasn’t up at all today, and I’ll bet you didn’t short GE yesterday as I suggested on Sunday.
@17 Yes, my mil contractor stocks are doing great. Thanks for electing a brainless warmonger who everyone thinks is going to drag us into one, two, possibly three new wars. I didn’t vote for him — I’m not that irresponsible — but I’ll cash the checks.
@22 She’s not eligible. You gotta be native born. Besides, she can barely speak English. One hopes, though, she grabs his hand and pulls it away every time it slides toward the nuclear button.
@ 23
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, if you’re going to make a huge deal out of the performance of a stock on a single day, that day should be the day after tomorrow for VAR. Not today.
Varian reports quarterly results when the market closes tomorrow afternoon.
You truly are an imbecile.
Jeff Flake did a nice job (for a Republican) of emulating a suicide bomber in the Senate today. Will it matter? No, the GOP will just pull a Tammy Wynette and not do anything. They can’t. They have no guts or no leadership. McCain, Corker, Flake, wow, there is a joke in the making, however the punchline is of course: “Trump!”
Once had a guy tell me a story,” When one person calls you a horse’s ass, maybe they are having a bad day. If two people call you a horse’s ass, well maybe it is time to do a bit of self reflection. If three people call you a horse’s ass it’s now time to saddle up.
Dr. Dumbfuck already has some saddles, he claims to have horses, probably doesn’t really.
Perennial Conservative Sage of All That Is Truthy is a tad miffed about being doubted as to his veracity.
Gee. My heart bleeds.
@17 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck implies Trump deserves credit for the stock market’s rise. Others beg to differ. The best thing Trump has done for the stock market is failing to get any of his agenda enacted thanks to his political incompetence.
@26 “make a huge deal out of the performance of a stock on a single day”
Isn’t that what you’re doing? Besides, I believe I did allude to the performance over time of the GE shares I bought on March 5, 2009 for $6.74 a share. I’m pretty sure I’ve also made reference to the Starbucks shares I bought over 20 years ago for $1.10 a share.
@27 Dumbfuck is the kind of guy who would acquire a horse trailer, park it in his driveway, and gaze out the window every day dreaming of owning an F-250 and a couple of horses someday.
Dr. Dumbfuck claims to be such a smart guy, a doctor and all, and investing guru, but yet he bought the dumbest thing you can buy: animals as a hobby. Hell, I owned a boat at one time, that has to be the second dumbest thing to own.
The best bet is to have friends that have boats and animals. I wised up, sold my boat, now run boats for other people. Dr. Dumbfuck hasn’t wised up, he owns them outright. Maybe because he doesn’t have any friends because he always has to be “the smartest guy” in the conversation.
“I made you white in America. I put you in a nice suburb that you still said was a tough place to grow up. (Quit lying, I can see that.) I gave you a TV show. I opened the doors to vast wealth. And you couldn’t stop thinking about your penis and assuming every woman in your office coveted it. Now you’re mad at me? Go Fuck yourself ungrateful little bitch.” God, to Bill O’Reilly.
“Dr. Dumbfuck already has some saddles, he claims to have horses, probably doesn’t really.”
But he can still have a deep, erm.. penetrating relationship with a horse.
At least as “long” as he’s very, very careful.
I’ve come to not really care about the woman that were mistreated by Weinstein. I mean millions of Drumpf Supporters and some non supporters could care less about what this Drumpf Administration is doing, and they want people to care about a few woman that were mistreated? WTF? I don’t think so for that reason. They have to start caring about everything, not just a little pussy grabbing.
@32 I love to look at boats and horses other people own. I once saw a black and white horse in a pasture that looks like a Holstein cow. I like castles, too, as long as I don’t have to mop the floors.
No, the GOP will just pull a Tammy Wynette and not do anything. They can’t.
Correct. The GOP is hostage to those who elected Trump.
Just as the Democrat Party is hostage to those who turned their backs on #CrookedHillary.
Both parties had reasonably credible alternatives.
Didn’t they.
@ 36
I love to look at boats and horses other people own.
Why, surely. It’s all you can afford to do, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Just as you use the weekly copy of Barron’s owned by something not you.
@37 “Correct. The GOP is hostage to those who elected Trump.”
But not made of the same stuff as the passengers of Flight 93.
“the accuser was drunk at the time, and has acknowledged problems with mental-health issues, drinking and prescription-drug abuse, according to a piece…”
Hey Boob – today I was walking home from work and I came across this homeless lady who was smoking some pot….so what did I do? I grabbed her Pussy, of course.
@13 ohhhh, why didn’t you say that then…
maybe you should re-write #10 and then put a
at the end of the repost. You Dumbfuck.
@14 – you sure you want to make that statement, after having to correct @10 with @13?
Of course! It’s what you Dumbfuck Repukes do best.
Regardless who paid for it – doesn’t mean the facts of the Dossier aren’t true. ftfy.
@15 didn’t know Steve was bald….poor bastard.
Maybe the Dumbfuck wants to be like his cherished bare chested leader Putin and prance around on a little pony too.
@34 I bet he has sucking on his mind more than penetrating….Christ, if he can ride side by side with Putin he could suck three dicks, his pony, Putin’s pony and Putin’s. Heck, maybe he will try for a home run and try to suck his own after that.
As long as you treat it like the 2nd amendment and ignore a big chunk.
@ 46
My first guess is Mitt Romney, through a friend so his fingerprints wouldn’t be on it.
My second guess is Ted Cruz, through a friend because he didn’t have the money to do it himself.
My final guess is that the ‘dossier’ info was available at the time of the GOP primary and no one on the GOP side believed it. No one in the press believed it, either.
@44 You may be on to something.
@47 I didn’t believe it either. Then. It’s totally credible now.
“In a major loss for consumers Tuesday evening, Vice President Mike Pence broke a tie in the Senate to allow banks and credit card companies to continue using mandatory arbitration agreements—in other words, ensuring financial companies can continue to block their customers from suing them as a group.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hey Trump voters, you know who just got fucked over by the corporatists, don’t you? Well, do you? And yes, your idol, Mr. Drain-the-Swamp himself, is one of ’em.
Trump, his populist bullshit notwithstanding, doesn’t give a damn about working Americans. This article explains what his attempt to tax 401(k) contributions is all about.
The current Supreme Court demonstrated today that the current judges have mastered the punt!!! The Supreme Court all time favorite move the punt!!! Though they also artfully made a published opinion of the 9th Circuit disappear. Amazing moves there!!! Amazing how they all spiked the ball at the 50 yard line.
PS I also said this would happen some months ago on HA.
@! We’ll you have to have a place to drain the swamp. Montana is large and largely inhabited by cattle and sheep who cannot vote. Swamps don’t upset moose who in Montana probably are allowed to vote.
Besides these guys may actually try to do a good job. Maybe Amazon should pick Puerto Rico for it’s new 2nd headquarters.
Go Seahawks.
@3 Will the Democratic nominee allow Hilliary to shill for him or her in Arizona. If they do they should not bother running and jus leave it open to the Republicans to fight over.
The Trolls tell us that the NFL is dying ’cause
realWhite Americans are turned off that the league won’t fire those sons of bitches.For the seventh week in a row (The entire NFL season to date) the top two watched TV programs were NFL games. Sunday night’s totally non-competitive Super Bowl rematch, a shut-out by the Super Bowl Champion Patriots drew 19 million + viewers, more than any game so far this season and that’s in the same week that the NFL owners announced publicly that they can’t/won’t do anything about those “sons a bitches.” (keep in mind that MNF is now a cable only offering on “failing ESPN” and it was up 30% from any MNF game this season with a good match up between traditional rivals PHI/WAS) Sunday night football bested the most watched non-live show “The Big Bang Theory by a little over 6 million viewers. Funny that no one seems to think “Liberal Protests” are responsible for Big Bang Theory’s loss of 30% of it’s 2016 audience this season.
Thursday night football drew 14+ million but that will revise upward as the NFL is experimenting with drawing cord cutters with free streaming for Amazon Prime members on Thursdays.
But they and the nut-job-o-sphere media keep telling us the “Liberal Politics” is killing the league absent any observable facts.
Wow 2 Democrats running for the same office in King county. Put your money on the incumbent, and cheer for the challenger. I ain’t got a dog in this fight. At least the post is clearly what the site is supposed to be about. Hope some HA folk have commented.
Has RR endorsed one of the candidates.
@17 Every White House Chief of Staff and Press Secretary has their favorite places they would like to suggest. Oddly none of them are anywhere near Washington DC. Hmmm this could be like a coffee table book. Places former Chief of Staff and Press Secretary think you proud and noble protestors should go.
@18 Could be some of those other Bill of Rights other than Article 2 and the Connecticut State Constitution might have played a part in there. Like the government could not deprive the mother of her property, Not exactly an article 2 issue. Like they could jus have arrested him, and thrown him in jail indefinitely..oh darn Constitution says they can’t do that.
@20 Hmmm seems RR has his doubts that the Democrats will actually win the Senate seat in Arizona. You got served dude. The right answer should have been the gutsy hell yes Hilliary knew she was going to loose, but was just setting up this big win in 2018, like the skilled pool player she is. Then again you like safe stocks like GE.
RR it’s ok to be risk adverse, but sometimes you gotta be gutsy and answer BS with BS.
@21 Which misses the point that his supporters don’t want an angel in the office of the President. They want an SOB who will fight for them. Just like Andrew Jackson was a murderer Americans do not want angels in the fucking white house. Sometimes they want an SOB. They got one, so lets all have some fun, and maybe something good for America can come out of all this horse manure. If both parties split that maybe a good thing for America and the best thing Trump could do for the country. We might actually get people in office who represent us, and actually have to then compromise for the benefit of the nation. Politicians no longer just dialing for dollars actually doing their jobs.
@24 Looks like he’s dealing with the wars and crap left over from the cold war, and the wars his predecessors got us in. He really is not getting us into anything new. Foreign affairs is a mixed bag, and he has not yet invaded Grenada or done anything to indicate that is in his play book. It’s October and things are jumpy in Korea, but not hot, and you got nothing to prove that the situation would be different with Hilliary in the White House, or we would actually be at War in Korea.
@25 Well she could run for Putin’s job. If she wins that would just be fucking hilarious. And Trump would definitely have delivered better relations with Russia. Does this make him the ultimate back door man? Gives a totally different twist to “From Russia with Love.”
Am I watching too much of “The Opposition” on the comedy channel? What the hell.
@27 Come on be nice he could invite you to the ranch for a ride. Some steaks, a couple beers. Good times.
Meanwhile another Republican Senator (and he is being trounced in the polls) is retiring. Democrats have a long way to go to win the seat. And the white house is like don’t let the door hit you on the way out. Just enhances Trumps power base in the party. Appears he really can primary Republican opponents, and replace them with new friends to the administration. Definitely not Obama like, and potentially a very effective tactic. Get your friends elected, and get your potential enemies to want to be friends, and keep them close.
@32 The Lakota tribe think a warrior horseis his best friend and he should tell the horse his secrets, Rabbits don’t enjoy the same esteem. Being almost as much as a trickster as coyote gets rabbits the coveted spot in the stew pot.
@40 And being a New Yorker she kicked your ass, and then called the cops and told them you tried selling her a cigarette after trying to grab her pussy. Oh probably not as you would not be able to breath and unable to post anymore.
Because I didn’t even go to work that day (yesterday). I am a New Yorker, you fool.
Maybe one day you’ll be right once in your life, oh probably not because you are a Dumbfuck.
@65 see #42 for explanation of the meaning of #66.
“See, this is how I envision Steve. If he had hair and was HWP.”
Another swing and a miss. You’re not very good at this, are you? Here’s a tip. Try to avoid projection. I say that as I recall your photo on the Whidbey Health site of a man with a rapidly receding hairline (love the orange hair, kind of like a mini Hair Furor) and a barely visible belt that’ll soon disappear entirely unless you do something about that paunch. Think exercise.
But don’t despair, Doctor Dumbfuck. I’m going to recommend to Goldy that he award you a participation trophy for trying so hard.
That would be reasonable except that the SOBs approval ratings are abysmal. So while a core group of
assholesdie hard anti-taxers, flat out racists, aggrieved oppressed White Folk are sticking with him the rest of Americans are embarrassed.Rasussen 42% total approve
Gallup 36% approve
Reuters 38% approve
Marist 38% approve
I’ll be very curious to see how rapidly things change after this corporate tax cut push winds down. I suspect that a not insignificant number of Hillbilly/Treason members of Congress are knuckling under to the Shit-Gibbon in pursuit of those corporate rate cuts. What happens when Fuckface is deprived of crucial legislation that he can threaten to scuttle in 140 characters?
His supporters, and you, are a mob of fuckwit, AM Hate-radio programmed meat puppets who will believe whatever the fuck your drive-time Reich-ministers of Propaganda tell you to believe. If three months from now they stop singing his praises you’ll all become “deep thinking” “moderate” EEEN-DEE-PEN-DUNCE just exactly like you did in 2006. Only difference being that while last time around you people sold out your country to big oil, this time you sold out yor country to a Russian dictator.
Doctor Dumbfuck is on the wrong side of history.
That’s why we call him a dumbfuck.
@64 If a rabbit is dumb enough to end up in a crockpot, that’s his own damn fault, and he won’t get any sympathy from me.
@59 You’re an idiot. As I recall, I’ve pointed this out before.
@60 Trump isn’t an “SOB,” he only pretends to be one, and he’s fooling no one. Certainly not the guys in Moscow, Beijing, and Pyongyang. The latter is playing him like a kid on a playground with a sack of marbles. As the editor of National Review succinctly put it, “The good news about Trump is he’s a coward. The bad news is he’s a fool.”
Tough and dishonest aren’t the same thing, my friend. Trump’s character flaws put him light years away from our nation’s true heroes. The only people he inspires are other people with character flaws: Racists, bigots, neo-Nazis, haters, etc.
@61 You’re an idiot.
@70 The stock market looks like it’s correcting. I wondered how long it would take Wall Street to calculate the odds of taxing workers’ 401(k) contributions to pay for billionaire tax cuts making it through Congress. Answer: Two days.
Yes, if you don’t drive much, then your tires will last until the dry rot takes them. In such situation, it doesn’t make much sense to have a car in the first place, and it represents money that was spent inefficiently.
Consider donating your car to the Salvation Army or the local PBS station. You may get some tax benefit out of such a donation.