What’s on your mind these days? Are you thinking about the upcoming fall elections? Do you have an opinion on Ferguson or the militarization of local police forces? Perhaps you are still pondering the Seattle Times’ bizarre estate tax op-ed, or have an urge to do something about it? Or maybe you are curious about the Perry indictment.
Whatever it is that has you thinking politics, consider the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally as your weekly sounding board for all things political.
We meet tonight, and every Tuesday evening at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. The starting time is 8:00 pm, but some folks show up before that for dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle? Perhaps you can check out another Washington State chapter of Drinking Liberally over the next week. The Tri-Cities and Shelton chapters also meet this Tuesday. The Lakewood and South Seattle chapters meet this Wednesday. And on Thursday, the Tacoma chapter meets.
With 205 chapters of Living Liberally, including eighteen in Washington state, three in Oregon and three in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting somewhere near you.
As the comments noted, it sounds like the justification of an spouse abuser. “…don’t make me beat you.”
Put your guns away. Just put them away. Somewhere you can’t quickly and easily get to them when you’re scared, nervous, and have an itchy trigger finger.
“TAMPA, Fla. (AP) – A grandmother shot and critically wounded her 7-year-old grandson early Tuesday after mistaking him for an intruder who had broken into her home, the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office said.”
Another fatal police shooting of a black man in St. Louis today.
“The man aggressively approached police brandishing a knife and repeatedly shouted ‘shoot me now,’ St. Louis police chief Sam Dotson said as he recounted what witnesses told investigators shortly after the disturbing lunchtime incident.
“The 23-year-old suspect [allegedly — RR] entered a convenience store, stole multiple items including energy drinks, said Dotson. … Dotson said he does not believe there to be any surveillance footage of the man wielding the knife or shouting at police ….
“Two officers immediately responded to the scene and … shouted verbal commands for the suspect to stand down and only opened fire to defend themselves only when he was within lethal range” [sez the police — RR].
Roger Rabbit Commentary: They sure have a lot of convenience store robberies in St. Louis [sarcasm] …
I saw a You Tube video showing Michael Brown paying for the cigars. Don’t have a link handy, but anyone could find it with a quick search.
Even the Ku Klux Klan gets scammed. What’s the world coming to?
Daily Perp Walk (TM)
In other crime news, GOP Gov. Rick Perry plans to turn himself in at the county jail for booking and fingerprinting this afternoon.
Mississippi Burning Dep’t (TM)
Continuing the daily crime blotter,
“A Mississippi sheriff says a man was beaten and shot … after calling authorities to report a cross burning in his yard, and investigators are trying to determine whether the attack … might have been connected to people … upset about … Wilson’s mixed-race grandchildren.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So I guess if you live in MIssissippi, if someone burns a cross in your yard because they hate your grandkid’s skin color, you’re supposed to keep your mouth shut and go along with it or you’ll get shot. If I were the judge I’d give a shooter 60 years for that.
On the other hand, maybe the Mississippi shooting wasn’t racially motivated:
“The victim is the boyfriend of the arrested man’s mother.”
In other words, maybe it’s just Mississippi small-town incest venting its energy like an overpressurized steam boiler. In that case, I might fine the shooter $100 and suspend it on condition of no similar offense within 90 days, like any wise Southern judge who wants to be reelected would do.
In Kentucky, a police department is demanding a 7 1/2-months pregnant officer either perform street duty or take leave without pay. Perhaps ironically, the town is Florence, Kentucky.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Don’t name your infant daughter Florence! Cities and towns are giving “Florence” a bad name. You don’t want your kid to be a butt of police jokes, do you?
You can own J. D. Salinger’s New Hampshire cabin for $695,000.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What are the taxes?
Update: According to Zillow, the asking price has been lowered to $679k (but the Zillow estimate is $550k, so it appears grossly overpriced, which explains why it’s been on market for nearly a year), and the property is a 2900 sq. ft. house on a 12 acre lot with 4 BRs and 5 BAs.
@10 Update of update: 2013 taxes were $7,010. Ouch! They gouge ’em in New Hampshire. Although you probably could afford it if you had royalties from “Catcher In The Rye” and “Franny and Zooey” coming in. For most people, writing is a thankless and unrewarding task, but a few twisted geniuses get stinking rich from it.
Unfortunately, Roger Rabbit is unable to attend DL tonight, due to some medical issues. For one thing, I can’t eat solid food because of an abscessed fang; I’ve been living on coffee and cottage cheese since having a root canal last week. I’m not quite as fat a rabbit as I was two weeks ago, which I suppose is a good thing; it had gotten to where concrete slabs creaked under my weight.
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