The Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally meets tonight for food, conversation, revelry, and drinks with a progressive political theme. All are welcome. There are no dues, no initiation, and no items on the agenda. Just show up and say “hello.”
We meet every Tuesday evening at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. Our starting time is 8:00 pm, but feel free to stop by earlier than that for dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out another DL meeting over the next week. Tonight the Tri-Cities and the brand new Long Beach chapters also meet. The Lakewood chapter meets on Wednesday. And for Thursday, the Tacoma chapter meets.
There are 187 chapters of Living Liberally, including seventeen in Washington state, four in Oregon and two in Idaho. Chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting somewhere near you.
So where is Al NotSoSharpton on this heinous crime?
and the followup…
Of course HA DUMMOCRETINS like rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears will give them a pass! They need to be executed in the same manner they killed Alexis Kane!
@1 Puffy – what is your point? Are you trying to discuss racial discrimination? The Death Penalty? All of the Above? Hypocricasy of the left?
You accuse Al Sharpton and all liberals of not caring because no one has said anything. But untill you posted the story, probably 100% of the poeple here haven’t even heard of the story. But I get it, whether we’ve heard or not, you bring it up as an example, that something like this gets ignored while a lot of attention is given to the more “racial” occurences, your accusation that people playing the race card and really don’t care about the victim.
I tend to disgree with you – and I would go into all the reason but find it hard sometimes to express myself.
But aren’t you a hypocrite? Would you be so outspoken if this were a gay bashing and death? Probably not. You are no less a hypocrite. When have you ever been outspoken about a gay person or persons being beat up?
But I get it – according to you gay people are less of people.
buttbusting buttbigot,
Well you would have heard of the story if your choice of electronic news mediums was better! And it isn’t about racial discrimination. It’s about a young teenager savagely killed by scum of the earth. It’s about a mother who lost her daughter forever. It’s about three thugs who loved the thug life. It’s about the thug life portrayed on BET and stupid music videos.
Nice deflection try. Progressive DUMMOCRETINS always look for the race angle to everything. Al NotSoSharpton does play the race card. rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears played the race card on this blog for years! Any disagreement with Obummer was racist!
Gaybashing deaths? Ask the yellowishleakingbuttspigot for Puddy’s positions on gaybashing deaths. You’ll be surprised! Go on grow some marbuls and ask the yellowishleakingbuttspigot for a crazed databaze replay. Puddy put forth the challenge to the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit, butt he declined.
Thanks for playing bb bb!
Looks like HA DUMMOCRETIN friends have some really hard choices in 2015.
It’s been a few weeks since her body was found and nary a peep from NoSoSharpton or Jesse HiJackson bb bb! And why hasn’t anyone here heard of the story?
Y’all live in your little libtard cocoons trading stories from libtard web sites!
YLB you are free to do what you want but I’d love to see where Puffy defended or commented on the beating of a gay person, hopefully you can find something specific to an incident, and not just him saying that he isn’t a “bigot”.
Puffy, I’d love to see what YLB can come up with, but I’ll tell you now, you just making a statement that you are not a “bigot” isn’t going to cut it to me. It is going to have to be a specific incident of a bashing occurring and you speaking out about it.
Even Al Sharpton has done the same with respect to the kind of happening with the article you presented and you don’t take his word for it, so why should I take yours?
All I remember is him accusing the Mathew Sheperad case being wrong.
@5 Commenting on every murder isn’t going to happen with any base.
Not just Black people killing Black people. Plenty of white people kiling white people (family members or not) and those stories aren’t being discussed every day.
Maybe they should – I’ve brought up how people killing each other, particularly family members – remember my husband kills wife stories – would you like more? And you never even commented on any of them, you ignored it. Just like you ignore breaking of any of the ten commandments, but you prostalytize of how sinful gay people are. You don’t seem to focus on any of the other sins. Why? Why the big sin is being gay? Are you infatuated with the big Gay sin, and not adultery, or murder, or stealing, or lying?
A shill for the Warmonger and Torture Party is worried about people being killed? When did he get a conscience? For wingnuts, someone’s death is just a prop to use in their arguments. The only butt they care about is their own.
Not one single mention of medallions.
Just this afternoon we heard that Uber is taking on Google by working to build driverless cars. Well, it turns out that Google is also taking on Uber—it’s working on a cab service.
According to Bloomberg, the cab service probably will use the driverless cars currently under development at Google. Bloomberg’s source says the ride-sharing service is already being tested and used on the Google campus right now.
Seattle cabbies rejoice at the development of a cab service by Google to fight the cabbies’ nemesis, Uber.
Oh, wait…..
Faced with Realty (sic), Conservative Opposition to the Minimum Wage Begins to Evolve Tuesday, 2/3/15
So, when do we get to see an article about Seattle cab services that has a title that begins like this one?
Cheap shot bob, whats the cheap labor solution for the steady relentless automation of white and blue collar jobs? Where will the living wage jobs to absorb the surplus people come from?
@ 11
Maybe at some point it would behoove us to reduce that ‘surplus of people’ predicted to arrive in the future, if we hope to maintain employment for those already here.
That’s a problem for you, Better. Because that expected surplus continuing to roll in is predicted to vote Democrat.
So to cheap labor conservatives, if we shut the borders, all Americans who lose their jobs from automation and algorithms would have living wage jobs?
Anti-intellectualism is taking over the US
The rise in academic book bannings and firings is compounded by the US’s growing disregard for scholarship itself
“There are a number of factors at play in the current rash of controversies. One is a rather stunning sense of privilege, the confident sense of superiority that allows someone to pass sweeping judgment on a body of work without having done any study at all. Chronicle blogger Naomi Schaefer Riley wrote that the mere titles of the dissertations were sufficient cause to eliminate all black studies classes. ”
What is about Arizona to dismiss other cultures so easily.
@14 Republicans put stupidity on a pedestal and worship it.
@12 Only citizens get to vote, Bob. (Correction, only some citizens get to vote.)
The conservative solution to the transportation funding crisis is leave the federal gas tax as it is and eliminate all funding for mass transit, and bicycle and pedestrian paths.
@11 and @12 a good Ebola outbreak will take care of the surplus.
Bet you didn’t know that Florida allows people to set up outdoor gun ranges in their yards, even in subdivisions where kids play. And trying to pass local ordinances against these in-city gun ranges is a crime that subjects local officials to removal from office and fines. Thank you, NRA, for “rational gun laws” and “responsible gun owners.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: As Florida has also legalized vigilantism, the solution is obvious: If your neighbor shoots guns in his yard, you’re entitled to stand your ground.
@19 only applies if you are white
@19 scary fucking place. I was asked by employer if I wanted a better assignment via transfer to Florida. It took me about two seconds to say no fucking thank you.
I’ve got young family members that visit relatives there, I cringe when they do. What a shame.
@20 yeah can’t you picture that black guy doing the same.
Whenever Obummer comes out with a speech about the economy is growing and the left wrong Politifact eats it up. the LIVs (low information voters – for worser and bb bb) on this blog eat it up. Butt, when the real truth appears, the LIVs don’t pay attention…
Soooooooooooooooooooo how about that Obummer economy…
Oopsie… So how about that robust economy. Will Politifact print a retraction? Naaah, only if forced to like the ObummerCare keep your doctor retraction under duress! – Sooooooooooooooooo it seems Obummer and vaccinations is still a problem for Obummer’s sadministration. Do you suppose it’s because the most, decadent, virulent anti-vaxxers are the young new-age libtard left wrongers whom Obummer doesn’t want to offend for 2016? The same LIV ones whom are found by Jimmy Kimmel and Jesse Watters in their video series?
Why is there a measles outbreak? Maybe all those illegal aliens that came across the border last year whom didn’t have vaccinations in their home countries? Hmmm…?
Wow, the libtard Gallup smacked the sadministration’s unemployment number around…
Amazing this person boldly wrote this! Wait for the attack from the progressive libtards!
Remember, a few days after the SoTU, Gallup again makes it plain while Politifact demonstrates it’s DUMMOCRETIN bias.
And why are they dying? Obummer’s onerous rules and regulations by executive mandates!
We have family who live in Florida bb bb @21. No problems there. You look at them and you know they are black. Was in Florida Dec 29-Jan 2 visiting them there. No problem there!
Why is that buttbusting buttbigot (bb bb)?
Question for tax and spender Paul Krugman, hero of HA DUMMOCRETINS
Interesting! Krugman can’t live unless spending is always needed by Krugman!
Carrying on from the previous thread (no escape for the village idiot troll)…
LMAO!!! The miserable piece of dog waste village idiot troll is barrel of laughs as always..
Oh but it does.. it does…
It’s so willfully insane and mean-spirited so we laugh at it.
What else?
LMAO!!! Again the miserable piece of dog waste troll displays his rank ignorance of California politics where the klownservative tax revolt of the late 70’s began.
Jerry Brown has always been a bit of a cheap SOB. He’s proud of it and brags about it.
He was AHEAD of Prop 13 with his “era of limits” rhetoric. Ever hear of his “era of limits” troll? Of course not. As Lee said, the troll is the most stupid. If Jerry Brown got in line with Prop 13 it was only because it put the brakes on the legislature who refused to anticipate it, failed to effectively counter it and balked at Jerry Brown’s “era of limits” budgets.
Jerry Brown (the cheap SOB, yes) now has managed to raised taxes WITH VOTER APPROVAL and a supportive DEMOCRATIC SUPERMAJORITY legislature and California is recovering from the nightmare klownservative legacy of Jarvis-Gann and the klownservative jerk Governors elected in its odious wake. The tax increases will sunset after 4 or 5 years. Wow! How “tax and spend” is that?
What an ignorant dumbass this troll!
LMAO!! You BRAIN FARTED about MSNBC being the source of that article and you were WRONG about YOUR OWN LINK. It was your counter argument to the FACTS about klownservative politics in CA and NOW you RUN FROM IT like a SCEEEEEERED little FOOL!
You’re hilarious little troll.
Here the troll goes again.
Why are 4 or the top ten klownservative states, troll? I thought the troll claimed klownservatism is perfect. It’s producing 250,000 jobs in Scott Walker’s first term (oops didn’t happen) and balancing the budget in KansASS (oops they’re scrambling to cut more spending.) I bet klownservatives in KansASS are overjoyed with filthy, overcrowded classrooms (oops they’re pissed off).
Damn why isn’t New York in the top 10? Must be a klownservative utopia like WI and KansASS. (Snicker). Go figure.
Bottom line – this troll LIES with numbers. (So what else is new?) The original article cites numbers here (not the place the troll pointed) and the troll dishonestly correlates the numbers with political leadership.. Again, what else is new? As usual, like Darryl said, it’s a bullshitting asshole.
When it’s plainly shown that klownservative politics has tied the hands of progressive politicians to help make lives better for Californians just like here in WA with the degenerate Eyman initiatives,
Thanks for playing silly, ignorant troll.
So what further entertainment (still carrying on from the previous thread) from our “goto” klownservative moron for laughs around here?
Oh yeah this!
And confusing correlation of political leadership with causation of middle class decline in 6 of 10 states is not “trash” to the troll. IT IS DISGUSTING this troll. DISGUSTING…
This is even better!
Where did the troll get this information? Did the troll receive this from fellow always wrong wing whackjobs over beers at a klownservative pub who had bugged the Gov’s bedroom? HAHAHA!
As always the klownservative trolls’ sex life must be lacking to be so obsessed with the pillow talk of the politicians they HATE! So obsessed they concoct silly fantasies like the bullshit our village idiot troll excretes above.
Back to the salt mines goes our village idiot troll!
What else?
Did your kids go to a klownservative public school in Everett? Who’d a thunk it in this state? No home-schooling for them obviously (wifey had to work) and no private school to boot. Love of money runs too strong in the troll’s household. There was a cult to tithe so trips to disaster ravaged locales could be made so the troll could show the victims HA on a FEMA computer, his 1040 with its holier than thou charitable contributions and klownservative propaganda in service of the “cause”.
It just keeps getting better with this dizzy loon!
Oh really? Who said this? (On Xmas day no less)..
Puddy is Pavlov
Puddy Pavlov works again.
You said it yourself. Did you lie? Again? I thought you farted that klownservatives present TRUTH and FACTS.. Go figure..
Oh and this is the question the troll will never answer (along with the name of the union who subtracted dues from his wifey’s paycheck):
WHERE did yours truly ever claim that Pavlov is your last name? Gotta link?
HAHAHAHA! Wait for it! It will claim it doesn’t do our “bidding”… As always it’s too SCEEEERED to look TOO MUCH like what it can NEVER escape from what it is in reality..
As Lee said, the most stupid, most credulous, and as Darryl said bullshitting asshole of a village idiot troll in EXISTENCE! The EPITOME of a klownservatist!
Nice job troll. Thanks for playing. You represent the klownservatist tribe so well!
Now we turn our attention the latest entertainment from the village idiot troll…
The stupid, credulous, bullshitting asshole troll CONFUSES jobs numbers from ALL SECTORS of the economy since the recovery began in 2009 with recent sour numbers on manufacturing, a sector battered for DECADES by cheap labor klownservatists and NOW a higher Dollar.. The higher the dollar goes against other currencies, the worse it is for manufacturing.
Damn this fool is stupid!
I recall it said the killers of Matthew Shepard should get the chair yes..
But it was kind of strange when it hopped on that Shepard dealing meth bandwagon.
No doubt the troll doesn’t like gays, staunchly opposes gay marriage, talks up black pastors when they condemn homosexuality and when a few of his beloved Republican politicians were outed as gay, the fiend knee-jerked condemnation of their sexual orientation way before their rank anti-gay “family values” hypocrisy – that is, if the fiend ever did that.
To this day, the troll screams that Mark Foley “didn’t break the law” when that was hardly the point.
LMAO!! There was millions of undocumented immigrants in this country WAAAAY before klownservatists started belly-aching about an “invasion” in 2006 or 2007..
Any fears of measles back then village idiot troll? Of course not. Cheap labor klownservatists were making money off them and your beloved empty suit was in charge and trying to make them “legal” with a guest worker program.
Sure glad Obama, in his fantasy alternative Universe, continues to deny Radical Islam as a scourge on this planet that needs to be eliminated with full force. What a boob & phony Obama is.
@22 Well, waddya know, the economy still goes up and down like a teeter-totter, just as it always has. Guess that proves Obama is a failure, huh.
@27 This from conservatives who believe cutting taxes increases government revenue …
@34 Not from the news sources I’m reading. He wants to bomb ’em. In fact, he IS bombing ’em, right now, in Syria and Iraq and Afghanistan and Yemen and other places. And, oh yeah, he killed Osama bin Laden, too, plus a whole bunch of other Islamic bad guys. So, which rightwing comic book do you get your talking points from?
Wow the yellowishleakingbuttspigot head exploded @28, 29, 30, 31
When you have to explain a libtard’s actions when you are a gutter dwelling libtard is DAYUM funny. All those wasted pixels and it continues to deliver BULLSHITTIUM in this thread. Who is running absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
Did you all see how PUDDY PWNS this moron the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot? Puddy MADE it run to the crazed databaze!
Puddy is Pavlov! Butt, that’s not Puddy’s last name!
Sux to be the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
Puddy makes the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot head go
BTW you moron, the Moonbeam comment was in the supplied NY Times article link. Butt, since reading is not fundamental to you…
Sux to be the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
So thanks for confirming Puddy claimed the killers of Shepard should be eliminated. And if you deal in meth then you do time you moron!
Sheeeeeeeeeeeesh, the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot has no problem with people dealing in meth!
Oh and black pastors dealing with Biblical truth bothers the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot! Well the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is a moron of the Bible!
Sux to be the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
Hey yellowishleakingbuttspigot,
The data was from Obummer’s Bureau of Labor Statistics.
FACTS, make clueless cretins such as absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot head explode!
Oh yeah! Rand Paul wouldn’t make that mistake as he hasn’t been vaccinated.
Oh yeah. Bill Clinton beat all of them with 22 million net jobs. He was a Democrat.
And The Atlantic proved that more than half were minimum wage jobs.
Oh yeah that was in the crazed databaze! Of course you choose to forget that fact absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
Sux to be the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
The absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot can’t fathom the labor participation rate rivals the levels of Jimmie Carter in 1978!
What was that again? 62.4%? Yeah that’s the ticket!
Sux to be the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
Rand Paul?
That’s the best you got absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
Didn’t Puddy claim in the other link the idiotic absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot would focus on the MSNBC vs. MSN link because the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot could not discount or destroy the offered FACTS!
4 out of the top 5 states are DUMMOCRETIN led. Can’t discount or destroy that FACT, so let’s try and derail the fact train with spurious link information!
Puddy PWNS this moron. Lock Stock and Barrel!
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. Puddy is going to bed now. Early morning like always!
@38 LOL! Naught but babbling is said.
@39 “Puddy is Pavlov!” Damn! That’s a first. Got the troll to admit it. Butt butthead skips “Puddy Pavlov works again.” Still in denial that it said its last name is Pavlov.. Yawwwwn. Such a boring troll.
@40 I’ve seen no conclusive proof that Shepard was a meth dealer. No pushback on being anti-gay. Damn! It must agree with yours truly. Could the fiend ever be happy for a newlywed gay couple? Shit no.. Yawwnn. Such a boring tool…
@41 Skips the St. Louis Fed website.. Obama has created more jobs than both Bushes combined. Period.
Also skips the brain farts about confusing total net jobs since the start of the recovery from the Bush depression with the recent performance of the manufacturing sector which is threatened by a strengthening dollar.
Tool remains a fool but I’m too bored to laugh.
This was the counter-argument the troll offered to FACTS about klownservative politics in CA..
And it was a BRAIN FART. The troll never used MSNBC. But it used MSNBC as a counter argument because MSNBC viewers aren’t in diapers like Faux News viewers. That FACT haunts the troll.
Too funny.
Pretty funny isn’t it? Rand Paul said:
“many tragic cases of walking, talking, normal children who wound up with profound mental disorders after vaccines.”
Does that explain you? Yeah he’d defeat radical islam with such insights.
Yawwwn.. The troll is still lying. Democrats can’t do much about cheap labor conservatives locating plants in Mexico and other places with even cheaper labor. The troll names the three west coast States..
ALL OF THEM have experienced hands-tying klownservative tax revolt initiatives that have starved infrastructure building, education and other pro-middle class government programs.
The troll is willfully ignorant about the role of klownservative politics in the blue states it chortles about.
Still beats BOTH Bushes COMBINED. Troll’s beloved Bushies fail the troll again.
Sure sucks to identify as a Republican.
But, but….. Mike Huckabee!
There’s your Dominionist TeaBagging holy man. The perfect Candidate. He could be caught making toddler rape videos and the GOP would still want him for President. Everything is forgiven when one can label themselves a “Christian.” That and the fact that he’s White.
Hell, ol’ “Bobby” Jindal had his official portrait done up so he’s White too.
It’s one thing to be “ethnic” and an asshole. It is a cat of an entirely different color to be “ethnic” and be so terribly ashamed of that fact that you’d fabricate your own history just so you can impress the White people.
Thanks YLB. Kicking some ass.
And how many of GWB job creation were low paying jobs?
The trend of low paying jobs has been created by Republicans. Since Ronnie.
@52. Fuckabee is scum of the scum, the epitome of republican hypocrisy and fraud. Fucking scum!
4 out of the top 5 states are Democrats led.
Puddy The Great is still lying?
So the link Puddy produced is a lie? Where’s da beef?
yellowishleakingbuttspigot still has not provided a valid counter argument. It never does. All the yellowishleakingbuttspigot has left are brown stains in the pink lace panties! It’s from the element BULLSHITTIUM. It’s that progressive libtard condition. Maybe you need to take two Fukitol’s already for your yellowishleakingbuttspigot condition!
Puddy wrote – And The Atlantic proved that more than half were minimum wage jobs.
yellowishleakingbuttspigot responds – Still beats BOTH Bushes COMBINED.
This immediately proves 6 things the yellowishleakingbuttspigot missed as always:
1) The yellowishleakingbuttspigot revisited the crazed databaze and determined Puddy was right about The Atlantic article! PWND again! Pavlov controlled dog! Fetch sucka!
2) Puddy links provide FACTS even the yellowishleakingbuttspigot can’t refute.
3) That DUMMOCRETIN job creation brag about Clinton was a joke to the labor market.
4) To balance the budget Clinton created millions of minimum wage jobs
5) PuddyProved jobs created by Clinton were mostly low paying jobs
6) The resultant jobs created by Bush were real paying jobs even in a recession!
Thanks for playing yellowishleakingbuttspigot! Factually PWND again!
Did you notice the buttbusting buttbigot @53 cheered the yellowishleakingbuttspigot’s lack of comprehension? Yes, the yellowishleakingbuttspigot was kicking his own arschloch. That takes a special skill set.
Missed by the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is WA State is #5 in the shrinking middle class.
FACTS are antibodies to DUMMOCRETINS like the yellowishleakingbuttspigot
Oh yes that feckless Jerry Moonbeam Brown argument… The yellowishleakingbuttspigot provided a WikiPedia link which proved Jerry Brown actually liked Howard Jarvis’ Prop 13. Sooooooooooooooo DUMMOCRETINS voted Jerry Moonbeam Brown again in the 1980s and they knew Moonbeam liked Prop 13? A state overwhelmingly DUMMOCRETIN returns a DUMMOCRETIN to Sacramento and that’s a lie to the yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
Another EPIC FAYLE argument!
To the yellowishleakingbuttspigot, Puddy is Pavlov. That’s because the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is Pavlov’s dog. When commanded to visit the crazed databaze, it does right on cue.
Puddy PWNS the yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
So yellowishleakingbuttspigot, did you find the reference to Mike Royko – Moonbeam in the NY Slimes in the provided PuddyLink? Must have because you dropped that post like a hot potato out of the oven! Did the yellowishleakingbuttspigot forget about that NY Slimes article discussing your favrit CA governor?
It really sux to be the spawn of the yellowishleakingbuttspigot! When they read this blog all they view are racetracks in pink lace panties!
Notice how yellowishleakingbuttspigot tries to change the landscape in #47 when the buttbusting buttbigot forced the yellowishleakingbuttspigot to view the crazed databaze on Matthew Shepard? Claims he could not find anything on meth and Matthew Shepard. More on that yellowishleakingbuttspigot lying fart below!
Thanks for confirming Puddy claimed the killers of Shepard should be eliminated. Strange enough, the yellowishleakingbuttspigot didn’t provide any proof about what it thought regarding Matthew Shepard’s killers. And it’s more strange the buttbusting buttbigot @53 didn’t ask for the yellowishleakingbuttspigot thoughts on the subject!
Oh BTW yellowishleakingbuttspigot, Puddy provided this link from the HuffPo on Matthew Shepard dealing with meth… You yellowishleakingbuttspigot chose to skip over this just like PuddyProvided The Atlantic link. The yellowishleakingbuttspigot crazed databaze skillz really suck!
All can see the yellowishleakingbuttspigot doesn’t deal in the truth. This HuffPo PuddyLink is in the crazed databaze. That’s how Puddy went to the HuffPo and found it again. Puddy doesn’t have 24 hour moronic moonbat memory malady!
So buttbusting buttbigot (bb bb) @53, you now know what Puddy thought on Matthew Shepard! All that butt BULLSHITTIUM swill above and no acknowledgement of PuddyCommentary from the crazed databaze. Still waiting for that apology. Don’t worry, Puddy realizes to a DUMMOCRETIN never saying you are sorry is modus operandi!
Puddy also noticed when Puddy uses the proper name of the absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot instead of the yellowishleakingbuttspigot, it changes its name from yellowishleakingbuttspigot to some long funny name.
Another Pavlov dog trait! Puddy PWNS this moron! Lock Stock and Barrel.
Sux to be the yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
It’s now 234 EPIC FAYLE visits to the crazed databaze and counting yellowishleakingbuttspigot! The more you regurgitate the more you FAYLE!