Don’t be a fool…join us tonight for an evening of political punditry over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. The starting time is 8:00 pm, but some folks may show up even earlier for dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle? Check out another Washington state DL over the next week. They’re everywhere! The Tri-Cities chapter also meets this and every Tuesday night. The Lakewood chapter meets this Wednesday. For Thursday, the Spokane and Tacoma chapters meet. On Friday, the Enumclaw chapter meets. And next Monday, the Yakima, South Bellevue and Olympia chapters meet.
With 215 chapters of Living Liberally, including nineteen in Washington state, four in Oregon, and three more in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting somewhere near you.
Meanwhile in real news…
Well Well well…
An interesting case and an even more interesting judge
Well Roger Idiot Wabbit, local counsel for HA DUMMOCRETINS, how do you explain this DUMMOCRETIN judge’s actions?
Well isn’t Joe BiteMe’s son Beau Biden the Delaware Attorney General? And it seems’ his father’s law firm loves the DUMMOCRETIN way more than the Republican. Even Al Franken[stein] received political contributions from this firm.
Wow, you can’t make this crap up! Even the DUMMOCRETINS at DUMMOCRETIN Underground are upset over this one. Must be it gives DUMMOCRETINS a bad name when a DUMMOCRETIN judge gives a DUMMOCRETIN p e d o man a pass! Finally something that makes those idiots at DUMMOCRETIN Underground get upset at other DUMMOCRETINS!
Who knew?
When you are a rich DUMMOCRETIN from two prominent Delaware (DUMMOCRETIN state) families, being tried in a courtroom led by a prominent Delaware DUMMOCRETIN judge, what can you expect except leniency! Children don’t matter when DUMMOCRETIN justice is delivered.
DUMMOCRETIN money talks, all other things don’t matter. And y’all wonder why Puddy takes y’alls positions to task. HA DUMMOCRETINS talk a good game just like national DUMMOCRETINS! Yet when the rubber hits the road; DUMMOCRETINS are the nastiest, cynical, hypocritical money loving bunch of loons Puddy has ever seen.
There are two sets of American justice. One for the common man and one for rich DUMMOCRETINS. Don’t you remember Puddy delivering Jeffrey Epstein to HA DUMMOCRETINS? Go ahead and ask the crazed clueless databaze deala for a thorough link review.
Hmmm… crazed man with a gun in a store threatening the employees and clientele… CCP person ends it with one shot. Victims are safe!
Now this is interesting
It seems when you increase the minimum wage low-skilled (many HA DUMMOCRETINS) and teenagers are affected.
Heh. Hobby Lobby, the hypocrites that keep on giving:
Why can’t the Greens steer their employees to proper “Christian value” based investments for their retirement? Heh. Must serve two masters.
Nothing shuts up a grifting right wing idiot than the threat of losing his coin:
Too funny..
Where is Roger Idiot Wabbit regarding that Delaware judgment? Prolly too hard for his leetle Wabbit Brain!
Ahhh yes DUMMOCRETINS in action
A truly free man!
There are no prison bars stronger than those of ignorance.
Sorry conservatives, still no Death Panels – The President.
Death Panels –
Howard Dean… Conservative? NOPE!
Peter Orszag… Conservative? NOPE!
Sen. Mark Pryor (Ark.)… Conservative? NOPE!
Elizabeth Esty (Conn.)… Conservative? NOPE!
Reps. Ron Barber (Ariz.)… Conservative? NOPE!
Kyrsten Sinema (Ariz.)… Conservative? NOPE!
Ann Kirkpatrick (Ariz.)… Conservative? NOPE!
Sux to be worse, not better!
That’s not what the Bible sez crazed clueless databaze deala! Butt you don’t care what the Bible really sez. that’s why you posted it. It’s hate 24×7!
Good try putting up a libtard moron!
Remember what TexASS did:
Why doesn’t the always wrong wing ever talk about this? (Don’t look at me, I’ve mentioned this here many times.)
Oh it must be this:
Not according to these guys:
Nice try Mr. Ignorant.
@12. that is a list of names. It is not an argument one way or another about the concept of death panels.
Typical conservative, won’t think.
Death Panels –
Sarah Palin – 2009 Liar of the year..
A Conservative? A liar? Yes indeed!
@12 … Private insurance companies — YEP!
@5 That’s great, Poodebutt. Thanks to you, we know what American Action Forum, a rightwing propaganda shop, thinks of raising the minimum wage. Here’s what real media reported today:
“Most of the states that raised their minimum wages [on Jan. 1] actually posted gains in their employment levels … compared with ‘essentially zero’ for those that kept their wages unchanged.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You don’t have to prove you’re a head-up-ass ignoramus, Poodebutt. We already know that.
@2, @8 – I posted about that case yesterday, Poodebutt. It’s comment #9 on the 3/31 Open Thread.
The article you linked to contains only two facts about the judge — (fact #1) she applied to be state Chief Justice, and (fact #2) she’s an “open lesbian.” Which of these facts do you find “even more interesting,” Poodebutt? Should I venture to guess? Nah, I’ll let you tell me.
As for what the judge’s partisan orientation is, I don’t know what it is or if she even has one, and what’s more I don’t care. It was a crappy decision. She’s a crappy judge. Let the chips fall wherever they will. If it turns out she’s a Democrat, my response to that will be that I don’t defend crappy Democrats.
The thing is, you can’t find a Republican office holder anywhere who isn’t head-up-ass crappy. At least when you vote for a Democrat, you have a 50-50 chance of getting someone who’s competent and decent. If you vote for a Republican, you have zero chance.
@3 I’ll take a competent sex addict over an incompetent warmonger any day, if that’s the only choice I have.
LOL! We already proved your “true” feelings for liberal commenters..
See why we hate you
You left it to your sockpuppet MWS to tell the truth..
The Earth crazed clueless databaze deala. The Earth is 6000+ years old.
The heavens are the atmosphere above the earth you moron. There are three heavens in the Bible!
Sux to be you!
And their positive comments on death panels doesn’t count to “mr. worse”!
Puddy isn’t going to replay their death panels commentary again. Seek out the crazed clueless databaze deala!
Sux to be mr. worse!
Sarah Palin was right… So said Howard Dean in 2013.
2009 was so FIVE years ago crazed clueless databaze deala! Butt, keep living in the past. That’s when you had a yob right?
Sux to be you!
LOL! Politifact called it the lie of 2009. I agree with Politifact.. I don’t CARE what Howard Dean said while lobbying for health care outfits.. I DON”T CARE what dem politicians say to appease people listening to moron teabaggers..
You also said Obama went on an “apology tour” (just a couple weeks or so ago). The WA POST gave that FOUR Pinocchios!
The truth doesn’t have a pull date asshole. Especially when you cling to right wing lies like ACA death panels.
You can’t handle the truth!
Sux to be a lie worshipper like you!
Darryl said that you’re a pathological liar! That’s the truth too.
You said you DON”T hate. MWS told the truth.
You said you didn’t vote for “Billy Boy”. MWS told the truth about that!
Sucks to be you lying tool!
Say whatever you want about what old mystics say about the universe dumbass!
Science says, examining the evidence, the earth is around 4.54 billion years old. You REJECT the evidence!
I trust science which analyzes evidence and publishes the analysis for everyone to see. If people discover some fault in it – fine, it’s back to the drawing board for better evidence and/or a better theory.
I don’t trust folklore spun by mystics and hand-copied to papyri or whatever passed down through the generations and proclaimed by jerks like you to be “the truth”..
Incomplete truth always has a pull date crazed clueless databaze deala.
Howard Dean and others as noted above agreed with Sarah Palin on death panels in 2013 which is FOUR years later!
Sux to be you idiot!
Which is why you are the dumb brick of HA DUMMOCRETINS. The crazed clueless databaze deala doesn’t care to become educated with the latest factual evidence. Why? Because the crazed clueless databaze deala would have to admit he, the crazed clueless databaze deala, is clueless as ever! Can’t have that! The crazed clueless databaze deala continues to live in the past while the world passes the crazed clueless databaze deala by. No wonder you are as ignorant as you are!
Sux to be you crazed clueless databaze deala! It really sucks to be the spawn of the crazed clueless databaze deala!!!!!
Yes with a link and no “ANALysis” Idiot Wabbit. Now why was that? Well Puddy figered it out. Living in Delaware there was a very high chance this creep was a DUMMOCRETIN and you didn’t want to go there. Puddy went there because Puddy would have denounced this p e d o for what he is. Politics didn’t matter to Puddy when you are a creep as he is. You could have too Idiot Wabbit, butt as we know from previous commentary, don’t besmirch a DUMMOCRETIN on HA DUMMOCRETINS unless called out on it. And like most DUMMOCRETINS, try to say as little as possible on the subject!
Oh yeah the judge is a BIG TIME DUMMOCRETIN… That’s why Puddy went to a Delaware DUMMOCRETIN site. She’s held in high esteem by Delaware DUMMOCRETINS!
And your commentary about 50-50 chance? What a crock of Idiot Wabbit BULLSHITTIUM. So radioactive with a 3 nanosecond half life!
Sux to be you again today!
So @16,
If the the dumb brick crazed clueless databaze deala admits
these people agreed with Sarah Palin and you couldn’t figger that out, doesn’t that make you dumber than the dumb brick crazed clueless databaze deala? So you are “no better” than the dumb brick crazed clueless databaze deala, butt actually worse?
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. This moron is “no better” than the dumb brick crazed clueless databaze deala!
And it sux to be “no better” than the dumb brick crazed clueless databaze deala!
No asshole, they were supporting the repeal of the IPAB not throwing in a with a power mad religious nutcase quitter from Alaska.
And they were lobbying (getting a health care industry check) and trying to appease right wingers to save their seats in Congress!
Sucks to be a lying fact challenged jerk like you!
Yes, the Death Panel!!! P E R F E C T! Thanks for admitting it FINALLY!
Even more P E R F E C T! These Congresscriters are admiting they lied about the IPAB and now to save their political hides they finally admit the truth! Palin was correct about the IPAB! Hey it’s 2014!
Thanks for playing crazed clueless databaze deala!
Smacked side his own crazed clueless databaze dealin with this own crazed clueless databaze dealin commentary!
Sux to be the crazed clueless databaze deala!
LIE. It was a LIE in 2009 and it’s a LIE NOW! The IPAB is just the MedPAC whose rulings the Congress can ignore only with a supermajority vote.
PROVE IT! Yet another LIE you pulled out your ass huh?
FALSE! They’re defending their seats against lobbyist money and right wing LIARS!
Al Franken and others supported repealing the tax on medical devices. They KNEW other Dems like Max Baucus were around to remember that medical device manufacturers AGREED to the deal!
No shit Sherlock! And lies are lies whenever they’re mouthed.
Indeed thank you SO MUCH for showing THE WORLD what it means to be a frothing at the mouth, Always Wrong Winger – LYING AND SWALLOWING LIES ALL THE TIME!
Sucks to be a dumbass troll like you!