Please join us tonight for an evening of politics over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern. Things start up at about 8:00 pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings happening this week. Tonight the Tri-Cities, Vancouver, WA, and Shelton chapters also meet. The Lakewood chapter meets on Wednesday. On Thursday, the Tacoma chapter meets.
There are 184 chapters of Living Liberally, including eighteen in Washington state, three in Oregon and one in Idaho. Find—or start—a chapter near you.
Cast too whitey… Discuss!
Or you can discuss over a 12 or 16 oz arm curl Obummer’s weak news conference where even the Heilary super pac is shocked at Obummer’s sad response.
Or you can discuss how your Corrupt Clinton Coronation Process (CCCP) and how your candidate is easily “confused”!
Or you can discuss how the progressive chickens are coming home to roost… They are using the favorite word of HA DUMMOCRETINS!
@2 There are informed and thoughtful people in this world who know what they’re talking about, and then there are kneejerk idiots like you.
Looks like Puffy is trafficking with the wingnut version of ISIS:
“TruthRevolt is a politically conservative media watchdog and activist group founded by conservative commentators Ben Shapiro and David Horowitz of the David Horowitz Freedom Center as a counterpoint to the politically progressive Media Matters for America. The site’s mission page states its goals are to ‘unmask leftists in the media for who they are, destroy their credibility with the American public, and devastate their funding bases.'”
In other words, if they don’t like your political orientation or message, they don’t want to debate you; they want to silence you, and “destroy” and “devastate” you. Sure sounds a lot like ISIS. Are they into cutting off heads, too?
Or you can discuss how Roger senile’s alma mater is reacting to the Paris attack!
Hey Roger senile, Truth Revolt puts forth words from libtards mouths, purposely skipped over by Heilary’s super pac!
FACTS… something senile people like Roger have issues with!
Puddy’s latest Roger senile ASS-kicking…
@7 Mizzou isn’t actually my alma mater. I spent a couple years in that racist southern Bible Belt conservative hellhole, where students are treated as cash cows by the local police bullies and greedy business owners, but my degrees are from Western Washington University and University of Washington. By the way, there are a lot of motorcycles and a thriving mortuary industry in Columbia.
The university administration today, however racist, is mild compared to what that place was like in the 1960s when I was there. We didn’t have black student demonstrations in those days because there weren’t any black students.
We did, however, have a peace demonstration. It didn’t last long. A few local Quakers picketed the federal courthouse in Columbia with antiwar signs. Some farmers with axe handles showed up and put several of them in the hospital. When they came out of their comas, the Columbia police arrested them for disturbing the peace. The farmers? They walked. That’s what that goddamned town was like back then. It didn’t seem like you were in America. It felt like a third world banana republic. It was a place where students got arrested for giving away underground newspapers on street corners.
Thorsten Veblen, a turn-of-century author, accurately described Mizzou’s environs: “Columbia,” he wrote, “is the woodpecker hole in a rotten stump called Missouri.” Nothing had changed when I got there, and it sounds like it’s still pretty much the same as when I left.
Puddy, you would hate that place. They would throw you in jail for being black. They’re real fuckers, not the wimpy white supremacist assholes like we have around here.
@8 TruthRevolt is right up your alley. I don’t expect you to read anything respectable. My expectations of you are very low, in keeping with the level of intellectual integrity and curiosity you daily exhibit on this blog. It’s simple, really: Garbage in, garbage out. That describes exactly your “research” and commentary.
@9 Let’s straighten this out right now. In the “Friday Night” thread you asked me @212, “wasn’t it Roger senile just this past weekend claiming boots on the ground were needed?” and I responded @214 “No.” Then @230 you quoted me,
“Roger Rabbit spews: Friday, 11/13/15 at 5:07 pm
“@3 “The captured gunman claimed this was an ISIS authorized attack.”
It has that stench, doesn’t it? If so, it’s an act of war, and I can’t imagine France not responding militarily. It’s France’s 9/11. We’ll likely be in it, too. If this was ISIS, it’s boots-on-the-ground time for all of us.”
I confess that I misread the question @212 and my reply @214 should have been “Yes.” I interpreted your comment as asserting I’m a pacifist on U.S. response to ISIS, when the opposite is true. As you’ve correctly pointed out, my position on ISIS is interventionist. This was true even before the Paris attacks. I supported Obama’s bombing of ISIS, which has been going on for months, and I’ll support a ground war against ISIS if that’s the route U.S. policymakers decide to go, although I don’t want Republican fuckups in charge of it. If you want to win a war, you’ve got to put Democrats in charge. I always oppose incompetence, and we’re better off not to fight than to fight under incompetent leadership like we had in 2001-2008. I hope this clarifies things.
I was caught off guard by Puddy’s question because I don’t normally expect him to ask innocent questions. It smelled like a loaded question to me, because that’s what he usually does. Of course, if his position is we SHOULDN’T take military action against ISIS, then it wasn’t an innocent question, it was a loaded question, and he was being the jackass he usually is.
It’s an interesting observation about the demonstrated incompetence of Republican administrations in the area of accomplishing specific objectives through the use of military force. Quite often they don’t even bother with stating objectives.
But I suspect this is all due to the same thing: they’ve all bought into their own mythos going back at least as far as McCarthy and Goldwater. And the larger mythos of war in general.
Republicans go to war for the sake of appearances. They spend our kid’s lives for the sake of appearing “tough”. They view every conflict in moral terms and aspire to be moral crusaders. I think some Democrats have fallen victim to the same foolishness. And always to their folly. War is just simply too serious to be undertaken by romantics. It’s the saddest thing we do. It debases and dehumanizes us. It is the option of last resort only to be undertaken by those serious enough to appreciate that. I see absolutely nothing of that in the chicken-hawk rhetoric at large today. Revenge is just about the worst reason to go to war.
On that note:
Anyone care to propose some specific objectives for going to war in Iraq and Syria (and Jordan, Libya, Lebanon and don’t forget possibly Iran and Russia)?
Shorter Roger senile @13 & 14…
Excuse me… My Alzheimer’s problem is happening more and more lately! Reading comprehension has slipped over the last three years and it is getting worse!
Lib the racist unscientist @16
How about total destruction of “your cousins” in hateful thought, ISIS!
Of course Roger senile hates Truth Revolt… Truth is front and center on their web site.
Truth is scary to senile people like Roger senile…
Okay Roger senile… dispute these truths…
define your terms.
Total destruction?
Which ones?
Where at?
What’s your post-action plan? Do you have one? Or are you going to sing as another pretty fucking song about “the flower of democracy blooming amidst the destruction”.
This is precisely how chicken-hawk conservatives get the United States military overextended in sprawling regional quagmires where our children get hurt and never recover. Don’t you fuckers at least owe those kids that much? Before you demand that they abandon their normal lives, drop everything, leave church, family, friends, jobs, and communities behind to go and suffer permanent disability in some under-developed shit hole, can’t you at least give them some specific objective?
And please, make it a worthy objective. Not just another despicable carrier photo-op for Junior, your evader-in-chief.
@17 My maladies are much more benign than yours.
Misunderstandings can be corrected, but there’s not much anyone can do about congenital jackassery or terminal stupidity except live with it.
@15 & @16 – ISIS has apocalyptic goals it must be prevented from achieving. Reminiscent of Hitler’s “lebensraum” policy, it aims to capture territory and exterminate the present inhabitants to make room for new occupants and a new order. There’s no room for peaceful coexistence in its ideology.
ISIS isn’t a terrorist group. It’s a large organization with attributes of a nation-state that controls a land area the size of Britain, a population of 8 to 10 million people, over $2 trillion of assets, and an army of 15,000 to 20,000 fighters. It claims sovereignty over the entire world. It’s not a movement, it’s a regime, like the Nazi Party after becoming Germany’s government and every bit as murderous and dangerous.
Neither the Middle East, nor the world, can accommodate ISIS. Diplomacy can’t contain it. ISIS is a mortal threat to millions of people and it’s going to take a big war to destroy it.
@20 You can’t tell truth from an outhouse pit.
Christie showed what he’s really made of today by saying he wouldn’t take a Syrian refugee even as a 5-year-old orphan. This has nothing to do with national security; it’s about a heartless asshole running for office by appealing to the bigotry of the worst people of our own society.
Sooooooooooooooo now we know… Assad is buying oil from ISIS. Butt butt butt Puddy was told by the Obummer regime that ISIS was trying to destroy Assad’s Syria!
So the PuddyQuestion of the day is why hasn’t Obummer taken this oil convoys out before now? Putin supplies the evidence? It is readily apparent that Obummer has no guts here. His “containment” comment fell flat on it’s face with the Paris attacks.
It’s so good to see lib the racist unscientist head explode…
The objective is to demoralize and destroy ISIS so bad that they realize this ideology is wrong and people will no longer join them. Even Dianne Feinstein, California DUMMOCRETIN, realizes the feckless foreign policy of Obummer is a failure. Those areas as so rich in oil they can support themselves. Yet we see how lib the racist unscientist supports Obummer choosing sides with Iran. Who knew?
Walid Phares was right! Obummer has chosen sides and it’s the Iranians Obummer jock straps and lib the racist unscientist loves it! They interviewed a terrorist’s mother
Did this person attend Yale? Dartmouth? University of Missouri, Ithaca College? Was he a #blacklivesmatter adherent? Based on those #blacklivesmatter protests and the fact the ISIS attacks have pizzed those people off because they are no longer the headline narrative, what was he stressed out about? European Progressives weren’t acceding to his demands fast enough? All of the excuses that are being made for his actions by his mother and you libtards.
Soon to be coming to America per Obummer’s latest directives
okay, so, first of all…
Godwin. Just sayin’.
And as to the straw man debate about a “definition” for ISIS, I politely decline. I’d much rather explore strategies for dealing with ISIS, rather than debate “what ISIS is or is not”.
In addition, I disagree with any assertion that ISIS poses an existential threat to any modern developed industrial democracy, particularly one that outspends the rest of the world on military by orders of magnitude. Does ISIS threaten the U.S.? Of course it does. But ISIS cannot “conquer” the U.S. or just about any other stable nation state. It is very likely that ISIS has already reached the limit of it’s ability to control territory.
And finally, I do not argue that diplomacy alone can contain the threat posed to the U.S. and our allies by ISIS. Limited military intervention must continue. But I do not yet know of any credible plan to intervene directly in the Sunni areas of Iraq and Syria to eradicate ISIS, accompanied by plans to establish civil order in the aftermath. Each and every such plan that I have read about includes significant risk of conflict expanding beyond the identified objectives. I believe a proxy war against Russia in this region is not in the interests of the U.S. or our allies (but might be in Putin’s).
Puddy loves it when libtards eat their own… All because she doesn’t march to all of the progressive tenets you must be silenced or removed because free speech is only accepted if you spew left wrong racist progressive DUMMOCRETIN thoughts!
“The objective is to demoralize and destroy ISIS so bad that they realize this ideology is wrong and people will no longer join them.”
That’s it? That’s your fucking plan? These are people right? So do I take it your binary objectives would proceed in the order indicated? First you “demoralize” them (so baaaad). Then you “destroy” them? Let’s hope so. Since I’m not really sure if any of the warfare colleges are teaching officers tactics for “demoralizing” dead people.
Does raise a small question though: How does our professional military go about convincing dead members of ISIS that their ideology is wrong? And doesn’t that last bit smack of diplomacy? Surely you aren’t proposing to involve the State Department in all this? Or are you going to bring John Wayne back from the dead to lead a team of Green Berets across the globe in a “hearts and minds” campaign burning hooches? Maybe Chuck Connors can order up a Willy Pete attack on the Paris suburbs?
Fuckwad, you have indeed surpassed yourself today. You are truly an amazing piece of work. This shit is priceless. I’m saving it for posterity.
@31 Just a suggestion … let’s not put Puffybutt in charge of military strategy … or anyone he supports, for that matter. This is a job for seasoned professionals. And especially not his pesonal idol, that ignorant amateur, Dr. Ben Carson, who knows a thing or three about neurosurgery but possesses no other competencies, not even basic history or math.
The Crazy Whisperer is proposing a Syrian “no-fly zone”. And he says he’s willing to go to war with Russia over it.
Won’t that be fun!
SCOTUS Justice Scalia claims none of his colleagues will talk to him so he has to hash out his decisions with his clerks. Hmmm.
Then he claims LGBT people have no claim to any rights because nobody loves them. Sounds to me like he’s projecting.
These are people right? – Not when they act like that lib the racist unscientist!
Then HA’s racist unscientist rants onward… First you “demoralize” them (so baaaad). Then you “destroy” them?
Approach – Missing from Obummer so far
Demoralize –
Finally Destroy –
Obummer hasn’t even approached ISIS. All these rules of engagement where 75% of American sorties return with weapons intact!
Apparently living in libtard land you never read this! Puddy not shocked! Puddy laughs at the racist unscientist. Apparently he was playing with hisself when history class was in session and wasn’t listening butt reading those other stories!
John Wayne? Why not Cary Grant? Or Gary Cooper? Or Errol Flynn? Or Glenn Ford? How come you didn’t choose Audie Murphy ya moron. Oh wait he served before acting… How Actor Batman this racist unscientist is an interminable fool!
Yes racist unscientist you are truly an amazing piece of work. This is priceless. Already saved it for posterity.
The International Military Digest Annual, Volume 2 all the way back to 1917 discussed demoralizing the enemy first.
Butt don’t let historical FACT get in the was of the racist unscientist and his feckless daily rant or Roger senile lining up in agreement!
I guess they could only stand being openly mocked with dated 18th century lingo so much.
jiggery pokery. Fuckwad.
does it mention “demoralizing” them after you kill them?
This is a job for seasoned professionals.
And there are no DUMMOCRETINS who fit that bill Roger senile!
pure applesauce. Fuckwad.
@40 Yeah. Goebbels did a more professional job of what Puddy does.
Ben Carson’s real estate disclosures don’t add up.
You really are a moron racist unscientist… Apparently you disagreed with one of America’s great generals Colin Powell!
So please keep digging racist unscientist… You definitely demonstrate how much of a dumbASS you really are!
Sux to be you!
Oh yeah remember your DUMMOCRETIN preznit Lyndon Baines Johnson and Robert McNamara? They used something Obummer hasn’t done yet to ISIS!
Please keep digging racist unscientist. And you keep agreeing Roger senile!
This is getting
Now this is really funny!
MoFo Jones is still digging eh Roger senile? Well we’ll see what that is soon enough!
Jim Acosta.
Q Thank you very much, Mr. President. I wanted to go back to something that you said to Margaret earlier when you said that you have not underestimated ISIS’s abilities. This is an organization that you once described as a JV team that evolved into a force that has now occupied territory in Iraq and Syria and is now able to use that safe haven to launch attacks in other parts of the world. How is that not underestimating their capabilities? And how is that contained, quite frankly? And I think a lot of Americans have this frustration that they see that the United States has the greatest military in the world, it has the backing of nearly every other country in the world when it comes to taking on ISIS. I guess the question is — and if you’ll forgive the language — is why can’t we take out these bastards?
And what did Obummer say? Nuthin of any consequence! Finally after 7 long years Heilary’s super pac is questioning “the messiah” because Obummer didn’t calm the seas!
Another FACT Obummer and his sadministration don’t want you to know…
Amazing and let’s add more peeps to the mix from Syria!
Sooooooooooooooo protecting the homeland is NOT a priority!
Ron Allen.
Q Thank you, Mr. President. I think a lot of people around the world and in America are concerned because given the strategy that you’re pursuing — and it’s been more than a year now — ISIS’s capabilities seem to be expanding. Were you aware that they had the capability of pulling off the kind of attack that they did in Paris? Are you concerned? And do you think they have that same capability to strike in the United States? And do you think that given all you’ve learned about ISIS over the past year or so, and given all the criticism about your underestimating them, do you think you really understand this enemy well enough to defeat them and to protect the homeland?
And what did Obummer say? Nuthin of any consequence! Finally after 7 long years Heilary’s super pac is questioning “the messiah” because Obummer didn’t calm the seas!
Ahhh yes, progressive DUMMOCRETIN college/university insurrection is getting stronger and stronger. Gotta love how libtard taught students are turning on their libtard professing faculty.
Progressive thought… You gotta eat your own to survive!
So Dr SJ and Dr Darryl, how is that UW unionization activity going?
Let’s see:
-According to Powell’s proposal we should use Marine amphibious units to “Bait” ISIS out of their “prepared” positions so they can be targeted?
Fuckwad, that was a quarter century ago. Things have changed. If ISIS had any prepared positions they were vaporized months ago with precision guided munitions (Didn’t have the numbers or accuracy 25 years ago). Now they stick to the civilian populated areas and move around alot. And, plus, also, if you land U.S. Marines along the Mediteranian coast, you’ll do more than “bait” the Russian armored divisions and air wings operating there.
-Concern trolling the “menace within” till good ol’ Mac comes to the rescue?
So now you wanna order B52 strikes on Dearborn. Such a fine Xtian thing to do.
Here’s a little thought experiment for you, Fuckwad.
How do you suppose things would have gone had Thatcher ordered “Strategic Bombing” of Belfast? How would a fine son of the Emerald Isle like the blessed Saint Ronnie have reacted to that news? Interesting to think about, eh?
Save the John Wayne Trail!
From the above website:
“In the final moments of the June 2015 legislative session, State Representative Joe Schmick placed a proviso in the State budget that permanently closed 135 miles of the John Wayne Trail. This State Park is the only cross state trail in Washington – a beautiful scenic path closed to motorized vehicles and used by hikers, bikers, and horse riders by the thousands.
Rep. Schmick’s proviso was crafted behind closed doors and came as a complete surprise to trail users. Schmick was trying to appease adjacent land owners who complained of poor Trail management. 6,000+ acres of park land was given away free of cost, with out any public notice or input!”
I attended the first two (of three) public meetings about saving The John Wayne Trail and the meetings went really well. Everyone was civil, listened, and considered other people’s points of view. Plus, the trail supporters outnumbered the detractors and helped to find solutions to the problems brought up by the detractors.
There’s one more public meeting, it’s in Ellensburg on Monday 11/23/2015 @ 6PM @ the
Hal Holmes Center 209 N Ruby St. We really need to get a huge turnout to that meeting and any help you folks at HA could give in getting the word about about the meeting and what’s going on would be greatly appreciated.
If ISIS had any prepared positions they were vaporized months ago with precision guided munitions
Here’s a little thought experiment for you, racist unscientist douche: If what you claim is true then how could the French vaporize a training camp and a munition dump and the ISIS command and control center in just one night of bombing? Why hadn’t Obummer with his seven sorties a day do that?
Of course reading from the following left wrong libtard DUMMOCRETIN sites:
We love our DUMMOCRETIN crooks
We ignore our DUMMOCRETIN liars
Daily Kos
Media Matters
Huff Post
why didn’t you know this moronic idiot? Seems the “wad” is not only in your head butt up your ASS! Netanyahu had it correct…
Israel uses its rockets to protect their people while ISIS uses its people to protect its rockets! Obummer told ISIS to go to the cities because we won’t bomb civilian targets so ISIS listened and away they went.
BTW jackASS, it seems we just asked Russia to tell Assad not to buy ISIS oil! Now why was that fool Oh wait that wasn’t on any libtard site. Go back and read the link above ya moron!?
So now Puffybutt thinks he’s a military expert. Figures. What’s he going to do tomorrow to entertain us? Brain surgery?
Strategic Bombing of Belfast.
Where does this moron get these fantasies from? Not interesting to think about. Did Thatcher go to the House of Commons and get a declaration of war on Belfast?
Sheeeeesh… This is what is offered as leading DUMMOCRETIN thought?
There are half a million civilians in Raqqa alone, living cheek by jowl with Daesh. In fact, as the French, Russians, and Syrians step up their sorties, the population only becomes more concentrated, as low accuracy “Strategic Bombing” reduces the habitable areas of the city. All this fire for effect bullshit is great for video and getting Amanpour and The Fuckwad wet with blood-lust. But it’s only a matter of time before the pretty fireworks hit a school or a hospital. Then POOF, like magic, another ten thousand eager recruits for Daesh ready to march off to fight the Kurds. Great plan!
So is it really so hard to imagine that a “Strategic Bombing” campaign targeting millions of Syrian and Iraqi civilians might be “unpopular” with some of the stakeholders in the region, to say nothing of the civilians themselves? The only fantasy here is that you could ever dig the Daesh out of these areas with nothing more than air power. At least not without committing genocide. Carpet bomb the civilian populations of these cities and you’ll engage the collective wrath of over a billion global Sunnis. If that happens, buy futures in bomb vests and caskets.
Where did Puddy claim that Roger senile? This is your standard train wreck response when you have no useful retort. Puddy has watched your entries over the years and when you feel you’ve lost then it’s the oh you’re an expert now argument!
Still waiting for the Strategic Bombing of Belfast argument from the moronic idiot above!
Carpet bomb the civilian populations of these cities and you’ll engage the collective wrath of over a billion global Sunnis.
Hence the moronic idiot supports Iran!
Meanwhile John Effin Kerry claimed that the Charlie Hebdo group deserved what they got. It was legitimate. This guy should be fired!
What a libtard turd!
@61 Out of curiosity, I clicked on your link, and all I saw there was, “Testosterone Trick Leaves Wives Speechless”
Well, at least we now know what kind of websites you read. Or maybe you just go there for the pictures.
@59 So you admit you’re not an expert? Tell me something I don’t already know.
Bobby Jindal dropped out of the GOP nomination race today. You all heard about that, right? No? I guess nobody noticed.
“Hence the moronic idiot supports Iran!”
That’s just a stunning formulation you’ve got there:
Decline (or otherwise fail) to carpet bomb the innocent civilian Sunni population of the Daesh controlled cities and you “support Iran!”
Besides the breathtaking disregard for innocent human life (so very Xtian) I’m struck by the sheer strangeness of it. Protecting civilian Sunnis “supports” Iran? WTF? Does The Fuckwad even know anything about the region or the people who live there? Obviously not.
Hey Fuckwad. Time for you to shut the fuck up now. You haven’t got a clue what you’re ranting on about. And you probably don’t care. That’s your right, of course. But you probably shouldn’t ask someone else’s kid to die for something you don’t really care about. You’ve more than adequately displayed your ignorance. You clearly don’t know who the combatant parties involved in this mess are (as predicted earlier). You haven’t bothered to acquaint yourself with their alliances or disputes. And all you really care about is seeing some non-Xtian brown people bleed. Typical. Sick. Perverted. But typical.
Meanwhile, Carson’s own aids admit he doesn’t know what’s going on:
61% of Americans in 1939 did not want the US government to permit German Jewish children to seek refuge in US
Kind of sad how much things don’t change much.
“Ever since Friday’s terror attacks in Paris, the Republicans, led by their presidential candidates, have sounded the alarm over the threat of jihadist infiltration from Syria — even though it now appears that every single identified assailant in the Paris siege was a European national.
The Republicans have signaled their intent to stop Syrian refugee arrivals, or at least accept only non-Muslim Syrians.”
“Does The Fuckwad even know anything about the region or the people who live there?”
The loon just wants people dead. He wants Muslims dead. He wants us dead. He wants everybody dead but the himself, Carson and their SDA cult. When everybody else is dead, they get to float away to heaven on a glorious cloud with Baby Jesus at the wheel.
Does anyone know if the Pudster has a job? His activity on this thread today would suggest that he does not. Should we throw him some alms? Frankly, I worry about his well-being.
Steve, is Pud supporting Carson? (Plainly, race would have nothing to do with his decision, if that is whom he supports, because Pud is all about not race.)
@1 That writer is going to be surprised about that production in Skokie.
@7 You mean the United States Army? One of most racially integrated organizations in the world? Ever since Harry Truman signed the order the services have done it. Not always perfectly and not without some sweat and tears. I think we got folks in the army who are ready to lock and load. Show them muthers what an Abrams can do to Toyota pick up. I know us Air Force fly boys keep trying to get rid of the Warthog, but that is ready. So is Puff the Magic Dragon and a squadron of Buffs will make them ISIS dudes dance as we plow the road. Don’t screw with my ground pounder brother in arms.
@35 You know Puddy as a Seven Day Adventist you are supposed to be a pacifist or even more against war than the libs your railing against. You should feel dirty just reading military strategy and should break out in a rash. Or maybe your just a ummm persona on here.
@36 Killing the horses and ponies of the Spokane tribe and allies certainly demoralized them, but it was hard work and even seasoned veterans of the Army cried while doing the task. Lets not ask how the Indians felt about it…well they were pretty crushed. Thought I’d throw in some Washington state history predating that supposed sage advice of 1917. A year giant armies were fighting in Europe and would for more than another year. Although the Germans did put it to the Russians in 1917 gifting the world with the Soviet Union.
@57 If she had she would have gotten it, or there would have been a new government. When she did go to Parliament with a proposed declaration of war she made sure her back benchers were going to vote yea.
Of course us Americans haven’t had anything to do with keeping Sinn Finn and the army supplied. Folks in the Irish Brigade took delight in yhings embarrassing to the crown.
@64 Yep Bobby said it is not his time. Leaving 14 in e Republican race. Is it really Dr. Carson’s time Puddy. I thinking his stop watch has frozen up or he’s amazed the book selling tour has lasted this long. Has he been interviewed by George Nory yet? The pyramids will come up.
@67 And no Virginia it’s not an accident that the presence of concentration camps in Germany was classified up to the last few months of the war even from some of our own Generals for a number of reasons, some we Americans might prefer to ignore. So have some apple pie.
I don’t know if Puddy has ever commented on the Dalai Llama or about Tibet. Someone who has been on here longer would know. Still the comments the Dalai Lama has made about terrorism being a human problem no amount of prayer can solve and it requires a human solution is interesting.
I read this as the French are in the process of raiding an apartment with terrorists in it and a raid in Belgium. I don’t think the Dahlia Llama would object but his comments require a lot of work and talk and perhaps more. It requires thought. How unfair of the old man.
@65 ” Does The Fuckwad even know anything about the region or the people who live there?”
Asking the question answers it. The Fuckwad can’t even find his own asshole in order to take a shit.
Out of curiosity, I clicked on your link, and all I saw there was, “Testosterone Trick Leaves Wives Speechless”
Wow Roger Senile… The headline is
Seems you are now into selective viewing, seeing that you need testosterone treatments too!
Meanwhile two more fools whom hate Israel like most HA DUMMOCRETINS do are no longer on this earth!
Oh Roger senile,@79,
Seems you like diddling arschlochs now! Puddy been in the region way more times than you or lib the racist unscientist put together!
I don’t know if Puddy has ever commented on the Dalai Llama or about Tibet. Someone who has been on here longer would know.
Why not ax the clueless crazed databaze cretin. Every Puddy comment is cataloged for your viewing enjoyment. Grow some balls and ask.
Still the comments the Dalai Lama has made about terrorism being a human problem no amount of prayer can solve and it requires a human solution is interesting.
Yes just like your hatred of Jesus the Son of God can’t be solved by no amount of prayer!
You know Puddy as a Seven Day Adventist you are supposed to be a pacifist or even more against war than the libs your railing against.
There are righteous wars where we go and be medics like Desmond Doss! We don’t carry weapons but assist those who are injured in war. Apparently you are as ignant as most others here!
@36 How To Demoralize ISIS In 30 Seconds
Drop Puddy on Raqqa.
Does anyone know if the Pudster has a job? His activity on this thread today would suggest that he does not. Should we throw him some alms? Frankly, I worry about his well-being.
Thanks for caring proudleftist… Puddy does have a job. I can now set my own hours. There are times Puddy is NOT on HA!
He wants Muslims dead.
As much as Triple Pressure Packed Steve (TPPS) wants Christians dead! Witness all the comments from TPPS over the last few months. And this moron calls Puddy crazy! Apparently no mirrors exist in the TPPS hovel!
“I can now set my own hours…”
Translation: permatemp :-(
What Republicans fear most.
@86 ” Puddy does have a job.”
I’m so sorry. Even though you’re a total dick, I can’t help feeling some sympathy for you. I don’t have a job. Don’t need one, thank God. The stock market is paying me $3,150 this morning to sit on my rabbit ass and be a capitalist. The same capitalist system that treats workers like shit. If you have to work, you’re a failure. Well, Puddy, we can’t all be successful, and somebody has to do the work that creates wealth for the rest of us. Thank you for your sacrifices on my behalf. Hahahaha
@83 LOL Bravo. Well spoken Comrade Puddy.
@83 Well muther I asked so you made comments on the Dalai Llama?
Nothing I’ve said on here indicates if I love or Jesus Christ, though I do entertain the possibility the Arabs are correct and he never existed or the whole dying and rising thing was a hoax. I very much agree with Thomas Jefferson if Christ existed and you take the time to read his version of the gospels that Jesus is a great man of great wisdom. I need not fall on my face to please him or you. I would enjoy a cup of coffee with him or a glass of wine, and he would have time for the fallen woman or the prostitute than you.
PS You can get your own copy of the Thomas Jefferson bible that is just like the one he gave members of congress on line
@84 I do know General Patton would have no patient for your ilk. He have told any of those brave conscientious objectors where to get off the moment any of them tried to say anything about military tactics or strategy. You and they are not qualified and have no right to speak of these things to any member of the armed forces unless you going to pick up the rifle and that mother fucker die for his country. He would grab by the nose and kick you in the ass, and cuss you side and down the other.
I have also noticed none of your Republican heroes have done a AUMF or Declaration of War.