Please join us tonight for an Independence Day week edition of the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. The starting time is 8:00 pm, but some folks show up before that for dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle? Check out another Washington state DL over the next week. The Tri-Cities chapter also meets this and every Tuesday night. The Lakewood chapter meets on Wednesday. For Thursday, the Spokane and Tacoma chapters meet. And next Monday, the Yakima, South Bellevue and Olympia chapters meet.
With 201 chapters of Living Liberally, including eighteen in Washington state, three in Oregon and three in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting somewhere near you.
If Lois Lerner knew her hard drive was dead and the IRS didn’t print her emails per US Law, what was it that would incriminate her so she babbled on then took the fifth?
Walked through the left wrong sites over the Hobby Lobby decision… Not one got it right! No wonder HA DUMMOCRETINS are low information voters!
Truth… something never told by DUMMOCRETINS… And other DUMMOCRETINS are low information voters.
Did y’all see Sandra Fluke lie through her teeth yesterday? Oh yeah they have her lying tweets.
Something else y’all never see on HA DUMMOCRETINS… Unvarnished Truth Passed into law by the House and Senate and signed by Bill Clinton. How many DUMMOCRETINS knew this reading left wrong blogs? SCOTUS voted on the law of the land and DUMMOCRETINS go nutzo over it!
Three Jewish (One Dual Citizen American) teenagers killed by the religion of peace friends of some HA DUMMOCRETINS. Yet Puddy views nuthin on HA about their deaths.
Puddy knows why:
Nuthin on Daily Kooks
Nuthin on Media Morons
Nuthin on Politicususa
Nuthin on Talking Puke Morons
Must be a tacit approval given.
Au contraire, Pudster:
Hamas telling Isreal the “gates of hell” will open up. Why do all these religious fanatics believe in Heaven and Hell? Yet they don’t believe a scientist on Global Warming. And the only hell that exists is here on planet earth and caused by people. Where are all the ghosts and witches?
@5 yeah Puffy, you got this one right again, we all approve of murdering people. Boy are you on to us.
300 more troops either in or on their way to Iraq.
These forces are separate and apart from the up to 300 personnel the president authorized to establish two joint operations centers and conduct an assessment of how the U.S. can provide additional support to Iraq’s security forces as they confront the grave threat posed by ISIL.
So, that’s nearly 600. So far.
It’s almost as if it would have been smarter not to pull their asses out of Iraq in the first place.
Speaking of smarter, it seems that Joe Biden may finally get his wish to carve Iraq up into three smaller countries. Or at least part of his wish.
Spokesman Indicates Turkey Ready to Accept Kurdish State in Iraq
Is this any better now? Are the three kids going to be resurected now? Wow HP has the story, probably not the first article even, so everything is great now according to Puffy.
Wow empty tea bag@10,
Once again you prove Puddy right… The four left wrong sites most visited by your kind are listed in #5. You went to HuffPo also proves it is a choice of low information voters like you. It leans so far left it’s in he left field upper deck!
Empty tea bag with no stones. Yes thanks for playing!
We’ve seen Obama wearing mom jeans
and throwing like a girl.
Maybe we’re about to find out if he can handle a high and tight Curveball :
@ 9
We’re re-invading Iraq so fast I can’t keep up. Did I say 600? Make that 750:
[O]n Monday, Obama administration officials said that about 200 more troops had been sent to protect the American Embassy in Baghdad and the Baghdad airport. The additional troops, who arrived on Sunday, will operate helicopters and drones to “bolster airfield and route security,” Rear Adm. John F. Kirby, the Pentagon spokesman, said in a statement.
In addition to those forces, another 100 troops who the Pentagon had previously said would be sent to Iraq are headed to Baghdad to help with security and logistics. The moves will raise the total number of American troops deployed to Iraq for security and advisory missions to about 750.
Read more:
Travis Bickle@6,
Puddy knows you brought it up. Puddy was expecting (low expectations of course) that someone on the HA DUMMOCRETIN board would write a link about the savage killing of the three teenagers. Nuthin absolutely nuthin.
Butt they will link to lies about the Hobby Lobby decision! Watch the Friday Night Comix! What lies will Thom boko haram Fartmann offer that Da Perfessa will headine?
Is it possible for Obama to issue a directive to HHS, as part of the ACA, to make certain forms of birth control available, without cost, to women possessing a valid prescription, if coverage is not provided through their employer?
Can money allocated to HHS be shifted to that purpose? After all, money has been shifted to support parts of Obamacare that need it, without specific authorization from Congress.
Wouldn’t that be a relatively low-cost method of addressing the birth control needs of women outside an employment relationship?
Now we see Obummer sending even more troops to Iraq. Seems Obummer’s single foreign policy achievement, the one that Joe BiteME bragged about, the withdrawal of the mighty American military from Iraq, went KABLAMMO!
Obummer was told by his generals to keep men in Iraq. Obummer knew better. Obummer started firing those generals. Just Google “Obama firing military generals who disagreed with him” and you can view all the truthful sites HA’s bottom dwelling whale shit eating crazed clueless cretin tries to ridicule for telling the truth. Obummer knew better.
Obummer was warned months ago about ISIS. Obummer knew better. The Kurds tried to warn Obummer. Google “Kurds offer help to Obama over ISIS”. Obummer knew better.
Obummer’s doctrinal view of retrenchment (Neville Chamberlain) is a catastrophic defeat for America. Obummer’s foreign policy gravitas is polling very low except for the die hard DUMMOCRETINS! And HA DUMMOCRETINS fret over libtard news sources talking to Cheney, et. al. over Iraq! Well they realize with the US Public Obummer’s methods have failed. Their European counterparts are scared of ISIS! Obummer knew better.
Seems Ahmed Chalabi is being vetted by Obummer’s sadministration to replace Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. This is the same Chalabi who libtards went nutzo over back last decade. Seems Obummer’s ridicule of Bush Iraq doctrine has come full circle! Obummer knows better!
Did you know FDR, revered by HA DUMMOCRETINS viewed public sector unions in a bad light? And how Politifact covered it:
The Daily Edge @TheDailyEdge
BREAKING: Koch Brothers seek to acquire the 44% of the Supreme Court they don’t already own
Retweeted by Goldy
Note to Better: It’s a joke. They can’t really do that.
Meanwhile on the abortion front… Soooooooooo Planned Parenthood is really a business that is all about abortion not for “women’s health care” after all.
Of course left wrong minded peeps miss facts like this because crazed clueless cretins scream about NewsMax telling the truth!
puddypussypissypants must be off his meds today…look at him GO!
@18. The best jokes have a kernel of truth to them. I’ll be sharing that joke with people who will appreciate it.
Obama can’t get a break from conservatives. When he takes troops out of Iraq, you conservatives complain. Now that he’s sending them back in, you conservatives complain. Keep this up and I’ll have to think conservatives are just being nakedly partisan.
Jonathan Turley, Jeffrey Toobin and Laurence Tribe, three leftist loon law professors all admit Obummer has had his ASS handed to him over the SCOTUS regarding the US Constitution. Here is the latest link to add to the others previously delivered by PuddyFacts
Only dumb fucks like puddypussypissypants believe “newsmax.”
It’s so sad better looks at the world as a DUMMOCRETIN.
Obummer was told to listen to his generals. They warned of this.
Obummer now is reentering Iraq. Conservatives ask why is Obummer doing this now since he “claimed” Al Qaeda was “decimated”? It was his signature line of the 2012 reerection campaign. It’s now his signature lie!
Too bad you just don’t get it.
The puddypussypissypants realizes OF COURSE that President Barack Hussein Obama’s plan is for Russia to get buried in Iraq like we did as payback for the mess they handed us in Afghanistan.
Turn about is fair play, baby.
Assuming we are around in hundreds of years, if they will call this the start of the corporate feudal age where the corporate lords could impose anything they wanted on their vassals in the name of corporate person hood?
It will be fun to watch when a foreign owned company imposes their Sharia Law values on it’s employees here in the states.
rujaxoff, the other bottom dwelling whale shit eating HA DUMMOCRETIN arrives and nothing useful was said!
Can rujaxoff offer a real web site that refutes the NewsMax article?
Wait and watch!
Got proof or is this another of your moronic lower than whale shit rants?
Another lie over the Hobby Lobby decision! Did you ACTUALLY read post #3 or as always you live on left wrong sites?
Those christianist asshole buddies of puddypussypissypants ought to wear their little fish pins everywhere so I can fucking throw them out of my businesses.
“I can sense right now a rebellion brewing amongst these United States,” Jindal said, “where people are ready for a hostile takeover of Washington, D.C., to preserve the American Dream for our children and grandchildren.”
“McCarthy and Martin are two men with a cause. They believe they have access to truths that few others know or want to hear, primarily that the American government is illegitimate and that the shadowy cabal of elites who control it are preparing for a war on the American people. The 9/11 attacks, the Boston bombing, most mass shootings, and a wide range of other events generally attributed to terrorists and criminals are actually false-flag operations perpetrated by the American government against its own people as part of a ramp-up to a final reckoning, according to the hosts. The Watchmen, who consider themselves “Sovereign Citizens” outside government control, feel it’s their responsibility to reveal these conspiracies and to help wrest back control of the country from the usurpers. Their program is broadcast six days a week.”
Meanwhile… What? More War on Wimens by a VA DUMMOCRETIN?
Wow look at the link in #32. Of course Da Perfessa only erases Puddy links that are offered.
Ummm better, Puddy knows you are days late and $$$$ short… When this was offered last week Puddy reminded everyone of Shrillary Clinton’s seminal 2003 moment…
“”I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you’re not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration.””
Sux to be the so late to the plate better!
Then you’d be sued like those who refused to serve a gay couple a wedding cake. DISCRIMINATION!
Do tell rujaxoff. Where is that proof from that lower than whale shit comment?
And so it begins…
This is where puddypussypissypants gets his SOOPER-DOOPER-POOPIE-SCOOPER accurate information.
Putting the ‘progress’ in progressive:
Gen JC Xtian patriot @JC_Christian
Roberts Court has been pretty good on gay issues. Too bad the Chief Justice isn’t also a closeted woman.
Retweeted by Goldy
Over the past nine years liberals have matured from implications that Roberts’ son is gay (he was four at the time)
to sexual orientation comments about Roberts himself.
Oh rujaxoff… Media Morons? 2013?
From post #28 – Wait and watch!
Thanks for playing rujaxoff! Sux to be you!
Federal Judge Strikes Down Kentucky Gay Marriage Ban
More bad news for puddypussypissypants!
Re: @39
Yeah. Media Matters for America does a horrible horrible thing…
…they post actual clips of Fox News ‘personalities’ and the dumb shit crap they talk about.
@30. No. Nada, Zero. Zilch. I’ve said this before. I usually don’t bother to read anything you post. It’s so foul mouthed and abusive for no reason except to be offensive, that it makes it easy to dismiss anything you say. as a biased ravings from a stupid ignorant fool. You may be posting truths as you see them, but the way you say it so constantly repugnant, obscures anything of value you may say. If you are just here to sound like a raving hate filled bigot, that’s up the moderators to put up with, but I don’t bother to read you or follow your links.
In contrast, while Bickle is a mealy mouthed, small minded, cheap labor conservative weasel who never misses an opportunity to take a cheap shot at anyone he deams weak or venerable, but he says it in honeyed words, dripping in sarcasm.
It’s fun to go to the Troll Report:
Our man over there has fun with this nutball goober puddypussypissypants.
That’s why you are another low information voter! Puddy reads all the leftist swill here, even from the two bottom dwellers: rujaxoff and clueless crazed cretin!
Glad to see rujaxoff visiting his cousin’s web site. Of course the crazed clueless cretin has nothing better to do with his unemployed self. The two bottom feeders continue to swim at the Mariana’s Trench level! Too bad it’s EPIC FAYLE 24×7!
Meanwhile rujaxoff you were challenged to prove the NewsMax Planned Parenthood article wrong… You haven’t stepped up to the plate. Well you did and you whiffed badly! You offer a 2013 retort to a 2014 article. EPIC FAYLE lower than whale shit lover!
Megyn Kelly Squares Off With Bill Ayers
What? Steve Doocy was busy?
Jeebus may love the puddypussypissypants but the rest of us think he’s a bat-shit crazy, insane piece of shit.
Meanwhile Obummercare still sux…
Megyn Kelly handed Bill Ayers his ASS last night! She used his books and he was in full spin and denial mode! Seems TPM has nothing to refute rujaxoff!
Meanwhile HA DUMMOCRETIN dahhhhhhling Wendy Davis is imploding… Remember she leaves her husband once he makes the last payment on her Harvard law degree. What a woman!
@22 Republicans are just being fuck farts. You can’t expect much of them today except to complain, whine, and be fanatic American Taliban. One day the Country will wake up and tell them to go fuck themselves or we will be the saddest nation on earth, worse than Somalia.
Wow a decent article on David Green. Of course some DUMMOCRETIN tried to silence Mr Green with a Bill Ayers-like threat!
@48 and Republicans are the new Taliban imposing Sharia Christian laws, which one day will revert back to making black people slaves. Can’t wait!
Empty tea bag who lost his “stones”,
The New American Taliban are the GLAAD, NAMBLA, and GLA peeps who will cause you to lose your job if you disagree with them!
Yep, you look in the mirror and view the American Taliban!
@54. You know he’s lost the argument when he pulls out those tired conservative boogymen of NAMBLA and apparently Gamma-Linolenic acid.
yeah right, like nobody is still losing their jobs for being gay….
But to conservatives, GLAAD, the nation’s lesbian gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) media advocacy organization is the problem?
Calling out organizations and people for bigoted actions is wrong?
This thread is only 4 1/2 hours old and puddy has already posted 27 comments here. Either he’s a professional troll or he’s unemployed and has nothing else to do with his time.
Some people take soccer too seriously.
Or maybe Roadblock IDIOT Wabbit, Puddy on vacation this week just taking it easy playing whackalibtard!
Sux to be Roger Roadblock IDIOT Wabbit!
@55 lost the arguement – he never had an issue to argue. Gay people all over american, all 1% of them, causing people to loose their jobs…even bob will not touch that one. Big bad gay people….hahahahah…what a phony baloney Puffy boy. He doesn’t like it when I call the Republicans the American Taliban. Do you, you big baby.
@60 – go drown your kids already. Be like the rest of the upstanding adults.
Bill Maher calls y’all the new mafia…
Fired for being against Gay Marriage…
Brendan Eich – CEO of Mozilla
Craig James – CBS Football Analyst
Chris Kluwe – NFL Punter
Dr. Frank Turek – Cisco Team Building leader
David and Jason Benham – HGTV
Duck Dynasty Family – Eventually reinstated after the pro hetero marriage uproar!
Senior Master Sgt. Phillip Monk – Fired for being a Christian
Obummer will veto So much for claiming he’s a Christian!
So easy to touch that one! Thanks for playing!
Oh and the list goes on and on one empty tea bag…
Tired conservative NAMBLA? Puddy was on a recent flight to Atlanta and a guy was wearing a NAMBLA baseball cap as he boarded! Puddy did a double-take!
BTW your friends at the ACLU jockstrapped your buds at NAMBLA!
The mind of a HA DUMMOCRETIN at work on a blog.
Thanks for playing “man” with no stones! empty tea bag!
Did you notice the empty bag offered links against the Catholic Church, a private religious organization! Puddy offered people easily found in a Google search fired for being Christians.
The Miami Dolphins fined and suspended safety Don Jones for his pro hetero beliefs empty tea bag! they sent him to “educational training”! So much for First Amendment rights in Obummerland!
“Better” go looking for your stones dude!
empty tea bag – Part of the Leftist American Taliban @63!
I predict that on January 21, 2017,
Better will claim that Barack Obama lost his job because he’s black.
Goldy @GoldyHA
This story … also was on HA yesterday: …
Well, yeah, but you neglected to use the word ‘allegedly’.
@69 You don’t have to use the word “allegedly” if you’re judgment-proof.
@63. it was interesting to compare the lists.
My list was of people fired for getting married while gay and that went against the rules of the religion of the company the worked for.
Your list was of high profile public people who were publicly trying to prevent gay marriage and were not hired because it would have cost the respective company money from public opinion
In my list, love and church rules caused the people to be fired.
In the puddy list, bigotry and money caused the people to be fired.
In both lists, the people were public about their beliefs and positions and are upset that they suffered a consequence to their free speech. If both lists had just kept quiet and kept their love/bigotry private, they would have been employed. I find the parallels sad but amusing.
The problem I see for conservatives is that more and more people are siding with the love side and less with the bigotry side, so public opinion is swinging against them.
Now conservatives feel persecuted and under attack, kind of like gay people feel when they are being targeted by conservatives. Conservatives don’t like being on the receiving end.
Air Force Senior Master Sgt. Phillip Monk
In other words, the case is not about his beliefs about marriage or homosexuality, but about his willingness to follow his commander’s instructions and enforce military policy. Furthermore, he wasn’t “fired,” he was simply reassigned, and he even admits that he was due for a reassignment and that his new position is commensurate with his rank and experience.
They were hired and then fired. Man you are really ignorant of FACTS! Every one of those people and there are many more worser were fired for standing up for their beliefs. The GLAAD American Taliban Mafia decided they are the arbiters of thought and got each fired!
The Church follows the Bible. So when will the GLAAD American Taliban Mafia along with their slovenly DUMMOCRETIN acolytes try to ban the Bible? It’s the logical conclusion to the GLAAD American Taliban Mafia!
FACTS… the slap DUMMOCRETINS side their head!
@73. Proves my conjecture
“Now conservatives feel persecuted and under attack, kind of like gay people feel when they are being targeted by conservatives. Conservatives don’t like being on the receiving end.”
He’s in a fever state, hallucinating, deliriously afraid of the consequences of his bigotry.
Try being tolerant. It’s what Jesus preached.
@73. Really? you are quibbling over the difference between no hired and hired then fired as if it means a big difference?
“The Church follows the Bible. ”
The bible also says:
Don’t wear clothes made of more than one fabric (Leviticus 19:19)
Don’t cut your hair nor shave. (Leviticus 19:27)
Any person who curseth his mother or father, must be killed. (Leviticus 20:9)
Or about this this biggie
“‘If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife–with the wife of his neighbor–both the adulterer and the adulteress are to be put to death.
Do you personally follow those rules too? Do you want your church to?
How do you personally get out of enforcing those rules on yourself?
@75 but those rules apply to heterosexuals, and they don’t have to follow that shit, especially the ten commandments…..they shit on the bible.
Me – I don’t preach the Bible, so I don’t have to follow any of that shit. Puffy’s best friends are sinners.
Puffy why did the blacks put the KKK virtually out of business. They had well paying jobs at one time.
You know, I’d call that Bickle character a smarmy neo-liberal pig if it wasn’t an insult to smarmy neo-liberal pigs.
Wrong again worser… You visit TPM? HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR left wrong site? He was told on Aug 14th “Don’t come back on Monday.” His assignment was to end on Sept 30th! That’s being fired!
Well then most of Hollyweird would be erased. Those clothing laws were Mosaic not God’s laws. The Mosaic laws were nailed to the cross. God’s law is immutable. Sadly you don’t comprehend that!
Does anyone know what the empty tea bag is saying in #78? Bueller?
Sooooo we see worser is A-OK with stripping someone of their livelihood because of their personal beliefs.
Thanks for playing worser!
Keep smoking Crack Puffy, you are the biggest hypocrite there is….typical of you as one of the American Taliban.
83 comments in this thread, 32 from the village idiot..
Starting at 7:15am and blowing through 7:30pm..
Obsessed much this jerk?
Oh the clueless crazed cretin appears. Nuthin worthwhile was said.
And that’s the news folks!
Empty tea bag,
Puddy doesn’t do drugs, butt apparently you do! How is that CRACK? It’s you preznit who claims the whitey house pie crusts has crack in them. You missed da video empty tea bag?
See ya “man” with no stones! Empty tea bag – Part of the Leftist American Taliban Mafia! Calling people who believe differently infidels!