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Ahhh Rachel MadCow… PMSNBC…
Bwaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa
Meanwhile during the Obummer reign while campaigning for the worst candidate evah…
And, again.
White husband confesses to wife to setting their cars on fire and painting racial slur on their garage door in staged ‘hate crime’
‘It is considered a hate crime because of what was painted on the garage door. Yes, we are white.
‘It just so happens that we aren’t as racist as someone would like us to be,’ Mrs Williams wrote.
Read more:
Maybe not, but hubby’s as stupid and unhinged as most of the rest of us assume libbies to be, so you’ve got that going for you, Mrs. Williams.
Turns out actions have consequences:
‘The kids won’t be able to have anything under the Christmas tree due to this horrible act.
Looks like that torched Harley won’t be cheap to repair, either.
Denton, TX is a lot further from Austin than I was guessing.
And this piece of interesting news…
A great man is retiring!
Too bad HA DUMMOCRETINS didn’t read his powerful column! They would have learned something very rich!
Why are libtard professas such morons?
Maybe the resident professas can tell us about this phenomena?
The youth under Obummer’s reign!
Alan Dershowitz GOES OFF on Obama: Worst Foreign Policy President Ever
Dershowitz condemns Obama for handing over Judaism’s holiest sites to the Muslims.
Well Obummer hates Netanyahu. Netanyahu, war fighter, diplomat, truth teller, man who cares about all Israelis not like how Obummer only cared for certain DUMMOCRETINS who would only help his cause!
@ 6
Not sure that Reuters article is correct, as it describes the guy as an assistant professor.
I read elsewhere he’s an associate professor.
My reasoning for the latter being correct is that it would be imprudent for a tweet like that to be sent before one has been granted tenure.
Headline du jour:
Democrats Have Lost 1,030 Seats Across the Board During Obama’s Presidency
The 2016 elections became the final nail in the coffin. Everyone needs to look beyond President-elect Donald Trump because after the election, the Democrats now “hold the governor’s office and both legislative chambers in just five coastal states: Oregon, California, Connecticut, Rhode Island and Delaware.”
Now Republicans have hold on all three roles in 25 states, especially in flyover country.
Funny thing is, the signs floated in front of the Democrats from the very beginning. Obama took oath with a Democrat majority in both the House and Senate.
Obamacare will turn out to be expensive for y’all in more ways than one.
Lest you forget, HA libbies:
#CrookedHillary will never, ever be president.
Apparently Doctor Dumbfuck’s new plan is to bore me to death. I gotta admit, though, it’s working.
Steve, please don’t die until the tell-alls from the Democrat side of the 2015-16 campaign have been published.
Shares of Warren Buffett’s firm Berkshire Hathaway soared 20% in 2016, helping to boost Buffett’s personal fortune by $12.3 billion – more than any other billionaire in the United States. The Oracle of Omaha is now worth $74.2 billion, enough to make him the 2nd-richest person in the world (behind only Bill Gates, who is worth $84 billion), according to FORBES’ calculations.
So sitting next to Michelle at the SOTU address has its advantages down the line.
Seriously, if one is willing to tolerate the investment risk, Berkshire Hathaway is a great way to invest for capital gains, while never having to incur a tax bill until one is ready to sell, because the holding company pays no dividends.
So no 20% long-term capital gains tax + 3.8% Obamacare tax until one is ready to sell.
By then it may be a 15% cap gains tax and 0% Obamacare tax.
Especially because #CrookedHillary will never, ever be president.
Well, I had hoped to live long enough to see you post something witty, Doctor, but I see now you’ll likely bore me to death before that ever happens.
“Steve, please don’t die until the tell-alls from the Democrat side of the 2015-16 campaign have been published”
Steve, you better hurry that up, not much time left before the bombs drop, and Boob the Drunk’n Lasher is incinerated to dust….oh those poor little trees he planted.
I couldn’t help but notice he timing of comments this morning by you and the loon. I hope you don’t mind my asking, but are you two sleeping together?
“not much time left before the bombs drop, and Boob the Drunk’n Lasher is incinerated to dust….oh those poor little trees he planted.”
At least he’ll get one hell of a current surge out of his solar panel array.
Oh, look. Steve posted @ 17 something witty.
Not original, of course, but witty.
@1 et seq. This is what waking up drunk on the first work day after Christmas looks like.
@3 Typical crime blotter from Trump Country.
FACTS and TRUTH are never witty, QPPS@15. Besides with all that horsesASS manure pressure you are under, you wouldn’t recognize wit if it slapped yo silly ASS five times in succession!
The actress who played Princess Leia has officially died. See ya Carrie Fisher! Now she will be computer generated like Grand Moff Tarkin, Peter Cushing!
Interesting commentary…
SCIENCE WARNING: Messing with genes could WIPE OUT geniuses from the earth
Well they woudln’t need to worry about HA DUMMOCRETIN intelligence here. If someone could wipe out the DUMMOCRETIN LIVs that populate HA DUMMOCRETINS, the world would be a much better place!
Puddy has more proof DUMMOCRETINS really are SCUM…
The batshit crazy loon who now calls for death for all DUMMOCRETIN SCUM finds his FACTS and TRUTH at wnd.
I’d say that explains everything except the loon’s predilection for farm animals.
Well, I tried my best to elicit something witty from the Doctor. That was obviously a fail on my part.
QPPS under tremendous horsesASS manure pressure farts blah blah blah “at wnd”.
Except the only post is about the great Dr Thomas Sowell and nothing else. So much manure pressure all the time!
All eyes turn to the Doctor. If he doesn’t do the Nazi salute, he’s just another “cuck”.
I’m sure the Doctor won’t disappoint.
Looks like some DUMMOCRETINS running wild! Boy left without parents.
Wow, this will pizz off fools like QPPS…'s-poll:-Americans-hopeful-for-a-better-2017
U.S. News AP New Year’s poll: Americans hopeful for a better 2017
Seems on HA DUMMIOCRETINS are the pessimists. Most level thinking peeps think opposite of the left wrong fools here!
And who claimed the list of 2020 DUMMOCRETIN candidates was a strong field?
Harry Reid: Group of potential 2020 Democratic candidates looks like an ‘old folks’ home’
What’s up with all of these loon head explosions?
Once again Dr Charles Krauthammer nails it!
Charles Krauthammer has a suggestion for what Trump should do with the UN building
“Any move to minimize our support for it, any move to get it out of the U.S. — imagine if headquarters were in Zimbabwe, the amount of weight and coverage it would get would be zero,” he said. “I think it’s good real estate in downtown New York City, and Trump ought to find a way to put his name on it and turn it into condos.”
So correct!
Puddy, please report to Drumpht Tower in NY. I have a job for you as the official Drumpht TWEETER. You make even less sense than I do. That makes you perfect for the job.
“S.C. GOP rep. pulls gun and punches woman in head because she caught him cheating: police”
No word yet on what kind of farm animal it was.
Paladino cucks out.
“Carl Paladino Apologizes for Controversial Obama Comments; I’m Not a Racist”
@10 If you’re a Republican troglodyte who believes the society we had in the 1800’s worked just fine, this is cause for celebration.
The Nazis danced in the streets after they won, too. The rest of the world didn’t share their enthusiasm.
@11 Good. Now, what to do about Trump? As a Bernie supporter, Boob, you surely aren’t enthusiastic about a Trump presidency.
@14 “So no 20% long-term capital gains tax + 3.8% Obamacare tax until one is ready to sell.”
Nobody pays that tax rate on their stock winnings unless they’re so fucking rich they don’t need the money.
@16 Speaking of that, has anyone besides me noticed that Drumpf intends to disinvest in our conventional forces and beef up our nuclear forces, or figured out what it means that a president’s only option for responding to a crisis is dropping the Bomb? This is what will soon pass for strategic thinking in the uppermost halls of our government.
@23 I’m sure her family appreciates your heartfelt condolences. Keep up the good work, swine.
@24 “SCIENCE WARNING: Messing with genes could WIPE OUT geniuses from the earth”
You have nothing to worry about. It won’t affect you in any way.
@31 Hope, however irrational, is all we have left.
@33 The salt mine is closed for the holidays until next week.
@34 Yeah, enough of talk already, let’s go back to settling international disputes the old fashioned way, with world wars.
@36 They apparently aren’t married, so you can’t accuse him of being a wife beater. For Republicans, this is just normal dating behavior. Once you understand this it’s easy to grasp Trump’s appeal to Republicans.
No word yet on what kind of farm animal it was.
QPPS is worried about its goat!
This has to be DUMMOCRETIN based: A defense attorney in one of the cases accused police of anti-Muslim bias; his client later pleaded guilty. We all know how DUMMOCRETINS cry fowl anytime they think they are “abused”.
Isn’t that like how DUMMOCRETIN adherents act? Look the gift horse in the mouth and choose the horsesASS!
Betcha this was some of the call put out by Hollyweird and National DUMMOCRETINS to disrupt the fun times the end of the 3rd week of January!
How true a statement this is: Mike Huckabee: Obama’s legacy is to ‘embrace Iran’ and ‘reject Israel’
Just 24 more days to go!
Rahm Emanuel’s city to date…
Yeah, that’s the only good thing that will come out of Trump’s victory.
I’m worried about the loon. I’ve never seen him act so strange before. Well, yeah, sure, there were all those other countless times he got weird as all fuck, but not like this! This time is different.
Birthday Boys and Girls
West Point’s oldest living graduate, Lt. Gen. William J. Ely (ret.), ’33, celebrates his 105th birthday on Thursday.
Franciszek Kornicki, a Polish Squadron veteran of the Battle of Britain, celebrated his 100th birthday on Dec. 18.
Actors who turned 100 in 2016: Kirk Douglas, Olivia de Havilland
Brunhilde Pomsel, Joseph Goebbel’s ex-personal secretary, will be 106 on Jan. 11.
Until the new GOP comes up with a final solution, we’ll likely see a lot more of this.
“Jewish Sites In Arizona, California Hit By Vandals As Hanukkah Begins”
My, that poor, confused loon of ours – loves Israel, hates Jews.
Why on earth would the party of pedophiles and goatfuckers take issue? After all, they voted for a lout who raped a 13 year-old girl.
“Nearly half of all Trump voters think leaked Clinton e-mails discussed pedophilia and human trafficking”
Odds are that Trump will be grabbing some pussy at his inauguration.
“Mary admitted that the lack of women of color in the kick line is “embarrassing” already, adding that, “it’s almost worse to have 18 pretty white girls behind this man who supports so many hate groups.””
Interesting piece on a potential Obama pardon of #CrookedHillary:
Will Obama pardon Clinton? And if he does, will she accept?
Apparently should he issue a pardon, and should she accept it, it’s tantamount to an admission of guilt on her part, or so says Burdick v. U.S.
Would be a fitting end to the professional life of a truly awful person. No, not Obama. #CrookedHillary.
At least one Republican, bless his heart, perceives the racist Doctor Dumbfuck as being a big fucking problem.
“Republican leader explains why the GOP has a big problem with racism”
“Republican upstart Evan McMullin — the mainstream GOP alternative to President-elect Donald Trump — is cautioning his party that it has a deeply rooted vein of racism that needs to be addressed and that the party’s leadership is ignoring it.”
If the Ape doesn’t get it the Rubes certainly will not either.
How isn’t isreal just another special interest group. Getting tired of isreal. I think this is where drumpfie supporters have conflict with drumpfie. Being Nazi white supremacists don’t like the Jews.