Unless you happen to be meeting with President Obama, please join us tonight for an evening of politics over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally. The ballots are out, so bring along your questions about and opinions of the candidates.
We meet tonight, and every Tuesday evening at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. The starting time is 8:00 pm, but some folks show up before that for dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle? Check out another Washington state DL over the next week. They’re everywhere! The Tri-Cities chapter also meets this and every Tuesday night. On Wednesday, the Bellingham and Burien chapters meet. And on Thursday, the Woodinville chapter meets.
With 203 chapters of Living Liberally, including eighteen in Washington state, three in Oregon and three in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting somewhere near you.
Fed appeals court panel says most Obamacare subsidies illegal
In a potentially crippling blow to Obamacare, a top federal appeals court Tuesday said that billions of dollars worth of government subsidies that helped nearly 5 million people buy insurance on HealthCare.gov are illegal.
A judicial panel in a 2-1 ruling said such subsidies can be granted only to those people who bought insurance in an Obamacare exchange run by an individual state or the District of Columbia — not on the federally run exchange HealthCare.gov.
Goldy’s subsidy still intact.
You know Obummer will en-banc this ruling with the Appeals Court hoping his four new appointees will side with Obummercare. Obummer jock-straps claim it was sloppy wording in the bill… Sloppy wording? It was composed by Congressional DUMMOCRETINS under Nancy Pelosi’s direction. She famously claimed she didn’t want any Republican input. Well, we now see the output without Republican input!
Puddy glad not to be a watcher of True Blood… especially with their libtard creators. <blockquote.While HBO's Award winning "True Blood" a popular vampire drama has had a long-running narrative with the bad guys cast as southern conservative politicians, last night's episode took it a step farther, calling Ted Cruz supporters a**holes and offensively referring to conservative woman in eveningware as "republic**ts"Nuthin like a war on wimens on HBO! Nuthin from the National Org on Gals either!
Could get interesting in Colorado this year… http://www.washingtontimes.com.....es-colora/
@ 2
Apparently this affects citizens in 36 states. That’s 36 states in which Dems can campaign that the other side wants to take away subsidized health care for the poor.
It’s a pretty major decision and how it ultimately plays out probably depends on results of other cases still working their way through the system, which will be consolidated by SCOTUS, most likely.
That takes about two years or so, I would guess. That’s two years of Democrats using this as a campaign issue, even though they’ll have to misrepresent facts to do it.
Tell me how that’s a good thing for the right.
The Attorney General scandal in Utah is getting more interesting and the scope of the investigation is widening. The FBI is even eyeballing the Governors office.
Oh what balls they had
@5 “That’s 36 states in which Dems can campaign that the other side wants to take away subsidized health care for the poor.”
Thaaaaat’s riiiiiiight!!! At least, Doctor Bob, you’re smart enough to see why this ruling (if it stands, which is highly doubtful) may not be a good thing for Republicans. Meanwhile, Puddyidiot is celebrating …
That’s very easy Travis…
First remind the world this is DUMMOCRETIN doing. They never wanted Republican input and this is the result of a poorly written law.
Second remind the world that the IRS tried to rewrite the law by fiat and the Court of Appeals said they don’t have the constitutional power to do it.
Three remind the world that ObummerCare is not affordable because the subsidy is not legal
Fourth remind the world that the Court of Appeals decided that you can’t give something to some people and not give it to others.
Five remind the world that the subsidies made it affordable. Now they don’t have to have insurance and all they need to do is pay the fine!
Obummer wanted everyone to have “free” health care. Remember Obummer claimed your healthcare costs would drop. He claimed it would save people money!
Laurence Tribe, libtard lawyer and Obummer cheerleader claimed the Court of Appeals would reject this. He was right!
Of course IDIOT Wabbit forgot these facts!
Now that Obummer as en banc’d the court, they feel party loyalty thoughts will overcome legal thought! Well what happens if they find for the plaintiffs?
@8 “They never wanted Republican input …”
Bullshit. That’s the most ridiculous, over-the-top, fantastical misrepresentation of Republican obstructionism I’ve seen yet.
clueless crazed cretin has Nancy Pelosi’s 2010 words on the subject. Grow some BALLS and axk clueless crazed cretin to replay Pelosi’s comments…
Go on demonstrate you are a man for once! Puddy dares ya!
Puddy will give you a chance to axk clueless crazed cretin before you are THOROUGHLY embarrassed here (well that’s happened many times before) by Puddy with her quote.
Here’s a hint IDIOT Wabbit… There is a web site that has alternatives. It too has Pelosi’s quote!
Sux to be you, HA’s IDIOT Wabbit!
Now watch, we know IDIOT Wabbit will NOT ask the clueless crazed cretin for the quote.
IDIOT Wabbit is a wuss!
@ 11
Bullshit. That’s the most ridiculous, over-the-top, fantastical misrepresentation of Republican obstructionism I’ve seen yet.
RR, how many times have you seen an existing House-passed bill completely gutted and its entire contents replaced by a completely new, 2000+ page law? Because that’s what the Senate did, and that’s how the Senate ended up voting on ACA before the House did.
That ridiculous, over-the-top, fantastical misrepresentation of proper legislative conduct was how ACA came into being. It was an end-around the Constitution and any opponent would rightfully object in any and every way possible.
Don’t give the IDIOT Wabbit an out. He put his ASS out there so let him get it kicked!
Wha whaa what say what? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCi9VFAM3h0
PMSNBC… Well at least Mika has a clue now and then. Why doesn’t Da Perfess use PMSNBC morning shows?
@14 Grow up, sonny boy. The only Republican input to health care reform over the last 35 years has been an endless procession of “no” votes. Rarely, if ever, in American history has major legislation been passed solely with the votes of one political party because the other party was totally unwilling to make any compromises whatsoever. The Democrats compromised massively; they passed Romneycare instead of the single-payer scheme most of their supporters wanted. And what was the GOP’s response? They refused to participate in writing the bill, refused to supply a single vote in either chamber for its passage, and after it was enacted they voted 50 times to repeal it. Before the Democrats enacting Romneycare, the Republicans had 30 years to enact some sort of health care reform, and did nothing, nada, zip, zero, to alleviate threat of medical bankruptcy facing every single American family including those with health insurance. To claim Democrats refused Republican input is dishonest because the only Republican input was “no.” You can dance, wave your arms, and pound on drums all you want; the GOP had their chance to have a say in this law, threw that chance away, and Democrats are completely justified in turning a deaf ear to their whining and complaints. This debate has timed out, and now we’re going to stick it to you rightwing assholes who want to drag our health care system back to the 19th century.
BULLSHIT spotted @17. Puddy called it! IDIOT Wabbit has no balls. He’s just a wuss! There have been many proposals to health care REJECTED by congressional DUMMOCRETINS!
Looks like he really wants to be embarrassed again!
As I remember it, democrats tried to find common ground, the republican idea of compromise was demanding that the democrats give in to what ever they wanted.
Democrats bent over backwards trying to find some common ground and any time they gave in and agreed on anything, the republicans promptly moved their conditions farther to the right. If we had ignored republicans we would have tried for single payer, but instead democrats compromised to RomeyCare and the republicans promptly moved farther to the right.
LOL! Oh like that “cross state lines” crap? HSAs?
Ben Carson I’m sure has some ideas.. Yeah his political ambitions are going absolutely – nowhere. The guy is just a crank.
Oh yeah there was Coburn-Hatch-Burr which:
1) Kick anyone off the ACA medicaid and subsidized plans
2) Charge women 1 billion more than men for their healthcare
3) Do almost nothing for people with pre-existing conditions.
4) Make millions pay more for the employer coverage
5) It provides subsidies! Oh my how socialist! But way, way fewer than ACA.
All garbage – all discredited and debunked many, many times..
The ASSHole troll also forgets all those meetings Max Baucus had with Republicans like Grassley and Enzi – one Republican after another being harassed by teabaggers and one after another caving to Koch financed opposition.
And it didn’t help that Baucus was already a bought and paid for tool of the insurance companies and big Pharma.
IDIOT Wabbit,
Still no balls? Can’t find it in yourself to grow a pair and ask the clueless crazed cretin? clueless crazed cretin surfaced earlier… Well IDIOT Wabbit
Scared? Koro Disease?
Obummer gave Iran a $2.8+ Billion bribe to Iran for them to continue negotiations. Look it up DUMMOCRETINS!
Meanwhile the lies at the IRS continue… http://www.foxnews.com/politic.....tched-not/
Meanwhile after determining Roger IDIOT Wabbit is scrotumless… this appears http://www.truthrevolt.org/new.....fundraiser
Today we learned Roger IDIOT Wabbit has no balls and DUMMOCRETINS and IRS are scum… http://waysandmeans.house.gov/.....tID=388731
The scandal is the IRS. So much for phony eh DUMMOCRETINS? This is a full court coverup!
One can always bet when the clueless crazed cretin mentions something about a Republican there is ALWAYS MORE TO THE STORY!
Max Baucus was negotiating with Charles Grassley on the on the doctor fix. Remember that clueless crazed cretin? Remember the $200 Billion discussion?
Sux to be you!
“I think the world would very much respect his increased attention on this matter, and I think there ought to be increased” saying “I think that leader of the free world has to be strong and this is a time, strength is necessary” – Dianne Feinstein http://www.nationalreview.com/.....ew-johnson
So Dianne is ripping Obummer on his fundraising during all these crises!
Obummer couldn’t go on Jimmy Kimmel because of the crises but Obummer can fund raise!
Did Roger IDIOT Wabbit grow a scrotum yet? Not since 10:49 AM this morning! Puddy added one minute for the IDIOT Wabbit to read it!
@18 re #17: What part of “Fuck You” didn’t you understand?
@22 “Scared?”
Of what? You? You’ve got to be kidding.
Of course, the real reason wingnuts are attacking the IRS is because we need the IRS (or agency like it) to collect income taxes, and they hate the income tax, but you don’t need an IRS to collect sales tax, which is the only tax Republicans like, because they don’t pay it, only the poor pay it.
HAHAHAHAHA.. The ASSHOLE Troll is still brain-damaged.
See this BUTThole:
Uhhh. BUTThole, there were 3 Republicans in the Gang of Six..
Hey clueless crazed cretin… Is Nancy Pelosi a senator? When did that happen? Date and time of that erection clueless crazed cretin! Please regale to us how California became the first state with three wimens senators? The discusssion was around Nancy Pelosi. Puddy realizes being a crazed clueless cretin means there is nothing upstairs in that neanderthal cranial orifice!
You seem to forget this was rammed through Pelosi’s house with no Republican votes. Now Obummer wants to fix the law? Well Obummer and Pelosi didn’t want their input. Sad and so typical of the clueless crazed cretin!
Nice try at giving cover to Roger No Gonads IDIOT Wabbit. Puddy knew when it came down to a challenge HA’s IDIOT Wabbit has no balls, stones, cojones, rocky mountain oysters, etc. Self-castrated on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Good try at deflection… You always perform that yeoman task at EPIC FAYLES from your clueless crazed cretin databaze!
You LIED AGAIN clueless crazed BUTTHOLE cretin! Congratulations! Take the test! Take the test! DAYUM it’s fake!
BTW clueless crazed cretin… you just put to bed forever that the Republicans in the Senate never proposed any health care reform. So worser and that ugly racist headless lucy can’t EVER AGAIN claim there was no health care suggestions from Senate Republicans.
Good to see Roger IDIOT Wabbit likes income taxes since the IDIOT Wabbit claims the IDIOT Wabbit doesn’t work! Puddy likes a flat tax! Forbes style! It takes away DUMMOCRETIN power!
Plenty from Republicans in the Senate and a chorus of NOOOOOOOOOO in the House..
That’s Republican input liar.
Ahhh yes, giving cover to limousine liberalism is this WaPo writer… So typical of the WaPo… give cover to rich DUMMOCRETINS, the 15ers that OWS Racist Fraggy shold be taking to task but never does… She gives them cover with
HAHAHAHA! Empathy. Nice cover for Hillary as the slobbering libtard msm comes to her rescue! http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....story.html
LOL! The BUTThole troll will never understand..
The database was created for one primary purpose:
It WILL NEVER EVER be used to support the AGENDA of klownservatives.
What was that BUTThole troll? Bennet was a Republican who was teabagged for giving “input” to a Democrat apparently..
Never wanted Republican input?
Man this clueless crazed cretin doesn’t give up even when shown how wrong it is! Per the Constitution legislative spending bills are created in the House of Representatives. Nancy Pelosi controlled the House. Your crazed databaze has her exact words. If Roger NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit would axk you he’d grow a pair and you could put your crazed databaze to a first time valuable use!
You threw up senators. Puddy didn’t mention senators ANYWHERE clueless crazed cretin. Puddy mentioned Nancy Pelosi to NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit. the gang of three you use were trying to get words into the bill Nancy Pelosi REJECTED and therefore no House input from Republicans! The words in the law the DC Circuit Court rejected were from the House bill you IDIOT!
Once again another EPIC FAYLE from the clueless crazed cretin!
Stooooooooooopid since 2005!
BENNETT is a SENATOR. When did Pelosi become a SENATOR you moron?
Still waiting…
Now watch!
BUTThole mentioned Republican input.. It was there in spades for different bills. BUTThole said Democrats didn’t want Republican input, yet we see Baucus and Wyden talking to Republicans..
You’re a miserable liar.
You prove every day you are a constitutionally challenged moron!
So let’s try this clueless crazed cretin…
The SENATE REJECTED Republican input too. Max Baucus said so! It’s in the crazed clueless databaze! He never really wanted it. And the Senate Bill had to be reconciled with the DUMMOCRETIN only House bill!
There is no Republican input in Obummercare. They never wanted it. It’s all DUMMOCRETIN!
Dayum that was easy! It’s all DUMMOCRETIN!
mentioned Republican input..
And Puddy clarified it with Nancy Pelosi’s House DUMMOCRETIN remark which Roger NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit hasn’t requested yet. BTW clueless crazed cretin… DUMMOCRETIN polls have shown the public believes there is no Republican input. Puddy knows clueless crazed cretin has looked it up and is ready to answer Roger NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit! That’s why the EPIC FAYLE virulent attack from you!
I walked away from Senator Grassley.
That quote was from August 2008 ASSHOLE!
Caught making up bullshit again!
Remember what Darryl said: you’re a bullshitting asshole!
No Republican input?
Why would Snowe vote a bill out of committee for which she didn’t offer any “input”? Wasn’t Snowe part of the gang of six?
You fail again butthole
Gotta go. It was fun debunking your miserable bullshit.
2008… So than you just failed miserably. Max Baucus didn’t take Grassley seriously in 2008 or 2009 or 2010.
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. crazed clueless cretin displays Max Baucus and the Gang of Six. Charles Grassley was a member of the gang of six. Max Baucus said in 2008 “I walked away from Senator Grassley.” Is any Republican input in the health care bill? No your honor.
The Prosecution Rests!
Sux to be you clueless crazed cretin. YOU JUST PROVED PUDDY’S POINT! And PUDDY used EZRA KLEIN!
Keep trying you lying!
Snowe voting yes doesn’t mean there was Republican input into the bill you MORON! Your commentary proves it…
Thanks for playing and providing your own guillotine!
Now watch! It WILL BE BACK! In a few minutes!