Please join us this evening as we make up and discuss fake news for submission to the national media fake news feed at this week’s meeting of the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern beginning about 8pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle? Check out one of the other 230 chapters of Living Liberally, including nineteen in Washington state, three in Oregon and one in Idaho. Find, or go out and start, a chapter near you.
Liberals running things.
Portland mayor asks feds to bar free-speech and anti-sharia rallies after stabbings
It’s not like it was gun violence.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Eric Beinhocker @EricBeinhocker
An armed alt-right crazy kills 2 innocent people in racist attack. Portland GOP solution? Militias of armed alt-right crazies.
Portland liberal solution? Invalidate the First Amendment.
Looks like the State of Illinois is about done, financially. The state has no way to pay the pension obligations currently on the books, much less anything new.
The pensioners will eventually get the shaft. Young workers need to realize any promised pension has a high probability not being there when the time comes. I recommend young people doing IRA accounts for themselves versus relying on some pie-in-the-sky pension.
@1 @2 Okay, Dr. Dumbfuck, this time I agree with you. Free speech is free speech. Everybody is entitled to it. Even the twisted jerks whose noxious causes you daily champion in these comment threads.
@3 Fortunately, I’m a Washington pensioner, whose system is one of the country’s best. Sure glad I wasn’t a public servant in Kansas.
1, 2,
good to see them own it. That’s Dumbfuck’s new GOP. And I sure am happy to see him rushing to defend their call to send armed, white supremacists into Portland and Tigard to break up the candle light vigils for the GOP hate-murder victims.
Now all up and down the Willamette Valley you’ve got GOP State Sens and Reps having to defend this party sponsored racist violence. You can literally see the conservative ship slowly sinking in Salem. Here’s to racist hillbillies keeping up the good work! Ironic when you look at the voter file data. Since Oregon has been considerably more favorable to Republicans until now. With 2020 redistricting in the Dem legislature looming the picture is looking better all the time.
The Western Conference of Teamsters pension fund is in pretty good shape, too. Other Teamsters’ pensions aren’t in such good shape, though.
Portland liberal solution? Invalidate the First Amendment.
Time and place supported by rationally related governmental interest. Pretty fucking well established precedent. But I think a really awesome idea would be if the Oregon State GOP in joinder with Patriot Prayer and Three Percenters sued the city. That would be a great move. Especially if they can get the ACLU to come along for the ride with an amicus. Good for all involved. Great optics. Good for the mids. Please just fucking do it.
@7 Choose your employer carefully and someday you won’t have to work anymore. Those more laissez-faire, not so much.
Meanwhile, for those not yet in the workforce, another ass-reaming by the Trumpistas awaits:
“Students who need to borrow from the federal government to pay for college this fall will get hit with significantly higher interest rates. And the financial burden on lower-income students could increase even more if Congress approves President Donald Trump’s plan to eliminate subsidized student loans.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Elections have consequences, kids.
Long Live Ireland – true home of the Free and the Brave! Where they don’t validate what ISIS stands for.
@8 It would be kinda nice to see black cops beat up some white supremacists for a change. Just kiddin’. I don’t wish that on anyone. Not even Doctor Dumbfuck’s cohorts.
@1 and @1 Boob Solution in life = be the biggest fucking hypocrite.
Repukes proposing to ban protests in the wake of Drumpf Protests and he says nothing. But now he has to open his fucking big whinny crybaby mouth – snowflake.
@4 I agree with that and Boob…but his hypocrisy is nauseating.
Classic bureaucratic response to the killing of a kid:
“The police officer who shot and killed 12-year-old Tamir Rice was fired by the city of Cleveland on Tuesday, and the officer who drove the patrol car the day of the November 2014 shooting was suspended. …
“Loehmann, who shot Rice, was fired … because of inaccuracies on his application form, Williams said. A disciplinary letter against Loehmann has previously cited his failure to reveal … that a suburban department allowed him to resign instead of being fired at the end of a six-month probationary period.
“Garmback, who was driving the cruiser that skidded to a stop near the boy, has been suspended for 10 days for violating a tactical rule for his driving that day. A discipline letter against Garmback has cited him for driving too close to Rice. Video of the shooting shows the patrol car skidding to a stop just feet from the boy.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Anyone who’s worked in government knows how these things work: There’s no law against embarrassing your superiors, and they can’t discipline you for that, so they get you for stapling your report in the wrong corner of the paper instead.
This one hit eleven on the Bizarre-O-Meter.
“President Trump has a magnetic personality and exudes positive energy, which is infectious to those around him,” the statement from White House spokeswoman Hope Hicks reads. “He has an unparalleled ability to communicate with people, whether he is speaking to a room of three or an arena of 30,000. He has built great relationships throughout his life and treats everyone with respect. He is brilliant with a great sense of humor … and an amazing ability to make people feel special and aspire to be more than even they thought possible.”
@16 Is this Sean Spicer in drag?
@17 Reads like something out of North Korea.
Sean Spicer’s White House press conference really gave the Bizarre-O-Meter a spanking this morning.
It’d be kind of nice if the FBI would descend on the White House like a shit storm before this gets any stranger.
@ 6
Since Oregon has been considerably more favorable to Republicans until now. With 2020 redistricting in the Dem legislature looming the picture is looking better all the time.
Some time soon I bet there even will be a Democrat candidate for president who takes OR.
Eventually pensions will be a thing of the past. Be thankful you have what you have.
Maybe not.
Strong sponsorship from a (gulp) Republican retired Special Forces officer who almost got it done during short session last year. Calls of support are pouring in from all corners of the beaver state. Could be 9 more EVs taken away from Hillbilly-Traitors.
You may be on to something at 1, 2. You worthless fucking traitors are running out of options fast. Shooting and stabbing your opponents may be all you’ve got left.
This guy probably didn’t vote for Hillary.
“A white man in California is facing hate crime and other charges after police say he stabbed a black man with a machete after yelling racial slurs.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If he voted at all, he probably voted for the same candidate that Doctor Dumbfuck did. I’m not saying this implies anything about Dumbfuck. It’s Republicans, not us, who do that guilt-by-association trip.
@21 It isn’t a gift. I worked for what I have, and it’s paid for with my own money that was deducted from my paychecks. Not a dime of taxpayer subsidy. The legislature, more often than not, welshed on the employer’s contribution (which also is not a gift, but rather part of the employees’ bargained-for compensation). Our state pension funds are well-funded because the employees’ contributions were invested well, not because of taxpayers’ generosity.
@20 Wtf? Hillary won Oregon by double digits.
Boob – find your own words. I used the word validate first. It’s what you Repukes do for ISIS
@16 Hitlerseque
Oregon has “been there, done that.” They had Bob Packwood. I’m sure Trump would put him on a pedestal right now and look up to him. Why would they ever vote for another serial groper?
How you, or anyone for that matter, can defend Trump as an effective leader is unfathomable.
Perfectly fathomable just as soon as you admit that they are traitors.
This is the clown who criticized his opponent for using unsecured communications
It’s truly incredible that about everything he criticized Secretary Clinton or President Obama for, he is orders of magnitude worse. Want to count amount of time golfing?
Still, you should consider yourself lucky to have what you have. Consider yourself lucky to have had an income and a retirement plan from that employment.
Young people, unfortunately, won’t be as fortunate as you because pensions are disappearing at a fast rate. That’s why I believe it’a very important for all young workers to start and dilligently contribute to IRA accounts for themselves. Also, young workers must take advantage of what their employers provide, which is usually some defined contribution plan such as a 401k or SIMPLE plan.
The days of good pensions are over for most American workers, and those pensions aren’t coming back. The only things left are IRAs and employer-sponsored defin d contribution plans.
Isn’t this old news? Pensions were a thing of the past and dying off 2-3 decades ago?
The young people don’t necessarily have to worry more than the middle aged person. Young people can plan starting when they are young. Many employers have 401k plans and also match an employees contributions.
I’m in early my 50’s and was never offered a pension plan from the fairly large employer that I’ve been working for for the last 28 years, but I was offered a 401k plan. And my employer contributed, to this day, 7-8% of your annual salary. Overtime they started contributing more than just on a basis of salary but also based on years of service – for every year of service they offered an additional value escalated exponentially (for lack of description) for a range of years. They contributed regardless of the employee contributing.
The middle aged person also has to worry about not getting a dime from social security after putting into it for all those years, where future retirees that are young now may not have to contribute to social security in the future.
Want to fix Social Security? Scrap the Cap!
Kathy Griffin – another useless DUMMOCRETIN hater!
See ya Scott Pelley of CBS!
@3 The State of Illinois has a number of problems. The state is not going to make those pension obligations disappear though, unlike say a for profit corporation or a business. Illinois tax payers are on the hook, and it would behoove the state if the legislators would resolve the situation. Maybe some are trying to make everything blow up and end up in bankruptcy court, and we will get an answer to whether a state can declare bankruptcy, and perhaps the judge will write out the solution to be a set of taxes the legislature will set and some businesses and corporations will loose some nice no tax perks. Them local politicians will try blaming the judge, will see how that plays with the voters.
@24 Yep all them KKK members in Oregon voted Democrat. They are traditionalists. Yep Oregon has the highest number of KKK members per capita of any state.
Looking through the more recent news stories. Seems the jerk was a Sanders supporter. Due to his antics in the court room during the first arraignment the judge probably should have ordered a psych examination, but no. The appointed public defender is hopefully going to be a good one. The guy is nuts or doing a good act. Course being shot in the head a couple of decades ago could have something to do with that.
I know there is a story going on with this and politics. Seems the story should actually be jerk accosts some cute girls on the train. Sime gents protecting the women jump up and start something with the jerk and three get stabbed and two of them killed, Stupid heroes. This is why we have videos of sea lions pulling girls off piers, and people feeding the bears in national parks. It all got nothing to do with rallies, or Trump or any of that just a series of stupid shit. We should be insisting he get s fair trial and accept what the outcome is. It could be ruled he didn’t have capacity now or at the time of the crime. The jury could find him innocent so lets not insist he’s guilty until a jury has decided that.
Meanwhile the Mayor of Portland should not be calling for the Feds to cancel events in Portland. Perhaps he should try the Governor of Oregon (or did the Gov tell him to piss off, or you go right and start this firestorm), nobody will be canceling nothing unless the Mayor does it, and that will just get the whole thing in court. There is no public emergency based on the actions of one guy on the subway. Though they have vigilante problem there in Portland. Ain’t like them KKK boys to have any problem with being vigilantes.
Of course what your quoting came out of this here in these here states.
and just to be fair as Irish fought on both sides
And either Brigade would lie them ISIS lads in their graves. Now for some beer, and let the angels have their part of the scotch.
Maybe the back channel was just to pass cool pro Russian Anime to President Putin:
More sideway talk from the sidewinder.
ISIS – yeah completely two different eras – false comparison.
And yeah, so America corrupted those that came here from Ireland. Seems the Irish have lived up to their notion of Freedom while America has been transforming into Nazi Getmany and Russian thanks to sidewinders like Abigail.
Long Live Ireland – True Home of the Free and Brave!
America’s Repukes validate ISIS and have much in common with them. Celebrate that you sidewinder snakes.
You fucking wortless traitors are bound to try. But we wont let you lie your way out of your filthy treason.
Jeremy Christian is all yours, you fucking worthless traitors. Stupid? Sure. Ignorant as fuck? Absolutely. Filled with ideological contradictions? Of course. Just like your Cheeto Jesus.
He’s a Republican White Nationalist. Just like your Cheeto Jesus. He’s not some disoriented random street person loner. He’s been a feature of the Multnomah Republican sponsored rallies all year. He’s your domestic terrorist, built and bred on Hillbilly-Traitor racism and hatred. At least Dumbfuck has the stones to own that.
A New Jersey town that denied a building permit for a mosque has to pay the Muslim group $3.25 million in damages — and allow the mosque to be built.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Sure glad I’m not a taxpayer in that town. Serves ’em right.
Meanwhile, rightwing trolls on news media blogs are feverishly trying to paint the Portland light rail terrorist who, prior to slashing 3 people, had been attending pro-Trump rallies and flashing Hitler salutes, as a “liberal Bernie Sanders supporter.”
@31 Lucky? No, I was surrounded by lucky people — those whose families paid their tuition, bought them nice cars, and gave them spending money — but I was never one of ’em. I washed dishes and emptied wastebaskets while they went to football games and parties. I went to law school on the GI Bill after military service in Vietnam. My civilian government career was neither lucrative nor cakewalk — it was dedicated public service for modest compensation. The pension I’m “lucky” to have (according to you) came out of my own pocket. Lucky? Please, spare me. You’re preaching to a bootstrapper who lifted himself out of abject poverty the classic American way, by working his tail off, with no help from anyone. It wasn’t easy, nor was it fun. It’s the route taken by those of us without advantages because it’s the only one open to us. Go peddle your bullshit somewhere else, because I ain’t buying it.
@32 “The middle aged person also has to worry about not getting a dime from social security after putting into it for all those years”
Only if Republicans continue to make policy in this country. Not for any financial reason. In strictly financial terms, the worst that can happen to future retirees is to get only about three-quarters of the benefits they were promised, which will still be more than today’s retirees get. If Social Security goes away it will be because of conservatives’ deliberate efforts to destroy it.
@34 The best argument you can make here is that she bears too much resemblance to your side’s haters.
@36 Illinois’ pension problems are well known, just as Chicago’s homicide problem is well known. Washington is not Illinois, and Seattle is not Chicago. And, by the way, Washington and Seattle have been run by Democrats for decades, which shoots down the phony correlation Puddy tries to draw between Chicago’s gang problems and its politics.
@37 “Yep all them KKK members in Oregon voted Democrat.”
Or maybe Oregon’s KKK is outnumbered by Democrats.
@37 “Meanwhile the Mayor of Portland should not be calling for the Feds to cancel events in Portland.”
The mayor has changed his position on that, in case you didn’t notice. Yes, let the haters exercise their free speech. And provide them with plenty of police protection.
I reckon that’s been the case going back to Vic Atiyeh. As the post-war sawdust export boom collapsed from over harvest and the state’s economy transitioned to value added agriculture, health care, technology, and fashion athletic wear, the prospects for backward looking, ignorant racist toothless hillbilly tar heels went into steep decline. And their numbers were overwhelmed by highly educated, affluent, racially and culturally diverse, healthy, progressive, voters.
And that’s why “conservative” Trump supporters like Jeremy Christian turn violent. Whatever political ideology they manage to formulate is wildly inconsistent, detached from modern reality, and gains no purchase among an increasingly educated and progressive modern majority. They don’t fit in. They can’t assimilate. They can’t hold jobs. They become increasingly isolated in their self-made communities of hate. Their family resources are rapidly dwindling. And that leaves them few other options for dealing with their corrosive race hatred aside from opiates or turning violent. Every single one of them is destined to turn violent sooner or later. We owe it to ourselves and our communities to protect ourselves from them before it’s too late.
Hey FOOLish moron @51,
Here’s your answer to all your troubles…
Sooooooooooooooooooooo, Congressional DUMMOCRETINS went after Carter Page with prejudice and vehemence now don’t want him to testify.
Remember Carter Page was intimately involved months ago with the Russians per Congressional DUMMOCRETINS!
Here’s another 17 reasons the FOOLish moron @51 scrote is tight!
Meanwhile in Washington State…
Paris Climate Accord
Free pass for China, India and other “developing” countries! US has cut our emissions more than most “industrial” countries and libtards lose their “minds”!
Actors – Fake People playing fake parts!
“You can’t impeach a member of Congress.” – Maxine “the brainless” Waters!
Meanwhile Seattle’s own John Clayton is gone at ESPN!
Hey HA DUMMOCRETINS, since you don’t watch Fox News, you must of seen this CNN destruction…
When you want to get rid of the VA thugs you are blocked…
Nice loon head explosions. Very nice. And the loon did it without even a single Chrome! mishap. Amazing.
I did pretty much the same to get ahead, but I don’t feel entitled. I feel pretty lucky, even though much of the stuff didn’t work out for me at all.
Go peddle your bullshit to someone else, rodent.