Please join us tonight for an evening of politics and polite conversation over a drink at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern. Our starting time is 8:00 pm, but some folks stop by even earlier for dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle on Tuesday night? Check out one of the other DL meetings this week. The Tri-Cities and Redmond chapters also meet on Tuesday. Wednesday the Bellingham chapter meets. And the Bremerton, Spokane, and Kent chapters meet on Thursday.
There are 184 chapters of Living Liberally, including eighteen in Washington state, four in Oregon and two in Idaho. Chances are good there’s a chapter meeting near you.
The city of Baltimore has reached a civil settlement with Freddie Gray’s family for $6.4 million. The taxpayers getting stuck with this legal bill are innocent. They should recoup it from the killer cops’ pensions.
Another Responsible Gun Owner (TM; pat pend.); another innocent kid dead. This is madness. If we have to amend the Second Amendment, so be it, but this must end.
Meanwhile, in Kentucky, a judge has released Kim Davis from jail, while Ted Cruz and Mike Huckabee “grandstand” (Chris Christie’s words) in support of her lawlessness, and Christie demonstrates his ignorance of Civics 101 by opining he’d “move her to another job” (can’t do that; she was elected). In other words, the GOP Clown Parade trundles onward.
Looks like Chris Vance will run against Patty Murray next year. In other words, she’ll be re-elected again, but we always knew that.
They should recoup it from the killer cops’ pensions.
And what if the police people are innocent early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit?
And you scream at Puddy over Bowe Bergdahl being identified as deserter!
Meanwhile, in Kentucky, a judge has released Kim Davis from jail, while Ted Cruz and Mike Huckabee “grandstand” (Chris Christie’s words) in support of her lawlessness,
At least Republicans are having a discussion over issues. No one dares attack the coronation of Heilary from the DUMMOCRETIN side. Nosiree!
What kills far more cops than anything else. (Not scary black men.)
I guarantee you it’s not over. The judge, recognizing that Kim Davis’ deputees are complying with the court order to issue marriage licenses to all couples ordered her release BUT stipulated that she not to interfere in any way in the granting of marriage licenses or face further action. The judge won’t hesitate a second to find her in contempt if she violates the release stipulation.
Anyone want to place bets on if she will comply with today’s order?
@5 Glad to see you’re now an apostle of due process. I assume you’ve revised your position on Bergdahl, who has yet to be tried or convicted of anything. If not, you’re nothing more than a two-faced mealy-mouthed hypocrite.
@6 Aren’t you overlooking Bernie and his legion of supporters?
@3, @8: If the Kim Davis saga was a TV drama …
A Syrian migrant’s child.
@5 Glad to see you’re now an apostle of due process.
And Puddy views you as a LIAR! You called them killer cops before they have been adjudicated. The US Army Bergdahl with desertion and misbehavior before the enemy. So where has Puddy said anything wrong?
NO WHERE early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
@13 “You called them killer cops before they have been adjudicated.”
He didn’t die of old age in the police van. He was killed. The only issue to be adjudicated is whether his death involves criminal culpability. I called those cops killers, not murderers. Killing can be a legal act, so I’m not prejudging their culpability before they get a trial as you’ve repeatedly done in Bergdahl’s case.
@13 (continued) “And Puddy views you as a LIAR!”
Tell somebody who gives a flying fuck. I sure don’t.
Gov. Scott Walker, still deservedly plummeting in national, IOWA, New Hampshire and South Carolina polls, tells reporters that collective bargaining is “not a right, but is an expensive entitlement”
@16 What does he think CEO salaries are?
I get the impression that if Kim Davis keeps listening to Huckabee and her attorney, she’s going back to jail tomorrow.
@ 7
What kills far more cops than anything else. (Not scary black men.)
Hey, Roger Rabbit:
What kills far more black men than anything else?
No parenthetical hint necessary.
“What does he think CEO salaries are?”
That Gov. Walker would take $250 million from Wisconsin public schools and give it to a billionaire pro-sports team owner so he can build himself a palatial arena gives us a clue.
Remember this one?
“Wisconsin Gov. Walker Takes Prank Call From Fake ‘Koch’ Brother”
Little low life Scotty Walker says we need a wall on the fair skinned border.
When I popped the question: “Why aren’t the trolls in favor of a wall on the fair skinned border?”
They snorted. Called names. Made stupid excuses as is typical of bigots.
Sorry trolls! Your hero, little low-life Scotty Walker called a wall on the fair skinned border “a legitimate issue for us to look at”..
He showed y’all to be a bunch of hateful bigots especially that one troll who called my relatives “cheap”.
Yeah that troll is a big booster of a stupid, expensive, feckless wall on the SOUTHERN border. NEVER the fair skinned border!
To the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit, not all #blacklivesmatter! On certain #blacklivesmatter!
@15 early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit head exploded! Doesn’t like its thread poison thrown back into its face!
Sending this “Christian” adulteress to jail is a losing proposition. Fine her the totality of her pay! That will shut her down.
@18 Huckabee has shown in the past his willingness to let self-proclaimed “Christians” out of jail.
@19 That’s off topic. But to answer your question: Among children, unintentional accidents; among adolescents and young men (15-34), homicides; in the 35-54 and 85+ age groups, heart disease; among middle-aged and seniors, cancer.
So what exactly is your point, besides trying to change the subject because you don’t like the facts about what is actually the leading cause of police deaths?
Why don’t you impress me by posting that the police slaughter of unarmed black males is not okay? Or are you fine with that?
The heart of the problem is that black people get treated differently. But Bickle has his head too far up his ass to see it or consider it a problem.
… ad nauseum.
@23 Nah, I just stated a fact, that’s all.
@25 Isn’t Huckabee the bigoted erstwhile preacher who thinks religious fanatics should be exempt from court orders?
At this point, all the court or anyone else is asking of Kim Davis is to not interfere with her deputy clerks doing their job. It’s not even being required of her that she do her job. She can be a bigot to her heart’s content. No one is interfering with her religious beliefs or stopping her from praying to the God of her choice. The only thing she’s prohibited from doing is misusing the power of the public office entrusted to her to (a) impose her personal beliefs on others, and/or (b) deny the citizens of her county their lawful civil rights. If she commits contempt again, and goes back to jail, she’ll have no one to blame but herself.
Mike Huckabee or Fuckabee is also the guy that let Josh Duggar slide…..the moron that he is!
Long Live Ireland – Home of The Free and The Brave!
Puddy bet’s this is the type of woman DUMMOCRETINS would love.
Scripted spontaneity…? Hillary V4.0 How can a woman whom has shown no heart display, is wooden and overly cautious, change her spots? She needs a TOTUS to deliver a speech!
DUMMOCRETINS always pull the fingers from their arschloch and tests the wind direction! No poll no message!
A DUMMOCRETIN spontaneous? Nothing screams spontaneity more than previewing it in the NY Times.
Will the spontaneity tour make it to WA State this year?
I see that Mike Fuckabee, Bubba Jinx, and Ted Scumz support a three time divorced woman. And a child molesting adulterer. Apparently the sanctity of marriage really isn’t their concern -just s bunch of Bigots.
Long Live Ireland – Home of the Free and the Brave.
This is one to keep your local Frat Brothers from raping you.
Texas woman found carrying loaded handgun in vagina
@36, see #32. Late as always!
Wow, this gets more interesting every moment!
It’s rather telling that Kim Davis’ fake lawyers refuse to say if she will comply with the judge’s order not to interfere. They know she will. But they don’t want to be charged with conspiracy. At least now phony baloney religious conscience rhetoric will be stripped away. She’ll return to jail. And the media will now report it straight.
@39 If she interferes, she’ll be right back in court, and should be. No one is above the law, except bankers and billionaires.
Seattle teachers have gone on strike for the first time in 30 years. So you can say they’re strike-happy. Like state employees, they haven’t had a cost-of-living raise in 6 years, so it’s hard to call them greedy. However, state employees got 3%, and while the teachers were offered the same, plus 9% more, they want 18% more. That’s fine if the school district has the money, but if it doesn’t, that seems a reach. There are other issues besides pay, so I’m trying to be careful about passing judgment on this. It’s not my impression, though, that Seattle teachers — especially those in senior pay ranks — are poorly paid.
This is what happens when the powers that be expect thousands of working-class folks to commute to a work site where neither the employer nor the city provides adequate public transportation or affordable parking. You can’t expect ordinary wage earners to pay thousands of dollars a year for parking on top of their other commuter and work expenses. Maybe the UW Medical employees should go on strike and demand subsidized on-site parking.
If Kim Davis was truly a religious person she wouldn’t be trying to play God herself. She would accept how things are and let God himself sort things out. She thinks she is God.
@38 yes, more interesting every day. The article doesn’t say any laws were broken just possible favor given. We all know no favors are being allowed in Washington or politics or it any state or local governments or in private business.
And how is this any different from the ethics of Chris Christie, Scott Walker, Marco Rubio, etc…
David Sampson, Chris Christies Zport Suthority got airlines to create a special one way route to the location of his summer home.
Puffy you are just trying to distract from the real issues, like Kim Davis trying to violate others people freedoms. That is more important than any wrong doing with emails. You loser.
Long Live Ireland – Home of The Free and The Brave.
Did anyone here Scott Walker refuse to comment on what he would do regarding the “refugee crisis”? He said he wasn’t President yet, so he wouldn’t say.
The idiot reporter let him get away with it. If I were here I would have said “but you are running to be President, don’t you think the American People should know what you would do, but you think we should elect you and then find out.” Kind of like republicans criticizing, out of context though, Pepsi saying we need to pass the ACA to find out what is in it.
Bob are you tired of Clinton not facing the media or answereeing any of their questions. You fuckface.
I find this fascinating. Not just form follows function, but form follows the tools ability to create. The one on the left makes sense, given 1950s tools, the ones on the right make sense if you have a computer and a 3d printer to sculpt them.
It’s also a case of automation taking jobs humans used to do.
@ 42
You can’t expect ordinary wage earners to pay thousands of dollars a year for parking on top of their other commuter and work expenses.
Well, $1320 for a year’s bus ride to the U means no parking epense at the U, RR.
Oh, and then there’s this:
University Link extends the existing light rail service to the north connecting the University of Washington and Capitol Hill to downtown Seattle and the airport. The project includes 3.15 miles of new tunnel track and two underground stations: one at Capitol Hill and one at the University of Washington.
University Link will serve the three largest urban centers in the state of Washington – downtown Seattle, Capitol Hill and the University District.
With any luck you won’t live to see it completed, but it’s coming.
“With any luck you won’t live to see it completed,”
God damn you are an vile petty conservative. Get help.
Booyah! More proof that klownservatics like our trolls are small-minded wannabe autocrats and tyrants:
We don’t follow your orders trolls. Go boss around other klownservatics. All klownservatics in positions of power must be removed!
That is what they are! This is what they do!
@47 “Well, $1320 for a year’s bus ride to the U means no parking epense at the U, RR.”
But it likely means a parking expense somewhere else, if the bus doesn’t provide door-to-door service between where you work and where you live.
As for light rail, you’re right, I won’t live long enough to ride on it, and don’t need it anyway as I’m not a commuter anymore; I only get to pay taxes for it. Btw, don’t you live in the Islands? If so, I’m subsidizing your ferry service, too.
Seattle’s bus system is designed to carry people into the downtown office core. If that’s where your job is, it maybe works, and for people who can’t afford downtown parking it HAS to work, but you have to put up with (a) waiting for buses in the rain, (b) riding on overcrowded, standing-room-only buses, and (c) of course, you can’t carry anything more than a briefcase with you. If your job requires tools, or calling on customers scattered around town, or anything other than working all day in a downtown office, the bus system won’t work for you. There’s some direct bus service to the U District, but Metro as it presently exists is nowhere near capable of serving all who work or study at the University. In other words, buses just don’t cut it for many Seattleites, and as parking grows scarcer and more expensive, this city’s ability to carry on normal business and commerce will increasingly suffer.
@48 You’re wasting your time. Bickle is beyond any earthly help. He’s probably an alien to start with.