It’s election night! So drop off those ballots and then join us for some electoral politics under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. Festivities take place at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning about 8:00 pm. Or show up early and dine liberally.
Some say tonight is lady’s night at DL…guys will be buying the drinks…especially for attractive gals dressed in red. It’ll be absolutely scandalous!
Not in Seattle? With 340 other chapters of Drinking Liberally, there is sure to be one around your corner.
I’ll be there, in case “maggie” shows up to attempt to defend her absurd assertion that “ugly Republican women” whose men fuck goats is demeaning to “all” women. I say it’s only demeaning to ugly Republican women whose men fuck goats.
Puddy watching election returns Across America on Fox News. No crap just facts.
It is one of those mystifying existential puzzles–why does Glenn Beck get to live and spew while productive people of substance die? Does God need to always remind us of the evil, the irrational, the pointless?
Only a stupid self-hating fuck like Darryl could find that video funny, so that speaks for itself. The party of hate continues its obssessive, misguided attack on Beck because he tells the truth about Obama and his cabinet and the left squeals like fucking pigs and wishes him dead. Pathetic
Little Ricky Dumbass @ 4
Of course, satire is a genre of humor that exceeds your intellectual range. Casper the Ghost is probably the high end of what you can find funny. If you honestly think Beck tells “the truth,” then you are even more hopelessly deluded than I have diagnosed in the past. Little Ricky, I’d tell you to seek help, but none is available for someone as layered in the befuddled as you are. Oh, by the way, I found that video hilarious. So, I guess I’m a “stupid, self-hating fuck,” too. Ah, what the hell, I’ve been called worse by people that count.
i’m a libertarian and i don’t think glenn beck deserves so much hatred.
why don’t you guys hate on someone… more relevant? like ron paul.
That would force HA Libtardos to think for themselves instead of goosestepping to the whackamole kook-aid sites.
…well, that goes without saying, stupid. You’d be shitting your little pink panties if someone on the right did that parody about Obama, or Biden, or Keith Slobberman, Rachel Madcow, etc. but the difference is the right would not find that particularly classy nor effective as it just shows a mental imbalance on the part of those who produced it and enjoy it.
I think it’s part and parcel of the typical hatred that exists on the left today. When you can’t win the argument on ideas and truth, you just hope the person exposing the truth dies.
No thinking required. Right up your alley Plowed Leftist
The ACORN doesn’t fall too far from the president.
5 Could you lay out some of the lies Glenn Beck has said. I need to know. Teach us. But be sure to back it up.
6 Ron Paul is the only one who predicted the economic mess we are living in. Do you not like the truth?
Looks like a grand evening for Republicans on the east coast. Just wait until 2010. It will be historic! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Fucking tards! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
Whats the problem? Cat got your tongue tards? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA GO HUTCH!
Corzine? Goldman Sachs gazillionaire? A lousy Dem.
Creigh Deeds? Terrible campaign. Terrible attitude towards progressive health care policy. A lousy Dem.
Those Republicans getting the nod today are just warming the seat for better Dems. If they wanna play Dem-lite supporting progressive health care, environmental and energy policies – then they might keep their seats for another go around.
Fat chance with Christie being a Rovian and McDonnell being too far to the right on social issues for a changing Virginia.
Puddy and Mrs Puddy turned to PMSNBC. Talk about a subdued Tingling Leg, MadWoman and ESPN Reject. We looked at each other and cracked up laughing.
Excessive excuses from ylb arschloch. Just a bunch of excuses ylb arschloch. The peeps spoke and your Dummocrapts lost.
And the “cow on the tracks”:
16 – You’re hilarious Stupes.
Such a freaking moron. has the great local coverage.
And you call me a “coward”?
@15 You mean your wife is stupid too? Now that’s sad. I thought yours might be one of those “smart wife, stupid husband” marriages.
“Maggie” was a no-show. Typical wingnut.
@20 LMFAO!!!