It’s election night in Washington state. So fill out your ballot, drop it off in the nearest ballot box, and then join us for an evening of electoral erudition and political pontification at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern. We start at 8:00pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings this week. Tonight the Tri-Cities, Long Beach, and West Seattle chapters also meet. The Lakewood and Bellingham chapters meet on Wednesday. On Thursday, the Tacoma chapter meets.
There are 185 chapters of Living Liberally, including nineteen in Washington state, three in Oregon and one in Idaho. Find, or go out and start, a chapter near you.
I keep thinking Trump’s rather become a real-life equivalent to the Howard Beale character from the movie “Network” (as in “I’m-mad-as-hell-and-I’m-not-going-to-take-it-anymore”). With that in mind, I keep thinking at some point he’s going to get summoned into some lofty board room for the Ned Beatty lecture: “YOUU have meddled with the PRImal Forces of NA-Ture!!!!!!” If so, his subsequent transformation will of course be explained away as a “pivot”.
Well you have to hand it to the disenfranchised…..they had a great idea of electing a non establishment, but looks like that will have to wait until 2020… or at least they should consider postponing that idea until 2020 with a better candidate. Give up you morons – save face while you can….if not, just think how 2020 could be that much more disastrous for you douche bags. This is one abortion you need to get behind or in front of.
But you have to wonder who that candidate could be after they all eventually endorse Hillary.
The other day a bum (white middle aged guy) on the street of NYC was panhandling with a sign that read “give me a dollar or I’ll vote for Trump”. I wanted to tell him good luck with Trump – if President he might find himself in jail! Dumb fuck – he should move back to Topeka Kansas.
Eric Trump has clarified for us that his dad attacked the Kahn family not because they’re Mooslims, but because they’re terrorists.
This is one hell of an implosion….this is better than a 4th of July fireworks display.
Teabagged Again and Again and Again and Again and Again…..why don’t we hear from Teabaggers and the Tea Party anymore? Hmmm…..I wonder.
The very very bad week just got worse.
The first political rally I ever attended was by accident. Bill Clinton spoke at my large and prestigious state University and the crowd made it so you would have to take a long walk around the Basketball arena instead of the brick walk through the heart of campus. Might as well see what he has to say. He’s winning couple primaries.
The fine young fellows of campus republicans had a huge, and I mean eight men holding the polls keeping it up, sign that said “Draft Dodger” and at any quiet moment tried to overshout the mic with a chant of “Draft Dodger.”
Payback’s a bitch, eh.
Note to campaign, the VFW is pretty good at mobilizing and delving into VietNam era draft status. Maybe you shouldn’t have pissed them off.
College educated voters, never had ‘Em.
Women Voters, don’t need ‘Em. They’re just emotional. They look hot sometimes unless they’re dogs and I’d sleep with. Y daughter.
Black people love me.
Latinos, I might have tacos for dinner I’m not quite sure yet.
Military. Screw gold star families and ow, my foot. Can’t serve.
Well, I’ve got the racist white dudes on lock.
@6 those 8 should go enlist today….if they are concerned about draft dodgers like Drumpf.
Have you ever picked a fight, then turned around, and discovered no one’s got your back?
“An aide who works for Donald Trump’s presidential campaign asked GOP lawmakers on Monday to issue statements in support of the GOP nominee in the controversy over Khizr and Ghazala Khan, but none seem to have honored the request.”
But that’s. Pretty good joke and I’d probably give him a buck for making me laugh.
Well they’re all terrorists. And they all look alike. Why they’re probably plotting to drop mind control worms in all our ears.
Clinton is opening up a big lead in the polls. All signs point to Trump suffering massive fallout from the Kahn controversy.
Reverse psychology.
Look. Gotta play some long game here. Trump is a disaster. But he’s mostly a disaster for the Republican Party. A long term disaster. It’s a disaster they made all by themselves without anyone’s help. But it wouldn’t hurt to pitch in and offer a helping hand now that they’re getting soooo close to the finish line.
Many sectors of the media continue to distinguish between “Trumpism” and “Republicanism” when the two are one and the same. And perhaps most Republican leaders and electeds prefer that. But the whole thing really hinges on the bullshit pretense that you can “support” a candidate for President, and telegraph your intention to vote for him while simultaneously repudiating everything about him.
This is another classic Obama head fake. He knows how much Teapublican racists hate him. And he knows that the only thing more dangerous for Paul Ryan than opposing that angry mob, would be to oppose them because Obama said so. By calling for them now to withdraw their endorsements he rises above, seizes the moral high ground, and pins them down in the mud alongside their nominee. They have no choice but to ride the Cheeto Jesus crazy train straight into the wall in November.
Hey Republicans:
@3 Since he’s going to jail for extortion, he should’ve made it worth his while and asked for ten. Remember what Bernie Madoff taught us: If you’re going to steal, do it big.
@11 The GOP has been sliding into a pit for a long time. Trump is simply the natural and predictable result. It’s what happened when the people in charge let the dogs loose.
And get that baby out of here. Jesus, what kind of mom doesn’t have a nanny so she can come by herself and not interrupt my speechifying with that god awful noise.
The Brownback Kansas economic miracle just keeps getting better. Another quarter falling short of revenue, more downgrades, and, according to RepubliKKKlans, this is a good thing. Down is up!
Can anyone tell me why we have to deal with Eric Drumpf and Ivanka Drump?
I’m kind of tired of them. But they actually seem like they could do a better job being president then their failing Daddy.
@ 6
Bill Clinton spoke at my large and prestigious state University …
My, aren’t we in need of self-assurance.
Yes, CZ, we all think SO much more of you now that we’re aware that your
indoctrinationeducation was at a prestigious public school.Out-of-state, then, amirite?
Hey, wait a minute. I thought body cameras were a GOOD thing.
We demand an end to the war against Black people. Since this country’s inception there have been named and unnamed wars on our communities. We demand an end to the criminalization, incarceration, and killing of our people. This includes:
An end to the mass surveillance of Black communities, and the end to the use of technologies that criminalize and target our communities (including IMSI catchers, drones, body cameras, and predictive policing software).
Now that I think about it, if Darren Wilson had been wearing a camera, Mike Brown’s mom probably wouldn’t have been on the DNC convention podium last week.
Boob, all the snark in the world won’t soften your landing now that the Republican Party Pretty Hate Machine petard has gone off under your feet. The hard landing will still be waiting for you when you return from your gap year.
If the best you people can do from this point going forward is dig around for candid snaps from the Nixon era of “liberals” smoking pot with “the Panthers” you’ll never get your political party back from the drooling racist dead-enders you handed it over to.
Can’t even tell when you’re being trolled?
Did I mention that I have so many frequent flyer miles that my Ivy League graduate six figure offspring upgrades the rental car to a full size and I know a ton about computers kablammmo?
Michigan, Ohio headed into an economic downturn?
Ford’s stock plunges as ‘car recession’ bleeds into July
Ford said before the opening bell that total July U.S. vehicle sales fell 3% from a year ago, as a 9.3% drop in car sales offset a 4.8% jump in truck sales. That marks the fifth-straight month, and the eighth in nine months, that car sales have declined.
After Ford reported disappointing second-quarter results on Thursday, Chief Financial Officer Robert Shanks said in a conference call with analysts that the company was seeing “sort of [a] car recession,” according to a transcript provided by FactSet.
I don’t think “plunges” and “recession” are happy words at all.
“I don’t think “plunges” and “recession” are happy words at all.”
Geez, now you’re even starting to sound like him.
Having spent the weekend holding a liquidation fire sale on your party brand’s claim to “patriotism”, you’re now getting out of the “idea” business too. Well done.
Is the NRA racist? Sure looks that way.
“The National Rifle Association … is notoriously silent when black people, armed or unarmed, are killed by police officers. This despite very vocally opposing stronger gun control regulations after mass shootings, like the one in Sandy Hook, Connecticut, that claimed 26 lives in 2012.”
Pence issued a statement yesterday implying that Capt. Khan died as a result of Obama’s and Clinton’s policies:
“Donald Trump and I believe that Captain Humayun Khan is an American hero and his family, like all Gold Star families, should be cherished by every American. Captain Khan gave his life to defend our country in the global war on terror. Due to the disastrous decisions of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, a once stable Middle East has now been overrun by ISIS. This must not stand.
“By suspending immigration from countries that have been compromised by terrorism, rebuilding our military, defeating ISIS at its source and projecting strength on the global stage, we will reduce the likelihood that other American families will face the enduring heartbreak of the Khan family.
“Donald Trump will support our military and their families and we will defeat the enemies of our freedom.
“- Governor Mike Pence”
But Capt. Kahn died in 2004, as a result of the disastrous policies of George W. Bush.
@22 The only thing that’s plunging is Trump’s polls. The best advice you can give Boob is, “Brace, brace, brace!”
Don’t forget, Boob is one of the “intellectual” ones.
Fucking insane a-hole Trumpty Dumbty, filthy rich and the RepubliKKKlan nominee, is crying about a rigged system. What unmitigated gall. If he can’t win, it’s all on him and his psycho campaign.
Maybe we ought to be doing a little more talking up our fair city’s connection with Drumpf. Seems a chunk of the family fortune originated from his grandfather Fred running houses of ill repute in Seattle during the soon-to-fizzle Monte Cristo gold rush.
For all his rabid animus at being forced to live like a prisoner in a Democratic-run city in a pretty solidly Blue State, maybe the Schizo would be happier living in Hancock Co, GA.
Hell, they might not even arrest him for being out in public after dark.
Blue Lives Matter.
Nice friends you have there, Officer.
Goebbles, you ain’t.
This guy sounds like every single supporting actor in a Coppola movie.
This is what they really believe.
Imma bout to fuckin’ facepalm myself into a subdural hematoma.
Newsweek just published a devastating article about Trump’s business career, but here’s all you need to know about who his mentors were:
“Despite having no real success of his own, by the late 1970s, Trump was swaggering through Manhattan, gaining a reputation as a crass self-promoter. He hung out in the fancy nightspot Le Club, where he was chums with prominent New Yorkers like Roy Cohn, the one-time aide to Senator Joe McCarthy who was one of the city’s most feared and politically connected attorneys. Cohn became one of the developer’s lifelong mentors, encouraging the pugilistic personality that showed itself all the way back in second grade, when Trump punched his music teacher.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hopefully people are waking up to what a corrosive candidate he actually is. At least the polls are moving away from him, not toward him, so maybe that’s a hopeful sign.
Man, I love to watch Republican cannibals eat each other.
Another Republican defects.
Sloppy, you apologized yet for lying that Castile robbed that convince store?
@ 36
Conservatives never apologize for anything. Because to them, there is nothing they ever need to apologize for.
Boob really has his work cut out for him here, the response to this is going to require 6 crooked Hillary emails and 17 Hail Mary passes.
GOP Heavyweight Meg Whitman To Fundraise For Clinton To Take Down ‘Demagogue’ Trump
@36 the real person that should apologize is Boob’s mother for not aborting him. Medicare would be more solvent if she aborted the Boob
Such an astute and successful businessman.
Primary results are in, and they’re not very shocking:
I-123 went down in flames (which is good to see) and the Affordable Housing levy passed handily (which is also good to see). The only thing I’d prefer to have changed would be to have Jayapal vs. Walkinshaw in the 7th, instead of McDermott and Jayapal. But late returns tend to break left, so here’s hoping.
I’m starting to feel bad for Bob. I propose to establish one week where we put aside our differences with Bob and go out of our way to be extremely nice and agreeable with everything he says.
@3 So did you give the bum a dollar? Did you check to see if he had a “Give me a dollar or I’ll vote for Hiliary?” Maybe he asks for two dollars.
@2 That’s right. Vote for Jill Stein or that Libertarian guy!
@11 Only his timing really is off. It’s way to early and he may cause Republicans to remember it’s a team sport. Also by campaigning to this degree he opens the door to be pulled into the mud being thrown about, and emphasizes to the Republican base who they are tired of. Independents can’t help but notice who has passion and then notice Hillary’s lack of passion.
The President might want to spend some time on Turkey before the Turks take a page from his play book and send in their version of special ops to kidnap or kill a guy in Pennsylvania. Or the latest in Korea. Or getting his nominee for the Supreme Court confirmed. He may also want to remind a few general officers of the armed forces that when in uniform they are to be non political.
@16 We in Washington don’t have to worry about running into them, you folks in NYC though may run into them on the street, or get stuck n traffic that is interrupted by the Trump clan.
21 the fundamental economic problems of wealth inequality that Sanders and trump tapping into have not magically gone away. The voters see that economic prosperity is concentrated on a few, but they are being shut out and if they don’t get more soon, they will tear it down.
Trump is a terribly flawed candidate , who still got massive votes because he promised to bring back jobs for real Americans. True a huuuge part of his message was fear and hate the Other, but it was in the context they were taking your prosperity.
@23 Well duh. This has been known since the black panthers strolled into the California capital building causing then Governor Reagan to suddenly support a gun control bill that included keeping Saturday night specials out of black neighborhoods. NRA came out in support. Could just be institutionalized racism though, and it’s alive and well today.
The NRA also supports warrior cops.
@24 |That a Democratic Congress went along with, though unwilling to do a declaration of war, which may have mitigated some of the hubris of both parties.
@28 It was a perfectly legal business and the Monte Cristo gold rush was actually killed by the Alaskan gold rush that made Seattle and probably brought old Fred even more business. Like Nordstrom’s Fred made out good, better than the majority of Monte Cristo and Alaskan miners..
Would be an excuse to sing: “Acres of Clams” all you Washington natives and Seattleites know the words?
So vote Green vote for Jill Stein.
Vote Libertarian vote for Gary Anderson.
The tea party extremist lost his primary in Kansas. Conventional wisdom is the voters someone who was more cooperative with govering. They tried ideology,it didn’t work.
@52,53 nope, that would be really stupid. not ready to throw away vote and risk putting more republicans in charge.
In the history of politics has there ever been a candidate who didn’t promise jobs? Don’t make excuses for them. They nominated Trump because they are racists.
@48. Economically desperate people let their racist aspect loose to protect themselves and trump linked into that.
Both trump and Bernie Saunders had a strong economic message and both did very well. Bernie wasn’t racist and he challenged Hillary strongly.
To me, it’s obvious it’s about jobs and income inequality and what ever politicians win, they better address income inequality and the economy or eventually the next candidate with the Bernie/trump economic message will win, regardless of the baggage they carry. When the next trump is not so insane, he’ll win.
Please don’t ratify TeaParty myths.
Trump’s primary voters are neither desperate nor poor.
They are wealthier than the average of all primary voters.
They are wealthier than the average of all general election voters.
And they are wealthier than the average of all white voters.
The poorest voters in this year’s primary contests voted for Clinton and Cruz. Make what you will of that.
We will have to disagree as to the make up of trump voters
Ablow: And do you think that these nostalgia voters, are they thinly veiled racists?
Jones: You know, I think it’s too easy to say, “They’re just all white supremacists.”[…] And what I think here is rather than thinking of them as white supremacists and painting everyone with a big broad brush, I think it is more about anxieties and worries. I’ve mentioned race and changing demographics in the country but the other thing that should not be, really can’t be overstated is the landmark same-sex marriage ruling just last year that legalized same-sex marriage in all 50 states. And that was another issue where evangelicals had doubled down opposing same-sex marriage, they lost the battle in the courts, but more importantly they know and have a real sense that they lost the battle in the court of public opinion.
So in a sad way, my marriage to my husband is causing trump voters to pick trump.
But now that Trump has several caucus and primary wins under his belt, analysts have a better sense of who’s actually turning out to vote for him. Here are four features of Trump’s constituency:
They Didn’t Go to College
Although white men without a college education haven’t suffered the same historical discrimination as blacks or women, their suffering is not imagined. The Hamilton Project has found that the full-time, full-year employment rate of men without a bachelor’s degree fell from 76 percent in 1990 to 68 percent in 2013. While real wages have grown for men and women with a four-year degree or better in the last 25 years, they’ve fallen meaningfully for non-college men.Non-college men have been trampled by globalization, the dissolution of manufacturing employment, and other factors, for the last few decades.
>> That’s my economic argument
They Don’t Think They Have a Political Voice
But voters who agreed with the statement “people like me don’t have any say about what the government does” were 86.5 percent more likely to prefer Trump. This feeling of powerlessness and voicelessness was a much better predictor of Trump support than age, race, college attainment, income, attitudes towards Muslims, illegal immigrants, or Hispanic identity.
>> Probably another way of saying gay marriage is freaking them out, they feel helpless to stop it.
They Want to Wage an Interior War Against Outsiders
The best predictor of Trump support isn’t income, education, or age, he says. In South Carolina, it was “authoritarianism … [and] a personal fear of terrorism”
They Live in Parts of the Country With Racial Resentment
And there is racist component you talked about.