Please join us for an “Earth Day Eve” edition of the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. Our starting time is 8:00 pm, but some folks stop by earlier for dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings happening this week. Tonight the Tri-Cities, Vancouver, WA, and Shelton chapters also meet. On Wednesday, the Bellingham, Burien, and Spokane chapters meet. And the Woodinville and Kent chapters meet on Thursday.
There are 191 chapters of Living Liberally, including eighteen in Washington state, four in Oregon and two in Idaho. Chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting somewhere near you.
One big fucking lying Nazi. Blatant lies… know you have you benghazi half truths, but this fuck just comes out and states bullshit like O’Ridley and Brian Williams.
Williams gets fired over it, or steps down, and this guy lies and wants to be Presiedent.
This guy performed a true miracle!
Now it is fuck the Granchildren, I’m greedy, and I want more money now to feed my fucking addiction. Christ Amen.
These guys don’t even like each other – it’s one thing to disagree on policy or viewpoint and have an opposing view, but to get so dirty name calling is just a bully and childlike play in a sand box.
Not who I would vote for as a President. Pussies.
@3 If you read the Yahoo! article, some of these spending items and “tax cuts” aren’t new — making permanent the Medicare “doc fix” and sales tax deduction, which currently are done ad hoc, but routinely done. I wouldn’t criticize the GOP for the sales tax deduction; that’s a simple matter of fairness to people living in states that rely on sales taxes instead of income taxes for their revenue, who otherwise wouldn’t get a deduction for state taxes that the rest of the country gets. However, some of it is indeed Republican poppycock like eliminating the estate tax — if that ever happens they should also eliminate the basis stepup for heirs, otherwise trillions of dollars of capital gains will go completely untaxed while wage earners struggle under onerous tax rates. That — taxing workers, not taxing rich capitalists — would be ever so Republican …
Yep, you can always count on rightwingers to stand up for individual rights against intrusive government. Not!
“The so-called ‘Privacy For All’ coalition has introduced the ‘Personal Privacy Protection Act’ for consideration as a ballot initiative. It would require that ‘a person shall use facilities in accordance with their biological sex in all government buildings’ … defining ‘biological sex’ as ‘the biological condition of being male or female as determined at or near the time of birth or through medical examination.’ The blanket ban on transgender bathroom usage includes … an incentive to police other people’s gender. … [T]he Act would create a civil claim against individuals for using the restroom in accordance with their gender identity, as well as against whatever government entity allows them to do so. ‘Such claim includes equitable relief and damages up to a maximum of three times the amount of actual damage but in no case less than $4,000, and attorney’s fees that may be determined by a court,’ the proposed initiative reads. Anybody ‘whose privacy was actually violated’ … by seeing a perceived-transgender person in the bathroom — or who decided not to use a bathroom because there was a perceived-transgender person inside would find relief under this claim. In other words, the law would place a bounty on transgender bathroom usage.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You can readily see where this would quickly get out of hand. Every golddigger on Planet Earth will be trolling public restrooms looking for “perceived transgender” targets to sue. Which means anyone who has assets or insurance. If you think the tort system was abused before, just wait until this becomes law! Brought to you by — you guessed it — the folks who hate tort lawyers (because they donate to Democrats) and champion so-called “tort reform” which they purport will end “abusive lawsuits.”
Scott Walker offers employers tax incentives to bring jobs to Wisconsin. So Kohl’s brought 794 jobs to Wisconsin. Wisconsin taxpayers paid over $11,000 for each of those jobs.
@4 I just can’t see the advantage of Paul attacking McCain. Especially when the attack is untrue. Neither Obama nor McCain are even running for president. Smells of desperation to me.
Leaving aside for a minute the shrieking harpie HR nightmare warmongering prick ‘can’t be fired unless he’s caught with a car trunk full of tied up white kids, ulitmate affirmative action baby’ puddyfuckwad…
…is there a dumber dumb fuck than this dumb fuck?
Add @9…
What about all those poor delusional devout kids that had their dreams (and sometimes lives) destroyed by “career ending” football injuries?
Seriously West, “God liked YOU better?” “You PRAYED harder?”
This is the kind of crap that the the shrieking harpie HR nightmare warmongering prick ‘can’t be fired unless he’s caught with a car trunk full of tied up white kids, ulitimate affirmative action baby’ puddyfuckwad believes.
This is dangerous.
@4 Oh, I get it now. Paul had a good reason to go after them after they attacked him. And it does serve his purpose since they are “establishment” and Paul needs the hard right support. Still, you’re right about the tone. This looks like a nasty way for a party to do business during an election year.
“the shrieking harpie HR nightmare warmongering prick ‘can’t be fired unless he’s caught with a car trunk full of tied up white kids, ulitimate affirmative action baby’”
Too funny!
You know you PWN someone when you are the lead in their attack.
Thanks for playing rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears!
And why couldn’t God decide that Allen West need not be injured? This is the reason atheists are a crap load! You hate God so you can’t understand how faith in Jesus works!
Oh my these libtards are so retarded… The whole article is garbage! Where are Salon’s solutions? Media attacks are dumb!
Just looking at their most read explains the putrid libtard mind! DAYUM!
Link after link after link of left wrong e-rag garbage! No wonder HA DUMMOCRETINS are LIVs.
How come Hillary never said no to the questioner? Seems a simple yes or no answer was all she needed to say to foundation quid pro quo. Hillary never answered the question and it’s the meaning of “is” is!
Soooooooooooooo Obummer is a bald face liar…
Yeah, politics of DUMMOCRETIN liars! Netanyahu was right right right!
Hillary is soooooooooooooo yesterday! James Carville is soooooooooooo right!
DAYUM Hillary is stoooooooooooooooopid…
Well Chelsea got lots of money from Hillary’s overseas friends.
This must be God’s way of showing approval.
Surge In Oklahoma Earthquakes Tied To Oil And Gas Production
The shrieking harpie HR nightmare warmongering prick ‘can’t be fired unless he’s caught with a car trunk full of tied up white kids, ulitimate affirmative action baby’ puddyfuckwad is probably DRIVING the dumbshit rethuglicant klown kar.
Hey rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears,
The only klown car is the Scooby Van of Hillary Clinton!
Sux to be you!
@21 Not nearly as much as Preston Bush got from selling oil to Hitler.
Preston Bush is running for President?
Oh Noes…
Sooooooooooooooooo typical of a libtard…
DUMMOCRETINS forget what they used to jockstrap And later
Who actually listens to PMSNBC… Goldy’s NorthWest Division of Lunatic Moronic Memory Malady Moonbats!
Breitbart… disinfects the left wrong e-rags with FACTS not found in left wrong e-rags!
DAYUM dis is funny… Yessiree it didn’t last two long…
Only the plebes and the cattle class ride in coach. So Hillary back in first class. a Real Damning Article on the common woman running for president!
@31 “Only the plebes and the cattle class ride in coach.”
Sux to be you. I travel on lucky rabbit’s feet.
Gotta visit the “DUMMOCRETIN demi-god” to get blessing in New Hampshire. Butt to that one had to drive the Scooby Van 95MPH on rain slicked highways.
Speed limits mean nuthin to a DUMMOCRETIN. Law-breaking is the norm when you think you are a privileged progressive!
Puddy has no idea if Peter is white, black, brown, yellow, pink, etc. Butt certain neurotic HA DUMMOCRETINS will attack Peter instead of applauding his guts. That’s because DUMMOCRETINS are FASCISTS and demand you think like them or you are ridiculed.
In the Friday Night Comix thread of 4/17 Roger the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit was caught by Puddy making racist comments on black fraternity members at Delaware State University. DSU is a predominately black university and the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit alleged some black frat members used of guns at a picnic. When caught in the act did the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit apologize for his race baiting commentary?
New Jersey Republicans are big spenders..
Spent 231 large on private jets alone first quarter 2015..
Dems spent 205 large in total.
Just hauling heavy butt Christie around while he plays at a failing run for the White House!
Republican laws make doctors ignorant and unprepared to save lives:
Even the babbling jackass believes in abortion for rape or incest. Klownservatic Republicans are FASCISTS!
The babbling jackass’ bookoo bucks legal beagle had to be one of the 100:
A klownservatic joins the Federalist society to learn to make stupid arguments to waste the SCOTUS’ time. It doesn’t help that 4 or 5 of the SCOTUS happily buy this krap.
TWO TERM President Obama proves the bullshitting assholes (like the babbling jackass) wrong again:
Sux to be those klownservatic bullshitting assholes.
KansASS proves yet again that klownservatic bullshit just doesn’t fly.
The shit crashes! So much for the klownservatic utopia of KansASS.
In every thread the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch used the crazed databaze to attack Puddy. Can you say PWNAGE?
PWNAGE! And where did Puddy discuss the arschloch before this post? Nowhere!
That’s what PWNAGE does. Makes yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch admit who the massa is and who is the idiot slave savant!
The operative paragraph from the Kansas article not copied by HA yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch…
Sullivan said the gap between the state and national economies would be greater without the income tax cuts championed by Brownback.
Soooooooooooooooo now you learn, Kansas had a tax cut which BENEFITED Kansas’ economy. Yet the vile puke the yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch threw up in the personal first sentence is just BULLSHITTIUM as always!
From the same Gallup poll put forth from the yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch the poll on the TWO TERM Joke Obummer proves Puddy right again:
People say 52-46 that he’s not a strong and decisive leader
61-36 that he doesn’t have a clear plan for solving the nation’s problems
55-44 that he can’t manage the government effectively
Without the yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch, Puddy would have not read this poll. Once again the real meaning is in the buried details!
LMAO@41 Notice that the babbling jackass FULLY ACKNOWLEDGES that IT IS the babbling jackass and bullshitting asshole of these comment threads.. Thanks for acknowledging FACTS pet klownservatic bullshitting asshole. Good troll!
LMAO@42… Stupid KanASS klownservative utopia is supposed to BETTER than national economy not worse. Now stupid KansASS has to SCREW THE POOR even more to save tax cuts for the rich because KansASS teabaggers oppose sin taxes. Oh the churches will help the poor. Yeah just like they stepped in during the Great Depression upon Hoover’s urging – yeah right.
Why doesn’t the babbling jackass live in a klownservatic utopian state? Oh I guess because too much of its tithes will go to people screwed by klownservatic politics, people it turns its nose up at for being “lazy”, rather than gleaming new churches that make it feel puffed up on holier than thou day.
LMAO@43 – Notice the babbling jackass doesn’t touch ACA – it’s helping too many people get some relief from the old predatory insurance status quo that klownservatics want to return to – the bad old days.
TWO TERM President Obama’s legacy will be he saved many lives from the insurance greed machine. History will be kind to TWO TERM President Obama, no matter what today’s polls say and it will condemn the bullshitting assholes like the babbling jackass who bought hook, line, and sinker the batshit insane klownservatic propaganda sold over the internet, hate talk AM Radio and the Faux Old Folks Snooze Channel.