Today, G.O.P. Presidential Nominee Donald J. Trump will hold a rally in Everett, WA. So, think of our gathering of the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally as the anti-rally “safe space.” No play-dough, bubbles or puppies, but there will be plenty to drink. All are welcomed—no extreme vetting involved.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern. We start at 8:00pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings this week. Tonight, the Tri-Cities chapter also meets. On Thursday, the Tacoma chapter meets. And next Monday, the Yakima and South Bellevue chapters meet.
There are 185 chapters of Living Liberally, including twenty in Washington state, three in Oregon and one in Idaho. Find, or go out and start, a chapter near you.
Looks like there’s at least one Drumpf voter in Thurston County.
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
Let’s be honest: The Star Spangled Banner is an awful song. (Though, unlike the Pledge of Allegiance, at least it doesn’t have “God” in it.)
Let’s be honest: Crooked Hillary Clinton is an awful human being. Though if she’s elected president, liberals will be all over anyone who doesn’t show her a certain measure of respect.
Disrespect is disrespect. Repukes created disrespect with Obama, and have continued disrespect. And Boob wants no one to exercise their 1st amendment right to call out the disrespect.
Fuck You Boob – Are you a Nazi too? I keep hearing shit in the paper and TV that you are.
It is kind of funny and Ironic that the guy, Donald Drumpf, who was suppose to be the non politician (mean not a liar, not a hypocrite, and fair, and knowledgeable guy) is worse than every politician. He speaks out about Illegals taking American jobs away, when he’s the guy that employed those illegals. This guys is the classic Politian.
But so long as he want to lynch black people – yeahhhhhhhhhhh, he’s the guy. Puffy that was me being sarcastic or speaking as if I were a conservative republican….those aren’t my exact thoughts so don’t get your balls all puffed out.
The more crooked Hilary is, the more I like her. It is sexist to think that a woman shouldn’t or can’t be as crooked as a guy.
You go Girl! Show them that they aren’t who they think they are, big bad ass boys who can’t keep their dicks in their pants after taken that vow! You GO Girl! Show them those big hands!
@ 3
Repukes created disrespect with Obama, and have continued disrespect.
Were you fucking comatose from January 2001-January 2009?
“Were you fucking comatose from January 2001-January 2009?”
I’d say the people here recall those years just fine. Bush lied, 4000 died. Millions of missing emails. 30 attacks on US embassies with 87 embassy personnel killed. 3,000 dead in a terrorist attack after Bush blew off a PDB and as he tried to read My Pet Goat while it was upside down. Orange terror alerts. The Great Recession. Americans who didn’t buy into GOP bullshit being called traitors.
The only ones acting as though they were comatose through those years are Republicans, including you.
Don’t forget the Guckert boy!
@6 No equivalency. Your idiot organ-grinder chimp earned disrespect.
Meanwhile, the ISIS leader responsible for propaganda and coordinating attacks against Western targets is dead. Another notch in the gun of the Obama-led Western coalition.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans are soft on terrorism. Bush had 8 years to catch Bin Laden and couldn’t. Obama has eviscerated Al Qaeda, is bombing the hell out of ISIS, and has taken out one terrorist after another. If you want a tough leader for a dangerous world vote for a Democrat. Trump pals around with Putin.
Really, I don’t think much more ever needs to be said regarding the depravity of the Bush Jr. White House than the two words:
Jeff Gannon.
With absolutely no previous journalism experience a male prostitute is granted a press credential to enter the White House. His visits average about once every four days for a couple of years. About half of his visits do not correspond with scheduled press events. On 14 occasions there is no record of him checking out with the Secret Service upon leaving. And no record of any security emergency or premise search arising from his failure to leave. Leaving the public to conclude that either enormous security breaches in protective detail protocols were routine, or he spent the night. Congressional hearings? Of course not. The House was presided over by some guy named Dennis Hastert. And other than whatever unique duties his “otter smooth” hairless body and “eight inch circumcised penis” might provide, his sole purpose was to spoon feed the Iraqi terror link/yellow-cake/mobile-bioweapons-lab narrative to the world.
What’s not to respect about all that?
Well, what have we here?
FBI Recovers 30 Hillary Clinton Emails Involving Benghazi Attack
(WASHINGTON)— The State Department says about 30 emails involving the 2012 attack on U.S. compounds in Benghazi, Libya, are among the thousands of Hillary Clinton emails recovered during the FBI’s recently closed investigation into her use of a private server.
Government lawyers told U.S. District Court Judge Amit P. Mehta Tuesday that an undetermined number of the emails among the 30 were not included in the 55,000 pages previously provided by Clinton to the State Department. The agency said it would need until the end of September to review the emails and redact potentially classified information before they are released.
Remember, Crooked Hillary Clinton’s honesty is not to be questioned.
Thirty emails certainly is not a large number. My guess is that she sent and/or received more than 30 on 9/12/12 alone.
Good thing Russia’s got the rest. Otherwise we might never know what she did. Or wouldn’t permit the US to do.
I don’t recall GWB dolls being paraded around at 4th of July parades with noose around his neck.
Maybe I was comotosr. Show it to me Boob.
@ 13
I don’t recall GWB dolls being paraded around at 4th of July parades with noose around his neck.
Here ya go, asswipe.
It’s October, not July, but it’s a parade, it’s GWB43, and there’s a noose around his neck. Oh, and he’s behind bars.
You don’t have to go looking far to find urinal targets with GWB43’s face on them, either.
Maybe I assumed you were comatose for 8 years because it’s so clear today that you have suffered horrible brain damage, ‘bagger. Small wonder your family disowned you.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
NELP @NelpNews
BREAKING: @GovChristie vetoed a bill to raise the minimum wage in New Jersey to $15 today…for the 2nd time in 3 years. #NoRaiseforNJ
NJ unemployment rate February, 2016: 4.3%
NJ unemployment rate July, 2016: 5.2%
Trenton: From a recent trough of 7,456 in February 2016, the number of unemployed has now grown by 1,289.
Care to comment, Goldy?
It just kills these guys that LGBT people have gained a measure of respect and equality. They just have to have people to run down. The entire Democratic party is lesbian and only “respectable” women are with them. I’ll give them this, though, they sure have a lot of liars that go on t.v.
@14 This is America. That’s constitutionally protected free speech, just like Trump encouraging his gun-toting supporters to assassinate Hillary is. But I’ll tell you what, Bob. If you vote for Gary Johnson, we won’t be able to accuse you of endorsing that sort of behavior. But if you vote for Trump, we certainly will.
@2 “Let’s be honest: Crooked Hillary Clinton is an awful human being.”
Aren’t most of our presidents? It’s not a popularity contest, and she’s not running for Mrs. Congeniality. We need someone who can deal with Putin, not a loser who pals around with him.
@16 “They just have to have people to run down.”
There’s always Russians, Chinese, North Koreans, Syrians, Al Qaeda, Iranians, and ISIS. Why do they have to pick on Americans?
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Evonomics @EvonomicsMag
The Myth of Maximizing Shareholder Value: @CornellLaw @NickHanauer @RanaForoohar @Lazonick
Er, that article was from April/May 2013.
In April 2013 there were multiple all-time high closes of the DJIA and the S&P 500 indices.
April 2013 DJIA close: 14,839.80
Today DJIA close: 18,454.30
8%+/- annual increases in an inflation environment less than 1% isn’t too bad. Oh, and that doesn’t include dividend payouts.
Attention to shareholder value seems to be working pretty well these days.
@ 18
We need someone who can deal with Putin, not a loser who pals around with him.
So the Dems nominate someone who can be blackmailed by him.
Well, that’s one type of deal-making, I suppose.
@15 What work are you willing to do for $8.36/hr, Bobolink? That’s New Jersey’s minimum wage. The bill Christie vetoed would have raised it to $10.10 next year and $15 over 5 years. He’s a cheap bastard, and so are you. Conservatives believe the only way they can live well is on the backs of other people’s cheap labor. You scumbags would bring back slavery if you could.
Christie says it’s up to business owners to raise wages. That’s the Republican philosophy in a nutshell. Here’s my philosophy in a nutshell: I won’t work for the wages Republicans want to pay, and I don’t think anyone else should, either. When government disability benefits pay more than a full-time job, guess what people are gonna do?
The way for workers to deal with this is with their feet. Here’s how you get a $15 minimum wage in New Jersey. You say in the interview, “This is a minimum-wage job. My minimum wage is $15. Hire me at $15 and I’ll do a great job for you. If you won’t pay $15, I’m sorry, but I can’t work for you because I’m worth more than what you’re offering. Have a good day, and better luck with the next applicant.”
Of course, I don’t need a $15/hr job, or any other job, because I’m living on pensions and Wall Street dole. I don’t work; and given current attitudes in this country toward workers, nobody should work. Employers should do their work themselves, then maybe they’ll realize what other people’s work is really worth.
@21 Boob, has Hillary ever given in to a blackmailer? Example, please, with sources.
The fact Wikileaks and the Russians are spilling her hacked emails strongly suggests they didn’t succeed in pushing her around.
Someone who tells those guys to go fuck themselves and then takes the heat is exactly who we need in the White House.
while Cheeto Jesus already is.
“The fact Wikileaks and the Russians are spilling her hacked emails…”
Neither Wikileaks nor Russia have anything to do with Clinton’s email disclosures from her time as SoS (those have been disclosed due to a political slapsuit brought by the same folks who hired Paula Jones 25 years ago). The hack you mention involved about a half dozen top officials at the DNC whose email correspondence was supplied to the media by the Russian intelligence services as a quid pro quo to the Trump campaign arranged by corrupt campaign head Paul Manafort. Or at least that is what it would be trivially easy for Putin to announce whensoever it might suit him. I’m thinking some time in October.
Maybe he’s not a racist after all. Trump’s equal opportunity when it comes to child slavery! Water sports at no extra charge:
“Living in the apartment during a sweltering New York summer, Kate picked a top bunk near a street-level window in the hopes of getting a little fresh air. She awoke one morning to something splashing her face. “Oh, maybe it’s raining today,” she recalled thinking. But when she peered out the window, “I saw the one-eyed monster pissing on me,” she said. “There was a bum pissing on my window, splashing me in my Trump Model bed.”
@ 25
Neither Wikileaks nor Russia have anything to do with Clinton’s email disclosures from her time as SoS (those have been disclosed due to a political slapsuit brought by the same folks who hired Paula Jones 25 years ago).
Well, you’re correct, certainly. The ones Clinton has disclosed voluntarily and the ones caught by lawsuits and by the FBI’s reconstruction of her deleted and then intentionally wiped data haven’t been released by Russia yet.
It’s the others, the ones that haven’t seen the light of day, that will be most problematic for Crooked Hillary Clinton.
So you have another several weeks to use that approach. Meanwhile, we’ll continue to see pieces, perhaps with increasing frequency, by Journolist types who will muse that Russia falsifies a lot of documentation. Softening the beach, if you will.
“who will muse that Russia falsifies a lot of documentation. Softening the beach, if you will”
If you want come off as Putin’s stooge like your party’s presidential candidate, go for it. Anything for a tax cut, huh?
“Don’t forget the Guckert boy!”
With so many senseless dead and maimed from ignoring the PDB and then invading the wrong country, I had forgotten all about Jeff Gannon and our nation’s 43rd president getting their freak on in the White House, wearing codpieces, no doubt, and not one single Republican, including Bob, giving a shit. Bill Clinton got a blow job. That’s what’s really important.
It’s a protest -,exactly. A protest of an event that is themed that GWB was associated with. Bad but not as bad as a forth of July party put on by civilians that turn a celebration into a disrespectful display that has nothing to do with the individual.
You don’t see much difference I do. A war protest and a 4th of July celebrations are two different things. At a protest you might expect to see something like that, but not at a 4th of July parade. You can avoid a protest if you want but you go to a parade that you think you might be enjoying until some asswipe has to be disrespectful .
Apparently Boob is in the hunt for an honest politician.
When you find one Boob please let me know.
And also it’s probably like trying to find an honest Doctor, lawyer or car salesman.
Here is the list of 25 questions asked by Judicial Watch in the suit against Crooked Hillary Clinton, which must be answered in 30 days.
# 25:
Identify all communications between you and Brian Pagliano concerning or relating to the management, preservation, deletion, or destruction of any emails in your email account, including any instruction or direction to Mr. Pagliano about the management, preservation, deletion, or destruction of emails in your account when transferring the email system to any alternate or replacement server. For each communication, identify the time, date, place, manner (e.g., in person, in writing, by telephone, or by electronic or other means), persons present or participating, and content of the communication.
Who was the HA
pussylibbie who posted yesterday
that Trump wouldn’t fill the Everett venue?
The Herald ✔ @EverettHerald
That line at Xfinity Arena for #trumpineverett is now 10 blocks long. Meanwhile, Trump has arrived at Paine Field.
4:39 PM – 30 Aug 2016
I wonder if Crooked Hillary Clinton can even walk 10 blocks unassisted.
Sorry, Ekim. When I wrote pussy I figured CZ had posted it.
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
Sadly, no they’re not better than this. …
Anyone believe that had Crooked Hillary Clinton divorced Bill during Term Two that she’d be on the cusp of winning the presidency today?
Marry well, young ladies.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Jonathan Capehart ✔ @CapehartJ
Impossible to come away from examining Clinton skeds and not be overwhelmed by how much she works.
The view is always better from a standing position than from a genuflecting one.
It’s okay. You were supposed to forget about The Last Republican President® and his disturbing relationship with a male prostitute. That’s precisely how our system is designed to work.
IOKIYAR is no joke. The phony war worked on many levels. At least one of which was that “heroic” media gatekeepers created “special rules” for The War President”. One of which was that reading about male hooker sleepovers in the West Wing while your buddies roast to death in a burning unarmored Humvee is bad for troop morale.
And to think it was only a few short weeks ago that Boob was confidently predicting multiple indictments.
Salad days.
This isn’t AMERICA, this is ‘MURKA!
Watching delayed tv of what was live at 6:30 pacific time of the Everest WA Drumpf event, the place looked completely empty.
Boob did you ever think that maybe they locked the doors to keep the people out in a line purposely to make it look like they were dying to get in? You are about as smart as a door knob.
For a guy who opposes Trump, Boob sure invests a lot of time and energy defending him from all “The Unfairness”.
The video doesn’t lie. That’s a half full arena in Everett.
You were saying?
How much do you suppose this event cost the campaign?
Staff, travel, venue, logistics, security, etc? Couple hundred thousand? Fuckin amazing. He really knows how to spend other people’s money.
@41 half full arena is being pretty generous.
Boob is a fucking moron. Next time it would be best if his wife locks the door and keeps him out of the house too. He could always live in a tree.
You always have to look at the Pros and the Cons.
Less Mexicans living means less of them in this Country.
With Mexico drying out there will be many more Mexicans trying to move North to Americunt’s lush green wet pastures.
Maybe that’s why Drumpf knows we needs a wall.
And God gave him a small penis. Why does Michelle Bachman have to think he has a big one?
And God made Marcus gay, and that’s why she married him.
Michele Bachmann: God Picked Trump
#41,42,and 43. You idiots should read something other than the Stranger ( Remember you idol, Goldy used to take up space there.)
According to the real Newspapers up North there were 10,000 to 13,000 people there. At my last event I had a 100 people and two people in line outside. P>S> Fuck you roger r.
and for what, genius?
Your thin skinned racist douche bag fake billionaire wins Washington State and I’ll eat the biggest bug you can find. He’s taking your money and pissing it all away, get it? This wasn’t a “big donor” private event held at John Stanton’s estate (Stanton would never embarrass himself and his friends hosting Cheeto Jesus). Whatever $10 click donations an event like this one drives will never cover the cost of the event itself. He’ll never be your President and he doesn’t even want to be. It’s pretty fucking obvious. He just wants to build the brand for his kids. And his doing it with your disability checks.
“For a guy who opposes Trump, Boob sure invests a lot of time and energy defending him from all “The Unfairness”.”
He spends a fair amount of time aping Trump’s “Crooked Hillary” as well. But when you think of it, Trump promises both tax cuts and death to black males at the hands of trigger-happy police, so what’s not for Bob to love?
He’s lied and welshed here before. So he’s probably lying about voting for Gary Johnson too. Probably just doesn’t want to be affiliated with all the “uneducated white trash” driving the New Republican Party. I don’t think they’re going away any time soon, though. So I’m not really sure what Boob’s country club Republicans are supposed to do but learn to like fizzy weak beer and duck hunting.
You’re new. Would you cite a newspaper that confirms 13,000? A guy selling t-shirts outside is quoted providing that estimate.
The pictures and video don’t lie. Most of the second tier is empty. The arena’s capacity for a concert (stage, floor seats on the sports court) is 10,000. (Readily found info)
It is not possible that 13,000 people were in a 10,000 seat arena AND you can clearly see entire empty sections. I see you have a belief about the size of the crowd. It’s magic. The Donald really can put 8lbs of shit in a 6lb capacity bag and you ate every last bite.