It’s Tuesday! And an interesting Tuesday at that. Please join us tonight for some election returns under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. We meet at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning about 8:00 pm. Or stop by earlier and join me for dinner.
Not in Seattle? There is a good chance you live near one of the 341 other chapters of Drinking Liberally.
Scott Brown wins the Ted Kennedy seat. In your face motherfuckers, IN YOUR FACE!!!!! GOP taking over Congress in 2010!!!!
Palin/Romney in 2012, America is SAVED!
newly released WSDOT estimate for the tunnel.
Ed Schultz is a psycho talking! A psycho babbling that is…
Crusader it’s the people’s seat, not Ted Kennedy’s seat. Wait for it… Pavlov predicts something stupid will shortly appear as a comment from an HA Libtardo…
Puddybud – I will be drinking liberally tonight!!! HA libtardos can’t help themselves, a bunch of mental inmates I believe…
Hey libtardos – how do these teabags taste!!!
What #1 through #4 said. Pound it up your asses you pricks! Cheers!
The reasons for the loss will go right OVER the heads of many of the HA faithful, just like the losses in Virginia and New Jersey did where independents also abandoned the Dems in droves.
Sheer ineptitude, all within a mere year.
Keep it up and you’ll strategize yourselves right back to minority party status as voters toss out one group, and then the next.
Brown’s win does tell us (conservs) that a youthfull outsider can do well (as opposed to a dole or mccain (old/insider)). I hope we can find more.
Will be fun to see Dems get their panties all bunged up when they either slow his certification or try to vote before he’s seated. their response will only engender more GOP votes in the next election(s).
How’s that Progressive Wave going for you in Massachusetts? People are fed up with your fiscal irresponsibility. Welcome to your nightmare year of 2010. Better drink extra liberally tonight.
It’s nice to see a response of a conservative that’s not way out in right field. I agree with your take on things @8.
#1 Crusader
Explain something sir. Saved from what? We HAD a Republican Congress and a Republican Congress for 6 years. We gave you control of both branches. Tell me, what did you do? Did you shrink government? Did you get government out of my pants, out of my life? Did you eliminate the IRS, shrink the budget, do away with the Dept of Education? ? No. We gave you control, and you did nothing. You made government bigger, spent more, and gave government take direct access to my life via Patriot act. You made government bigger when Reagan was given control. You made government bigger when George HW Bush was given control. You made government bigger when Nixon was given control.
So in 2012, if you get control again…will you continue this trend? More government, more intrusive, more spending…while TALKING about the opposite?
2010 Republicans take control of Congress world saved (again?) 2016 Democrats take control of Congress. 2020 Republicans take control of Congress. 2014 Democrats take control of Congress! See a trend? We HAVE gone back and forth between both parties, you crips and bloods, for a century. Doesn’t matter a damn thing in the end. The Democrats won’t give me universal health care, the Republicans won’t shrink government.
most of you here might know this, but the irony is, the massachusetts state legeslature took the right of the governor to appoint the senator away from the governor when it was a republican, and they counted on a john kerry to win the pres race. if they hadnt been so partisan, this would never have happened.
Nothing the Dem’s have done in the last year (and they’ve done some stupid, wasteful stuff) can compare to what Bush and the neocons have done.
And don’t get me started on Michael Steele’s 20K office remodel. Sorry, but right now the Right is worse than the Left when it comes to wasteful spending.
#12 That IS funny! I’ve always said the universe is powered by irony. It is their own damned fault. :)
The crips might take control from the bloods…but which gang takes over, which you (manoftruth) loves, the IRS will still send a me a tax bill in 2012, for roughly the same % I’ve paid for the last 10 years. The government will be bigger (the military will be bigger, social security will still be here, Medicare will still be here).
So you kids just and yell, nothing changes. Just talk. The money (banks) rule, not you silly political parties. Carter bailed out Chrysler. Reagan bailed out the Saving and Loans. George W. Bush bailed out the Wall Street (Obama continued it). Doesn’t matter.
The RNC doesn’t have enough money in the bank to keep Dave Reichert is office, let alone win back the house and senate.
A blue state on a cold, snowing winter’s day elects a teabagger demagogue for 3 years..
Yeah right wingers what a victory. Congrats..
Coakley was an embarrassment of a candidate. 16 public appearance since the primary vs. Brown’s 66. He really wanted the job. Coakley thought she’d coast..
From what I understand, Teddy always campaigned hard. Coakley was not the person to pass the baton to.. The results speak for themselves..
The tragedy of US politics these days (maybe its just part of politics) is that we are so polarized, that when we GOPers have a dud, we defend them to the death (lest the other guy gain an advantage) and the Dems too defend their dud to the death. I become more fearfull of helping your guy, than i do in voting for the right cause. We (gop) stuck by Bush, who we all knew was not that great, and you (libs) thus far have clung to Obama, who i’m sure you might privately admit isn’t that great.
I was hoping Obama would strike a more concilatory pose, being a leader even when the GOP fought him, but thus far, he’s pushed me back to only the GOP. I think Brown’s election mirrors a lot of folks who had been hopeful of gov’t from the middle but only got leftwing “change”
You traitorous liberal scum are seeing the righteous anger of patriots tonight. The first battles of the American Revolutionary War were fought in Massachusetts. And so it is again. Viva La Revolucion! Liberty is on the march and all haters of freedom shall shake in their boots!
Marism – the opiate of the ASSES!
We are dominating this board!!!! Roger Rabbit and YLB and Daddy Pervert are nowhere to be seen!!!1
SPRINGFIELD, Mass.—A woman who cast an absentee ballot late last year died last week, but apparently her vote will still count, despite the fact that it may have been illegal.
An officer, who did not want to be identified, at the Van Sickle Middle School poll revealed the nature of the situation after a discussion with this reporter about a recent story that cited the number of deceased persons on Massachusetts voter rolls. “Well, I’m about to cast a vote for a dead person here in a little while,” he said.
Don’t fool yourself. Brown won by 3-4% more than the final tally. The dead are the most reliable voters for the dems.
This is the end of the Progressive Movement as Goldy and his Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbats see it.
After this absolutely CRUSHING defeat…(go ahead & try to minimize KLOWNS!)…you will see more Blue Dog Dems switching parties…more Democrat incumbents announcing they will not run.
I TOLD YOU ARROGANT ASSHOLES YOU WOULD BLOW YOUR CHANCE!! Obam-Mao has been rejected in less than a year…NJ, Virginia…now even Mass.
Dems trail in 7 other Senate Seats and there were 49 House Seats that Dems have in Districts McCain even prevailed!
All the smack talkin’ you KLOWNS spewed on what you were gonna do to hard-working, risk-taking Americans…
Have a nice evening KLOWNS.
Tomorrow the sun will rise.
And you will still be losers from head to toe.
Oh my god.. Wonders never cease..
Brown raises DOOFUS@20 from the grave..
How’d that ACVR work out for you DOOFUS??
Here’s a link, mutt:
Eat shit cur…
Poor DOOFUS @ 20
Who’s in the White House?
Who has a majority in the House and the Senate?
Who has the majority of Governorships?
Who has the majority in State legislatures?
Who’s the Governor of WA State?
Who’s in the majority of the WA State legislature?
Where’s the ACVR Doofus?
Yawnn.. Poor miserable cur…
No, maybe it’s the end of the progressive movement as you see it. You’ve never been able portray anything close to and accurate picture of who the left is.
And you should be using progressive with a lower case “p” unless you’re talking about the party that Teddy Roosevelt helped found.
This “lunatic moonbat” voted for two Republican in ’08. Yeah, I’m a hardcore eco-commie-leftist…
17 – Stay with the teabagger cultists. It’s where in my view, given your posting record here, where you truly belong.
Believe me we’re perfectly happy with you staying there. We don’t need you.
Man am I enjoying this…
I was going to diss on him for that, but with the number of typo’s I’ve made today I decided to let it pass.
This Crusader is too funny.
Is he 15 years old or something?
Here’s one of his HA hall of fame moments:
25. Michael spews:
Which 2 Michael??
Dog-catcher & __________________??
Perhaps you don’t fit the Lunatic Moonbat disorganization of unemployed losers from the far-left here at HA.
Good for you.
But YLB, Rujax, Headlice, Roger Rabbit and a few others are the prototype Progressive of 2010.
Don’t you think the Dems are going to have some serious leakage in 2010 Michael??
That’s the point.
They are Hemmoraging from trying to ram thru a health care bill the vast majority do not want.
This Mass. Election was a National referendum.
Obam-Mao portrayed himself as a bi-partisan, fiscally responsible candidate.
His actions have been neither.
Damage control is now in effect.
The Dems are in disarray.
If they don’t seat Brown immediately, 2010 will be a complete disaster.
The best thing that could happen to Obam-Mao is for Brown to win.
I have said from the beginning, this health care will not pass….and if it is rammed thru, the Dems will be thrown out on their asses and the R’s will repeal or fail to fund whatever nonsense the Dems pass.
The people haven spoken loudly.
How many of you KLOWNS heard the message??
26. my ancestors came from Europe spews:
Typical of Headlice Lucy…anyone who disagrees must go away. Intellectual Pinhead!
31 – Sorry Klyn if I insist if a person’s past behavior sheds some light on the stupid things he or she says today..
Maybe that reveals a person as just being plain dumb..
Wrongon was a right winger in 2004 and he’s a right winger now.
Dems shouldn’t do right wing ok?
Will one of you KLOWNS please call 9-1-1 for Roger Rabbit immediately!
He is obviously hyperventilating….and being on oxygen with his cigarette smoking emphysema, perhaps he is in trouble.
I want him to live long enough to see the Progressive Bowel Movement destroyed.
Hey “Ancestors From Europe” – Why don’t you go the fuck back there?
Marxism – The opiate of the ASSES!
34 – Click on the link. It exposes a right winger lying about himself..
Might be educational..
Rasmussen actually called this Mass Race a toss-up.
They were off by 5 points…to the DEMS side!!
So much for your Rasmussen is biased nonsense.
If anything, this time they were biased for the DEMS.
Look KLOWNS…this is much worse than you could even dream!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Look at that gap…15 points!
You KLOWNS need to put on a new face…like LAIR Obam-Mao did in the campaign.
Pretend you are something the opposite of what you are and when you get your ass kicked trying to ram thru Marxist BS…pretend you are really fiscally responsible and pro-business.
Wow Mr. Klynical is excited..
Maybe he’ll do a favor for us and have a heart attack or something..
I’m sure with his Cadillac heath insurance he’ll recover, see the light and retire from Serve Christ, yakety yak…
Or does a free marketer like him just pay out of pocket? You know.. Shop around. Get the best deal. Trust the market? That kind of thing?
@37 Maybe he’ll do a favor for us and have a heart attack or something
Maybe you’ll do your family a favor and get a job!
LMFAO! The fucking wingnuts are really howling at the moon tonight. heh- I see we have Mr. Klynical here tonight, the guy who started calling for a revolution a few days after he put his exploded head back together following last year’s election. Well, until he saw a glimmer of hope in the Rasmussen polls. Not talk much talk about revolution these days, huh, KlOWN? Tollycraft? You either need to think bigger, much bigger, or smaller, much smaller. There, I’ve helped you out. Thank me when you can. heh- I see we got one of the Marks here. Dumb fucks. Every one of them. In fact, every Mark brain put together couldn’t fill up a Mason jar and they still couldn’t fire a synapse if even if you tossed in a 12V battery. Sorry, Mark, but I’ve got nothing to say to the terminally stoopid. heh- Puddy. Hey, throw some of those phony P-bonics our way, sucka! KABLAMMO! Yeah, ol’ Puddy. They don’t call him “Stupes” for nothin’. Heh, they don’t call him “oreo” for nothin’ either. Eh, don’t bother responding, Puddy. You can just talk to the goat. Perhaps that poor, hapless creature gives a flying monkey fuck about what the hell you have to say. I know I sure as hell don’t.
Proudly a right winger….but hoping America can survive our growing polarization. though i think i’m “right”, i know this country is about 50/50 on a lot of issues, and since we don’t have kings…realistic that i could not jam through my wish list.
I wish that oBAMA would do what the country was hoping for; govern from the middle. An honest version of Bill Clinton. Instead we get hard left.
Still hoping he comes around.
38 – My wife’s in the next room.. Why don’t you walk in here and tell me that in person?
Oops.. She’s on her laptop but she’s not looking at
Hmmm. You must be a right wing liar!!!
Ho hum.. Like that’s a surprise…
the progressives got owned tonight in Mass…its that simple.
Rasmussen actually called this Mass Race a toss-up.
They were off by 5 points…to the DEMS side!!
So much for your Rasmussen is biased nonsense.
If anything, this time they were biased for the DEMS.
even funnier, the boston globe, the bankrupt liberal newspaper polled coakley up by 15 on friday!! 15 on friday night!!! the liberals think we’re all dopes, not just their public school idiots.
40 – Wrong as usual wrongon.. The country responded to his message of CHANGE..
He hasn’t delivered all that much.. There lies the disappointment.
The mushy middle is your silly fantasy.
“Wow Mr. Klynical is excited.”
Indeed. I bet the goat is scared shitless.
hey ylb arschloch,
You and your ilk keep calling conservative Americans tea baggers. It really worked so well in a DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP blue state where Dummocrapt registrations were about 3.5:1 over Republicans. The Independents really joined your “cause” calling peeps who disagree with Odumba Tea Baggers. NOT!
45 – The goat shed will be steaming tonight indeed..
“the liberals think we’re all dopes”
Dude, you are a dope. I thought you should know.
Steve@45, You’d know. Every time you enter your barn the goat screams are heard in Spokane!
Ah, the oreo stupe is back. Must be the KLOWN’s turn with the goat, poor thing.
46 – Yawwwwn.. Your stupid off the cuff analysis carries no weight…
Not worth commenting..
Well there were approximately 116,000 dead peeps on Massachusetts rolls. Puddy wonders how many of those voted today.
@39 The fucking wingnuts are really howling at the moon tonight
“Scott Brown, a Republican state senator for only five years, shocked and arguably humiliated the White House and the Democratic Party establishment by defeating Martha Coakley in the race for a United States Senate seat. He did it one day short of a year after President Obama stood on the steps of the United States Capitol, looking across a mass of faces that celebrated the potential of his presidency.
“As a result, Mr. Obama will spend the first anniversary of his inauguration watching Democrats tangle in an unseemly quarrel over who lost Massachusetts — Ms. Coakley’s pollster, Celinda Lake, telephoned the Huffington Post four hours before the polls closed to blame Democratic leaders in Washington — and contemplating a political landscape that has been thoroughly upended in the course of only 10 days.”
Wingnuts? You’d be fortunate if that was your only problem. Your problem is bigger, much bigger: You’re shooting each other now!
Sheer ineptitude, and the last place anyone should seek advice for a new direction is on HA!
I’d think the D’s were going to run into problems in 2010 if the R’s weren’t is such terrible shape themselves. The D’s will probably lose a couple of seats, but things will stay pretty status quo.
I voted (R) for Sam Reed and my county council member, who was running for some other county office. Can’t remember what he was running for at the moment.
And for the record, I have 2 jobs and a kid that isn’t mine that I’m helping raise.
52 – Ask DOOFUS @ 20 he always “knows” (fantasizes) that shit.
Lemee guess what the right wing call will be…
Such a fool ylb arschloch is. A fool on his ASS…
Dear Friend,
I got the message below from Ted Kennedy’s widow, Vicki, and I wanted to make sure you saw it.
Martha Coakley is running to fill the rest of Ted Kennedy’s term, and her opponent is a far-right tea-bagger Republican.
It would be bad enough to lose this seat — and Democrats’ sixtieth vote in the Senate — right before the final health care reform vote. But it would be even worse for the decisive “no” vote to come from Ted Kennedy’s old seat.
The special election is coming up on Tuesday, and it’s going to be close. Read Vicki’s message below, then make a contribution of $25 or more to Martha Coakley’s campaign today.
Thank you,
Chuck Schumer
As Puddy said, ylb arschloch is a fool shitting…
In other new JAL has bitten the dust for the forth or so time.
When oil’s 80 bucks a barrel and someone opening the wrong door can shut down JFK there is much hope for the airlines.
In other new JAL has bitten the dust for the forth or so time.
When oil’s 80 bucks a barrel and someone opening the wrong door can shut down JFK there is much hope for the airlines.
We should hope for more elections asap; the Dems will ultimately wise up like Clinton did and start to moderate. Question is how much damage will Pelosi and Reid do in the meantime..
SUCKA!! You’re so funny, Puddy. Er, just not in a good way. Hey, I know! Lay some of God’s Word as revealed to Puddy on us. That’s always good for a laugh.
@1 “GOP taking over Congress in 2010!!!!”
I suppose you’e right, if by “taking over Congress” you mean passing no legislation, solving none of the country’s problems, and shutting everything down — which is the only thing GOPers are good at anyway.
53 – Where have you been? Anyone could see Coakley was a terrible candidate.
To beat Brown, you had to match his public appearances. You had to have a compelling message, counter BROWN’s teabagger bullshit and expose his stupid right wing record in the legislature.. Coakley did little to none of that.
Ahhh yes Steve@60 is losing it again today. Is that your goat we hear?
60 – Hey Steve – I can’t wait for Stupes to start on that Bible. ONLY HE, ONLY STUPES has the proper interpretation of the Book of Revelations.
It has to be seen to be believed. It’s too funny.
The teabaggers are sucking each other off big time tonight.
The lesson from Massachusetts? Don’t take anything for granted.
Coakley thought she was entittlesd to the job. She only made 19 campaign appearances to Brown’s 66. She took a month long vacation in the middle of the campaign a la Michael Dukakis.
Massachusetts is about 19% Republican, 30% Democrat and the rest are independent. As Tip O’Niel said “All Politics is local.”
So fellow Dems don’t take anything for granted.
Oh and teabaggers, Brown will only serve the remainder of Ted Kennedy’s term. He will have to run for re-election in 2012. Obama currently has a 53% approval rating in Massachestts so how was today’s vote anti-Obama?
Wow a right winger ordering up more elections. They accuse the left of manufacturing votes – now they want to manufacture elections – that old Rossi “REDO” VOODOO perhaps?
Love it…
Obama currently has a 53% approval rating in Massachestts so how was today’s vote anti-Obama?
those are all the ones on welfare and free healthcare.
56 – Shit! She didn’t call him a teabagger enough you silly fool!
Asswipe, she made only 16 or 19 public appearances. She took a month long vacation when she should have been taking nothing for granted.
How did Dow Constantine win fool? He defined his opponent as a REPUBLICAN!! He did it over and over..
And it worked..
@53 heh- Howling wingnuts flapping their monkey wings. Well, except for Puddy. He’s not a flying monkey. It’d be racist, of course, to call that oreo stupe a flying monkey. Right, Klynical KLOWN? So Puddy’s maybe like some kind of strange flying goatfucker or something. But certainly something non-racial, something non-monkeyish out of respect for Puddy’s blackness, or something like that. Or maybe it’s Klynical’s sensitivities that are of concern. The KLOWN was never quite clear about his objections to my calling ol’ Pudz a flying monkey. Hmm, perhaps Klynical simply thinks Puddy looks like a monkey and he’s a little sensitive about those little hidden thoughts of his.
Arguing facts with ylb arschloch is the same as turning your ASS to a mirror and farting… it feels good expelling the gas, but the smell continues for quite a while. In this case the smell has lasted for over 5 years.
Calling Scott Brown a tea bagger endeared him to independents. These fools will never learn.
@7 My thought is voters pretty much get what they deserve. I just don’t like them dragging me down with them, that’s all.
Congrats on your win Senator Scott Brown. Ending the shameful legacy of the Ted Kennedy senator seat in Massachussetts is a positive for both Mass. and this country.
Is the president with a tin ear and thin skin listening? He’d better be as this is a huge referendum on his failed administration 1 year in.
@53 heh- Howling wingnuts flapping their monkey wings. Well, except for Puddy. He’s not a flying monkey. It’d be racist, of course, to call that oreo stupe a flying monkey. Right, Klynical KLOWN? So Puddy’s maybe like some kind of strange flying goatfucker or something. But certainly something non-racial, something non-monkeyish out of respect for Puddy’s blackness, or something like that. Or maybe it’s Klynical’s sensitivities that are of concern. The KLOWN was never quite clear about his objections to my calling ol’ Pudz a flying monkey. Hmm, perhaps Klynical simply thinks Puddy looks like a monkey and he’s a little sensitive about those little hidden thoughts of his.
wow steve…if i started going on about all the kikes and jews on this site you’d call me a racist. you racist pig!!!!!
@9 “People are fed up with your fiscal irresponsibility.”
Don’t get smug just yet. They’re fed up with your fiscal irresponsibility, too. After all, it wasn’t Democrats who let the bankers run riot or borrowed a trillion dollars from China to give tax cuts to billionaires or squandered another trillion on an unnecessary war in Iraq.
@63 “Is that your goat we hear?”
You’re hearing goats? Should I take it that you’re camped out in Klynical’s barn again?
@73 You know, MOT, I sometimes suspect that your cluelessness isn’t an act. Please prove me wrong.
Wow independents according to Stupes want a teabagger. Fine. If that’s really true they’re welcome to him.
Or maybe Stupes means that independents are offended by labeling and namecalling????
Yeah the likes of Stupes and his crowd would never stoop to anything so low. Not them. No sir!
@13 I don’t have major issues with what the Democrats have done in the past year.
There’s two kinds of economics in the world, Keynesian economics and idiot economics, and most of us know which works and which doesn’t. People who know what they’re talking about agree the bank bailouts were necessary, no matter how odious; criticize Obama’s stimulus package for not being big enough; and point out that it’s folly to balance the budget on the precipice of a depression. And then you have the idiots …
Wow, while EVERYONE on HA thought YLB was permanently unemployed and, for that matter, unemployable, he and Roger Rabbit were secretly advising Martha Coakley on her campaign strategy!
ha, ha, ha.
I wish we had an equivalent to Scott Brown in this state.
@79 I wouldn’t say “everyone”. Maybe all the idiots like you thought that.
The Economist, a conservative U.K.-based magazine, has this to say about President Obama:
“One year on, how well has he done? Not too badly, by our reckoning. In his first 12 months in office Mr Obama has overseen the stabilising of the economy, is on the point of bringing affordable health care to virtually every American citizen, has ended the era of torture, is robustly prosecuting the war in Afghanistan while gradually disengaging from Iraq; and perhaps more precious than any of these, he has cleared away much of the cloud of hatred and fear through which so much of the world saw the United States during George Bush’s presidency.
“More generally, Mr Obama has run a competent, disciplined yet heterodox administration, with few of the snafus that characterised Bill Clinton’s first year. Just as important have been the roads not taken. Mr Obama has resisted the temptation to give in to the populists in his own party and saddle Wall Street with regulations that would choke it. He has eschewed punitive taxation on the entrepreneurs who animate the economy; and he has even, with the notable exception of a boneheaded tariff on cheap Chinese tyres, turned a deaf ear to the siren-song of the protectionists. In short, what’s not to like?”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Considering the source, this is like a Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval.
It’s conceivable the health care bill is kaput. It’s not a given the House Democrats will pass the Senate bill as is, or the Senate Dems have the will (let alone the fortitude) to break a GOP filibuster. But Obama at least tried; and if he fails to deliver expanded health care and reasonable regulation of the health insurance industry, that will be the GOP’s fault, not his fault. Let’s not forget which party wants to saddle Americans with our current broken health care system in perpetuity.
Looks like Odumba’s Sunday visit really energized the Dummocrapts against the “tea baggers”.
Puddy hopes the progressives continue to use that term. Puddy hope fools like Keith Olbermann continue to call peeps “tea baggers”.
The Brad Blog is already reporting voting irregularities in Massachusetts, including voters being given ballots that were pre-marked for Brown. And, of course, the ballots were counted by hack-prone Diebold machines.
But, in the finest tradition of Democratic possums everywhere, Coakley conceded even before the votes were counted, so we’ll probably never know to what extent this election was manipulated.
More Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny Diarrhea.
Odumba and his disciples negotiated the health care bill with big pharma and big insurance. There were no GOP in these negotiations fool. It was all Dummocrapts. These two groups are the bogeyman of all the progressives. And Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny claims it’s the GOP! What a moron Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny is!
I heard Dean Logan was heading to Boston to see if he could find some missing ballots. She must have lost really badly to have passed on the standard dem ploy to keep finding old and missing ballots until they win.
Glad another franken didn’t happen (stealing an eleciton)
@78 most of us know which works
Oh, no. The last time you took us down this road you informed HA how THOROUGHLY you had read a National Review article, only to TOTALLY mangle the authorship:
When pressed on this you insisted that you were referring to a DIFFERENT NR article that had been authored by Malcolm Sparrow. Remember? The problem was, NOBODY could turn that UFO up and you clammed up. We STILL don’t have that reference and you’re sure not talking! Why? IT DOESN’T EXIST!
Fraud, followed by a BIG lie, and a very dumb one at that . . . the cover-up is worse than the crime!
See thread above @22, 29, 35, 44, 47 and 54 for the trail (of deceit!)
Ted Kennedy finally did something good for America. Obama and his ideas (all of them) are an epic failure. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
We’ve got yet another stupid right wing pig pile here..
Yawwn.. I’m bored. I vote for leaving the silly right wing tots to dabble in their dung.
Oh my the trolls are in a froth tonight.
As a long time Dem I am pissed as hell about this election. But not at the Republicans. To them I say well played. You just elected a male porn star to the Senate. Must have been the “teabagger” vote. Just watched Coakley’s concession speech. Wow, just wow. How sad the apathy. Not an ounce of concern, just ho hum so what. She actually commented about how her dogs are happy she will be coming home. It is totally obvious that she didn’t really care one way or another. With friends like this who needs enemies.
I can only hope that this is the catalyst that puts the fire in the belly and we get back to basics. If we can’t win in Massachusetts, then hope for the country is lost. Maybe in the long run it is a good thing. Clinton had to learn some tough lessons in 94, 2 years in. I hope Obama is a quick study.
@91 Must have been the “teabagger” vote
If this is your assessment of why she lost, you totally missed the boat . . .
Democrat SOP (Standard Operating Procedure). Voter Fraud got JFK elected.
Acorn much? heheheehhe
Liberalism is a failed ideology. The second American Revolution has begun!
@94 I wouldn’t call a gain of 1 seat in a Senate where Democrats still have a 19-seat edge a “revolution.”
@92, That was a silly joke. We lost the election because of a complacent candidate and a complacent voting public, a complacent party in power, and a complacent president.
If not complacency then why have we spent an entire year on one health care bill? The time for talking was during the 3 year long campaign up to 2008. The time for action is now or rather yesterday.
But of course a little sleazy sex appeal goes a long a way in our ADHD culture.
Time to get down to brass tacks. This election was an embarrassment. But maybe some people will wake up.
Democratic Sen. Jim Webb has called for suspending further votes on health reform until Sen.-Elect Brown is seated. I think that’s folly. There’s no middle ground between the parties on health care, and therefore no prospect of a bipartisan bill. The GOP’s idea of “health reform” is denying injured or dead patients the right to sue incompetent doctors, and giving health insurance companies free rein to screw consumers in an unregulated marketplace. No Democrat can agree to anything they’re willing to agree to.
I think this issue should be resolved by the Republican Rules. Namely, play hardball! Mr. Brown does not become Senator until the election is certified, no matter how soon he rents an apartment in Washington D.C., and it’s important to count all the military votes. Meanwhile, we still have a 60-seat Democratic Senate. And if the House-Senate confrerees can’t finish their work within that time, then the House should pass the Senate bill. The Republican version of “health reform” doesn’t deserve the time of day, and the American people certainly didn’t vote for it.
If the Democrats throw away this opportunity to reform the health care mess in our country, we’ll be stuck with the totally unacceptable status quo for the rest of our lives.
uh roger, its the dems that are playing protectionist w/ the ambulance chasers….how about reforming liability insurance as a start…
Poor DOOFUS.. Stupid much?
@94 I wouldn’t call a gain of 1 seat in a Senate where Democrats still have a 19-seat edge a “revolution.”
You will come November
100 – Heh.. Poor Doofus has been spewin’ that since 2005..
Silly cur.
I believe liberals must arm. Washington, Oregon, California, and Hawaii should form our own nation. The stupidity of Massachusetts voters defies explanation. I do recall the racism of southern Boston when schools were getting integrated there in the late 70s. Our country is racist. Our country is going down. All empires reach their apex, then they decline. This day signals our decline.
Just watched Coakley’s concession speech. Wow, just wow. How sad the apathy. Not an ounce of concern, just ho hum so what. She actually commented about how her dogs are happy she will be coming home. It is totally obvious that she didn’t really care one way or another. With friends like this who needs enemies.
gordon…now you know how we felt about john mccain. he didnt want to win that friggin election, and if he did he was either incompetent or lazy.
“We shouldn’t show the arrogance of not getting the message here,” said liberal Rep. Anthony Weiner, D-N.Y., contending independents had turned against the bill and the Democratic base had lost its enthusiasm. “I don’t think it would be the worst thing to take a step back” and turn the focus to jobs, in conjunction with scaled-back health care goals.
Weiner is a stand-up guy. And he has a point. So does Roger Rabbit. We can do SOMETHING, even if it isn’t EVERYTHING.
How many jobs will “focus on jobs” bring us, after you pissed away $1 trillion on non capital projects, consulting contracts, make work…?
The election in Massachusetts
The race in specific – the democrat was a crappy candidate who coasted and the republican was a great candidate who hustled.
Macro – The people elected democrats last year on the promise of hope and change. Repub’s promise was more of the same. But, what we are getting is the repub theme of more of the same. I don’t see much change. I don’t see any hopes being realized. The dems promised big and are failing to deliver. That generates a huge amount of anger.
The conservatives will fight what ever the dems offer, just for the blood sport of it. In my opinion, they don’t care about the country, they care about being in power and what ever gets them back in power, is fair game. The dem, they keep trying to appease the conservatives and abandoned the base that put them in power. It’s going to be ugly if the dems keep going more conservative.
Give me change, live up to the hope you promised, or you are nothing more than faux republicans and if I have a choice between a knock off and the real thing, I’ll vote for the real thing.
@105 – maybe obama can ask the Chinese for another loan…
Wow Wrongon couldn’t be more excited if Dean Logan drove his car off the viaduct into Elliot Bay.
I guess Wrongon would more impressed with Obama if he waged a war of choice against some swarthy people with mustaches who shoot pistols into the air.
Americans getting blown up by IED’s. Military contract abuse. That’s not pissing blood and money away.
Earlier in this thread, Wrongon said “Bush was not that great”.
Sure didn’t keep the braindead in this thread from voting for the chump twice..
They imply they want their country back. Sorry you can’t have it.
You fucked it up..
97. Roger Rabbit spews:
FYI Racist Rabbit–
Webb is in a state where the Dems just lost the governorship by an overwhelming margin!!
The divide in the Democrat Party continues!!!!
All you libtards just got teabagged by Senator-Elect Scott Brown. Do you like the taste? Did you swallow?
Hey, Goldy-BOHICA!!!!!!
Um hey dumbfuck. Before you slit your wrists like a sorry little cunt, you do realize that both Coakley and Brown are white don’t you? This kind of batshit crazy loon talk is why you dumbshits are going to lose in 2010 and 2012…i.e. you’ve lost the independents with your fucking crazy talk and Obama’s Uber-left and out of touch with the American people policies.
Only the first salvo was fired last night, the Republican revolution has yet to begin.
A fellow liberal traveler of Ed Schultz’s and the president reacts to the outstanding Brown win last night over Coakley in Massachussetts.
Damn fine editing, but if you watch it from beginning to end, pretty damn funny too.
And you realize you can’t understand what he meant for shit do you?
Why are right wingers so reading comprehension impaired?
Maybe your dumbass can explain what he meant by:
Now, unless you’re reading comprehension skills sucks as bad as your perverted eye avatar, that would mean he’s blaming the people of Massachussetts, who voted overwhelmingly for Barack Obama as racists because they chose a White guy over a White women 1 year later.
Now, you’re fucking retarded YLB, but even you can meander through the very little cognitive thought processes needed to see how batshit crazy that comment was, but you’re an ideologue. Next time you want to back up your fellow batshit liberal, bring something to the table.
Like sanity perhaps, something in very short supply at this waste treatment plant.
115 – Nope little Ricky Dumbass PL’s comment means that PL has some bad memories of the insane choices SOME people from that state made back in day, back in the early seventies, memories of fear and racism and if that wasn’t bad enough, memories of violence in the streets motivated by that very fear and racism.
In NO way can anyone halfway SANE infer that PL through his comment asserted that Brown voters were by and large racist though even a mean-spirited DUMBASS like YOU can comprehend that certainly some were. There’s bad apples in every bunch – certainly on the right, no question about that but even yes, on the left. Can you dig it?
You are such a sick, self-loathing, mean-spirited DUMBASS that injects his unhinged anger, his simple-minded hatred and bigotry into everything he “reads”.
You make me vomit.
Some of the dumber people amongst us just can’t be reached. Stupidity is innate, and they and many on this site are proof of that reality.
Projecting is so pathetic when so obviously displayed on a blog. Of course, if you were an employable bloke, you’d understand this much more clearly. The fact you don’t is in itself revealing of your pathology.
Yep, so far you’re painting you and the majority of your fellow travellers here perfectly.
And you show it in spades..
Oh my word, my heart be still, who could have seen THAT coming???
Pity you can’t handle the truth about yourself.
Little Ricky Dumbass..
Wow, getting you to do anything outside of your normal routine of sitting in your mothers basement beating off to porn sites and posting your uneducated drivel on this blog is a welcome change.
Now, if you only had a skill set beyond the aforementioned that would make you a PRODUCTIVE member of society, rather than the leaching shitbag you currently are just existing through one miserable day after the other in here. What a pathetic sack of human excrement just wasting away through life as people that have real maladies are hampered in their day to day interactions. Time to face up that you, YLB, are a loser. A consumer to just eats up resources and provides nothing, yet you call yourself “progressive”.
That is the real punchline in all of this.
119 – zzzzzzzzzzZZZZZzzzzzz…
That all you got???
I currently work at a company with an interim CFO that has an amputated leg who has to get around on crutches and can’t even get her own cup of hot water necessary to enjoy some hot tea without assistance. Yet, everyday this competent woman shows up to work, battles with entering into and out of doors not equipped for the differently abled and doesn’t utter one word of lament and does the job she’s hired to do.
Then, you have a sack of shit like YLB, perfectly able bodied (if you make an exception for a functioning, rational brain system of course) that has gone years without gainful employment. Hell, something, anything is better than sitting at home on your computer being a complete waste of life and resources banging away on a keyboard in a backwater blog like HA.
When you put it into prospective, it’s no question why I’m a pro-business Republican and not a self loathing, anti-social, space-wasting liberal like YLB, but I’m just sayin’
There’s more, but your patheticness speaks for itself.
121 – zzzzZZZZzzzzzz…
Boring me to tears LRD.. Nice profiles in courage..
But just lame deflection from your execrable posting record here.
You can’t handle the truth about yourself..
Hmmm More YLB projection. Maybe his mother can work on finding him gainful employment in 2010, but don’t hold your breath, folks.
Keep insulting, putting down, denigrating, disparaging the unemployed fool..
It’ll work out just great for your tribe in November..
Do you fools still crow about how lefties are self-imploding???
Too funny..
got a job yet ylb?
no? oh…i suppose that would actually require looking for one first..
126 – Got a life yet Max???
Put up asswipe. Let’s see the proof of my racism.
Little Ricky Dumbass
YLB understands and, of course, you don’t. There is a shitload of just under the surface racism in the neighborhoods surrounding Boston. Still, in 2010. These people will vote their self-interest most of the time. They voted their self-interest when they voted for Obama in 2008. But, they weren’t prepared to cut him much slack. So, when things like healthcare became the congressional agenda, which wasn’t going to help Massachusetts residents, they reverted to their racist default position. They took it out on Coakley. Among a bunch of folks in Massachusetts, they’ll vote for an African-American, but they hold him or her to a standard far higher than they do a Caucasian. That is not true out here on the Pacific Coast, I don’t think. In any event, Little Ricky Dumbass, you have once again shown your inability to comprehend.
Your dumbass has been unemployed for years now by your own admission. Good times and bad. You’re just a lazy fuck with no discernable job skills. Obviously a product of WA education system.
Meanwhile, you mock a real life differently abled person I told you about in my post @ 121 commenting:
You would know nothing about courage YLB, and no one here would ever confuse your pathetic “existence” with anything of the sort. Enjoy your existence, YLB, because you certainly don’t live anything resembling a “life”.
@128….Im getting a kick out of all the excuses the progressives are coming up for their BEATING in Mass.
face it: the policies of the current administration and congress are garbage – and people are starting to see through the bullshit and broken promises.
but go ahead, keep coming up with ways to explain why a 40+ year solid blue state gave the D’s the finger – its rather entertaining, in a pathetic kind of way.
@127…yep, I have a great life – one of those benefits of working hard…you should try it.
poor little racist YLB, got him all in a tizzy now..
129 – You gotta repeat yourself a lot with fools..
I meant a complement to your CFO. Can you dig it?
But sorry it was deflection from the topic at hand..
And that topic is YOU and your tendency to read whatever stereotyped or bigoted views you have of people who can’t freaking stand your ugly tone, your ugly attitude and your braindead politics.
Your record here in these comment threads speaks for itself..
You expect us to be NICE to someone like you???
Sorry freak. You carry yourself a certain way here and you reap what you sow..
131 – You mean you don’t want to backup your assertion that I’m racist.
Are you afraid?
LMFAO @ “you reap what you sow” @ 132
given his lack of job searching, I wonder if racist YLB realizes the irony of his own statement.
134 – You are frightened aren’t you..
Please prove me wrong..
I’m waiting..
Ah, yes the dumbass returns from the therapist’s office to defend his batshit crazy comment.
Now, let’s examine your retarded post. You claim “racism” existed in a race that had a white woman and white man vying for the position of a…yikes…”white man” Ted Kennedy. Now, in your retardation you linked Brown’s win with “racism” even though the candidates as well as the dead senator whom occupied the position for the past 50 years was a “white” man. Are you retarded? Honestly.
But, by all means, keep up with the ignorant, fucktard rantings of Keith Olbermann. Last night was a referendum on the liberal policy currently employed in Washington D.C. It’s being soundly rejected by the all important “independent voter”. I never claimed liberals were smart and there has never been better proof of this than the past year of misguided ‘leadership’ in the Whitehouse/Congress.
And we can expect further ‘teabagging’ of President Obama and the Democrat incumbents in congress vulnerable in 2010 and 2012…
..Chew on that Dems
@133..afraid? of what? you? lol
I dont have to back it up to YOUR satisfaction- its pretty well known, racist ylb.
keep floundering and flailing, bubba.
What are you doing here then?
Please cite examples of my racism..
poor racist ylb – teetering on the edge of a full fledged froth attack…
Back it up to your satisfaction then.
Let’s see your proof of my racism.
139 – Gee I’d think a smart, “hard working” guy like you could cite chapter and verse..
But I have a suspicion you’re not too smart Max.
Let’s see the proof..
Are you scared to show it??
I get the feeling that Olbermann decided to take balls across the nose tonight….no muff diving for him.
@141 LMFAO @ ” I have a suspicion”….gee racist ylb, how much does “having a suspicion” pay?
careful now, you dont want to jump up into a higher tax bracket..
142 – Where’s the proof Max???
Hey little Ricky Dumbass you’re a pretty long winded guy – would you be afraid to expound on my supposed racism?
Max seems to be afraid.
Help him out.
ohh noes! Im skeeered!
these arent the droids your looking for…..moved along now…..
Let’s see we started at 127 and now we’re up to 145..
I see no proof, no cites…
Where is it Max???
Yes, well, sometimes even words of sanity and common sense seeps into the sewers of HA, a rarity I know, but thanks for the acknowledgement.
145 – You have no proof do you Max??
hahaahhahahaha….here comes Judge Wapner….
dont get uppity racist ylb, or Rusty the Bailiff with have to throw the cuffs on…
I’ve called you a coward.
And you seem to be living up to that quite well so far..
Simple request.
Back yourself up.. Cite examples of my racism..
Can you do that or are you just full of shit??
I’ll be happy to take it back and apologize.
I don’t want to go through life harboring racist attitudes.
C’mon one cite, one link..
You’re a smart “hard-working” guy. C’mon prove it.
We started at 127. We can end this now..
oohhhhh…a coward – I am so hurt!
poor racist ylb getting all defensive and entering full froth mode….
the puppetmaster is pulling the strings…JUMP BITCH JUMP!
and just as roger rabbit has earned the moniker goebbels rabbit, which is now new and improved goebbels/himmler rabbit – so have you earned the new moniker “racist ylb”.
and yet the sun shall always rise…
153 – Do you like being a coward Max?
You called me a racist.
Now back it up.. It’s so simple..
If little Ricky Dumbass had the goods on me he’d hound me with it forever.
Why can’t you do that??
question: does ANYBODY take Ed Schultz seriously? I mean really – this fat ass blowhard moonbat is as much out to lunch as his hair is red.
anyone? anyone? Bueller?
Max, you “work hard” all day long. You must be tired.
Is that it?
I think you’re scared too.
Please cite examples of my racism..
Be a man and back up what you say..
What if your significant other saw this exchange. What would she think??
Little Ricky,
Are you really so dumb? You proclaim that the Massachusetts Senate race was a referendum on the Democrats governing for the past year. I am not disagreeing. Who do the racist, nonthinking, swing voters in Massachusetts see as the government right now? Obama. He’s black. He doesn’t even get 1 year to turn things around from the Bush catastrophe he inherited. Were there other reasons Brown won? Sure. But, racism was a factor in that race. You don’t get subtlety, do you, Little Ricky? By the way, I think you should see a therapist. You have a helluva lot of hate in you. Do you beat your wife? Or, do you not even have a wife because she left you after you beat her?
will someone please kick the record player? it seems to be skipping.
who the fuck scratched my Van Halen II record!
Max I’m prepared to go all night on this.
I takes charges of racism seriously..
I’m prepared to do a mea culpa. A real man would do that.
Are you prepared..
C’mon.. Man to man..
I apologize for what I’ve done or you apologize.
This is where the rubber meets the road.
@158… all the swing voters in Mass are racist now?
thats quite a statement…..
Max we started at 127.
I see no proof of my racism..
Do you always assert things like that about people on-line without proof?
@160..perfect racist ylb, you keep this up all night and I will check in with you tomorrow – I expect to see about another 346 posts from you on this before 7am – now dont be a bitch and punk out on me – I want my 346 posts.
Max somewhere you came to the conclusion that I’m a racist.
I really want to know how you came to that conclusion.
Please back up your claim.
I have proof of your homophobia. Where’s the proof of my racism?
I’m out until 5am. Any of you retards like Plowed leftist or YLB want to further discuss why you’re retarded, feel free to log in around that time.
Punking you is an enjoyable past time, but even I need some sleep.
163 – Max it appears you’re leaving..
I guess you’re a liar and a coward Max.
I gave you the opportunity to really put it to me.
And you’re running away.
You’re a coward Max.
racist ylblob is like the gift that keeps on giving..
wind him up and watch him gooooooooooo……..
is racist YLB:
A. Skinny like a crack fiend
B. a fat fuck who eats cheetos and drinks chocolate milk all day long while surfing Daily Kos
C. average build, pasty white with bad acne and greasy brown hair.
vote…………and discuss.
We started at 127 and ended at 166..
Max FAILS to backup up his claim that I’m a racist.
He is a coward..
End of story
Good night..
you have 345 more posts to go before 7am, racist ylb.
now 344 more posts…
Look you fucking retard, Brown was white and Coakley was white. It also represented absolute control by the Democrats passing unpopular legislation behind closed doors and haphazardly. The wise citizens of Mass. rejected Obama because he, Pelosi and Reid are passing a shitty agenda. It didn’t have anything to do with race except for psychologically imbalanced assholes like you and YLB Arschloch that watch too much MSNBC. Quit being a victim, bitch.
No shit sherlock. He was the superior candidate.
Only to a complete retard.
Wow, now you’re projecting Goldy’s life history onto me. haha. If you want to see hate filled people, look in the mirror. You spend 24/7 in here spewing hate when you aren’t on other hate sites like HUFFPO and Daily KOS. Can’t help but affect your pathology as is so evident by your posts.
Time to re-evaluate your life, PL. 2010 is a new year. You too, YLB.
Perhaps he’s referring to this snippet from your greatest hits…
Still trying to figure this one out: Mass went overwhelmingly for Obama in the 2008 election over a WHITE GUY – but Mass is a racist state?
yet you reject the possibility that people, as indicated by polls across the nation, are fed up and frustrated with POLICIES from the white house and congress.
One word to consider PL: denial…explore it.
174 – Wow Little Ricky Dumbass. What a hall of fame moment for you!
Question: What recent occupant of the White House kind of resembled a chimpanzee????
Was it this guy?
You ought to know. You voted for him. TWICE.
Really smart guy Ricky. How is that racist?
By the way your page link doesn’t work.
Can’t say I recognize the ears as being similar to Bush,s but….Hmmm…they do look a little familiar…
the site operators can shove there lib bull s@#$t up there butts